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MOLOCH Feb 23, 2006
I'm curous as to how many of you have actually sat down and composed
rituals based on the information contained in the 6/7_BoM? If so, what
has been your experience?

We all know that many southern conjure doctors used the 6/7_BoM in
many instances and it's also believed that quite a number of
Hexenmeisters were aware of the book and used it in their own conjure

Oddly enough, I've found the speaking of the Celestial Names in the
various and sundry conjurations to be extremely potent and often more
so than the names attributed to the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

For instance, when I've made & employed a Seal of Highest Fortune,
I've also recited the accompanying conjuration out loud and then spoke
my desire to the "beings" that arrived. The results were often
spectacular to say the least. Of course this wasn't in all situations
but the fact that the Entities manifested phenomena so quickly was
quite thrilling.

For instance, I used the Seal of Highest Fortune for a cleint who had
been stonewalled for months by a bank loan for his business. He'd paid
two professionals $5K to compile and write a business plan for a
manufacturing firm that would export high tech plastic parts overseas
to South America. The bank wasn't convnced this was a worthwhile
endeavor and kept stonewalling his efforts. This had gone on for 10
months and he was about at his wits end so he'd turned to the Occult.
I was living in Florida at the time and we met at Moroso Speedway one
summer afternoon. I was JUST into the Occult and really knew diddly
squat about what I was doing too.

To make a long story short, I'd asked my teacher what's a good remedy
to get someone to get up off their arse and spend money such as for a
business. He suggested the Seal of Highest Fortune and to pray the
words respectfully but with deep emotion. So I did and the results
were astonishing. That was Sunday. The guy got a call from the bank
president on that Thursday that the board commttee had approved his loan.

Those seals work. I can vouch for that. There is other material in
those books that is applicable to almost any Occult working. It may
have bene blind faith or pure dumb luck but results cannot be disputed.
MOLOCH Mar 29, 2006
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "Guinevra" wrote:

>Seems I should belong to your group to, if you permit.<


>I use some of the rituals and have responses, but as I told already,
I never try to conjure an angel, I see no need to it, when they help
and do what I wish for without that.<

My bad for not recognizing that. Okay fair enough. Specifically which
ritual have you used?

Sadly a LOT of the rituals I performed using this grimoire are lost. I
began using it after I met my Obeah teacher back in 87. I think I used
the Seal of Highest Fortune for employment opportunities. I was
working as a hired gun at the time thru several temp services doing
repossessions and finding dead beats and the problem with that kind of
work is when you've done your job, you move on.

In those days I did not write down much, sad to say. This is why I
harp on people to do so because I lost a lot of stuff from those early
experiments. It wasn't until after my teacher asked me what I did
using the 2nd Seal of Schemhamforash and I couldn't recall the
details. So I have to reconstruct all that from memory 19 years later.

I recall using a blue seven day jar candle and *I believe* his brand
of Prosperity oil because he did say it had strong connotations of
influence for Jupiter. This maks me wonder if he wasn't using cedar as
one of the base ingredients in it.

Anyway, I used 24 # parchment paper, a dip pen and Dove's Blood ink
and drew the seal out from the book. It wasn't a bad fascimile to be
honest. I took a very hard lead pencil and a ruler and drew the seal
out from the book using the same measurements. Then using that pencil,
I drew the Hebrew lettering and other sigils onto the parchment.When I
felt "It's right", I took the dip pen and inked over top of the light
pencil drawing. Then drew my full name, date of birth and astrologial
sign on the back of the seal. This was something my teacher said a lot
of folks do to link it to themselves. Anointed the talisman with the
oil, prayed over it and let it sit on the altar for twenty four hours.

Did this in an evening hour of Mercury on a Wednesday.

Next day on Thursday, in the morning hour of Jupiter, I got up and

performed the invocation as listed under the seal in the book. I
speaking my wishes plainly to the Spirits - didn't feel them present
as I recall - and then thanked them for coming and yadda-yadda-yadda.
I pretty much did most things in those days by the book unless my
teach was of a different opinion.

Later that day, I got a call from two of the temp services. One was
for a position with a pretty pretigious company and the other for a
collection agency for a better salary but no benefits. And as I'm
trying to recall, I believe I found some money at a movie theater
(only $5.00 but it was just laying there) and my income tax refund
that year was my biggest to that date.

had that seal later laminated and carried it in my wallet for years.
Eventually it got tossed into the washing machine (lol don't laugh you
guys have done that too!) so cut it up, and burned it.


MOLOCH Dec 23, 2006
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, manny jones wrote:

>Thank you for this beautiful explanation.This means when we invoke

angels of God ,in the name of God we don't command them?<

Hi Manny. I don't 'command' anything. If it's bigger than my head, who

am I to command it? Rather it is more logical and causes far less
headaches when I 'persuade' a Spirit to do something be they infernal,
celestial, dead, or otherwise.

Too many of you guys n' gals get caught up in this 'command VS beg'
mentality and you argue over a point that is neither here nor there.
Rather try summoning the NPE and then persuading it to work for you in
exchange for something It wants.

That's my quarter's worth


MOLOCH Feb 22, 2007
This is the methodology I use and if you find it valuable, feel free
to use it. (If you plan on reposting this, please keep my signature
attached for due credit.)

For grins and giggles, let's presume you have financial need in the
realm of family income due to being out-of-work and what not. Here is
my suggestion on using this text:
Open the grimoire to the first page where the Great Seal of Fortune is
shown. Take some virgin parchment paper (get this from a office
supplies store - use the light tan colored sheets) and take a .05
mechanical pencil and a sheet of carbon paper. Lay the carbon paper
over the parchment and then lay this under a photocopied picture of
the seal. Carefully trace the sigils, Hebrew letters and symbols.
Press hard enough to make the carbon print on the surface of the
parchment paper.

When finished, take a dip pen and use Dove's Blood ink and trace over
the letters, sigils and symbols as well as the outline of the seal itself.

Now consecrate the seal using air by passing thru incense smoke; then
fire by passing it safely above the flame of a candle; by water by
anointing an edge with the barest tip of your finger; and earth by
sprinkling some dirt on the seal (note: you can use salt if you like
but I prefer real dirt).

The hold the talisman in your hands and stand and bow to the East and
ask Raphael to bless the seal; then to the south and ask Michael to
bless the seal; then to the West to ask Gabriel to bless the seal and
finally to the North to have Uriel bless the seal. I usually say
something like this (as I bow): "Mighty Raphael, lord of the East, I
ask you to bless this holy seal in the name of Shaddai El Chai! So be
it!" and then take a moment to visualize him walking up and touching
it with his finger. Then do the same with the other three Archangels.

Once it is blessed, I then place it onto my working altar. I take up

the incense and walk around my altar thrice (once for God, once for
the Saints and once for the Dead) and then I take up each element in
and do the same in turn.

Then I draw a cross in the air and ask for Moses, the great Hoodoo Man
of all time, to come and bless this seal for good fortune. I wait for
him and He usually appears as a wizened old man in rough looking robes
carring a beautifully carved natural staff with a serpent's head
mounted onto the top of it.

