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● Health vs Fitness

* Health - Most people believe being healthy and being fit are one and the same. In reality, they can be
separate states of physical being. You can be really fit, and not very healthy, and you can be very healthy
and not very fit. The best benefits are found with trying to get a balance out of both sides, this requires
us to identify the difference between fitness and health.

So let’s define the difference. Health has been defined by the World Health Organisation as a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It
includes aging well, longevity, quality of life, freedom from pain etc.


Fitness, on the other hand, is defined as a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to
the ability to perform physical activity. Fitness is made up of many components, and the following factors
need to be considered when discussing fitness levels:

Introduction to Fitness

Fitness is a hugely misunderstood concept and each individual has his own way of defining it. what a
fitness professional needs to understand is that fitness is not just about one thing but it comprises of five
facets. All these five facets of fitness need improve in a human being for him or her to be deemed as a
person who has become filter.

Fitness professionals need to understand that whichever category of people ( House wife, actor,
corporate executive, athlete, teenager ,geriatric [ senior citizen ], etc.) Come to them, their programming
must include specific group of exercises for all five aspects of fitness.

Since physiologically all Human being are Built the same way, there is not a single category of people
who would not require all 5 aspects of fitness. Improved performance in all 5 aspects of fitness leading
to an enhanced quality of life should be the universal fitness goal of all the above category of people.

Ageing through degeneration (which is accelerated due to disuse )reduces a human's performance in all
five aspects of fitness and hence the only anti ageing tactic is to place equal emphasis on all the aspects
of fitness.

An athlete of any discipline (marathon running, power lifting, gymnastics, boxing, sprinting, foot ball,
tennis, squash, etc.), to succeed in improving performance is in his chosen sport, need to again address
all five aspects of fitness in his conditioning workouts.
Fitness professionals specializing in a certain forms of exercise (yoga, pilates, swiss ball core training,
weight training, spinning, dance aerobics, etc.) Need to avoid one major pitfall. The pitfall is thinking that
the form of exercise that he specializes in is the only one needed to achieve complete General fitness
they need to understand the impotence of specificity. There is a separate exercise from for every aspects
of fitness. All those form need to be incorporate into a sound exercise program to improve general

* The Five Components of fitness

1 Cardiovascular Endurance

The ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory system to transport oxygenated blood to the working
skeletal muscles for an extended length of time without fatiguing.

2- Muscular Endurance

The Ability of the skeletal muscle or a group of skeletal muscles to continuously contract at sub maximal
level for an extended length of time without fatiguing.

3- Musculoskeltal Strength

It is define as the ability of skeletal muscles or a group of skeletal muscles to generate force in one
maximal contraction.

4- Flexibility

It is the ability of the body to sustain full & complete range of motion around joints. It is achieved by not
allowing skeletal muscle to lose elasticity.

5 - Ideal Body Composition

It is the ability of an individual to maintain the ideal ratio of adipose tissue to lean bodymass. A male is
said to have ideal body composition. If no more than 15% of the overall body weight comprises of
adipose tissue. A female is said to have ideal body composition. If no more than 20% of her overall
bodyweight comprises of adipose tissue (Fat).
Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is a vital component of good health. Our bodies are designed to cope with a certain level of
physical activity. An effective and appropriate exercise program can greatly improve an individual quality
of life.

* Lower blood pressure levels

* Reduce risk of Heart disease

* Lower low density lipoproteins

* increase high density lipoproteins

* Lower risk of osteoporosis/ increase bone density

* Promote fat loss

* Control adult onset diabetes

* Increase capillarization

* Increase mitochondria in cells

* Lower resting heart rate

* Lower exercise Heart rate

* Increases ejection fraction

* Increases stroke volume

* Improves anaerobic threshold

* Improves aerobic glycolysis and fatty oxidants

* Improves posture

* Improves agility, balance and flexibility

* Prevents sift tissue injuries

* Improves Strength

* Combats age related degeneration

# I have lots of queries and questions about

Who Should workout ? Doe's Gender and age factor matter's.?

What is the right age to join Gym

When it comes to adults, there's no right or best age for a gym workout. A person can start working out
at the gym whenever he/she feels appropriate. But for kids, the right age to join the gym can vary from
person to person. Some people prefer strength training, so kids as young as 10 or 11 can start with it.
However, a trainer always needs to be present for supervising the activities.

Each gym has their own permissible age criteria. But if you are worried that gym training can restrict
your child's development and growth, then it's quite the opposite. Height, weight and other growing
parameters depend upon the nourishment your child is getting from his/her diet along with the genes.

When kids are a part of the sports activities, it's mandatory for them to undergo gym training. Body
building becomes another aspect of their session. So both kids and adults can start with gym workouts
whenever they feel it's necessary. There just needs to be a professional trainer for guiding them

Same for Older Adults

Older adults are at a higher risk of falls, which can prove to be potentially disastrous for maintaining
independence. Exercise improves strength and flexibility, which also help improve balance and
coordination, reducing the risk of falls. Seniors take much longer to recover from falls, so anything that
helps avoid them in the first place is extremely important.

For Women's

Exercise helps counteract hormonally-driven mood swings.

From the first menstrual cycle until menopause, women live with a shifting level of estrogen and
progesterone that impacts their fertility patterns as well as also their brain chemistry and moods. When
estrogen levels drop, such as before and during a woman’s period or leading up to menopause, women
lose a natural source of the “feel good” brain chemical called serotonin. This makes them more
susceptible to moodiness, depression and anxiety attacks, such as the symptoms found in severe
premenstrual syndrome or post-partum depression.
Exercise counters these hormonally-triggered mood swings
by releasing endorphins, another mood regulator.
Sometimes called the “runner’s high,” endorphins leave
you feeling happy and relaxed after a workout.

Roles of Nutrition

The Macronutrients ( choosing the good carbohydrates,

proteins and fats)

Nutrition is a science that deals with all the nutrients

required by an individual to function and grow optimally.

' Nutrients' refers to substance in the food which give

energy to the body and help in functioning and overall
growth of the body.

Nutrients are needed by the body to

* supply energy to perform all daily activities.

* Help in optimal functioning of body system.

* Help to maintain, strengthen and grow active body


For example- a car needs fuel to run : similarly the body

needs nutrients to function.

Nutrients shape our body , "we are what we eat " the
entire composition or make- up of our body comes from
our nutrition.

• Training or Nutrition? Which is Important?

Its never a choice, Always both ! Neither can carry you

forward alone. Their role is complementary to each other.
Neither can give results without the other

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