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4, PAGES 789-809, AUGUST 1990




Abstract. Excellent surface exposures,known Valley, located between the Precordillera and the
Benioffzonegeometry,a dynamicmorphology,and the crestof the Andes,accumulatedin a piggy-backbasin.
availability of industry seismic reflection data all Onlap relationson the western side indicate that the
make the Andes at 30øS an excellent transect for High Cordillera was uplifted as a major fault bend
investigatingcrustal-scalebalancedsections. 150-170 fold overa buriedramp. Thrustingin the two western
km of horizontalshorteninghasoccurredin threemajor belts, both in the High Cordillera of Chile, formed
belts located between the trench and the foreland. The during the waning stagesof arc volcanism,11-16Ma.
thin-skinned, east-verging Precordillera of western andaccountfor 2540% of theshortening.Theobserved
Argentinaaccountsfor 60-75%of the total shortening shorteningis probablygreaterthan can be accounted
and formedmostlysincemajorvolcanismceasedat -10 for with reasonable crustalthicknesses,indicatingthe
Ma. Industry seismicreflection data show that the possibilityof continentaltruncationor erosionalong
d(•collement of the Precordillera belt is located ano- the plate margin or an anomalouslythick root held
malouslydeep at -15 km. The belt is dominatedby down by the nearly flat subductedNazca Plate. Our
fault propagationfoldsand containsseveralprominent preferred crustal geometryputs the ramp between
out-of-sequencethrust faults. Seismicstratigraphic upperand lower crustaldeformationwestof the high
analysis shows that Miocene strata in the Iglesia topography, requiringcrustalscaletectonicwedgingto
thicken the crust beneath the crest of the Andes. This
non-uniquemodelprovidesa simpleexplanationof the
first ordermorphologyof the Andesat this latitude.

of Geological
sity, Ithaca,New York; Snydernow at BIRPS,Univer-
sity of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.; Beer now at Balancedcross-sectionshave provenvery powerful
PectenInternationalCompany,Houston,Texas. for understandingthat part of orogenicbeltsclosestto
the undeformed craton: foreland thrust belts. More
2yacimientosPetroliferosFiscales,BuenosAires, difficult, however, is the documentation of the kine-
Argentina. maticsof entire orogenicbeltsvia the sameapproach.
y Mineria,
Santiago, Commonly, there are two limiting factors: (1)
Chile. magmatic addition to the crust is ;. "ild card" that
can seldom be quantified, and (2) the "boundary
conditions"pertainingto that end of the crosssection
Copyright 1990 which is not pinned to the craton are seldom known
by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. because of cover, complex multiphase structures,
strike-slipfaulting and/or ductile deformation.
Papernumber89TC03487. In the Andes at 30øSlatitude (Figure 1), thesecon-
0278-7407/90/89TC-03487510.00 straintsare lessseriousthan elsewhere.This segment
790 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

12 ø i i
We presentboth local and orogenicscalebalanced
0 km ]000
cross-sectionsof the Andes at 30øS, showing the
distribution of crustal shortening and the probable
mechanismsof crustalthickening. The mostreasonable
16 ø crustal structural geometry places the ramp, which
links upper crustal deformation with deeper levels,
west of the high topography of the Andes. If so,
crustal thickening must be accomplishedby a lower
crustal thrust which is a mirror image of the upper
20 ø
crustal ramp. This geometry results in crustal scale
tectonicwedging,much as describedby Price [1986].
This model, presented here along with the opposite
end memberof a family of non-uniquesolutions,pro-
24 ø vides the most reasonable framework for understan-
ding the orogen.


28 ø
Four physio-tectonic
provincescomprisethe Andean
orogenat 30øS(from eastto west,Figure2): the Sierras
Pampeanas,Precordillera,High Andes, and Coastal
Cordillera. These belts have been extensively des-
cribed in recent literature [Jordan et al., 1983; Ramos et
32 ø
al., 1986; Herv(• et al., 1987; Mpodozis and Ramos,
1990]and are only briefly describedhere. All of the
provinceswere deformedduring the Andeanorogeny
78 ø 74 ø 70 ø 66 ø 62 ø (Jurassicto Recent). East of the international border
the deformation balanced below is probably mostly
Fig. 1. Regionalmorpho-tectonic map of the Central youngerthan ~16 Ma; to the west it may alsoinclude
Andes [from Isacks,1988],showingthe locationof the Incaic (Eocene) deformation. There are significant
studyarea in (depictedin Figure2). Contoursshow north-southvariations in structureand, except where
depthto the BenioffZone,in km. Grayshadedareain noted, the following discussionapplies only to 30øS
South America is that part of the Andes above3 km latitude.
elevation. Horizontal ruled pattern showsthe extent
of the SierrasPampeanasof westernArgentina.
Sierras Pampeanas