Then I read the invocation aloud as given under the seal. I elongate
the vowels of the names as I picked up this habit from my early years
studying the G.: D.: literature and even though I realize it is not
necessary, old habits are hard to break ;)

Where the spot calls for speaking your desires, I will formally inform
the Spirits of what it is that I need. In this case, good solid
employment so that my family and I will NOT starve and will begin to
prosper. Often I will recite a passage from the Bible that relates to
prosperity as god hath ordained.
I then finish reading the invocation and then close the grimoire and
thank the Spirits for attending and for their help. I ask them to go
in peace with love & mutual respect. Then I tell them that I will
repay them with a white candle anointed with Holy oil for their
assistance and make a small donation to someone in need of money once
they've helped me to begin to become prosperous again.

This last part - in my opinion - is critical to long term sucess as it

shows the Spirits that I'm not greedy but wiling to help another who
is in need as they helped me. This way I am not closing myself off to
any future aid from Celestial Spirits.



It goes without saying that I have consecrated my altar and tools

ahead of time and that I banished all negativity from the parchment
and Dove's Blood ink to render it usable & neutral in influence.

Also the self-confession done prior is very important as it alleviates

stress, self-doubt, worry and anxiety that the Spirits will help or
not. When this part is completed, they WILL indeed help.

I was taught to carry my seals with me. One way I like to do this is
to roll them up and tie a red thread around it and then put this into
a bag with (in this case) an anointed High John the Conqueror root and
some dried rose petals (for money) and some Devil's Shoestring root
(for employment).

Then the bag is consecrated and carried on my person until the working
comes to fruition. Then the bag is de-consecrated and destroyed.


MOLOCH Feb 23, 2007
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, Leon Toaonro wrote:

>But why not doing like this : on Wednesday, Friday or thursday after
your ritual before geting something given by them ; make a small
donation to some people in need by given them 9coins * 3 . This people
will be happy and they joyfull will make the spirit happy 998 times.<


My first teacher under whom I learned much of the lore & technique of
Summoning Non-Physical Entities (NPE's for short) told me in emphatic
terms "a fat servant is a LAZY servant" which is a nicer way of
explaining slave masters in the West Indies used to practice.

He believed that a practitioner should not pay for something up front

until it is accomplished. Many employers agree and this is why people
get their checks at the end of a work week prior to going home.

An up front payment "can" work but I recommend against it.


MOLOCH Mar 11, 2007
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "fsforde" wrote:

>does anyone know how to properly charge the great pentagram so that it
works. that means you to moloch.<

Don't have my book handy at the moment BUT there is an incantation for
general citation to all Spirits. In my edition it's prior to all of
the prose about the Hebrews. I use that to call the higher powers and
then ask them to bless the talisman itself.

I've found it efficacious to either paint or burn the Heilig pentagram

onto a nice, simple wooden disk. You can get these disks at hobby or
craft stores. The wood is preferable over paper as it holds a charge
far better than mere paper does.


MOLOCH Mar 22, 2007
Happy equinox to those of you out there reading this. Now is a great
time to begin any sort of long term projects you wish to have come to
fruition. Typicall this is the time to begin anything that will be in
sync with nature as she sprouts matures and eventually dies off as
Fall equinox arrives.

If I were you, go to your local craft's shop and get yourself some
Fimo or Sculpey modelling clay and obtain a needle that is big enough
to use but has a fine point. Roll out your modelling clay until it is
thin and flat. Thickness depends on how much time you want to spend
rolling and flattening the clay.

Size of the talisman is moot but make it large enough to be able to

work with without having to squint your eyes. I use about 4 inches
long by 2.5 inches high to make my talisman. When finished, take one
single strand of your hair and place on the back of the clay and
gently press it into the clay usng the flat side of a spatula. This is
your link to the talisman itself.
Then using the needle, begin to gently carve the Hebrew letters into
the talisman as per the book's illustrations. In this case, I'm making
the Seal of Highest Fortune and I'm using green colored Sculpey.

Why green? Might as well be a color that is harmonius to the intent,

right? Of course you could use any color if that was all you had but
if you can, buy the color that suits your tastes.

Bake at the required temperature.

Once finished, you then hand draw the circular seal shown on page 16
(Dorene Publishing edition is what I have) onto either heavy cardboard
or heavy parchment like paper. Consecrate this with incense and prayer.

Next lay your finished Seal of Highest Fortune inside the square of
the circle and recite the 'General Citation' which is the
"Necromantia, Seu Magia Alba et Nigra Translated ex Thora XXta Bibl.
Arcan." Read the citation and then reflect and meditate as the
instructions suggest. Then either re-pronounce the citation or finish
the citation as instructed.

Next read the Conjuration for the Seal of Highest Fortune and again, as
instructed, insert your wishes, prayers or pronouncements of what
fortune you desire. Reflect and meditate until you have that inner
feeling that your working is 'working.' I cannot explain the feeling to
you as it must be felt by you but suffice to say if done with faith
and emotion, you will feel something when its 'right'.

Finish ritual with thanks and blessings to the Spirits for their help
and assistance.

Wrap the item in silk and place in a safe, secure place and allow it
to work for you. This is a long term type of working and since the
clay is of the earth, it does tend to hold a charge almost as well as
metal seals or pantacles from the _Key of Solomon_ do.

I hope this helps to explain things to you. This is a template of how

I create the seals from these two books and how I charge them for use.

MOLOCH Apr 9, 2007
Folks, this grimoire is not all that difficult to deal with. In fact,
it can be used quite easily and is readily available on Joe's
translated page but to be proficient with it - just like playing an
instrument - you are going to have to engage your brain (& more
importantly your MIND) and contemplate the lore this booklet offers.
Unlike many other grimoires, this particular one has a history of
being beneficial in many ways to the practitioner. Suffice to say it
is NOT a 1-2-3 grimoire like the Goetia or Grimoirium Verum is but
rather one that takes a little bit more thought to apply it.

Spiritual Workers who use this booklet are not playing the simple
Hyatt Hoodoo B.S. that so many think they're doing. Instead the
professional Spiritual Worker will consult their Spirits for ideas on
how to tackle a problem and then listen for instructions on using the
material offered in this grimoire. This in itself makes it trickier
than most.

There are deeper ways to use this booklet than just making a metal,
clay, wooden or paper seal from the 6/7_BoM. And no one is going to
just up and shout out HOW to get to the deep levels - you have to EARN
the right to be there! It's like earning the right to play Carnegie
Hall - you must invest of yourself & sacrifice some things to get to
the point that you can gain the necessary wisdom to know how to get
what it is you want.

Much of what is given by me is (what I consider to be) "surface

knowledge" (but usually deeper than your average Joe 'Wannabe'
Occultist) only because the deeper levels of knowledge must be gained
thru your own research, trial and error and personal reflections.

Even shortcuts MUST be earned! But like learning to play an instrument

in Jazz, you have to KNOW the RULES in order to break them! Otherwise
you're fumbling around in the dark looking for the lightswitch and you
just may end up with your hand landing on a hot 220v switchbox circuit!

This isn't a rant, people. Just a way to help motivate you to STUDY
this grimoire and take it ONE STEP at a time. Unlock each mystery
individually and meditate to find the deeper meanings. The more you
apply that to your practices, the more effective your Sorceries will
become! I promise you that. Remember, as Master Obeah once said, "Any
fool can learn to become proficient at anything; the real masters are
the ones who're the most effective at it!"


MOLOCH Sep 12 2007
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "hermes7777ofall" wrote:

>I have requested for initiations in the 7 HEAVENS AND THEIR

ARCHANGELS AND ANGELS, but no reply, should i forget it, then, can you
INIT? Till i read from you again. Thanks. Fred.<
Greetings Fred. My apologies for so late a response but work precludes
me from overly indulging in these online discussions (At least outside
of my own Yahoo Groups.)

