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This chapter describes briefly about the background of raising the issue, the

research question, the research objective, the significance of study and

delimitation of the research

Background of Research

Speech in public speaking is a part of the human experience and is an important

form of communication O’Brien (2013, p. 3). Speeches ease the speakers or the

orators to interact with the listeners in order to discover the level of understanding

the ideas. This level of understanding happens when the genuine or the real

listening, the level of understanding, and the interaction with the ideas- achieved,

then the process of communication between the speakers and the listeners has

occurred. In this case, speech has a crucial contribution in helping the speakers to

attain their goals by transferring their ideas and point of view to the audiences.

Therefore, it is a point of urgency to understand that speech can be a strong

persuasive media where the audiences or the listeners may adopt the view of the

speakers. It is as an effort of convincing people to adopt the speakers’ position on

a particular subject. This particular purpose is more often found in political speech

rather than any other persuasive speeches such as the state speech, a speech for

welcoming a big day, and a speech event, since political speech’s position to

attract the listeners to support the speakers’ goal, to convince the audiences in

adopting their view, the ideas, ideologies, and the opinion of the politician.

Infinitely, politician needs speech as the powerful tool in convincing people. It is

necessary for the politician to transfer their ideologies and ideas softly so that the

audiences agree and support the political opinion.

Concerning, since the tendency of speech as a tool of persuading moreover for the

politician, it takes more awareness of the speaker especially the politician to use

speech to persuade people. However, the successfulness of a speech is also

depends on how the speaker deliver their speech. Therefore, different style is used

to gain the listeners’ belief and attention through speech.

Expending the material, stylistic generally is a way which is used by the speaker

in presenting their ideas in line with the purpose which is as its background

Aminuddin (1995, p. 121) there is a purpose delivered with the use of style in an

utterance, where style as the way to cover its purpose.

There is a function of stylistic using which has not been seen perfectly. As the

belief of Aminuddin (1995, p. 3) because the aspect of style is separated from the

stage of discovering ideas and the stage of arranging ideas to be delivered, then

people hugely connected the concept of style with its artistic function. The

functional aspect of the ideas that the style covers is less paid attention.

The function in stylistic unfortunately still takes less attention from some people,

by not considering the style is only a way to cover the real purpose or function

within its artistic. In that opinion also it is supported by Aminudin (1995, p.7) that

some forms of rhetoric such as repetition, parallelism, and hyperbole is used as

the way to cover the ideas.


Then what becomes another problem is that, Apparently, repetition is always seen

negatively since its weaknesses in repeating words. Whereas, repetition is also

one good style in order to make your sentence or ideas be emphasized by

repeating the speaker’s ideas. Properly, some politicians use repetition in their

speech, one among others is Hillary Clinton in her speech in Ohio October, 31

2016 Ohio, she stated that “You know, as Gabby says every day when she goes

out, fight, fight, fight. And fight she does. She fights to make sure that we save

lives and we prevent injuries and we do it together.” (Hillary Clinton, 2016)

In this speech Hillary was talking about saving the lives in America by ending the

epidemic of gun violence. The “fight” was repeated four times in the end of a line,

it makes this repetition is concluded in to Epistrophe. In this utterance, the

repetition of “fight” is included into repetition of word. Where “fight” is a single


She repeated the word “fight” to emphasize the audiences to fight the gun

violence. She repeats the word “fight” to bold line that someone strongly has

already supported her; there is an emphasizing of ideas happen in her utterances

through the word fight, this aims to gain the listeners to do the same action, in

which it is opposing the gun violence. By repeating the word “fight”, she aims to

attract the audiences to do the same thing, to support her policy particularly in this

case is against the gun violence.

Repetition in political speech is interesting to be analyzed, beside the position of

politician which demands them to attract the listeners’ belief and ideologies, also

the repetition itself that has always been seen negatively because its weaknesses,

whereas, repetition widely known as one good style and has a powerful effect on

persuading and emphasizing people. This is what the researcher wants to discover,

that repetition is a style with big function in the use.

Therefore, this research looks at how the repetition is used in political speeches, it

concerns at two things, first at the type of repetition and second at the function of

its repetition. It is concentrated on repetition as one of the stylistic devices used in

political speeches. The scope of this study is only focused on the repetition made

by two politicians, they are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as the

representative of the politician, and those politicians were taken because of some

considerations. Because as the American’s politicians where recently the eye of

the world has observed them intently, they are also two great politicians who have

a big influence to their country and world, and because their big position as the

politician by representing two big party in USA. It makes them would have a big

tendency to effect the audiences, in order to support their particular objective or


Based on those considerations, it is interesting to look at the style of repetition

made by those two politicians, thus it draws a line to a research entitled

“Repetition in Political Speeches Made by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.


Research questions

Based on the basic consideration and in order to figure the objective of this

research, the researcher seeks to formulate the information into a form of a


1. what are the types of repetitions in political speech made by Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton?

2. What are the functions of repetitions in political speeches made by Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton?

Research Objectives

To answer the research question, thus the objectives of this research are:

1. To find out the types of the repetition in political speeches made by

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

2. To investigate the function of repetitions which are made by Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Significance of the Research

This research is wisely expected to have significances for the readers, either

theoretically or practically. It could be seen as follows:

Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, this research is expected to contribute to development of

knowledge, particularly to the development of a study in linguistic


stylistic. The result of this research is expected to find the types of

repetition and to investigate the function of repetition in speech delivered

by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Moreover, theoritically, enhance

the source in analyzing repetition.

Practical Significance

Hopefully this research could contribute practically as a reference about

repetition as a style and its function in the study of linguistic particularly at

the English Education Study Program, further it also hopefully will be a

reference for students who want to conduct the same study in different


Delimitation of the Research

This research is focused on two major things, firstly finding out the types of

repetition in political speeches which are Anaphora, Epistrophe and Polysyndeton

and classified it based on its form which are words, phrases, and clauses.

Secondly investigating the function of those repetitions in political speeches

which are emphasizing, clarifying, and giving emotional function. As the

representative of the political speeches, this research only observed at two great

politicians’ speeches, they are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in which ten

speeches are taken.




This chapter provides some theoretical bases which are related to this research.

Those theories are Persuasive Speech, Political Speech as Persuasive Speech,

Repetition, and Figure of Repetition.

Persuasive Speech

Generally, one of the most important aspects in public speaking is speech; it helps

the speaker or the orators to attain their goals and also transfers the ideas and

point of view of the orators to the audiences through the words which indirectly

affecting the audiences. As also supported by (Godam, 2016, p.1) where speech is

an utterance with a good arrangement to be delivered to the people. Examples of

speech are like the state speech, a speech for welcoming the big day, a speech

event, and so forth.

A good speech can give a positive impression to the people who heard the speech.

The ability to form a good speech or speaking in public can help the speaker to

achieve a good career. It is also supported by (Hashim, 2015, p.223) who stated

speech is based on the facts that more continued to be displayed by using actions

and supported by the use of .

Regarding with the use of words, the main purpose of speech is to gain the

listeners. Thus, it is a speech to persuade people or obviously known as persuasive

speech. Goes further, massage is one of the most powerful elements in order to

gain the listeners. Argued by (Gregory, 2010, p.430) that the goal of public

speaking or speech in this case is to gain a response from your listeners- to get

them think, feel, or act in a certain way. It can be stated that, this is an act of

talking in from of public in order to inform to the listeners by giving their

arguments, ideas, also some facts to gain the listeners to think, believe and feel as

the speaker thought.

Influencing or persuading listeners or audience is one of the main goals in public

speaking particularly in speech. One type of speech which is emphasizing to this

aspect is persuasive speeches. Persuasive speeches according to Osborn and

Osborn (1997) as cited in (Watt & Barnet 2015, p.415) defined persuasion this

way: “the art of convincing others to give favorable attention to our point of

view”. Persuasive speeches must confront the complex challenge of influencing or

reinforcing people’s beliefs, attitudes, values, or actions, all characteristics that

may seem natural, ingrained, or unchangeable to an audience. (Watt & Barnett,

2015, p.415)

Gregory (2010, p: 135) stated that persuasive speech is a speech that can be

categorized to influence thinking which further is expected to motivate action.

Where she also stated that, it is an effort to convince people to adopt your position

on a particular subject. (If some listeners agree with your ideas even before you

speak, your job is to reinforce what they already think.)

To influence thinking means to gain a same agreement or intellectual agreement.

One way to influence thinking according to (Gregory, 2010, p.10) is refutation, in


which your main goal is to knock down arguments or ideas that you believe are

false. You may want to attack what another speaker has said, or you may want to

refute popularly held ideas or beliefs that you think are false.

Here are some samples of specific purpose statement for speech of refutation

according to (Gregory, 2010, p.10):

1. To persuade audience to reject the widespread belief. For example,

everyone needs to eat or consume carbohydrate 3 times per day.

2. To convince listeners to reject the idea that a natural disaster, call it

flooding can wash away people's homes.

3. To persuade audiences to disbelieve claims that psychologists cannot read

someone's behavior.

Refuting an argument is easier when the speakers are dealing with facts than when

they are dealing with deeply held beliefs. Suppose, for example the speakers are

going to convince the audience that drinking tea may be more beneficial than

drinking water in the morning. This belief can be supported with some opinions

that as a fact of some scientists. They can refute this idea by adding nutrition

which is supported by the experts who say that water offers no nutritional

advantages because it is simply a glass of water.

Further, it is to motivate action. Persuasive speeches attempt to influence or

reinforce actions and designed to motivate particular behaviors (Watt & Barnet,

2015, p.414). to motivate action by (Gregory, 2010, p.9) is an objective of


persuasive speech after giving the information to influence thinking. Thus, it

means influence thinking will not go so far from motivating action.

Through the facts and arguments that have been given by the speaker, it will

persuade the listeners to have an action on it. Once the speaker stated her or his

arguments on a speech, then that speech contains an objective to motivate action.

These kinds of objectives are obviously commonly found in political speech.

Political Speech as Persuasive Speech

Political speech is a kind of persuasive speech, in which it has a contribution on

persuading people for a particular intention. In politic, political speech holds an

important point where political language deals with the use of power to organize

people’s mind and opinion. It is an instrument used to control the society in

general. Speech heard by a lot of people, every person has different interpretations

that can influence the success of the candidates. Political speech can be seen as a

means of establishing and maintaining social relationships, expressing feelings,

and selling ideas, policies and programs in any society. (Hashim, 2015, p.223)

Political Speech by (Irimiea, 2010, p.3) refers to the regulation of a political unit

and to the methods and tactics used to formulate policy. It draws a line to a

conclusion that political speech deals with convincing people to think, act and

adopt the feeling, ideas policies, ideologies and etc.

(Reisigl, 2008, p. 243) as cited in (Fahmawi, 2014, p.103-115) explains that

political speeches could be defined as the art of a structured oral chain of coherent

speech given about a specific social or political event in order to serve a particular

purpose by a single person and used to address a specific audience. In addition to

that, speeches could differ from each other in length, topic and function (i.e. to

convince, warn, make arguments, give idea, etc.), according to the speaker,

audience, style, event and according to the aim. Generally speaking, political texts

are considered to be texts that are written to persuade, affect and change the public

opinions (Fairlough, 1995, p. 182) as site in Fahmawi (2014, p.103-115).

It draws a line to a conclusion that political speech is a speech which is aimed to

transfer ideas, ideologies and arguments, feelings, beliefs and etc in order to

persuade or affect the public.


In opinion of (Canning, 2004, p.15) Stylistics is the study of linguistic style,

whereas (theoretical) Linguistics is the study of linguistic form. Linguistic form is

generated from the components of language (sounds, parts of words, and words)

and consists of the representations - phonetic, phonological, morphological,

syntactic, semantic, pragmatic etc. He continuously enlighten that, the basic idea

of Stylistics is that a stylistic has an 'effect' (on the reader or the hearer), and that

it should be possible to understand that there is a relation between stylistic and

that effect.

A deeper insight into the multiple levels and units of analysis in language that can

help organize and shape a stylistic analysis is offered by Mick Short and Dawn

Archer. They start from the premises that language is an intricate web of levels,

layers and links. Thus, any utterance or piece of text is organized through several

distinct levels of language.

Phonology; phonetic stylistic studies the style of the sound of spoken language;

the way words are pronounced, graphology stylistic studies the style of the pattern

of the written language; the shape of the language on the page. Morphological

stylistic studies about the style of the way words are constructed; words and their

constituent structures. Syntactic stylistic; grammatical stylistic studies the style of

the way words combine with other words to form phrases and sentences, lexical

stylistic studies the style of the words we use; the vocabulary of a language.

Semantic stylistic is the style of the meaning of words and sentences, and

pragmatic stylistic which studies the style of the way words and sentences are

used in everyday situations; the meaning of language in context. Alfadil (2013,

29-31) thus, in stylistic, there are some level of analysis as how the linguistic level

does, where it studies about the style of language in different level of linguistics


Widdowson as cited in (Khander, 2017, p.1-14) he stated that stylistic is an

intensive study of literary text on an advanced level, by making out the particular

effect of the particular choice of language in literary communication. Supported

by Thomas S. Kane as cited in (Khander, 2017, p. 9) style is a pattern of linguistic

features distinguishing one piece of writing from another, or one category of

writings from another, therefore, style includes the writer’s way of thinking about

his subject and his characteristic way of presenting it for a particular purposes.

Style results from linguistic choices, which effectively express the writers’ unique

thought and feeling. Linguistic is not, and will never be the whole of literary

analysis, and only the literary analyst- not the linguist- can determine the place of

linguistic in literary study. But if a text is to be described at all, then it should be

described properly, by the theories and methods developed in linguistics, whose

tasks is precisely to show how language works.

In other opinion, G. N Leech as cited in in (Khander, 2017, p. 10), he stated that

stylistic is a linguistic approach to literature, explaining the relation between

language and artistic function.

In conclusion, stylistic is the study of linguistic style, it examines oral and written

text in order to determine the characteristic of the linguistic properties, in which

the stylistic is explaining about the relation between language and its artistic

function, where the structure or the pattern may influence the perception.

