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(Psophocarpus Tetragonolubus)

A Thesis
Presented to the
College of Business and Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe Campus
Lagawe, Ifugao

A Course Requirement
for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Dionesio M. Abrugar Jr.
Alice B. Amiling
Marical C. Ayah-op
Jenifer B. Chumayo
Ailem B. Dinay-ug
Jerameel Brenn A. Dumahin
Orlando G. Ongalon Jr.

May 2019
Chapter 1

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted beans, seed of berries and other legumes. It is

believed that coffee lovers around the world reach their favorite brew coffee. Coffee is not only to be

taken in to warm the body a=during cold season bit it gives benefits to the body such as caffeine, vitamin

B2 (riboflavin) and magnesium. It is said that it is the most consumed and healthiest beverage worldwide

because of its benefits like source of biologically active natural metabolites. At the same time, it is believed

to be the antioxidants and caffeine. As supported by (Oz, Mehmet) in his study that people of today

preferred drinking coffee for everlasting and maintaining good health and that researchers conclude that

drinking green bean coffee is healthier and has less additives like the winged bean seed coffee. However,

drinking too much coffee can result some unpleasant effect such as anxiety and depression. According to

British Journal of Pharmacology, women who plan to become pregnant should be cautions because

regular coffee intake may reduce a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

Moreover, coffee beans are the seeds of a fruit called a coffee cherry. These are the wide variety

of species of coffee plants, ranging from shrubs to trees. However, there are variety of coffee products

aside from the known Robusta and Arabica which is available around the globe and Philippines is one of

the supplier and a lot more.

According to Agawar, Dona Sheth (2019) Winged beans are complete package. Its leaves, stem,

flowers, seeds, and tubers are all edible in some way or the other. The seed can be turned into coffee, the

leaves can be a staple vegetable, stems and tubers can be made into salad. According to some folks in the

province, they consume process winged bean seeds to be their coffee most especially that they have

difficulty in acquiring the commercialized coffee products in the market. Winged bean plants grows as

vine. The size of the pod is typically 15-22 cm long and has four wings with edges running lengthwise. On
the other hand, this bean has been called the “one species supermarket” because all parts of the plant

are edible, from vegetable, flour and coffee (, February 2019).

In Ifugao context, the winged bean is believed by the folks to have its full nutrients contents. It is

planted by many Ifugao’s along the rice paddies in the golden days for consumption purposes and if there

are excess then they will sell it in the market. Though as observed by the researchers, the Ifugao’s use it

as vegetable when the pods are young and roast the matured seed into coffee. Though the winged bean

coffee is only for family consumptions.

Hence, the researchers are interested to study further the acceptability of winged bean coffee in

order to help promote this variety of coffee in the locality its benefits to the consumers. Aside from the

benefits, it produce abundantly in local farms of the province.


This study aims to determine the acceptability of winged bean coffee in each treatment.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1) Determine and rank the most preferred treatment in terms of;

1.1 Appearance

1.2 Aroma/Smell

1.3 Texture

1.4 Taste

2) Evaluate the overall acceptability of each treatment in terms of appearance,

smell/aroma, texture and taste.


Input Process Output

Analysis of the overall
T 1. Commercial coffee Acceptability and Acceptability
likability of the winged
T 2. Winged bean roasted and grinded of Winged
bean coffee in terms of bean coffee as
T 3. Winged bean roasted, pounded and
Appearance Coffee
Robusta beans dried under the sun and
T 4. Winged bean roasted, grinded and
Robusta beans boiled and grinded Texture
T 5. Winged bean and Robusta beans Taste
roasted and grinded

This study is conducted at the municipality of Lagawe, province of Ifugao targeting the

acceptability of winged bean coffee in the market. The process in collecting the data needed is

not an easy task because we need to find coffee drinkers for testing purposes whether the winged

bean coffee is really acceptable and with that, we can able to float survey questionnaires with 33

possible respondents.

Limitation of the study covers only at the Municipality of Lagawe. The 33 possible

respondents must be priorities to the people who are really coffee drinker. This people can be

found mostly in coffee shops of the municipality of Lagawe and in the community as well.