Requesting initiation is but one step. If you hear nothing in response

within a reasonable amount of time, say 7 days, then take the hint
that you're just not ready yet. At this point it will be prudent to
take time and do inner reflection, meditation, prayer, etc. that all
lead to your inner cleansing. Confession is but the first step,
cleansing your inner self is the second step.

While this sort of thing is not necessary for dealing with the
Infernal Spirits, it usually is for the Celestial Spirits who are - in
my opinion - stricter and more 'by the book' than their terrestrial

This is nothing new that I'm saying here but for some reason, Magical
Folk seem to forget that they really should spend some quiet time by
themselves cleansing their inner beings and purging themselves before
going to visit the Celestial Spirits.

And you cleanse by whatever standards of belief from your

philosophical or religious paradigm you practice. Thus if you're
christian, then use the christian methods of fasting, confession and
prayer without ceasing for inner cleansing. Consequently, if you're
Hoodoo oriented (like many on this list seem to be) then spend time
doing some Uncrossings as they work on more than one level. If you're
a neo-Pagan, well spiritual bathing and sincere petitions to the
Goddess will suffice and so on.

Just be wary of buying into too much rhetoric from overly zealous
people. Such people are NOT plugged in to the current they just think
they are. Rather take time and be patient. Nothing good was ever
gained from haste especially with Spirits of ANY kind! Haunt these
lilsts and read the personal anecdotes of those who were in a hurry to
get this done or that done but in the end disaster afflicted them. And
you know what? Most of those idiots blame the Spirits when it was
their own damn fault!

Moloch's Simple Formula for Metaphysical Success


Step 1: Define your problem as exactly as you can - to know with

precision what it is that hinders you is to understand the root cause
and be able as a medical physician would treat the problem and not the

Step 2: Research the ways the problem can be solved - know the
non-Magical ways as well as the various Magical ways the problem could
be solved. This will help you in two ways:

a. By knowing the non-Magical ways, you gain the advantage of helping

the Spirits (as well as yourself) to understand what resources are
available. It is ignorance and stupidity on your part if you ass-u-me
that all Spirits - including Celestial ones - are omniscient (all
knowing) because I assure you, they are NOT! Give them information and
the more information the better your chances of success.

b. By knowing the various Metaphysical ways, you also gain insight

into various approaches. Summoning a Spirit may or may not be helpful.
Why? Spirits cannot (nor should not) always interfere in your affairs
even when you ask for help. For example, did your school teachers ever
do your homework for you? No. They instructed you and did their best
to implant the knowledge (& hopefully wisdom) into you BUT you still
had to do your own homework. Ever made a mess at home? Your parents
would explain on how to clean up the mess but guess what? You still
had to do it on your own. Thus sometimes, it's a lesson best learnt by
doing the work yourself.

And remember also that most Metaphysical answers can be solved in a

variety of ways using affirmations & changing beliefs and/or simple
spells such as candle rituals, making & carrying a talisman, using a
Gris-Gris bag, prayer & chanting; or if necessary, using more complex
steps such as creating a specific ritual that is tuned to a
particular Celestial time or includes summoning a Non-Physial Entity

Step 3: Perform a Series of Divinations - once you have the research

in on what you can do, then do a series of Divinations (One is NOT
enough to confirm anything!) to determine which method would work
best. This means while it may human nature to always use the EASIEST
method that may not be the best course of action. Consequently the
typical Metaphysical Worker incorrectly believes s/he needs to use a
complex ritual to plug into a 10 Mega Watt power source when a simple
rite that plugs you into a 12 VDC battery would suffice. It's always
from one extreme to the other.

My advice is to spend the time needed for learning to use a good

method of Divination that you trust. I use several different types
myself including Tarot, Runes, I Ching, Geomancy and Pendulum Dowsing.
Very often if the problem is related to physical objects, I'll use
Geomancy, Runes & Pendulum Dowsing to Divine. Why? All three are
related to the earth - Geomancy is earth based; Runes use wood (or
stone); Pendulums use constant physical touch; then I note the answers
to each one as a way to confirm my hypothesis.
Step 4: Plan the Metaphysical Working - time it out as good as you can
for the most auspicious moments you can gain.

Step 5: Perform Your Working - execute the spell/ritual/summoning or

whatever it is and note this into your diary. Be detailed here. Why?
Because you do NOT know ahead of time what piece of information will
be important later on when you wish to review why what you did worked
when a later operation does not seem to garner the same result. By
knowing the details, you may discover it's something major or
something simple.

Step 6: Patience & Persistence - this is the most difficult step of

all for anyone to do. Why? People are impatient and for the most part
are too lazy to be persistent. For those who are patient and
persistent, success seems to come to them naturally. Ever known anyone
who seems to get everything they want? I'd be willing to bet they're
patient and persistent deep down.

Even working with Spirits, I've found that there's no shortcut for
persistent effort. Yes I know, I know the tales of the great Internet
MagicKians who summoned this Infernal or that Olympic Spirit one time
and yadda-yadda-yadda. Well you nor I (nor them probably) understand
the specifics clearly enough to make clear why their one time working
got results and someone else has to do the same thing over and over
and over until the working bears fruit.

If the Spiritual realms are direct reflection of our human world ('As
below, so above' - the ignored last half of the often quoted verse 'As
above, so below') then it stands to reason that to get we must first
be willing to give of ourselves and then be patient but persistent.

Patient in the sense that you cannot expect overnight miracles but if
they come, Woo Hoo! But realize that overnight miracles are NOT the
norm. Fools think they are and only set themselves up for heartbreak
down the road. When they hit that wall it usually destroys them as
their faith wavers and they gnash their teeth while screaming to the
heavens "Why me? WHY?"

Allow a reasonable amount of time for things to come to fruition. But

if after a reasonable amount of time, then perform the ritual again
and be patient again. It may take several attempts but you will get a
response of some type.


I included this mini-essay to give you something to consider, Fred, as

you attempt to make contact with higher spiritual NPE's.
MOLOCH Oct 30, 2007
Hello. I have just uploaded two seals from th grimoire to the Photos
section. Look for the album with my name "Moloch" attached to it.

I have uploaded the Seal of Aziel which is for general, good luck and
fortunate circumstances in life and I've uploaded the Seal of Fortune
for abundant prosperity.

Note the use of color. I used colored gel pens that I got from Sam's
Club (100 for $20) and they work GREAT! Is color traditional with
these seals? Not that I'm aware of BUT as a Sorcerer, I utilize color
as much as possible and with seals, I believe it to be far stronger to
add color.

The seal of Aziel has been ritually consecrated and empowered and is
being shipped off to a client. That one is laminated and ready to use.
The other one will be laminated and is for myself to carry on me. I
will be making several more and will upload them as time permits.


MOLOCH Nov 11, 2007
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, shaibu haruna wrote:


Dear Shaibu,

First off, PLEASE do not type in all capital letters - that is

considered SHOUTING at someone! It's poor Netiquette. Not meant to
scold you but to inform you. ;)

Secondly, according to my Obeah teacher, when I was learning the

secrets of this grimoire, he told me that you're supposed to sit
inside this circle but he taught me some other circles to use that I
currently use to consecrate seals and make the petitions in.

