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Fantastic Inductions and Deepeners

for the Professional Hypnotherapist

Terence Watts

Scripts from Terence Watts


Personality Profiling 1

Rag Doll 16
Magic 19
Swinging Watch 22
Seven Plus or Minus Two 24
Circles of the Mind 27
Body Confusion 30
Nervous Network 33
Smallest Parts 36
From Ceiling to Floor… 39
Central Core 42
Long Combo 44

Civilisation 55
Flying Free 58
Forest of Times 61
Journey Through the Universe 64
Evolution 65
Out of Body 71
Stalactite and Stalagmite 73
The Canyon 76
The Now Pyramid 79
The Secrets Room 82
Universal Mind 85
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Scripts from Terence Watts

Personality Profiling

If you accurately assess your client’s personality type, then you can choose an

induction and deepener which will achieve the best possible results. To aid you in this,

I have included part of my paper on Ancestral Memory in this book. The scripts

themselves also have guidelines as to which personality the best suit.

If you have no interest in discovering why we are the way we are, then simply skip

now to page 7, where you will find the personality assessments and how to easily

recognise each type.

A potted history of our kind

One hundred thousand years ago, the human race lived in groups of twenty-five to

fifty individuals, hunting and gathering their food from the land; they were already a

developed race, having probably been around for some three hundred thousand years at

least. But these were the first of the race that looked like us, and - in a primitive way -

behaved like us.

For thousands of years, their way of life scarcely changed, so that instincts and

response patterns were handed on from generation to generation, all within their own

group in what amounted to a genetically pure chain. They would have had no qualms

about incest or in-breeding – those concepts simply would not have entered the realms

of thought. There would obviously have been aggressive tribes and peaceful tribes; and

because their way of life was constant, the instincts to deal with that way of life became
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inborn, so that each successive generation was steadily more adapted to the

environment in which they lived.

Tens of thousand of years passed… something like fifty times the passage of time

we have experienced as a ‘modern’ race since the days of Jesus Christ and the Roman

Empire. Then, something of extreme importance happened, something that was to

affect the whole of the human race for ever more.

The first settlements were formed.

A golden opportunity

It does not sound particularly important but the effect on the wandering tribes was

dramatic and polarising. For the peace-loving tribes it would have been an ideal

situation; no need any more to wander the land in search of food – simply farm your

own crops and livestock and share the work within the community. Instead of fighting

the land, adapt to it and tame it, and use its resources for survival and comfort. They

became the Settlers and discovered their evolutionary destiny.

For others, those who had always simply taken whatever they wanted, this

presented a golden opportunity of a different sort. They could wait until that settlement

was formed and everything was nicely under control, then simply move in and take

over. Any of the original occupants who protested too much could be either killed or

kicked out, and the rest, observing this, would simply continue to maintain the place for

the benefit of the newcomers. These Warrior types now had something REALLY worth

fighting for, some of them taking over several settlements and controlling quite large

areas of land as a result.

For yet others, all this would be too much. They had never had the stomach for

fighting, nor any wish to do loads of hard work for the benefit of somebody else. And

now they had no desire whatsoever to stand around getting caught up in the crossfire
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between the Settlers and a bunch of club-wielding roughnecks wearing strings of

animal teeth about their person. So they retained the instinctive Nomadic urges of their

earliest forefathers – keep on the move, do not get involved, and constantly look for

someplace new and interesting. They also eventually developed skills like thieving,

bartering and entertaining, since this was an effective way to earn their keep ‘on the



This was the origin of what we now know as Civilisation and our inheritance is the

in-built instincts of those early people. There has been much interbreeding ever since

and there are no longer any pure specimens of any one tribe. But there were some

ninety-thousand years at least of wandering savage, against relatively few years of

civilisation, and evolution moves very slowly indeed. The original instincts still run


We each carry, as our parents did and their parents and grand-parents before them,

the genes from each of those three major tribes of mankind; but one set will usually be

dominant, giving rise to a behaviour pattern which governs how we are, where and how

we will be successful, the way we conduct our lives… or would, if our way of being

were not ‘modified’ by our early experiences. Because, since genetic selection appears

to be a random process, so that, for example, Settler parents can produce child Nomads,

it is more than likely that you could have been brought up by parents or others who

may have a completely different set of values. And this is important, for it would

obviously have a clouding effect upon your real personality, upon what is inherently

right for you, diluting your inherited strengths and attributes.

Just imagine, for a moment, the implications of this. Let us assume that you have

inherited a dominant set of Warrior genes, but both your parents are Settlers… They
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will try to teach you to be tolerant of others and adapt to situations, to ‘go with the

flow’ and roll with the punch. They might even suggest that you attempt to make a

friend of any adversary and always try to see the point of view of others. They will,

perhaps, teach you that you should always give others the benefit of the doubt… But

your every subconscious instinct insists that you should be dealing with life in a

forthright, ‘hands on’ and extremely direct manner! That you should be leading, not

following; giving the orders, not taking them.

Under those circumstances, there would be a continual conflict in the subconscious that

might well lead to all sorts of frustrations and complexes. It certainly would not be

conducive to success - and if you managed to over-ride that ‘programming’ eventually,

you still may not be able to fully enjoy any success you found, because of an

underlying feeling that you had achieved your aims in a way that was somehow not

quite right, that did not match what you had been taught was the ‘proper’ way to do


We have all come across the circumstance where a child appears to be totally

different from his/her parents, or brothers and sisters. The parents will perhaps say

things like: “He probably takes after his great-grandfather…” Well, maybe that child

has inherited the same set of dominant genes that powered great-grandfather but they

would have powered a whole host of far more ancient ancestors first!

Reactions, not events

Ancestral memories would not be of actual events - don’t get it confused with the

idea of past life or reincarnation - but of instinctive behaviour patterns brought about by

the environment of those early tribes whose main way of life was subservience,

aggression, nomadic urges, famine fear, etc. These environmental circumstances, via

the process of natural selection, ensured that each generation became progressively
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more inclined to the predominating characteristic of their particular tribe. It seems

likely that these Warriors, Nomads and Settlers are the origins of the quite well-known

Anal, Hysteric and Oral personality groups. It makes a deal more sense if you look at

the way each tribe would have been.

Obviously the Warrior tribes would have been physically powerful, but there was

more to these people than brute force. The best amongst them became expert planners

who prepared for every possibility, quick and perceptive thinkers who could foresee

every pitfall and every danger to their plans and schemes. Their need to control and

conquer others meant that they had little or no time for compassion or emotion; there

was no room for compassion if you wanted to come out tops on the battlefield. In fact

they would have been capable of being totally ruthless, completely unconcerned about

the feelings of others. Self was what mattered, and what self wanted.

Sensitivity was not in the frame for these people, nor were any ‘airy fairy’ ideas;

no-nonsense practicalities were what they needed – tools, plans, method, fool-proof

strategy. A means to an end and as quick and forthright as possible. In the earliest days,

they were true savages, but savages with a shrewd intelligence, who could be devious

and manipulative when necessary.

The Settler types were a different kettle of fish altogether. These were peace-loving

people who wanted nothing more than to be left to their own devices, to tend their land

and rear their families to help them continue their calm existence. They were

community-minded, recognising the worth of sharing tasks and keeping harmony

within their group, so they developed an understanding of others and a high degree of

tolerance to the differing opinions of those who shared their space. They were also

adaptable and resourceful, using whatever nature provided them with to survive, and

would use aggression only as a last resort, and then mainly in defence.
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It is impossible to hurry the forces of nature, and this fact led to a patient approach

to life and living, with an ability to tolerate discomfort in the knowledge that there were

better times ahead. This discovery and the observation that if you performed a

particular task, a particular event tended to happen led to them being optimists who

enjoyed what was without worrying too much about what might have been.

The Nomads were following the very earliest instincts of the species. The whole

race had been nomadic originally and when the first settlements started being formed,

these individuals preferred to remain that way. Not for them the emotional attachments

that the Settlers formed, or the hard work and disappointment involved in learning to

tame the land; not for them, either, the meticulous planning of the Warrior. They did

not want the risks of battle, or the necessity to constantly be on your guard lest those

whom you had vanquished should suddenly rise up against you. And any who wavered

soon made up their minds when the Warriors started making their presence felt.

Where the Warriors and Settlers were always in large groups, the Nomads would

have travelled in much smaller bands, even sometimes as individuals. They would have

been light-hearted people with little or no need to put down roots, enjoying wandering

from one place to another, leaving behind any problems or difficulties that might

accrue wherever they stopped for a while. Eventually, they became wandering

minstrels, entertainers, tinkers and the like, always difficult to pin down, never staying

in one guise or situation long enough to be saddled with responsibility. Relying on their

wits to survive, they were probably far more independent and charismatic than the

other two groups put together.

The modern versions of these tribes bear most of their characteristics still, even

though social requirements and our ‘civilised’ environment leads to much of their

indigenous behaviour patterns being muted, or sublimated.

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It is important to remember that almost nobody will be a ‘pure’ type; most people

will exhibit characteristics from each group. In any one individual, the emotional

responses tend to come from their Settler self, aggression from the Warrior, and

personal presentation skills from the Nomad side of their personality. It is the degree of

each which governs their overall ‘way of being’. BUT both Warriors and Nomads will

frequently adopt a Settler approach because it’s what is required for them to integrate

socially. The Nomad will act it; the Warrior will use it.

Although I often refer to these character groups as Warriors, Settlers and Nomads

when talking to clients, I sometimes prefer what might be seen as the professional titles

of (in order): Resolute/Organisational (or RO); Intuitive/Adaptable (IA);

Charismatic/Evidential (CE)

Now we will have a look at a detailed description of each personality group. A

‘quick recognition guide’ is also given.


Personality Profile:

Forceful: Can always make their presence felt.

Resolute: High levels of tenacity and determination.

Organisational: Able to plan well and bring those plans to fruition.

Achilles heel: The need to always be in control.

Areas of conflict: Concerned with issues of loss of respect/dignity/integrity or any sort

of ‘attack’ – being frightened, picked on, humiliated, bullied, excessively punished, etc.

Symptoms: Usually based around phobic response patterns or control issues – body or

mind. There are often physical manifestations of the digestive tract, including ulcers,

IBS, constipation, etc.

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Abreaction type: Sometimes almost invisible – any tears are likely to be sparse,

though s/he will feel as if they have been laid totally bare. The approach of abreaction

will often be indicated by fear or anger.

Personality: The RO personality tends to have a reputation for firmness and a no-

nonsense attitude to life. Psychologically stronger than either the IA or CE personality

types, they find no difficulty in taking charge of things and easily attain the respect of

others. They are cautious yet rapid thinkers who are unsurpassed at finding and

exploiting the flaw in any argument. On the negative side, there can sometimes be a

problem with cynicism and jealousy and there is not the immediately friendly response

generally found in the IA. Indeed, there will sometimes be a significant pause before

answering any question that is put to them and even then, the answer will often be

carefully phrased in such a way to leave as many options open as possible.

Physical traits: This type is the least physically animated of the three groups. There

are few changes of face expression during conversation, and few changes of body

position. The angle of the head, in particular, may remain unchanged for longish

periods making them reminiscent of an excellent card player, giving away absolutely

nothing about inner thought processes. They appear to be – and indeed are – watchful

and perceptive, with a steady gaze which may be away from their conversation partner

if they are nervous. Any tension or anxiety will show in a taut body shape and a set

facial expression leaning towards irritability or hostility.

Positive attributes: Determined and tenacious; methodical and organisational;

perceptive and easily able to spot the pitfalls in a plan/situation; sound but not

necessarily fast decision making abilities; natural team leader and co-ordinator; quick

thinker in discussion or argument, able to easily see and exploit loopholes or

advantages; practical and logical; good at recalling/using facts and figures.

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Negative attributes: As with the other two groups, these traits are only possible

tendencies and are not necessarily evident in any one individual - indeed, it is unlikely

that any one individual will show all these traits. The positive traits in this group are

very decisive and specific, and this forthright attitude tends to also be reflected in the

negative traits.

The RO character is inclined to force rather than subtlety and in negative mode

is usually pedantic, domineering and impatient, and can appear rude and sarcastic. They

have a driving need to be in control and can sometimes be quite ruthless in their

determination to be so, being very good at manipulating people and events to their

advantage – this, of course, may be viewed as positive trait under some circumstances.

The two things they hate most are: not getting their own way, and having to admit that

they are wrong. Underneath all these attempts to maintain power and control, there are

often secret feelings of self-doubt, leading to cynicism and jealousy. They are prone to

phobias, hypochondria and/or obsessive thought or behaviour patterns and sometimes

actually take a considerable amount of actual pleasure in being bad-tempered or



Personality Profile:

Sociable: Gets on well with almost anybody

Intuitive: A high level of instinct and general awareness.

Adaptable: Able to make the best of any situation.

Achilles heel: The need to be liked.

Areas of conflict: Concerned with emotional states, predominantly guilt, shame, and

injustice issues.
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Symptoms: Usually concerned with feelings – inadequacy, depression, inferiority, low

self-esteem, fear of what others think, excessive regard for authority, guilt, shame, etc.

Abreaction type: Usually tearful and childlike. The approach of abreactive states will

often be indicated by sudden quietness and an increase in hypnotic flush. A hand may

be raised to the mouth, which may tremble or straighten. Within the abreaction, tears

and weeping can be copious.

Personality: The IA personality, being able to fit in with almost any situation, is

necessarily a kind of psychological chameleon. The most obvious traits are a pleasant

and responsive attitude to others but sometimes with a tendency towards mood swings

from happy to miserable – or the other way round – at the slightest provocation, the

smallest event. There is also often an ‘all or nothing’ tendency, in which if they cannot

have absolutely what they want, they will simply refuse to have any part of it at all and

will ‘cut off their nose to spite their face’. Excellent talkers and communicators, they

are unrivalled when it comes to having an instinctive grasp of all that is going on

around them. They are usually reliable and come over as ‘nice’ people, which they

usually are.