The easternmargin of the Andeanorogenis a wide

province characterizedby broad basins which sepa-
of the Andes has been largely amagmaticfor the last rate block uplifts of Precambrianand early Paleozoic
~9 Ma [Kay et al., 1988],althoughyounger,volumetri- metamorphic and igneous basement [Gonzfilez-
cally insignificantvolcanismis presentlocally. The Bonorino, 1950; Caminos, 1979; Caminos et al., 1982].
deformationaddressedherebeganat ~16 Ma and thus The blocksare boundedby moderatelyto steeplydip-
overlapsin time with that magrnatism;the majority ping reversefaults of classicthick-skinnedstyle and
of shorteningin thissegmentoccurredduringthe wan- have been uplifted mostly in the last 5 Ma [Reynolds
ing phasesor post-dates
[Jordanet al., et al., 1987a]. They are analogousboth in structural
1988;Beerand Jordan,1989;Damanti and Jordan,1989]. geometryand tectonicsetting to the Laramide Rocky
Furtheradvantagesof the Andesat 30øSincludeexcel- Mountain foreland of the western United States[Jordan
lent surfaceexposuresdue to the arid climate, the and Allmendinger,1986].
availability of industry seismicreflectiondata (pre- The transectdescribedhere includes only the ex-
sented below), and well-known crustal and Benioff treme western edge of the SierrasPampeanasin San
zone seismicity. The latter is particularly important Juanprovinceof westernArgentina(Figure2). There,
becausethe subducted plate provides the ultimate structures within the eastern Precordillera are west-
boundaryconditionfor any attempt at crustalscale verging and probably thick-skinned;they cut, but do
balancing. Finally,the orogenis relativelynarrow in not expose,basement [Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981].
this segment with an antithetic thrust belt (the Thus, we treat the easternPrecordilleraas part of the
Precordilleraof westernArgentina)locatedunusually Sierras Pampeanas. The inference of thick-skinned
closeto the plateboundary(<350km horizontallyand deformationis confirmedby localseismicnetworkdata
<120 km vertically). This narrownessseverelylimits which demonstrate seismic slip beneath the eastern
the geometryof the possiblelinksbetweenupperand Precordillera, as well as farther east, commonly at
lower crustal deformation. depthsof 25 km or morewith localevidencefor crustal
Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS 791

71 ø 70 ø 69 ø 68 ø

h Cordilleras.;-;-;-;-;
Coa st
..Region............. ....... Precordillera
' Sierras
Guanto + +
La Serena ..........

....... :.:.: ................ .



oro•, •, •, •, •, + •, •, •, •::::)
lilt .i..i..i..i..i..i..i..i..i. •:::.-,
.•..•. :Argentina :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:..

Fig. 2. Generalizedtectonicmap of the Andesat 30øSlatitude, showingthe majorbeltsand

structuresdescribedin the text. The diagonalline showsthe locationof the cross-sections
Figures 3, 15, 16, and 17. Light gray boxes show the location of seismicreflection data
available for this study (Figures5, 6, and 10). White, Quaternarybasins;dashes,Sierras
Pampeanas; stipple, outcrop of upper Cenozoic strata; tilted "bricks" (limestone),
Precordillerastructuralprovince;small pluses,Permo-Carboniferousstrata and intrusionsof
the Argentine Frontal Cordillera; "v's",Miocene volcanicsalong the international border;
large pluses, Permo-Carboniferouscrystalline core of the Chilean High Cordillera; gray
shade,Mesozoicand lower Tertiary rocksof the ChileanCoastRanges.

