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“​Optimus​” = ​Optimize + us 

Optimus​: ​Is a suite of software tools that: 

a)  Measures  actual  pro-synergy*  factors  and  gives  indexes  for an easier 
management of groups towards enhanced performance, 
b)  ​Discovers  ​“latent  synergy  potential”  between  people  in  your 
organization  even  among  those  whom  do  not  yet  have  a  working 
relationship, (advices on selection and promotion among candidates). 
c)  ​Predicts  ​quantitatively  ​the  settlement  characteristics  in  the 
long-term  of  ‘possible  new  human  relations’;  both,  synergic  and  their 
opposite -the entropic ones- (which means that won’t be worth). 
*​Synergy​: “Cooperation”, “various working as a unit”. The result of synergy is a greater or new
characteristic that cannot be achieved by adding the contributions of the units conforming the staff.
Pro-synergy​: (Pro-, in favor of). That what helps to increase synergy.
Entropy​: A major hinder for synergy. Encompasses disordered or stuck flows, or slow movements.

Knowing  the  ‘synergic  index’  is  knowing  “how  alive”  a  group  is,  viewed  as  a  “collective 
organism”; or “how much alive” ​will be​ ​once​ interactions occur.  

Graphical Pro-Synergy Factors for different-performance teams

(Intensity of ideas and energy flow = efficient coordination)
Optimus ​helps to create a High-Performing Team with a higher level of synergy. 

Measuring  synergic  indexes  gives  a  quantitative  and  qualitative  parameters  related 


● Productivity,  
● Innovation,  
● Speed for resolutions (​decisions​),  
● Governability​ of teams (​leadership acceptance by the group, aptly named 
“followship”)​ , 
● Cohesion (​resilience of the team, ​endurance d
​ espite great problems)​ . 
● Profitability, 
​ daptive​ organization​). 
● Sustainability (​self-learning, self-improving a

Synergy  is  the  main  driver  of  all  these  indicators  because  it  ​modulates  the  flow  of 
communication, ideas, information, knowledge and ​good emotions.   

Synergic index accounts for 55% of the difference for 

“high-performance groups” over “low-performance groups.”  
Synergic Index Scale ​Characteristics

Comparisons  can  be  made  between  various  units,  various  arrangements  or  the 
entire organization with the competition’s standard values.  

Optimus  ​unveils  pools  of  value within your organization and shows clear paths and 

precise actions to harness their optimal potential.  

Predicting​ synergic indexes permits to: 

● Find best candidates for constructing new teams, 

● Add new members with ​minimal​ disturbance and maximal enhancement to 
already existing teams. 
● Discover new arrangements with the existing staff increasing productivity 
and innovation. 
● Detect  latent  synergy  pools  that  can  be  actioned  and  transformed  into 
massive  value  for  the  organization  while  making  minimum  changes.  (like 
time-break  re-schedules  or  re-arranging  tables  at  the  lunch  room  or 
work-shifts).  ​Note:  As  unreliable  as  it  might  sound,  ​when  done  right  with  the 
insights  given  by  ​Optimus​,  ​this  can  have  dramatic  effects  in  your  Key 
Processes Indexes, up to 20%, as a case study revealed. 

Optimus  ​is  an  algorithm  coupled  to  an  artificial  intelligence  expert  system.  Has 
been  fed  by  reknowned  scientists  with  the  knowledge  gathered  from  +22.000 
psychological  studies  (in  the  western  culture,  USA  and  Europe).  Correlates  with  no 
human  bias  to  enterprise’s  key  performance  indexes.  Simplifies  direction  and 
management  decisions.  Adds  wisdom  to  those  decisions  and  minimizes  dozens  of 
hours of human analitical time to zero. 

When  hiring,  use  it  as  a  filter  for  candidates.  Review  applicants  only if they pass the 
organization’s  threshold.  Hire  only  if  the  candidate  rises  or  keeps  synergy.  Asign  to 
unit/post/job/role  where  it  will perform rising group’s value as intended. Prevent or 
control the addition of entropy to any preexisting group. 

When  rearranging,  can  work  as  a  notificator  for  non-synergic 

changes/promotions/hires,  and  alert  you  from  “  damaging  changes”  that  might 
have  gone  unnoticed  until  KPI’s  worsen  later.  Avoid  irreversible  damages  or 
unexpected  breaks  of  the  organization  due  to  ​high  entropy  new  influences  ​by 
noticing  them  beforehand  with  a  ​“simulated  rearrangement”​.  Take  the  right action 
with a preventive Human Processes Intervention Plan tailored by ​Optimus​’ insights. 

Optimus  ​prediction  capability  stands  out  as  a  unique  function.  It  is  almost 
impossible  to  be  done  by  humans  as  fast  and  accurate.  ​Optimus  consistently 
outperforms  human  analysis​,  machines  can  give  a  large  edge  to  even  highly 
trained  experts.  It  is  actually  a  virtual-think-tank  of  12  experts  working  at  the  same 
time  at  the  pace of computer circuitery. No paperwork, no spoken conversations, no 
spoken interviews, just the hard numbers. 

We  do,  however,  complement  its  analysis  with  ​deep  experienced-human  hindsight 
which  a  computer  cannot  have.  Thus,  our  use  of  ​Optimus  as  a tool, leverages the 
power  of  collaboration  between  computers  and  humans  in  a  unique  way.  As  a 
“synergy-wise  company”,  we  could  not  let  technology  to  do  its  job  “alone”:  We 
synergize  with  our  artificial  intelligence systems in an ever-mutually-improving way. 
The  results  being  that  our  consultants  have  a  deeper,  newly  available,  modern  and 
fresh  comprehension  of  the  dynamics  within  an  enterprise  no  other  consultant  has. 
It  is  like  an  experienced  doctor  compared  to  an  experienced  doctor  that  has 
gathered experienced in his diagnostics using X-rays. 
The next excerpt is taken from an ​Harvard Business Review ​article. 

“​The Predictive Power of Numbers”​

“The bars below show the percentages of above-average employees (as

gauged by three different measures) hired through algorithmic systems
versus human judgment. The numbers represent improvement over
chance, which means it has already been substracted the “chance factor”
from the measures. (Machines do have done better than trained experts)”

​ ull article HERE)​

Source: Harvard Business Review website. (F

“In a trully synergic ​team​, individuals don’t have “problems to solve”, 

they do not exist or prevail, 
either they are solved readily by the team or 
were prevented beforehand  
and never allowed to come to existence at all.” 
Watch Sandy Pentland (8min) explaining the discovery at the ​Harvard Business 
Review​ Channel: ​ 

If you want to have a look at what type of graphs and information can 
Optimus​ ​give to you, contact us at: 

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