Purists (or Romantics) will say, "Yes you need to use this circle
because it is in the grimoire and it would not be included if it
wasn't meant to be used" but then I say that such things are like crib
notes in columns of books - they can be used and adhered too but if
you know other information, you can choose to ignore them.

For you, you'll probably want to take a white sheet (or a slab of
drywall), some black charcoal and draw the circle as best as you can.
Then consecrate it and perform your rites and rituals from this
grimoire inside it.


MOLOCH Dec 30, 2007
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, Jenny Sargent wrote:

>When I was buring the incense I would use sticks since it was the
only thing I could get ahold of and tried to duplicate the directions
as closely as I could. I couldn't get dittany of crete, so I used
basic resins like frankinsense myrrh copal.<

You'd be a real treat to have as an apprentice, Jenny. You're

interested in doing things the proper way from the way you explained
yourself thus far. I could see you growing in power and ability to
rival some of the most powerful practitioners out there.

Dittany of Crete isn't all that great for manifestations of Spirits

anyway. Take it from someone who's spent years evoking and summoning
entities - from the Infernal Spirits to the Celestial ones to the Dead
- that herb ain't worth crap in my opinion!

I used to use the following for my Evocational experiments:

Frankincense & Gum Benzoin for the "Celestials" (regardless of whether

the Angels were good or evil)

Myrrh & Mint for the "Infernals"

Patchouli & Graveyard Dirt for the Dead

When banishing my workspace, I used Dragons Blood mixed with sea salt
and Camphor.

>I had problems with some of the tools being practical like the sword
being too heavy for me and having trouble controling the lines with it
and also didn't have enough space to do the forms without breaking
something when I had to work indoors.<

Lemme guess... you bought a broadsword or longsword from some Medieval

re-enactment blacksmith? I used an antique Japanese Samurai sword that
was given to me by my father and passed down to him from his father
who obtained it when the US Army sacked Okinawa. It already had a
Spirit within it and it took me a while to make friends with the
Spirit before I could use it. Prior to that, I used a Gurka Kukri
knife and its big brother a Gurka sword both of which served me well.
Now I use a machete as it represents man's dominion over the plant

>The tools are a quest almost in and of themselves I think that the
search for or making of the tools is part of the whole thing. Its
meditative you think about what they represent why are you using them

Very good explanation, Jenny. I have often chided students who have
waited and waited to get the PERFECT tool or waited for the perfect
time to make one. The smart thing to do - in MY OPINION - is to
quickly make (or obtain) what you need to get started (even if it's
obviously inferior quality) BUT keep your eyes open and your heart
tuned into the PERFECT item so later when you come across it, you'll
know it's yours.

In other words, stop wasting time waiting until conditions are perect;
if you do that, you're only prolonging your experience. Rather if you
must, make the things out of clay, cardboard and household items just
to use as props to focus on. In and of themselves, they will not hold
much ashe (Re: vital force) but serve for a means to an end in the
meantime. Later when you find the right tool or have the correct
planets lined up, then yes go ahead and smelt your steel, etch your
blade or paint your sigils on the tools and then do the consecration.

Once finished, deconsecrate the inferior tool you were using and in
their place, use the newly consecrated and empowered item!

>I studied with an art teacher, I learned carpentry and some

woodworking. I started out witha basic homemade set and eventually
replaced it with something nicer.<

;) VERY wise lady! You may be my twin - perhaps we were seperated at

birth? LoL

>I like for example polymer clays which are colored and bake in the
oven to harden to use for sigils and talismans.<

Exactly! Those work great! Perfect for that. I recall some time ago
our good friend Aaron Leitch had a conversation on a list with a
Luciferian gent where they discussed using Sculpey to make Magic Rings
with. The idea was intriguing to me because (at that time) I had never
heard of Sculpey and when I investigated it, I was astounded that I
could form a ring, insert a stone or piece of root or herb under the
stone, bake it and wear it like a Solomnic piece of jewelry!

>What really changed my success was understanding of the philosophy

though thats where the breakthrough was. I had to learn to see how the
physical was interconnect to the astral. Its hard to explain. There
are a number of books out there that do a better job but this more
than anything was the main breakthrough. I don't think its something
you can learn so much as experience.<

You hit the nail on the head, Jenny. As my late grandfather used to
say, "Experience is the great teacher".

>My very soon husband to be and I have 3 major magical experiements

ongoing right now. One of which was started in July and I expect will
take a couple years.<

That's all??? LoL Good! May the Spirits guide you thru them to work in
your favor.

>We just started working together this year and after 10 years of
solitary work for me and even longer for him its a totally new
experience now.<

I enjoy learning and tell my own students and apprentices to ever be

on the move to learn. Right now I'm slowly working my way thru Chris
Warnock's Astrological Magic course and I'm also working thru a home
study course in Remote Viewing. You can only do so many things BUT
it's fun learning. Wish high school had been THIS much fun!

Thanks for sharing your expereinces Jenny.


theodorvoland Mar 6, 2008
Hey there,

I've been lurking on this group for a while and though I'd contribute
something and ask a question at the same time.

I am trying to figure out the step by step procedure to working with

the seals and tables listed in the 6/7 Books of Moses. Perhaps the
instructions are obvious to you, but this is not the case with me.
However, I've been experimenting with the following setup and it has
worked well so far.

Choice of seal/table

I choose a seal or table that is appropriate to the task at hand. For

example, a friend was trying to get a very competitive job position
and so I picked the Eighth Table of the Spirits of the Sun, as it said
that these spirits "will help attain places of honor [and] wealth."

Seal of generation
In my interpretation of the text, the Generation Seal (fig 22) is
necessary in all operations, as it is "to be held in the right hand"
during the conjuration.

Making of the seal(s)

In the most recent case, I simply printed the seal using black ink on
parchment paper (purchased at a stationary store). Previously, I have
traced the seal on to the same paper and drawn over it with 'dove's
blood ink' (purchased at a local curio store; a red ink of some sort).
It should be noted that while this paper is nicer than the printer
stock, it is not derived from animal sources (i.e. it is not goat
leather or anything of the sort).


I made the circle (labeled as fig 22 in my copy of the text) from

about 9 separate printed pages, stuck together with tape. Hardly
majestic, but portable and it allows me just enough space to stand or
sit within it during the conjuration. I orient it in such a way that
the East corner points towards the East and so on.

Consecration of the circle

I consecrated the circle by reciting the passage that goes "Ego N.N.,
consecro et benedicto istum Circulum..." as found in the book in
Appendix I. Likewise, I followed the instructions and spoke the names
"Tetragrammaton, Theos, Ischiros....Amen" and the Psalm 91 "He that
dwelleth in the secret place...Amen"


Having thus prepared and entered the circle, I began reciting the
General Citation, while holding the spirit seal in my left hand and
generation seal in my right. First, the part "Aba, ...Agla." Then the
spirit specific conjuration. For example, in the case of the Spirits
of the Sun: "I, N.N., conjure thee, Wych by Dalia....into blood."
Immediately afterwards, I stated my request. Then, I continued with
the General Citation: "Eheije, ...Yehuel." Following, I said an
impromptu prayer, basically restating my request, and repeated the
words from the beginning: "Aba,...Agla." Finally, I finished with the
last bit: "Hamneijs, ...Jeha." At this point, I put away the two seals
and folded up the circle.