Theory of Word, Phrases and Clauses

In opinion of Murthy (2010, 7-197) he delivered word, phrases and clauses into

some classes. Those classes are described as bellow.


Words are used for different purposes. They in other words perform a variety of

functions. (Murthy, 2010, p.7) The class of words is divided into:



In opinion of Murthy (2010, p.12) noun is a word used to name a person, place,

thing, an idea or quality of mind. Noun is divided into first, common noun: named

common to every person or thing of the same class, ex: boy. Second proper noun:

name of some particular person or place, ex: Indonesia. Third, collective noun; the

name of collection of things or persons, ex: army. Fourth, concrete noun: a thing

that touchable or can be seen, ex: room. Fifth, abstract noun: a quality, action or

state, ex: joy. Sixth: countable noun is a thing that can be counted, ex: student.

Seventh: uncountable noun is the name of a thing that cannot be counted, ex:

milk. Eighth: material noun is the name of a material or substance out of which

things are made, ex: gold. Further, a noun has two numbers which are the singular

numbers, it is a noun denotes one person or things, ex: boy, man. And The plural

numbers, it denotes more than one person or thing, ex: trees, men.


In opinion of Murthy (2010, p. 32) A word used to express the quality, quantity,

number and to point out the person or thing is regarded as an adjective. It is

divided into first adjective of quality: a quality of a person or thing, ex: wealthy.

Second adjective of quantity: talk about quantity of things, ex: little. Third

adjective of Number: the number of things or persons, ex: five, few. Fourth,

demonstrative Adjective: used to point out which person or thing we speak about,

ex: this that. Fifth, distributive Adjective: refer to each and every person or thing

separately, ex: each, every. Sixth, interrogative adjective: used to question, ex:

what, which, whose. Seventh possessive adjective: talk about ownership or

possession, ex: my, your. Eight emphasizing adjective: emphasize a noun, ex:

own, very. Sixth exclamatory Adjective: the word ‘what’, ex: what a beauty!

Tenth proper adjective: derived from a proper name ex: Indian army.


In accordance with Murphy (2010, p. 60) A word in place of nouns named as a

Pronoun. Ex: I, we, you, she, he, it. Further it divided into firstly, personal

pronoun: a pronoun used for three persons. For first person, it is a pronoun used

for the person speaking, ex: I, we. For second person, it is a pronoun used for the

person spoken to, ex: you. And for third person, it is a pronoun used for the

person spoken of, ex: he, she, it. Secondly, reflexive pronoun: a pronoun used

with self or selves of the every on the subject, ex: myself, himself, etc. Thirdly is

emphatic pronoun: used for the sake of emphasis, ex: I myself, he himself etc.

Fourth demonstrative pronoun: used to pint out the person or thing we talk about,

ex: this, that. Fifth is indefinite pronoun: talk about a person or a thing

indefinitely, ex: one, something. Sixth interrogative pronoun: used to make a

question, ex: who, whose. Seventh distributive pronoun: talk about each and every

person separately, ex: each, none. Eighth reciprocal pronoun: talk about mutual

relationship, ex: each other. Ninth relative pronoun: combine or relate sentences

or clauses together, ex: who. Tenth relative compound pronoun: compounded with

the word ever, ex: whoever, whenever. And eleventh possessive pronoun: express

possession or ownership, ex: mine, his.



According to Murthy (2010, p. 81) verb is described as a word which is used to

indicate an action, a state of being of existence or possession. There are two kinds

of verbs in English, namely finite verb and non finite verb. Finite verb is a verb

shows times or limited by number, person, gender of the subject. Ex: Madhavi

writes letters. Note: All lexical verb including ‘be’ and its forms are finite verbs.

Non finite verb is a verb which does not show time or a verb which is not limited

by number, person and tense of the subject. Ex: Padma tries to sing. There are

three kinds of non-finite in English, namely Infinitive, it is formed by placing ‘to’

before the root verb, ex: root verb = write. Infinite = to write. Second is gerund, it

is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb, ex: Gerund = writing. And third is

participle, it is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb. The gerund and the

present participle have the same form but gerund is a verbal noun and the present

participle is a verbal adjective.

Auxiliary Verbs

Murthy (2010, p. 122) stated auxiliary verb is a verb which helps other verbs to

form different tenses. It divided into two kinds named primary auxiliaries, verbs

used to form negatives, questions and tenses, ex: am, was, do, have, is, were,

does, has, are, been, did, had. And modal auxiliaries, verbs used to express

various moods and mental attitudes like hope, expectations, possibility and

futurity are known as modal auxiliaries. Ex: can, may, will, shall, must/have,

could, might, would, should, need, dare, ought to, used to. (Murthy, p. 122)


According to Murthy (2010, p.165) Adverb is a word which modifies the meaning

of a verb, an adjective or another adverb is known as an adverb. Ex: she writes

quickly. Adverbs are divided into first adverb of manner: show how an action is

done, ex: quickly. Second adverb of Place: show where an action is done, ex:

here. Third adverb of time: show when an action is done, ex: now. Fourth adverb

of frequency: show how often an action is done, ex: once. Fifth adverb of

certainty: show how definiteness of an action, ex: surely. Sixth adverb of degree:

show how much or in what degree or to what extent an action is done, ex: very.

Seventh interrogative adverb: used to ask question, ex: where, when. eighth

relative adverb: relate two clauses or statements, ex: where, when, why.


According to Murthy (2010, p.197) Conjunction is a word joins together

sentences or words and clauses is known as conjunction. Conjunction is divided

into first co-ordinating conjunctions: used to join together one to another, ex:

word with word, phrase with phrase and clause with clause. Second compound

conjunction: group of words used as conjunctions, ex: in order that, as though.

Third coordinating conjunction: join together equal clauses, ex: and, also. And

subordinating conjunction: used to join clauses of unequal rank, ex: if, while.


Murthy (2010, p.209) define a phrase is a group of words which does not make a

complete sense. Phrase are divided into:


Noun Phrases

A noun phrase is a phrase that does the workd of the noun. Optional


Ex : A great English teacher Teacher = noun; a, great, English = modifiers.

Verb Phrases

Sometimes a sentence can communicate its meaning with a one-word verb. The

pattern looks like this: Auxiliary verb+main verb+verb ending (when necessary)

ex : Had cleaned, Had = auxiliary verb; clean = main verb; ed = verb ending.

Infinitive Phrases

An infinitive phrase will begin with an infinitive [to + simple form of the

verb+object]. It will often include objects and/or modifiers that complete the

thought. Ex: To slurp spaghetti. Infinitive phrases can function as nouns,

adjectives, or adverbs.

Adjective Phrase

a group of word which does the work of adjective. Ex: the man with wife is my


Adverb Phrase

a group of words which does the work of an adverb. Ex: he was driving a car with

high speed.

Prepositional Phrases

At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with

a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.



In the belief of Murthy (2010, p. 2012) Clauses are group of words which has a

subject and a predicate of its own. Clauses are divided into independent clauses

and dependent clause. Independent clause contains both a subject and a verb and

can stand alone as a sentence and dependent clauses contains both a subject and a

verb, but cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses are introduced into

several classes pointed out by the theory of Murthy (2010, p. 212-217)

Noun clauses

Subordinators are what, where, why, how, where, when, who whom, which,

whose, whether, that, if. Ex: He knows that his business will be successful.

That there is a hole in the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere is well known

Adjective clauses

Subordinators are : who, whom, which, whose, that, where, when

Ex: Men who are not married are called bachelors.

Adverb clauses

Adverb clause is a group of words which contains a subject and predicate and

does the work of an adverb. Adverb is divided into first adverb of time: used to

indicate time. Ex: When he won the money, he decided to buy a car. Second

adverb of place: used to indicate place. Ex : She drove wherever she wanted.

Thirds adverb of reason : used to indicate a cause. Ex : She got a parking ticket

because she parked illegally. Fourth adverb of purpose: used to indicate purpose.

Ex : He drove fast so that he could get to work on time. Fifth adverb of result: Ex :

He drove so fast that he got a speeding ticket. Sixth adverb of condition: indicate

condition. Ex : If she hadn’t won the lottery, she would have been very unhappy.

Tenth adverb of concession: indicate supposition, Ex : Although she thought she

was a good driver, she got a lot of tickets for speeding.


In conducting a good speech, there are some ways in wording a speech.

According to Gregory (2010, p. 353-355) using stylistic device are artful

arguments of words to make one’s remarks more interesting and memorable.

Repetition itself is one of the widely used syntactic stylistic devices.

Additionally, she assumed that there are four elements of the most popular

devices. Those are alliteration, antithesis, and parallel structure and repetition.

Firstly alliteration, it is the use of successive words that begins with the same

consonant sound, secondly antithesis, it is a device in which sharply contrasting

ideas are juxtaposed in a balance structure, and lastly parallel structure and

repetition, those are one way of taking rhythmic patterns. One such pattern is

parallel structure, or the repetition of a grammatical structure. Words, phrases, or

clauses are arranged in parallel form. When using parallel structure and repetition

the words being pleasant to the ear and easy to remember.

However, logically these four elements generally are repetitions. Alliteration is

repetition of the same consonant, antithesis is a repetition of ideas in structural

sentences, and parallel structure and repetition (words, phrases, clauses and

sentence) are a combination of parallel sentences which also contain repetition

(words, phrases, clauses and sentence).


Detailed, the theory of (Burton, 2006, p.1) about repetition particularly its types

are the best option of this study, where he delivers repetition into Repetition of

letters, syllables, or sounds, Repetition of words, phrases, and clauses, and

Repetition of ideas. However, this research only focuses on the theory of

repetition of words, phrases, and clauses in which commonly found where he

divided it into Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton

Tied to repetition, frankly repetition is seen negatively by the speakers, yet in fact

repetition is one of the most powerful rhetorical devices which are commonly

used in speech particularly political speech. The aim of using repetition is to

emphasize ideas, points, or ideologies to the audiences or the listeners. It is one

way out to persuade people by repeating words, phrases, clauses and or sentence

which work effectively.

Figure of Repetition

Detailed, according to (Burton, 2006, p.1), Repetition is divided into Repetition of

letters, syllables, or sounds, Repetition of words, phrases, clauses and Repetition

of ideas. However, this research only focuses on the theory of repetition of words,

phrases, and clauses which are Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton.

Those theories will be used as the indicator in determining the repetition in

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s speeches. Generally, the figure of repetition

of words, phrases and clauses in accordance to (Burton, 2006, p.1) are:



Repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive

clauses, sentences, or lines. It is the opposite of Epistrophe.

Example, Martin Luther King I Have a Dream

I have a dream that my four little children will..

I Have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia..

I Have a dream today!

In that speech, Martin Luther King repeated the main clause I Have a Dream

many times. This clause was stated at the beginning of successive sentences and

being found in different lines or sentences.


This kind of repetition is repeating words at the ending of a series of lines,

phrases, clauses, or sentences with the same word or words. It is the opposite of


Example, in Obama’s speech on November 04 2008 “This alone is not the

change we seek, it is only the chance for us to make that change.”

In Obama’s speech, he repeated the same word change two times at the ending of

a series of sentences but still in the same line. This repetition is included into



Employing many conjunctions between clauses. Grammatically, using too many

conjunction is not appropriate, but in other hand by using many conjunction

between clauses may create a strong statement which emphasizing the listeners.

(Burton, 2010, p.1)

Example, in Obama’s speech “I love this country, and so do you, and so does

John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be

Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and

bled together and some died together under the same proud flag.”

In that speech, Obama repeated the conjunction and four times in his successive

sentences. In which the word and is not really necessary to be repeated many

times at the same lines, but it is done as a style to have an emphasizing for each

word or statement.

Characteristic of Repetition and Its Function

From some experts it can be assumed that, to understand about repetition deeper,

it is necessary knowing the characteristics of repetition itself. Repetition is a

stylistic device which occurs when the words are being repetitive in spoken or

utterances and in written form, in order as an emphasizing to gain the listeners,

give a memorable statement, and influence through repeating those successive


Repetition which is done intentionally can give a powerful strength on to the

statement in the speech. (Reynolds, 1995, p.26) That in repetition, the speaker

would show no doubt as also supported by Johnstone et al., (1994, p.13-14). The

use of repetition is commonly found in political speeches to support policies or

particular intention and objective of the speaker more often. Thus, it can be

concluded that repetition in political speech has already been prepared or arranged

deliberately to give specific influence, since in giving a speech in front of public

the speaker will firstly prepare the matters of speech itself to create a powerful

repetition. This kind of arranging is also connected with the use of stylistic device

which is in this discussion is repetition.

Furthermore, about the characteristic of repetition according to (Reynolds, 1995

p.26), seeing from the quantity side, repetition is a existence of words which occur

more than once, in other words, a word that is repeated more than once is

concluded in to repetition, no matter if those words are only spoken twice it can

also be concluded in to repetition. Related to the quantity of repetition, in opinion

of (Gregory, 2010, p.1-10), one important thing of the repetition characteristic is

parallelism. Commonly, since repetition aims to attract audiences’ attention,

intention and aid memories, then it is often found in the form of parallelism to still

have connection or link in the sentences.

When we talk about repetition as strategies in rhetoric, repetition also has its own

function. In stylistic, there are some function mentioned, for example in opinion

of (Burton, 2010, p.2) who stated that repetition is a major rhetorical strategy for

giving emphasis, clarity, or emotional function.

The emphasizing of utterances will also probably happen in sentences, this thing

is aimed to ease the listeners to memorize the importance of the massage.

(Reynolds, 1995, p.26), In the opinion of (Zimmer, 2011, p.1) the emphasizing

function, it is often found that the key words or ideas are emphasized, often with

great emotional pull of the speaker to try in emphasizing.

Further (Al-Khafaji, 2005, p.6) believes that repetition and the different forms it

takes in human language has attracted a lot of attention lately, that repetition can

have an emotional function and can be as a universal persuasive device in

argument by repeating words that have already used either exactly in the same

form or with some changes.

