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1.Have you experienced globalization?

Globalization has facilitated greater connectivity among individuals

worldwide. Day by day globalization have a big impact in our daily living.
We live in the world that has been globalized. Many of us Have different
experience when it come to globalization and I can’t deny the fact we
also experience the difference disadvantages and advantages made by
In recent years, the world has witnessed an amazing evolution in
technological advancements, witnessing in a new era of globalization
that extends far beyond traditional boundaries. My personal experience
within this technological landscape has been a fascinating journey,
marked by both excitement and adaptation. The presence of digital
communication tools has connected me with individuals from diverse
corners of the globe, allowing for the exchange of ideas and
perspectives in real-time.
The impact of globalization technology is evident in the way
information flows across borders. Social media platforms have become
powerful catalysts for global conversations, enabling the rapid
dissemination of news, trends, and cultural phenomena. The digital
landscape has transformed the way we access and consume
information, influencing our perceptions and shaping our worldview.
My experience in the era of globalization technology has been a
dynamic journey of adaptation and exploration. The integration of
technology has connected me with a global community, revolutionized
the way we work, and exposed me to a wealth of information and
perspectives. As we navigate this interconnected world, it is crucial to
utilize the benefits of technology while addressing the challenges it
presents, ensuring a balanced and inclusive global future.
2.Why it is crucial to emphasize globalization is uneven?
Globalization intensifies the divide between developed and
developing nations, leading to disparities in wealth, opportunities, and
access to resources. This economic asymmetry not only shapes the
living standards of individuals but also influences the geopolitical
landscape as powerful nations assert dominance in the global economic
Globalization, the interconnectedness of economies, cultures, and
societies worldwide, is a multifaceted phenomenon that manifests
unevenly in our lives. One key factor contributing to this non-uniform
distribution is economic disparity. Developed nations often benefit
more from globalization, enjoying increased trade, technological
advancements, and financial stability, while developing regions may
face challenges such as economic dependency and exploitation.
Globalization’s uneven impact. Developed countries, with their
financial resources and advanced technologies, are better equipped to
navigate the global landscape. In contrast, many developing nations
struggle to keep pace, facing barriers in education, healthcare, and
infrastructure. This resource gap experiencing inequalities, hindering
the ability of certain regions to fully participate in and benefit from the
globalized world.
When we tackled the crucialness of globalization many people well
be affected it also affected our world through different perspective
about globalization. We may say globalization is uneven because
disadvantage brought of it, but if we reflect it and understand is
because of all of us, we are the one who are uneven.
3.What is different between Globalization and Globalism?
Globalization and globalism are terms often used
interchangeably, but they carry distinct meanings that highlight
different aspects of international relations and
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and
interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods,
services, information, and ideas. It is an economic, social, and
cultural phenomenon that has been driven by advancements in
technology and communication. The focus is on the
interconnected nature of the world, emphasizing the flow of
capital, trade, and cultural exchange across national borders.
However globalism is a more ideological and political
concept. It refers to a set of beliefs or ideologies that advocate
for increased cooperation and coordination among nations.
Globalism often involves a commitment to international
organizations, multilateral agreements, and the idea of a global
community working together to address common challenges.
Globalization describes the interconnected nature of the
world, globalism is an ideology that promotes international
cooperation and collaboration. Understanding the difference
between these terms is crucial for analyzing the complexities of
our globalized world and the various perspectives on how
nations should engage with each other.

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