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COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


CLASS: EPE 5A/B Announced Date:16th September 2019

Subject: Microprocessor Systems & Interfacing Instructor: Muhammad Naveed Shaikh

Due Date:24th September2019 Maximum Marks: 10

Student Name: __________________________ Registration #__________________

Question # CLO Domain / Level Justification

1-2 1 C1 Describe the Architecture of PIC 18F

Q1: Identify the differences between the following:


II. Little Endian and Big Endian

Q2: Describe the program counter present in PIC18F along with its features and its impact on
ROM size.

i. Clearly mention Names, User IDs, Group# and Class section on report/Assignment title pages.
ii. Prepare proper report for the task/Assignments including code, snapshots and any necessary
comments/ information required to explain the task accomplishment.
iii. A soft copy of report/Assignment must be uploaded on PORTAL before deadline by any one
member of Group.
iv. Every group should submit report/Assignments through only CR.
v. Copied submission will be marked as zero.
vi. Maximum marks will be reduced to 50% for late submissions.

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