It also suggest that these media can be disruptive for communicating content and

intent behind messages, and can help to clarify what is meant. Derks et al. (2008)

as cited in Jackson (2016, p.325) then the clarifying function help the speaker to

transperant the problem or clarify the meant of the speaker through the use of


(Johnstone et al., 1994, p. 13-14) expressed that in repetition, we also need to

stare at its functions which are didactically, emotionally, and expressively;

repetition can be used for emphasis or iteration, clarification, confirmation; it can

incorporate foreign words into a language, in couplets, serving as a resource for

enriching the language.


Engaged to the emotional function of repetition, the theory of Zimmer (2011, p.1)

stated that emotional function can be very dramatic. Such as problems, moments,

domination, togetherness, and ability, which it can be assumed that it using brings

or evokes emotion from different type. Lastly, repetition is closely related to these

characteristics and functions, even if the repetition only has one among those.

Previous Study

There are some recent studies that supported this research. First, a research

conducted by Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep in 2012 “A Study of Some Linguistic

Features of Barac Obama’s English Speeches”. This study aims to analyze the

stylistic features of Barack Obama’s English speeches (ESs) in order to help

Vietnamese learners of English understand and grasp the distinctive

characteristics of this kind of language. The similarity from the previous research

and this research is the focus of the analysis, stylistic feature in political speech.

However, there are some differences between this research and the previous

research, she investigated linguistic features generally while the researcher only

focuses on repetition of words, phrases and clauses, and second in her analysis

about repetition she investigated the repetition in Obama’s speeches, while the

researcher focuses on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Second is a research conducted by Martina Forraiova in 2011, “The Use and

Function of Repetition in Political Speeches” The aim of this research is to

evaluate specific uses and functions of repetition as well as to find out what kind

of repetition is the most commonly used type in the studied political speeches of

Barack Obama. The similarity of the research by Martin Forraiova and this

research is the focus of analysis which is the repetition. Then the difference is this

research focuses on repetition of words, phrases and clauses while that research

focuses on the repetition generally and pointed out the function both as stylistic

and as an error ,besides also the object of that research is Obama’s speeches,

while the object of this research is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s speeches.

Third is a reseach conducted by El Mustapha Lahlali in 2011, “The Repetition and

Ideology in Nasrallah’s Political Speeches, this research examines the function of

repetition made by Arabic political speech in Arabic language. The simmilarity

from the previous research and this research is the function in political speeches.

The differences are the previous research only examine the function of repetition,

while this research examines also the types of that repetition and its function,

second the previous research analyzed repetition in Arabic while this research is

repetition in English speeches, and third the previous research looked at the

Nashrallah’s political speeches while this research is Donald Trump and Hillary


Fourth a research conducted by Bilal, Mustafa, and Erdogan in 2010 “Types ad

Function of Repetitions in the Narrations of Turkish Speakers of French”. This

research looked at the frequency of word level repetition for the turkish students

who learn french. The similarity from the previous study and this study is both

examined the repetition. The difference is the previous study examined the word

level only while this research is word, phrase, and clause, and the previous study

examined students who learn French while this study examined the political


Fifth a research conducted by Nino Kemertelidze, and Tamar Manjavidze in 2013

“Stylistic Repetition, Its Peculiarities and Types in Modern English”. This

research examined the types of repetition and its function in any kind of literary

text. The similarity of the previous research and this research is both analyzed the

repetition and its function. The difference is the previous study look at the types

of repetition in all types such as syllables, sounds, words and does not observe the

form of that type deeply only to its function. While this research observed at the

form of words, phrases, and clauses deeply. Second the previous research

analyzed all the literary text while this research analyzed the political speech only

made by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.




This chapter consists of the methodology of research, in which are what is the

method to be used, what is the data and source of the data, how to collect the data,

and how to analyze that data. Those parts are described in detail in this chapter.

Method of Research

This research is designed to apply qualitative method. Qualitative method can be

defined as a descriptive data whether written or oral which can be used or

observed in this research. Those data according to Huberman (2014, p. 15) may be

collected in various ways (observation, interviews, documents, tape recordings)

and processed through (recording, typing, editing, or over-write). Since this

research applies the qualitative method, it means that the data in this research are

the utterances of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that contained repetition of

words, phrases, and clauses are analyzed and described in form of words or

sentences, and not in the form of numbers.

The Data and Source of the Data

this research is conducted to investigate the repetition in political speech, then the

data of this research are the utterances in five speeches by Donald Trump and five

speeches by Hillary Clinton which contained the repetition of words and

repetition of phrases and clauses, those repetitions Anaphora, Epistrophe, and

Polysyndeton. The source data of this research is the speeches (five speeches by

Donald Trump and five speeches by Trump) and the transcript of the speeches.

Those speeches are gotten or collected by downloading from the existing videos

from, while for the transcript are gotten from internet. The

transcripts of Trump are gotten from the official website of white and the transcripts of Hillary are gotten from internet

and official website of Hillary, those speeches further are

saved in to the form of Microsoft office word.

Technique of Collecting the Data

The qualitative data can be gotten from various techniques of collecting. Those

data according to Huberman (2014, p. 15) may be collected in various ways

(observation, interviews, documents, tape recordings) and processed through

(recording, typing, editing, or over-write). Since this research focuses on

repetition in political speeches thus the technique of collecting the data in this

research is through the observation. This technique is used to observe the source

of data in detail to find the qualified data; this qualified data further ease the

researcher in analyzing the data. Besides, this research uses the theory of Burton

(2010, p.1) about the types of repetition, particularly Anaphora, Epistrophe, and

Polysyndeton and its function of using the repetition. The observation is done

either in the videos of the speeches or in the transcript of the speeches. Further,

the videos are watched many times and the transcripts are read many times to get

a better comprehension.

After comprehending either the speeches or the transcript, then the researcher

discovers the utterances that contained the repetition of words. Thus, the data are

set into the data card that consists of the data and the interpretation of the data, in

this step the data are still considered as raw data.

Technique of Analyzing the Data

Technique of analyzing the data is one important part in this research. After the

data are collected, then it is going to be analyzed. In the step of analyzing the data,

the researcher uses the stages of qualitative analysis from Huberman (2014, p.17)

that appropriate to conduct this research. Thus, the data are analyzed by following


Data Reduction

In this step, the researcher identifies the data or utterances in detail by line to line,

in order to get a better comprehend about the utterances which contain the

representation of repetition. In this step, the researcher identifies which data are

taken and which are not. Further, the data that already reduced give the specific

portrait and making the researcher more able in identifying the next data and also

looking for the other data if it is needed. The longer the researcher being in the

field, the more the data would be and the more complex it is. Thus, data reduction

is needed.

Data Display

After reducing the data, the next step of analysis is display data. In this step, the

process of analyzing is started. These data are displayed in narrative form; this

step eases the researcher to comprehend what has occurred in the field and plan

the next analysis. In this step the researcher form some relevant data to be

information which can be concluded and has a particular meaning. This process is

through making a connection in a phenomenon to understand what has already

happened to conclude the function of repetition uttered by the speaker. Those

phenomenon could be the resent issues, the context (where, to whom it stated,

who is the speaker, their social status, their objectives in politics, and etc), the

stressed of intonation, and etc. (Jackson, 2016, p.256) After analyzing the data, then

the data are organized into Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton based on the

theory of Burton (2010, p.1)

Verification of the Data (Conclusion Drawing)

The final step is making a conclusion and verifying the data. The previous

conclusion which is displayed is still a temporary conclusion, further it is possible

changed if there are new data or strong evidences which support the next data

collection. This step is called verification. If the conclusion in this step is

supported by the strong evidence, which means consistent between the conclusion

and the data or the source of the data when the researcher reviewing the data or

the source of the data. Thus, the conclusion that has been made or gotten is

credible. This process is done until the data is saturated which means that no more

information is obtained.


Research and Findings and Discussion

This chapter contains the analysis of repetition in the speech of Donald Trump

and Hillary Clinton by applying the theory of Gideon O’ Burton (2010, p.1) in

categorizing the types of repetition and analyzing the function of the repetition.

There will be two parts in this chapter, the first part presents the data that contain

the analysis of how repetition used in political speeches, and the second part

presents the discussion of the repetition analysis. Thus the analysis will answer

the research question written at the first chapter.

Research Finding

There are ten speeches were taken as the analysis for the purpose of answering the

research question. In order to ease the process in this chapter, the research finding

will be delivered firstly based on the types of the repetition which are Anaphora,

Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton, and analyzed based on its form which are words,

phrases, and clauses, and secondly these repetition will be analyzed based on the

function which are emphasizing, clarifying, and giving emotional function.

Further for the ten speeches will be arranged as firstly, the speech that delivered

by Donald Trump about his “Foreign Policy Remarks” is named Speech 1, the

speech about “Speak against M-13 Gang” is named speech 2, the speech about

“Joint Address to Congress” is named speech 3, the speech about “Speech to

Crowd in Poland” is named speech 4, the speech about “Speech to Muslim

Countries” is named Speech 5.


secondly the speech that delivered by Hillary Clinton about “A Speech at

Wellesley Collage” is named Speech 6, the speech about “Goes After Trump’s

Controversial Altright Supporters” is named speech 7, and the speech about

“Presidential DNC” is named Speech 8, the speech about “Speech at American

Legion” is named Speech 9, and the speech about “Trump’s Foreign Policy” is

named Speech 10.

Types of Repetition

In this part, the research question number one is answered. This research only

focuses on the most common repetition of words, phrases, and clauses which

commonly found named Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton based on the

theory of (Burton, 2010, p.1).


Anaphora is the repetition happens at the beginning of successive clauses or

sentences. The analysis of Anaphora will be softly delivered into words, phrase,

and clauses according to the speech number stated at the previous introduction.


Words are a part of sentences which is above the level of morpheme and bellow

the level of phrase, in which consist of syllables and have its own meaning. It is

further can be indentify based on such criteria.


Datum #1
“They, butcher those little girls. They, kidnap, they extort, they rape and
they rob. They prey on children. They shouldn’t be here.” (Speech 2,
There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“they”. This word “they” is included into a class of pronoun used to place the

noun of “MS-13” which is the criminal gang the vile criminal cartel. This pronoun

is included into personal pronoun of third person. Here as the personal pronoun of

third person “they” stands as people who is talking about in the utterance, further

it is a plural form of all genders in subjective case.

Datum #2
“From day one. We love our police. We love our sheriffs. And we love our
ICE officers. And they have been working hard. (Applause) Thank you.”
(Speech 2, 17:00)
There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“love”. This word is included into a class of verb that works to tell about the

action that is done by the subject. This verb “love” is a kind of finite verb, it is the

main verb in the statement and shows the time in the utterance which the form

limited by the person and the tense. It is the present form of the verb (V1), in

which it shows the time in present.

Datum #3

“I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength... Our allies

will find that America is once again ready to lead. (Applause.) All the
nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong,
America is proud, and America is free.” (Speech 3, 04:00)

There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“America”. This word “America” is categorized into a class of noun which


explains the name of a place in particular. It is included into a kind of proper

noun, a noun given for indicated some particular person or places, in this case is a

particular name of a place in Europe in which it is a named of a country.

Datum #4

“This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one
people, with same destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the
same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
(Applause.)” (Speech 3, 58:48)

There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance particularly at the word

“we”. This word “we” is categorized into a class of pronoun that is used in order

to place noun, that is the speaker Donald Trump and the audiences. This pronoun

further is included into a kind of personal pronoun, in this case the personal

pronoun “we” is included into personal pronoun of third person in which it is used

for first person plural for both gender masculine or feminine gender.

Datum #5

“So it is with true admiration that I can say today, that from the farms and
villages of your countryside to the cathedrals and squares of your great
cities, Poland lives, Poland prospers, and Poland prevails. (Applause.)
(Speech 4 07:23)

There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“Poland”. The word “Poland” itself is included into a class of adjective. It is

included into a proper adjective. Where the word “Poland” is derived based on its

proper name in which it is a name of a country, and is used to state about an

ownership of the Poland country, in which those are “lives”, “prospers”, and

“prevails “that all of them are goes to the possession or to the ownership of a

proper adjective which is “Poland”


Datum #6
“Trump has proposed,..He may have some new people putting new words in
his mouth... He would form a deportation force to round up millions of
immigrants... He’d abolish the bedrock constitutional principle... He says
that children born into undocumented parents in America are “anchor
babies” and should be deported... And he’d ban Muslims around the
world....” (Speech 7, 16:10)
There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“he”. This word is included into a class of pronoun used to place a noun. The

noun that is talking is “Donald Trump”, as already stated at the first statement.

The other occurrences are then placed by the pronoun “he”. Further, this pronoun

“he” is a kind of third personal pronoun, it is used for the person we are speaking

of or we are talking about. Thus in this utterance, the speaker is talking about

“Donald Trump”, further is the singular form of a masculine gender.

Datum #7

“We have the most dynamic and diverse people in the world. We have the
most tolerant and generous young people we’ve ever had. We have the most
powerful military. The most innovative entrepreneurs. The most enduring
values.” (Speech 8, 11:20)

There is a repetition of Anaphora in this utterance particularly at the verb “have”.

this words is included into a class of a verb because it shows about the action in

one statement which is done by the subject. It shows the possession of the noun

“we” in this utterance. Further, this verb “have” is included into a kind of finite

verb, where it shows about the time or the tense, it is the first form (V1), therefore

it shows the form of time in present.


Datum #8

“Now imagine Donald Trump sitting in the Situation Room, making life-or-
death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding
whether to send your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not
just his Twitter account at his disposal when he’s angry, but America’s
entire arsenal.” (Speech 10, 30:48)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“imagine”. This word “imagine” is included into a class of verb, it aimed to show

the action which is done by the subject. The verb “imagine” is a kind of finite

verb where it could show the time happened in the utterance limited on its subject,

It is the main verb or the present form (V1) “imagine”, and it describes an action

which happens at the present.

