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Erika Destya Putri

Desa Kedungrejo Rt.05/01

Kec. Modo Kab. Lamongan
CP: 085708858909

April, 04 2019

HR Department
Mr. Duck Kitchen

Dear Sir/Madam
Application for Cook Helper

Understanding that Mr.Duck Kitchen is growing and currently strengthening its position to become Cook
Helper, herewith I would like to apply for the position of Cook Helper.

I am, 20, have completed my high school at SMAN MODEL TERPADU BOJONEGORO, and holder of
Senior High School Certificate.

My personality is hard worker type, strong in fulfilling commitment, able to get along with people and is
willing to work in team.

For your reference I attached my CV along with copies of certificates of education.

In this respect I would like kindly request your favorable consideration to this application and would
appreciate opportunity for an interview.

Thank You.

Very truly yours,

Erika Destya Putri

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