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New media is an effective means of communication in which it allows a huge increase

in the volume of communication. It has language compatibility, it is a user friendly media in

which it propagates social connections among people, it communicates a variety of

information to different people, it also influences younger generation and their social status is

also improved because of networking.

As women account for more than half of the world’s illiterate population, achieving

literacy could be one of the first steps to empower women to participate more equally in

society and free themselves from economic exploitation and oppression. The empowerment

of women and the improvement of their status, particular in respect to education, health and

economic opportunity is a highly important end in itself.

Every woman should work in an area that excites her and where there is a strong

desire to excel. The guiding principle should be the commitment to give her very best in any

profession she may choose. The path to achieve true success is to make sure one is always on

track with their goal and constantly updating their goal, skills and knowledge level.

In short, empowerment is a process of awareness and capacity building leading to

greater participation, to greater decision-making power and control, and to transformative


A woman has an extremely vital role in building the nation. For the nation and

economic progress, the great and powerful women force has to be taken note of and then their

status has to be raised and channelized in the proper direction. Of course women can excel in

any career that she chooses and play an extremely important role in shaping the world future.
The empowerment of women covers both an individual and collective transformation.

It strengthens their innate ability through acquiring knowledge, power and experience.

In this study, the women say that new media is fast, accurate, easy accessibility,

anytime and anywhere, user friendly, saves time, instant communication, rapid networking,

communication with relatives and friends who is in abroad, access information. Accessible

globally apart from this new media is also empowering women in education, employment,

providing business opportunities, social, political, economic, personal empowerment, self

help groups and academic information. Thus new media and people are closely

interdependent. Women are no exception since new media plays a very vital role in their


Women’s empowerment must evolve a new understanding of power and experiment

with ways of democratization and sharing power, building new mechanisms for collective

responsibility, decision making and accountability.

Empowerment therefore is a process aimed at changing the nature and direction of

systemic forces which marginalize women and other disadvantaged sections.

When women all over the world are empowered, especially in 3rd world countries, to

vote, to drive, to purchase, to think, to speak, to have rights to be HUMAN BEINGS then

maybe, it will be possible finally be able to achieve world peace.

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