Coffee drinker- they will have a healthier coffee to drink without thinking possible

negative effects to their body.

Health conscious people- knowing what is the best and healthy coffee for them

Coffee shop owners- they will be motivated to serve healthier coffees

Respondents- trough the survey they will know that the viand they are eating is

full of nutrients and benefits.

IFSU, Lagawe, Campus - encourage the students to conduct

researches related to the study.

Researchers- they have the chance to know the benefits of winged bean and able
to share it through this study.

Future researchers- this study is likely also to be used as references for further

research work by anyone who might be interested in this area of



Winged bean - known as Psophocarpus Tetragonolubus as its scientific name

- A tropical plant that grow vigorously in warm climates and has a pea liked bean

with four winged edges.

- It is used in the study as the main factor or instrument of the study.

Winged bean as coffee – the product which the study proposing to be accepted in the


Coffee – most commonly consumed beverage worldwide

Treatment – presented in the study as the different set ups in choosing the best output

to be presented to the respondent.

Acceptability - term use in the study where the output must be accepted truly in the


Respondent – people involve in the research survey or the one who will answer the

survey questionnaire.
Researchers – they are the people involved in the creation of the study.

Roasted – term use in the process where in the winged beans was being dried over a


Grinded – it refers to the winged bean being crush or break after being roasted.

Smell/Aroma – the scent of the winged bean coffee after being process.

Texture – the way the winged bean coffee feels when you touch it

Appearance – winged bean looked like

Taste – the sense of flavor of the winged bean coffee

Robusta – kind of coffee that serve as a major ingredient in the other treatments.
Chapter 2

This chapter presents the method of research to be used, the respondents of the study,

locale of the study, data gathering tool, data gathering procedure and the treatment of data.


The study used experimental research and quantitative technique in collecting the data

because we are using surveys. Particularly descriptive and evaluative because there will be

evaluation of general acceptability of the product, descriptive because of the description of the

acceptability of the winged bean coffee.

With the use of this different techniques we can able to determine the acceptability level

of winged beans coffee among respondents as to general acceptability, appearance,

aroma/smell, texture and taste. In this study the winged beans were being process in different

treatments; treatment 1. Commercial coffee, treatment 2. Winged bean roasted and grinded,

treatment 3. Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta beans dried under the sun and grinded,

treatment 4. Winged bean roasted and grinded and Robusta beans boiled and grinded, treatment

5. Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and grinded.


This study was conducted at the Municipality of Lagawe, Ifugao. However, the study is at

some coffee shops in the town that are commonly known by the residence of the community and

inside IFSU, Lagawe Campus. It is also conducted in some particular barangay of the where in.
Lagawe Municipality is a fourth-class municipality and capital of the province of Ifugao,



The respondents of the study are the coffee drinkers who are residence of the locality,

coffee drinkers inside IFSU, Lagawe Campus or customer of coffee shop who will be the sources

of our data.


The instrument in gathering the data is through questionnaires to rank the likability and

evaluate the overall acceptability of winged bean as coffee. In the evaluation of the proposed

coffee, the researchers will survey the respondents by giving them questionnaires.

The flow of the procedure in gathering the data the researchers will prepare the products

in 5 treatments for the evaluation of the respondents. In determining and ranking of the likability

of the winged bean as coffee, the researchers will give questionnaires for them to answer.

To know the acceptability of winged bean as coffee, it is much important to assure that it

will be accepted by the respondents. In achieving this, the researchers will plan for a procedure

for this to be successfully completed.

The first stage is the Planning. It is the planning and the development of the process of

each treatment in producing the new product.

The second stage is the Preparation. It is the preparation of the product under each for

the evaluation.

The third stage will be the Evaluation. It is the try-out of the product for the respondents to

assess trough questionnaire.

The fourth stage will be the analysis of the most accepted and likable treatments of

producing winged bean as coffee.


Upon the adequate data are gathered, the researcher will tabulate, analyze and interpret

the data to be gathered, the following treatments will be use.