My question to all you fellow practitioners is if this is how you do

it. Or are you using a different approach?
I have devised the above procedure simply from reading of the text and
make no claims to its accuracy. However, I should add that the day
after I performed the above steps, my friend got the job.

I remember how confusing this book was after the initial read. I hope
this posting is of some use and provides a potential structure to
those who wish to experiment with the text.


MOLOCH Mar 10, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, marcus king wrote:

>Where are Moloch et al on this? Sure they have something to say.

>Lil Marcky

My Message posts 37, 70, 71, 964, 974, 977, 986, 989, 1052, 1559 all
pretty much explain how I work with this book.

For the record, I am NOT a Christian, nor do I believe Jesus is God or

YHVH is God. Further I am not a scholar and worry less about the
grimoires origins and more about its effectiveness. I applaud those
who have time and inclination to dig into the history of a grimoire
like Jake has done with the Grimoirium Verum and am interested in
finding out the real history of the 6/7_BoM. No I do NOT believe THE
MOSES of the old testament wrote this anymore than I believe THE king
Solomon of the old testament wrote the "Key of Solomon".

Having recently begun delving into some old scholarly sources, such as
the Greek Magical Papyri, Arcana Mundi, Curse Tablets and other gems,
I am beginning to see where a lot of lore from these Medieval &
Renaissance grimoires has sprung from.

What is fascinating about this particular grimoire is that it has been

a BIG influence (along with 'The Secrets of Albertus Magnus', 'Pow
Wow', 'Black Herman', & 'The Black Pullet') upon both the Hoodoo
practitioners and Pennsylvania Pow Wow doctors rather than Western
Ceremonial MagicKal practitioners.

My theory is that the reason for this particular grimoire to have

captured the imagination of so many folk practitioners is that it's
strongly aligned with the old testament. I was urged by my Obeah
teacher to study not only this but also the various books of the
propets in the bible together. Mix this together with a little faith
and you can do amazing things.


MOLOCH Aug 5, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, manny jones wrote:

>How would you use the seals/hebrew characters in the same section as
the breastplate moses,balaam's sorcery etc?<

Hi Manny,

These are things that the Spirits are supposed to explain to you once
you begin really working with the book. But to give you an idea, the
breastplate seal is used much like the Pentagram of Solomon with the
'Soluzen' in the middle from the first book of the Lemegeton. You make
it, consecrate it, conjure it and then wear it for rites involving the
Spirits. It's an authority status piece.

You can learn a tremendous amount by asking the Spirits (or Angels for
you christian folk) to explain how to use the rest of the book and
they will tell you. This is an interactive system that reminds me a
bit like Dee's Enochian system was for him. "Ask and ye shall receive;
seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you"


MOLOCH Aug 5, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "urban_pr2003" wrote:

>How 'effective' are the conjurations in 6th & 7th Book of Moses when
you compare them to the work of Peter De Abano's Heptameron?<

Well thus far I have met many actual old time, Black,
RootWork-Conjurers who swear by the 6/7_BoM and not a one of them ever
talked about the Heptameron. These same practitioners all were versed
in the grimoires and would use The Black Pullet, Key of Solomon & even
the Book of Goetia but not one of them ever said diddly squat about
the Heptameron or any of Agrippa's other works.

And thru all of my 20+ years of practice and travels I have yet to
meet anyone who made use of the Heptameron. Thus far the only one who
claims to have done anything with it is Lisiewski and even since his
book, I've not seen anything by anyone who's actually used it.

>I have studied Abano's Heptameron (althogh haven't attempted

conjuration into physical manifestation least not yet),
but what are your experiences with the conjurations in 6/7 Moses..??<

Many and varied. It's a simplistic system and is easily adaptable for
use in any Metaphysical paradigm with only minor tweaking. I wrote
about this in the earliest messages of this group and how I've used
the talismans and seals. The conjurations were corrupted in the
edition I had prior to J.P.'s and yet they still worked when I used them.

The RootWork-Conjure folks I had met told me it was the best grimoire
to start out with if you want to learn the art of evocation/summoning.
And I'm not talking about your garden variety Hyatt-Hoodooist but
rather old time, hardcore, professional RootWork-Conjure folks from
inner city areas! And not one of these people were Qabalists nor cared
much for Qabala/Kabala/Cabala because they said "it's useless magic
for white folks".

When I would press one of them for information about using the
6/7_BoM, I was told to "keep working with it because the more you work
with it, the more likely the Spirits in the book would take notice of
you and teach you".

But sadly, your typical Ceremonial MagicKian or Pagan is not going to

heed the words of those who knew how to work it and got results with
it. No. They'd rather debate and argue irrelevent points about its
origins, correct name spellings, proper Hebrew pronunciations, how it
relates to the Solomonic Grimoiric traditions and so on.


MOLOCH Aug 6, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "fsforde" wrote:

>Dear Brother Moloch,well said. Many aspiring sorcerers want the keys
to power but,do not want to put in the effort that is necessary. I was
one of those people.One time i called on my spirits and asked them to
do some thing for me,then i heard a voice say hey nothing is for
free.Man you got to do the work and they will help you.<

Agreed. I too was ignorant like that when I met my teacher. He looked
at me and said, "Boy, around here you don't work, you don't eat!" and
that was nuff said for me.

I didn't write that to be holier-than-thou or outright mean to the

Newbies/Novices but rather to give them a quick wake up call. They
have three choices:

1. Pay for help

2. Do the work entirely by themselves
3. Leave it alone

It's that simple. I had a few hints from my teacher and that's all the
stubborn old b*stard would give me so I took it and worked the
material on my own. I couldn't afford him at the time but slowly my
financial situation improved as did some other weak areas of my life
and after a year of working with the book, I found that one of the
Spirits took an interest in me and started guiding me. It was an odd
and sometimes creepy feeling but non-believers would call it
'synchronicity' as things would just unnaturally fall right into

The bottom line is: WORK. Arguing it's authenticity or history or

accuracy all mean noting in the grand scheme of things. You want
results? DO THE WORK. Period. End of discussion.

Joe's book fills in quite a few gaps and it doesn't hurt to read that
several times as well too. Yes it's scholarly and footnoted and that's
not a bad thing, folks. It's far better to have more information at
your fingertips than not having enough. Do NOT be intimidated by
information. Just read and allow it to digest so that your mind can
process it and make an informed decision.

It would not hurt to get a few of the other books that purport to tell
you how to use the seals from the 6/7_BoM too. Why? To get a different
perspective on how they are used. There's many ways to use this
grimoire just like there are many ways to use other grimoires as

You just need to do the research then more importantly DO THE WORK.
(By the way, did I mention that you have to do the work with this

Nuff said.

Take it for what it's worth. Informed opinion. Hope it helps.


MOLOCH Oct 11, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "axleos" wrote:

>Soory folks about the 'tbc' in the last post- I had to run to my
laboratory to do someting quickly.The joys of being a chemist.<

Greetings Axleos. Being a professional Chemist, have you ever had any
interst in the Medieval Alchemy? I've met a few Chemistry majors back
in college who were fascinated by Alchemy albeit only on a discussion
level not something they wanted to take up.