Physical traits: Easy to recognise from their physiology, they are responsive during

conversation, with active but not excessive body/head movements, nodding when they

should, smiling when they should, any disagreement being expressed politely and

tactfully. Their face expressions are reactive to the conversation and there is a tendency

to smile often unless they are depressed. Any tension/anxiety present tends to speed up

body movements and speech, and increases the visibility of any lines on the face, and

there will then be a leaning towards a worried/anxious expression.

Positive attributes: Instinctive understanding of others; caring and compassionate;

excellent communication skills; generally optimistic, cheerful and polite; tolerant and
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easy-going; powerful instinctive responses (it can seem as though they possess a

genuine sixth-sense of the unadmitted attitudes or mood-shifts of others); flexible

approach to the plans of others.

Negative attributes: There are many IA individuals who appear to show none – or

very few – of the following traits. They are only tendencies and not necessarily present.

The complexity of this character can be exasperating to others if they once get into

a negative mode of operation. They can be just on the brink of success when they will

suddenly give up, claiming that they simply have not got what it takes, even if other

people think they have; feelings of inferiority and inadequacy can lead to problems

with decision making and displays of under-confidence or unassertiveness; and they

can seem to take far too much notice of the opinions of others, an excessive need to be

liked sometimes leading to difficulty in saying “No” when necessary. There are often

feelings of failure or of being in some way fraudulent. They are prone to shyness,

depression and/or bouts of debilitating melancholia/depression.


Personality Profile:

Restless: Must always have something ‘going on’.

Charismatic: Naturally outgoing.

Evidential: What-you-see-is-what-you-get.

Achilles Heel: The need for constant stimulation.

Areas of conflict: Concerned with image issues and loss of freedom or things that they

really did not want to do/face. These can seem to be quite minor events.
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Symptoms: Anything dramatic. Hysterical blindness, paralysis, ‘massive’ panic

attacks, spontaneous vomiting, ‘phantom’ illnesses of all kinds from ‘blackouts’ to

crippling or catastrophic conditions.

Abreaction type: Noisy and often may include screaming and shouting, as well as

thrashing arms and legs. Anything that dramatically illustrates how bad they are

feeling. The approach of abreaction is usually rapid and almost indeterminable from the

abreaction itself.

Personality: The CE personality in its purest form tends towards extremes in many

things. They enjoy life to the full and can give much pleasure to a great many people

along the way – except for the occasions when they get carried away with frivolity and

excitement, loving to shock others with loud and embarrassing behaviour and being

amazed when someone complains about their excesses. This exuberance tends to show

itself quite often and can be quite exhausting/tiresome for their companions. Most of

the time, though, this personality is tempered by more sensible traits from the other two

groups, not unusually producing an individual who can quite often uplift others with

their irrepressible sense of fun and enthusiasm.

Physical traits: Animated behaviour is the most obvious trait here but, as with most

things in this group, it tends to be exaggerated. There are excessive movements of the

head and face, the body, and especially the hands, and they can liven up any gathering

with sparkling wit - as long as not too much serious stuff is expected from them. Often

quite generous and outgoing, and almost exclusively extroverts, they are always on the

search for something new and exciting to do. They adore telling jokes and stories with

lots of noise and action and always do it well. Under any sort of pressure, they tend to

become louder and more expansive in their gestures and movements.

Positive attributes: Enthusiasm for new projects; lively approach to life and work;

inspirational in outlook and communication; exceptionally confident and outgoing;

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uninhibited in all areas of life; quick eye for creating an image; uncomplicated

personality – what you see is what you get; good presentation skills; ready wit,

especially in response to others.

Negative attributes: As with the IA and RO personalities, these negative traits will not

necessarily be apparent.

The biggest problem for the CE personality is in maintaining application of effort

and as a result they can appear unreliable or fickle. They themselves are unconcerned

about this, however, relying on sheer force of personality/charisma to see them through

and usually getting away with it; they may even boast about it. There is a childish need

for instant gratification – they cannot abide waiting about for things to happen – and a

distinct tendency to flamboyantly exaggerate their successes. Their relationships are

usually distinctly one-sided and they are masters of tactlessness and bad taste. Under

pressure, they are prone to dramatic illnesses like paralysis, apparent blindness, ‘black-

outs’, memory-loss, etc., which may or may not be genuine.


Now, here is a quick recognition guide for each group which, while it is not as

accurate as the questionnaire, will give you a good idea of where anybody ‘fits’, just by

watching them for a moment or two.

Intuitive adaptable

Physiology: Responsive body and head movements. Frequent smiles.

Positive: Caring, cheerful, pleasant, talkative and tolerant. ‘People’ people.

Negative: Depressive, indecisive, underconfident. Prone to mood swings.

Dress: Conservative, ‘sensible’, with a tendency to co-ordinating colours.

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Resolute organisational

Physiology: Fairly straight-faced, few body response patterns, steady gaze.

Positive: Practical, tenacious, self-sufficient. Quick thinkers. Often personable.

Negative: Suspicious, dictatorial, manipulative. Cannot easily admit mistakes.

Dress: Plain, sometimes austere, sometimes tends towards dark-ish colours.

Charismatic evidential

Physiology: Often expansive in gestures. Can be animated/noisy. Laughs easily.

Positive: Fun-loving, enthusiastic, outgoing. Inspiring and optimistic.

Negative: Unreliable, childish, boastful. Prone to exaggerate mild success.

Dress: Individualistic, either ‘designer’ or deliberately downbeat. May be ‘showy’ with

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Rag Doll

Nothing special about this one, but this book would not be complete without some sort

of relaxation script, so here we are… the imagery is good though and it often produces

a deeper state than the rather more clinical versions that we all learn in the beginning.

It is particularly good for the IA personality.

Just take a single deep breath… and let every muscle in your body just let go as you

breath out… that’s good…. now I’d like you to imagine that you can see yourself,

relaxing in that chair… or maybe just pretend that you can see yourself… your

breathing already so easy and steady… and becoming steadier still, even as you think

about it… as though you were sound asleep… or pretending to be sound asleep…

pretending so well that you are sound asleep… that you would convince anybody who

could see you… that you were pleasantly sleeping… and while you pretend to be

absolutely sound asleep… you can imagine that you have a dream… a dream where

you are more relaxed than you have ever been at any time… in your entire life… more

relaxed than you ever thought it was possible to be… a dream where you’re just like a

rag doll… laying lazily on a beach somewhere… your head comfortably shaded by the

soft shadows from fronds of palm trees… fronds of palm trees that are moving, just

slightly… in the gentlest of breezes… with your body beautifully warmed by the rays

of the sun… and you just drifting deeper and deeper… your body becoming even more

relaxed with each breath you take, each word that I speak… even more relaxed than

that rag doll on the beach… every ounce of tension just drifting away from you… so

that your arms and legs begin to feel wonderfully devoid of all tensions… your entire

body beautifully free from all your cares and all your anxieties… so that you can just

simply… relax… floating deeper now… so that you might even begin to lose touch

with your hands and feet… with your arms and legs… and sometimes, people can
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become so relaxed… that they can lose touch with their whole body… so that they

become, just for a while, just their thoughts… a lazy, easy, calm sort of feeling where

nobody wants anything and nobody expects anything… and there’s absolutely nothing

whatsoever for you to do except to simply… relax… it’s as if you’ve been able to

temporarily… switch off… all those muscles while you relax there… just like that rag

doll on that warm beach… thinking about your left arm now… if you can be bothered

to find it… and just letting the last tiny traces of tension float away… and your right

arm, too… just letting every muscle, every nerve, every fibre… let go… and allowing

that same beautifully easy feeling flow across your shoulders… and down into your

body… into your legs, just vaguely aware of your thigh muscles just letting go… and

your calves, too… and it’s as if even your bones are relaxing now…a wonderful

sensation of the deepest relaxation you have ever experienced just gently sweeping

over and through your whole body… into every fibre, every cell… every pore… so that

you can experience that very special sort of relaxation that some people manage to find

with hypnosis… and you can always find this feeling for yourself, whenever you want

to… this exact same feeling of the most profound sense of relaxation… where nothing

matters… where there is just this sense of calm… a quiet sort of feeling… where you

have to think of nobody but you… you can always find this feeling, simply by

remembering that rag doll… warming herself in the sun… with her head shaded by

those fronds of beautifully elegant palm trees… and whenever you think of that rag

doll… you’ll be able to instantly find this very same deep relaxation that you have at

this very moment… and whenever you enter this special state of deep relaxation, your

body’s self-healing processes can work more efficiently and much faster than usual…

faster even than during the deepest sleep… these processes work more powerfully, re-

energising your entire body… helping to create a sense of real inner comfort and

calm… and this sense of inner comfort steadily creates an inner strength, an inner
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strength that helps you to be fitter and healthier in every way…during this special

relaxation, your whole body system works more steadily and easily than at any other

time… allowing your body’s natural rejuvenating processes to work more effectively

than ever… each fibre, each tiny cell, being checked… repaired… replaced where

necessary… in each and every organ in your body… so you can start to feel good about

yourself… start to feel really good within yourself… developing an inner strength that

helps you to achieve your hopes and desires… to fulfil your ambitions and goals… and

so feelings of an inner strength and resolve… of a complete determination to succeed,

whatever success means to you… become deeper and more profound every time you

experience hypnosis… and you can be aware that, within their channels in the body,

your nerves are just resting and relaxing too… resting and relaxing, and becoming

stronger and steadier with each and every passing day…

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This one is good for just about anybody, as long as they have a little imagination – it

has elements that work well for all personality types. To get the best out of it, you will

need to be a bit of an actor and sound as if you truly believe in…Magic!

I wonder how long it is since you believed in magic… if it was way back when you

were just small… just a child… or maybe you still do… believe in magic… like me… I

see it every day, it’s all around and you only have to look… there’s even magic in the

way that you can be so quiet… so still… looking as if you are sound asleep… and yet

amazingly alert and aware, behind those closed eyelids… of course, it’s not the stillness

and quietness that is magical… nor is it the closed eyelids… it’s that amazing

awareness… nobody can even begin to properly explain what that is… or how it

works… even though we all know what it feels like… we all know how to send our

thoughts to anywhere we want to… a part of our own body… the big toe, perhaps… or

the very top of our head… but our thoughts don’t have to stay where our body is…

because in an instant, in a dazzling flash… we can be thinking about something that

happened years ago… or something that hasn’t even happened yet… and that’s a

magical thing… how we can be in one place one moment… in our thoughts… then

thousands of miles and many years away in the very next split second… our thoughts

moving faster even than the speed of light… faster than time itself… as if time did not

exist… and we can even imagine something that nobody has ever experienced… just

something that we can think of… like swimming in a silken sea of golden mist on a

distant planet… where we are so light that we float in the atmosphere… like a feather

floating on the breeze… or imagine staring into a crystal until you find a whole

universe there… a universe where there are other lives and other beings with their own
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magical thoughts… and it’s a sort of magic that lets you hear your name whispered

quietly… in a room full of people and noise and music… when you weren’t even

paying attention… and there’s a magic that is part of your body, too… the magic that

lets you see or hear something that isn’t there… or that lets you stay alive without even

trying… without even having to try… your body does that so well… and the most

brilliant scientist in the world cannot make even the most primitive form of life… and

yet… two very ordinary people can create the most complex form of life that ever

existed… in this world, on this planet… and that happens millions of times a day…

every day… and that is definitely a sort of magic… and every single cell in the human

body carries that very same magic… and carries the message for that same magic to be

repeated… it’s almost like a magic spell… because each cell knows that it has to

reproduce another cell that is exactly the same as itself… so a hair cell creates another

hair cell… while a nail cell creates another nail cell… and a skin cell creates more

skin… and all of this happens all the time… every split second of every day of your

life… and has been happening for millions upon millions of years… in every human

being that ever existed… and everybody is fascinated by magic… which is why there

are so many stories about magical beings… men who can fly faster than a speeding

bullet and see through brick walls… creatures with wings and claws and fiery breath…

or perhaps with the head of an animal and the body of a man… mythical ancient

creatures who live in the silent depths of the sea… or on the slopes of a mountain in a

remote corner of our world… and there’s Merlin, with his magician’s hat and his

magical cape with the stars and the moon… weaving spells and casting them around

him in a dazzling display of light and colour… all these things are magic… and yet…

still the most magical thing is your own subconscious… that deep part of your mind…

deeper than the deepest ocean… even more magical than Merlin… that part of your

mind that can actually make the most amazing things happen for you… if you want it
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to… and you only have to tell it exactly what you want to happen… and that powerful

subconscious of yours will work its magical spell… as long as you tell it what you want

to happen and not what you’re afraid might happen instead… once your subconscious

mind knows what you want to happen… then it can set about making those things

reality… and we can help that along… with another sort of magic… called hypnosis…

you can’t see it… you can’t touch it… and most of the time you certainly can’t feel it

and won’t even know that it’s there… but it works… like magic…
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Swinging Watch Induction

If you’ve never tried the old fashioned induction with a swinging watch or other

pendulum then you really should! It always surprises with its effectiveness and it is

possible to purchase a ‘costume jewellery’ pocket watch for a very reasonable price,

either from jewellers or via the Internet.

Gently swing the watch, standing slightly to the side of your client; you need the

pendulum to be about twenty four inches or so from your client’s face. Your client

should be sitting, rather than laying down. You may well not get to the double bind at

the end of the script before client closes his/her eyes, in which case you would just

continue into any deepener work.

