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STAGE I - BEING 0-6 months

It's OK for you to be here, to be fed and touched and taken care of.
You don't have to hurry, you can take your time.
I like to hold you, to be near you, to touch you.
Your needs are OK with me. I'm glad you're a (boy, girl).
You have a right to be here.

Eating frequently. Trouble thinking. Craving sweets.
Mouth sensitivity. Napping a lot. Lacking concentration.
Needing others. Needing to be lovingly fed and touched.

Be close to, build or renew sustaining connections with others.
Take time to take things in. Ask for help from others.
Be touched and have intimate contact.
Ask others to take over for a while to gather strength and build energy for moving
into DOING.

Ages: 0-6 months; 13-13 ½; 26-26½; 39-39½; 52-52½; 65-65½; 78-78½; 91-91½

STAGE II - DOING 6mths-18mths

It's OK for you to move out into the world, to explore, to feed your senses & be
taken care of. You can do things and get support at the same time. You can be
curious and intuitive.
It's OK to explore and to experiment. You can get attention & approval and still act
the way you really feel.
It's OK for you to initiate.

Pleasure oriented. Motivation problems.
Needing to become grounded or find new footing. Tooth pain. Wanting variety of
stimulation/ to expand boundaries of life.

Feel, touch, see, hear, smell & taste the world. Seek. Feed your senses while
maintaining support.
Maintain BEING bonds. Explore gravity.

Ages: 6-18 months; 13½-14½; 26½-27½; 39½-40½; 52½-53½, 65½-66½, 78½-

79½; 91½-92½
STAGE III - THINKING 18mths-3years
It's OK for you to push & test, to find limits, to say no and
to become separate from me. I'm glad you're growing up.
You can let people know when you feel angry.
You can think about your feelings and feel about your thinking.
You can think for yourself. You don't have to take care of other people by thinking
for them. You don't have to be uncertain.
You can be sure about what you need.

Asserting "no" & "I won't." Learning new thinking. Tantrums. Temporarily
forgetful or greedy. Feeling angry for no reason.
Pushing others. Developing a separate position.Testing to find out how safe it is to
break out of dependency.

Learning to think for ourselves. Finding support for being independent.
Developing a separate position as an individual.

Ages: 1½-3; 14½-16; 27½-29; 40½-42; 53½-55; 66½-68; 79½-81; 92½-94


It's OK for you to have your own view of the world, to be who you are & to test
your power. You can be powerful and still have needs.
It's OK for you to explore who you are.
You don't have to act scary, sick, sad or mad to be taken care of.
It's OK to imagine things without fear that you'll make them come true.
It's OK to find out the consequences of your own behavior.

Finding out what happens when we lie or steal. Feeling consequences.
Preoccupation with power. Nightmares.
Wondering, "Who am I?" Asking many questions.
Developing sudden nameless fears. Interest in gender differences.

Experiment with social relationships. Test consequences.
Exert power to find out what happens.
May require taking time out from old identity to lay the
groundwork for the new.

Ages: 3-6; 16-19; 29-32; 42-45; 55-58; 68-71; 81-84; 94-97


It's OK for you to learn how to do things your own way,
to have your own morals and methods. It's OK to disagree.
You can think before you make that your way.
Trust your feelings to guide you. You can do it your way.
You don't have to suffer to get what you need.

Preoccupation with "how to do it." Moral & argementative. Interested in others'
values and morals.
Criticizing other's ways. Doing it your way & nobody elses.
Arguing & hassling with others' morals & methods.

Argue, hassle & challenge. Actively disagree with others' methods. Make mistakes
in order to find what works. Seek people outside your usual circle of family and
Develop your own ways to do things. Try new social roles.
Experiment to find what works.

Ages: 6-12; 19-25; 32-38; 45-51; 58-64; 71-77; 81-91; 97-103


It's OK for you to be sexual, to have a place among grown-ups and to succeed. It's
OK to be on your own. You can be a sexual person and still have needs. It's OK to
be responsible for your own needs, feelings and behavior. My love goes with you.

Developing social relationships as a sexual person.
Preoccupation with sex and people as sexual beings.
Skin eruptions. Turbulent body changes, especially in hormone & energy levels.
Episodes of dependency with urges to explore
& be separate. Creating independent support system.

Develop as a sexual person. Integrate sexual needs with needs from previous
stages. Develop personal philosophy.
By this stage's end we need to break out of relationships which aided our growth
up to now, and reestablish them from an independent and autonomous position.

Ages: 13-18; 26-31; 39-44; 52-57; 65-70; 78-83; 91-96; 104-109

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