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Aesthetic 3: + influ, -Cmd.

(likes pretty things)

• Anger 3: -influ.

• ApicianRomanVice 3: -Trade. (Glutton)

• ArchitectSkill 3: +constr.

• <A-r-s-e> 5: -influ. (Homosexual)

• AssassinCatcher 4: +PersSec. (survived lots of assassin attempts)

• AssassinMaster 4: +influ, +TrnAgt, +PersSec. (hired lots of spies)

• Austere 3: +manage, +BribeRejct (truthful, not corrupt with money)

• Authoritarian 3: +Law, +unrest. (harsh governor)

• AuthoritarianRomanVirtue 3: +Law, +Unrest, +Senate. (Harsh Roman Governor)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• BadAdministrator 4: -Manage.

• BadAmbusher 3: -ambush.

• BadAttacker 5:

• BadBuilder 3: +squalor, -constr,

• BadCavalryGeneral 3:

• BadCommander 5:

• BadDefender 5:

• BadDiplomat 5: -influ,

• BadDisiplinarian 4: (too considerate of troops)

• BadEngineer 3:

• BadFarmer 3: -farm,

• BadInfantryGeneral 3:

• BadMiner 5: -mine

• BadRiskyAttacker 3:
• BadRiskyDefender 3:

• BadSiegeAttacker 4:

• BadSiegeDefender 4:

• BadTaxman 3: -tax,

• BadTrader 3: -trade,

• BattleScarred 4: -influ,

• Berserker 3:

• BlackBileHumour 3: -influ,

• BloodHumor 3: +influ, +morale.

• Bloodthirsty 3:

• BoringSpeaker 5: -RomePopular, -influ.

• Brave 5:

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• CapturedEagle 3: (eagles inspire men)

• Cheepskate 3: +squalor, +tax, +constr, (stingy with money)

• Corrupt 3: -Law,

• CounterSpy 4: +pubSec,

• Coward 5:

• Cuckold 4: -influ, (wife is unfaithful)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• DeceiverVirtue 3: +influ, +cmd, +senate, +elect

• Deranged 3: -mgmt, -influ, -cmd. (evilly crazy)

• Despoiler 3: (good at pillaging)

• Disciplinarian 3: +law, (good troop driller)

• Disloyal 3:
• Drink 6: -mgmt, -influ, (level 6 is paralytic)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Embezzler: -mgmt, (steals your money!)

• Energetic 4: +mgmt, +constr, +move.

• Epicurean 3: +trade, (likes exotic stuff)

• ExpensiveTastes 3: -mgmt, (spends lots of your money!)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• FaithfulWife 1: +influ,

• FearsX: (bad against “X” people)

• Feck 5: (swears a lot)

• Fertile 3:

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Gambling 4: -trade,

• GamesFanRomanVice 3: -unrest, +senate, +RomePopular. (likes roman games)

• GamesHaterRomanVice 3: +unrest, (dislikes games)

• Generous 4: -mgmt, +influ, (gives away your money)

• Genocide 3:

• Girls 5: -influ, +morale, (preys on young woman)

• GloriousFool 3: -cmd, +morale. (glory seeker)

• GoodAdministrator 5: +mgmt, +law.

• GoodAmbusher 3:

• GoodAssassin 5: +subterfuge, (agents only)

• GoodAttacker 5:

• GoodBuilder 5: +influ, -squalor, +constr.

• GoodCavalryGeneral 3:
• GoodCommander 5:

• GoodDefender 5:

• GoodDiplomat 5: +influ,

• GoodEngineer 3: +SgeAtt, +SgeEng.

• GoodFarmer 5: +farm,

• GoodInfantryGeneral 4:

• GoodMiner 3: +mine,

• GoodRiskyAttacker 3:

• GoodRiskyDefender 3:

• GoodSiegeAttacker 5:

• GoodSiegeDefender 5:

• GoodSpy 5: +subterfuge, (agents only)

• GoodTaxman 3: +unrest, +tax, (collects taxes well)

• GoodTrader 6: +trade,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Haeamophobic 3: (afraid of blood)

• HaleAndHearty 3: (healthy)

• Handsome 4: +influence, -PersSec,

• HarshJustice 3: +law, +unrest,

• HarshRuler 3: -influ,

• HatesX: cmdType, (bad against “X” people)

• HighPersonalSecurity 3:

• Hypochondriac 3: -att, -health,(unhealthy)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• IanR 4: +influ, -persSec. (self-publicized?)