Datum # 9

“American families and American workers – and we will. But don’t let
anyone tell you that America isn’t great. Donald Trump’s got America all
wrong. We are a big-hearted, fair-minded country. (speech 10, 32:24)

There is a representation of Anaphora in this utterance, particularly at the word

“America”. This word “America” is categorized into a class of noun. In this

utterance, as a noun, the word “America” explains the name of a place in

particular. Therefore, this noun “America” is included into a kind of proper noun.

Proper noun is the name of a noun given for indicated some particular person or

places, and in this case the noun “America” is a particular name of a place in

Europe in which it is a named of a big country.



Phrases are group of words which consist of a modifier and a word that is

modified. In this part of analysis, there are two classes of phrases included into

Anaphora, those data are as follow.

Datum # 10

“He negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran, and then we watched them
ignore its terms even before the ink was dry. Iran cannot be allowed to have
a nuclear weapon. Cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed
to have nuclear weapon.” (Speech 1, 13:27)

There is a representation of a repetition in this utterance, particularly at phrase

“cannot be allowed”. This phrase is included into a class of verb phrase where it

is formed by modal auxiliary “cannot” which helps the main verb “be allowed”

which is a passive form by adding to be “be”, and past participle “allowed”. This

main verb is categorized as finite verb, because the auxiliary only helps the main

verb to modify the meaning of ability and shows the time of the utterance, where

the tense show in present time, while the real action happened at the “be allowed”.

Datum #11

“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United
States of America. (Applause.) (Speech 2, 55:13)”

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the phrase

“my job”. This phrase is included into a class of noun phrase. It is concluded into

noun phrase because it does the work of the noun and it does not make a complete

sentence. Further, this noun phrase is formed by adding the possessive adjective

“my” which show an ownership and the noun “job”. This possessive adjective

“my” modified the head noun “job”, and form a complete noun phrase “my job”.


Clauses are group of words which consist of subject and a predicate but it does

not form a full part of sentence. In this part, there are six data included into

Anaphora, those are as follow.

Datum #12
I am the only person running for the presidency who understands this and
this is a serious problem. I’m the only one, believe me, I know them all, I’m
the only one who knows how to fix it. (speech 1, 11:30)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the clause

“I’m the only one”. Even though at the first representation it only stated “I’m the

only person” and at the two other representations stated “I’m the only one” but

the object in this sentence is still refers to the same object which is the speaker.

Therefore, this is still considered as a repetition. The clause “I’m the only one” is

a class of independent clause because it can stand by itself. The clause “I’m the

only one” has one subject which is “I” and one predicate which has formed by

verb “am” and a noun phrase “the only one” as the subject complement.

Datum #13

“A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and
extremists. Drive. Them. Out. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of
worship, DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities, DRIVE THEM OUT
of your holy land, and DRIVE THEM OUT OF THIS EARTH. (speech 5,

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the clause

“drive them out”. This clause is a kind of principal clause or independent clause,

where this group of words can stand independently and contain subject “you” and

predicate “drive them out” where the predicate consist of verb “drive” object

“them” and adverb “out”, even though the subject “you” was hidden in the

utterance, but it still exist, the subject could also hidden if it probably has been

understood, and in this clause, the subject “you” has been understood in the use of

the clause “drive them out”.

Datum # 14

“It matters because if our leaders lie about the problems we face, we’ll
never solve them. It matters because it undermines confidence in
government as a whole, which in turn breeds more cynicism and anger, but
it also matters because our country, like this College, was founded on the
principles of the Enlightenment— (speech 6, 13:22)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the clause

“it matters”, even though at the third occurrence the clause becomes “it also

matters”, by adding the word “also”, but the repetition of clause is still considered

as “it matters” because the adding of word “also” is only functionated as the

adverb to declare an agreement with the previous clauses in a positive statement,

without changing the real meaning. Further, this group of words contains subject

and predicate to form a part of sentence. The clause “it matters” itself is a kind of

principal clause or independent clause. Where the subject is “it” and the predicate

is “matters” form an independent clause where it can stand by itself.

Datum # 15

“Do it for yourselves. Do it for truth and reason. Do it because the history
of Wellesley and this country tells us it’s often during the darkest times
when you can do the most good. Double down on your passions.” (speech 6,

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the clause

“do it”. This group of words “do it” form a part of sentence in which it makes this

group of words become clause. Then this contain subject and predicate, the

subject is “you” that is omitted in this utterance because the consideration that the

subject is already understood, and the predicate “do” and the object “it” to form a

part of sentence. The clause “do it” itself is a kind of principal clause or

independent clause. Where this clause “do it” can stand by itself.

Datum #16

If you believe that companies should share profits .. If you believe the
minimum wage should be a living wage...If you believe that every man,
woman, and child in America has the right to affordable health care…If you
believe that we should say “no” to unfair trade deals … If you believe we
should expand Social Security ..And yes, if you believe that your working
mother, wife, sister, or daughter deserves equal pay … join us(speech 8,

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

clause “if you believe”. This clause is a kind of subordinating clause where this

clause cannot stand by itself, because this clause needs another clause to fulfill its

meaning. This subordinate clause is included into a kind of adverb clause of

condition. It introduced by the word “if” to shows a condition, the subject “you”

and the predicate of its own “believe”, and this clause works as the adverb in the


Datum #17

“We stand up to regimes that abuse human rights. We stand up for

religious and ethnic minorities, for women, for people with disabilities and
we comport ourselves with honor.” (speech 9 14:20)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the clause

“we stand up”. This group of words contains a subject and a predicate of its own

which form a part of sentence in this utterance. The subject in this clause is the

pronoun “we” and the predicate is the phrasal verb “stand up”. In this clause, the

phrasal verb is a phrase which combines by the main verb “speak” and a particle

preposition “up”, which when it combined it shows a different meaning from the

original verb “stand”, where the phrasal verb “stand up” has another meaning

which refers to the position of the speaker of the ideas in the statement. Where the

first occurrence “stand up to” means to fight, and the second occurrence “stand up

for” means defend.


Epistrophe is the repetition happens at the ending of successive clauses or

sentences. The analysis of Epistrophe will be softly delivered into words, phrase,

and clauses according to the speech number stated at the previous introduction


Words are a part of sentences which is above the level of morpheme and bellow

the level of phrase, in which consist of syllables and have its own meaning. It is

further can be indentify based on such criteria.

Datum #1
“Then we saved the world again. This time, from totalitarianism and
communism. The cold war lasted for decades, but guess what, we won and
we won big.” (Speech 1 08:18)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“won”. The word “won” is included into a class of verb. In which it describes or

indicates an action of the pronoun “we” in this utterance. As a verb, this word

“won” is included into a finite verb, it describes about the time according to its

tense. Further, this verb “won” is a kind of past tense, from the present verb (V1)

“win”. It means that the action “won” which is done by the noun already

happened at the past.

Datum #2
“We tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we
unleashed. Civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans and just
killed lives, lives, lives wasted. Horribly wasted”. (Speech 1, 10;00)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“lives”. This word “lives” is included into a class of noun. In which this word

used to name a thing. Further, this noun “lives” is included into an abstract noun,

means it cannot be touched or seen. As an abstract noun, the noun itself would

denote the name of quality, action or state where in this utterance, the word

“lives” refers to the state or condition of a person. Goes further, the noun “lives”

is plural of “life” where it stated the quantity that more than one or many.

Datum #3
“We tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we
unleashed. Civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans and just
killed lives, lives, lives wasted. Horribly wasted”. (Speech 1, 10.00)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“wasted”. This word is included into a class of verb where it explains about the

action which is done by the subject. The subject in this utterance is lives, that lives

which are wasted. As a verb, this word “wasted” is included into a finite verb

where it shows the time depends on the tense and its subject. Here the verb is a

past form of “waste”, which means this is an action happened at the past.

Datum #4

“This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one
people, with same destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the
same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
(Applause.)” (Speech 3, 58:48)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“same”. This word is included into a class of adjective, where the function is to

modify or to describe the noun. The noun which is described by the adjective

“same” in this utterance are “destiny”, “blood”, “American flag”, and “God” this

adjective is included into adjective of quality, because it describes about the

quality of the noun it modified.


Datum #5

“every effort to transform you, oppress you, or destroy you, you endured
and overcame.” (Speech 4, 08:03)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“you. This word “you” itself is included into a kind of pronoun, in which as a

pronoun, the word “you” is used to place a noun, and in this utterance the noun

that is placed is “the citizen of Poland” as the audiences, therefore, in order to

placed this noun, the pronoun “you” is used. This pronoun “you” itself is a second

personal pronoun, where the second personal pronoun “you” is a pronoun used for

a person to talk to or for the person we are speaking to.

Datum #6

“There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no

ignoring it.” (Speech 5, 13:57)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“no”. This word “no” is included into a class of adjective. This adjective “no”

refers to the adjective of quantity where the adjective “no” shows how much the

quantity of the things which are “tolerating”, “accepting”, excusing”, and

“ignoring” in this utterance which refers to none of quantity.

Datum #7

“There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no

ignoring it.” (Speech 5 13:57)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“it”. This word “it” is included into a class of pronoun. As a pronoun, this word

“it” used to place a noun which in this utterance “it” refers to the noun

“terrorism”. This pronoun “it” further refers to the third personal pronoun where

that is used for the person or thing that we are talking about. Where in this

utterance, the speaker was talking about the noun “terrorism”, and the word

terrorism was used by placing with the pronoun “it” which is then repeated in this


Datum #8

“I ask you to join me, to join together, to work together, and to FIGHT
together— BECAUSE UNITED, WE WILL NOT FAIL.” (Speech 5, 33:10)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“together”. This word is included into a class of adverb. In which this word

“together” modifies the verb in this utterance. The adverb “together” itself in this

utterance explain about how the verb is done, therefore this adverb is included

into adverb of manner. The verbs which explained by the adverb “together” in

this utterance are non finite verbs, which is infinitive that placing the word “to”

before the root verb, in which in this utterance the root verbs are “join”, “work”,

and “fight”. This to+infinitive modified by the adverb “together” to explains how

it is done.

Datum #9
“But here’s what helped most of all: remembering who I am, where I come
from, and what I believe. And that is what Wellesley means to me” (Speech
6, 06:12)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“I”. This word “I” itself is included into a class of pronoun in which used to

placed a noun. The noun which is placed in this utterance is the speaker that is

Hillary Clinton, in order to place this noun, then the pronoun “I” is used.

This pronoun “I” is included into first personal pronoun, as a first personal

pronoun this word “I” is known as the person who is talking or the person that is


Datum #10
“Many don’t want to retreat on civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBT
rights. So if your outreach is rebuffed, keep trying.” (Speech 6 22:58)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“rights”. This word is included into a class of noun. As a noun, this word “rights”

is used to name a thing. Further, this noun “rights” is included into an abstract

noun, where this noun “rights” is an idea which abstract, can not be touched or

seen. As an abstract noun, the noun itself would denote the name of quality, action

or state where in this utterance, the word “rights” refers to the state. Goes further,

the noun “rights” is plural form of “right” where it stated the quantity that more

than one or many.

Datum #11

“So wherever you wind up next, the minute you get there, register to vote(1),
and while you’re at it, encourage others to do so. And then vote in every
election, not just the presidential ones. Bring others to vote. Fight every
effort to restrict the right of law-abiding citizens to be able to vote as well.”
(Speech 6 25:15)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“vote”. This word “vote” is included into a class of verb. Where this verb “vote”

shows about the action which is done by the subject “you”. In this utterance, the

verb “vote” has two kinds of verb in this representation, there are finite and

infinite verb. The second occurrence is a finite verb because it shows time, which

is in present, and the others are infinite verb because it could not show the form of

time by form into to infinitive, where “to” is added with the root verb “vote”, only

at the second occurrence the verb “vote” is an finite verb. Therefore, the word

“vote” in this utterance is considered as a verb.

Datum #12
“So whatever your dreams are today, dream even bigger. And above all, keep
going......Hold on to your values. Never give up on those dreams. (Speech 6,

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“dreams”. This word “dreams” is included into a class of noun. Where this word

“dreams” is a name of a thing. Further this word “dreams” is included into an

abstract noun, where this noun is abstract which means cannot be touched or seen.

An abstract noun itself used to denote the name of quality, action or state where in

this utterance, the word “dreams” is as the state. This noun “dreams” itself is a

plural form of a word “dream”, where it stated the quantity that more than one or


Datum #13

“He doesn’t see the success of black leaders in every field, the vibrancy of
black-owned businesses, the strength of the black church. He doesn’t see
the excellence of historically black colleges and universities or the pride of
black parents watching their children thrive.”(Speech 7, 04:17)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“black”. This word “black” is included into a kind of adjective. As an adjective,


the word “black” is used to describe or modify the nouns in this utterance. This

adjective “black” further is included into adjective of quality, in which this

adjective describes or answer the question of what kind of object, that in this

utterance refers to people, people with black color skin. Therefore, this adjective

of quality “black” in this utterance is used to describe about the quality or the

characteristic of an object that is people which are leaders, people who owned

businesses, people in church, people in university, and parents.

Datum #14

“America has distinguished itself as a haven for people fleeing religious

persecution, believing in religious freedom and religious liberty.” (Speech 7

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“religious”. This word is included into a class of adjective. As an adjective, the

word “religious” is used to describe or modify the nouns in this utterance in which

those nouns are “persecution”, “freedom”, and “liberty”. This adjective

“religious” further is included into adjective of quality, in which this adjective

describes or answer the question of what kind of object or thing, that in this

utterance those things refer to those three previous nouns, and this adjective

“religious” used to describe about its quality or characteristic. Therefore, this

adjective of quality “religious” in adjective of quality.


Datum #15

“None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a

country totally alone. America needs every one of us to lend our energy, our
talents, our ambition to making our nation better and stronger.” (Speech 8

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“our”. This word is included into a class of adjective. As an adjective, the word

“our” used to describe the noun in the statement, it is placed before the noun

itself, that makes this word becomes possessive adjective. Further, this possessive

adjective “our” is used to state a possession of a noun where in this utterance

those nouns are “energy”, “talents”, “ambition”, and “nation”. Those nouns are

modified by the possessive adjective “our”, and it makes those nouns become the

ownership of the pronoun “we” which is turned into “our” for stating the

ownership or the possession.

