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It consists of a spin that is turned by a

rope that is tied around its body before
being thrown.

In this game, the group is divided into

two teams. The first team will try to put
together a group of 15 bottle caps before
the opposing team members hit them
with a small ball.If a team can build a
column that stops with the covers and
does not fall, they are the winners.

balls, usually made of glass, which come

in different sizes and colors. the usual
goal is to capture all the marbles of the

It consists of a small ball attached to a

wooden stick by a thread. This ball is
pierced by a hole that fits in diameter with
the wooden stick, so it is used to catch it.

In this game, players throw a metal disk

(the yew) along a 20 m tunnel that
protects the target's diameter. At the
center of this objective, a metal pipe is
equipped with small exploding targets
(wick). When they impact with the yew,
the fuses explode strongly. This indicates
a successful launch.

Is a toy consisting of an axle connected

to two disks, and a string looped around
the axle

players toss a small object into numbered

triangles or a pattern of rectangles
outlined on the ground and then hop or
jump through the spaces to retrieve the

Make spider diagrams with the vocabulary

Throw - axle - bottle caps - disk - ball - catch - wooden stick

launch- hop - rope - hit - wick - build - balls of glass - thread
- yew - ground - jump - tie - explode - rectangles - retrieve object
- goal - board - pieces - toss - dice - target




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