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Modern PowerPoint Presentation

So, you finally landed a job interview! Maybe you weren’t expecting to get this far and now you’re
anxious about the job interview. Every job application writer wants to put their best foot forward to
give themselves a shot at scoring the job. In today’s competitive market, these quick tips for job
application writing will give you the edge you need to stand out during the job application writing

Job Application Writing: Research the Company
You will stand out if you find out about the company you’re applying for. A great way to do this is
to check out a few of their most recent annual reports. This will give you some insight into the
culture and values of the place and will give you an edge over other job applicants.

Job Application Writing: Dress the Part
Dress to match the culture of the company. These days, many companies have gone to a more
casual corporate look, but if in doubt, always default to smart business attire.

Job Application Writing: Come Prepared
A job interview is not the time to wing it. Job application writers are smart enough to know many
of the questions you will likely be asked. Be sure to have an answer to the, “So, tell us about
yourself,” question and be ready to list strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments. All good job
application writers come prepared!

Job Application Writing: Don’t Be Late
If you arrive late, you might as well not have arrived. Be there 15 minutes early and research your
parking options in advance.

Job Application Writing: Be Friendly and Outgoing
If this is not your usual manner, then fake it. Smile and say hello. Be extra nice to the person at
the front desk (some interviewers check in with them afterwards!)

Job Application Writing: Come with Questions
Many people dread the part of the interview where the tables are turned and you get asked, “Do
you have any questions for us?” However, always come prepared with a few questions as this
shows you are serious and have prepared well. Being given the opportunity to ask questions, is
your chance to stand out. Grab it with both hands!

Job Application Writing: Take Notes
Always take notes as this shows you are teachable, and then try to work the feedback you’ve
received into your subsequent answers as this shows you are taking on board what is said.

Job Application Writing: Don’t Lie, exaggerated or
misrepresent yourself
You may really, really want this job, but when you lie or exaggerate about your past achievements,
you only set yourself up for failure in the future. Giving your prospective employer an inflated
sense of what you’re capable of is a mistake.

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So, there you have it! An interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but remember, everyone is
nervous. Prepare well, dress the part, arrive early, come with questions, don’t lie or ramble and
show that you are engaged in the interview process. Finally, if you need help landing the job of your
dreams, then consider getting some professional help. Red Tape Busters are specialists in resume
writing and can help you produce a resume, cover letter and/or selection criteria that gets noticed.
Visit for more information.

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Get professional help
We are specialists in providing the following services:

• Lobbying;
• Tender Writing;
• Grant Writing;
• Resumes/Job Applications;
• Organisational/Business Development.

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Please also “friend” or “like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter – Red Tape
Busters or check us out on YouTube just search for Red Tape Busters.

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Thank You!!
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