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As always, I enjoyed this book. It was a long series but I found it well worth the read.
Everything I had questions about was addressed in this final book and that's tough to do in series
enders. Highly recommended. Good stuff. The drawings are beaituful and fantastic. When I first saw it, I
imagie that the story is all about the history of America. The letter are okay to read their font size are
normal and the spacing and the margine. The paragraph in this novel is that you can read clearly and
understand because the author write it nicely. The old people can clearly read it and also the adults.
The front and back cover of the book is so fascinating and wonderful. I think the material they used is
so beautiful.

For me the book symbolizes this novel because the family of Williams loved to read any books
or novels in the library. Specially in Travis thet he’s favorite book which is “A Wrinkle In Time”. They
love reading books even if the family of Travis have work, they set a time or a day specially in weekend
to go to the library and read any books in the library and enjoy each other. In that way they can forget
about bad memories in their lives. Because if you can read books, you can learn to your reading or
what you read base on your past experience maybe. And after reading books to the library they will buy
it and display to their house. And that’s why books symbolized the novel.

So for me the art and delivery of his novel are all good. Because the sizes or the fonts of the
letters can read it clearly to the young and adults. And the spacing are also good because it is not too
small, and it is not also too big it almost pocket size that you can read it. And all pagesare clean, the
front page of the novel and also to the back page even if there’s no pictures but what’s important is the
content of the novels. And when it comes to the delivery is also good, because every sentences you
can get what the sentences or the paragraph says. So all in all it is very nice and good, theres no
problem at all.

So for me my final comment in this novel which is Steinbeck’s Ghost is, it is free from all to
adults they can read it anytime and anywhere. Even if this novel is a little creepy but still young children
can read it. And for me it is very exiting to read it because of that, you think it, like what’s all about, how
it happen, who is she/he or where did she/he go, how did she/he do that and more. And I am happy to
read this novel because for me it happened in the real life. And for me, it is very important to read this
novel not just this novel but also to the other novels so that you can or you will understand what is
happening in our world or in our country or even in our sorroundings so we must observe it. Even if it is
fiction or none fiction you just read it specially when you have no work or you are bored you can check
or go to the library to buy or to read some boks or novels. I’m not forcingyou to do that but I’m just
wondering if you need it or just for learning so that you can learn something to your reading. Because I
believe If you are books or novels you can learn base on what you are reading and after that you can
share it to your other friends so that they can read too. And that is my comment and overall critique in
this novel.

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