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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68:1018–1025 (2012)

Efficient Spectral Editing at 7 T: GABA Detection

Anna Andreychenko,1,2* Vincent O. Boer,1 Catalina S. Arteaga de Castro,1,2
Peter R. Luijten,1 and Dennis W. J. Klomp1

At high field (7 T) spectral editing of g-aminobutyric acid with such, they are prone to potential artifacts. An
MEGA-point-resolved spectroscopy is inefficient due to the efficient and stable measurement setup is required to
large chemical shift displacement error. In this article, a new achieve a robust in vivo quantification of the weak
pulse sequence is designed which has minimal chemical shift target signals. In this work, we focus on J-difference
displacement error to perform an efficient spectral editing of
spectral editing at high field (7 T) for detection of the
the g-aminobutyric acid 3.0 ppm resonance at 7 T. The
sequence consists of the conventional MEGA editing pulses
3.0 ppm resonance of g-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
and a semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing GABA is the dominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in
sequence. Phantom and in vivo measurements demonstrated the human brain, and a variety of neurological and psy-
an efficient detection of g-aminobutyric acid. Using ECG chiatric disorders are believed to be associated with
triggering, excellent in vivo performance of the MEGA-semi- changes of GABA concentration levels (12). However,
localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (MEGA-sLASER) the robust in vivo detection of GABA levels in the
provided well-resolved g-aminobutyric acid signals in 27 mL human brain is challenging due to its low concentration
volumes in the human brain at an echo time of 74 ms within a (1–2 mM) and the overlap of all GABA resonances with
relatively short acquisition time (5 min). Furthermore, the high more intense compounds, such as creatine (4.5–10.5
efficiency of the MEGA-sLASER was demonstrated by acquir-
mM), glutamate (6–12.5 mM), NAA (7.5–17 mM), and
ing small volumes (8 mL) at an echo time of 74 ms, as well as
long echo time measurements (222 ms in 27 mL
several MMs. These complications make direct detection
volume). Magn Reson Med 68:1018–1025, 2012. V C 2011 Wiley difficult (13,14).
Periodicals, Inc. The GABA molecule has three CH2 groups which reso-
Key words: g-aminobutyric acid; MEGA-sLASER; spectral nate at 1.9, 2.3, and 3.0 ppm. The 3.0 and 1.9 ppm
editing; 7 T resonances couple to each other (J  7 Hz), so that at 3.0
ppm a peak shape similar to a triplet (15) is visible in
the MR spectrum, the side peaks of which are modulated
The in vivo detection of some metabolites in the during the J-coupling evolution. The J-difference spectral
human brain with 1H MRS is challenging due to low editing technique to separate the coupled GABA reso-
SNR and overlap with more concentrated metabolites nance from overlapping singlets (e.g., creatine) is based
(i.e., choline, creatine, and NAA) and macromolecules on a subtraction of two spectra with a fixed echo time
(MMs). However, the J-coupling behavior can be used (TE): one spectrum in which the 3.0 ppm GABA pseudo-
for several less concentrated molecules to distinguish triplet undergoes undisturbed J-coupling evolution and a
their signals from overlapping non-coupled signals. second spectrum in which the J-coupling evolution was
Several techniques have been proposed to separate refocused by applying a selective refocusing pulse to the
the dominant signals from the signal of interest. coupled 1.9 ppm resonance. Thus, the resulting differ-
These techniques include: echo-time optimization (1), ence spectrum contains only the edited GABA signal at
spectral editing (2,3), homonuclear transfer (4), two- 3.0 ppm whereas the 3.0 ppm singlet resonances are
dimensional (2D) MRS (5,6), multiple quantum filters eliminated.
(7–9), and the use of prior knowledge in data process- Other signals might be present in the edited spec-
ing programs like LCModel (10) as shown in CSI trum. First, singlet peaks (e.g., NAA) can appear in
experiments (9,11). All of these techniques require the edited spectrum if their chemical shift overlaps
high efficiency because the signals from the target with the refocusing bandwidth of the selective refo-
metabolites are low. In addition, most of these techni- cusing pulse. Second, co-edited signals will appear
ques rely on subtraction or phase encoding of spectra from spins with similar J-couplings (7 Hz) to spins,
that include high signals from other metabolites; as whose chemical shifts are within the refocusing band-
width of the selective refocusing pulse. For the spec-
tral editing of the 3.0 ppm GABA resonance, the refo-
Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The cusing pulse aimed at 1.9 ppm also affects part of the
Netherlands. 2.1 ppm glutamate/glutamine (Glx) resonance, the 1.7
Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, ppm MM resonance, and the 1.9 ppm homocarnosine
The Netherlands.
resonance. Therefore, the edited spectrum also con-
*Correspondence to: Anna Andreychenko, M.D., Department of Radiology and
Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht, Q.04.4.303, P.O. Box 85500, tains easily resolved signals at 3.7–3.8 ppm, a result
3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands. E-mail: of the 6–7.5 Hz J-couplings between Glx peaks at 3.7–
Received 15 July 2011; revised 21 November 2011; accepted 30 3.8 and 2.1 ppm.
November 2011. However, the coupling partner of the 1.7 ppm MM res-
DOI 10.1002/mrm.24131
Published online 28 December 2011 in Wiley Online Library
onance (with J ¼ 7.8 Hz) shows up at 3.0 ppm, and thus
( overlaps the 3.0 ppm GABA signal (16). To minimize the
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V 1018
Spectral Editing With MEGA-sLASER at 7 T 1019

