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Physical Examination and Imaging of the Medial Collateral

Ligament and Posteromedial Corner of the Knee
Peter R. Kurzweil, MD and Steven T. Kelley, MD

a functional unit with links to the semimembranosus

Abstract: The medial side is one of the most commonly injured tendon sheath. The authors found the posteromedial
areas of the knee. The anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment of capsule to be a passive restraint to internal rotation of the
medial collateral ligament and posteromedial corner (PMC) tibia with the knee in extension.1
injuries can be challenging. Understanding the mechanism of It is well known that the capsuloligamentous layers
injury and performing a thorough physical examination and of the medial side of the knee provide static stabilization
radiographic evaluation is essential. Frequently, there are against a valgus force. The MCL is the primary restraint
concomitant meniscal and other ligament injuries associated to valgus force, but the PMC and anterior cruciate
with medial-side injuries. Correct identification of all injured ligament (ACL) increase their contribution to valgus
structures is important, as missed diagnoses can lead to restraint with the knee in extension.2–4
significant disability. Unrecognized PMC injuries have been The medial side is one of the most frequently injured
implicated in anteromedial rotary instability and failed anterior areas in the knee.2,5 Most medial-side knee injuries arise
cruciate ligament reconstructions. Valgus stress testing is the from a valgus force applied to the lateral aspect of the
cornerstone for the identification of medial-side knee injuries. knee with the foot planted on the ground. This mechan-
Coronal sequences from magnetic resonance imaging are the ism of injury is common in contact sports such as
most useful tool to view the medial collateral ligament and football, rugby, and hockey. A recent prospective study
posteromedial structures. Stress x-rays and ultrasound may also of Division I collegiate hockey players found that damage
be helpful. Thorough physical examination and imaging of to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) was the most
injuries to the PMC should dictate the appropriate treatment for common knee injury sustained, and second only to
optimal results. concussions when considering all potential injuries.6
Key Words: medial collateral ligament, posterior oblique Although rare, complete disruption of the medial
ligament, posteromedial corner, Pellegrini-Stieda lesion, knee structures of the knee can also occur from a rotational
ligament injuries force alone. Downhill skiing is one such activity that can
subject the knee to such external rotational forces. The
(Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2006;14:67–73) MCL is the most commonly injured knee ligament in
skiers, representing 60% of all skiing knee injuries.7 If a
valgus force is combined with external rotational, tears to

T here has been a recent emphasis on the anatomy of the

posterolateral and, to a lesser extent, the postero-
medial corners (PMCs) of the knee. Investigators are
the medial structures and the ACL can occur. With these
combined injuries, there is a predilection for meniscal
injury as well with a 3- to 9-fold predominance of lateral
finding that injuries to either of these areas can produce meniscus tears.8,9
rotary instability that may need to be addressed during Chronic medial laxity or combined valgus/external
the reconstruction of the multiple ligament-injured knee. rotational injury patterns can have an effect on other
Robinson et al found that the PMC has 3 distinct structures in the knee, particularly the ACL and the
ligamentous components crossing the joint line: the menisci. Therefore, it is important to perform a compre-
superficial MCL, the deep MCL, and the posteromedial hensive physical examination when addressing a knee that
capsule. They did not find a discrete ligament where the has sustained a valgus force injury. Understanding the
posterior oblique ligament had previously been de- possible injury patterns will also help guide the physician
scribed—only capsular condensations, which seem to be in evaluation of the injury.

From the The Southern California Center for Sports Medicine, Long
No funding was received in support of this study. No author has The goal for this evaluation is to determine the
received anything of value from a commercial party related directly location and degree of injury to the MCL, and the
or indirectly to the subject of the presentation. presence of any associated injuries. The examination can
Reprints: Peter R. Kurzweil, MD, Southern California Center for Sports
Medicine, 2760 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90266 (e-mail:
be divided into 4 phases: (1) initial observation of the patient’s gait, (2) documentation of the neurovascular
Copyright r 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins status of the leg, (3) observation and palpation of the