>OR I ROLL A PAIR OF DICE.I find this last method very good in
identifying who is present, eg Saturnal spirits give 8,8,8 on three
rolls usually, Sun give 6,6,6 or 11 or 8,3,1 or 6,6,11. These number
are by adding up the numbers given on both dice (eg, 6,6,6 could be
2+4, 3+3, 4+2 from 2 dice or 6,6,6, from 3 die).Over time the pattern
emerged and this if where I get this info from.<

This is a little different from the Astragal method I use but I see
where you're coming from. Intersting.

>I seldom call the spirits for trivial matters.<

This I agree with. That's why I highly recommend other Sorcerous

methods FIRST and if none of them work, then summon the Spirit for
help. Over on the Grimorium Verum list, Jake has mentioned that he too
has found Spirit conjuration to be a terrific medium as an adjunct to
other workings. For example if I'm doing a Love Drawing ritual and all
I'm drawing are the wrong kinds of women, by conjuring a Venusian
Spirit I can get some advice on how to tweak my working so that what
I'm doing will get me what I want.

>I have tried a number of time to do future prediction of things I can

mearuse, eg lottery numbers or gaming results. Some times I have
played games of chance using the information given. I have been made
certain that the sprits can give things like lottery numbers but never
in perfection. [ NB the probelm here is that I use dice as my medium
and playing all the combinations of the numbers given is costly, plus
it is for my knowing if the method works and which are most capable
for thinsg of a particular nature].<

I know of an old Houngan who uses a dream method. Thus far, he says
he's gotten up to 5 out of 6 correctly and has been as low as one
digit off the 6th one! LoL Tell me THAT would not be frustrating!

I also knew a woman who had a gift for mediumship (she never went to
get training) and spoke three numbers aloud. She went to play them in
the Daily Pick 3 lottery and nada, HOWEVER they DID come in the exact
order in teh Daily Pick 4 with a big, fat "0" as the fourth digit! Was
she ever mad! *whew* I believe that day she'd have made over $4K in
winnings had she played the pick 4 and used that zero.

Predicting lotto/lottery & other games of chance are always a

fascination of mine and other practitioners. I think the old Houngan
is on to something but time will tell.

>I think it is really necessary for us to know thier capabilities

outside of the limited thinsg mentioned in the Book.<

Wholeheartedly agreed. What is mentioned in the grimoires are the tip

of the iceberg. Further, I also believe that the Planetary
Intelligences have a LOT to offer regarding giving knowledge & power
to us. Grapiel gave me a simple technique that when used allows me to
shut off pain which in certain instances, can be very handy. As He
stated it's not something you'll want to do all the time obviously
since pain is there for a reason.

>For instance the mars and jupiter spirits are good for legal matters
and quarrels etc , but if one tried to influence a court verdict by
using them alone it not not always totally successful or they do so
reluctantly in some matters. Spirits like Eligios (Goetia) can readily
work in such matters if pleased with your offering or forced into
action. I have successfully used him before for very tricky and
demanding cases. Hence it is clear that we need practical experience
who can do what and in what timeframe.<
I have had success with Graphiel and Bartzabel causing heated debates
and outright arguments between the opposite legal side. Three
attorneys for a large corporation had trouble in court as they
bickered, argued, and got hot under the collar all because Bartzabel
went and heated things up a wee bit. That alone was enough for the
judge to rule in favor of the plaintiff. ;)

I'm of the mindset that the real secret to successful Magic is HOW you
employ such things. Years ago before I got into summoning Spirits, I
was working wiht the Magical Element of FIRE and my neighbor lady had
to go to court over her children in a custody case with her d*ckhead

Instead of summoning any of the Salamanders under Djinn's control, I

used simple red candle and wrote his name on it and wrote: "Make him
HOT!" then anointed it with red pepper oil. She told me his full name
and date of birth and I used the appropriate candle color with just
plain "Zodiac" oil on it. I lit them in a Martial hour but it was on a
Thursday as she had court later that day and I had only heard about
this that morning.

Oh he got hot all right. ;) Got downright naty with the Magistrate,
was arguing with his own attorney and even his girlfriend. LoL And
this from a low-key insurance salesman?

My point with this is that sometimes all it takes is some quick

thinking, a little candle magic and some creativity on how to go at
it. What was really amazing was she did not have the funds to afford
legal representation so she went on her own.

>My next plans are to work with the 7 Princes in much more detail, as
well as perfect my 'games of chance' methods using the 11th table of
spirits and table of saturn. I wish to do this while running a
paralle experiment using some of the infernal powers like Clauneck,
Rofacle etc who are suppossedly incharge of earthly money and its

Lucifuge Rofocale has little to do with 'games of chance'; rather he

is custodian of the earthly treasures. He's one I have summoned and
worked with. If you have a business or profession, that Spirit can
help you advance in it. Or if you need help from a banker to get a
business loan, Lucifuge can assist. He's also great for treasure
hunting (including swap meets, flea markets, antique shops as well as
gold prospecting or deep sea treasure hunting) and He's great at
helping you do Grant Proposal writing. Plus another of His aspects is
to help customers part with their money easier.

Lucifuge Rofocale doesn't really have a Planetary domain (that I'm

aware of) but if I had to guess, I'd say from dealing with Him it's a
combinatin of Jupiter and Mercury than anything.

>I know that the Emperor has been known to manifest money to his
subjects but his spiritually intimate ones are never all powerful and
wealthy as they make people believe. It is usually those who sign
arbitary contracts with him and don't seek further spiritual
advancement through this art that are the wealthy powerful ones.<

One can have a pact with Lucifuge Rofocale without much ado. He
requires little and is not seeking one's soul. The key is that if He
deigns to bless you with wealth, then you have a limited amount of
time to bask in it. Meaning if He gives you 7 or 20 years of wealth,
that's it. No more. Thus you better have invested some of that wealth
into solid financial decisions BEFORE you sign on with Him. The train
ride does not last until you pass away and yes you can live well
beyond the 20 year mark but His help for the wealth will stop when the
agreed upon time has come nigh.

[Please don't think I am suggesting we should be seeking wealth and

power as these are fleeting gifts of a changable universe]<

Especially when folks are ignorant. They tend to get money, not give
any to the poor and disadvanted and further they think the train ride
will never end. Dame Fortuna dances with you only so long and then
*pfffft* she's gone on dancing with someone else. I think Wall Street
is a perfect example. The market cannot just keep climbing and
climbing without ever coming back down. The Wheel of Fortune trump
card from the Tarot teaches that. What goes up MUST come back down.

>I also am in the process of perfecting the 22letter conjuration

given to me by an angel. It would be a completely new method of doing
things but is very difficult to master as it required remembering the
shapes , meanings and associations of the 22 hebrew letters in order.
This said , even my imperfect method has had great success in
bindging, call, coercing spirits and even humans in some

Excellent, Axleor! Good to know some practitioners actually listen to

the Spirit's advice.


MOLOCH Nov 4, 2008
In sixth_and_seventh_books_of_moses, "G" wrote:

>Ever since I heard that Hoodoo and Rootworkers were putting the book to magical use, I been
curious to try it myself. However, from reading much on the subject I found that Hoodoo
practioners aren't really fond of Evocations and Ceremonial Magic. So I was puzzled as to how
exactly they used the book and got their results.<

Not every RootWorker is proficient in Conjure-Sorcery just like not every Ceremonial MagicKian
is proficient in knowledge of Natural Philosophy (or Natural Magic). Conjuring Spirits is a narrow
focus of Magic just like using 'roots' is a narrow focus of Herbalism or Natural Magic. The old
time Workers used the root of a plant because it contains the most power a plant has to offer
not the leaves, stems, flowers and so on. But you'd not know that from books; you only learn
that from an actual RootWorker.