FIG. 1. a: Refocusing profiles of

the MEGA1 and MEGA2 pulses
used in the odd and even acquisi-
tions, respectively. Both pulses
refocus water signal at 4.7 ppm,
which is then crushed by gra-
dients. MEGA1 refocuses J-cou-
pling evolution of the 3.0 ppm
GABA resonance. MEGA2 does
not perturb any of the GABA
spins, but it eliminates MM co-
editing by affecting the 1.7 ppm
MM resonance in a similar way as
the MEGA1. The 3.0 ppm GABA
and MM resonances have similar
J-coupling values: approximately
7 and 8 Hz, respectively; (b) The
MEGA-sLASER sequence con-
sists of an asymmetric slice
selective excitation pulse, two
pairs of slice selective adiabatic
refocusing pulses and two MEGA
spectral editing pulses. MEGA1
and MEGA2 pulse shapes are
used in alternating shots.

MM contamination, selective refocusing pulses can be Moreover, with low bandwidth refocusing pulses, the
applied symmetrically around the 1.7 ppm MM reso- observed signal in a localized editing technique can be
nance, alternating between 1.9 ppm (GABA refocused) thought of as originating from four compartments with
and 1.5 ppm (GABA undisturbed; 17). In this way, the different refocusing properties for coupled spin systems
MM contamination in the edited spectrum is eliminated. like GABA. In addition to the spatial misalignment of the
In contrast, the contribution of the homocarnosine voxel, this effect can reduce the edited GABA signal by
molecule (dipeptide consisting of histidine and GABA) 20–25% already at a field strength of 3 T (23). At higher
is inevitable in a spectral editing experiment, and thus, fields like 7 T, even with the use of an efficient head coil,
the reported 3.0 ppm signal is actually the sum of free the loss is likely to be at least 30% due to increased CSDE
GABA and homocarnosine (18). for the low bandwidth refocusing pulses (24). Recently, a
Spectral editing of GABA at high field (7 T) is semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing sequence
expected to benefit from an increased SNR (19,20), de- [sLASER (22,25)] was shown to enable 1H-MRS of the
spite its potentially shorter T2 relaxation time (21). human brain at 7 T with minimal CSDE because of the
Another advantage for spectral editing at high field is use of high bandwidth adiabatic refocusing pulses in
the increased chemical shift dispersion, which, for the combination with a dual-transmit setup with a volume
editing pulses, results in a shorter pulse duration for a head coil. This sequence is an ideal candidate for effi-
given spectral selectivity. cient spectral editing because of the low chemical shift
Conversely, due to the low peak values of (excitation) displacement artifact obtainable with the high bandwidth
radio frequency (B1þ) field that can be obtained in refocusing pulses. In addition, these pulses make the
humans at high field, the bandwidth of traditional refo- sequence less sensitive to B1þ variations that could be
cusing pulses is severely compromized. Therefore, slice especially important for MR spectroscopic imaging
selective refocusing leads to an increased chemical shift (MRSI) at high field.
displacement error (CSDE) at high field and conse- In this study, we have combined an sLASER sequence
quently, to reduced accuracy in voxel localization (22). with two dual-banded editing pulses (MEGA-sLASER)
1020 Andreychenko et al.

