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Chapter No.

The Damned of Human Race
Human beings claim to be the crown of creatures. They considered them-selves superior to other creation. The
views of the Mark Twain are opposite to it. He has arrived at the conclusion that man is the worst of all creatures. Man is
usually called “the highest animal” on the basis of his intelligence. The writer says that man is cruel, greedy, sexual, beast
and a fighting animal. He has no moral sense. Even the lower animals’ reptiles are better than human beings. Man is not
satisfied with the little of anything. He goes on hoarding and collecting wealth. Mark twain does not agree with the darwin’s
theory of Evaluation. The writer is of the opinion that man is the lowest creature. While the monkies and other animal are
among the highest creatures.
Mark Twain compares man with Anaconda, Squirrel Bees and Roosters. He pointg out that man is greedy, cruel
and vulgar. On the other hand, these animals and insects are piece full and loving. He gives the example of some hunters.
The organized a buffalo hunt for an English Earl. They killed 72 buffaloes and presented is to the earl and his companions.
They ate one of them and left 71 to rot. The writer offered seven young calves to an anaconda. It crushed on of the and
Swallowed it. It did not harm the other. So, the writer gets at the conclusion that human beings are worst than animals.
Mark Twain says that human beings hoard money. Animals and insects do not store thing for a long animal and
insects do not store thing for a long time. The squirrels and bees store food but only for the winter. There is also comparison
with Roosters. Man is a sexual beast. He keeps harems and makes cruel loved to the ladies. He has relations with many
women at a time the rooster also keeps harems but it is by the consent of their hen mistress. Therefore, these animals are
also better than human beings. Who follow no moral no moral values He marries many woman at a time by force. Man
hides his corruption by covering himself. The animals hide nothing.
Mark Twain has taken one sided views of mankind. He has criticized human race very much. It may be result of
sudden death of his wife and daughter. There are good and bad person in every society. Some human beings are bad, cruel
and vulgar but many are goods. Human beings have established organizations for the welfare of human it. There are even
protection agencies even for animals. Human beings do a lot of charity. They feed the poor and the needy. Human beings
help each other at the time of difficulty. They live in a society and obey the rules. There are moral and social laws in human
in human society. These things are absent in the animals. Animals follow the laws of Jungle, where strong kills the weak.
Therefore, we don’t agree with the views of mark Twain. Human beings provide justice in the courts. Therefore, we can
conclude that man is the crown of creatures and the highest animal in spite of his short coming.

Chapter No.2
The Last Lesson
The last lesson “shows the important of national language. It is the key to our national freedom. The national language
reflects the culture, art and religions of there country. It is very important for every nation to give importance to the national
language. Alphones Daudet writes on national and patriotic themes the nation who ignores their national language also loses
their freedom. National language can safe guard and protect the nation in the moment of crises. The Story is written in the
background of Franco-Prussian war. France was defeated by Germans in 1871. The Germans won the provinces of Alsace
and Lorriane. They ordered to teach the German language in all the schools in these provinces. It wars the mater of great
shame for the school teacher Hamel. He was greatly shocked at this. He had been teaching French in the school for 40 years.
He delivered is last lecture on the value an importance of French language. Hamel created the love of French language in
the students and villagers. He told them that the French language is the strongest, clearest and the most beautiful language.
The last lecture of Hamel was attended by his students and village elders. He told them that they wasted their time
in idle things and did not learn French language properly. The German wood keep them their slaves for this negligence. He
also rebuked the parents who sent them to fields for farming. They were not interested in education. They were interested
in earning a few coins. Slavery becomes the doom of that nation who ignore their national language. Hamel also held himself
responsible for this situation. He did not pay proper attention to teach them the French language. Instead, He wasted their
time in fishing and other activities.
The Importance of Urdu:
The story points out the importance of national language. It plays a key role in the freedom of a nation. The French
lost their freedom because they did not learn their national language. The language is the mirror of social and cultural
heritage of a country. The national language reflects culture and art of a country. French were defeated by Germans because
they ignore French language. National language is the pride of any nation. It gives the feeling of patriotism. There is not a
single example in the history that and country has made progress in the language of some other nation. Russian had made
progress in the Russian Language in the same way, English and Chinese People did. Our national language is Urdu. It is
very sad that we are not promoting our national language. Most of us try to educate their children in English medium School.
There is no doubt that English is an interesting language. We cannot deny its importance. It is the language of learning and
technology. But it is does not mean that we ignore our national language. It is very important the only official language.
The Competition exams must be taken in the national language. We should try to learn and promote urdu language.
Character of Hamel
Hamel was an old French teacher at school Alsace. He has maintained great discipline in the class. He was a hard
working and diligent teacher. Hamel has spent 40 years of life at that school. He punished the boys who did not learns their
lesson well. Hamel was a great patriot. He had deep love for his country for the French language. He was shocked to see
his country under the domination of Prussian. They ordered to teach German language in the schools. Beings a patriot, he
could not tolerate the situation. Hamel was aware of his short coming as a teacher. He held himself responsible for not
teaching French language to the boys properly. He sent the boys in his garden and for fishing. He wasted a lord of their time
in this way. Hamel made and open confession. Hamel was fully aware of the importance of national language. He told the
villagers that they had become the slaves because they ignore their national language. They could not write or speak their
language properly. According to the views of Hamel, language is the key to the National language. His last lecture was
attended by his pupils and village elders. He threw light on the importance of the French language in his last lecture. He
said that it was the most beautiful language in the world. Hamel advised them learn it with devotion and attention. They
could win back their freedom and national pride by learning their language. He also told them that their cultural heritage
was preserved in the French language. He become emotional during his lecture he wrote on the black board “Long Live
France”. It showed his love for his country and the language. The Villagers and students were highly motivated by his
words. They began to recite in French language So, Hamel was a Patriot and an able teacher of the school.