Datum #16

“I have to tell you it is a little funny to me, I get criticized for having so
many plans. People say, oh there she goes with another plan about mental
health, about veterans.. So yes, I have laid out plans and I'm going to work
my heart out to implement those plans. And if I win this fall no one will
work harder for our troops... (Speech 9, 33:16)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“plans”. This word “plans” is included into a class of noun. As a noun, this word

“plans” used to name an idea in this utterance. This noun “plans” further is a kind

of abstract noun, which means cannot be seen or touched.

Moreover, this abstract noun “plans” describes about the ideas which refers to the

action where this “plan” is something that can be done. In this repetition, the word

“plans” has different form based on its quantity, where the second occurrence is

“plan” which is singular, and the other occurrences’ is “plans” which is plural or

more than one.

Datum #17

“Second, we need to stick with our allies. America’s network of allies is part
of what makes us exceptional, and our allies deliver for us every day.. Allies
provide staging areas for our military. (Speech 10, 10:54)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“allies”. This word “allies” is included into a class of noun where it used to name .

This noun is a kind of collective noun that as a noun “allies” refers to name the

collection of people, where this noun “allies” consist of many people in one

particular group. Further, this collective noun “allies” is the plural form of a noun

“ally”, where when it turns into “allies” it shows the quantity of the noun is more

than one or many.


Phrases are group of words which consist of a modifier and a word that is

modified. In this part of analysis, there are two classes of phrases included into

Epistrophe, those data are as follow.

Datum #18

“The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle.
My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and
security above all else and it has to be first, has to be. (Speech 1, 07:32)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the phrase

“has to be”. This phrase is included into a class of verb phrase and it expresses an

obligation. Further in this utterance, that verb phrase is formed by modal auxiliary

“has to” which helps the main verb “be”. The verb “be” is categorized as the finite

in this utterance, because it shows the time which is present form that its meaning

has been modified by the modal auxiliary “has to”. This modal auxiliary helps the

main verb “be” to shows the tense in present, and to modify the meaning as an


Datum #19

“He negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran, and then we watched them
ignore its terms even before the ink was dry. Iran cannot be allowed to have
a nuclear weapon. Cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed
to have nuclear weapon.” (Speech 1, 13:27)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the phrase

“to have a nuclear weapon”. This phrase is included into a class of infinitive

phrase. This infinitive phrase begin with an infinitive “to have” and the object “a

nuclear weapon”. In this utterance, the infinitive phrase in functioned as noun

where it shows about the object in the utterance. However, based on its form, then

it is concluded into finitive verb.



Clauses are group of words which consist of subject and a predicate but it does

not form a full part of sentence. In this part, there are six data included into

Epistrophe, those are as follow

Datum #20

“Do all the good you can for all the people you can in all the ways you can,
as long as ever you can. (speech 8, 21:26)

here is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the clause

“you can”. as a clause, this group of words “you can” contains a subject an a

predicate, and it forms a part of sentence. That subject is “you” and predicate

“can”. the clause “you can” in this utterance is considered as subordinate clause,

where this clause cannot stand by itself and form an independent statement, but

rather needs other clauses to fill its meaning.

In this utterance, there are two kinds of clauses are repeated. The first till the third

occurrence of the clause repetition does the work of adjective to modify “all the

good”, “all the people”, “all the ways”, and the third occurrence does the work of

adverb clause by adding the conjunction “as long as” as the conjunction to form

the clause that shows time or the condition in the statement.


Datum # 21

“If you believe that companies should share profits with their workers, not
pad executive bonuses... join us. If you believe the minimum wage should be
a living wage… join us.” (speech 8, 32:45)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the clause

“join us”. This clause is included into independent clause where it has subject and

predicate of its own as a part of sentence, it is also stated as independent clause

because this clause can stand by itself. The subject in this independent clause is

“you” which is omitted in the clause because its already understood by the

audiences, and the predicate which formed by the verb “join” and the object “us”.

This verb “join” is the main verb in this clause, and the object “us” is the pronoun

of objective case for first person plural.


Polysyndeton is a repetition of conjunction which happens in the successive

clauses or sentences. The types of Polysyndetion analysis will only at the form of



Word is a single unit of sentence, it is above the syllables and bellow the phrase.

In the analysis of Polysyndeton the repetition of word only happens at the


Datum #1
“As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to
demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have
slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of
all faiths and all beliefs. (speech 3, 17:58)
There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“and”. This word “and” is categorized into a class of conjunction, in which as the

conjunction the function of itself is used to join together words in this sentences.

The words which are joined in this sentences are Muslims, Christians, men,

women, children of all faiths and all beliefs.

Datum # 2

“All over the world, people dream of walking through the ruins of Petra in
Jordan. Iraq was the cradle of civilization and is a land of natural beauty.
And the United Arab Emirates has reached incredible heights with glass
and steel, and turned earth and water into spectacular works of art. (speech
5, 12:54)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterances particularly at the word

“and”. This word is included into a class of conjunction where it joins together

sentences. the sentences which are joined together in this utterance are “Iraq was

the cradle of civilization”, “is a land of natural beauty”, “the United Arab

Emirates has reached incredible heights with glass and steel”, and “turned earth

and water into spectacular works of art.”

The repetition of conjunction “and” in “glass and steel” and “earth and water” is

not being included into repetition of conjunction which is done intentionally, it is

because the conjunction used is not meant to do a repetition, but rather to the

grammatical function to join two words in one sentence.


Further, this conjunction “and” in this utterance is included into co-ordinating

conjunction which joins together four equal independent clauses which already

stated before.

Datum #3

“we can only overcome these evil if the forces of good are united and strong
and if everyone in this room does their fair share and fulfills their part of
the burden. (speech 5, 16:12)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“if”. This word “if” is included into a class of conjunction, this conjunction is a

type of subordinating conjunction where it joins clauses together. in doing so, the

conjunction “if” is placed between clauses in which there are two representations

of repetition “if” between clauses. Those clauses are “we can only overcome these

evil”, “if the forces of good are united and strong”, and “if everyone in this room

does their fair share and fulfills their part of the burden.” There are two

conjunction here placed to join the independent clause and the dependent clauses.

Datum #4

“From Baghdad and Kabul, to Nice and Paris and Brussels, to San
Bernardino and Orlando, we’re dealing with determined enemies that must
be defeated. (speech 8, 43:27)

There is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“and”. This word “and” is categorized into a class of conjunction, in which as the

coordinating conjunction the function of itself is used to join together words of

equal rank in this sentences. The words which is joined in this sentences are

“Baghdad and Kabul”, “Nice and Paris and Brussels”, and “San Bernardino and

Orlando”. Those words are all a name of place in which it is a proper noun for the

name of country. Thus, these nouns have the equal position one to another,

therefore, the conjunction and used to tied those equal proper noun together.

Function of Repetition

In this part, the research will answer the research question number two about the

function of repetition. Repetition has some particular functions, those are

emphasizing, clarifying and giving emotional function. To ease the process of

analysis, the repetition are formed into Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton

and arranged by words, phrases, and clauses.


Anaphora is the repetition happens at the beginning of successive clauses or

sentences. The analysis of Anaphora will be softly delivered into words, phrase,

and clauses according to the speech number stated at the previous introduction

and being analyzed based on its function which are emphasizing, clarifying, and

giving emotional function.

What is analyzed in this part is only the function of repetition which are

emphasizing, clarifying, and giving emotional function , yet the process of

delivering is done through arranging the data based on its form. Firstly, the

function of repetition of words.


Datum #01
“They, butcher those little girls. They, kidnap, they extort, they rape and
they rob. They prey on children. They shouldn’t be here.” (Speech 2,
This speech is delivered by Donald Trump as a president on his visit in long

island July, 28 2017. Donald Trump was talking about what have M-13 gang

does. M-13 is a gang of illegal immigrant who are dangerous; the current issue is

they have killed children. Further, the stressed of the intonation happens at the

repetition of the word “they”. This repetition gives an emphasizing to the

audiences about the suspected who take the responsibility to the worries of these

people. This emphasizing shows who we have to against, that is “they” or M-13

people. Therefore, the emphasizing comes with this word which refers to the

subject who does the action.

Datum #2
“From day one. We love our police. We love our sheriffs. And we love our
ICE officers. And they have been working hard. (Applause) Thank you.”
(Speech 2, 17:00)

This speech is delivered by Donald Trump as a president on his visit in long

island July, 28 2017. Donald Trump was talking about the work of ICE officers,

the achievement of police in USA in handling the criminal M-13 who killed

children. Further, there is a repetition at the word “love”. This repetition aims to

give an emotional function to the audiences in particular to the officers. The

emotional function is delivered since he compliment the works of the officers, he

appreciate that by saying he himself as other people love the officers and they

have done a great job in handling criminality of M-13. Through this repetition the

speaker wants to show his emotion.

Datum #3

“I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength... Our allies

will find that America is once again ready to lead. (Applause.) All the
nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that, America is strong,
America is proud, and America is free.” (Speech 3, 04:00)

This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. He was

talking about American spirit and strength and how America is once again ready

to lead. The representation of repetition in the utterance particularly “America is

strong, America is proud, and America is free.” the repetition of the word

“America” was being repeated in order to attract the audiences of the congress

into unity as also feel themselves the spirit of nationalism, where to support him

to empower the USA, in which the audiences in this congress are people who

have position in politic field. This gives an emotional function of the congress in

American, through the repetition of the proper noun “America”, the audience is

lead to the sense of nationalism, and to the sense of supporting their country.

Therefore, the word “America” is used and also repeated. Donald Trump tried to

tell the American people that America is going to be fine, and nothing unwanted

is going to happen, because America is strong, and because we are strong.


Datum #4

“This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one
people, with same destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the
same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
(Applause.)” (Speech 3, 58:48)

This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. Donald

Trump was doing a closing for his speech. He stated that, when American has all

of those things he proposed, America will be greater than ever before. That this is

what they all want. Further, the repetition happens at the pronoun “we”. Here the

speaker wanted to gain the listeners by using the word “we”, where the word we

here means the speaker itself, the audiences in conference, and the citizen of

America. Hence, indirectly the word “we” brings an emotional function to the

audiences, in which the speaker tried to persuade the audiences in to unity, to get

the sense of togetherness, to all together as one thought as he is.

Datum #5

So it is with true admiration that I can say today, that from the farms and
villages of your countryside to the cathedrals and squares of your great
cities, Poland lives, Poland prospers, and Poland prevails. (Applause.)
(Speech 4, 07:23)

this speech is uttered in crowd by Donald Trump as the president of USA in

Poland on July, 06 2017. This is his first travel in central Europe, he stated that

Poland is a great country. Form its farms and villages, and from its countryside to

the center of city. Further, there is a repetition in this utterance, particularly at the

word “Poland”. Here the speaker tend to use the proper noun of a country name in

order to give an emotional function to the people of Poland. Where he speaks as

the president at the early time of his presidential since he was elected. Through

the compliment he deliver by repeating the word “Poland”, there is a sense of

unity in the heart of Poland people who are complimented by Mr. President, he

wanted to gain supports during his presidential, through complimenting the

Poland, people who feels the sense of unity as Poland people will also proud to

what they country have done, therefore he used the repetition of “Poland” in order

to give an emotional function to the people of Poland.

Datum #6

“Trump has proposed,..He may have some new people putting new words in
his mouth... He would form a deportation force to round up millions of
immigrants... He’d abolish the bedrock constitutional principle... He says
that children born into undocumented parents in America are “anchor
babies” and should be deported... And he’d ban Muslims around the
world....” (Speech 7, 16:10)
This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

August 26, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Hillary Clinton was talking about her opposite

with all of her opposite vision for United State in which she concerned it as

unwell implemented in USA. Further, the stressed of the intonation happens at the

repetition of the word “He”. In this utterance, the speaker repeated the word “He”

many times which refers to her opposite Donald Trump. By repeating the word

“He” the speaker aims to emphasized the audiences that Donald Trump is the one

who will bring United State into the Era that they never wanted.

Stating words that he does not really mean to do, people will be deported force to

millions of immigrants, abolish a requirement to be an American citizen that has

to be born in USA, stated that undocumented children should be deported, and

banning Muslim entering USA. These are what his opposite will bring if he was

elected to be the president. Further the speaker repeated the word “He” to

emphasize these acts which will be done by Donald Trump if he was elected, thus

the speaker hopes by stating these, people will avoid electing him in the


Datum #7

“We have the most dynamic and diverse people in the world. We have the
most tolerant and generous young people we’ve ever had. We have the most
powerful military. The most innovative entrepreneurs. The most enduring
values.” (Speech 8, 11:20)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was talking about

the situation of United State softly that this country has the most diverse people,

tolerant, powerful military, innovative entrepreneurs, and enduring values. Further

there is a representation of repetition in the word “have”. This word gives an

emotional function to the audiences, where it gives the sense of belonging of

American people in every field that was mentioned. This repetition gives an

emotional function to the audiences that they have the best generation in the

world. America is strong, and together they “have” all the best. Here the speaker

hopes she may give an emotional function to believe that America own a power,

that these people are strong, then do not believe at the statement of the opposite

(Donald Trump) who stated that America is weak. The speaker wants to attract the

audiences spirits through the repetition of the word “have”.


Datum #8

Now imagine Donald Trump sitting in the Situation Room, making life-or-
death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding
whether to send your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not
just his Twitter account at his disposal when he’s angry, but America’s
entire arsenal. (Speech 10, 30:48)

This speech is uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to her

supporters on June, 02 2016 towards Donald Trump foreign policy. Here is

Hillary Clinton giving a conditional statement if Donald Trump win the election.

Further, there is a repetition of the word “imagine”, it aims to give an emotional

function to the audiences. To describe how America will be if Trump becomes a

President. Here she brings a circumstance, then she put a problem in that

circumstance. Then the feeling of worried of the American people raised based on

her repetition of the word imagine which refers to the negative situation.