All right, just settle yourself comfortably and take a deep breath, then breathe out

slowly and relax… and look at the watch… as it swings from side to side… just

following the movement with your eyes and allowing your head to remain still… just

following the movement of the watch with just your eyes… from side to side… side to

side… and you can notice how your eyes start to feel so pleasantly relaxed… as you

follow… the movement of the watch… from side to side… and you can notice your

eyes begin to feel pleasantly tired… as they move… and whenever you want to, you

can just allow them to close… and that feels good… because following the swinging of

this watch… is tiring… to the little muscles that move your eyes… so as you watch…

the watch… gently swinging from side to side… you can feel your eyes becoming tired

enough that you can let them close… and comfortably relax… whenever you want to…

and if you choose to keep them open, that’s fine… and you’ll notice that your eyes

want to… keep on following the movement of the watch… for a while…
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Some people are not able to… keep their eyes focussed… on the watch for very

long… because their mind is less focussed… so they can’t go so deeply… but you

can… and the longer you keep on following… the movement of the watch… then the

deeper… and more profoundly… you can enter the state of hypnosis… the longer you

are able to stare at the watch… the deeper the state of hypnosis that you can find… the

longer you can stare at the swinging movement of the watch… the deeper you can go

into hypnosis… until it starts to become difficult to follow… to keep your eyes

focussed… and then you will know… that you are as deep as you can go… and you can

allow your eyes to close…

By now, all but the most stubborn of individuals will have their eyes closed. Those who

have kept them open will usually be bloodshot. You can repeat the second paragraph if

necessary, after which it is quite permissible to say, if necessary: “Excellent…the very

best… now just close your eyes so we can get to work…”

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Seven Plus or Minus two

This is an excellent induction for the RO or logical/analytical personality type.

Focussing on sensory input, it is almost impossible to resist. It has long been a

favourite of mine.

All right, just allow yourself to be as lazy as you want to be... listening quietly to the

sound of my voice... and while you’re listening quietly to the sound of my voice

concentrating for a few moments on your breathing... breathing slowly and steadily,

just as though you were sound asleep, or pretending to be sound asleep... and

imagining, perhaps, just how comfortable you might look while you’re relaxing there in

the chair... using the power of your mind to see yourself in your mind’s eye... and then

using the power of your mind to do whatever has to happen to make you look even

more relaxed... and still thinking about your breathing, making quite sure that each

breath in lasts the same length of time as the last breath in... and each breath outwards

lasts the same length of time as the last breath out... even though each breath in will

probably be slightly shorter than each breath out... and while you’re thinking about

your breathing, noticing, perhaps, the weight of your head against the back of the

chair... and still listening quietly to the sound of my voice... and while you’re listening

quietly to the sound of my voice, it maybe that you’ll become aware that you’ve

forgotten to think about your breathing... but that’s all right, you can just simply start

thinking about your breathing again while you’re listening quietly to the sound of my

voice and what I’m saying to you here... and in psychology, there’s a rule called...

seven plus or minus two... and that means that most people can think of seven things all

at once... plus or minus two... so you should be able to think of at least five things all at

the same time... the sound of my voice... the steadiness of your breathing... the weight
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of your head against the back of the chair... and how you might look from the outside...

and that’s four things... so you can think of those four things while you’re listening to

the sound of the music I’m playing in the background... so that’s five things, now... and

I wonder if you can think about those five things and then at the same time notice the

way your feet feel on the footrest of the chair... and perhaps how your arms feel... and

that’s seven things now... the sound of my voice... the weight of your head against the

back of the chair... the music playing in the background... they way you look while

you’re relaxing... and your breathing... and your arms... and your feet on the footrest...

and I wonder if you can now add an eighth thing into all of that... I wonder if your mind

is powerful enough to think of seven plus one things... adding in, perhaps, an awareness

of the temperature of the room... and then just testing to see whether you can add yet

another input to your senses... so that you’re thinking of NINE things all at once...

that’s seven plus two... thinking about all those eight inputs to your senses and then

maybe adding an awareness of the way your eyes feel while you’re thinking about all

those other things... the weight of your head... your breathing... the music in the

background... how you look from the outside... the temperature of the room... your feet

on the footrest... your arms... the sound of my voice... and how your eyes feel... the

weight of your head... your breathing... the music in the background... how you look

from the outside... the temperature of the room... your feet on the footrest... your arms...

the sound of my voice... and how your eyes feel... and of course, when anybody thinks

of all these things, what they are really doing is scanning round them one after the

other... very quickly... so quickly, it feels as if you’re thinking of them all at once... and

in the world of computers, that would be called timesharing... sharing your available

resources between the different tasks you are attempting to perform all at once... and

that’s why some people can think of only five things... because it’s the limit of their

memory... while others can actually think of nine things... and I wonder how well your
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memory is working as you struggle to remember those nine things... the weight of your

head... your breathing... the music in the background... how you look from the outside...

the temperature of the room... your feet on the footrest... your arms... the sound of my

voice... and how your eyes feel... and now you can think how good it will feel... when

you simply allow yourself to think of only the most important thing of all...

concentrating all your energies onto that one most important thing of all... which is

going to be so easy to think of, now that you are going to allow yourself to think of

only one thing instead of nine... and that one thing is how good it feels to think of only

one thing... thinking how relaxed you can be now... that you’re only thinking of how

relaxed you might like to be... relaxing in your mind... and in your body... no need to

think anything at all, really... no need to do anything... nobody wanting anything and

nobody expecting anything... and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do except

to... relax.
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Circles of the mind

This is especially effective for the very visual individual and works very well as a

‘primer’ for confidence boosting and ego-strengthening. It is good for both the CE and

IA personality types, not so good for the analytical RO.

I wonder if you can imagine looking down on a rough map of the circles of your

mind… so rough, in fact that there’s hardly any detail there… it’s a bit like a plan of a

building… that shows no furniture in the rooms… no fittings… nothing other than the

walls and maybe the floors… stairs, perhaps… and as you look down on the map of

your mind… or sense it in any way you like to… at first, you can see nothing more than

a series of concentric circles… one inside the other… and you can become aware that

each circle is a special and separate part of your mind… and as you drift down into it…

you become aware that the part that you’re in, that outer circle, holds every bit of

information about you and your life that you can easily think of… where you live… the

things you do… your immediate plans and hopes… and that outer circle of your mind

begins to take on more detail as you suddenly realise the amount of information there…

a torrent of realisation of the amount of information that is held in this part of your

mind… absolutely everything that you need to know and use on a daily basis… where

you live, telephone numbers, the way you go to work, the places you like to eat, the

people and situations you seek to avoid… newspapers, television programmes, clothes,

things to be done, things to remember, things you’d like to forget, perhaps… and no

sooner do you begin to grasp the full realisation of everything that is there, than you

discover a doorway, an opening… and you instinctively know that this is a doorway to

the next part of your mind… that next circle of your mind… and you move through that

doorway… and you feel yourself letting go of the hurly-burly of that outer self… and
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everything seems quiet and peaceful… and you gradually become aware that this part

of your mind is different… this is where feelings live… and you can sense the

connections that exist between some parts of this circle and that outer circle… from

where you came… and also sense the connections to another circle… deeper in your

mind, that you are not yet fully aware of… and in this circle of your feelings you

become aware of those special thoughts and feelings you have for those closest to

you… and maybe unspoken things, too… and you can sense things that momentarily

seem less comfortable, yet in that same instant you realise that they have just as much

right to be there… that they are just as much a valid part of your life… are just as much

a valid part of you, an honest part of you, because your feelings are honest and never

lie to you… and as you realise this, everything suddenly seems easier… and you begin

to feel so much more comfortable and relaxed within yourself… and you realise that

you are somehow drifting through from that circle of your mind into the next… without

making any effort at all… just drifting through into a place where memories are

stored… memories and experiences… and you find a comforting awareness that

everything here is just experience and memory… that there are threads that lead

through to an even deeper part of you… and also to that part of your mind where you

were just now, where the feelings live… and there is a momentary awareness that lasts

for the tiniest of split seconds… that you can somehow manipulate those threads… to

find joy in your life… a momentary awareness that becomes elusive… like a dream…

but you know that it’s real, that you’ve discovered something of great importance that

you don’t actually need to remember, that it will work anyway… now that you’ve

experienced that awareness… that you can manipulate those threads of all your

experience to find joy… and you realise, too, that every single thing in this circle of

experience is just an experience… that you can draw what you truly need from this

place… and as you realise that, you discover a knowledge that you’ve arrived in the
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deepest part of your mind… that inner circle… where your true self lives… the part of

you that knows just what to do and just how to do it… and in this place you are

supremely confident… this is the very centre of yourself… where everything comes

together so beautifully… the awareness of all that is you… your experiences, your

feelings, all the things that you know how to do… this part of you can perform the most

glorious task of sifting all those things… everything you can do… everything that you

can’t do… everything that you should or should not do… to find success… whatever

success means to you… in this special part of your mind, no conscious thought is

needed to make things happen, no conscious effort… because this part of your mind is

the most powerful and creative part of you… the part of you that can make things

happen just the way you want them to…

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Body Confusion

This one works particularly well for the quick-minded, intelligently analytical

personality type, especially if he or she is typically RO. Paced well, it will produce an

intense focus.

Good… now I’m going to ask you to just direct your thoughts to different parts of your

body… maybe to the very tip of the little finger on your right hand, for instance… and I

wonder if you will be able to concentrate all your thoughts to whatever part I

mention… or if you’ll decide to give only a part of your thoughts to that part… or

maybe you will decide to always think about a different part altogether… to whatever I

am saying… but then, of course, you will have had to think about the part I mention…

that tip of the little finger on your right hand, for instance… in order to know that you

are going to think about another part instead… and that’s ok… because it means you

will be able to use that powerful mind of yours… to think in exactly the way you want

to think… whether it is to concentrate on the part I talk about… or on a totally different

part… and it may be that you will be able to tune your mind into mine… so that you

can guess the part I’m going to talk about next… or perhaps the part I am not going to

mention next… and then it might feel, if you thought the same thing, as if you were

already thinking about the part I mentioned… or did not mention… and you could

wonder whether you had read my thoughts… or I had read yours… or if maybe we had

just both thought the same thing at the same time through nothing more than

coincidence… or if it was because of some mysterious connection to a great pool of

unconscious knowledge… as you begin to be able to focus your mind in that special

way… that special way that the strongest and most focussed of minds can do so well,

so certainly… as they discover and tap into the state of hypnosis… so that it may seem
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to you that you can anticipate every word I say… and either think the same thing in a

kind of harmony… or think a different thought… your own thought… that allows you

to become even more focussed as my voice just fades into the background…and

thinking about the top of your head now, wondering if you can be aware, with the super

awareness that comes with hypnosis, of every single little hair follicle… every single

square millimetre of your scalp… or perhaps thinking of your feet… both feet… at the

same instant… but of course, you may not have heard any of this because you might

have been thinking of your left ear instead, or the bridge of your nose, or perhaps the

sensation, maybe a faint tingling sensation, in your fingers and thumbs… because as we

think about a body part, so it is nearly impossible to not notice the sensations associated

with that part… or not associated with the part I mention but with a totally different

part… so that if you think of your hand, you might be aware of the way it rests in your

lap… and if you think about your knees, you can notice the sensation at the back of

your knees… a sensation that you would not easily be aware of… in the normal way…

and as you begin to wonder if you can sense what I am going to say next, it might seem

to you that your awareness of your entire body has intensified… so that it is as if you

can think of every part of your body all at once… all at the same time… your head and

your hands… your face and your shoulders…your feet, your knees, your left side, your

right side, the top of your head, the middle of your back, the long muscles on either

side of the spine, the short muscles around your heels and ankles… the sole of each

foot, the arch of each foot… and it’s an amazing thing that we can do… directing our

thoughts to the body map that we hold in our mind and brain… where each tiny part of

the body is mapped in minute detail… every cell, every fibre, every pore... and it may

even be that very same body map that the subconscious uses to check every minute part

of the body… thousands of times a second… for every day of your life… but the

conscious mind is slow and can really only think of one part at a time… so that until
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I’ve finished this sentence… you may not have been aware of the sensation on the soles

of your feet… but now that I’ve mentioned it… of course, you can be aware of that

sensation… but in so doing, you’ve probably forgotten to think about the very tip of the

little finger on your right hand… but now you are so beautifully focussed… so sharply

aware of your thoughts… that it is so easy for you subconscious mind to accept ideas

and suggestion that are beneficial to you and your well-being… so that these ideas and

suggestions can really take root in that most powerful part of your mind… your

subconscious… so that it can use those ideas and concepts to ensure your future

success… in every thing you do, every task you undertake…

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Nervous Network

This script works particularly well for the CE personality type. It is not so good for RO

or IA types, who may well find it somewhat irritating. It is essentially a form of

relaxation, but coupled with novelty to entrain and sustain interest.

Now, while you’re lying there… just letting the world go by, nobody wanting anything,

nobody expecting anything… I wonder if you can notice how, within their channels in

the body, your nerves are beginning to rest and relax… resting, relaxing, and becoming

calmer and steadier with each word I speak and each easy breath that you take… those

nerves are like a magical network… a magical network that carries sensations and

information to each and every part of your mind and body… right now, already

beginning to carry the deepest ever relaxation you have ever experienced… into your

whole being… into every fibre, every pore, every tiny little cell of your entire body…

and as relaxed as you are at this very moment… you can go even deeper, become even

more… relaxed… and you might feel that special relaxation starting in the tips of the

toes… and spreading gently along the arch of each foot, the sole of each foot, that

magical network carrying that special sensation of deep relaxation around your heels

and ankles… and then up into the shins and calves on each leg… allowing a special

sort of warmth and calmness to gently spread throughout all those muscles… up into

the knees now, all around your knees, so that you can feel the back of your knees

relaxing too…

…and you become aware that this magical network is like a map of the nervous

system of your entire body… and even as you realise that fascinating thought, you can

feel your main thigh muscles becoming beautifully at ease… and it is as if that special

relaxation is becoming a continuous flowing sensation… flowing continuously along

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all those nerve paths in your legs and feet… moving up into your body now, into the

muscles of the hips and stomach, the muscles of your chest and back… so that you can

feel that flow of special relaxation beginning to create a wonderful calmness within and

around you… a wonderful calmness and quietness that flows steadily and easily into

each part of you… as you go deeper and deeper now… and you become aware of your

shoulders relaxing too… and your neck… and all the muscles of your face… even the

tiny little muscles of your scalp… because even those tiny little muscles on the top of

your head… are part of that nervous system map of your body… a part that most

people don’t even notice…

…and to you it begins to seem that this continuous flow of relaxation is made

up of tiny little atoms… tiny little atoms following each other around that nervous

system map… each minute atom carrying its own special charge of relaxation… and

sometimes those atoms seem to gather together in a place where there was some

tension left… tension that you hadn’t even noticed was there until it was gone… then

you can feel those atoms just spreading out again and following different nerve paths to

create a kind of cloak of calmness, and quietness… a cloak of comfort that seems to

envelop your whole being, your whole body… a cocoon of warmth and comfort that

relaxes you still more… and you feel yourself just floating and drifting deeper… and

deeper… still deeper… into a special place where you are more relaxed, more

comfortable than you have ever been before… and you realise, with a sense of joy and

wonderment, that these tiny little atoms of comfort and relaxation… are beginning to

perform a different task now… different and even more important than the last…

because each atom has its own programme, its own plan of action, especially designed

to help you achieve every aim and every hope… and each atom understands its own

task perfectly… working quietly in the background in every part of your mind and

body… for every tiny split second of every minute, of every hour, of every day of your
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life… creating a sense of wellness and completeness, a sense of wellness and

completeness that will allow you to fulfil your goals and desires easily, successfully…

and inevitably.
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Smallest Parts

This is another one that is particularly good for the ‘hypno-resistant’ personality,

although it will work well with all groups – RO, IA, and CE – since it has something to

fascinate every type of thought process.

