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Lab Report

- Aditya Mithare

A movable pulley is a pulley that is free to move up and down, and is a4ached to a
ceiling or other object by two lengths of the same rope.

Research Ques2on

To determine how efficiently the single movable pulley works in terms of
displacement of load and effort and to determine the propor@onality of the effort
and various loads in this seAng?

A movable pulley has a movable axle and offers a mechanical advantage, requiring
less force to move an object. A movable pulley is one in which drum moves as you
are moving the load. There is no change in the direc@on of force that you need to
apply, but the load will "feel" lighter than it is as The load is directly connected to
the pulley's axel. A movable pulley works to liG a heavy object by applying an input
force to the rope. In this experiment, we can assume from the start that the as the
load increases, the effort will be compara@vely less as we know that a movable
pulley system is much more efficient than a fixed one and the effort is in the
direc@on of the accelera@on due to gravity and the tension is in the opposite
direc@on. We can assume that the effort will increase with the load

Relevant Variables
In this seAng of the single movable pulley system the only independent variable is
the load a4ached and the dependant variable are the effort and the caused
displacement of the load and effort
Raw data- Load and Effort

Processed Data

Graph- Load and Effort

Raw data - Displacement of Load and Effort

Processed data
2. Load Vs Load displacement

3. Load vs Effort displacement

Graph Analysis
1. The principal chart which is the Load versus Effort diagram demonstrates a
posi@ve straight connec@on between one another.

2. While, the other two diagrams which are Load versus Load reloca@on and Load
versus Effort uproo@ng are non-direct charts demonstra@ng their separate


Despite many advantages, there are some disadvantages to pulley drive too.

1. The pulley works on fric@on. It may slip, then energy lost as heat.

2. To liG an object using a combined pulley system, the actual distance travelled by
the load increases (increase liGing distance). This means it takes more @me to reach
a required posi@on when compared to movement without a pulley.

3. The drive elements experience con@nuous tension on them, it causes the

stretches. It may induce creep and fa@gue of the rope (or any other drive element),
eventually the rope breaks.


Pulleys are used to change the direc@on of an applied force, transmit rota@onal
mo@on, or realise a mechanical advantage in either a linear or rota@onal system of
mo@on. Pulleys have miscellaneous uses such as liG loads, apply forces, and to
transmit power. Examples of movable pulleys include construc@on cranes, modern
elevators, and some types of weight liGing machines at the gym.


As we can observe that in the ini@al part of the experiment 42g load needed approx.
of 85% of its weight as the effort to func@on properly but in the later part of the
experiment 700g needed approx. of 53% of its weight as effort to ruc@on properly .
The displacement caused by the effort doesn’t have a major change across various
amounts of loads.

1. There is a uniform change in the rela@on of effort and the load across the
experiment .The effort is inversely propor@onal to the weight . More the weight
less percentage weight of effort is needed.
2. Effort displacement differences are negligible regardless of the load .

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