So much knowledge is only given in books; the rest you have to search out and learn from a
practitioner. I have yet to meet an authetnic, old time RootWorker online.

>Catherine Yvrone states in her site mainly that they never did the actual evocations, but rather,
copied the sigils and seals in their spellwork.<

With all due respect to Ms. Yronwode, that is her opinion. I met at least a dozen authetnic
RootWorkers in my travels and half of them knew how and did use evocations or what they
called 'Conjure" in their works. How do I know that? I asked them.

I'm not sure where she gets her information from but for her to state that is inaccurrate and
surprising. Now were these old time Conjurers using grimoires, Serpent circles and Michael
Triangles? Not all. Some did. Some used a modified method that was taught to them by their

For instance, one very old Worker (who made me promise never to reveal her name) used to
draw a circle on paper, and write special names around the outer cirlce in pencil. She'd summon
the Spirit and ask for help with a problem. It worked well enough for her. If she wanted to bless a
Seal, she'd place that in the center of her circle and do her thing.
I'm not sure where people online come up with absolutes regarding these things. It baffles me.
Even the beloved student of Madam Senora agrees with me and wonders how some folks make
sweeping generalizations about RootWork-Conjure and Hoodoo. And I'm NOT picking solely on
Cat either as there are plenty of others out there who also make inaccurate proclamations about
this old type of Sorcery without knowing sh*t about the people who actually practiced it except
from the Hyatt manuals.

>Now, the puzzling part is how they got the magic to work if the book itself gives strict guidelines
on how to make it work. Do hoodoo practioners know something we dont?<

Many of them knew far more than most are wiling to give them credit for. These were not
ignorant people and many knew how to read and where to get books on Magic, philosophy and
Religion. However I would say not all of them were familiar with Conjure and many knew abut it
but did not have the training nor the intestinal fortitude to use it.

>Or did they device a simpler and more effective way of using the seals and sigils of the book?<

Some did devise simpler ways based on what they learned. Several old Houngans and
Rootworkers I knew from South Florida were all Masons and not your typical American Masonic
lodge either but Black Masons with ties to a lodge in Haiti who happened to be far more esoteric
than the fraternizing lodges here in the states. Those gents shared knowledge with one another -
some freely others traded or paid for knowledge.

My own teacher for example had classics such as Waite's "Ceremonial Magic", Regardies "The
Tree of Life", Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled", Barrett's "The Magus" and Agrippa's "Three Books of
Occult Philosophy" on his shelves along with Spirits know how many other books. If he were
alive today, I'm certain he'd have a copy of Joe's version of the 6/7_BoM on his shelf. I know he
had an original 18?? copy of the book as it was hardbound and in great condition. He bragged
and said it cost him quite a penny to get it too.

He used to say, "Beginners need to follow exact instructions. Later when he grows in knowledge
and wisdom, then the Spirit will teach him other ways of conjuring that take less time and are
more efficient" So in other words, you first need to know the rules before you can bend them. ;)


axleos Nov 4, 2008
Coming from a Caribbean background and a circle of spiritual workers
I have one point to add: FAITH
Unlike many people I have met and spoken with these people work by
fiath and not necessarily the book. The power within is harvested as
opposed to just following ritual aimlessly. I think it a copnnection
one makes when you are "of the cloth" ( some say bloodline or family
roots) or if you are totally emerged in service. It is more about teh
desire for the completion of the work than just testing the method
out, especially under the guise of only personal gratification. When
you become a true worshipper/follower you are taught by the spirits.
The book is there for intiation and the first point of contact. Upon
growing into the work you realise that it is about you and not
necessarily the book. Then instead of just calling on God names you
live the names daily and that is how you progress. It is the
difference between a prophet, priest and magician.The latter mingles
both formal knowledge with personal power to effect great things of
his own Will, unlike the prophet who is only powerful at the word of
the divine/God's command and the priest who is powerful in following
Mayeb I said too much
Melech Michael



Hi BrotherM and everyone here, I am new to this forum.
I have used this book (selctively) with amazing results. In my social group there was a big buzz
about the book and everyone wanted to get their hands on it. I even travelled to Africa and
there evreyone seemed to be asking me if I knew wher to get it, I did not. However when I got
back to the UK I was given a copy. I had astounding results and it is a book of great knowledge.
Mostley I used the prayers and holy names which go with a psalm for a specific purpose. The
book contains angels and demons within the citatians, so one has to be prepared and protected
if you use any citations of the black or dark angels. I did not use them but mainly the prayers
with the psalms which incoperate the names of God and are safe. You dont have to do a circle of
protection or such. I will write later of certain astounding results I had...infact miracles. But just
to touch on it now, I was warned through dreams of someone trying to manipulate me by
witchcraft (black of course). At this time I had no knowledge of magical practices, anyway the
angels instructed me to use certain prayers in that book and meditate on the holy names that go
with them. To do this several times a day, everyday. Its a fascinating story which I will find the
time to post, but in summary the wizard confessed to me and begged me to forgive him, bowing
down to my feet. Wow was I shocked, I had never experienced or done anything like it before
:lol: He said he had no idea that I was that powerful and that now the demons he had
summoned had turned on him because they were unable to fullfill what he had sent them to do
to me. Another instance I made a seal from the book with tracing paper and felt tip pen :o I also
copied out one of the prayers and gave them both to a muslim friend to save him from soething
that had been going on for years ( i will also share this in depth later). The prayer said....I,servant
of Jesus Christ....etc, but he would not pray the name on account of him being muslim. I said no
matter ther is only one god so you can pray in the name of Allah if thats the case. I told him also
what to do with this paper seal I had made. I was shocked myself when he reported to seeing
white doves (physically flew in his open window) when he started the ritual as I had designed
from the book of moses. Oh my days! That book is a tresure if you know how to use it - and what
to use from it. I love that book as the knowledge within it saved my life on at least two
occassions. Yet I know people who are mad or cursed (like they are tramps) to this day because
of missusing the knowledge contained there in. The book also gives warning if I recall. Its not a
book I work with a the time, but when in dire need of protection or manifestation like justice etc.
Although I plan to start working with it more often now, cause something happend. Now I know
why wveryone wanted that book then.(1995)

The book is highly dangerours to the user if you dont know what your doing and who the spirits
are. Thats why i stuck with the names of God prayers which are attributed with certain psalms in
the book. And I can not say it enough but if ones intentions are not pure you will experience
much bad luck. Those angels are ancient and not to be taken lightly. I only used one citation and
seal from it but I know that angel. There are many extremely potently malign spirits in that book
if you don know. I know people who have invoked thing they dont know about and did no form
of protective rite. Extremely tall three dimensional dark shadows have appeared and they were
so frigtened they ran away leaving their wife and children in the apartment. I only work with the
high holy angels but mostly the names of God and their citations are very safe to use if your
intentions are true or based in truth..including evenge on enemies etc.


Yes I have used this book extensively over a period of years. I have also done research into its
origin, with some limited success.

Theres a few facts I should mention, and I will try not to ramble into boring anecdotes. A number
of grims can be used with 6/7, so I will list those first.

The Grimoire of Turiel , Olympic Spirit Seals is VERY compatable to the Planetary
Plates/Evocations. Do use this! Its very good, the spirits love it.