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Kurzweil and Steven Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 14, Number 2, June 2006

knee for tenderness, swelling, and ecchymosis, and (4) with joint line tenderness, creating potential difficulty in
testing for laxity of the MCL. distinguishing meniscal tears from collateral ligament
If possible, one should observe and examine the injury. Even if convinced of an isolated MCL injury, it is
knee with the patient in the standing, sitting, and supine important not to ignore the lateral structures (Fig. 2). A
positions. A patient with a complete tear of the MCLs valgus knee injury that disrupts the MCL can lead to
may walk with a barely perceptible limp, although the bone contusions or damage to the meniscus in the lateral
stride can be slightly shortened on the involved side. A compartment. This could result in significant tenderness
vaulting-type gait might be exhibited, where the quad- along the lateral joint line or lateral femoral condyle.
riceps are acting to help stabilize the joint. This differs When examining medial-side knee injuries, it is
from the patient with an acute ACL or meniscal injury important to distinguish between localized soft tissue
who typically walks with a bent-knee/equinus gait due to swelling and an intra-articular effusion. The former is
the large joint effusion.10 If the clinician is unable to commonly seen with an isolated MCL injury; the latter is
observe the patient’s gait as he or she enters the often associated with intra-articular pathology such as an
examination room, it should be performed at some point ACL or meniscal tear. However, when damage to both
during the examination. the MCL and the ACL is present, the size of the
As with all knee injuries in the acute setting, it is hemarthrosis may be minimal because of the extravasa-
essential to evaluate the neurovascular status of the tion of blood through the tear of the medial capsular
extremity. This is especially important after a high-energy ligament.
injury. The pedal pulses and sensation over the dorsum of Evaluating for fluid is best performed with the
the foot, first web space, and plantar region are patient in a supine position. The concavities on either side
documented. The ability to dorsiflex the great toe and of the patellar tendon were compared with the normal
ankle should be recorded. knee. Isolated MCL injuries often produce no or minimal
The third phase of the evaluation looks at specific effusion, so the findings can be subtle. One can check for
anatomic locations of the knee. The patient may have a large effusions by assessing for fullness in the suprapa-
characteristic soft tissue bruising over the medial aspect of tellar pouch and the presence of a ballotable patella. With
the knee with an MCL injury (Fig. 1). Although rare, more subtle effusions, it may be possible to demonstrate a
medial skin dimpling has been associated with an ‘‘fluid wave.’’ By milking fluid with the heel of the hand
irreducible posterolateral knee dislocation.11 The entire on the medial side of the knee from distal to proximal and
course of the MCL should be palpated from proximal to then immediately sweeping the lateral side from proximal
distal. This is often best accomplished with the patient in to distal using the fingertips of the opposite hand, an out-
a supine position and the hip and knee comfortably pouching of the skin medially indicates the presence of
flexed. Tenderness usually indicates that some degree of small effusion. Large effusions or a hemarthrosis may
injury has occurred. In the authors’ experience, the occur with significant bone contusions in the lateral
femoral origin of the MCL at the medial femoral condyle compartment. In these situations a side-to-side difference
is the most common site of maximal tenderness. Distal in the size of the knees is obvious (Fig. 3).
tears of the MCL would result in tenderness along the The final and perhaps most important phase of the
proximal tibia, often at or below the level of the pes examination is testing the integrity of the MCL. Valgus
anserine tendons. Midsubstance tears may be associated stress testing is the cornerstone to making the diagnosis

FIGURE 1. Inspection may show marked areas of ecchymosis

over the medial aspect of the knee. FIGURE 2. Note the contusion in the lateral femoral condyle.

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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 14, Number 2, June 2006 MCL Exam and Imaging of the Knee

