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Life on earth started as self-assembling organic molecules and evolved into highly

complex life forms with overwhelming diversity. Among all the diverse Life forms on earth
Human Beings emerged into something great and are at the top of the Evolution, who are
characterized by using tools, abstract reasoning, introspection, problem solving, self-awareness,
rationality and sapience. Knowledge of this made me believe that Intelligence is at the top of the
evolution process and of ultimate importance which facilitated man to build the Modern World.
Human beings developed and used very basic stone tools to High performance Computing
Machines with diverse characteristics which augmented human capabilities. Now if humans
develop Artificial Intelligence which will be a greatest tool to break through the barriers that
humans dreaming to break. In my lifetime I will perform research to develop AI systems which
will make my goal oriented life meaningful, and will transcend the Human Life.
My undergraduate course work has good breadth which prepared me all rounded with wide
vision of the current technology world. AI is the field in which I will spend my lifetime working
on it with much pleasure. In my B-Tech I looked for a real world problem to be solved with
intelligent systems, I didn’t had in-depth knowledge in any other real world problem like I do in
Athletics Sprinting 100 Meters event, which I acquired from being a successful sprinter at
University level and represented JNTU in All India Inter University Athletics Tournament. I
creatively designed and developed SprintTech, which is Intelligent Athletic Training planner
software, to guide any specific athlete over a season of training by giving Training workouts data
for every session of practice, the training data is adapted to improve performance of athlete based
on knowledge acquired from his previous training data till that session, which follow standard
Training principles, and variables such as targeted performance level, current fitness level and
number of sessions remaining in the season. SprintTech uses single layer recurrent neural
network with hidden layer of neurons with a learning algorithm that modifies the synaptic
weights of the Workout generator and also based on the Micro Cycles and Macro cycles of the
training phase.
In my B-Tech except Neural Networks I didn’t have any other AI course in my curriculum,
so that gave me a serious reason to study AI concepts as extra curriculum. I studied AI concepts
of Intelligent Machines like Perception, Supervised learning algorithms, problems in reasoning
about action, rational decision making, Decision trees, Ensemble learning, reasoning under
uncertainty, Knowledge representation, Logical inference and planning. I was helped by my
Project Guide Sai Krishna sir and HOD Laksmi madam many times with these concepts when I
had hard times to go forward. It took me two years to develop two projects SprintTech 1.0 and
2.0 which form whole software called SprintTech which was accepted by my college athletic
department and by SAAP (Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh) coach Prasad Sir and it has
received good appreciation and left me satisfaction for my Hard Work.
Although I succeeded in my project work with lot of extracurricular work, it left me less
time for preparing 3-2 examinations which led in a drop of GPA from 70% to 60% in 3-2 but I
learned to manage time and work harder and improved my grades in 4-1 to 65% and 4-2 to 80%
and became the achiever of academics of QISCET for final year for my project work and my
overall performance in department. SprintTech achieved 3rd place in National level Software
Project competition at National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur.
While doing my project work I gained not only new knowledge and experience but also
confidence that devoting myself to AI was the right decision. During last two years I have spent
most of my time learning new concepts in AI. My future research plans are vested on Artificial
Intelligence and to build autonomous agents that senses and acts upon its environment in the
service of its own agenda. An autonomous agent with human-like cognitive capabilities is
ultimate goal of the AI, I will work towards making that possible with as much as I can do in my
lifetime. My research interests revolve around the design and implementation of cognitive,
software agents, their computational applications, and their use in cognitive modeling. Due to the
convergence of a variety of sciences and technologies, the end goal is closer than most people
The M.S Program at University of XXXX will provide me with the necessary preparation
for my further research. First, University of XXXX will provide me with graduate-level
coursework in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science, and Probabilistic
Neuroscience, which are necessary breadth for me to develop overall concepts and tools for my
further research. Secondly, I will have opportunities to take part in research projects XXX, YYY
that are proactively investigating issues relevant to the Cognitive Machines of the Machine
Learning. Finally, University of XXXXX multidisciplinary approach will help me develop
knowledge that is needed to break rock hard problems of AI through Biologically Inspired
models and Neuroscience and Mathematics. University of XXX got the AI community that I
wish to be a part of and the professor XXX research matches my Interests and I appreciate his
work. Specific features of the grad program which attract me are your AI research lab XXXX
and Unmatched Professors XXXXX, YYYY in the field of AI. After completing my graduate
studies at University of XXXXXX I hope to do some multi disciplinary coursework before going
to PhD work that is vested in the development of AI systems.
While I was an undergraduate I balanced my Athletics (100 Meters) career and my
curriculum and my research project with extracurricular work. To balance them I have developed
time management skill and hard working nature, good sportive spirit, zeal to go for that extra
mile. That gives me the confidence that I will fare the rigorous and challenging graduate research
at your university. This experience also taught me that success is a journey, not a destination.

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