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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems – ICMaS

Published by Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 1842-3183

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Machine and Manufacturing Systems Department
Bucharest, Romania, 26 – 27 October, 2006



Cristina IVAN, Maria Cornelia IVAN, Nicolae Valentin IVAN

Abstract: The implementation of computerized technology within product engineering requires the use of
some data bases and objective mathematical models. As very important elements, these data bases and
mathematical models must also contain information regarding the roughness of the processed surfaces.
This fact is important because the technological route of products depends very much on the surface
roughness. In the most of the cases the surface roughness is appraised in accordance with roughness
criterion Ra. The present paper presents the method that helped obtaining a mathematical model for
appraising the roughness Ra of the processed surface in case of turning using wide cutting tools, more
precisely in comparison with the data met within specialized literature.

Key words: roughness, modeling, CAD/CAM, technology.

1. INTRODUCTION This ray is calculated later within this paper.

It must be mentioned that for Figs. 1 and 2 the
The issue of appraising the roughness of the processed sources were the papers [4–7, 12, 13]. But, these figures
surface, in case of turning using wide cutting tools, is from the mentioned papers stood at the basis of deter-
treated within specialized literature. As it is known, some mining the maximum roughness Rmax and not Ra.
significant results regarding this problem were obtained by
Sokolovski [12, 13]. These results were ulterior overtaken The present paper is based on the same geometric
and presented within Romanian specialized literature considerations but approaches the issue in a different
[4–7]. But, in the most of the cases the problem is not manner. The calculation way is different because the
correctly treated because the models that stood at the base roughness Ra is had in mind.
of appraising the roughness of the processed surface take From Fig. 1 the following formula results:
into consideration the criterion of maximum roughness l
Rmax and not the criterion Ra. The criterion Ra is mostly tg λ = 2 ⋅ l = x . (1)
s x
used in product design. Thus, the present paper approaches
a new way of appraising the roughness of the surfaces Knowing that:
processed with wide cutting tools. This new approach is 2 2
supported by the geometric interpretations regarding the Rx2 = OK + l x2 , R 2 = OK + l 2 . (2)
generation of the asperities in accordance with the papers ray Rx immediately results:
previously specified. The interpretation of the roughness
Ra is also had in mind in accordance with paper [2].
Rx = tg λ ⋅ R 2− l + x 2 .
2 2
tg λ
OF THE PROCESSED SURFACE If the following notation is made:
A2 = R −
l2 , (4)
tg λ
2.1. Generation of micro irregularities
Having in mind the geometric considerations, on the it is obtained:
basis of Fig. 1 the generation of micro irregularities is Rx = tg λ ⋅ A2 + x 2 . (5)
conducted by the variation of ray Rx.
The variation of the ray Rx with value x leads to the
generation of the profile of micro irregularities in accor-
dance with Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 highlights the maximum height of micro
irregularities. But the aim of this paper is to determine
the micro irregularities in accordance with the roughness
Ra. The criterion Ra, as it has been said, is mostly used in
product design. Thus, in what comes next, this subject is
approached, presenting, in the end of the paper, the
Fig. 1. Generation of micro irregularities. formula that allows the appraisal of the roughness Ra.

Making the following notation:

E1 = ∫ A2 + x 2 d x.

the solution of this integral is [3]:

Fig. 2. Geometry of micro irregularities. E1 = ∫ A2 + x 2 dx =
0 (9)
2.2. Interpretation of the roughness criterion Ra b

( )
= x A2 + x 2 + A ln x + A2 + x 2
By definition, the roughness Ra (Fig. 3) can be expressed .
2 2 0
through [2, 9–11]: or:
2 2 ⎛ 2 ⎞ A2
Ra = 1 ⋅ ∫ y(x) d x. (6) E1 = b A2 + b + A ln ⎜ b + A2 + b ⎟ − 2 ln A . (10)
L 4 4 2 ⎝2 4 ⎠

On the basis of formula (6) and Fig. 4, roughness Ra Through Taylor (Mclaurin) development [1, 3] it is
can be expressed as follows: obtained:

A1 + A2 A2 + b = A ⋅ ⎛⎜ 1 + 1 ⋅ b 2 ⎞⎟ .
2 2
Ra = , (7) (11)
s 4 ⎝ 2 4⋅ A ⎠
where A1, respective A2 represent the areas related to the and
reference length s for appraising the roughness Ra in ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞
ln ⎜ b + A2 + b ⎟ = ln A + ln ⎜ b + 1 + b 2 ⎟ . (12)
accordance with the definition. ⎝2 4 ⎠ ⎝ 2⋅ A 4⋅ A ⎠
The areas A1 and A2 will be calculated below taking
into consideration the definition of the roughness, in respective,

( ) + 403 ( 2bA ) . (13)

accordance with Fig. 3 and formula (6). ⎛ 2 ⎞ 3 5
ln ⎜ b + 1 + b ⎟ = b − 1 b
2.3. Calculation of areas A1 and A2 ⎝ 2A 4A ⎠ 2A 6 2A

On the basis of Fig. 4 area A1 can be determined by the By replacing the expressions (11), (12) and (13) in
means of the following formula: expression (10) it is obtained:

E1 = A ⋅ b + b .
b (14)
2 2 48 ⋅ A
A1 = ( R − h2 ) ⋅ b − 2 ⋅ tg λ ⋅ ∫ A + x d x.
2 2 (8)
Thus, the expression of area A1 becomes:

A1 = ( R − h2 ) ⋅ b − 2 ⋅ tg λ ⋅ ⎜⎛ A ⋅ b + b ⎟⎞ .
⎝ 2 48 ⋅A⎠
Of course, the values h2 and b will be determined
below, after the formula for A2 is established. In a similar
way, on the basis of Fig. 4 area A2 can be expressed in
the following way:
b +a