In determining the overall acceptability of winged bean coffee in terms of its appearance,

aroma/smell, texture and taste the four-points Likert scale is used in scoring the data. The legend

of which is:

4 3.50-4.00 Very acceptable

3 2.50-3.49 Moderately acceptable

2 1.50-2.49 Acceptable

1 1.00-1.49 Not at all

In the evaluation of the product likability under each treatment the rating scale is as follows:

7 6.50 – 7.00 Like very much

6 5.50 – 6.49 Like moderately

5 4.50 – 5.59 Like slightly

4 3.50 – 4.49 Neither like nor dislike

3 2.50 – 3.49 Dislike slightly

2 1.50 – 2.49 Dislike moderately

1 1.00 – 1.49 Dislike very much

Chapter 3

This chapter presented the result of the study. It includes the evaluation of the

likability and overall acceptability of winged bean as coffee.


A. Appearance

Based on the table below, result shows that the average mean of the likability of the

Winged bean as coffee in terms of its appearance is with descriptive value of like slightly. The

Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded (treatment 5) obtains the highest mean

7.12 with descriptive value of like very much, followed by commercial coffee (treatment 1) with

a mean of 5.97 and Winged bean roasted and grinded (treatment 2) with a mean of 5.87 with

both descriptive value of like moderately.

Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded has the highest mean based by

the respondents’ preferred appearance.

Table1a. Appearance of Winged Bean as Coffee

1. Commercial Coffee 5.97 5.97 Like Moderately
2. Winged bean roasted and grinded 5.87 5.87 Like Moderately
3. Winged bean roasted and grinded, 5.12 5.12 Like Slightly
and Robusta bean dried under the sun
and grinded
4. Winged bean roasted and grinded, and 5.42 5.42 Like Slightly
Robusta bean boiled and grinded
5. Winged bean and Robusta bean 7.12 7.12 Like Very Much
roasted and grinded

TOTAL 5. 9 Like Slightly

Below shows the appearance of the treatment 5- Winged bean and

Robusta roasted and grinded (figure 4) being like very much by respondents. In addition, figure

2 to 3 shows the appearance of the treatment 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 1. Treatment 2- Winged bean roasted and grinded Figure 2. Treatment 3- Winged bean
roasted and grinded and Robusta bean
dried under the sun and grinded

Figure 3. Treatment 4- Winged bean roasted and grinded Figure 4. Treatment 5- Winged bean and
Robusta bean boiled and grinded Robusta bean roasted and grinded
B. Smell/Aroma

As shown to the table below, result shows that treatment 1 which is ‘like

moderately’ with the mean of 6.09 followed by treatment 5 with the mean of 5.85 with also

a descriptive value of like moderately. This indicates that the aroma of the commercial

coffee and Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and pounded is acceptable base on

the respondent’s choice.

Base on the respondent’s choice of aroma, commercial coffee has the perfect and

highest likability of aroma as to the result of the evaluation of the product.

Table1b. Smell/ aroma of Winged Bean as Coffee

1. Commercial Coffee 6.09 6.09 Like Moderately
2. Winged bean roasted and grinded 5.8 5.8 Like Slightly
3. Winged bean roasted and grinded, 5.18 5.18 Like Slightly
and Robusta bean dried under the sun
and grinded
4. Winged bean roasted and grinded, and 5.03 5.03 Like Slightly
Robusta bean boiled and grinded
5. Winged bean and Robusta bean 5.85 5.85 Like Moderately
roasted and grinded

TOTAL 5. 85 Like Moderately

C. Taste

The table below shows the descriptive value of like moderate, commercial coffee

(treatment 1) has the greatest average mean of 6.33 and with the same descriptive value

like moderately Winged bean roasted and grinded (treatment 2) and Winged bean and

Robusta bean roasted and grinded (treatment 5) has the average mean of 5.75 and 6.15

respectively. This indicates that the taste, as one of the characteristics of the Winged bean

as coffee is accepted, with the total mean of 5.6 like slightly as descriptive value is

evidently liked by the respondents.

