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Chapter 1
Background of the Study:
Motivation is defined by Nnabuife (2009) as the internal and external driving force that
produces the willingness to perform an act to a conclusive end. Internal (intrinsic) motivation
is a driving force that comes from within an individual whiles an external (extrinsic)
motivation is a driving force that comes from external forces normally from the organisation.
Motivation is Employers will like to have their employee very well motivated in order to
improve upon their level of motivation. Motivation done in the right way could help in the
improvement of the organisation as a whole but how to make this a reality is a mystery to
most employers. There are many theories relating to motivation some of them are the
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Aristotle’s seven causes, and the
different types of motivation.

Statement of the problem:

This research studies the effect of employee’s motivation through discussing several and
different types of motives commonly used in the modern organisations on the organizational
performance reflected in the organizational success that is represented in various measures
being widely used in market leading organisations. Workers leave organisations due to the
fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to leave because they are
enjoying some benefits in terms of promotion, which leads to increase to salaries and wages,
bonus and some other incentives.
The view that specific motivation and commitment will encourage increases in production
has not always been substantiated, even though management has often to spur production by
such offerings and has often attributed production increase to them. Throughout the years
production has increased for many reasons in addition to the particular motivation and
erroneously over simplified a highly complex phenomenon. Since then psychologist have
been concerned with understanding an individual through his motives and acquired a body of
knowledge in this field that often differs from the lay man’s knowledge. It is necessary to
review briefly from the psychologist’s point of view what is known about motivation and
commitment at the present time, and how they influence employees’ performance.

Objectives of the study:

The main purpose of this research is to examine how motivation and commitment of
employees act as predictors of job performance using Zenith Bank as a case study. Therefore
this study is based on the following objectives:
1. To examine how motivation influence job performance among employee of Zenith
2. To examine how commitment influence job performance among employees of the
3. To examine the joint influence of motivation and commitment among employee of the
4. To examine the influence of demographic variables like age, sex, religion, work
experience, income, educational qualification and job status on employees’
performance among employees of the bank.

Significance of the Study:

The findings of the study will help develop a better insight on motivation and commitment
influence job performance. The research will also recommend to the management of
organisations, on how to educate and provide ways of preventing problem that might be
associated with motivation and job performance. The study will also be a valuable
contribution to the knowledge and prove useful to other researchers, who may want to tackle
this area of study.

Scope and limitations of the study:

The scope of the study is bound to investigate the strategies applied in the motivation
approaches and to deliver the result by measuring the outcome of the motivation. The areas
that need to be considered are service industry (financial institutions). These areas are evident
in the current industry. On the other hand, the limitation of the study is beyond the financial
assessment like the gains and losses of the organisations regarding their used type of
motivation approach.
Definitions of Terms:
Motivation- this is operationally defined as the inner force that drives individuals to
accomplish personal and organisational goals.
Productivity- this is defined as the extent to which an organisational member contributes to
achieve the objectives of the organisation.
Organisational commitment- this may be defined as the relative strength of an individual
identification with, and involvement in, a particular organisation.

Organizations of the Study

Chapter 2
Extent of Review:
Scope of the Review:
The scope of this chapter is to present an overview of some basic propositions that can help
in fostering and understanding of this study on motivation and commitment as predictors of
job performance. The theories of Maslow, Vroom, Herzberg, exchange and investment were
highlighted in this chapter.
Chapter 3

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