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The Door pattern originated by Alex Domnikov:


*** The Door is aimed at controlling her after you've started sleeping with her. Other
patterns that you've used on her have anchored immense pleasure to you. The Door
creates an anchor for the loss of that pleasure.


*** The ideal setting for the power of the door is right after you've had intercourse
and you're in bed with the girl.


You're fooling around in bed, and you say,

(you) "sweetheart, what's that over there?" (point towards the door).

(her answer) "well you know, that's a door, silly."

(you) "yeah, you know... I'm a real positive person, but.. I mean, can you
imagine.. I mean, you don't know what can happen from day to day, when
you think about it in your mind. I mean, what would happen if I walked out
that door and the door closed and as the door closed, it slammed shut, and
no matter what you did, you could not open the door and you knew that you
would never be able to look into my eyes again and you'd never be able to
hear my voice again and you'd never be able to feel my touch again."

(her answer) Ok, right here is where she starts going, "I don't like this door
business at all."

(you) And at this time you just reassure her.. "ok, alright sweetheart, you're
right. You really shouldn't think about the door and you really don't have to
think about the door."

So you go back to playing around with her some more. Have some more fun with
her, bring her to another orgasm or whatever and say,

(you) "you know, a terrible thing happened the other day. My friend was hit
by a truck. I mean, it was awful, by the time they got him to hospital he was
dead. I can't believe it, you know? It's almost as if, it would be a horrible
thing you know when you think about.." (point towards the door) "..that no
matter even if you were to get that door opened and you were to search,
that you could never find me again.."

Then she starts freaking out. You calibrate more on that part of,
(you) "you will never be able to see me again, you'll never be able to hear
my voice again."

(you) "You'll never be able.. all that fun we had together, all those great
times we had together, walking along the beach, hand in hand in the
moonlight, we would never be able to do those things again and even if you
were to open that door, you would search and you could never find."

(her answer) "no no I hate this door. Let's stop this door now, are you trying
to upset me?"

(you) "oh, I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm just saying these are just things that
are popping into my mind, ok?"

So play around some more. Get her good and nice and hot again, fool around, have
a good time with her, joke, and then then get back into the door and

(you) "you know, God, still you know, about life's tragedies.. I mean, I just
keep on thinking how.."

At this point you can already see that this is starting to make her feel uncomfortable.
You want to create that sense in her that you can walk out and she'll feel terrible for
the rest of here life. You want to anchor that response.

Get up and she'll say, "well what are you doing?"

(you) "I'm going to the bathroom."

I go up to the bedroom door and slam it. That right there will freak her out. Then I'll
open the door and

(you) "oh, I'm sorry. You know, I'm sorry, I'm just playing with this door
again. You know, you really shouldn't think about this door now and you
really don't want to think about this door now."

Having anchored that sense of loss and pain to the door, you can trigger it whenever
needed. Alex says: If he's talking on the phone and getting any crap from her, and
he knows the relation of where the door is to her desk, he says, "sweetheart,
could you please turn right and take a look at what's over there.." and that
was the end of the bullshit."


Once in rapport.

Possible theme - 'Different places in the mind'

"You know, we've been taking for a while now and I feel that you're
somebody who understands herself and somebody I can get an honest
answer from" - Set up and Challenge

"Do you think that most men understand what women really want/need?"

Likely answer - "No"

"I agree, you see I've come to an understanding about women that a
lot of my friends/a lot of men will never get, It's an understanding
I've come to be really opening my mind...."

" understanding is, I actually think that inside every woman

there are infact 2 women"

"On one hand there is the culturally programmed woman, the one with
all of the social rules and roles (give a couple of examples here -
make it sound really opressive and miserable - lol)."

"but then on the other hand there's the natural woman...that's the
place where you keep you most exciting memories, where you ponder
fantasies, daydreams, amazing possibilities...the kind of things you
do if no-one were watching and the things you wouldn't even want
your best friends to know that you dream about and long for..."

"...and oftentimes what happens is, because of the roles that

society forces you to play, or maybe a relationship that you're
already in that resticts you, a person has to lock those parts of
them away and keep them safe...and yet they are still there...deep
inside...just waiting to emerge"

***notice response here and anchor - if you wish*****

"So...2 questions that I like to ask myself are...

...what is it about the way certain people affect us that causes us

to think of this person <sp> in that special hear this see this feel this presence in that special such a way that no matter how much we try to deny that
desire to just takes on a life of it's

...where that voice inside says YES, I want to step into this
special place, with this special person <sp> and explore anything
that we can make real together"

"and the other question.... (as if that wasn't enough - lol)

...what would it be like for a person, to just right now, feel all
of those hidden parts and desires wake
up....ready....willing...alive...right now, realizing that this is
the main chance <sp>, the moment, a chance to move in a nude
erection, and the thing about nude erections is that it's not
enough to just ponder it, you've got to reach out and grab it and
act on it right now..........................

One of the forbidden patterns.. Theme builds on the darker side of a person and a
sneaky "swish" to get you in there(shadow) Essentially it seems this pattern is best
suited to encouraging one to get in touch with their hidden desires (thus connecting
emotionally with them) and then eliciting their appearance in an extroverted way.
The Shadow and the Rising Sun

You know, I was thinking about something the other day...about

about the whole concept of the Yin and Yang...about hot and and
white...light and darkness. And how opposites are really the same
thing...just varying degrees on the same spectrum...of
how one is defined in relation to the other...and how there are no

And then I remembered something that a Psychologist friend of mine said

once...She said, "I have to go feed my shadow"...and I wasn't quite
what she meant at the time until I read something by Jung.