FIG. 2. The simulated 3.0 ppm

GABA resonances – MEGA1-
sLASER (a), MEGA2-sLASER (b)
and the edited spectrum (c) –
and the corresponding experi-
mental spectra (d–f) obtained
from a GABA phantom. The
measured shapes of the 3.0
ppm GABA resonance corre-
spond well to the simulations.
The editing efficiency was 0.52,
determined as a peak area ratio
of the edited and the J-coupling
refocused 3.0 ppm GABA signal
in the phantom spectra.

for spatially accurate, time-efficient detection of the 3.0 refocusing band centered at 1.5 ppm so as not to refocus
ppm GABA resonance at 7 T. the 1.9 ppm GABA resonance, yet to affect the 1.7 ppm
MM resonance in a similar way as the MEGA1 pulse
(Fig. 1a). Both refocusing pulses were surrounded by
optimized crusher gradients to spoil unwanted coher-
MRS measurements were performed with a 7 T MR scan- ence pathways. In summary, editing with the MEGA1,2
ner (Achieva, Philips, Cleveland, OH) interfaced to a pulses had the following effects: (1) J-coupling of the 3.0
dual-channel volume transmit head coil and a 16 or 32 ppm GABA resonance was refocused in the odd acquisi-
channel receiver array (all from Nova Medical, Inc., tions (using MEGA1) whereas it evolved in the even
Burlington, MA). RF focusing (25) with two transmit acquisitions (using MEGA2); (2) the MM signal was
channels (max 2  4 kW) was used to generate a B1þ affected similarly in both even and odd acquisitions and
field of 20 mT in the selected volume of interest, which was therefore eliminated in the edited spectrum; (3) si-
was verified by local power optimization (26). Spectral multaneous water suppression was provided by both
editing with the MEGA-sLASER technique was per- MEGA pulses. No additional water presaturation or
formed in a water phantom containing 10 mM of GABA inner/outer volume suppression was used.
for sequence optimization, as well as in several healthy sLASER voxels were localized using an asymmetric
volunteers. Written informed consent was given by all excitation pulse (BW of 3.6 kHz) and four 5 ms adiabatic
subjects before examination. refocusing pulses (BW of 6 kHz). Crusher gradients were
Two dual-banded refocusing pulses (MEGA1 and manually optimized for optimal spoiling of unwanted
MEGA2, both 10 ms long to fit them in an sLASER coherences. Quantum mechanical simulations of the
sequence) were created for simultaneous water suppres- MEGA1-sLASER and MEGA2-sLASER pulse sequence
sion and J-difference editing, by merging broad and nar- (Fig. 1b) were performed for the coupled 1.9 and
row banded Shinnar–Le Roux refocusing pulses (27). 3.0 ppm GABA resonances and coupled 1.7 and 3.0 ppm
Both the MEGA1 and MEGA2 pulses had one broad refo- MM resonances with TopSpin 2.0 (Bruker Biospin,
cusing band [full width at half maximum (FWHM) ¼ 230 Billerica, MA). Both GABA and MM resonances were
Hz, full width at 95% maximum (FW95%M) ¼ 77 Hz] at modeled as a coupled CH2ACH2 system. The J-coupling
4.7 ppm for water suppression. The narrow refocusing values for GABA resonances were approximated to 7 Hz
band of the first (MEGA1) pulse (FWHM ¼ 130 Hz, using the average of the different J-coupling values
FW95%M ¼ 22 Hz) was centered at 1.9 ppm for refocus- reported for GABA in the literature (13–15,28). The
ing of the J-coupling evolution of the 3.0 ppm GABA res- J-coupling value of 7.8 Hz was used for MM resonances
onance. The second pulse (MEGA2) had a similar narrow (16). The adiabatic and MEGA pulses were loaded into
Spectral Editing With MEGA-sLASER at 7 T 1021

