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Name: Steven Toaza Term: One

Class: 3rd Year BTE “B” EDC Partial: First

Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 Level: B.1.2

TOPIC: “The values”


1. Investigate about the following values respect, honesty,

responsability, puntuality, justice innovation and solidary.


Respect is one of the most important moral values of the human being, as it is
essential to achieve a harmonious social interaction. One of the most important
premises about respect is that in order to be respected it is necessary to know or
learn to respect, understand the other, value their interests and needs. In this sense,
respect must be mutual, and born of a feeling of reciprocity.

Honesty is a fundamental moral value to establish interpersonal relationships

based on trust, sincerity and mutual respect. True honesty permeates all aspects
of a person's life: it manifests itself socially, but also in the intimate environment of
the individual and in his inner life. This means that honesty is both external and
internal, in view of which it must be consistent behavior, where the actions of the
individual are consistent with what he thinks, says and preaches.


Responsibility is considered a quality and value of the human being. It is a positive

feature of people who are able to commit and act correctly. In many cases, the
responsibility is given by a position, a role or circumstance, such as a job or paternity.
In a society, people are expected to act in a responsible manner, exercising their
rights and performing their obligations as citizens. In many cases, the responsibility
is due to ethical and moral issues.

Punctuality is the quality of a person to be careful and diligent in doing things in due
time. Punctuality varies according to culture since in western cultures, reaching 10,
30 minutes and even 1 hour is acceptable, and however, in other cultures the lack
of punctuality is considered a lack of respect or insult since punctuality is a
consideration towards the people who are in the place as in the case of Japan.


Justice is a set of essential values on which it must be based on a society and the
State, these values are respect, equity, equality and freedom. Justice, in a formal
sense, is the set of codified norms applied by judges over which the State imparts
justice when they are affected, they are violated, suppressing the action or inaction
that generates the affectation of the common good.

Innovation consists in using knowledge to build a new path that leads to a certain
goal. Each innovation process is specific to each case, and most likely does not
serve to address other challenges. That is why it is difficult to strictly define a method
to innovate. Sometimes it is also said that it lacks logic, because it addresses
problems that have not yet been discovered or creates needs. In any case, in this
article I will try to express what I understand by innovation.


Solidarity is one of the most important and essential human values of all, solidarity
is what a person does when another needs their help, solidarity is the collaboration
that someone can provide so that they can finish a special task, it is that feeling that
is felt and that drives to help others, with no intention of receiving something in return.
Solidarity is common to see it in times of crisis in countries that are going through
wars, famines, curfews, natural disasters and other extreme conditions.
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Steven Toaza


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