I wonder you’ve ever thought… how interesting it is… that some of the smallest parts

of the body perform the most important tasks… your hands and fingers for instance…

the muscles there so small and yet… able to grasp with great strength… from the very

moment we are born… instinctively, just as if there’s a knowledge that later in life…

those very same muscles are going to perform some enormously important tasks… a

greeting to somebody new… a reassuring touch for somebody who needs it… maybe

creating an instant vice-like grip that saves a life one day... and yet those same hands

and fingers can convey the most delicate of sensations to our whole being… the feel of

finest silk, the warmth of skin… and other textures and feelings that simply cannot be

experienced in any other way… those hands and fingers can even work almost without

us trying… just by some instinct sometimes… without even being aware of how it

happens… so that we catch a ball or a falling object… without even knowing how…

without conscious effort…

And the tiny muscles of our feet are special too, in a quite different way… a

way that has to be learnt and practiced… so that they can keep us perfectly balanced…

just making thousands of tiny movements… without our conscious mind even being

aware… so that we can walk and run… and jump and kick… and dance and skip and

climb upstairs… without even a moment’s thought as to how we will actually perform

those tasks… without having to know the work that those little muscles do, the tasks

they perform… so constantly and perfectly… allowing us to walk for miles and
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miles… to move safely from one place to another… to be with people that we want to

be with, perhaps… or to go to places that we want to travel to… so it’s a fact that those

little muscles of the feet and toes are very important… and yet… we cannot even be

fully aware of all of our toes… because while you can think of the big toe on either

foot… and you can think of the little toe on either foot… when you try to think of the

three that you know are in between… there’s the darndest sensation that… there’s only

one… or perhaps, for some people… none at all… even though you know there are

definitely three toes there… even though you know that you can use some of those little

muscles in your feet to actually move those three toes when you want to…

And there’s another group of tiny muscles in the body that are even more

important than either the hands and fingers… or the feet and toes… a set of muscles

that we use in a very special way… in which the tiniest of movements can make the

most amazing difference to our world… and the world of others around us… and these

are the muscles of the face… those muscles that so easily show how we feel from one

moment to the next… the most exquisite of communications… that show the most

fleeting of feelings… so clearly… and also the most powerful of feelings that we can

experience… so that our whole face might light up with joy… or surprise… and the

muscles that make a smile say so much… and yet those same muscles can make an

expression that might say something completely different… and those muscles of the

face, the expression muscles, are just like the muscles of the hands and feet in a very

special way… because they often work without us knowing that they are doing it… as

if driven by an instinct of some sort or another… so that we show somebody how we

feel… in the blinking of an eye… sometimes when we didn’t mean to… and sometimes

we might see something on another’s face… fleeting pleasure maybe… or some other

emotion that changes our own face expression without us even thinking about it…

moves the muscles of our own face in a very special way… and all of those muscles
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I’ve talked about here today… can also convey something very special to the

subconscious mind, in a very special way… so that when we relax the feet… those

muscles that let us walk and run and jump… and those muscles of the hands… that let

us grip or squeeze or touch… and those muscles of the face that express the way we are

feeling… when we relax all those muscles, just let them let go… the subconscious

knows that we are in a place of total safety… because there is an awareness that we

have no need to express our thoughts… no need to run or climb… no need to grip or

hold on… so it’s safe to completely… let go… just for the time being… safe to

completely… relax… and be totally at ease inside ourselves… and as the subconscious

mind becomes aware that there is no need to monitor those important small parts of the

body… so you may even find… that you begin to lose physical touch with them… so

that your whole body begins to feel totally at ease, totally relaxed… and when that

happens… you can become just your thoughts… being so scarcely aware of the body…

that you can become just your thoughts… just for a while… and when you become just

your thoughts… you can really be anywhere in your mind… nobody wanting

anything… nobody expecting anything… and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to

do but to simply… just be…

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From ceiling to floor… and more…

This one works best for the CE individual, since it requires an active imagination and

the ability to easily visualise something which has never happened.

I want you to imagine, as vividly as you can… that you’re floating effortlessly and

comfortably… somewhere high up in a tall, elegant room… near a beautiful painted

ceiling… a beautiful and ornate vaulted ceiling in a tall elegant room… and you’re so

close to it that you cannot actually see details yet… but you can be aware of gold leaf

and brilliant reds and blues… of swathes of green and maybe some other more muted

colours… that your mind knows exactly how to imagine… so that it’s as if you can see

them right now… as you just float there… and you gradually become aware that you’re

actually floating very gently downwards… and you lazily turn to look beneath you…

and realise that you’re drifting down towards the softest, most comfortable floor that

you are ever able to imagine… and even as you realise this, you turn again and gaze at

the ceiling once more… and you can see just a little more of it now… some of the

detail of the design that the artist had so lovingly created… and you begin to recognise

that this design forms a picture… that seems to be somehow important to you… and as

you drift very gently downwards… you catch sight of the walls… and you smile with

pleasure as you realise that they echo the theme of the ceiling… so well… that they

might almost be a part of it… as if that wonderfully ornate ceiling extends down into

the walls of this magnificent room… and it all starts to make sense to you… even

though you know that it might not make such sense to anybody else… and in that same

moment, you realise that anybody else’s room would be different… because this room

is part of your mind… and the design on this wonderful ceiling is part of your

thoughts… and you can see more of it now… as you continue to drift very gently
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downwards… some of the colours becoming brighter and clearer… some parts of the

design becoming more distinct… while other parts begin to seem less important…

more vague… comfortably softened… and it dawns on you that things can only

become truly clear as we begin to get a more distant perspective upon them… so that

we might see the colours and textures more evenly… might understand the design a

little more when we are less involved with it… in that way that we are always so

involved with something that is new and fresh… with an intensity and a closeness that

allows us only to see one part of the design… and you feel a relaxed warmth spreading

through your body… a sort of inner smile that seems to reach into every pore of your

entire being… as you slowly float down and down and down… almost weightless

now… almost suspended… so that you can think about that design on the ceiling that

you can now observe so easily… that begins to make so much sense… finding an inner

calmness and quietness… that allows you to just drift… and you find yourself

wondering about the way… that the walls seems to carry part of the design of that

ceiling… down towards the floor… and in almost the same instant you realise that it’s

nothing more than a theme being continued… into other parts of your life… and you

wonder idly if that theme can be changed in the places that you need to change it… and

still you drift and float deeper and deeper towards the floor of that room… a floor that

suddenly begins to seem so invitingly comfortable… as soft as any cloud… and you

find yourself relaxing into it… it’s like settling into a beautifully soft, billowing

warmth… a warmth that you soon find spreading through your entire body and

thoughts… as you just enjoy the feeling of relaxing on this comfortable, cloud-like

floor of your conscious mind… observing and appreciating that beautifully ornate

ceiling that is now so high above you… as you relax… and you become aware that you

can float even further downwards… that you can float on down through this

wonderfully soft, cloud-like floor of your consciousness… into a very special part of
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your mind… there’s a kind of mistiness at first… so that you can barely make out

whether it’s light or dark… but it feels almost magical as you float gently down…

without a single care in the world… floating down into a place where you can make

wonderful things happen for yourself, almost without conscious thought… a place that

is neither light nor dark… a place where that beautiful ceiling ceases to be of such

importance… a place where the real you has always been and will always be… the real

you that understands the true value of everything… in your own special way… this

place is your own subconscious… that part of your mind that can help you to achieve

all that you want to achieve…

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Central Core

This is an excellent, fairly brief induction that works particularly well for the CE

personality type and/or for those with some previous experience of entering the state of


Be aware of yourself for a few moments… and let that awareness gradually increase…

notice your breathing… and the way that you are already beginning to find a stillness…

a quiet and calm sort of a feeling… and just imagine, for a moment… that you can send

your mind to the very centre of your body… and imagine, too, that when you send your

mind to the very centre of your body… that you can find a central core… that runs

from the very top of your head… to somewhere just around the waist… and that central

core might be wider at the top and narrower at the bottom… like a sort of cone shape…

or maybe just like a cylinder… or another sort of shape that seems just right for you…

and it might be made of purest gold… or of some other precious metal… or perhaps it’s

like the most brilliant crystal, or some sort of electricity or other magical power…

maybe it’s like a waterfall… or perhaps just a radiant glow… that might be blue or

green… or any other colour that seems to feel just right… or perhaps it might seem like

a cloud or a misty vapour… or maybe it’s something very special that only you can

understand… that only you needs to understand… and I’d like you tell me, by nodding

your head, when you have found that central core of you…

Wait for client’s affirmation

Good… and this is the centre core in which that part of you that you call ‘you’, ‘me’ or

‘I’ lives… the part that some people might call the spirit or psyche… the very essence

of that vital part of you… in the core which is in the absolute centre of your body…

this an almost magical part of you, of your mind… in the absolute centre of your
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body… and the absolute centre of your entire world… your entire universe… and you

might have been taught once, a long time ago… that the world doesn’t revolve around

you… but, you know… it actually does… your world does… whatever you may have

been told in the past, it’s fine for your world to revolve around you… in fact, since it is

your world, it could scarcely revolve around anybody else… you are the most

important person in your world… because you’re the one who will never let you

down… you’re the one who will always have your best interests at heart… you’re the

one whose feelings will never lie to you… the one who will look after you… so that

you can actually look after others around you… and as you allow yourself to focus

upon that core that is the very centre of you… and the very centre of your entire

world… you can become very aware of every single facet of you… and find a delight

in that awareness… you can become very aware of all that is vital and alive in that

central core… finding, perhaps… the part that thinks and reasons, when reasoning and

thought is needed… the part that feels when feelings and intuition are needed… the part

that loves… the part that laughs and finds fun… the part that just somehow knows

things without necessarily understanding how… this is where that part of you that

knows just what to do and just how to do it lives… the part that heals… when healing

is needed… and as you concentrate your thoughts upon that centre core… you can

become very aware of a growing energy… a growing energy that can help you to

achieve all that you need in life… because that core, that inner part of the real self, can

generate lines of energy… lines of energy that lead to all the vital organs… so that you

can feel stronger… and healthier… more alive and more vital… so that you can get the

very best out of life… those lines of energy can even inspire your creative thoughts…

your most powerful imaginative senses…

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Long Combo Relaxation

This is a very long combination of a brief induction routine and some of my favourite

deepeners that are not given elsewhere in this book. It works well for all personality

groups and lasts for getting on for 30 minutes at least.

Just settle yourself comfortably and take a slow deep breath… holding it for a

moment… then breathing out slowly… and allow yourself to be as relaxed as you want

to be… allow your eyes to close whenever you want to… and let all the muscles in

your face become so lazy… that you can actually feel them settling and smoothing

out… that’s a good feeling, when your allow your face muscles to relax like that…

because it tells your subconscious that you’re in a place of total safety… that it’s all

right for your whole body to be as relaxed as you want it to be… no more and no less…

and it maybe that you’ll be able to relax more than ever before… and that’s good… and

if you only relax just a little… that’s fine too… and whatever you choose… you’ll soon

be aware of a sense of well-being and calmness… and you can let any troubles, any

cares… just drift away from you, as you allow yourself simply to drift… to a special

place where there are no troubles and cares… a special place where there is only

calmness… and comfort… and easiness… that can fill every pore, every fibre, every

cell of your entire body…

…and you can scan your mind through your body… and every time you find a

trace of tension… just let it go… let it go and replace it with an easy calm… in your

neck and shoulders… in your arms and hands, right down to the very tip of each finger

and the tip of each thumb… in the muscles of your body… in your legs… just allowing

relaxation to flow all around your ankles and heels… all the way down to the very tip

of each toe… so that very soon, you’ll find yourself to be as comfortable as you could
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ever wish to be… just letting your thoughts drift… and maybe allowing your conscious

thoughts to just… stop… for one split second in time… just for one split second in

time, allowing your conscious thoughts to… just stop… so that your subconscious

mind can get on with the business of helping you to feel the best you can ever feel…

without conscious interference… because that subconscious of yours knows exactly the

way to help you feel as good as you can feel…

And now you’re so beautifully relaxed... nobody wanting anything, nobody

expecting anything, and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do except to relax... I

want you just to let your mind and your imagination drift... feeling lazy, easy, and

comfortable... and I want you to imagine that you’re standing on the terrace of a lovely

old house... a house like a stately home or country mansion... you can feel the sun on

your head and shoulders... not too hot, just comfortable... and there’s a gentle breeze

playing against your skin... as you look around you, you notice an elegant marble flight

of steps... ten broad steps leading down into a beautiful sunken garden... a garden

where you sense peace, well-being and comfort... Make it really vivid in your mind... In

a moment I’m going to count down from ten down to zero and as I count all the way

down from ten, down to zero, I want you to imagine that each number is a step down

on this beautiful staircase... a step down towards this beautiful garden... and each step

you take... is another step down into deeper and even deeper levels of relaxation... so

that by the time I get to zero, you will be as deeply relaxed as you can ever imagine...

whilst still being able to hear and respond to the sound of my voice...

