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Who Is the God of Confucianism?

Kung Fu Tzu, better known as Confucius, was a Chinese philosopher of the

sixth century B.C.E. Confucius taught a philosophy for bringing harmony to
individuals and to society as a whole. Though sometimes viewed as a religion,
Confucianism, which does not have a god figure, is generally considered a
social and philosophical way of life rather than a religious belief system. As
such, many east Asians follow Confucian teachings while professing belief in
religions such as Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. Approximately six million
people around the world follow Confucianism, primarily in China and East Asia.

Confucianism and God

There is no god in Confucianism, but rather a force called the Tao, also known
as the Great Ultimate. Confucius believed that the Tao was the impetus for
creation and that this force flows through all life, enabling change and
betterment. Though Confucianism does not have a being-based god, Confucius
spoke of the notion of heaven as another posit ive force. Unlike the concept of
heaven found in theistic religions, Confucius believed heaven was a guiding
force of the universe and judge of right and wrong.

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