seismicityto about40 km [Kadinsky-Cade

et al., 1985; part of the belt at 14-16Ma. Approximately100 km to
Smalleyet al., 1988]. the north, thrusting probably began at -16 Ma
[Reynoldset al., 1987b;Damanti, 1989]and new geo-
Precordillera chronologyindicatessimilar antiquity at 30øS[Beeret
al., 1990].
The Precordillera is a thin-skinned thrust belt The westernmargin of the Precordillerais formed
which forms the "foothills" of the physiographic by the IglesiaValley (Figure 2), which is underlainby
Andesbetween29øand 33øS(Figure2). Typically,four a 4-km-thick basin of upper Tertiary strata (~ 15 Ma
to six major west-dipping thrust faults comprisethe and younger;Beeret al., [1990]). As shownbelow,the
Precordillera accounts for -65-70 % of the total shor-
belt dependingon latitude. Most of the thrustsappa-
rently have their dEcollement level in a Cambro- tening in this segmentof the Andes. The structureof
Ordovician limestone sequence[Baldis and Chebli, the Precordilleraand Iglesiabasintogethercomprisea
1969; Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981]. The westernmost majorfocusof this paper.
thrustsexposeOrdovicianto Devonianflysch,a slope
facies at least partly equivalent in age to the lime- High Andes
stone[Baldiset al., 1982]. AlthoughPaleozoicthrusts
and fold axesin the west part of the belt dip eastward, West of the Iglesia basin, the Andes rise to eleva-
Andean-agedthrustsconsistentlydip to the west. tionsof -6 km along the internationalborderbetween
The age of Precordillerathrustinghas recentlybeen Chile and Argentina. Farther south, the High
constrainedby extensivechronologicaland geological Cordillera can be divided into the Frontal Cordillera
studies of foreland basin strata east of and within the to the east and the Principal Cordillera to the west.
belt [Jordan et al., 1988; Beer and Jordan, 1989]. At The thick sequenceof Mesozoicand Tertiary volcanic
30øS,these data indicate that thrusting began in the and sedimentary strata that characterizes and is
limestonepart of the belt at -9 Ma and in the western restrictedto the latter, however, cropsout discontinu-
792 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

ously northward and there is no clear physical 230 km [Dedi6s,1967;Moscosoand Mpodozis,1988].

