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Service without ulterior motives

Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé :First-class devotional service is known by

one's tendency to be fully engaged in Kåñëa consciousness,
serving the Lord favorably." The purport is that one may also
be in Kåñëa consciousness unfavorably, but that cannot be
counted as pure devotional service. Pure devotional service
should be free from the desire for any material benefit or for
sense gratification, as these desires are cultivated through
fruitive activities and philosophical speculation.(NOD)
Vaidhi sädhana-bhakti : "When there is no attachment or no
spontaneous loving service to the Lord, and one is engaged in
the service of the Lord simply out of obedience to the order
of the spiritual master or in pursuance of the scriptures,
such obligatory service is called vaidhi-bhakti.(NOD)
Characters/Examples :
1. Devahüti served her husband, Kardama Muni
SB 3.23.1 - Maitreya continued: After the departure of her parents,
the chaste woman Devahüti, who could understand the desires of her
husband, served him constantly with great love, as Bhaväné, the wife
of Lord Çiva, serves her husband.
SB 3.23.2 - O Vidura, Devahüti served her husband with intimacy and
great respect, with control of the senses, with love and with sweet
SB 3.23.3 - Working sanely and diligently, she pleased her very
powerful husband, giving up all lust, pride, envy, greed, sinful
activities and vanity.
2. Mädhavendra Puré serves the lord
Madhya 4.107 - “Bring sandalwood pulp from Jagannätha Puré.
Kindly go quickly. Since no one else can do it, you must.”

Madhya 4.108 - After having this dream, Mädhavendra Puré

Gosvämé became very glad due to ecstasy of love of Godhead,
and in order to execute the command of the Lord, he started
east toward Bengal.
Madhya 4.115 - Mädhavendra Puré thought, “I shall inquire from
the priest what foods are offered to Gopénätha so that by
making arrangements in our kitchen, we can offer similar foods
to Çré Gopäla.”
Madhya 4.119 - While Mädhavendra Puré was talking with the
brähmaëa priest, the sweet rice was placed before the Deity as
an offering. Hearing this, Mädhavendra Puré thought as
Madhya 4.120 - “If, without my asking, a little sweet rice is
given to me, I can then taste it and make a similar
preparation to offer my Lord Gopäla.”
Madhya 4.173 - “Being obliged because of the loving affairs of
Mädhavendra Puré, Lord Kåñëa Himself appeared as the Gopäla
Deity, and, accepting his service, He liberated the whole
Madhya 4.180 - “After receiving the transcendental orders of
Gopäla, tnathhis great personality traveled thousands of miles
just to collect sandalwood by begging.

Madhya 4.181 - “Although Mädhavendra Puré was hungry, he would

not beg food to eat. This renounced person carried a load of
sandalwood for the sake of Çré Gopäla.

Madhya 4.182 - “Without considering his personal comforts,

Mädhavendra Puré carried one maund [about eighty- two pounds]
of sandalwood and twenty toläs [about eight ounces] of camphor
to smear over the body of Gopäla. This transcendental pleasure
was sufficient for him.
3. Radharani and Gopis do not mind in going to hell because of
giving dust of their feet for relieving Lord Kåñëa’s headache.
4. Sita
Went in the forest with Lord Rama to serve Him though it was
optional for her
5. Laxman : didn’t sleep for 14 years for serving Lord Rama
6. Hanuman: risk his life and faces many challenges to assist
Lord Rama
7. Six Goswami serve lord Caitanya
8. In Säkñi-gopäla pastime, young brähmaëa served old brähmaëa
Madhya 5.22 - “You are a most aristocratic family man, well
educated and very rich. I am not at all aristocratic, and I am
without a decent education and have no wealth.

Madhya 5.23 - “Sir, I am not a suitable bridegroom for your

daughter. I render service to you only for the satisfaction of

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