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Ratatouille and smoked cheese bruschetta

½ red pepper, diced
½ yellow pepper, diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 summer squash, diced
14 oz can San Marzano tomatoes (crushed)
1 sprig thyme
1 sprig flat leaf parsley, chopped
1 tsp minced garlic
½ cup diced yellow onion
Sugar, sea salt and black pepper to taste
Italian herbs to taste
3 tbsp white wine or cooking sherry

1 baguette, sliced lengthwise

Garlic spread
Smoked mozzarella (or smoked scamorza/smoked halloumi), sliced into ¼ inch thick wodges

1 packet of prosciutto
Balsamic reduction for garnish
Maldon salt for garnish

Notes: All the vegetables should be diced to ¼ inch cubes

1. Heat 2 tbsp of light olive oil in pan on medium heat
2. Sauté the yellow onion with the garlic until fragrant and translucent, about 2 minutes
3. Add the zucchini, summer squash, red pepper, and yellow pepper to the pan. Sauté for 4
minutes. Add 3 tbsp of white wine to the mixture and scrape up any browned bits.
4. Add ½ can of crushed tomatoes to the mixture and simmer until all vegetables are tender.
It shouldn’t be too wet or too red. I have no idea what to do with the other ½ can :P
5. Add sea salt, black pepper, and 1 tbsp of sugar to the mixture and stir. Add thyme,
parsley, and Italian herbs and stir. Taste and adjust the seasoning. The acid of the
tomatoes should be tempered with sugar or honey.
6. The vegetable mix can be refrigerated for 3 days and used hot or cold.
7. Slice the baguette lengthwise and into about 5” long pieces. Spread the garlic spread on
the cut side and toast at 375F until lightly golden.
8. Place the smoked cheese slices on top of the cut side, covering most of the surface, and
broil until melted. Remove from the oven.
9. Slop the vegetable mix onto the cheesy baguette.
10. Gently shred the prosciutto and arrange artfully on top. Garnish with fresh oregano and
Maldon salt
11. Drizzle the balsamic reduction on top and serve.

© Ivana Thng, 11 February 2019

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