boundarybetweenthe two beltsat the latitudeof the Throughout this distance,the thrust juxtaposesthe
transect. On the easternslope (Figure 2), the High Paleozoicplutonic belt againstCretaceousand lower
Cordillera exposes gently-dipping, openly-folded Tertiary volcaniclasticstrata of the Coastal Cordil-
Carboniferous-Lower Permian marine strata, Late lera province. In fact, this fault may be localized
Paleozoic-Triassicgranitoid batholiths,and Permo- along the the old eastern margin of the Cretaceous
Triassicignimbritesof the ChoiyoiGroup [Caminos, volcano-tectonic rift of the Chilean coastalregion. In
1979;Ortiz and Zambrano, 1981; Llambias et al., 1987]. the hanging wall, a 15-km-wide belt of Mesozoic
No major belts of Andean shorteningare present volcaniclasticstrata (Figure 2) are deformed into an
betweenthe IglesiaValley and the internationalbor- open syncline(the Guanto syncline,[Mpodozisand
der. An imbricate belt of thrust faults has been Cornejo,1988])which parallelsthe traceof the thrust.
mapped immediatelynorth of the northerntermina- The Vicufia fault clearly correlateswith a distinct,
tion of the Iglesia Valley [Marin and Nullo, 1988]. first-orderbreak in the regionaltopographybut it is
The fact that none of these structures are observed to unclearwhetherthisstepresultsfrom recentmovement
cut the Neogenedepositsof the Iglesiabasinsuggests or simply different erodabilityof lithologicunits on
either that they are older than mid-Miocenein age or either sideof the fault. The ageof the last and largest
that a major,presentlyundocumented east-weststruc- movementof the thrust fault is constrainedstratigra-
ture at the northern end of the valley has produced phically only to be younger than early Tertiary.
north-south segmentation of the Andes at these Cross-cuttingrelations between early Tertiary intru-
latitudes. sionsand cleavedlimestonesin the Hurtado region
A belt of east- and west-dipping thrust faults, suggestthat the fault-synclinecouple may actually
known as the E1 Indio belt, straddles the international havebegunto form in LateCretaceous time.
border [Maksaev et al., 1984; Ramos et al., 1990]; at
30øSit is almostentirelywithin Chile but to the north Coastal Region
and southit passesinto Argentina(Figure2). These
structuresdeformMesozoicand Tertiaryvolcanicunits To the west of the Vicufia fault, the topographyis
much more subdued. More than 5 km of Cretaceous
and were active until --16 Ma (a major unconformity
exists between the Dofia Ana Formation, 29 - 18 Ma, volcaniclasticrocks,coveredlocallyby lower Tertiary
and the Cerro de las T6rtolas Formation, 16.6 - 11 Ma). volcanicsand intruded in the west by a long belt of
In Argentina northwest of the Iglesia Valley, the Cretaceousbatholiths,occur in this region [Thomas,
Cerro de las T6rtolas Formation locally is also tilted 1967; Moscoso et al., 1982]. The Cretaceous section
up to 35ø and is unconformablyoverlainby the unde- representsthe infill of a volcano-tectonicextensional
formed 6 Ma VacasHeladasignimbrite[Ramoset al., depressionwhich may have formedimmediatelyprior
1990];the regional importanceof this deformationis to the modern compressionalhistory of the Andes
unknown but is interpreted here to be small. The [Mpodozisand Ramos,1990]. There is little evidence
westernborder of the E1Indio belt is the west-dipping of significantshorteningin the CoastalRegion; Creta-
Bariosdel Toro fault which uplifts the easternside of ceous strata generally dip gently eastward with a
the Paleozoicplutonic nucleusof the Chilean High singlebroad anticlineat the centerof the belt [Aguire
Cordillera. The easternborder is formed by an east- and Egert,1965]. Major strike-slipfaultshavenotbeen
dipping thrust system in the Valle del Cura of identified in this transect of the Chilean Cordillera
Argentina[Marin and Nullo, 1988]. althoughthey are knownboth to the northand south.
The plutonic nucleusof the Chilean High Cordil-
lera is a 40-60 km wide belt of Late Paleozoic-Triassic FIRST ORDER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
compositebatholithswhich extendsfor morethan 350
km along strikebetween31ø and 28øS[Cornejoet al., Topography
1984; Nasi et al., 1985]. A substantial amount of
shortening,mainly pre-LateMiocenein age, is record- In an active mountainbelt, topographyis a dyna-
ed in this region particularly north of 30øS. Several mically evolving feature which directly reflectsfirst-
"gh-angle" reversefaultscanbe tracedfor more than order tectonicprocesses [e.g.,Isacks,1988]. On casual
80 km alongstrikeand basementcoredanticlinesattest inspection,the Andes at 30øSappearto rise smoothly
to distributed deformation within the major fault from the trench to the crest (Figure 3). East of the
blocks [Moscosoand Mpodozis, 1988]. Many fewer crest, the gradual reduction in topographyis inter-
faults have been mapped at 30ø but this may be due rupted by the IglesiaBasin-Precordillera couple. Sig-
solelyto the deeper erosionand lack of supracrustal nificantly more detail can be gleanedfrom a hypso-
strata which farther north facilitate the identifi- metric curve along the same transect (Figure 4a)
cation of structures. Alternatively, there may be because1:1or even5:1 topographicprofilesof an entire
north-southchangesin the distributionof shortening, mountainbelt, reducedto pagesize(e.g.,Figures3, 4b)
as suggestedearlier. show virtually none of the detail of the originaldata
The westernside of this plutonicnucleusis formed set. The differentialhypsometriccurve,in particular,
by the Vicufia thrust fault (Figure 2). This structure identifies an important surface at --4 km elevation,
dips 25-45ø eastand canbe tracedfor a strikelengthof which is also clearly visible in a profile of maximum
Allmendingeret al.- Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS 793

High Cordillera
Coastal Iglesia
Region Basin Precordillera
Sierras Pampeanas

•11ement level ........................

5o km

Fig. 3. Outline sketchof lithospheric-scale boundary conditionsas describedin the text.