allowing the lower leg to drop off to the side while

supporting the foot and ankle. This position will help
keep the thigh musculature relaxed and the patient
When applying the valgus stress, place a finger on
the medial joint line to help assess the amount of medial
joint opening. According to the American Medical
Association guidelines, the injury is graded as to how
much more the injured side opens compared with the
uninjured side.12 A grade I injury allows 0 to 5 mm of
opening with a firm end point, a grade II injury allows 5
to 10 mm with a firm end point, and a grade III injury, or
a ‘‘complete’’ tear of the superficial and deep portions of
the ligament allows greater than 10 mm of opening and
the end point is usually soft. One can also get a sensation
of the knee opening and reducing with more significant
injuries. It is worth emphasizing that a difference of only 5
FIGURE 3. A large hemarthrosis can occur with significant to 8 mm can be indicative of significant structural damage
bone contusions. to the MCL. Injuries to the MCL will often result in pain
over the ligament during valgus stress testing.
It may be helpful, when performing a valgus stress
and grading the injury. A pillow under the affected knee at 30 degrees of knee flexion, to hold the lower extremity
will generally make the patient more comfortable. It is by the plantar surface of the foot rather than the distal
often beneficial to examine the normal knee first, which portion of the leg during abduction. This may allow for
may also make the patient less apprehensive. The authors appreciation of a rotary component by placing a slight
have found that patients are less apprehensive when they rotary stress on the foot and observing for any
know what physical examination maneuvers they can anteromedial rotation of the tibial plateau on the medial
expect when the side in pain is later examined. In femoral condyle. A positive finding of rotary instability
addition, the contralateral knee serves as a control to may suggest damage to the PMC of the knee. Although
determine the presence and degree of asymmetrical an injury to the posterolateral corner and anteromedial
medial joint opening. corner may both result in increased external rotation
The examination is conducted at both 0 and 30 during rotatory testing manuevers, only the latter will
degrees of knee flexion, and the amount of ‘‘opening’’ at cause the medial tibial to sublux anteriorly. Injury to this
the medial joint line is evaluated. A 30-degree test isolates meniscocapsular complex is believed to interrupt the
the MCL, and is typically performed first. It is usually static and dynamic resistance to anteromedial rotary
performed with the hip slightly abducted and flexed, with instability throughout the normal range of motion.13 This
the lower leg cradled securely between the examiner’s finding may represent a subset of patients in whom the
waist and elbow (Fig. 4). The opposite hand can be used medial-side injury requires surgical repair, especially in
to help suspend and stabilize the leg as it applies a valgus the face of a concomitant ACL rupture.
force. When examining a larger patient or one with Valgus stress testing in full extension is the second
significant guarding, let the thigh rest on the table part of this evaluation. Once again, the degree of medial
laxity is compared with the uninjured knee. Opening in
full extension is a much more ominous sign and is
indicative of a complete MCL rupture (grade III) and
PMC damage. It may also be associated with ACL or
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury. Other injuries
reported with medial laxity in full extension include
tearing of the vastus medialis obliquus and patellar
instability.14 There have been recent case reports of lateral
patellar dislocations associated with avulsion of the
femoral origin of the MCL and the medial patellofemoral
The external rotation anterior drawer test is another
provocative test to determine the degree of injury. This
maneuver assesses the amount of anterior translation of
the tibia with the knee flexed at 80 degrees and the tibia
externally rotated at 15 degrees (Fig. 5). The examiner
will notice more translation of the medial tibial condyle,
FIGURE 4. Technique of stressing the MCL. which seems to be fuller and more prominent. The test is

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FIGURE 6. Supine AP radiograph of patient with grade 1 MCL

on right and grade 3 on left. Note the significant medial joint
space widening on the left.
FIGURE 5. Slocum’s modified anterior drawer.

positive if there is a side-to-side difference with the A technique of stress radiography to help evaluate
contralateral knee. This indicates disruption of the and document laxity has been proposed by Sawant et al.17
meniscotibial ligaments that allows the meniscus to move In this study, the authors performed comparative stress
freely. If these ligaments are intact, the meniscus remains radiographs of the injured and uninjured knees with the
firmly seated on the tibia, providing a buttress against patients under general anesthesia before arthroscopy.
the posterior femoral condyle and thus resisting anterior With the knees bound together and a cassette placed
translation of the tibia.16 under both knees, the examiner stands at the foot of the
table between the patient’s legs and applies simultaneous
valgus forces to each knee until the end points have been
IMAGING reached. A single radiograph is taken and the opening of
Although the history and physical examination are the medial joint space is compared. The authors of that
critical to determining the type and degree of ligamentous study found that opening of the medial joint space to
damage to the knee, it may be difficult to perform the twice or more of that of the normal knee was indicative of
appropriate examination due to pain, swelling, and ACL/PCL damage in addition to MCL rupture. It
muscle spasm. Repeat examination at a later date when remains to be determined how clinically useful this test
the inflammation is reduced can be important. Through could be, and is not something we have routinely used.
the use of a number of imaging modalities, the location
and extent of damage to the MCL and other structures
can be determined.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become the
imaging modality of choice when investigating injuries
RADIOGRAPHS that may involve damage to the ligaments, menisci,
A standard radiographic knee series is indicated in
all cases of suspected MCL injuries. As with all injuries,
we recommend a complete ‘‘knee series,’’ which includes
anterior-posterior (AP) and 45 degrees flexion (tunnel)
views, a lateral and sunrise view. Although standing views
are often desired to demonstrate limb alignment and
narrowing of the joint space, they may not be practical in
patients with significant pain when weight bearing. High-
grade MCL sprains, especially when combined with a
cruciate injury, may show medial joint space widening on
a supine AP view (Fig. 6). Avulsions or osteochondral
fragments seen on x-ray could significantly affect the
treatment plan. Any young patient with increased laxity
to valgus stress and open physes should have stress views
to rule out a fracture through the growth plate. In chronic
cases with instability, long-standing cassette radiographs
of both lower extremities should be obtained to assess
limb alignment. Chronic injuries may have calcification at
the medial femoral condyle insertion known as the FIGURE 7. Pellegrini-Stieda lesion indicating chronic MCL
Pellegrini-Stieda lesion (Fig. 7). insufficiency.

