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Text media is consists of alphanumeric letter and characters either printed on

papers, books, or projected from a computer screen. It is the most commonly
used media in most classrooms today.

Types of text media:

• Printed
Books, brochures, newspapers, manuals
• Displayed
Bulletin boards, flipcharts
• Projected
Texts projected by LCD or overhead projectors
• Digital
E-books, E-zines, E-journals


Audio media refers to the various means that can make human voice
and other sounds into more powerful forms of information,
communication, and education. Its type ranges from the traditional vinyl
records and cassette tapes to digital ones like compact discs and
portable media players.

The use of audio media can stimulate students learning and may serve
as motivation for them. From the content areas like Math and Science
to the musically-inclined subjects like MAPEH, audio media has a great


Most of us are visual people. We learn and remember

things through pictures or images. Visual media has a
great contribution to our learning. Our mind processes
messages as images rather than as audio or texts.

A person should be visually literate in order to critically

evaluate, examine, and efficiently use various visual
representations around him. A visually literate person
finds and accesses needed images efficiently. He can
also evaluate the appropriateness and reliability of the
image before using it. Furthermore, he can also make and
create his own visual design.

As the name connotes, it is MEDIA IN MOTION.

It combines motion, color, and sound in ways that can show

ideas better than any other medium.

Videos are example of this kind of media.

Advantages of using motion media in the classroom are as


1. Motion is the best media in portraying concepts that include

motion. (E.g. The division of cells)

2. Steps and procedures can be shown more effectively.

3. It provides risk-free observation. Phenomena that might be dangerous when view directly, like volcanic
eruption, can be shown in videos without causing any hazardous effect.

4. It can also bring affective impact to students.


This media has two types: People as media and People in

media. The former is the use of people as a medium by utilizing the
people themselves to transfer information while the latter pertains to
the people working in mass media. Examples of people as media
are teachers, students, administration, resource speakers, etc.
People in media include the editorial board, tv and radio people,


 physical objects that are used as teaching tools to engage

students in the hands-on learning of different subjects.
 (such as markers, toothpicks, or coins) provide visible models
that help students solve problems and develop concepts.

 Enables students to explore concepts at the first, or concrete, level of understanding.

 Using concrete manipulatives is the first step to using mental
images and models.
 Students can easily remember the lesson through images by
the use if manipulatives.

1. Math
 Children must have the opportunity to gain the knowled ge
and attitudes needed to become lifelong learners of
mathematics. To achieve this goal, educators are
concerned that more time be spent on understanding math
concepts with the help of manipulatives and less on how to
do paper-and-pencil computations. The implementation of
this trend is beginning in the early elementary grades.

2. English/Filipino
 Auditory discrimination and phonics manipulatives incorporate text with vibrant graphics and
are useful for teaching English vocabulary.
 Decoding manipulatives offer abundant practice applying rules as students learn English words
and structure.
 Scrambled sentences teach English syntax as they foster reading comprehension and fluency.
 Students who have difficulty learning due to language barriers, auditory deficiencies, or
behavioral issues have a much easier time stay engaged and on task when manipulative
models are introduced.

3. Science
 To demonstrate Newton's First Law of Motion, students calculate average speed based on their
observations of a rolling marble. Answers will vary depending on the distance and speed at
which the marbles roll.
 Using a ball and bat, students can observe Newton's Second Law of Motion by increasing the
force of their swings to make the ball travel faster and farther.
 The concept of inertia becomes visible when students stack four or five dominoes and use a
ruler to knock the bottom domino out repeatedly until there is only one left.
 A creative science teacher can demonstrate any number of scientific theories by having
students bring in such things as soap, miniature toy cars, balance scales, toothpicks, modeling
clay, rope, and coins.

4. Social Studies/MAPEH
 Geography – use of globe to find the absolute and relative location of a certain place
 Music – use of musical instruments


Multimedia is a combination of many forms of media. It may be audio and text. motion, audio and text,
manipulatives and audio, and more.

The use of multimedia is very interesting and engaging. It also provides multi-sensorial approach to
teaching. Students with different modes of learning benefit in using multimedia in the classrooms.

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