10... take the first step down now, relaxing and letting go...

9... feeling more and more relaxed... no need to hurry... plenty of time...

8... moving down easily now...

7... deeper and deeper...

6... deeper still, your breathing becoming slower and steadier...

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5... really relaxing now... just... let go.

4... becoming calmer and calmer...

3... calmer still now...

2... more and more relaxed.

1... all the way down now to...


And now you find yourself in this wonderful garden... you can feel the softness of the

newly cut grass beneath your feet... as the scent of masses upon masses of brightly

coloured flowers seems to envelope you... and there’s the gentle sound of birds

singing... echoing faintly in the stillness of the air... it’s almost a magical place,

stretching into the distance as far as the eye can see in all directions, with beautiful

shrubs, tall elegant trees... and an ornamental fountain which seems to feed in to a

gently trickling stream... this fascinates you and you wander to the edge of the stream

and gently lower yourself down onto the soft, grassy bank...and just sit for a while,

gazing into the cool clear water... marvelling at the sense of tranquillity that sweeps

over you... and listening to the faint sound of the fountain splashing into the pool that

feeds this gentle stream... after a little while you lay back on the grass and gaze up at

the clearest of blue skies... and as you relax more and more, your eyes begin to close

and you just drift off into a deep and relaxing sleep... and as you sleep, you have a

dream... dream that your whole body is becoming lighter... lighter and lighter... so

light that you feel you must surely begin to float on air at any moment... and then you

feel yourself just floating and drifting, gently borne aloft and supported by the softest of

warm breezes... and you can somehow see, through your closed eyelids that you’re

floating in a sea of colour... a warm sea of colour that relaxes and comforts you as you
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just drift... suspended in warmth and colour that seems somehow unreal and yet, at the

same time, has a comfortingly familiar feel to it... you’re aware of misty reds and

orange.. soft, muted yellow tones, gentle greens and blues that seem somehow like

clouds... and the deepest, softest indigos and violets that you could ever have

imagined... and it begins to dawn on you that you’re floating in a rainbow, a magical

rainbow... because in this rainbow, time and space doesn’t exist in the same way that

we usually know it... you might have floated there for just a moment... or for a hundred

years... maybe for a lifetime... or just perhaps for the blinking of an eye... you could

have floated forwards in time, to a time that could be far beyond our future... or maybe

back in time, back before your own lifetime... it gradually begins to seem to you that

you might even be able to float here for just as long as you wish... with this wonderful

relaxed feeling... just floating and drifting through this magical sea of gentle flowing

colours where time seems to be suddenly of so little importance...

You are still pondering on these thoughts, when you feel yourself beginning to

float gently downwards...lower and lower, softly sinking down, down through this

beautiful rainbow... becoming even more relaxed, even more lazy... until, eventually,

you realise that you’ve stopped floating downwards... and you find yourself on the

shore of a tranquil lake... a large tranquil lake, surrounded by softly rolling hills that are

shrouded in a gentle, silver mist... there are trees and sweetly scented flowering shrubs,

and grasses growing at the water’s edge... and everything is bathed in a beautiful

golden light... a golden light that seems to bathe everything in its warmth... and you

find yourself marvelling at the sense of deep calmness and comfort that seems to fill

your entire being, as you stroll lazily along the sandy shore of this wonderful lake...

noticing with a sort of lazy curiosity that it seems to be constantly changing colour...

subtle changes blending so smoothly... that it’s difficult for you to know exactly when

limpid blue has become a deep, soft violet... or when that deep violet became a
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relaxing, translucent green... the changes of colour fascinate you, and you settle

yourself down onto a small smooth rock and just gaze out across the crystal clear


Every so often, something, a fish maybe... just something... just breaks the surface,

creating ripples that seem to flow gently and endlessly in all directions...ripples that

eventually lap against the edges of the rock that you’re sitting on,.. you smile and lean

forward to dabble your hand amongst them... and as you do so, you create yet more

ripples, ripples that shimmer in a kaleidoscope of different colours across the

lake...interacting with the others and making new, ever changing patterns... you realise

that this tranquil place is the pool of all knowledge... that while you are here, you are

part of everything and everything a part of you...and you find it easy, so very easy to

open your mind... to let go of any barriers to memory or learning...

…and as you consider this wonderful realisation, you realise that night has

fallen… and you realise you are surrounded by a soft, warm, velvet darkness that seems

to envelop you in a wonderful sense of warmth and comfort... when you look upwards,

you can see a million stars, glittering in the clearest of midnight skies... some of them

seeming so bright that it’s almost as if you can reach out and touch them, while others

seem so faint you are only just barely aware of their presence... and as you look around

you… and your eyes gradually become accustomed to the starlight… you find yourself

gazing into a beautiful wooded valley... and deep in the valley, away in the distance…

you can see a faint glimmer of light... a faint glimmer of light with a kind of blue tinge

that somehow seems to give it warmth, and life... the light seems to beckon you,

somehow seeming to offer comfort in some way that you don’t quite understand as

yet... and with a sense of wonderment and curiosity, you rise easily and effortlessly to

your feet and begin to make your way lazily along a gently sloping hillside… just
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catching a faint and delicate tinkling sound that might be temple bells, somewhere in

the distance...

As you move, just following one lazy easy step with another, a sense of well-being

seems to fill your whole body, a sense of tranquillity and calmness that begins to

increase… as your tread becomes steadily lighter, until you can hardly feel your feet

touching the ground and it seems to you as if you must surely be floating on air...

eventually, you realise that you have left the slopes of the hillside… and you are

wandering lazily across a grassy plain... the faint tinkling sound that might be temple

bells coming from somewhere in front of you... and as you move closer to that faint

glimmer of light, that faint glimmer of light with a gentle blue tinge… it begins to

become more distinct and you realise that it seems to be coming from somewhere far

above you... coming from somewhere high in clearest of midnight skies and extending

in a column towards the ground... as you get closer you can see rays or atoms moving

throughout that gentle light and it maybe that you can see those rays moving

downwards, or perhaps they seem to be moving upwards, or they might even seem to

be moving in a random fashion... and your mind knows what feels best for you... that

powerful subconscious mind of yours knows exactly what is right for you, exactly what

feels right for you... and as you look up towards the top of that column of white light…

it maybe that you can see where it comes from, or if it just seems to gather somehow,

somewhere, in that clearest of midnight skies... and when you look down to where that

column of light meets the ground, it might seem to you that it forms a pool of light… or

perhaps it seems to simply disappear completely into the earth... and your mind knows

what is the best thing for you... that powerful subconscious mind of yours knows

exactly what right for you... and however that column of light seems to you, that’s

exactly the right way for it to be for you... and as you gaze in wonderment at the light,
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you realise that the faint tinkling sound of temple bells seems to be coming from

somewhere inside it...

You lazily stretch out an arm, allowing the light to play around your fingertips...

there’s a warmth, a pleasant tingling sensation, a wonderful sense of well-being, and

you realise that this column of light has the power to heal, to rejuvenate, to re-

energise... and you drift lazily into it, marvelling at the sense of well-being and

calmness and completeness that surrounds you... inside this column of light, it’s almost

a magical place... because it seems to stretch into the distance in all directions as far as

the eye can see... it seems to you that you can see waterfalls and rock formations,

mountains and forests... there are fountains and ornamental trees, and far away in the

distance, a golden-domed temple, shimmering in a blue tinted haze... gradually, you

realise that the atoms and rays that surround you are accelerating your body’s natural

healing processes, your mind and body’s natural resources that allow you to find a

wonderful sense of an inner strength, an inner calm... you can actually feel those atoms

and rays giving you a sense of health, energy, and well-being... feel those atoms and

rays giving you something that is infinitely good... and taking from you all that which

is not so good… leaving you feeling totally relaxed, totally comfortable, and totally at

ease within yourself.

And it may be, while you’re there, that you find you can float up to the very top of

this column of light… to its very beginnings… to find a truth… or perhaps you can

float downwards towards the pool at its base, or maybe down into the very earth

itself… where your mind might find the answers to questions… or maybe rare sources

of healing… sources that your mind knows so well, so naturally, how to use… and

nobody needs to know what you’ll find there… or even where you will travel to while

you’re in this place… but whatever happens is absolutely the right thing for you… and

whatever you find is yours… especially for you… just for you… whatever you find
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there is absolutely the right thing for you to find… because that powerful and all-

knowing subconscious of yours knows exactly the resources you need…

After a while, you realise that it’s time to leave this wonderful place and it’s

not long before you’re making your way back along the valley towards the

hillside, with an easy, lazy tread, that seems to carry you with hardly any effort

at all... so easily are you moving that you scarcely realise you are climbing the

hill until you almost at the very top... and after just a few more steps, you turn to

look around you... and it seems as if the whole world is spread out before you...

and you can see that faint glimmer of white light down there in the valley in the

distance... and you know you can always find it whenever you want to, whenever

you need to, simply by going down that hill into the valley in your mind, in that

soft velvet darkness... and as you look around you now from your position on the

top of the hill... you realise, with a sense of wonderment, that you are on the

very top of the world... you realise that you are... absolutely… on top of the

world… and you decide to rest for a while… just drinking in this wonderful


…and after a while, you realise that the sun has risen… kissing the land with a

gentle golden glow… and you can see that you’re on the very top of a green hill on a

tropical island... you begin to feel the warmth of the sun on your head and shoulders

and can see the long grasses around you, moving slightly in the gentlest of breezes...

when you look down the hill you can see a narrow, winding path that disappears into a

small forest.. and beyond the forest you can see the ocean... with sunlight from the

clearest of blue skies glancing off the tops of the waves in the bay... so that the whole

ocean seems to shimmer and sparkle... you begin to move lazily and easily down the

path, with the ferns and grasses brushing gently against your legs as you pass... and you

just catch the faint smell of salt borne in on the breeze...

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...and become aware of the distant sound of the ocean on the shore... maybe hear

seabirds calling faintly, from a long way off... you marvel at the deep sense of

calmness and tranquillity that sweeps over you, as you move on down and down

towards the forest... moving so easily, so effortlessly, you feel almost as though you’re

floating on air... and in no time at all you find yourself drifting through the trees, their

leaves closing overhead to form a canopy... their branches making an irregular pattern

against the clear blue of the sky... It’s pleasantly cool in the forest and the gentle sound

of birds singing, echoing faintly, and the scent of the trees and undergrowth relaxes you

still further... as you move easily into the inviting depths, becoming lazier and lazier

with each step you take... you can hear a stream somewhere, its gurgling sound

gradually mingling with the sound of the ocean... as you follow the winding path down

and down towards the beach that you know is in front of you, weaving through the trees

and brushing aside the occasional piece of foliage... until, quite suddenly... you feel the

warmth of the sun on your head and shoulders again and you find yourself on a

beautiful deserted beach... a beautiful golden shore line sweeping away in a gentle

curve in front of you, to a distant point where the trees seem to come right down to the

shoreline, so that their branches actually seem to overhang the ocean itself... you can

feel the sand warm between your toes as you stroll lazily across the broad beach to the

water’s edge... the sand becomes a darker golden colour when you get there… and you

enjoy the change to a moist, firm coolness beneath your feet as you wander along the

shore, leaving a lazy trail of footprints in the sand behind you... every so often a larger

than usual wave sends rivulets of water foaming around your feet...

...and as they recede, you notice how the sand is washed away from tiny coloured

pebbles, glinting like jewels in the sun... the smell of the ocean, the sunlight on the

waves, the sound of the water hissing over the sand... all these things seem to create a

sense of timelessness for some unknown reason... and you find yourself a comfortable
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position, a grassy hollow maybe, to just sit and gaze out across the rolling depths to the

horizon... trickling warm, golden sand idly through your fingers... there’s a faint haze

which makes it difficult for you to see exactly where the sky stops and the ocean

starts... and as you try to fathom it out, you see a small white cloud appear from

somewhere near the horizon... it comes towards the island quite quickly, growing larger

as it approaches, until it’s immediately overhead... the largest, fluffiest, whitest cloud

you can ever remember... and you somehow know, just by instinct, that you can let all

your worries, all your cares, all your fears, just drift up towards this large white cloud...

you can actually see them drifting away from you in a long slow spiral... maybe like

wisps of smoke from a bonfire... just spiralling away from you towards this large white

cloud... the cloud absorbs all your worries into itself, swallowing up all your fears and

anxieties and becoming steadily darker all the time, until, just as it reaches its darkest,

just as the last part of that spiral of your worries and cares disappears inside it... the sun

bursts through!... dispelling every one of your worries, every one of your fears and

anxieties, to the edges of the universe... leaving you totally relaxed and perfectly at ease

with yourself, without a single care in the World... and now, all your troubles and cares

having floated away from you, you settle yourself down into a comfortable position and

just drift off into a deep and relaxing sleep...

…and while you sleep, you have a dream... you dream you’re walking down a long

corridor, stretching away in front of you in a long gentle curve... so long that you can’t

actually see the end of it... but you know that this corridor is in the very depths of your

subconscious mind... in the part of your mind that knows just what to do and just how

to do it... and as you begin to move along this beautiful corridor, becoming even more

relaxed, even more lazy, you realise that time and space are beginning to lose their

meaning... and slowly the walls of the corridor seem to dissolve, leaving you in a large

room... the room is full of a gentle golden light that relaxes you still further and you
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suddenly realise, with a surge of inspiration and pleasure... that what you once saw as

limits are merely stepping stones to greater success... it suddenly dawns on you, with a

surge of joy and anticipation, that what once seemed to you to be the limits of your

personality, of your skills and abilities, are nothing more than stepping stones to even

greater success... and from this day forward, you’ll find yourself beginning to enjoy the

process of living more and more… just enjoying being alive, being you, and everything

that being you means…

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This one is good for most personality types and works as a therapy in itself. It needs to

be delivered with a certain amount of ‘story-telling’ atmosphere and some drama at the

end. It is based around the ‘Warriors, Settlers & Nomads’ concept of one of my books

and takes the form of a success story/metaphor.