• Ignorance 5: -mgmt, -influ.

• Inbred 6: -mgmt, -influ,

• IndecisiveAttacker 5: (hesitant to attack)

• Infertile 3: (can’t have kids)

• Insane 3: -influ, (simply crazy)

• InspiringSpeaker 3: +influ,

• Intelligent 3: +mgmt, +influ,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Just 3: +Law,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• KindRuler 4: +influ,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Landlubber 4: (sea sickness)

• LaxPersonalSecurity 4: (careless)

• LenientJustice 3: -Law,

• Lewd 3: -influ, (thinks filthy things)

• Liar 4: +influ, (level 3 is most beneficial)

• LogisticalSkill 3:

• LostEagle 2: -Influ, (disgraced)

• Loyal 4:

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Mathematics 3: +mgmt, +trade,

• Miserly 3: +mgmt, +squalor, (stingy with money)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• NaturalMilitarySkill 4:
• NaturalPhilosophy 3: +mgmt, -Squalor,

• Noctophilia 3: (good night fighter)

• Noctophobia 3: (bad night fighter)

• NonAuthoritarian 3: -Law, -unrest, (lax governor)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Paranoia 4: -influ,

• Perverted 6: -influ, (homosexual)

• Phl[http//l]egmHumour 3: +mgmt, +influ, (calm?)

• PhilosophySkill 3: +mgmt,

• Pious 3: +influ, (religious)

• PlainRomanVirtue 3: +influ, +senate, +elect. (generally good roman)

• PoeticSkill 3: +influ,

• PoliticsSkill 3: +influ, +senate, +elect.

• Pragmatic 3: +mgmt, -influ,

• Prim 3: -influ, +law, -squalor, +unrest, (morally sound)

• PublicAtheism 6: +unrest.

• PublicFaith 5: +influ, -sight,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Rabblerouser 4: +influ, +RomePopular. (gets people excited)

• RacesFanRomanVice 4: -mgmt, -elect, +RomePopular. (likes roman races)

• RacesHaterRomanVice 3: +mgmt, +senate, +elect. (dislikes roman races)

• RegainedEagle 2: +influ, +RomePopular. (redeemed from disgrace)

• ReligiousMania 3: +influ,

• RhetoricSkill 3: +mgmt, +influ, (good debater)

• RomanHero 5: +morale, +RomePopular.

Sacrilegious 3: (disgraces gods)

• Sailor 5: +cmdType. (good sea commander)

• Sane 1: <negates insane> (hidden)

• Scout 4: (reconnaissance person)

• Secretive 3:

• Slothful 4: -mgmt, (lazy)

• SmoothTalker 4: (good diplomat)

• Sobriety 4: +mgmt, (doesn’t drink)

• SpyMaster 5: +trainSpy, (hires lots of spies)

• Stoic 3: -influ, (restraint?)

• StrategicSkill 3:

• Superstitious 3: -mgmt,

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• TacticalSkill 3:

• Talkative 3: -influ, (gossiper)

• TouchedByTheGods 3: -influ, (holier than thou)

• Trusting 2: +influ, -PersSec.

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Ugly 5: -influ, +cmd.

• Unjust 3: +unrest, +pubSec,

• Upright 3: +law, (honest)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• VictorOthersVirtue 3: +influ, -persSec. (non-roman victor)

• VictorRomanVirtue 3: -Senate, +RomePopular. (roman victor)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Warlord 4: +law,

• WellConnectedWife 3: +senate, +elect.

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Xenophilia 4: -PubSec, -PersSec. (trusts foreigners)

• Xenophobia 4: +PubSec. (distrusts foreigners)

• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• YellowBileHumor 3: -influ, +cmd.(naughty prankster)

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