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June 2017 Stated Meeting Agenda

1. Open the Lodge in Due and Ancient Form (If F.C. or E.A.s are present we will open

• Opening Prayer - Masters, Fellowcraft, or Entered Apprentice Mason’s Lodge (in case
the Chaplin is not in attendance) Supreme Grand Master of the Universe: We would
reverently invoke Thy blessing at this time: Wilt Thou be pleased to grant that this
meeting, thus begun in order, may be conducted in peace, and closed in harmony. Amen

2. Declaration / Purpose of the Meeting

• (Stand) Welcome Brethren, this M.M., F.C. or E.A. Lodge has been opened for the
purpose of our Stated Meeting for the month of. June

3. Flag Ceremony / Pledge to U.S. Flag & Honor the Texas Flag

• (Stand) (3 Gavels) The Brethren will join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Nations
Flag and to Honor the Texas Flag. (1 Gavel) (Be seated)

4. Introduction of Visiting Brethren and Special Guests

• Brother Senior Deacon, will you introduce our visitors?

5. Reading the Minutes

• Brother Secretary, will you please read all of the minutes not heretofore read and
• Brother Secretary: Yes.
• May Stated Meeting (May 16, 2016)
• Brethren, you have heard the reading of the minutes. If there are no errors or omissions,
they will stand approved as read (or amended). (1 Gavel)

6. Receiving of Petitions

• Any Petitions upon your desk Brother Secretary? None

• If none, move on. If yes, ask Brother Secretary to read the petition to the Brethren. After
reading of petition assign an investigation committee.

7. Committee Reports

• Committee of Arrears

8. Ballot on Petitions and Applications

• None

9. Communications from Grand Lodge

• Brother Secretary, have you received any Communications or Correspondence from

Grand Lodge? Yes
• If so, will you please review it for the Brethren?
• Brother Secretary: Grand Secretary’s Monthly (June) Communication
• MSA Short Talk Bulletin

10. Sickness and Distress

• Brother Chaplin, do you know of any Brother who is in sickness or distress?

• Brother Chaplain: None
• Does any member of this Lodge or a visiting Brother know any Brother who is in
sickness or distress? Bro. Junior Deacon (one gavel) will you please ask our Bro. Tiler if
he knows of any sick or distressed Brothers, if so relieve him.
• Bro. Secretary, do you know of any deceased brothers? If yes, please read their Masonic
record and drape the Charter. None

11. Grand Lodge Law

• Brother Junior Warden, are you prepared to read from the Laws of the Grand Lodge of
Texas? Please do so.

12. Financial Report

• Brother Treasurer, are you prepared to make a report on the Lodge's Financial Condition?
Please do so!
• Any debt’s we know of coming up. None

13. Claims and Accounts

• If there are any bills to pay ask for motion to pay. None

14. Unfinished Business

• Carter Blood Care Report- Total Donors-10, 9 Whole Blood donations, 1 Red Blood Cell
• Officer Leadership Training August 4-6, 2017 (July 14, 2017 Cut-Off Date)
• Dues: Resolution for increasing the Annual Dues from 60 to 125.
• Resolution: for increasing our Endowment from 500 to 2,000.
• Degree Fees: Increased from current degree rates of EA $70.00 to $150.00, FC $55.00 to
100.00, and MM $80.00 to $150.00, the members in attendance concurred, motions were made
and a unanimous vote transpired.

15. New Business, Motions & Resolutions

• Elections of Officers

16. Examination & Voting on Proficiency

• None

17. Fate Lodge #802 Masonic Anniversaries (June)

• Brian Griffeth, 2015

18. Announcements

• Installation of officers July 29, 2017 @10 AM

• Has any Brother any announcements for the good of Masonry?
• Brother Junior Deacon (1 Gavel), will you ask the Tiler if he has any announcements to
bring before the Lodge for the good of Masonry, and if so relieve him?

19. Close the Lodge in Due and Ancient Form (If F.C. or E.A. Lodge is open we will of course
close accordingly)

• Closing Prayer – Master Mason’s Lodge (in case the Chaplin is not in attendance) Before
the Lodge is closed, let us unite in humbly acknowledging our dependence on the Most
High. May his right hand be as a shield and buckler to us against the assaults of our
enemies; and, at the final day, may each and every one of us be raised, through the merits
of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, to the celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand
Master forever presides and forever reigns. Amen
• Closing Prayer – Fellowcraft Mason’s Lodge (in case the Chaplin is not in attendance)
Before the Lodge is closed, let us humbly invoke the continued blessing of the Grand
Geometrician of the Universe on our Fraternity. Let us remember that wherever we are,
and whatever we do, He is with us, that His “All-Seeing Eye” observes us. While, then,
we continue to act in conformity with the principles of the Craft, let us not fail to
discharge our duties toward Him with fervency and zeal. Amen.
• Closing Prayer – Entered Apprentice Mason’s Lodge (in case the Chaplin is not in
attendance) Before the Lodge is closed, let us, with all reverence and humility, express
our gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe, for the blessings already received.
May He continue to preserve the Order, by cementing and adorning it with every social
and moral virtue. Amen

Fate Masonic Lodge #802 Officers 2016-2017

Worshipful Master - Forest Murley
Senior Warden - Adam Aguirre
Junior Warden - Brian Griffeth
Treasurer - Steve Tigert
Secretary - Don Swanner
Chaplain - Cayce Carr
Senior Deacon – Michael Huggins
Junior Deacon – Dustin Hix
Tiler - Doug Waters Sr.

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