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Pyrite is sometimes called Fools Gold
because of its similarity in color and shape to Gold. In the
old mining days, Pyrite was sometimes mistaken for Gold, as they frequently occur together,
although Gold and Pyrite can very easily be distinguished by simple observation and testing of

Pyrite occurs in numerous shapes and habits. The smaller crystal aggregates may give off a
beautiful glistening effect in light, and the larger crystals may be perfectly formed, including
fascinating cubes, penetration twins, and other interesting crystal forms. The perfect cubes of
Pyrite embedded in a matrix from the famous Spanish mines are especially treasured among
collectors. Many of these specimens have fallen out of the matrix and have been repaired by
having them glued back into the matrix.

Pyrite has the same chemical formula as the rarer mineral Marcasite, but it crystallizes in a
different crystal system, thereby classifying it as a separate mineral species. Aggregates of iron
sulfide (FeS2) where the crystal structure cannot be determined without complex analyzing
material may be wrongly labeled by dealers. Some Pyrite specimens are labeled as Marcasite,
and some Marcasite specimens as Pyrite.

For additional information, see the gemstone section on Pyrite.

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Chemical Formula FeS2

Composition Iron sulfide, sometimes containing small amounts of cobalt, nickel, silver, and gold
Color Yellowish gray to gray. Some specimens oxidize and form a yellow-brown or iridescent film on
exposed crystal faces.
Streak Black with a slightly green tinge
Hardness 6 - 6.5
Crystal System Isometric
3D Crystal Atlas
(Click for animated model)

Crystal Forms Pyrite can form in extremely well-crystallized examples of cubes, pyritohedrons, and octahedrons.
and Aggregates Combinations of these forms also occur. An icosahedron formed from a combination of an octahedron
and pyritohedron is also known. Pyrite crystals frequently form penetration twinning, especially in the
cubic form. Cubes are sometimes elongated in rectangular form. Also occurs massive, radiating,
grainy, flaky, drusy, mammilary, encrusting, nodular, tuberose, fibrous, in concretions, and as groups
of small crystals. Pyrite crystals are frequently striated.
Transparency Opaque
Specific Gravity 4.9 - 5.2
Luster Metallic
Cleavage None
Fracture Conchoidal
Tenacity Brittle
Other ID Marks Some specimens develop a yellow-brown film on crystal faces.
In Group Sulfides; Simple Sulfides
Striking Features Hardness, color, well shaped crystals, heaviness, and streak
Environment Pyrite forms in all types of environments.
Rock Type Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic
Popularity (1-4) 1
Prevalence (1-3) 1
Demand (1-3) 2


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G... t te...
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BG- crystals 11x12mm Natural 57g Natural 17g Natural

,minerals Golden Pyrite Original Original
$12.00 $7.99 $7.99 $1.99


Fools Gold

Cathedral Pyrite - Pyrite with etched, gothiclike markings

Dollar - Flat disc of radiating Pyrite or Marcasite.

Pyrite Cube - Large, undistorted, cubic shaped Pyrite.

Pyrite Sun - Synonym of Pyrite Dollar.

Pyritohedron - Pyrite with with a pyritohedral shape.

Rainbow Pyrite - Iridescent Pyrite from the Volga River of Russia. Rainbow Pyrite is usually in spherical concretions
that contain internal shrinkage fractures, and the iridescence is caused by oxidation.




Pyrite was once used as a source of sulfur, but is now only a minor ore for both sulfur and iron. Pyrite from some localities is
auriferous, and therefore is used as an ore of gold in gold-bearing localities. Pyrite was polished by the Native Americans in
the early times and used as mirrors. Today, it is used as an ornamental stone, as well as a very popular stone for amateur
collectors. It is sometimes used as gemstone by being faceted and polished for use as an inexpensive side gemstone in some
rings, necklaces, and bracelets.


Pyrite is an extremely common mineral, and good examples occur in numerous localities throughout the world. Only well-
known localities are mentioned here.

Enormous deposits of Pyrite in the form of small crystal clusters exist in the Huaron Mining District in Peru. Other
outstanding Peruvian localities are the Quiruvilca Mine, La Libertad; and the Huanzala, Huánuco. Most of the amateur
collector Pyrite comes from the Peruvian locations in abundance, though fine outstanding crystals have also come from there
as well.

In the Ampliación a Victoria Mine, Navajún, La Rioja, (formerly Logroño), Spain, large perfect cubic Pyrite crystals, are mined
in abundance. They are frequently embedded in a light brown matrix, and are occasionally inter-penetrating. Excellent
pyritohedral crystals occur in Rio Marina on the island of Elba, Italy, which is a classic locality. A locality which has recently
brought interestingly shaped, complex Pyrite crystals to the market is the Merelani Hills, Arusha, Tanzania.

In the U.S., fine Pyrite localities abound. In Park City, Bingham Co., Utah, large, well shaped pyritohedrons and cubes were
once found. The Bingham Canyon Mine, Salt Lake Co., Utah is also a classic occurrence, where few of the excellent Pyrites
from the mine are saved from the mining crusher. Large, intergrown cubes, many times partially octahedral, occurred in
abundance at Leadville, Lake Co., Colorado. Pyrite "dollars" are well-known from Sparta, Randolph Co., Illinois. The French
Creek Mine in Chester Co., Pennsylvania is famous for the octahedral crystals that occur there, although most are distorted.
Ross Co., Ohio, produces rounded tubular growths of Pyrite, some reaching several feet in size, as well as growths of spiky,
pineapple-like crystals.


Quartz, Microcline, Biotite, Albite, Hornblende, Hematite, Barite, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite


Chalcopyrite - Lower hardness, has a more intense yellow color.

Cobaltite - Lacks yellow color of Pyrite, lower hardness.
Marcasite - Crystallizes in different crystal system.
Pyrrhotite - Lower hardness, darker color, different crystal form.

Small, gold colored, massive or flaky Pyrite may be confused with Gold, but is easily distinguished by Pyrite's black streak
and Gold's yellow streak (and by Gold's low hardness and lack of brittleness.)


The Mineral Gallery (Amethyst Galleries)
Mineralogy Database (David Barthelmy)
Alkali-Nuts (Marc Favre)


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