Now I want you just to drift in your thoughts and let your imagination follow the sound

of my voice… and it really doesn’t matter if your imagination takes over, so that the

sound of my voice fades into the background… because your subconscious mind will

still be listening… and I’d like you to imagine a scene from many years ago… before

there were ships on the oceans… or aeroplanes in the skies… or cars on the roads…

long before there were even roads, in fact… before writing… even before history

began… a time when a small tribe of wanderers, gentle people, living the simplest of

lives, happened upon a familiar part of their world… a part they had seen a few seasons


This small band lived on the move, as all humanity did, in those days… living off

the land and the rivers and moving on when it suited them… and this particular place

was especially pleasing to them… whenever they came here, the grass was always lush,

and food was plentiful again… and one of their number began to recognise that this

land seemed to prepare itself with the passing of the suns and moons… and he thought

about this, though at first, he said nothing to the others… but after a while, he told them

what he had discovered and soon, they began to farm this land… and they discovered

how to make themselves shelters out of the natural resources they found there… and so

it was that they had formed the very first particle… just a tiny particle… of

civilisation… and their life was comfortable and their food plentiful, so that, after some
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time had passed by, their earlier travels had become nothing more than a distant


But then, one day, their comfortable way of living changed, suddenly and

dramatically… as another band of wanderers arrived in their new world… individuals

who were stronger than them and not at all gentle… individuals whose entire way of

being was to dominate and control… and in no time at all they had claimed ownership

of this place and worse, they forced the gentle Settlers, those who had first farmed this

land, to do their every bidding… but the Settlers adapted and changed as the seasons

passed… learning how to share their life and their world with these newcomers… and

it wasn’t long before the newcomers changed as well… becoming more gentle and less

dominant… except for when they needed to repel the occasional onslaught from

another Warrior band… and the first Settlers realised, with some joy, that they were

being protected… that these Warriors with whom they shared their world were actually

helping them to survive… and they found a special sort of strength and unity… a

special strength and unity which they knew would endure through any challenge…

And many years passed, years in which some of them, both the Warrior and Settler

tribes, reverted to the earlier ways of their ancient ancestors and began to travel the

land… carrying all sorts of news far and wide to others and sometimes teaching them

how to create the same beginnings of civilisation… and centuries passed… and

generation after generation of these same people… people who are your ancient

relatives… your direct ancestors… all sharing the same strengths… and the hundreds

of years became thousands… thousands of years which saw earthquakes and volcanic

eruptions and massive storms and hurricanes that would decimate huge tracts of

lands… and the people travelled further and further… migrating into different worlds…

and sometimes joining in battles that would rage for years… and still the strength of

those first Settlers prevailed… being passed on from father to son… mother to
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daughter… and there were many who sought to change things… and then came the

crusades… and famine and plague… witches, wizards and warlocks… tyrants and cruel

rulers, those who sought to control by creating fear and terror among their people…

and yet, still the strength of those early Settlers carried on, surviving every trial, every

test… never giving way… never giving in… never giving up… because they had a

deep and certain knowledge that their strength and unity would prevail… that they

would finally achieve their goals… and yet more time passed… and great inventions

were created… and industry began… and then there came railways and telephones…

and motor cars… and great ships which could carry people across the oceans to the four

corners of the world… and aeroplanes… and more battles, the like of which had never

been seen before… and still the strength of those early Settlers survived…

And then, not long ago in the great scheme of things… maybe only (AGE OF

YOUR CLIENT +2 OR SO) years or so ago, two of these people met… and became

one, and brought together their own individual streams of history which had been

handed down to them from their ancestors… and after a little while… a very special

individual was born, an individual who was directly related to that one who first

discovered how to farm… an individual who possesses the sum total of all of

humanity’s strengths and skills…


…and that person is you… for you have inherited the strengths and resources of all

those who have gone before you… strength and resources which will allow you to find

great successes in life…

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Flying Free

This is good for the Nomad/CE personality type, embodying imagery from all senses

except taste. There is also a strong fantasy element to it which will entrain the

imagination of this personality group.

I wonder if you ever thought what a magical and powerful thing is your imagination…

your own ability to create images in your own particular style… and other people may

see those things differently… but what you create is absolutely perfect… for you…

however unusual they might be… however exciting or however unlikely you choose to

make them… so you might imagine relaxing in a garden somewhere, relaxing in the

sun in a garden and having a dream in which you could fly… a dream in which you are

following a bird somewhere, perhaps… a bird that is so agile that you can only just

keep up with it… as it soars up to the heavens and swoops down in a rush, skimming

the ground, twisting and turning… going faster and faster, then turning in a

hairsbreadth before soaring up into the heavens again… full of the joys of living… and

you can feel it too, that joy of living… with the feeling of the air rushing past you…

being able to see so clearly now for mile upon mile… and maybe following that bird as

it heads off towards a distant seashore and beyond… swooping and gliding effortlessly

on the breeze… catching the faint smell of salt as you swoop low over the water…

hearing the gentle sound of a calm sea… a sea that is so blue and so tranquil… with

just the merest hint of a wave here and there… the merest hint of white as a fish glides

just beneath the surface… and you can feel the warmth of the sun on your back… as

you glide on the air… just for the time being, without a single care in the world… and

as a gentle, velvety dusk falls… there’s a quietness and calmness that seems to fill

every pore of your being… and you find yourself just floating and drifting onwards…
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 59

… and it begins to dawn on you that this bird is leading you to a very special place,

a place where you’ve never been before… and there’s a faint feeling of being on a sort

of adventure… an adventure in which you are going to discover something new and

immensely valuable… and as dawn breaks you survey the most beautiful sunrise that

you have ever seen… a glorious dazzle of light and colour and a sense of a special day

just about to start… and you can see a small dot on the horizon… a small dot that

steadily becomes bigger as you approach it… until you can see that it is a small island,

green and hilly, with a sparkling waterfall tumbling noisily into the sea… glittering in

the early morning sunshine… and you somehow know that this is the place you have

been searching for… searching for for a long time, even before you knew you were


… you follow the magical bird to soar effortlessly over the waterfall and the green

hill beyond… and catch your breath in surprise as you survey the vista in front of

you… there are blue grey crags and lush valleys stretching as far as the eye can see…

and you soar and swoop amongst them for what seems like an age, with a feeling of

wonderment and joy… and then, suddenly, you realise that the bird has gone…

somehow, without you noticing, it had disappeared… but it doesn’t seem to matter,

because you can fly on your own now… and in that very moment of realisation you

notice a faint golden glow that seems to be coming from one of the valleys… and you

swoop down into it… skimming along just above the surface of the river that flows

quietly and gently within its depths… basking in that golden light…

…it’s not long before it seems to you that you are approaching a solid wall of

rock… as though you have reached the very end of the valley… and yet… there’s a

distinct feeling that there’s something more beyond… and even as that thought comes

into your mind, you notice the smallest of fissures… and it is from here that the golden

light emanates… in a trice, you turn yourself sideways and swoop between the narrow
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walls in the face of the rock… all at once finding yourself bathed in a golden light that

is so intense that for a moment you can see nothing else… and time passes… and after

a while you gradually become aware that you have stopped flying… you’re just

somehow suspended motionless in front of a wise old man… an ancient who radiates a

feeling of peace and tranquillity about him… you are aware of him smiling and

extending his hands towards you… “I knew you were coming,” he says, “I have a

special gift for you… a wonderful gift that will allow you to find all that you seek.”

The ancient hands you a crystal and you take it wonderingly. “How – ” you begin,

looking up towards him… but the old man has gone, along with the golden light and

everything else that was there… and you realise that you’re just relaxing in the sun in a

garden somewhere… relaxing in the sun in a garden and dreaming a dream… but then

you become aware of the crystal in your hand and gently clasp your fingers around it as

you remember what the ancient told you… “I have a special gift for you… a wonderful

gift that will allow you to find all that you seek…”
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 61

The Forest of Times

Use this deepener script with caution – it can lead to spontaneous abreaction or

approach to abreaction…and that is actually its purpose, because it’s an ideal entry

into regression/analytical work. It might be useful to create a ‘safe place’ anchor first,

if you wish. To assist in this, there is a part written into the beginning of the script that

will allow you to do just that.

Now, while you’re laying there so relaxed… I want you just to imagine that you’re

going on a walk through a forest… and this is no ordinary forest but a very special one,

a forest which can answer many questions… a forest which can help you solve many

problems… and it’s a magical sort of place, with the wonderful scent of new

undergrowth and maybe the sound of a stream trickling somewhere in the distance…

and you can hear birds singing in the tops of the trees high above you… the sunlight

filtering through the leaves lays softly dappled shadows on the ground in front of you…

and before long, you find yourself following a path that seems somehow familiar,

though you can’t quite think why it should be so…

…and that sense of familiarity increases as you go deeper into the forest… then,

after a few more steps, you smile, smiling outwardly and inwardly, as you suddenly

find yourself recognising why this place is so familiar… as you become aware that one

of the happiest times you can ever remember is suddenly right there in front of you…

and I don’t have to know what that time is but you can see it as vividly as if it were

now… and your smile increases as the delightful feelings that are associated with that

time are suddenly there, in your mind and in your body… so that you feel really


[OPTIONAL ANCHORING to ‘safe place’

CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 62

And you can lock this special place into your mind for whenever you need a safe

and wonderful place to come to, whether that is during this session or at some other

time… just by gently touching your thumb to any other finger… on either hand… and

whenever you touch that thumb to that finger, you will instantly find yourself back in

this place with it’s safety and the happy feelings…]

And you gaze upon that happy scene for moment or two before continuing on your


… it’s not long before you find yourself in a thoughtful mood as you begin to

realise, with a wonderful sense of exhilaration, that this forest contains many magical

moments of your life… some of them half-forgotten… others half-remembered… some

of them from recent times, times that happened while you were a grown up… and other

times from a long way off, from those days of your childhood… and no sooner do you

realise this fact than you find yourself observing a scene from many years ago… when

you were just a child… and this scene is different… this scene has something in it that

you never did quite understand… something in it that just didn’t seem to make sense

and left you feeling puzzled in some way… nothing worrying, nothing of concern…

just something that didn’t make sense and left you feeling that there was something

more to be had from that experience than you actually found… and then it hits you and

your adult mind makes connections at the speed of light so that you suddenly do

understand… and then it’s as if you had always understood… and you begin to

recognise the great truth that this forest really is a magical place… a magical place in

which the connectedness of everything that has ever happened in your life begins to

become apparent… and a whole cavalcade of scenes flow through your mind like…

with just the traces of the feelings that belong to them… and even as you observe them

you can feel the understanding happening, actually feel your mind making thousands of

adjustments as your conscious mind gains the understanding that has already lain in
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your subconscious since the day you were born… the understanding that everything is

connected… and connected in the most magnificent way… bringing understanding and

acceptance where they are needed… along with a recognition of your own agelessness

in your subconscious mind… a recognition that that subconscious has no idea at all that

you are now an adult… because it never realised that you were a child in the first

place… and there is another thought just underneath that one that you can’t quite

grasp… but you know it’s important… you know that it has something to do with your

future happiness…

…as if to prove the point, there is suddenly an image of an uncomfortable time

from the past but no sooner do you see it than that new understanding somehow

changes it… and as the discomfort evaporates to be replaced by understanding and

easiness… you begin to wonder just how many things might be changed… just how

much joy you might discover… with that new awareness… that new awareness that life

and the universe actually does things for you and not to you…
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Journey through the Universe

This is a good general purpose deepener that will work for almost anybody, though it is

biased towards the intellectually orientated RO. As with the Evolution script elsewhere

in this book, you will get a considerably better ‘performance’ with the application of

some drama.

And as you are relaxing there… just allowing your mind to wander where it will… you

might begin to imagine how it would be if you could begin a spectacular journey of

discovery… a discovery of self and the whole of everything that you could ever think

about… and that journey might begin with you just floating, as if you were on a cloud

somewhere, perhaps… just floating idly and observing… in an easy relaxed sort of

way… without trying to make sense of anything… just observing lazily as you float

higher and higher… becoming more and more relaxed… and after a while, you realise

you’re actually floating out past the moon… and you have no idea how you got there…

but you realise that this is just a fleeting visit, as you gaze down at the surface,

wondering at the fact that men have actually walked there… and you can see the earth

like a great blue and white globe, just poised in space… and you find an astonishingly

comfortable sensation about you… as you somehow recognise that you are a part of

this universe… a part of everything that you can see around you…

…and as you make that realisation, it’s as if your vision suddenly clears and you

can see for thousands upon thousands upon millions of miles… and you realise with a

surge of joy that you can look back through time… and forward through time, too, as

though time simply did not exist… and then you are swooping low along the canyons

of Mars… and it maybe that this is the Mars of aeons ago… or perhaps far into the

future… and no sooner do you try to work it out than you find yourself gliding past the
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giant called Jupiter… with its swirling clouds of gas that have a kind of velvety quality,

yet so dense that they keep safe the secret of what is beneath them… and you drift on…

playing among the rings of Saturn, rings that seem to be composed of a million tiny

jewels, glinting in a magical light that comes from some unseen source… reflecting

colours that you have never seen before… and you realise that you are beginning to

accelerate now, travelling faster and faster… out past Uranus… then Neptune… and

tiny Pluto, the smallest planet in our system… and still you fly faster and faster, and yet

somehow seeming to just float… suspended in a delightful weightlessness… for what

might have been a million years or more… or perhaps just the blinking of an eye… and

there’s a sense of an important journey… a sense of discovery of a truth, of a great

truth that has lain hidden until now… anticipation fills your mind and body as you

continue on your journey and soon you are flying past Sirius… and you reflect that the

ancient Egyptians of Earth knew this star… thousands of years ago… and then you

realise that time here is irrelevant… that a thousand years might just be the tiniest

moment or the longest age…

…and it begins to dawn on you that you are travelling further than man has ever

even seen before… beyond the reaches of even the most powerful telescope that has

ever been invented… beyond the places that mankind can even imagine, except in his

dreams… dreams that might revolve around a great universal truth but which evaporate

like a silken mist as wakefulness approaches… and anticipation seems to fill every pore

of your entire being… a sense of something special about to happen… or already

happening… and it begins to seem to you that you can sense a gentle light coming from

somewhere… and even though you can’t yet see it… it’s as if you can feel it… sense it

with some part of you that has lain dormant until this moment… as if you are in touch

with the entire universe, in touch with everything that man has ever known or ever will

know… you can sense it on your skin… in the very depths of your mind… in every cell
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and every pore of your entire body… and you realise that you are in the presence of…

the origin of all things living… of all thought, of all feelings… and for a few moments

you bask in the wonderment of recognition… that we are all one… that every living

thing… not just on earth, but in the entire cosmos… is all part of one beautiful,

wonderful, awe-inspiring force of life…

…and with this recognition, the light becomes stronger and brighter… stronger and

brighter… until it fills every part of you… and you know that where you are, right at

this moment, is the origin of all creation, of all things living… all things that have

lived… and all things that will ever live… and then, quite suddenly, it’s gone… and

you find yourself returning… but with a deep understanding that will allow you to

function more effectively, more confidently, than ever before… and as though you

have moved through a gateway in time and space, you realise that you are suddenly

drifting down towards Earth, with a wonderful feeling of completeness… and you bring

this feeling back to the here and now with you… to this room… today… bringing back

a knowledge and a confidence that will allow you to achieve your every goal, your

every wish…
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 67


This is a great deepener for the analytical and logical personality, especially the one

who has little or no spiritual beliefs. It works well in conjunction with the ‘Body

Confusion’ induction elsewhere in this book. For information, this is an accurate

representation of the evolution of life on earth. To get the best from it, you will need to

convey the right atmosphere in parts that will be obvious as you read it.

