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introducing email

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Lara Zefani <> Sen, 4 Sep 2017 pukul 16.39


Hello! My name is Lara zefani, most people just call me Lara. I was born in June 14th 2002. I'm Indonesian who
currently living in a city named Batam. I'm a student in the first year of Senior High School at SMAN 5 Batam. I'm
majoring in science. I study chemistry, biologic, Indonesia, history of Indonesia, maths, art, French, English, Physics,
Sports and etc. I like studying all scientific subjects. My favorite hobbies are reading and listening music, but in holiday,
I prefer cooking.

Now allow me to introduce my self further.

I am blessed. I have parents who gives me anything i need and 1 have got 1 eldest brother. He graduated college last
year with Technical Industry degree. He just turn 23 years old last April. I also have got 2 sisters. 1 is elder from me and
the other is younger than me who actually is the youngest of all. My elder sister is 16 years old and she is a student of
the 11th grade at Vocational High School 1 Batam or people use to call it SMK N 1 Batam. She is majoring in Computer
and Network Technique. My youngest sister is just 12 years old but she's already sitting in 8th grade of Junior High
School at SMP N 11 Batam. Her hobby is cooking as i do. So, sometimes we cooks together in our spare time.

I think that's all i can tell you right now. Maybe if we now each other much further i will tell you my all story.


Lara zefani

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