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GEC 105 WEEK 7


I. Modified True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and if the statement is false re-write or revise the

sentence to make it true. Use a separate paper for your answers. Use short bond paper.

T 1. Globalization began after the Internet was invented.

T 2. All globalization processes are economic in nature.

T 3. Modes and forms of communication have changed because of globalization.

T 4. One effect of globalization is deepening poverty.

T 5. One of the effects of globalization is the rising of information technologies.

II. Essay Type

Directions: Read the statements carefully and carry on each question.

Discuss each briefly and cite specific examples. Use short bond paper.

1. What are the driving forces of globalization? Discuss each briefly and cite examples.

There are a number of factors which requires attention. Improved transportation, cultural
exchange, low barriers to trade, and technological change to name but a few. So, let us now look
at some of the driving forces behind globalisation.

Cultural exchange

Cultural exchange has been one of the biggest drivers of globalisation. People travel to
different countries and share their cultural beliefs and practices with each other. Through this
process, a cultural understanding takes place which drives globalisation.

Examples: Today, people around the world like and use the same smart phones whether they are
iPhone, Samsung, HTC, or Sonny Xperia. No wonder why Indian/Bengali curries, and Chinese
takeaways are so popular in the UK. Likewise, now wonder why people around the globe are
crazy for American burgers, softwares, movies, and many more.
Improved transportation

People can move around the world fairly quickly due to improved transportation systems.

Examples:Airlines, ships, large vehicles, and others have improved the delivery time of products
to and from abroad. A business man from London can go to Paris to do his ‘business’ and come
back to London on the same day. Likewise, goods can be transported beyond the national border
on the same day. This happens in many parts of the world on a daily basis.

Low barriers to trade and investment

This also drives globalisation significantly. Many of the world trades are currently done
through free trade, bilateral, and multilateral agreements. Interestingly, countries which were
very hostile or unfriendly to foreign investment few years ago, are inviting other countries for
inward (FDI). Examples: Examples of barriers to trade: high customs tariffs. import, export, or
customs formalities that are ineffective or result in unnecessary expenses. China is a very good
example in this regard.

Technological change

Technology is also an important driver of globalisation.

Examples: Advanced E-commerce system has made the emergence of companies such as,,, and many others possible and successful. Many US and
UK companies have outsourced many of their business activities to countries such as China,
India, Mexico, Turkey, Bangladesh, and many others. This technological revolution enables
traders from remote parts of the world to sell their products/services to customers around the
world on virtual platforms.
2. What are the benefits of globalization?

Access to New Cultures

Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food, movies,
music, and art. This free flow of people, goods, art, and information is the reason you can have
Thai food delivered to your apartment as you listen to your favorite UK-based artist or stream a
Bollywood movie.

The Spread of Technology and Innovation

Many countries around the world remain constantly connected, so knowledge and
technological advances travel quickly. Because knowledge also transfers so fast, this means that
scientific advances made in Asia can be at work in the United States in a matter of days.

Lower Costs for Products

Globalization allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It also
increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for
consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live
better on less money.

Higher Standards of Living Across the Globe

Developing nations experience an improved standard of living—thanks to
globalization. According to the World Bank, extreme poverty decreased by 35% since 1990.
Further, the target of the first Millennium Development Goal was to cut the 1990 poverty rate in
half by 2015. This was achieved five years ahead of schedule, in 2010. Across the globe, nearly
1.1 billion people have moved out of extreme poverty since that time.

Access to New Markets

Businesses gain a great deal from globalization, including new customers and diverse
revenue streams. Companies interested in these benefits look for flexible and innovative ways to
grow their business overseas. International Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) make it
easier than ever to employ workers in other countries quickly and compliantly. This means that,
for many companies, there is no longer the need to establish a foreign entity to expand overseas.

Access to New Talent

In addition to new markets, globalization allows companies to find new, specialized
talent that is not available in their current market. For example, globalization gives companies
the opportunity to explore tech talent in booming markets such as Berlin or Stockholm, rather
than Silicon Valley. Again, International PEO allows companies to compliantly employ workers
overseas, without having to establish a legal entity, making global hiring easier than ever.

3. What are the negative effects of globalization?

It has had a few adverse effects on developed countries. Some adverse consequences of
globalization include terrorism, job insecurity, currency fluctuation, and price instability.

It is a significant problem in most developed countries. Due to worldwide integration,
people travel a lot. Some of them move abroad for studying, business, visiting relatives, work
and access hospitals services. However, not all of them are totally honest. Lots of terrorists came
to a foreign country with a worker visa having a hidden goal to perform a terrorist attack. It’s a
problem that has posed fear among citizens who can’t trust their neighbors. Unfortunately,
terrorists recruit young people, residents of the country and make them believe they are doing the
right things. That’s why there are fear, mistrust, and tension in society.

Job Insecurity
Before globalization, skilled people got employment in government sectors and
companies where they received high salaries. Job opportunities were waiting for those who
completed colleges and earned a degree. People would resign a job and quickly get another. Due
to globalization, there are many people seeking employment all over the world. Employers take
advantage of cheap labor. One can get a dismissal because of a slight mistake as the employer
can find a skilled worker who is ready to be paid less.

Price Instability
Price instability is a significant effect of globalization on business. Some people establish
industries overseas where they get cheap raw materials and labor. They can cut production costs
and sell their goods at a low price. Due to competition, some high-quality products differ in
prices. No matter how the World Trade Organization has tried to control price fluctuation, their
efforts are not successful. These companies reach out to consumers using modern technology.
Successful businesses are for those who can find a competitive advantage and especially make
high-quality products for a low price.

Currency Fluctuation
International trade buys and sells products using the US dollar. The price of dollar
fluctuates day-to-day in developing countries, this results in imbalanced economy and unnormal
prices for goods and services. National currencies are affected the most by IGOs.
III. Writing a Reflection Paper

As more people cross borders because of globalization, more language contacts happen, making
communication more challenging.

“The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication”

By: Deniel Jun Minasalvas BSN 1A WOB

As technology advances, the world is both getting larger and smaller. Today we are able to

communicate with people across the globe at the touch of a button. While globalization, or

communication between nations beyond their borders, is an old concept, with the onset of new

technology globalization is impacting the ways we communicate and learn in fascinating ways.

We are expanding our understanding of fellowship and as we become more connected, we are

deepening our educational experiences. The rise in the use of the internet in particular has been

incredibly instrumental in improving the ways in which we connect with one another.

Because of technologies like the internet, we have the opportunity to view diverse

perspectives that were outside of our scope before. We are able to fully connect with someone

who is thousands of miles away in real time and the effects are profound. The effects of

globalization on global communication make a way for us to develop a global village.

Both globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political

and economic elements of the world.

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