And now I want you to just let your thoughts drift for a moment… before I ask you to

exert all your powers of concentration on what I’m going to talk about… and there

aren’t too many people who can focus upon this concept with total clarity… so you can

tell me if I’m getting too complicated… and I’m going to tell you a powerful story that

began a very long time ago… long before there were men on the earth… long before

there were even the most rudimentary creatures that could be recognised as creatures…

in fact, long before there was even the oxygen in our atmosphere that would support

creatures… because, three and a half billion years ago, the first life appeared on our

planet… a single cell of life… it’s a mystery where it came from, for there had been

nothing like it before… and it was just a single cell… but it was real life… and it was

the only life… for almost three billion years… and then, almost suddenly, there was a

different life… life that had many cells now… life that could almost be called

creatures… life that could move and react to stimuli… yet these were creatures that

existed even before plants and they were such simple creatures… that you could

wonder how on earth they managed to survive in the hostile environment that was this

planet in those days…

… and time passed slowly and inexorably… and all sorts of plants and vegetation

came into being… more than four hundred million years ago… grasses… mosses… the
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 68

earliest forms of the plant life that we still have today… and then there was some

magic, special magic that nobody can truly explain… magic from three hundred and

seventy million years ago that created the first real creatures… that lived in the sea, but

could live on land, too… and then came insects, and soon, there were creatures with

scales of armour that lived only on land, tough, powerful creatures that fought so

viciously that only the very fittest of them survived… and then… two hundred and

eighty million years ago… there came a moment of quiet, a moment of calm… when

almost all that new life just seemed to stop… to fade away… leaving a nearly empty

earth… that had been prepared by these early creatures… paving the way for the

fearsome creatures that shortly followed… two hundred and thirty million years ago…

some of the most awesome creatures that had ever walked the face of the earth… land

animals that were like nothing that had ever been seen before… that fought even more

ferociously than those that had gone before them… so that, once again, only the very

fittest survived, only those with the fastest body and the quickest brain could live… and

then… there were suddenly creatures that could fly, that could actually soar to the

heavens, then swoop to the ground and soar high into the sky once more… looking

down on this world that was once barren and yet was now teeming with life… with

creatures that could move, and react… that could fight and compete for survival… and

there were suddenly flowering plants with seeds that could spread so easily, so

abundantly… and soon there came the behemoths, great lumbering beasts that would

crush and smash all that stood in their way… the last of the dinosaurs… before, once

again, there was a moment of calm, a time of quiet, and once again… life just seemed

to almost fade away… almost… but not quite… sixty six and a half million years

ago… and then there came an age of ice… and yet, still new species developed…

creatures with warm blood and hair and fur about their bodies, to protect them from the

cold… and millions more years passed… until there was an animal like no other… an
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animal like an ape, yet one that could walk on its hind legs, standing tall… quicker and

more clever than those who had gone before… and then there were more of these

creatures, becoming yet more clever with every mutation, with every stage of

evolution… and they discovered how to control fire, to make tools, to begin to work

with the natural resources around them… to make their life more secure and more

comfortable… and this species survived earthquakes and volcanic eruptions… bloody

and violent battles… plague, famine and pestilence… this species seemed to be able to

survive anything that befell them… and then one hundred and fifty thousand years ago

came the first of the new race… a woman in Africa, who was different… cleverer,

faster and stronger than her ancestors… and she began to create the tribe of modern

mankind… this race spread over the whole of the planet learning how to farm and

create great civilisations and understand their own history… and one day, not so very

long ago… two of these creatures were peering at a small piece of rock… studying,

through a microscope, the tiniest of imprints that lay there… and one said to the other:

“What is it?”… and the other replied: “It’s a fossil… a tiny fossil of a creature that

lived three and a half billion years ago… a creature that was just a single cell… ”

“Where did it come from?” the first one asked. “I don’t know,” came the reply, “But it

was life… it was real life…”

And you are descended from this earth… with all those resources that have gone

before you… resources for success that are born into us all… resources that you can

begin to use so effectively now, to help you…

CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 70

Out of Body

This is a good deepener for the CE personality type, since it has many novel concepts

to hold the imagination and will even focus the scientific thinker who will be able to

anticipate certain parts of it. It works especially well as a prelude to motivational work.

I wonder if you can imagine… as you lay there so relaxed… that the middle core of

you, that part of you that is pure energy and knows everything about everything… can

just gradually drift the merest fraction out of the shell of your physical body… not

enough, just yet, to become completely free… but just enough to realise that that part of

you is very special… that part of you is the very essence of you… and it might be that

you can feel that ability to just move the merest fraction out from your physical body…

and I don’t know if it will seem to you that you somehow float upwards… or

sideways… or just in some direction that doesn’t seem totally clear… maybe it’s just a

feeling that you can become free… at any moment you choose… and knowing that

when you become free you will still be joined to that physical body by the finest of

threads of silver… a thread which will allow you to travel wherever you wish, even to a

different time, perhaps, yet still have you in touch with yourself… ready for later…

when you have finished your adventure… it might be that you will stay just within the

confines of this room, so that you may feel yourself hovering somewhere near the

ceiling… or perhaps discovering that you can actually move into a slightly different

dimension in some way… I cannot know how it will seem to you as you imagine that

possibility… I can only imagine…

…and of course, all things start with imagining… so you could imagine that all

at once you could find yourself as free as a bird, swooping and wheeling through the

air… soaring up to a mountain peak somewhere… high into the sunshine… feeling as
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 71

though you were on the very top of the world… or perhaps sending that energy that is

you way down into the deepest of oceans… to a place where man has never been

before… so that you can observe the creatures that live their life there… creatures that

will never know of the existence of the rest of the world… and yet, somehow, you

realise that you and they are connected in some way… and even though your physical

self is not there, they seem to be aware of your presence in their world… aware of the

connectedness of everything… just as you realise you are… and that awareness of the

connectedness of everything somehow seems to fill your whole being with a sense of

delight that soars inside you like a huge wave of exuberant energy…

…and this energy can allow you to move through time and space at the speed of

thought, faster even than the speed of light… so that no sooner do you think of a place

than you can find yourself there… anywhere that you have ever seen in your entire

life… anywhere that you can bring to mind… you can be there… and you find a sense

of freedom that somehow gives you energy… and then you realise the great truth that

you are energy yourself… a pure human energy with the ability to achieve all that you

set out to do… and it seems to you that if you could just have a fresh start in some way

that you could achieve absolutely anything that can be achieved… and you pause for

only the briefest, merest, sliver in the fabric of time before the idea comes to you… an

idea so perfect and so outrageous that you cannot wait to begin to pursue it…

You summon up an energy that only you know how to find, an energy for a very

special task… and suddenly you are flying through space moving faster than the speed

of light, faster than time itself… after a short while, you pause for a moment, hovering

in the darkness of space… looking at the earth… and you know that you are not yet

where you need to be… and still you go on travelling… travelling ever faster with

every second… until some deep knowledge tells you that this is the place… this is the

special place that you needed to find… this is a place that existed before the earth ever
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 72

did… and it’s because you have travelled faster than time itself that you have reached

this special place… and you settle down to wait for the event that you know is about to

happen… vaguely aware of the presence of another somewhere near… and then you

see what you have been waiting for… a sudden flash of light millions of miles away…

a flash of light that fills the heavens for a moment before subsiding… and you smile to

yourself as thoughts and words seem to fill your mind… thoughts and words that

emanated from that presence that you had felt earlier… “That’s the beginning of the

existence of the Sun… and around the Sun will soon spin the planet called Earth…”

And you know that it is time to begin the journey back, following that silver

thread… back to the Earth… and arriving at just the right moment in time for you to

begin to find the life that you deserve… so that you can achieve all that you want to

CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 73

Stalactite and Stalagmite

Another universally effective deepener, suitable for all groups, thanks to the fact that it

combines multi-dimensional imagery and includes visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

components. This one is quite brief and should be read steadily, with some ‘majesty’

now and again.

I wonder if you can imagine a cave, deep beneath the surface of the earth… many

millions of years ago, before there were men to discover it… a cave with walls of

delicately beautiful colours… glowing gently as though an unseen light was

illuminating them from some secret place… iridescent blues and greens, like the

colours of a dragon fly… deep purples and indigos, muted golden tones and subtle

shades of an almost translucent red… and there’s a sense of a supreme calmness and

tranquillity, where nothing disturbs the peace… save for the faintest sound of a drip of

water occasionally falling from the roof of the cave to splash gently onto the floor

below… it’s almost a musical sound, with a haunting beauty that creates within you a

feeling of well-being… a feeling that all is as it should be, that everything around you

fits perfectly into the natural order of things… and you gaze up at the ornately vaulted

roof of this cave, a roof that looks for all the world as if it has been crafted by some

master of form and subtle grandeur… and it’s as if you can become part of the natural

wonders in this place… and you realise that you have discovered the source of that

steadily dripping water… one drop at a time seeming almost to float down until it

splashes upon a rainbow-coloured rock… one drip at a time, with what might be an age

between them… or just moments perhaps…

…and it is as if your thoughts can span time, as though time itself simply does not

exist… so that you can move forward to when you realise that each droplet is forming
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 74

at the tip of the tiniest stalactite… and you stare in fascination, somehow recognising

that each droplet of water is leaving the merest layer of minerals… a deposit of the very

essence of the earth… around the hollow centre of that miniature stalactite… gradually

forming a hollow tube… and you let your mind drift forward many thousands of

years… and all at once, you see a beautiful structure in that vaulted roof… not just one

stalactite, but many… some just like delicate hollow straws… others like cones… and

yet others that form lace-like fronds, as delicate as any fern in a forest somewhere…

and there are the stalagmites, too, wonderfully majestic formations, some of them

towering above you… some delicately fluted, others as silkily smooth as marble… all

of them formed as those droplets of water fell… over thousands upon thousands of

years… forming solid structures like organ pipes sometimes, so that you can so easily

vividly imagine that you can hear heavenly music being played…

…and you begin to realise the power of this natural majesty… gazing in awe at the

proliferation of natural beauty, beauty and colour that has never before been observed

by any man… and still you let your mind drift forwards through time… to when some

of those stalactites have met their opposite stalagmites… massive structures joining at

the centre… joining in a delicate point almost as fine as a sewing needle… so that it is

difficult to be certain whether or not they actually touch… or if there is just, perhaps,

the most minute of gaps just waiting… waiting for the completion of a natural task that

has taken so many thousands of years… and it seems to you that, somehow, you have

observed something that will be taken for granted by many… that you have had a

special privilege to observe the earth at work within itself…

…and a faint sound comes from somewhere behind you and you glance around to

see a party of individuals being lead by a guide… who points out the features of this

magical place… they don’t see you at first and you listen with interest as the guide

explains how the stalactites and stalagmites were formed from the earth’s natural
CRUCIAL! – scripts from Terence Watts 75

minerals, over many hundreds of thousands of years… that stalactites are always

hollow and stalagmites never are… and then he suddenly notices you and gives you a

rather puzzled look…

“How long have you been here?” he asks.

“Oh,” you reply lazily, with the faintest of smiles, “Long enough, I think. Long

enough.” And in that moment you discover within you, the great truth that you have so

much knowledge, so much wisdom, so many resources that you have never fully

realised before...
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The Canyon

This is one of my favourites. It is suitable for any personality type and the metaphor

embedded within makes it effective for those who are finding difficulty in achieving

some goal or other.