FIG. 3. Residual singlet signal in

an edited in vivo spectrum as
assessed from a non-water sup-
pressed scan. The spectra (a–e)
were acquired without water sup-
pression (MEGA pulses were
turned off) to evaluate the effect
of cardiac triggering (c,d) and
post-processing (b,d) on singlet
suppression in the edited spectra
(here water acts as a model for
creatine and choline). Below is
shown an in vivo example of the
improved singlet suppression
achieved with post-processing of
the edited MEGA-sLASER spec-
trum. In the edited spectrum the
residual 3.2 ppm choline signal is
present prior phase/frequency
correction (e) but is effectively elim-
inated with post-processing (f).
[Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

TopSpin, and the carrier frequency was set to 4.7 ppm. shots was high enough (minimum SNR of 4) to estimate
The spectral width of the simulations was set to 10 ppm. a reliable phase/frequency correction.
The simulated GABA and MM spin systems also MEGA-sLASER spectra were acquired in the gray mat-
included a singlet to normalize the results of individual ter of the occipital lobe (repetition time (TR) ¼ 4100, 64
simulations. The MEGA-sLASER sequence was simu- acquisitions) with TE ¼ 74 ms in 27 mL voxels (five sub-
lated for a number of TEs (68, 70, 74, and 78 ms). Then, jects) and an 8 mL voxel (one subject). In one subject, an
the edited 3.0 ppm GABA and co-edited MM signal additional MEGA-sLASER spectrum was acquired with a
intensities were compared for each TE. The TE of 74 ms TE of 222 ms from a 27 mL voxel. MR spectra corre-
was chosen because the ratio of the edited GABA signal sponding to the even acquisitions were subtracted from
over the co-edited MM signal had its maximum. How- the odd spectra. In the edited spectrum the residual
ever, the intensity of the creatine resonance at 3.0 ppm water signal was filtered by HLSVD fitting in jMRUI
is one order of magnitude higher than the edited GABA (30). All the edited spectra obtained with a TE of 74 ms
signal. Therefore, any phase difference or amplitude of in 27 mL voxels were normalized to the integrated 3
static (polarizing) B0 field drift between the odd and ppm creatine peak to test reproducibility between the
even acquisitions would lead to a significant residual subjects. To demonstrate the MM elimination that was
creatine signal in the edited spectrum. To improve the achieved by using the MEGA2 pulse shape, similar
phase and frequency stability, the MEGA1-sLASER and measurements were performed in which the refocusing
MEGA2-sLASER acquisitions were performed in an pulse for even acquisitions was shifted far from the 1.5
interleaved manner and ECG cardiac triggering was used ppm region. Resulting intensities of the edited 3.0 ppm
with careful placement of the leads on the chest to mini- resonances were then compared.
mize ECG signal distortion in the 7 T MR bore. The effi-
cacy of cardiac triggering to increase phase and fre-
quency stability was assessed by estimating the
suppression factor in the edited spectrum from a series Phantom measurements were performed to evaluate edit-
(N ¼ 64) of in vivo measurements of the unsuppressed ing performance of the MEGA-sLASER sequence and
water signal. Cardiac triggering was subsequently used compared with the simulated spectra (Fig. 2). The edited
in all the GABA editing experiments. In addition, retro- spectrum clearly showed the two side peaks of the
spective phase and frequency alignment (29) was per- 3.0 ppm GABA pseudo-triplet. The editing efficiency
formed on all data sets because the SNR of the single was 0.52, determined as a peak area ratio of the edited
1022 Andreychenko et al.

