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Role Play

One hundred Gringos told?

Announcer: The number one Jimmy Falon

Andrés L: Thanks, many thanks, welcome to one hundred gringos told, How are our public?, We
will have a good time, Let’s see who can take all the money, We greet the participants, We have
my left to the employees and we have to my right to the artist.

Andrés L: What’s your name and what’s your job?

Paúl: My name is Phil and I’m a Doctor, I’m 22 years old and I’m very smart.

Andrés: What about you?

Cristian Spencer: My name is Bruce Banner and I’m a Lawyer but I’m not Hulkn

Andrés L: How do you spell your last name?

Cristian Spencer: B-A-N-N-E-R

Andrés L: and you lady?

Estefi: I’m Luigi and I’m 18 years old and I’m a baker

Andrés: And you Mr.?

Haider: I’m Montgomery Burns and I’m rich, I have got a lot of money and I’m a manager.

Andrés: and you?

Andy: My name is Homero and I’m a plumber.


Andrés L : I’ll go now with the drug addicts, sorry,sorry with the artist

Andrés L : what’s your name and what is your profession?

Cristian américa: My name is Robert, I’m the best actor of this country, because I’m awesome, I’m
rich and I’m very smart, I have got a lot of houses and I have a lot of talent.

Andrés L : We continue, and you smurf?, who are you?, how old are you?

Jimmy: My name is Segundo Rosero, I’m a singer, I’m 15 years old

Andrés L: 15 years old or you have got 15 centemeters tall, It’s a joke.

Cristian z: My name is Vicente Fernandez , I’m the mad mariachi, My friend do you want to drink?

Andrés L: Hi and you what’s your job?

Luighynia: I love to smoke weed , Do want to smoke weed with me?

Andrés L: I need two grams, Oh I’m sorry, kids say no to drugs, what’s your job?

Luighynia: I don’t work , I’m happy and I’m free

Andrés L: You don’t live of the happiness

Andrés L: And you my friend?

Jonathan: My name is krusty, I’m a juggler

Andrés: We start with the game

Cristian(CA) vs Paúl

Andrés: with nothing or no one inside

Cristian(CA): empty

Andrés: You tell me a synonym of empty

Jimmy: full (first strike)

Cristian z: void

Luighynia: vacant

Jonathan: vacuous

Jimmy vs Cristian spencer

Andrés: The next participants, an organization that sells goods or services

Cristian spencer: Business

Estefi: financial

Haider: sport (first strike), Holy shit.

Andy: dog (second strike)

Paúl: house (third strike). Crap

Cristian CA: shop

Jimmy: company

Estefi vs cristian z

Andrés: Information and understanding that you have in your mind

Cristian z: Knowledge

Luighynia: wisdom

Jonathan: learning

Haider vs Luighynia

Andrés: In place of someone or something

Luighynia: Instead of

Jonathan: rather than

Cristian c.a: in place of

Jimmy: as a substitute

Andy vs Jonathan

Andrés: the way someone feels at a particular time

Andy: mood

Paúl : temper

Cristian spencer: attitude

Estefi: feeling

Andrés: Production, what is the final score?, and the winners are the artist.

Jonathan: Thank you very much, I don´t have a house but with this money We will buy a new

Andrés: Goodbye and see you the next week.

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