We are born completely whole and it isn't until we learn what our
culture tells us what is good and what is bad that we start to both
and express these parts of ourselves.

He said that everyone has a Shadow...a hidden side...a place of

desire. This is that part of you that you hide from the rest of the
maybe even from yourself... where you can experience and imagine these
thoughts... these thoughts that you don't tell anyone about ...where
really want to experience all the excitement of this moment... to let
go of
all the things that had been holding you back before... to just let
go...experience all that life offers you now. The Shadow is a good
thing he
believed, because it brings a sense of balance.

Now, this sense of balance is very important because the concept that
whatever you repress grows and begins to spill over into other parts of
life. If your shadow is repressed it grows and grows...until it just
you over completely. Jung said it was like the Rising Sun... because in
morning, as the Sun rises in the sky...... it gets higher and higher...
closer and closer to the highest point in its path (midlife) ...until
mid-day it changes polarity completely... and everything that was once
has now changed...and now the opposite is true... and the sun goes
This was the concept behind mid-life crisis.

So balance then is a good thing, and Jung believed that the first part
our lives is about separation from the shadow, while the latter part of
lives is about integration with the shadow and about being whole.

Now what if you were to see your shadow right in front of you, and talk
it, what would it say?

Now what if you were to step into your shadow right now, and see the
through the eyes of your shadow.. What would that say about the person
you were before and what does this say about who you are now?

October Man

Ok here goes..Are you familliar with Tension Loops? If you have

Swinggcats book its about that story of the cat named
girl-george...Pain/Pleasure/Pain Push/Pull kinda thing..Thats the
General Patronage version, in the context of October Man, you have to
amp up the pain and the pleasure..Everytime you talk bout anything
pleasurable you anchor it to you physically or just by special
gestures, I do it by by a unique stare...Everytime you go to Pain you
anchor it away by gesturing, or just look away..Remember to really
bring out her Pleasurable states by patterning or just Trance Hi-Jack
or create that into filters, SRT just as used in the new SS
model..Really work on the postive states, stack them up multi-modal
anchoring, then immediately contrast it with something really Painful
and terrible...Imagine a faliming ball of fire, then freezing it till
it becomes ball of ice, then heating it up till it ignites, the
contrast has to be that intense and RAPID FIRE, no fluff talk if
possible... If your familliar with Fractionation, you'd have already
noticed that at each pass YOU ARE BUILDING RESPONSE POTENTIAL on both
polarities..Each pass you fractionate the pain so its intensifying,
while also intensifying the pleasure back to you...Do multi Anchoring
for pleasure states to be more effective i.e. simulatenous touch,
tonality,stare etc....

Heres the part why they banned it..Their analogy is bringing nukes in
a gunfight, its that powerful...Are u familliar with TimeLines, Change
History Pattern or the "February Man" by Erickson?? Same principle you
visit her in her timeline, in the future or in the past and evoke the
things that were painful then..Work it, then be like The Knight In
Shining Armor, protector and how things could have been better if you
were there to shield her, bring her safety etc.. THOSE periods in her
life she needed someone, and nobody was there...In the pleasurable
moments, you can "steal" them and make them stronger or many times
better had you been there..

If youre gonna use this, please avoid the TimeLine part..The Tension
Loop from hell is enough to get you fast connections..It time distorts
them automaticallly and she feels safe with you... Dont do this in
situations with a lot of stimuli or distractions like CLubs etc...

The hospital pattern below is an example how pain/Pleasure works.. Try

also the "Door Pattern" in the SS quick reference book i've

The Hospital pattern:

a) did you ever know someone that went into a hospital and never came

b) its amazing how often people just go and never come back

c) If you like what we have, remember that I could leave you and
never come back.

Now you just capture the pieces into a nice little story. If you can
use touch or smell, the anchors are that much more powerful.

To lover:
Did you hear about (insert famous person or aquintance) who went to
the hospital for something (anchor here) and never came out?

By the way, I had a doggie that I loved and one day it just
disappeared (use same anchor here with more intensity), {keep building
value of doggie} she was so good to me, she would wait for me after
school and she would just kiss me and knock me down ever so gently.
We would roll on the floor and play all kinds of games.

We would chase each other, she would fetch for me, she even slept in
my room (what could you do with this?) but then one day, I came
looking for her and she wasnt there. You have no idea what it feels
like to loose someone like that (anchor). For days you look for her,
you post posters, you post rewards. No matter what you do, its over,
gone out of your life. (anchor).

Clearly, tonality, certainty and body language will have much to do

with your results.

The last thing I remember was when I left and she kissed me, (anchor)
and I never saw her again. I wouldnt wish that (anchor) on anyone.
I sure enjoy you (fire anchor) and I am having a blast getting to
know you. I know you'll miss me (fire anchor).

The anchor will be set and you can use it anytime. The power of the
pattern is in creating a solid story, use voice, touch and any other
compound anchors that you can.

By the same token you can create:

The broken window pattern

The stolen art pattern

The solar eclipse pattern

The lost shoe pattern

The lost ring pattern

The final goodby pattern

All of these are only limited by your imaginations.

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