FIG. 4. Summed MEGA1-sLASER (a), MEGA2-sLASER (b) spectra obtained in vivo in one subject, and five in vivo edited spectra (c)
obtained in the occipital lobe (d) of five healthy volunteers. The 3.0 ppm GABA signal as well as the co-edited glutamine and glutamate
signals are clearly visible. Also an inverted NAA singlet is present at 2.0 ppm, since it is suppressed only by the MEGA1 pulse and is
therefore not subtracted away in the edited spectrum. No choline (3.2 ppm) residual is seen, indicating a good suppression of non-
edited resonances. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

and J-coupling refocused 3.0 ppm GABA signals in the co-edited Glx resonances at 3.7 ppm were also present in
phantom spectra. the edited spectra. The absence of any residual signal
In vivo water measurements showed that subtraction from choline at 3.2 ppm indicated good singlet suppres-
of the odd water scans from the even scans without sion and therefore a reliable editing performance. The
cardiac triggering or without retrospective phase and fre- average peak area ratio of the edited GABA to Cr in five
quency alignment led to a factor of 23 suppression of the volunteers was 0.084 with a standard deviation of only
singlet signal. Performing cardiac triggering improved 7%. The ratio included correction for editing efficiency
the suppression factor to 200 (Fig. 3a–d). Retrospective and for the number of protons.
frequency and phase alignment was possible for these A well-resolved 3.0 ppm GABA resonance (SNR ¼ 8)
spectra because of the high SNR, and it increased the was also present in the edited spectrum obtained in the
suppression factor to 330 without triggering and to 500 threefold smaller voxel (8 mL), illustrating the high effi-
with triggering. An in vivo example of effective suppres- ciency of the MEGA-sLASER editing sequence (Fig. 5a).
sion of residual metabolite singlet signal (e.g., choline) The edited spectrum obtained with the three times
by applying post-processing to an edited MEGA-sLASER longer TE of 222 ms further demonstrated the efficient
spectrum is shown in Fig. 3e,f. performance of the MEGA-sLASER sequence (Fig. 5b).
The CSDE of the coupled 1.9 and 3.0 ppm GABA The 3.0 ppm GABA resonance was threefold higher than
resonances in the MEGA-sLASER sequence was only 6% the noise level, whereas the co-edited MM resonance at
in both refocusing directions. After subtraction of the 0.9 ppm was hardly visible because of its much shorter
even MR spectra (Fig. 4b) from the odd MR spectra transverse relaxation time.
(Fig. 4a), the edited in vivo MR spectra from 27 mL vox- The edited spectrum acquired without the MEGA2
els in five healthy volunteers all showed well-defined pulse contained a 1.5-fold higher signal at 3.0 ppm
GABA peaks (SNR  17) at 3.0 ppm (Fig. 4c). The than with the MEGA2 pulse, indicating that the MM
Spectral Editing With MEGA-sLASER at 7 T 1023

FIG. 5. Edited in vivo spectra, acquired in the occipital lobe within acquisition times of 5 min each. (a) At a TE of 74 ms, the GABA signal
could be obtained from a small voxel of only 8 mL. (b) Even at a TE of 222 ms the GABA signal could be measured from a voxel size of 27
mL. (c) When comparing two edited in vivo spectra (TE ¼ 74 ms, voxel of 27 mL) acquired without and with MM elimination. The ratio of the
integrated peak areas under 3.0 ppm resonances (GABA þ MM: GABA) is 3:2, which confirms the considerable co-editing of the MM reso-
nance that occurs without MEGA2 pulses. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