Datum #9

“American families and American workers – and we will. But don’t let
anyone tell you that America isn’t great. Donald Trump’s got America all
wrong. We are a big-hearted, fair-minded country.” (speech 10, 32:25)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on June, 02 2016 towards Donald Trump foreign policy. Here

Hillary Clinton stated that Trump has all wrong in define America. Further, there

is a repetition at the word “America”. This repetition is aimed to give a clarify

about the mistaken which has done by her opposite Donald Trump. That Donald

trump has defend America as a weak country and he can fix it. Here the speaker

tried to make it clear, that America is not weak, it is strong enough for her with all

of American people. Here the speaker used the repetition in the word “America”,

to clear about what has misunderstood by her opposite.


In this part, this research provides the analysis of repetition functions which are

emphasizing, clarifying, and giving emotional function. Those function are found

in repetition of phrases.

Datum #10

“He negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran, and then we watched them
ignore its terms even before the ink was dry. Iran cannot be allowed to have
a nuclear weapon. Cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed
to have nuclear weapon.” (speech 1, 13:27)

this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Here Donald Trump put Iran as

the enemy, Iran also ever had an agreement with America yet they ignore it. Here

is Donald Trump absolutely insist on allowing Iran to have a nuclear weapon. The

stressed of the intonation happens at the repetition of the phrase “Cannot be

allowed” aimed to emphasize his strong argument and suggestion by repeating it

to the audiences that Iran infinitely must not be trusted to have nuclear weapon,

they have ignore the agreement between two countries in a short period of time,

thus Iran should not be trusted to have nuclear weapon, the emphasizing of an

idea is uttered through this repetition of sentence, because one day Iran cannot be

denied or prevented will not endanger its allies, or in this case is United State.

Therefore, the emphasizing comes to this sentence through the using of repetition.

Datum # 11

“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United
States of America. (Applause.) (Speech 3, 55:13)”

This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. Here he

stated about what his duty actually for. There is a repetition in this utterance,

particularly at the phrase “my job”. This repetition is aimed to give a clarification

about what his duty, where it is only to represent the America and not all the

nation. He tried to make it transparent that he only stand for his nation, he still

respect for all nation which stand on its path, but what he wanted to clarify is,

those nation should respect America, as how he respect others.


in this part, the research provides the representation of the function of Anaphora

happens at the clauses. Those are as follow,

Datum #12
I am the only person running for the presidency who understands this and
this is a serious problem. I’m the only one, believe me, I know them all, I’m
the only one who knows how to fix it. (speech 1, 11:30)

this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Donald Trump was talking

about his plans to make a good foreign policy, further this utterance came up

supporting the previous plans. The clause “I am the only one” with stressed on its

intonation were strongly being repeated to emphasize the audiences, to declare

that only him who is eligible to run as the president and able to take care of the

United State, this aims to emphasize the audiences’ to believe that it is only him

and no one else can lead America, which further support his particular purposes,

whether to re-arrange the foreign policy or to running the presidency.

Datum #13

“A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and
extremists. Drive. Them. Out. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of
worship, DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities, DRIVE THEM OUT
of your holy land, and DRIVE THEM OUT OF THIS EARTH.” (speech 5,

Donald Trump as the President of United State was delivering his speech to the

Muslim countries in Arab Saudi on may, 21 2017. Donald Trump was still talking

about terrorism in this utterance, that terrorism should be taken out from the

Muslim countries. Further, the stressed of the intonation happeens at the repetition

of clause “Drive them out”. In this utterance, the speaker stated “Drive them out”

many times. What the speaker means for “them” here are terrorists. By using the

repetition, the speaker gives a strong emphasizing to the listener to do what the

speaker belief. Here the speaker belief that the better future will be created if all

these Muslim countries take the terrorists out of their countries and communities.

Which at the last, this repetition is aimed to give an emphasizing to the Muslim


Datum #14

“It matters because if our leaders lie about the problems we face, we’ll
never solve them. It matters because it undermines confidence in
government as a whole, which in turn breeds more cynicism and anger, but
it also matters because our country, like this College, was founded on the
principles of the Enlightenment— “(speech 6, 13:22)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. Hillary Clinton was talking about the problems that American

people faced, such as racism, public healthy, education, jobs, and so on where

these problems are important to be handled properly. Further, the stressed of the

intonation happens at the repetition of the clause “it matters”. The use of

repetition “it matters” here is aimed to give a strong emphasis to the audiences

that these problems are really urgent and important. It becomes a reason why the

speaker repeat the clause “it matters” many times in her speech. To emphasize her

position, that the issues she raised is important, that the ideas she purposed are

matters, and that these problems are really an urgent for her and need to be

seriously paid attention to, not only to be unimportantly left.

Datum #15

“Do it for yourselves. Do it for truth and reason. Do it because the history of
Wellesley and this country tells us it’s often during the darkest times when you
can do the most good. Double down on your passions.” (speech 6, 30:42)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. Hillary Clinton was talking about the United State under her

presidency who hopes a better future for the people and for the country, to walk

through or charge through, to advance the struggle for equality, justice, and

freedom. Further the stressed of the intonation happens at the repetition of clause

“do it”. It gives an emphasizing which persuade the audiences to do an action

which is to struggle on equality, justice and freedom. These are also the speaker

vision in her presidency era, thus she hopes the audiences also struggle in these

vision or action.

Datum #16

“If you believe that companies should share profits .. If you believe the
minimum wage should be a living wage...If you believe that every man,
woman, and child in America has the right to affordable health care…If you
believe that we should say “no” to unfair trade deals … If you believe we
should expand Social Security ..And yes, if you believe that your working
mother, wife, sister, or daughter deserves equal pay … join us”(speech 8,

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was talking about

her point of view about the United State, where she believes that America is better

by accepting the immigrant to contribute in economy, having a share profits for

workers, and no working full time should have to raise their children in poverty.

Further there is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the

clause “if you believe”. This repetition gives an emotional effect to persuade the

audiences to get the same believe as her and supporting her particular purposes,

which are accepting immigrant for honoring the humanity, making a share profits

for all the workers in a company, and having no full time workers to rise their

children in poverty. These things are the issues which is raised by the speaker to

attract the audiences attention, thus in this utterance the speaker repeated the word

“believe” in order to get the same belief as her audiences so further they can join

the speaker side and support the speaker for any other particular purposes.

Datum #17

“We stand up to regimes that abuse human rights. We stand up for

religious and ethnic minorities, for women, for people with disabilities and
we comport ourselves with honor.” (speech 9, 14.20)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

August, 31 2016 in Cincinnati. Here is Hillary Clinton stated about her supporters

and her who stand up for every minority and races, the rights of American people,

and for religious freedom. Further there is a repetition of the clause “we stand up”.

This repetition gives a clarification to the audiences, these issues are what have

undertaken all wrong by her opposite where her opposite is known as racist that

does not support religious freedom, immigrant, ethnic minority, and women. This

repetition of “we stand up”, clarifies her position, that the opposite has all wrong

in treated them, yet she is like that. She supports every religious freedom, every

ethnic from minority, and certainly for women. Therefore, through cleaning her

position, the function of clarifying is achieved.


Epistrophe is the repetition happens at the ending of successive clauses or

sentences. The analysis of Epistrophe will be softly delivered into words, phrase,

and clauses according to the speech number stated at the previous introduction


In this part, the research provides the analysis of function of repetition arranged

based the form of words. Further the analysis is as follows.

Datum #1
“Then we saved the world again. This time, from totalitarianism and
communism. The cold war lasted for decades, but guess what, we won and
we won big.” (Speech 1 08.18)
this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Donald trump describes about

the American successeded in beating the cool war. Further, the stressed of the

intonation happens at verb “won”. This word “won” emphasize what happen

after, that they are a big influencing country and a strong country, therefore they

can win. This repetition infinitely happened to emphasize how the they had

successive in leading the United State in to a win, and not just an ordinary win,

but a really huge win. Therefore, here he repeated the word “won” two times to

inform the successfulness of what the United State has done at that time through

an action word.

Datum #2
“We tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we
unleashed. Civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans and just
killed lives, lives, lives wasted. Horribly wasted”. (Speech 1, 10:00)
This is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Here is Donald Trump talking

about the previous president Barack Obama’s foreign policy to support and to

make western democracy out of countries that do not want to be democracy which

forward, giving space or prosper for ISIS. The stressed of the intonation further

happens at the repetition of the noun “lives”. It gives the words an emphasizing of

to what the violence goes, to American people. An emphasizing of to what this

harmful affected at. That the object of the civil war and particularly religious

fanaticism which is terrorism is that “lives”, whereas life is an important within

human which define someone still alive, and thousands of lives of innocent people

are killed. Therefore, there is an emphasizing of the object “lives” in this

utterance, to show what have been done by terrorism.

Datum #3
“We tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we
unleashed. Civil war, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans and just
killed lives, lives, lives wasted. Horribly wasted”. (Speech 1, 10:00)
this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Here is Donald Trump talking

about the previous president Barack Obama’s foreign policy that was giving space

and making the ISIS grew and prosper. The stressed of the intonation happens at

the word “wasted”. This repetition gives the words an emphasizing of what had

happened to American people. The words “lives” “lives wasted” being

introduced at first appearance and then being more closely detailed in the second

occurrence “wasted”. It is giving more detail to the audiences about the

previously mention items. As a portrayed how human lives were treated.


Datum #4
“This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one
people, with same destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute
the same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
(Applause.)” (Speech 3 58:48)
This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. Donald

Trump was doing a closing for his speech. He stated that, America has mission to

lead the world and to be better than before, and that is their all jobs. Further, there

is a representation of repetition at the word “same”. Here the speaker tries to

attract the audiences to support him. There an emotional function tried to

delivered by stating “same” word again and again. He tried to give an emotional

effect that they are share the same destiny, then it is possible for the audiences to

support him and stand with him and his proposals. The audiences were atracked

through this repetition of “same”, because this word gives the sense of

togetherness having the same feelings.

Datum #5

every effort to transform you, oppress you, or destroy you, you endured and
overcame. (Speech 4, 08:03)

This speech is uttered in crowd by Donald Trump as the president of USA in

Poland on July, 06 2017. This is his first travel in central Europe, once again he

stated that Poland has done a great job in defending their country. Further there is

a repetition in this utterance at the word “you”, what means by this word is the

citizen of Poland. By repeating the word “you”, the speaker gives an emotional

function to the Poland people as a form of compliment by their struggles, it is

more emotional by repeating the word “you”, to stated what ”you” the subject in

personal have ability in overcome the problems. Moreover his status as a

President, as a leader of USA, complimenting the people of Poland in the crowd

in front of them, gives much more sense of proud to its people.

Datum #6

“There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no

ignoring it.” (Speech 5 13:57)

Donald Trump as a President of United State was delivering his speech to the

Muslim countries in Arab Saudi on may, 21 2017, Donald Trump was talking

about terrorism which is concerning all over the world, by using the name of God,

terrorist kill innocent people, the speaker stated that they are worship death, not

God. Further, the stressed of the intonation happens at the repetition of the word

“no”. The function of this repetition is to give an emphasizing about how much

tolerance it will provide, or provided by USA to terrorist acts. he loudly advised

his position and suggested for all the muslim countries leader present in this

meeting to do so, that it would not provide a loophole for terrorists. so that this

emphasis is contained in the word "no", which is a negative form of someone who

states rejection and denial, this word is what becomes repetitive.

Datum #7

“There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no

ignoring it.” (Speech 5 13:57)

Donald Trump as the President of United State was delivering his speech to the

Muslim countries in Arab Saudi on may, 21 2017, Donald Trump was talking

about his position which stand up to terrorism, he gives an idea of how to handle

the terorism. Further, the stressed of the repetition happens at the word “it”. The

word “it” refers to terrorism. This repetition happens to give an emphasizing to

the act of terrorism, in the pronoun “it”. A strong emphasizing about what cannot

be tolerating, accepting, excusing, and ignoring at, by the Muslims’ countries.

Where it is a common knowledge that most of the act of terrorism used the name

of religious to do a harmful terrorism act, therefore in this ideas the speaker

repeated the pronoun “it” to show what cannot be tolerated, what cannot be

accepted, and what cannot be excused or ignored. Those questions has the same

answer, it is “it”. And this word is repeated, thus the position of the speaker or the

ideas are really emphasized, to what we cannot give tolerance at.

Datum #8

“I ask you to join me, to join together, to work together, and to FIGHT
together— BECAUSE UNITED, WE WILL NOT FAIL.” (Speech 5, 33:10)

Donald Trump as the President of United State was delivering his speech to the

Muslim countries in Arab Saudi on may, 21 2017. Donald Trump was closing his

speech to the Muslim countries; he stated that all the countries, United State and

Muslim countries should join together and stay united to fight the share enemies

terrorists. He end up his speech by using repetition of the word “together”. By

repeating the word “together” the speaker wanted to take an emotional function of

the word, in which to persuade the listeners or the Muslim countries leaders to

fight with United State in against the terrorism. As united with him and United

State, that together all these countries are going to fight the share enemies. The

emotional function by repeating the word “together” here is to gain the leaders of

Muslim countries, to persuade them to join the vision of the speaker and the

United State

Datum #9
“But here’s what helped most of all: remembering who I am, where I come
from, and what I believe. And that is what Wellesley means to me” (Speech
6, 06:12)
This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. In her speech, Hillary Clinton was talking about her relation with

wellesely collage in which she is also an alumna. Further, there is a representation

of repetition in this utterance, particularly at “who I am, where I come from, and

what I believe”. In this utterance, the word “I” was being repeated by the speaker.

The word “I” in this utterance was being repeated in order to give an emotional

function to the audiences who are the holders of the collage, the lecturers, and

mainly the students of Wellesely Collage, that the speaker herself, as a subject in

personal, has a link with the campus. The use of “I” here is being repeated to give

an emphatic to the audiences that she or “I” comes from this University and feels

how meaningful this campus for herself in personal.

