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Nama : I Made Ryaas Gandewa

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Pengertian Parts of Speech

Dalam English grammar, bagian-bagian penting itu disebut parts of speech. Parts of
speech is a class of words based on the word’s function, the way it works in a sentence.
Parts of speech merupakan bagian-bagian mendasar dalam suatu kalimat. Parts of
speech dibagi menjadi 8, yaitu: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition,
conjunction, dan interjection.

1. Noun (kata benda )

Kata yang berfungsi untuk menamai suatu objek seperti orang, hewan, tempat, dan
konsep abstrak.

Contoh: teacher, book, school, Maria, city, Jakarta, cat, freedom, creativity

Contoh kalimat : Maria is my teacher, I love Jakarta , Ryaas has a fat cat

2. Verb (kata kerja)

Kata yang menunjukan suatuy tindakan subjek.

Contoh: eat, study, pray, sing, run, fly, draw, work, write, swim

Contoh kalimat : He eats a cake on the table, Sonya swims like a dolphin, We study
English everyday
3. Adjective (kata sifat)

Kata yang menerapkan noun atau pronoun.

Contoh: good, beautiful, smart, honest, green, wet, big, hot, fat, hard, soft.

Contoh Kalimat: My mother is beautiful, Bobi is a fat boy, I wear a green jacket

4. Adverb (kata keterangan)

Kata yang menerangkan verb, adjective, atau adverb lain.

Contoh: well, very, slowly, quickly, honestly, really, badly]

Contoh Kalimat: Dina cook the rice well, The lecture spoke honestly, He run
slowly like a snail

5. Pronoun (kata ganti)

Kata ganti kata banda (noun).Pronoun digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan

kata (repetisi).

Contoh: I, you, he, she, it, they,we, that, those, this, these

Contoh Kalimat: She gets an award yesterday, you have enjoyed the show, it will
be the last one

6. Preposition (kata depan)

Kata yang biasa di kombinasikan dengan noun atau pronoun, biasanya berada
sebelum noun/pronoun.

Contoh: but, after, to, on, in, at

Contoh Kalimat: There was a book on the floor, I live in Jogja, Bob went to the
7. Conjunction (kata sambung)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa(pharase),

klause(clause),kalimat, ataupun paragraph.

Contoh: and, but, when, however, although

Contoh Kalimat: She is really smart and beautiful, I have a lot of money, but I
don’t need it

8. Interjection

Kata seru atau ucapan pendek yang memiliki makna khusus biasanya sebagai
bentuk emosi.

Contoh: Hi!, Hello!, Ouch!, Oh!, Ah!, Yummy!

Contoh Kalimat: Hi! How are you friend?, Ah! I feel good now, Ouch! That hurts!

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