contribution at 3.0 ppm was successfully eliminated 74 ms, which is slightly longer than the conventionally
(Fig. 5c). used TE of 68 ms (2,3,31). This can be explained by the
partial spin-locking of the 3.0 ppm GABA resonance due
to the relatively high duty cycle of RF pulses in the
TE. Consequently, the effective TE is extended in
Stable detection of GABA levels in the human brain is comparison with MEGA-point-resolved spectroscopy
generally hampered by low detection sensitivity, phase (MEGA-PRESS) editing techniques that contain only two
and frequency instabilities and overlap of the GABA res- refocusing pulses.
onance with the high intensity signals of creatine and Minimization of CSDE and phase disturbances in the
MMs. GABA detection at high field (7 T and above) subtracted MR spectra with the interleaved MEGA-
could benefit from a potentially increased SNR. In addi- sLASER method enabled efficient in vivo GABA detec-
tion, shorter selective pulses can be applied at high field tion; an SNR of 17 in a 27 mL voxel was acquired within
because of the increased chemical shift dispersion. These an acceptable measurement time of 5 min. To improve
pulses can be incorporated in an sLASER technique phase stability during the measurements, both inter-
while remaining within the optimal TE required for leaved scanning and cardiac triggering were performed.
GABA editing. Using the broadband slice selective adia- This was done since cardiac activity had a significant
batic refocusing pulses of the sLASER technique com- influence on the phase and frequency in these measure-
bined with B1þ focusing with a dual-channel birdcage ments at relatively long TE (74 ms; 32). It has been
coil, the generally unacceptable high CSDEs at 7 T can shown how cardiac triggering improved phase and fre-
be reduced significantly. Therefore, in this study we quency stability of the acquisition. From the retrospec-
could detect GABA in the occipital lobe with a high effi- tive spectra correction, it was seen that the frequency
ciency. The MEGA-sLASER technique could also be variations had a major impact on the edited spectrum
used in other locations in the human brain, provided quality. Using MEGA-sLASER with cardiac triggering
that the maximum achievable B1þ field is at least 20 mT. and retrospective frequency and phase alignment
The cerebellum, however, does not have a sufficiently resulted in a 7% standard deviation of the GABA to crea-
high B1þ field with the dual-channel birdcage coil (25). tine ratio in five subjects.
From quantum mechanical simulations it was seen Eliminating the need for retrospective alignment of
that the optimal TE of the MEGA-sLASER sequence for individual spectra is important for spectral editing in
the spectral editing of the 3.0 ppm GABA resonance was small voxels (where the SNR of individual acquisitions
1024 Andreychenko et al.

is too low for reliable phase and frequency correction) or perform GABA MRSI including editing (9), double-quan-
for MRSI (where individual shots are not available for tum filtering (34) and 2D spectroscopy (5). These meth-
phase/frequency correction). Cardiac triggering is recom- ods demand a high homogeneity of amplitude of static
mended especially for these types of MRS experiments (polarizing) B0 field and B1þ fields in the selected vol-
to obtain reliable spectral editing data. The intrinsic co- ume to assure effective detection of the low SNR GABA
editing of the MM resonance is minimized with a second signal over the entire volume. Moreover, these experi-
pair of dual-banded refocusing pulses (MEGA2-sLASER). ments are generally time consuming and single shot ref-
As with MEGA-PRESS (31), the absence of the MEGA2 erence signals for every voxel are often absent, making
pulse shape leads to an increase of the observed edited phase/frequency correction more difficult. The relatively
3.0 ppm signal, indicating a significant contribution of B1þ-insensitive MEGA-sLASER sequence in combination
the MM resonance. The relatively high SNR of the with cardiac triggering might therefore be a valuable al-
GABA signal in the long TE MEGA-sLASER experiment ternative for 2D or 3D GABA MRSI.
shows that this long TE experiment may be used to To sum up, the MEGA-sLASER method provides
determine GABA T2 relaxation time if the editing effi- highly efficient and accurately localized GABA signal
ciency as a function of TE is known. detection with short acquisition times (5 min) at high
Despite the promising increase of SNR and spectral fields (7 T), enabling GABA detection in small voxels (8
dispersion, there have been only a limited number of mL) at short TEs (74 ms), but also at much longer TEs
GABA studies at 7 T (31). It would be possible to elimi- (222 ms). Such performance makes the method very
nate MM contamination with the MEGA-PRESS editing promising for the measurement of GABA concentration
technique at 7 T as the editing MEGA pulses of the same in the human brain at 7 T.
length become more selective at higher fields. However,
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