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Name: Camila Andrea Rubio Torrijos

English IV


In one of my shortcomings to learn English is listening because I find it difficult

for people to speak very quickly to know what they are talking about, a
strategy that seems very good to me is to transcribe what one hears and then
with the help of the dictionary and from the audio or video itself corrects all
the misspelled words, also within the exercise I can identify words that I don't
know and then I look for the meaning. Once the writing is done I proceed to
read it aloud.

The video you practice is a very fun and interesting one because it has
perfect present grammar, the video is:

 Grammar: Present Perfect

 Title: Have we met before?
 Duration: 2:19
 Characters: Miss Nova and Marie.

Below is an evidence of my transcript of the video, the words that are

underlined are those that were poorly written and those that are colored are
the words I did not understand and look for their respectful meaning.
For me it was quite complicated the first time I heard the video, but with
practice and if you repeat it many times the information stays in your mind.

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