And you can imagine, with that powerful part of your mind that knows how to imagine

things… that you can fly, as free as a bird… sailing on a breeze and gazing down at the

landscape beneath you… noticing what looks like just a small gorge… that has a

magical sort of feel that seems to draw you closer… and you find yourself drifting

down and down, deeper and deeper... drifting down into a very special place... a

canyon... a canyon where the walls sparkle as if they are inset with gold or silver... or

precious gems... or perhaps quartz that reflects the rays of the sun... and on one wall of

this canyon there's a grassy ledge... and I don't know if this ledge is as big as a football

pitch or as small as this room... but your mind knows... and I know that somewhere on

this comfortable grassy ledge, there's a special place just for you to sit... and wonder at

the marvel of nature all around you... with the sun from the clearest of blue skies just

warming you... not too hot... just right... and as you look around you suddenly realise

that there are waterfalls... one of them so close, so majestic, you wonder why you

hadn't noticed it before... and there's a gentle silver mist that just floats in fronds

between the canyon walls... and in this silver mist there are rainbows... some of them

inverted, upside down... and one of them like a giant orb of colour, suspended, seeming

to just float there in the canyon... creating a wonderful sense of calm as you listen to the

waterfall tumbling over the rocks, and crashing and roaring its way to the floor of the

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…Every so often, a small droplet seems to separate itself and hang almost

motionless, spinning and sparkling like a liquid diamond... and reflecting the sunlight,

every colour of the spectrum... it seems to you that you could almost reach out and

grasp it, but in that same instant, you realise that it would become just colourless water

in your hand... and you watch in contentment as that diamond droplet gently finds its

way back to the tumbling waterfall... and you can smell the fresh, peaty scent of the

water... feel the silky gentleness of the mist against your skin... and you wonder at the

fact that this river has been flowing for millions of years... wonder at the fact that that

this river actually created the canyon in the first place... long before man walked the

face of the earth... and it will continue to flow for millions more years, maybe until man

no longer walks here... and you wonder how it would be to be like that bird again,

soaring and wheeling over this place... swooping down to the river, then soaring up into

the heavens, and with that sharp vision of a bird being able to look down on this

magical place... and see everything so clearly... and in its proper perspective... to see

the majesty of life...

…And you observe a huge fish… a salmon, the biggest salmon you have ever

seen… making its way towards the foot of the waterfall… and you gaze in wonderment

as this huge salmon begins to leap upward through that majestic torrent of water…

leaping, holding its position, its body just shimmying gently to hold its place in the

water while it gathers strength for the next leap… then another leap, and another, and

another… and you hold your breath in wonderment as you watch the fish slowly but

steadily approach the top of the fall… then you feel a surge of joy as it makes one last

final effort and leaps over the top of that massive waterfall, a surge of joy so strong that

you feel compelled to follow… and you find the salmon resting in a tranquil pool…

just drifting calmly and easily in a pool so tranquil, so serene, that you wonder how it

could possibly feed that roaring torrent… and you drift back down to your ledge, your
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safe place… and realise that there are caves behind those waterfalls... caves that you

could visit in your mind to find answers to questions, solutions to problems... and as

you ponder on these almost magical thoughts... you realise that in the special place

where you're sitting.... there's a beautiful feeling of total tranquillity... an enchanting

serenity... that seems to flow through every pore, every cell, every fibre of your entire

body... as though you're cocooned in some way... in a special place that is yours and

yours alone... a special place you can always find whenever you want to… a special

place where you can make wonderful things happen for yourself, just by imagining

them... and as you imagine those things, it's as if you can see them reflected in the

waterfall... reflected in the waterfall so clearly, so distinctly, that you can see yourself

looking exactly the way you want to feel...

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The Now Pyramid

Working extremely well for the intellectually orientated RO client, this one is

therapeutic in itself and works well when the client is seeking to make changes to

behaviour patterns that are rooted in long held belief structures. It has a noticeable

confusional element to it and it is advisable to read it through several times before

using it.

While you’re just relaxing there… I’m going to talk to you about something that is very

important… very important, right now… and it’s an interesting thing, the moment of

now… because even as I say it… it no longer exists… it’s a fact that that moment of

now, just now, that moment when I said I was going to talk to you about something

important… had already passed into history by the time I had said it… had become part

of the past… but you could so easily still act upon it… just as if that moment were still

here… still here with us and still active… because you truly understood that moment of

now… and every moment of now is exactly like that… passing into history and

becoming part of the past even as you think about it… and the only reason any of this

makes sense is because of the moment that was now when I started talking about it and

you started understanding it… and that moment only made sense because of the

previous moments of now that had brought you here today… and you can wonder how

many moments of now are interconnected at the start… or become interconnected as

we begin to make more sense of them when the very next moment of now unfolds…

and every moment of now is connected in some small way to every other moment of

now… that you have ever experienced… and every moment of now that you

experience… is always at the very top of a pyramid of nows… always at the top…

replacing the moment of now that was there but that has now become part of history…
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part of our understanding… and because of this, that pyramid of nows is constantly

changing… and it can start to become exciting when you recognise the great truth…

that any moment of now that ever existed… can take on a totally different meaning as

the next moment of the now that is now unfolds… and you can find a greater

understanding… maybe seeing something that went unnoticed before… or perhaps

suddenly realising the full meaning of something that has seemed curiously vague in

the past… even a moment of now that was so long ago that you can scarcely recall it

can be like that… something that was a moment of now way back in the past can

suddenly take on a whole new meaning, a crystal clarity that is so enlightening… to

discover… and sometimes… time simply doesn’t matter… time simply doesn’t even

exist, as far as that powerful subconscious mind of yours is concerned… so that

something that you discovered many thousands of nows ago can suddenly take on a

whole new meaning… as a new understanding forms… a new tip of the pyramid… that

changes with every fraction of a second for every day of your life… and it can be an

awesome thought that any one moment of now can create a lightning flash of

realisation… a sudden clarity… that might happen at this very moment… or at some

point in the future… because of another moment of now that has yet to be… and that

powerful subconscious mind of yours knows just how to access any part of that

pyramid… maybe something right down in the lowest part… when you were finding

out and discovering all sorts of things about life… and making mistakes, natural

mistakes, during that learning that we all have to do… or perhaps remembering a

moment of now from somewhere near the middle of that pyramid… or right out on one

edge… or one that happened only yesterday or the day before, perhaps… or maybe last

week… or last month… or last year… and of course, all those moments of now contain

their own fragments of our entire being… and can’t be changed… and yet… we can

change the understanding of any of them… and change the understanding of how they
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fit together… and change the understanding that we have about ourself because of

them… and it’s an interesting thing that just by thinking about that pyramid of now…

and directing your thoughts to any part of it… then we are carrying the moment of now

that exits right now, right at this moment… into those past moments of now that we

thought at the time that we had understood… and yet may not truly have done so… and

because of this… your subconscious can easily absorb ideas and concepts that are

beneficial to you and to your well-being… as the understanding that comes from this

very moment of now that exists right now… is carried into the deepest parts of your

being… into the very depths of that pyramid of nows… so that you can find a new

understanding about self… a new understanding that you can achieve the goals and

aims you set for yourself… a new understanding that you deserve to achieve the goals

and aims that you set for yourself… because it’s a fact that that powerful subconscious

of yours is in touch with every moment of now that has ever existed for you… and

because of this… if you can think of a goal… then your subconscious knows and

understands you can achieve it…

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The Secrets Room

I often use this as a preliminary to regression/analytical work, after a standard

induction. With a little modification, the ‘secrets room’ can probably be used for

recovering lost/hidden items. It works well for almost everybody, but particularly for

the RO type.

And now you’re so wonderfully relaxed, nobody wanting anything, nobody expecting

anything, and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do but to relax... I want you to

imagine that you’re just an observer of your own mind... drifting slowly down through

your levels of consciousness... in the upper level at first... the part that deals with the

hurly burly of every day life... where decisions have to be made and the full meaning of

things has to be considered and taken into account.... it’s like the sale floor of a busy

department store, at a peak shopping time... crowded full with shoppers and staff...

And you’re just an observer, quietly, softly, drifting down... lower and lower... and

lower... still in the subconscious mind, not yet in the subconscious... down to the level

where things are half heard, half remembered... partly realised... the part where things

are formed before they really begins to take shape... this is like a lower floor of that

same store... the floor, perhaps, where everything is unpacked and made ready for

sale... the place where things get the final polish before they are revealed to the


And you just carry on, drifting deeper and deeper down...lower and lower... down

now into the upper reaches of the subconscious... this is the part of your mind that

colours your thoughts... that makes you like some things and dislike others... the part

where sudden ideas and inspirations spring from... sometimes catching you almost by

surprise... the part of your mind that is only just hidden from consciousness… so that
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you are sometimes aware that there is something just beneath the surface… the floor

where all that store’s stock is kept…

And still you just drift lower and lower... softly, gently, down and down... to the

lower levels of your subconscious... as far down as you can go... to the part of your

mind that governs how you see the world... this is the floor that’s the most important of

all... where accounts are kept and campaigns are decided... and judgements are made…

the part that’s invisible and yet controls the way that everything works…

This is the part of your mind that controls how you feel... it’s the birthplace of

feelings like pride and anger... pleasure and envy... happiness and pain... and all the

other emotions that make you into the sort of person you are... this is also where secret

memories from a long time ago are stored... memories that are sometimes so secret that

even you have no conscious knowledge of them... but even without that conscious

awareness, they can colour your judgement and affect your feelings... sometimes

benign... but often causing all sorts of problems...

Now I want you, if you will, to use your imagination even more powerfully... I

want you to imagine yourself at the end of a long corridor... sweeping away in front of

you in a long gentle curve... so that you can’t actually see the end of it... but you know

instinctively that it’s completely empty... that there’s nobody here but you... and as you

move along it, you see that there are doors set in the walls at intervals... doors to

different parts of your mind... and eventually... eventually... you find yourself outside a

door with the legend: ‘Secrets’ inscribed boldly upon it... you can see that it’s locked,

with a large key... and you realise that this is the room where your secret memories are

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This is the room where your secret memories are kept... things that have been

locked up here by your subconscious mind because they once upset you in some way...

things that hurt you... things perhaps that frightened you so badly you simply couldn’t

bear it... and maybe some things that you simply found so uncomfortable you had to

turn away from them... they’re all memories from a very long time ago... and they can’t

hurt you now... but your subconscious doesn’t know this... and it continues to take

responsibility for protecting you from them... and that responsibility weighs heavily in

your subconscious... and because your subconscious governs how you feel from day to

day... that weight affects you consciously…

But these memories are nothing more than thoughts now... they can’t hurt you any

more...and your subconscious can simply let them go... so you just turn the key in the

lock and slightly open the door... just leaving it ajar... and you’ll find, over the next few

days… that you’ll begin to recall some of these old memories from the past... some

during dreams... some while you’re awake... some of them perhaps just popping into

your head when you least expect it... and for every memory you recall, you’ll find

yourself feeling just that bit lighter, just that bit happier... just that bit more able to get

on with today’s task of living... and as you realise, with a sense of joy and

anticipation… that you can bring about the changes that you need in your life… bring

them about for yourself… you can actually become aware of an intensity of purpose, an

intensity of focus… in your subconscious mind…

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Universal Mind

This is a good deepener for the intelligent RO individual who needs to employ thought

process to maintain concentration. It works especially well for those with a scientific

bent, not so well for the artistic soul.

Just letting your thoughts drift now… and I wonder if you’ve ever paused to think just

how your thoughts can drift… is it, perhaps, a voluntary process… or is it something

that is governed by some mysterious inner self… a deeper part of you that needs to

explore the mysteries of your mind… the deepest parts of your personality, where

established knowledge and accepted concepts exist alongside flights of imagination and

fantasy… where new ideas can spring from in the blinking of an eye… sometimes to be

lost almost as soon as they have been found… sometimes blossoming into something

wonderful, that inspires and enhances the lives of others… or maybe just provide a

passing moment of pleasure, a moment that you would not have missed for the world, a

moment that subtly changes your way of being… even though it passes and is gone

forever… and you can wonder about the maze of connections between all the thoughts

in your mind… and wonder if those thoughts are there all the time, just waiting for the

moment that you notice them, which might happen maybe only once in a lifetime… or

perhaps you’ll think them every day, many times over… perhaps that’s the way it is…

or it might be that those thoughts only exist as we think them, and for the rest of the

time simply are not anywhere…

…and sometimes it seems as if those thoughts are being shared by somebody

else… so that it’s difficult to know if you read their mind or they yours… or maybe

they came from outside… so that all the thoughts in the world are just waiting for

people to think them, so that there might be many people all thinking the same thought
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at the same time… in many parts of the world… or even the Universe… and you could

think of your mind as a vast Universe in itself… a vast Universe around which you can

travel as you wish, visiting distant areas of thought where you have never been

before… then, in the very next split second, you can explore areas that are familiar,

everyday thoughts… and you can sometimes discover that some of those thoughts can

connect with each other, giving a whole different meaning to things that you thought

you knew well… and you can become aware that all the parts of that Universe of your

mind are all interconnected… intertwined in a glorious series of connections that can

allows us to achieve whatever we want to… and there are parts of that Universe of your

mind that are so distant… so unfamiliar to you, that you find yourself drawing into

yourself to consider them… to fully understand their meaning and the resources that

you might find there…

…but perhaps the most special part of that Universe is the part that we visit in

dreams… whether those dreams are while we are awake or while we sleep… because in

that special part of our mind we can make things happen just the way we want them to

happen… that special part of our mind draws on all those other parts to use the sum

total of all our experience… so we can allow our wildest dreams and flights of fancy to

take us to imaginary places where everything is as we want it to be… or we can create

new scenarios that are the answer to problems and difficulties… and sometimes… we

can discover, in those special parts of our mind, how to turn those thoughts and dreams

into a sort of reality… that might be even more rewarding, even more inspiring, than

the dream from whence it sprang… because another special part of our mind, the

learning part, the part that sometimes so quickly discovers how to solve problems,

doesn’t really mind where it learns from… from reality or fantasy… and if we can see

something clearly in our mind’s eye… and feel how it would be if it were real… if we

can hear it, and smell it, and see it and feel it… if we can truly sense it as if it were
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real… then that learning part of the Universe of your mind can begin to work a very

special sort of magic… and all you have to do is… nothing at all… that’s right…

absolutely nothing at all… just allowing that learning part of your mind to do all the

right things to help you get exactly what you want from life… so as you’re relaxing

there in that chair… I want you to now allow yourself to discover… in that magical

part of your mind… exactly what you would like to happen in your life… sensing, in

that special part of you that knows just what to do and just how to do it… the very thing

that you truly want, truly need to create that special feeling you have when you just

know that your life is beginning to work out just the way you want it to…

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