Table1c. Taste of Winged Bean as Coffee


1. Commercial Coffee 6.33 6.33 Like Moderately

2. Winged bean roasted and grinded 5.75 5.75 Like Moderately
3. Winged bean roasted and grinded, 5.06 5.06 Like Slightly
and Robusta bean dried under the sun
and grinded
4. Winged bean roasted and grinded, and 4.75 4.75 Like Slightly
Robusta bean boiled and grinded
5. Winged bean and Robusta bean 6.15 6.15 Like Moderately
roasted and grinded

TOTAL 5.6 Like Slightly

D. Texture

One of the characteristics of Winged bean as coffee is based on its texture which is used

by the respondents to assess the likability of the product. Base on the table below, Winged

bean roasted and grinded and Robusta bean boiled and grinded (treatment 4) has the highest

average mean of 7.24, next is the Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded

(treatment 5) with the average mean of 6.36 like moderately as its descriptive value.

The mean of the treatment 4 has the highest average mean based on the preferred texture

of the respondents as compared to the other treatment that has the lowest mean and has the

value of “like slightly”.

Table1d. Texture of Winged Bean as Coffee


1. Commercial Coffee 6.09 6.09 Like Moderately

2. Winged bean roasted and grinded 5.73 5.73 Like Moderately
3. Winged bean roasted and grinded, 5.12 5.12 Like Slightly
and Robusta bean dried under the sun
and grinded
4. Winged bean roasted and grinded, and 7.24 7.24 Like Very Much
Robusta bean boiled and grinded
5. Winged bean and Robusta bean 6.36 6.36 Like Moderately
Roasted and grinded

TOTAL 5.09 Like Slightly

Figure1. Treatment 2-WInged bean roasted Figure2. Treatment 3- Winged bean roasted and
grinded (Texture) and grinded and Robusta bean dried
under the sun and grinded (Texture)

Figure3. Treatment 4- Winged bean roasted and Figure4. Treatment 5- Winged bean and Robusta
grinded and Robusta bean boiled bean roasted and grinded (Texture)
and grinded (Texture)

Above shows the Texture of the Winged bean roasted and grinded and Robusta bean

Boiled and grinded (figure 4) that has the highest average mean of 7.24.

The table shows that most of the treatments were rated with mean scores

From 3.50-4.00 described as very acceptable. These are: commercial coffee with

a mean score of 3.61, Winged bean roasted and grinded and Robusta bean dried

under the sun and grinded with 3.79, Winged bean roasted and grinded, and Robusta

bean boiled and grinded a mean score of 3.52. However, it also reflects that 2 items

were rated with a mean score from 2.50-3.49 described as acceptable. Items

includes; Winged bean roasted and grinded with a mean score 3.33, Winged bean

and Robusta bean roasted and grinded with a mean score of 2.82. It further reveals

that the overall mean of the treatments is 3.21, which means that the treatments

were acceptable. It can also be concluded that the most acceptable is treatment 3

and treatment 1.

Treatment Mean Qualitative

Score Descriptive
1. commercial coffee 3.61 Very acceptable

2. Winged bean roasted and grinded 3.33 Acceptable

3. Winged bean roasted and grinded and Robusta 3.79 Very acceptable
bean dried under the sun and grinded

4. Winged bean roasted and grinded, and Robusta 3.52 Very acceptable
bean boiled and grinded

5. Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and 2.82 Acceptable


Total 3.21 Acceptable

Scale: 1.00 – 1.49 – Not at all; 1.50 – 2.49 –Not Acceptable;

2.50 – 3.49 –Acceptable; and 3.50 – 4.00 –Very Acceptable
Chapter IV



1. The findings show that treatment 3- Winged bean roasted and grinded and

Robusta bean dried under the sun and grinded obtains the highest acceptability

rating compared to other treatments.

2. Treatment 1- Commercial coffee, Treatment 2- Winged bean roasted and grinded

and Treatment 5- Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded has the

highest rating as like moderately in terms of taste. It also concludes that the

treatment 1 has the highest rating and treatment 2 to 5 are much closely related in

terms of aroma/smell.

3. It reveals that treatment 4 (Winged bean roasted and grinded, and Robusta bean

boiled and grinded) has the highest rate in terms of texture. It further concludes

that treatment 1, 2 and 5 (commercial coffee, Winged bean roasted and grinded,

and Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded is like moderately in

terms of texture.

