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Our separation from each other is merely an illusion of our

conscience. Human world is made one. All the countries are losing
their distance every day. Their boundaries are not offering the same
resistance as they did in the past age. People struggle to exploit this
great fact and ramble about establishing trade relationship. Not only
in spheres of commerce, in modern era, we humans have actually
undertaken all those processes by which the people of the world are
incorporated into a single world society. This is called Globalization.
It is a remarkable phenomenon by which many geographical and
cultural barriers have come down gradually; heralding an age of
overall human development by intermixing of knowledge, culture and
Economic globalization has increased economic interdependence of
national economies across the world through a rapid increase in
cross-border movement of goods, services, technology, and capital.
Cultural globalization has resulted in the transmission of ideas,
meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend
and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common
consumption of cultures that have been diffused by media and
international travel.
In general, concept of globalization may boil down to a congregation
of all lands .United nations is one of its most suitable examples.
However Globalization has a darker tint to it. It has opened an
intense and passionate competition in field of individual profits for a
few avaricious people .Globalization has created a world free of
narrow walls of prejudices, at the same time it has evoked the painful
realization of our limitations in economic and political arenas to face
the world challenges.
So our approach should be towards a worldwide commerce of heart
and mind sympathy and understanding and never to allow this
sublime opportunity to be sold in the slave market for the cheap price
of individual profits or be shattered away by the unholy competition
in mutual destructiveness.

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