Datum #10
“Many don’t want to retreat on civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBT
rights. So if your outreach is rebuffed, keep trying.” (Speech 6, 22:58)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. Hillary Clinton was talking about the human right in United State,

in which all the citizen should Support the human right as the right thing to do.

Further, there is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the

word “rights”. Here it aimed to clarify, that many do not want to take care of the

human right but she wants. In detailed, the civil rights, women’s rights, and

LGBT rights. These three aspects are the most major issue of an unwell treated of

human right. Thus, the speaker repeat the word “rights” many times to make clear

or transparent that many people do not concern about this issue, indeed these

aspects are important.

Datum #11

“So wherever you wind up next, the minute you get there, register to vote(1),
and while you’re at it, encourage others to do so. And then vote in every
election, not just the presidential ones. Bring others to vote. Fight every
effort to restrict the right of law-abiding citizens to be able to vote as well.”
(Speech 6 25:15)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. Hillary Clinton was talking about the presidential election that

every one should vote for the election. Further, the stressed of the intonation

happens at repetition of the word “vote”. This kind of repetition “vote” seeks to

gain action, therefore the speaker used repeated the word “vote” to emphasize the

audiences about what they should do. By repeating this word, the audiences would

be easy to memorize the message, “vote”. which is to choose at the presidential

election and not discard it. The citizen of United State is required to use their

capacity to choose and vote the president who worth served.


Datum #12

So whatever your dreams are today, dream even bigger. And above all,
keep going......Hold on to your values. Never give up on those dreams.
(Speech 6, 30:20)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

May 26, 2017. This speech is delivered at Wellesely Collage to all the students in

this University. Hillary Clinton was talking about his glory years further when she

were run for the president of USA. She talks to women to think positively, in

which when they have a dream, try to catch it, or even have bigger. Further, there

is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the word

“dreams”. This repetition aims to give an emotional function through motivation.

By doing the repetition of the word “dreams” the speaker wished that the

audiences may have an optimistic in themselves.

In line, the speaker also persuade the audiences in particular are women that they

can have a “dream”, even bigger, that they can catch when her presidency were

coming. Because in that time, the situation of United State will be hugely different

from what it was, then the women who think that justice is not in their side can

have a better future if she were elected.

Datum #13

“He doesn’t see the success of black leaders in every field, the vibrancy of
black-owned businesses, the strength of the black church. He doesn’t see
the excellence of historically black colleges and universities or the pride of
black parents watching their children thrive.”(Speech 7, 04:17)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

August 26, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Hillary Clinton was talking about the power of

black leadership that her opposite in presidency had underestimated at. Further

there is a representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the word

“black”. The use of the repetition aims to have an emotional function to the black-

people audiences support, in order to gain the listeners’ sympathy particularly the

sympathy of black people in United State. The speaker tried to show that she is on

the black-people side, she supported the black-people leadership, in which she

believes that the perspective of her opposite about black-people is all wrong, and

they can also be as productive as any other citizen in United State. Which further,

infinitely the speaker hopes to attract those audiences into her side.

Datum #14

“America has distinguished itself as a haven for people fleeing religious

persecution, believing in religious freedom and religious liberty.” (Speech 7

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

August 26, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Hillary Clinton was talking about American

that has a freedom on religion and as a haven for people who estrange themselves

from religious persecution. Further, there is a representation of repetition in this

utterance particularly at the word “religious”. In this utterance, the speaker

repeated the word “religious”, the aim of this repetition is to clarify or confirm the

audiences that religious freedom will be supported under her presidency time. It is

a common known that religion particularly Islam in United State is really taken

sensitively concerning with the terrorism which ever experienced by them. Then

by repeating the word “religious”, she tried to clarify for what have

misunderstood that America is non tolerant. However, this fear could not be a

basic reason for her opposite to ban Muslim or any other religions in United State.

By repeating the word “religion”, the speaker wants to clarify that she takes much

attention to the issue about religion.

Datum #15

“None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a

country totally alone. America needs every one of us to lend our energy, our
talents, our ambition to making our nation better and stronger.” (Speech 8

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was talking about

building America to be stronger and even better, yet in order to achieve this goal,

the country needs all of the citizen to lend their energy, talents, and ambition.

Further, there is a representation of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the

word “our”. The aim of this repetition is to give an emotional effect on the

audiences to feel the togetherness between the speaker and the citizen of the

United State. The speaker tried to intrigue the audiences to be as part of her, by

repeating the word “our” which refers to the ownership of together. She tried to

bold line the feeling of togetherness which infinitelty means herself and the

audiences and tried to atract audiences in to her side.


Datum #16

“I have to tell you it is a little funny to me, I get criticized for having so
many plans. People say, oh there she goes with another plan about mental
health, about veterans.. So yes, I have laid out plans and I'm going to work
my heart out to implement those plans. And if I win this fall no one will
work harder for our troops...” (Speech 9, 33:16)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton on

August, 31 2016 in Cincinnati. She stated that people mock her as a candidate

with too many plans. Plans for veteran and health and so on. Further there is a

repetition in this utterance at the word “plans”. This repetition is used to clarify

about what people has assume her with her to many plans, thus she repeated the

word “plans” to make it clear that even though she goes with many ideas, but she

still wants to work for that because she believes she would work even harder to

make her plans achieved for the troops of America. She tried to clarify that what

she does is not wrong, the audiences attention is attract through the repetition of

“plans” and people will wondering what happened with her plans, and she can

further correct that issue. Therefore the process of clarifying her aims can be

delivered transparently.

Datum #17

“Second, we need to stick with our allies. America’s network of allies is

part of what makes us exceptional, and our allies deliver for us every day... .
Allies provide staging areas for our military. (Speech 10, 10:54)

This speech is uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to her

supporters on June, 02 2016 towards Donald Trump foreign policy which seems

to figure allies negatively. Further, the stressed of the intonation happens at the

word “allies” in order to give an emphasizing of what American allies could have.

American allies could help America and allies are important to be stick to. Here

the speaker tried to emphasize her point of view about the American “allies”.

How or what this word “allies” could have or do for them by emphasized through

repeating this noun.

Repetition of Phrase

There are classes of phrases would be analyzed based on its function in this part.

Those data are as follows.

Datum #18

“The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle.
My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and
security above all else and it has to be first, has to be. (Speech 1 07:32)

this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Donald Trump was also known

as a person who stand up to terrorism, he concern at the security of America, as

how other Americans feel since attack of terrorist in this country, and it also what

makes most American people worried about. This utterance is uttered detailed

talking about his plans giving priority to the security of American people. Further

the stressed of the intonation happens at repetition of the verb phrase “has to be”

in the utterance. This repetition is uttered in order to give an emphasizing of the

idea to prioritize the security, therefore the verb which shows “a must” is being

repeated to shows how important it is to be done. In which this infinitely makes a

bold line to the audiences through repetition, that the foreign policy should covers

all American people security, he tried to emphasize how necessary it is for him, it

is a must for his foreign policy, and is a matter of urgency to be pay attention

above all else.

Datum #19

“He negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran, and then we watched them
ignore its terms even before the ink was dry. Iran cannot be allowed to have
a nuclear weapon. Cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed
to have nuclear weapon. ” (Speech 1, 13:27)

this is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Here Donald Trump put Iran as

the enemy, and then he warned that Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear

weapon. Further the stressed of the intonation happens at the repetition of

infinitive phrase “to have a nuclear weapon”. This repetition is aimed to give an

emphasizing of what we cannot allow Iran to do to have. Through the repetition,

the speaker emphasized his ideas of ban Iran to have a nuclear weapon, here the

speaker delivered his idea clear, where he stated what Iran cannot have in spesific.


In this part, the analysis of the function of repetition would be analyzed based on

the class of clauses. Those data are as follow.

Datum #20

“Do all the good you can for all the people you can in all the ways you
can, as long as ever you can. (speech 8, 21:26)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was talking about

her family who comes from an ordinary background with no any companies. She

also stated that her mother was abandoned since she was 14 and saved by the

kindness of others. Then this utterance comes up supporting the previous

statement. Further there is a representation of repetition in the utterance

particularly at the word “you can”. The use of this repetition is to motivate the

audiences and to give a positive effect to them. This repetition emotionally gives

motivation which is formed stylistically into a repetition, in which teaches the

audiences that while they can do anything and as long as they still can, then they

should be a good person to all the people. They should not let any opportunity

disapeared, it is best for them to take it while they still can, and briefly it teaches

the audiences to not wasting anything good such as helping people in all the way,

while “you can”.

Datum #21

“If you believe that companies should share profits with their workers, not
pad executive bonuses... join us. If you believe the minimum wage should be
a living wage… join us.” (speech 8, 32:45)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was delivering her

ideas to her supporters. Further the stressed of the repetition happens at the clause

“join us”. This repetition gives an emphasizing to the utterance, to convince the

audiences to support her by joining her side. Here the speaker by doing

emphasizing, she wanted to gain the support by the audiences to her particular

purposes, to run for the presidency as the representation of Democrat and to win

the election. This makes a reason why the speaker emphasize to the clause “join



Polysyndeton is the repetition of conjunction, the analysis of function will be

delivered based on its form of word which is the conjunction.


Word is a single unit of sentence, it is above the syllables and bellow the phrase.

In the analysis of Polysyndeton the repetition of word only happens at the

conjunction, in this part this research will analyzed the function of the use of that


Datum #1

“As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to

demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have
slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of
all faiths and all beliefs. (speech 3, 17;58)
This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. Donald

Trump was talking about his movement in commanding his lines against ISIS, a

network of terrorism which is feared by all the people in the world particularly is

most feared by American people. Further, the stressed of repetition in this

utterance happens to the conjunction “and”. This repetition of conjunction has a

function to give an emphasizing.

Here is Donald Trump tied the conjunction in to the words (Muslim, Christians,

men, women, children, and all beliefs). He tried to show that these things are

important as equal, he tried to strengthen each word of these, where he put the

word “and” to every word, it gives a powerful effect to every aspect, that Muslim

and Christians are equally important, women and men are also equally important,

so do for children, and also all the beliefs in the United State, each of them are

important to be protected, or in this case are protected from ISIS by developing a

plan to demolish and destroy this organization

Datum #2

“All over the world, people dream of walking through the ruins of Petra in
Jordan. Iraq was the cradle of civilization and is a land of natural beauty.
And the United Arab Emirates has reached incredible heights with glass
and steel, and turned earth and water into spectacular works of art. (speech
5, 12:54)”

Donald Trump was delivering his speech to the Muslim countries in Arab Saudi

on may, 21 2017, thus he raised up all the glamorization of middle-east countries

such as Jordan, Iraq and Emirates Arab. Further, the stressed of repetition happens

at the word “and”. Here the word “and” was being repeated by the speaker in

order to give an emphasizing and to empower statement in which this conjunction

tied to. The word “and” was tied to “Iraq was the cradle of civilization”, “is a

land of natural beauty”, “the United Arab Emirates has reached incredible

heights with glass and steel”, and “turned earth and water into spectacular works

of art.” These things are the excellence glory of Muslim countries; obviously the

speaker wanted to show how important and glorious these center east countries.

Those glory and wealth of nature were mentioned one by one in order to give

more power and show how excellence East Asia countries in the eye of the world.

By the using of the word “and” repeatedly, then the each statement has its own

position which is equal, this equation that makes each statement equally

important. Different when he just mentions it all with a pause, the sensation will

be different, that every statement will just pass by, it will sound so without any

attention to each statement.

Datum #3

“we can only overcome these evil if the forces of good are united and
strong and if everyone in this room does their fair share and fulfills their
part of the burden. (speech 5, 16:12)”

Donald Trump as the President of United State was delivering his speech to the

Muslim countries in Arab Saudi on may, 21 2017. Donald Trump was talking

about what those countries can do to overcome terrorism. Further, there is a

stressed of repetition in this utterance, particularly at the conjunction “if”. In this

utterance, the speaker deliver his arguments about what can Muslim countries do

to overcome the terrorists. Moreover, what the speaker really mean by repeating

the word “if” in this utterance is to give an emphasizing of his ideas to the Muslim

countries, this is a basic supposition or an assumption about what can be done to

solve the problems, in which by doing this then they can handle the problem, so

these leaders of the countries can support his arguments. The speaker through

emphasizing the word “if” lead the listeners to his arguments and further to

support it. That makes a reason why the word “if” is being repeated.

Datum #4

“From Baghdad and Kabul, to Nice and Paris and Brussels, to San
Bernardino and Orlando, we’re dealing with determined enemies that must
be defeated.” (speech 8, 43:27)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was talking about

the countries and cities which have faced the same enemies that must be defeated;

those countries are Baghdad, Kabul, Nice, Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, and

Orlando. Further the stressed happens at the word “and”. The use of this repetition

is to give a strong power emphasizing to each city where this conjunction “and” is

tied to. This repetition of conjunction make each of the country has a same or an

equal position concerned form the speaker point of view. The speaker here by

using “and” at each city tried to emphasized that each of the country is as equal as

any other country and has the same position to the speaker, which is dealing with

determined enemies that have to be defeated.