4. It concludes that Winged bean and Robusta bean roasted and grinded (treatment

5) has the highest rating as like very much in terms of appearance base by the

rating of the respondents.


1. A well as the proper cultivation of this plants to supply the needed raw materials in
the production of Winged bean plants.
2. The researcher recommends that there should more in experiment or further

research work in the acceptability of winged bean as coffee that should be done to

widen the knowledge and chance to know more about the health benefits of winged


3. Researchers recommend that coffee drinkers should seek for nutritious coffee just

like the winged bean and others.

Republic of the Philippines
Lagawe, Campus
Lagawe, Ifugao


January 21, 2019

Dear Respondents,


We are student of IFSU, Lagawe Campus, Lagawe, Ifugao taking up Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration major in Marketing Management. Currently we are conducting a
research entitled “Acceptability of Winged bean as Coffee” as part of our Undergraduate
Thesis subject.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your help to provide the necessary data for
our research, please feel free to answer the questionnaires.

We would like to appreciate your assistance and support in this particular research study.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Truly yours,

Abrugar, Dionesio Jr.

Amiling, Alice

Ayah-op, Marical

Dinay-ug, Ailem

Dumahin, Jerameel Brenn

Ongalon, Orlando Jr.

Noted by:


In the evaluation of the product likability under each treatment the rating scale is as follows:

7 ---------------- Like very much

6 ---------------- Like moderately
5 ---------------- Like slightly
4 ---------------- Neither like nor dislike
3 ---------------- Dislike slightly
2 ---------------- Dislike moderately
1 ---------------- Dislike very much


TREATMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Treatment 1 commercial coffee

Treatment 2 Winged bean roasted and grinded

Treatment 3Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta

beans dried under the sun and grinded
Treatment 4Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta
beans boiled and grinded
Treatment 5Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and


TREATMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Treatment 1 commercial coffee

Treatment 2Winged bean roasted and grinded

Treatment 3Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta

beans dried under the sun and grinded
Treatment 4Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta
beans boiled and grinded
Treatment 5Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and

TREATMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Treatment 1 commercial coffee

Treatment 2Winged bean roasted and grinded

Treatment 3Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta

beans dried under the sun and grinded
Treatment 4Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta
beans boiled and grinded
Treatment 5Winged bean and Robusta beans grinded and


TREATMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Treatment 1 commercial coffee

Treatment 2Winged bean roasted and grinded

Treatment 3Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta

beans dried under the sun and grinded
Treatment 4Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta
beans boiled and grinded
Treatment 5Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and
Please check the overall acceptability of the winged bean coffee in each treatment below. The
rating is;
4= Very acceptable 2= acceptable
3= moderately acceptable 1= not at all



Treatment 1 commercial coffee

Treatment 2Winged bean roasted and grinded

Treatment 3Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta beans dried under
the sun and grinded
Treatment 4Winged bean roasted, grinded and Robusta beans boiled and
Treatment 5Winged bean and Robusta beans roasted and grinded


Name : Dionesio M. Abrugar Jr.

Address : Poblacion Tinoc, Ifugao
Age : 20 years old
Birth date : August 28, 1998
Birth place : Poblacion, Tinoc, Ifugao
Weight : 54kg
Height : 5’4
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Name of father : Dionesio N. Abrugar Sr
Name of mother : Caroline M. Abrugar
Language spoken : Filipino, Ifugao ( Kalanguya, Tuwali)



2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao


2011 - 2015 Tinoc National High School

Tinoc, Ifugao


2005 - 2011 Tinoc Central School

Tinoc, Ifugao


Name : Marical C. Ayah-op

Address : Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao
Age : 21 years old
Birth date : March 1, 1998
Birth place : Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao
Weight : 50kg
Height : 4’10
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Name of father : Pablo P. Ayah-op
Name of mother : Carmen C. Ayah-op
Language spoken : Filipino, English, Ifugao ( Ayangan, Tuwali)



2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao


2011 - 2015 Camandag National High School

Camandag, Asipulo, Ifugao


2005 - 2011 Cawayan Elementary School

Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao
Contact No.0926-979-1206
To apply, enhance and develop my skills in relation to office _____, contribute to the growth of the office
and gain more knowledge in preparation for my future profession.


