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What is globalization
 Globalization allows countries to have built economic partnerships to facilitate
movements over many centuries such as cross-border trade in goods and services,
technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. It is mainly about the
growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations.
Globalization is a process through which businesses or other organizations create
influence, or develop operations around the world.

2. Examples of globalization
Globalization is a process wherein interaction and integration are made among the
people, companies, government from different nation. The following listed below are the
examples of globalization:
 Food is another factor of globalization. Japanese food, for example, is certainly not only
limited to Japan. Rather, we can dine on Japanese cuisines here in the Philippines, all
across America, and beyond. Certain affections for other cultures can begin with one
delicious dish and then advance to other areas of cultural intrigue.
 Improved travel facilitated the growth of globalization, as people moved for a better job
or a better life. Migrants also fled from danger or oppression. People can pack up all their
belongings and have them shipped anywhere in the world. Planes are faster, frequent,
and, often, more affordable. Travel and tourism allow globalization of many things, like
the exchange of money, cultures, ideas and knowledge. There are countless options to
make travel more affordable, including budget airlines and low-rate hostels. This allows
people to explore further and wider than was ever possible before.
 The Internet is a necessary contributor to globalization, not only in terms of technology
but also in terms of cultural exchanges. Consider how we may enroll in online
educational programs and obtain new material on nearly any topic from anywhere in the
 The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation in
many areas including human rights, peace, and economic development. With one phone
call or email, people from all across the globe can come together to ensure the rights of
human beings are protected.

3. How does globalization affect the developing and developed countries and negative
ways? (Positive and negative impact)

 Goods are exchanged farther and wider than ever before, fostering an appreciation for
cultures that are several thousand miles away. All of this is driven by technology,
transportation, and cooperation amongst international officials. Developed countries
benefit from globalization because businesses compete globally because of the
associated restructuring in production, international commerce, and financial market
integration. For example, a t-shirt sold in the United States, but assembled in Thailand,
you might wonder if that was a job an American could have fulfilled.
 Some economists argue globalization helps promote economic growth and increased
trading between nations; yet, other experts, as well as the general public, generally see
the negatives of globalization as outweighing the benefits.
 Critics say globalization is detrimental for less wealthy nations, for small companies that
can't compete with the bigger firms, and for consumers who face higher production costs
and the risks of jobs being outsourced.

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