From the finding which has been given, it is found that there are some repetition

in the political speeches made by two great politicians Donald Trump and Hillary

Clinton in their speeches. Those types of repetition are repetition of words,

repetition of phrases, and repetition of clauses, those types of repetition are named

Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton. In other hand, there are also some

functions aimed to give by the speaker by doing those repetitions, those are

emphasizing, clarifying, and giving emotional function as how have been


investigated in the findings of repetition function. There are ten speeches were

taken, five from each speaker. The issues discussed in each speech of this research

are also different depend on the intents and the purpose of the speakers. The

content also can be the current issues which are being debatable among the people

and how America and the speaker view these issues and solve it based on their


In this part, the researcher delivered the discussion into first, types of repetition

and second function of repetition. There are three types of repetition named for

repetition of words, phrases, and clauses; those are Anaphora, Epistrophe, and

Polysyndeton. The difference between these three types is firstly, Anaphora is

repetition at the beginning, Epistrophe is repetition at the ending, and

Polysyndeton is repetition of conjunction. (Burton, 2010, p.1)

This repetition is analyzed based on its grammatical function. First of all, as a

word. Here a repetition is included into a word because it can perform a verity of

different purposes or function. It can named a person, places, or things in abstract

or not, it can also used to describe action, it can used to tied together other words,

and it can also modified the action itself, or even adjective. Words are classified

into eight kinds which are Noun, Adjective, Pronouns, Verb, Adverb, Preposition,

Conjunction, and Interjection. (Murthy, 2010, p.7)

In this ten speech the representation of words for Anaphora are Noun “America”,

Pronoun “they”,”we”and “he”, Verb “love”,”have” and “imagine”, Adjective

“Poland”. The representation of words for Epistrophe are Noun “allies”,”lives”,


“rights”, “dreams”, “plans”, Pronoun “you”, “it”, and “I”, Verb “won”,

“wasted” and “vote”, Adjective “same”, “no”, “black”, “our” and “religious”,

Adverb “together. And the representation of words for Polysyndeton are “and”

and “if”.

Here is an example of repetition of word which gives an emotional function in

utterance at Datum #4

“This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one
people, with same destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the
same great American flag. And we all are made by the same God.
(Applause.)” (Speech 3, 58:48)

This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. There is

a repetition in this utterance, particularly at the beginning of the successive

sentences. This repetition found at the word “we”. Because this repetition happens

at the beginning, therefore this is a type of Anaphora. (Burton, 2010, p.1) By

paying attention to the word “we”, we can conclude that this word is a kind of

pronoun. As how stated by Murthy (2010, p.60) “a pronoun used to name a

person”. Looking at its function, we can further define the form of its word. Thus,

the word “we” here used to place the real noun the speaker Donald Trump, and his

audiences. Therefore, by repeating the pronoun “we”, the speaker replaced the

real noun which are the audiences and himself. Further, there is no identity which

shows the gender of the pronoun, here the pronoun “we” can be consist of any

genders, it could be male or female further we can conclude that what being

repeated as the Anaphora in this utterance is the third personal pronoun of all


Moreover, through repeating the pronoun “we”, the speaker tried to give an

emotional function to the audiences. Here the speaker tend to use the personal

pronoun “we” rather than use the first personal pronoun “I”. Because by repeating

the word “we”, the speaker can have an emotional function given to the audiences,

It is supported by the theory of Burton (2010, p.1) that there is an emotional

function through repetition.

Because he himself and the audiences are put on the same position, then this sense

of togetherness is more contrast in this utterance. It is what being repeated by the

speaker in order to emotionally influence the audiences, where (zimmer, 2010,

p.1) stated that the dramatically of emotional function would bring the sense of

togetherness, moments, problems, and ability. Therefore this sense of togetherness

is further can influence the audiences to support him in his particular purposes,

and through the use of repetition “we” the speaker could give an emotional


Another example of repetition of word is Datum #1

“As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to

demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have
slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of
all faiths and all beliefs. (speech 3, 17:58)
This repetition is a repetition of conjunction “and”, then fastly we can conclude

that this repetition is a kind of polysyndeton type (Burton, 2010, p.1). Here, what

is tied by the repetition “and” is should be an equal rank (Murthy, 2010, p.197),

then we take a look at “Muslims”, “Christians”, “men”, “women”, “children of all

faiths and all beliefs”. The similarity of these words are the types of these words,

where these words is functioned as noun in the utterance. These nouns have the

position in equal rank, which means that the conjunction does not put together

words in different classes like noun and verb, or noun and adjective. However,

rather to the position of noun and noun. Therefore, this repetition of word is

included into a Polysyndeton by paying attention to its conjunction “and”

repeated by the speaker (Burton, 2006, p.1)

This use of conjunction giving an emphasizing and an equal power of important to

each word where this “and” tied to, those words are “Muslims”, “Christians”,

“Men”, “Women” “Children of all faiths and beliefs”. Even though

grammatically, using too many conjunctions is not allowed, but in other hand,

using many conjunction between clauses may create a strong statement which

emphasized the listeners. (Burton, 2006, p.1) In line with that belief, (Johnstone et

al., 1994, p. 6) expressed that repetition can be used for emphasis and (Reynolds,

1995, p. 26) who stated that the emphasizing of utterances will also probably

happen in a sentences, this thing is aimed to ease the listeners to get the

importance of the massage. Therefore, this repetition of conjunction gives a strong

emphasizing on to each word where this conjunction tied to, and makes each of its

word has a same or an equal position as the others. For emphasizing in

Polysyndeton, all of the data found in this part shows the emphasizing function. It

can be assumed because the repetition of the conjunction itself which make the

words it tied to becomes stronger. Based on the theory of Burton (2010, p.1)

stated that Polysyndeton could make the statement becomes stronger.


Additionally, the discussion goes to the repetition of phrases both for Anaphora

and Epistrophe. Repetition of phrase in Anaphora are Verb phrase “cannot be

allowed” and Noun Phrase “my job”. While the representation of Epistrophe for

phrase are Verb Phrase “has to be” and Infinitive Phrase “to have a nuclear

weapon”. A phrase is a group of words where another word used to modify the

others and it does not make a complete sentence. (Murthy, 2010)

Here we take the example of Datum #18

“The direction I will outline today will also return us to a timeless principle.
My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and
security above all else and it has to be first, has to be. (Speech 1, 07:32)

By paying attention to this utterance, we can further identify where is the phrase

in the utterance. The repetition of phrase in the utterance happened at the “has to

be”. This phrase is a kind of verb phrase, where as the verb phrase by following

the rules of phrase, one thing would modify the others. (Murthy, 2010, p. 209)

Here there is a modal auxiliary which shows an obligation of necessity, that modal

is “has to”. This modals further modified the main verb which is “be”. The verb

“be” is still included into a main verb or the finite verb because it is the head of

the verb in this utterance, it holds the action in the utterance, the modal auxiliary

“has to” is only used to help the head verb to have a particular meaning, which is

shows an obligation of the verb “be’. Even though the verb “be” does not shows

the time or tense, but what is most important is to pay attention to the rules of the

auxiliary where after using a modal auxiliary, it is a must to add only V1.

Therefore, even though the verb “be” does not show the tense, but because the

modal auxiliary modified it by helping the meaning, therefore “be” is still

concluded as the finite verb or the main verb. Hence, now we get the verb “be”

which is modified by the modal auxiliary “has to”, and it form the verb phrase

“has to be”.

This is a campaign speech uttered by the republican presidential Donald Trump in

Ohio, (August 15, 2016) for all American people. Look at the speaker, who is

Donald Trump, it is a common issue that he is known as a person who concern to

much at radical Islamism terrorists. Since what happened to America in 9/11,

most people in America are afraid of religious fanaticism which is terrorist. Here

is also what happens to the speaker. Through knowing this issue, then the

researcher knows why the repetition happened at the utterance. In which to

emphasize that the security should be first in his era of presidential. The

emphasizing is one function a repetition could have. (Burton, 2010, p.1)

He walked as a candidate for presidential, he should know exactly how American

people feel about security, that most of them are still afraid if there is any new

attract from terrorist. He also a person who has that concern. Further, by stating

his arguments or ideas, he emphasized his ideas in this utterance. Particularly to

show a necessity or an obligation of his statement.

Another example of repetition of phrases, the difference is it shows a clarifying

function. The clarifying function is less dominant than other functions, it can be

assume because since this is a political speeches, then the function of two others

emphasizing and giving emotional function are more beneficial in attracting


audiences support. While clarifying is only clear about a statement or the position,

then it has less power, even though it still have but it is not as much as two other


Here is an example at Datum # 12

“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United
States of America. (Applause.) (Speech 3, 55:13)”

This speech uttered by Donald Trump at the congress February, 28 2017. Here he

stated about what his duty actually for. There is a repetition in this utterance,

particularly at the phrase “my job”. This repetition is included into a class of

phrase particularly noun phrase. Where there is a modifier which is a possessive

adjective “my” and a noun that is modified “job”. Murthy (2010, p.209) stated

that a phrase is a group of word which does not have a complete sense. Therefore,

if we take a look at this phrase, “my job”, it does not have a complete sense or a

complete statement. There is not action which is stated in that group of words,

therefore it is a kind of a phrase particularly noun phrase because the head of the

phrase is the noun itself. Further in a repetition, a clarifying could be one of its

function (Burton, 2010, p.1) it is also found in this representation, that in this

utterance, the speaker tried to clarify his statement about his job, as how stated by

Jackson (2016, p.256) who stated that clarify may used to clear what it meant. The

speaker tried to make it clear that his job is only taking care or represent his

country and not other countries. Then for people who think he is arrogant to other

country, he gives it transparent that he respect other countries or other nations, but

those countries also have to respect the United State. Because he as the President

will represent his nation against any nation which does not stay on its path and

because his duty is only for his nations and not for others.

Moreover, lastly it goes to the representation of clauses repetition both for

Anaphora and Epistrophe. For anaphora there are “I’m the only one”, “drive them

out”, “it matters”, “do it”, “if you believe”, and “we stand up”, and for

Epistrophe there are “you can” and “join us”.

Here we take an example of Datum # 21

“If you believe that companies should share profits with their workers, not pad
executive bonuses... join us. If you believe the minimum wage should be a living
wage… join us.” (speech 8, 32:45)

This is a campaign speech uttered by the Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton to

her supporters on July, 29 2016 in New York. Hillary Clinton was delivering her

ideas to her supporters. By looking at this utterance, we can further define what is

being repeated by the speaker. Then it is the group of word “Join us”. This group

of words if we analyzed it actually contain a subject that is omitted, that subject is

“you”. This subject is omitted because the hearers already understood about the

subject that is talking about, and it is not necessary to state it. Further, only by

seeing the form of this clause we can conclude that this is an independent clause.

This clause contains a subject of itself which is “You”, a predicate which is

“Join” and an object which is “Us”. Where it stated by Murthy (2010, p.212) that

a clause consist of a subject and a predicate of its own.


Moreover, these group of words also can stand by itself, in which it does not need

any other clauses to fulfill its meaning, as how stated by Murthy (2010, p.212) it

is already has a complete meaning. However, it is not a sentence. What makes this

group of words is not a sentence is because it does not form a complete statement

or sentence. It is only found at the one big sentence which tied to dependent

clause to help that dependent clause in fulfill its meaning. Therefore, this group of

words is concluded as the dependent clause. This independent clause gives an

emphasizing to the audiences, as stated by Burton that a repetition have a

function, one of them is emphasizing. (Burton, 2010, p.1) in this utterance, the

speaker tried to deliver her idea about joining her side and support her ideologies

and opinion. This suits with the theory of Zimmer (2010, p.1) that a key word or

ideas is often found in the emphasizing function.

Further the representation of repetition in this utterance particularly at the clause

“join us” gives an emphasizing to the utterance, indirectly the speaker delivered

her main idea “join us” strongly, it is aimed to convince the audiences to support

her by joining her side. Here the speaker used the repetition of clause “join us” to

emphasize the audiences to support her particular purposes, where by joining her

side, the audiences would elect her in Presidential election, because she was in the



Conclusion and Suggestion

This chapter shows the conclusion and suggestion of this research. The conclusion

consists of the main point of research that is obtained from chapter four.

Meanwhile the suggestion is advices for the variables that existing this research as

well as to lead and guide other researchers who are interested to conduct the same



This research is conducted to find out the types of repetition and investigate the

function of repetition in political speeches made by Donald Trump and Hillary

Clinton. Repetition is interested to be analyzed. It is because repetition is always

seen negatively since its tendency to be repetitive, in other side when it is done

stylistically and intentionally, repetition can be a strong persuasive media to

attract the audiences into the position of the speaker. This research stands as a

media to prove it.

There are three types of repetition found in political speeches made by Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton, those are Anaphora, Epistrophe, and Polysyndeton.

Anaphora is the repetition at the beginning of successive clauses, the

representation for words are “America”, “they”,”we”,“he”, “love”, “have”,

“imagine”, “Poland”, for phrases are phrase “cannot be allowed” and “my job”,

and for clauses are “I’m the only one”, “drive them out”, “it matters”, “do it”,

“if you believe”, and “we stand up”. Epistrophe is the repetition at the ending of

the successive clauses, the representation of Epistrophe for words are “allies”,

“lives”, “rights”, “dreams”, “plans”, “you”, “it”, “I”, “won”, “wasted”,

“vote”, “same”, “no”, “black”, “our”, “religious”, and “together. And

Polysyndeton is the repetition of the conjunction with the representation of words

for Polysyndeton are “and” and “if”. For phrases are “has to be” and “to have a

nuclear weapon”, and for clauses are “you can” and “join us”.

There are three functions of repetition happened at the political speeches made by

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Those are emphasizing, clarifying, and giving

emotional function. The emphasizing function is an emphasis of the main idea

that aimed to deliver by the speaker, in which it could help the listener to

memorize its meaning, and help the speaker to deliver their main idea strongly.

The emotional function could give a sense of togetherness, evoke emotion, and

involves the listeners emotion by the style of the repetition, and the clarifying

helps the speaker in clear their meant. These three functions of repetition

generally help the speaker to achieve their intention by doing a repetition which

further to make the audiences support their particular purposes.


The obstacles that faced during conducting this research is finding the specific

classes to be the representation of the data. It is suggested to focused only at one

particular type of repetition, it could be the repetition of words since there lots of

repetition of word in political speeches.


It is also suggested to the next researcher to learn about the repetition of sounds

and syllables. This different type of repetition is interested to be analyzed and

conducted as the next research, because there has not been a researcher in this

university since this research is conducted that analyze the repetition of sounds

and syllables as the part of stylistic device.

Furthermore, the researcher realizes that this research is still far away from perfect

and still need more and more improvement for better comprehension in this field

of research. It is wisely expected that the next researcher who is interested to

analyze the same study can take this research as guidance in order to provide a

better qualified result of research. Thank you-



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REFERENCES OF VIDEOS presidential DNC: The Daily

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