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Best motivational guides

Feeling de-motivated? Then this blog is right for you. A motivated person can also read this. Life
is full of struggle and taking a risk and managing to come out from that situation with a happy
face. We can get inspired by our-self only.

I’m just sharing what I've got experienced. I also feel dizzy, de-motivated; feels to stop all these
things happening. But I’ve found one trick that works for me! BI hope it will work for you also.
 Try to divert your mind from what you are doing.
 Take a short nap, break from your work.
 Read motivational books, watch movies that are based on motivation.
 Try new things for yourself. Let it be shopping, a new hair cut, making new friends.
 Get up early, do some exercises, eat fresh and healthy food.
Now, these are something you might do! Try to change your mind and see the world from inside.
Find something interesting which you love to do all the time and focus it.
Time - Manage your time. Make a to-list for your work. You can do a lot more in 24 hours.
Consume as many as information for yourself. Our body is a machine which runs 24 hours, so be
healthy and take proper sleep. You can also list your business on Linkezee(link) and can grow
your business. Take out time from your busy schedule for meditating. It’s the best way to re-gain
yourself and also it helps to lead a de-stressful life. You can meditate anywhere you want. This is
the best exercise I’ve ever come across. Train your brain and keep eating healthy things. Treat
your time as your money.
“All have got 24 hours, so we lack in a direction, not in time”
Start your day with fresh - Do something good for yourself. Give yourself a nice make-over, talk
to your friends, renovate your house, buy new clothes, go for a party, make new dreams and
desires. Try to imagine the recent events, let it be break up, friend’s betrayal, some other special
occasion then take a notepad and a pen and start crafting down what you experienced the most,
what changes will you make for yourself, what are your priorities. Believe me, it works best for
anyone. Try this idea at once you will love to repeat it.
Eat something which you love -This is my favorite section to write. I love eating lots of chocolate
and it works for me to gain-up my energy back. It helps to boost your energy at the next level.
Now some people who have some misconceptions about chocolate let me tell you some real
facts about it, the effects of chocolate have been proved by many scientists also it has a good
impact on the brain. Or else try something you like to eat when you feel low. Try to avoid food
which is heavy and doesn’t give you any happiness. Try some blueberries, avocado.
Visit some serenity places - When do you visit someplace which gives you happiness then visit
that place. But the study says that when you feel low, see something green, visit some forestry
places. It says that green color boost motivation and it helps best to overcome that situation. If
you love trees then talk with them, tell your daily routine, nurture them. It’s totally over to you.
But once when you start doing this you will love doing it.
Make a loud noise and tell the world about your achievements - Post something on the
internet that you have achieved on your own. Write a blog on how do you feel good about it.
Writing a blog is the best way to convey all your points to the world. Writing a blog helps you to
get out of your comfort. If you love to write then go for this option. Keep visualizing your goal,
keep looking at that picture, if you say you want to buy a car then keep the picture of that in
front of your eyes and improve your visual powers.
Become an optimistic thinker - Thinking positive is the most important thing in life. Try to think
which brings positivity to your mind. Manage your thoughts. Talk to yourself. Just simply look it
into the mirror and talk with you, it will surely bring happiness in your life. Listen to your heart.
Ask the question what do you want from your life? Keep writing your thoughts and start
implementing it. Take a little break from your work and see the beautiful world around you. Let
the positive thoughts come inside you. Don’t lose your hope, it’s the life you have to deal with
these thoughts.
Surround yourself with winners - Match your level with winners. Try to inculcate things, what
they do, what the common topic they discuss. Take their views on some topics. Stop spending
your time with negative, toxic people. They sap the emotional energy of the people around
them, and the unfortunate thing is that they don’t even realize it.
Spread positive energy around you- For doing this, you have to be happy from inside first.
Spread information, happy thoughts to another person. When you do this, you create positive
energy within your inner circle. That uplifts everybody including you.

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