Fig. 3. Ra roughness.
A2 = 2 ⋅ tg λ ⋅ ∫b A2 + x 2 d x − ( R − h2 ) ⋅ ( s − b). (16)

Knowing that (Fig. 4):

b +a = s. (17)
2 2
and making the notation:
E2 = ∫b A2 + x 2 d x. (18)

a result similar with that from formula (14) is immediately

Fig. 4. Geometrical generation, detail. obtained:

from where it immediately results:

E2 = A ⋅ ( s − b) + 1 ⋅ ( s 3 − b3 ). (19)
2 48 ⋅ A K1 = 0.577350269. (28)
Thus, area A2 can be expressed in the following way:
Thus, on the basis of formula (25) and taking into
A2 = 2tg λ ⎡ A ( s − b) + 1 ( s 3 − b3 ) ⎤ − ( R − h2 )( s − b). (20) consideration the substitution (4) the roughness of the
⎣⎢ 2 48 A ⎦⎥ processed surface in case of turning using wide cutting
tools can be appraised through the following expression:
2.4. Establishing the position of the reference line s 2 ⋅ tg 2 λ
Ra = (29)
In accordance with the definition of roughness Ra, 15.58845727 ⋅ D
expressed through Fig. 3 and formula (6), the position of or
the reference line must result from the following condition: s 2 ⋅ tg 2 λ
Ra = 0.064 ⋅ . (30)
A1 = A2 . (21) D

Having in mind the formulas (15) and (20), in accor- 3. CONCLUSIONS

dance with formula (21) it results:
The formula (30) regarding the appraisal of the processed
h2 = R − tg λ ⋅ ⎛⎜ A + s ⎞⎟ .
(22) surface in case of turning with wide cutting tools
⎝ 24 ⋅A⎠ represents a novelty in comparison with the data met
within specialized literature, which recommends the
2.5. Calculation of the roughness Ra following formula obtained by Sokolovski team and
On the basis of formula (7), knowing the expressions of overtaken by Romanian literature for appraising the
areas A1 and A2 and expressing b as a function depending maximum roughness Rmax and not Ra [4–7]:
on s, as the following formula shows: s 2 ⋅ tg 2 λ s 2 ⋅ tg 2 λ
Rmax = = 0.25 ⋅ . (31)
b = K1 ⋅ s. (23) 4⋅ D D
It results: It results that roughness Rmax and roughness Ra are
connected through the following formula:
s 2 tg λ 3 s 2 tg λ
Ra = (2 K1 − 1)( R − h2 − Atg λ ) − K + . (24) Rmax = 4 ⋅ Ra . (32)
12 A 1 24 A
Having also in mind the formula (22), the roughness On the other hand in the most of the cases the sur-
Ra becomes: faces roughness is specified through the criterion Ra on
the work drawing and thus, the formula (30) is better
s 2 ⋅ tg λ
Ra = ⋅ ( K1 − K13 ). (25) than formula (31).
12 ⋅ A In another two cases the formula (32) confirms its
validity [2] and [8].
2.6. Determination of coefficient K1
Thus, for cases of turning processing with cutting
On the basis of Fig. 5, for the point N the following tools having no nose ray and having nose ray the formulas
formula system can be written, observing that x = b/2: for appraising the roughness of processed surfaces are
[2, 8, 5]:
⎧ b2
⎪ RN = tg λ ⋅ A + 4
s R
⎪⎪ Ra = 250 ⋅ = max .
tg χ + tg χ1 4
⎨ RN = R − h2 . (26)
⎪ in case of cutting tools with no nose ray and,
⎪h2 = R − tg λ ⋅ ⎛⎜ A + s ⎞⎟

⎪⎩ ⎝ 24 ⋅ A⎠ 2 Rmax
Ra = 32 ⋅ s ⋅ K3 = .
The solution of the system (26) is: r 4
for cutting tools having a nose ray. In both of the formulas
b = s ⋅ 1 = 0.577350269 ⋅ s. (27) the roughness are given in microns.
The angles χ, χ1 are the principle and secondary
approaching angles.
Regarding the formula (30) another observation must
also be made. It resulted from geometric considerations.
For being an objective expression, formula (30) must be
corrected with a coefficient K2 that takes into considera-
tion the elastic – plastic deformations of the material to
be processed, meaning:
s 2 ⋅ tg 2 λ
Ra = 0.064 ⋅ ⋅ K2 . (33)
Fig. 5. Detail. D

Future papers present results regarding this coefficient. for the formulas (35) and (36) must be stored within the
The formula (33) is also very important from common data base.
manufacturing point of view. Such a formula must be
compulsory a part of the mathematical mechanism of REFERENCES
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coefficient K2. Authors:
Within formulas (35) and (36) the roughness of the Eng. Cristina IVAN, Assistant, “Transilvania” University of
processed surfaces must be considered in microns. Of Braşov, Economical Engineering and Production Systems
course, the constraints regarding the roughness of the Department, E-mail:
processed surface have a great importance especially for Dr. Eng. Maria Cornelia IVAN, Assoc. Professor, “Transilvania”
University of Braşov, Descriptive Geometrie and Technical
finishing processes.
Graphics Department, E-mail:
Formula (33) is also very important taking into con- Dr. Eng. Nicolae-Valentin IVAN, Professor, “Transilvania”
sideration the data base related to the CAD/CAM systems. University of Braşov, Manufacturing Engineering Department,
In other words, the parameters which are characteristic E-mail:

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