Name Ailem B. Dinay-ug

Address Banga, Lagawe, Ifugao
Age 20 years old
Birth date December 06, 1998
Birth place Banga, Lagawe, Ifugao
Weight 45kg
Height 4’10
Civil status Single
Citizenship Filipino
Name of father Moises A. Dinay-ug
Name of mother Amelia B. Dinay-ug
Language spoken Filipino, English, Ifugao ( Ayangan, Tuwali)


2015 – Present Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao

2011 - 2015 Hapid National High School-Annex

Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao
Graduate, Secondary Level

2005 - 2011 Ilap Elementary School

Ilap, Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao
Graduate, Elementary Level
Contact No.0905-844-2663

To apply, enhance and develop my skills in relation to office _____, contribute to the growth of the office
and gain more knowledge in preparation for my future profession.


Age 20 years old

Birthdate November 30, 1998

Birth Place Halong, Humalophop, Mompolia, Hingyon Ifugao

Weight 48kg

Height 5’2’’

Civil Status Single

Citizenship Filipino

Name of mother Joyce I. Amiling

Name of father Pedro B. Amiling

Language Spoken English, Tagalog, Ifugao (Ayangan, Tuwali)


2015 Present Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management

Ifugao State University

Lagawe Campus Lagawe, Ifugao

2012-2015 Southern Hingyon National High School

Hingyon, Ifugao

Graduate, Secondary Level

2009-2012 Humalophop Elementary School

Hingyon, Ifugao

Graduate, Elementary Level

Jennifer B. Chumayo
Contact No.0935-830-7898
To apply, enhance and develop my skills in relation to office _____, contribute to the growth of the
office and gain more knowledge in preparation for my future profession.


Age 22 years old

Birth date January 26, 1997
Birth place Banao, Myoyao, Ifugao
Weight 43kg
Height 5’’
Civil status Single
Citizenship Filipino
Name of father Marcos N. Chumayo
Name of mother Agusta B. Chumayo
Language spoken Filipino, English, Ifugao ( Ayangan, Tuwali)


2015– Present Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao

2009 - 2013 Easthern Potia National High School

San Jose, Alfonsolista, Ifugao
Graduate, Secondary Level

2003 - 2009 Banao Elementary School

Banao, Mayoyao, Ifugao
Graduate, Elementary Level

Name : Jerameel Brenn A. Dumahin

Address : Binablayan, Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao
Age : 20 years old
Birth date : November 23, 1998
Birth place : Binablayan, Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao
Weight : 63kg
Height : 5’
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Name of father : Jerome G. Dumahin
Name of mother : Ramelyn A. Dumahin
Language spoken : Filipino, English, Ifugao ( Ayangan, Tuwali)



2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao


2011 - 2015 Hapid National High School-Annex

Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao


2005 - 2011 Ilap Elementary School

Ilap, Bimpal, Lamut, Ifugao



Name : Orlando G. Ongalon Jr.

Address : Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao
Age : 21 years old
Birth date : October 22, 1997
Birth place : Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao
Weight : 60kg
Height : 5’2
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Name of father : Orlando B. Ongalon Sr.
Name of mother : Mary G. Ongalon
Language spoken : Filipino, English, Ifugao ( Ayangan, Tuwali)



2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Marketing Management
Ifugao State University
Lagawe campus, Lagawe, Ifugao


2014-2015 Haliap National High School

Haliap, Asipulo, Ifugao


2006 - 2012 Cawayan Elementary School

Cawayan, Asipulo, Ifugao

Bibliography beauty and health benefits of winged bean Asian Winged Bean 10 Amazing benefits of Winged Bean Premuim Health and Beauty Online-GHAMA HEALTH


Cordillera Coffee Development Plan

Robusta Coffee Info: Introduction, Facts, Benefits and Much More

BMS/News norm? Moderate Coffee drinking “more likely to benefit health that to harm it”

Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health

outcomes bmj359 doi. 10 1136/bmj.j5024
Coffee gets a clean bill of health

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