Chapter No.3
Bromides and Sulphites
The writer divides people into two large groups. Some people bromides and some people are sulphites. These two
groups are two difference attitude and behavior of people. All the people of the world fall into one category or the other.
Life style of different people is always different. They react to an incident or an event in a different way. According to the
writer majority of the people in the world are bromides. Bromides follow a set pattern of life. They live a routine life and
bring no change in the society. They follow the traditions and laws of the society. They live as most of the people live.
Bromides are conservative and traditional people. The sulphites are original thinkers. They are highly intellectual people.
Sulphites are always found in minority they bring changes, revolution and reforms in the society.
The bromides from the large bulk of the world. They are greedy and Self-Centered people. They are Lazy, dull and
Uninteresting type of person. The Writer calls them bores. Bromides are conservative in their dressing, manners and ideas.
They do not have higher aims and objectives. They follow the “Law of average” Their I.Q Level is common and average.
They flow in the direction of water and not against it. There life is a routine life. Bromides go to officers at regular hours.
They have their hair cut. Every month at a regular time. Their life is dull and mechanical. They cannot think about fresh
and original ideas. They are also dull to the sense of beauty. The beauty fails to produce and emotional response in bromides.
The scene of sunset painted in a picture. Fail to produce any motivation in these people. The writer criticizes such from of
According to the writer, Sulphites are Original Thinkers. They are highly intellectual and innovative. No one can
profess the doings of a sulphites. They are always pleasant in behavior. A Sulphite may shock or please anyone by his
sudden and spontaneous actions. The Sulphites do not exist in large numbers. They have the ability to bring revolution in
society. They are the people reform the society. They do not the routine set patterns of life. They are rebels of the society.
All the cranks, artist and refomers are sulphites. Sulphites do unusual things in a usual way. For example, A Sulphites may
keep a pipe burning. While saving a drowning girl. A Sulphites can stay farewell to friends in a same way. The Adjustment
of a Sulphites.

Chapter No.4
How to live to be 200
Stephan Leacock makes fun of the people who are much absorbed with health problems. They do many painful and
difficult exercise to enjoy a long life. The writer points out that they do not maintain even the normal health. Most of them
die at an early age. It is the life of moderation and balance which add to our health and life. Such People create problems
for themselves and for other people by doing painful exercises. Leacock says that life must be enjoyed with a lite, delicate
and moderate behavior. A person can live long life by enjoying food and other activities in a balance way.
The Writer is also against the people who live a life of blind pleasure and enjoyment. They ruin their health in this
way. This group of people follow the motto of eat, drink and be merry. The writer advises to leave both the extream side of
the picture. Human beings should live a life of moderation. Balance gives beauty to every thing and health is no exception.
A very careful and painful life cannot guarantee long life. We should take exercise and inhale fresh air in a balance way.
We should eat good food without worrying about its chemical quantities. Some people are much afraid of germs. We should
not be to much sensitive about it. The Writer suggests that every age of a man is not more than 70 years. It is foolish practice
to try for a long life. Death is an eternal reality. No man can pro-long hid life by artificial means.
Example (Jiggins).
The writer tells about a person jiggins who did man painful and funny exercise to pro-long his life. He died at an
early age in spite of tough exercises. He takes both every morning by jumping into the swimming pool. He takes a hot
sponge to open his pores. Secondly, He stands before an open window for half an hour to open his lungs. He puts on his
under shirt and perform Sandow exercise like a dog with his back up. He also lifts iron balls and runs around the room
madly at night. In his office, he used to be on his stomach on the floor and life himself up and down. Most of these exercises
are very funny and make us laugh. He remains busy all the time with these exercises to live a long life. But the irony is that
he died and early death inspite of these tough exercises. The writer points out that such people follow the wrong way. They
do slowly and steadily. Such people are not moderate and balance in their thinking there is no dought that exercise is good
to maintain good health. But excess of every thing is bad. We should live a balance life.

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