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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 14, Number 2, June 2006 MCL Exam and Imaging of the Knee

physes, or other key structures about the knee.18–20 The

presence of meniscal tears, the location of the MCL tear,
and any concomitant injuries can be accurately
diagnosed.21 This study is particularly useful when the
physical examination is compromised. MRI can also
reveal pivotal information that may alter an operative
plan, such as the presence of an entrapped MCL lesion,
even in apparently straightforward cases.11,22
The MCL is best visualized on the coronal imaging
sequences, where it is normally visualized as a taut black
structure on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images.
It extends from the medial femoral epicondyle to the
medial tibial metaphysis and is typically 8 to 10 cm long.
This uniformly low-signal-intensity line extends 5 to 7 cm
distal to the joint line, deep to the pes anserinus
When the MCL is injured, the fiber continuity and
the amount of edema on T2-weighted images helps to
determine the radiographic grade of injury. The classic
method of grading MCL injuries by MRI is to divide
them into 3 grades. Grade I is characterized by
periligamentous swelling with minor tearing of the
ligament fibers. Grade II displays complete disruption
of the superficial layer but the deep fibers remain intact.
Grade III shows complete disruption of both the super-
ficial and deep layers with fluid extravasation from the
joint into the periligamentous tissue24 (Fig. 8). Restora-
tion of valgus stability clinically has been significantly
correlated with the location and amount of superficial
MCL fiber damage on MRI.25
Lateral compartment injuries are commonly asso-
ciated with MCL tears and are easily assessed with MRI.
Miller et al26 showed that 45% of all isolated MCL tears
have evidence of bone contusion in the lateral femoral
condyle, lateral tibial plateau, or both. Evaluation of the
lateral meniscus is also important, especially in the
multiple ligament-injured knee, as the incidence of
meniscal injury increases significantly.
Despite the multitude of magnetic resonance
sequences that are available, it remains difficult to
delineate the posteromedial capsule even in uninjured
knees. Demonstration of posteromedial capsule tears with
MRI may be useful in the preoperative planning of repair
and restoration of normal knee stability. Loredo27
performed an anatomic-MRI correlative study to inves-
tigate the posteromedial corner of the knee. Even using
uninjured cadaveric knees, an atypical coronal oblique
plane and intra-articular administration of gadolinium,
the authors still concluded assessment of the PMC of the
knee to be difficult.

ULTRASOUND FIGURE 8. Grade 1 lesions show periligamentous swelling

with interstitial fiber tears but maintenance of continuity of the
Ultrasound is increasingly being used to assess ligament (A). Grade 2 lesions show disruption of the superficial
superficial soft tissue structures and injuries to the portion of the ligament (B). Grade 3 lesions have disruption of
knee.28,29 Few studies, however, have addressed the both elements. Also note the significant lateral compartment
anatomy of the normal knee collateral ligaments edema in all 3 images and a concomitant lateral meniscal tear
or injuries to these structures sonographically.30–32 in grade 3 (C).
Ultrasound can be somewhat dependent on a technician

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radiologist to identify the medial and lateral collateral anteromedial rotary instability, and (3) although less
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that by identifying 2 bony landmarks, the medial femoral PMC is no less important functionally.
epicondyle and the sulcus of the semimenbranous tendon,
the superficial portion of the MCL could be reliably
identified in most patients. However, the deep portion of REFERENCES
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