The Lesser Key is compatable to use with Fausts Black Raven/7 demon Lords. All evocations,
seals may be used together. Also, the Grim Verum maybe be used with the Evocations. IF you like
the Grim Verum so much, you can technically use it AND the Grand Grim with Faust's Black
Raven, evoking the whole kit and kaboodle according to RANK. Thats how you do it. Assemble
the peices seperately, then assemble the whole thing.

Assemble the peices of the evocations to the 7 Lords, Assemble the Planetary rulership of the
Goetia (use the Planetary Plates from 6/7) Assemble the conjuration of the Circle/ Dismissal
from Faust + 6/7, Assemble the RANKING system of the Grim Verum/ Grand Grim, Evoke
according to Rank. In doing, you could (if you have the balls and stomach ha ha ha ha ha---lol)
Evoke them ALL sequentially.

Yes I have done that, but I experianced blackouts and some outside demonical activity which
caused a kind of backlash of crime that I found very disturbing to my moral code. I dont like to
see demons hunt. its annoying to my sensibilities.

Umm. Yes other effects~ Well, with the Grim of Turiel, they try to tempt you along the lines of
Adam and Eve in the Garden. Its not violent, just sort of incidious. If know what you are doing
and where you are going, dont go astray, then you will arrive. If you take detours, do so at your
own risk. This method is VERY effective, if you stick to the program.

With the strait up evocation of the 7 Lords, simply alone with out the other Grims into the
bargain, I did have some side effects. The basement room where I was conjuring at that time was
not one that the dark angels took to, I think they didnt like it. Later after I ceased my conjure, the
water pipes burst in the ceiling above where I had been working. That was not a co-incidence.

My overall impression mostly was one of surprise, as often as not. I just expected them to be
monstrous and they were not. They have tastes and preferences. Sometimes they are ashamed
they are fallen and thats why they get so angry. In a way you are rubbing their nose in their
debasement, so they get upset and embarassed.

But that also motivates them to covet and destroy. I personally didnt notice too many problems~
but then, I do not smoke or drink, I lead a celebate life and during the conjurations also
abstained from meat. But I noticed that the demons seemed offended by various other
unconsecrated nearby persons and would feindishly corrupt and persecute them. It made me
sad and angry.

The dismissal is important. In fact, its imperative. They will play pranks if you dont give them the
right to leave. DONT FORGET to dismiss them, even if you are a newbie!

The history of the 6/7 came to me by Conjuration through the Grim Verum. I cant go into all that
since I find it very distasteful. However I will give you a big whopping hint: the NAME of the Pope
which is written on the inside of the part of the book (added later) which states that it was part
of the Vatican Library is VERY IMPORTANT.
This name is Pope Alex 6. This was the "Borgia" pope who supposedly had incestuous relations
with his daughter Lucrezia. He built the castle of angels, which played a big part in the last
DaVinci Code Movie. There is a part in the Movie where they hint that "somebody " must have
been conjuring demons inside the Castle of Angels, they show you the place and the place has a

That is not really played up in the plot, but it is THE TRUTH! That person was Alex VI. If you do an
exhustive research into his building of that monument, you will discover a great deal about how
this book 6/7 came into the Vatican and how it was used.

Look at the conjurations of Astaroth, in particular, in both the Grims and in History. This demon
was Alex VI's patron saint--lol


A couple of other things to mention~ I do recall calling the 7 lords with a very minimal use of the
circle, during that time I mentioned before in the Basement area, where the pipes later burst. I
used their seals in a Hoodoo operation with black Santisma Muerte Candles. So I guess that was
the exception. I wasnt really satisfied with the operation. I dont think the spirits were either,
obviously, by the general reaction I got (looking back)

It has always seemed to me that I fall short. My efforts are not enough. They cant be satisified.
And I think the reason is because if you read the instructions in the books of Exodus and
Deuteronomy for how to use the tools in the Temple and how to set up the Altar, realistically:
who can compete with that?!

No doubt that maybe why Pope Alex VI had such luck with them~ he probably used the Vatican
Altar and resources! If you read books like the Grim of Honorious III, that is DEFINATLY the
impression that you get. Its literally written by a preist, for black masses! (!?)

I havent used anything in the Grim of Pope Honorius III, but I do own a leatherbound copy I got
about 5 years ago. I read german pretty well and there is a whole section at the back of my copy
on how to give Exorcisms in German, so that was the selling point for me, personally.

The Jesuits are responcible for several famous Grims that you can also use in this whole
conjurations of the infernal ranks effort, by the way. The Liber Juratus is the book that contains
the original version of John Dee's Sigilum Aemeth. There are alot of conjurations in the Liber
Juratus that I added to my standard use of opening of the circle, conjuration of the Dukes,
Conjurations of the higher ranks from the Grim Verum, etc.

But in terms of the "equipment" needed, how can you compete with the Vatican or Solomon's
Temple, from the Bible? The spirits will never be satisfied. Thats what they really want. Nothing
you do in some basement is going to be enough. (or wherever)

Brother M you asked about the conjurations from 6/7 for the plagues? I did those also. The
demons showed me that I need to have those made into metal plates, or they wont work. And,
for good measure, while you are doing that you can have the planetary seals made into metal
plates while you are at it (those are SO SO SO useful !!)

But having that done isnt so easy. I found a silversmith out of Europe that does occult silver
talisman plates out of the Black Pullet, who would consent to make them. But its pricey. Its a big
task, I m not a king or a pope.

As well as using the plates cast out of actual metals , you need to have the Staff that Moses used.
If you research this, it is actually quite legendary and there are several various different
traditions of what incantations were written on it, so that Moses could do all those miracles with

Further, you have to know alot of hebrew in actuality not just in theory. You need to know the
Holy Names from the Kabbalah and the Book of Raziel, not just read some conjurations from a
book that you dont really understand. This part is also difficult and requires study.

As you mentioned the Angels are sentient and so Im sure you can see what I mean, that they
merely scoff and mock, if you are unprepared, uneducated, trying to summon or command
without a Staff with some bits of paper, without a ritual Altar (like the Vaticans' or a proper
Temple). Its not enough.

Additionally, I have used the Shemhamphorash prayers of Adam, Moses and Solomon. I tried
doing a vigil that lasted several months, toward the end of 2008 and into the beginning of 2009.
Again, that operation wasnt as successful as I would have liked. The prayer I had the most succes
with consistantly, every time: is the Shem HaMaphorash of Adam.

Adam was a really hard core guy. Everytime I pray that prayer, I get some serious help from on
high, PRONTO. And its for real, no kidding around. The other 2 are complicated by alot of
intervening laws and conditions, which may or may not be you know, Im sure.

I think if you want to use the prayers of the Shem HaMephorash from the 6/7 with Hoodoo, that
could work out; it probably wouldnt require a circle, you could just do it with some potent
Hoodoo Spell oils / Candles and do some vigils that way.

Thats what I did before, but Im starting to think that maybe I should have just used different
spell oils and some extra talismans and it would have gone more successfully. Live and learn
(sigh). I believe they make a "10 commandments" oil, but I havent tried that yet.
I kinda have an aversion to those messy things, like candle vigils and exotic herbs , but in
rethinking it I realise maybe Im cheating myself. After all, God gave Moses the original Recipe for
Abremalin Oil, in Exodus 30 !! if God says its Holy Oil, who am I to argue?

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