Stippledarea on the eastside is the Bermejoforelandbasin. BenioffZone is from Cahill and
Isacks [1985] and Isacks [1988].

elevations(Figure 4b). Thus the crestof the Andes at interplatezonebut at depthsbelow 75-100km it hasan
this latitude constitute a narrow plateau, approxi- unusuallylow dip (-5ø).
mately -80 km wide. Peaksrise abovethis surfaceto The low dip has two important, related effects: a
elevationsof 6.0 km and the surfaceis alsodissectedby full thicknessof lithosphereis missingbeneathChile
canyons,particularlyon the westside(Figure4b). and westernArgentina,and moreimportantly,thereis
The timing of uplift of the Andeanedificeis a con- little or no asthenosphericwedge between the two
tinuingcontroversy, and no directevidencebearson the plates. The shallowingof the plate between10-15Ma
ageof morphological developmentat 30øS.On a more [Kay et al., 1988] cut off significantmagmatismat
regional scale, the present Andean morphology is about that time and thus removedit as a major factor
thoughtto be largely the result of mid-Mioceneand in subsequentcrustalvolume change. The lack of a
younger uplift [Pascualand Odreman Rivas, 1973]. significant asthenosphericwedge means that the
Since the mid-Miocene, the High Cordillera appears presenttopographyof the region probably does not
to have been regionally uplifted without significant havea strongthermalcomponent[Isacks,1988].
internal shortening, whereas the Precordillera has
experiencedactive shortening. This result matches Crustal Seismicity
well with the unroofing history as recorded in the
upper Cenozoic basins at 30øS [Beer et al., 1990; Although crustal seismicity does not provide a
Damanti, 1989] and with the timing of crustal thick- physicalboundarycondition,it doesshed somelight
ening inferred from geochemicalstudies[Kay et al., on both crustal rheology and depth distribution of
1988]. We use the narrow plateausurfacein our inter- brittle shortening. Crustal earthquakesin the west-
pretation of the structure beneath the High Cordil- ernmostSierrasPampeanasoccurto 40 km depth,only
lera. The model presentedbelow suggests, but doesnot 70 km above the Benioff zone and <300 km from the
prove, beginning of uplift of the High Cordillera at trench [Kadinsky-Cadeet al., 1985; Smalley, 1988;
12-16 Ma. Smalleyet al., 1988]. Theseobservationsindicatethat
the crust exhibits a significantelastic componentto
BenioffZone unusually deep levels and thus could be abnormally
cold or mafic. Given the lack of an asthenospheric
Justas the form of the free surfaceprovidesan upper wedge, we favor the former interpretation,although
boundary condition,the subductedNazca plate must gravity anomaliesin the foreland 200 km to the south
ultimately provide both the lower and the western along strikealsocanbe interpretedin termsof a mafic
limits to a crustal-scalebalancedsection(Figure 3). lowercrust[Introcaso, 1980;Snyder,1988].
Considerable data from both local and world-wide The spatial distribution of earthquakes shows
networksconstrainthe geometryof the subductedplate little activity within or beneath the Precordillera,
[Barazangiand Isacks, 1976; Bevis and Isacks, 1984; Iglesia Basin, and High Cordillera. Thus, the
Cahill and Isacks, 1985; Smalley and Isacks, 1987; activity has either ceasedin that part of the crust or
Isacks, 1988]. These data clearly show that the the thin-skinned deformation of the Precordillera and
Benioff zone has a normal, 30ø east dip in the its westward extension is aseismic.
794 Allmendinger
et al.: Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS

A. [ [ [ ] [ I [ [ [ [ [ I
200 100 I 100 200 300

/km 6'0
/km EAST

Area(kin) I Cummulafive
Area(kin2) /

B. maxtopo ½
• •
' Iglesia

Fig.4. (a) Hypsometric

curvesof theAndesat 30-32øS.Irregularcurvewith grayshadedarea
(top axis) is the incremental(differential) curve which showsthe amount of surfacearea at
any particularelevation.Note the maximumin areaat 4 km elevation. The smoothgray
curve(bottomaxis)is the cumulativecurvewhichshowsthe total areaabovea particular
elevation. It is the integralof the incrementalcurve. Comparethe form of thesecurvesto
thoseshownin Figure2 of Isacks[1988]for the Altiplanosegmentof the centralAndes. (b)
Topographic cross-section of the Andesalongtheline of sectionin Figure2, with elevations
km on either sideof the line of sectionprojectedontothe line. The "max", "ave",and "min
topo"have5x verticalexaggeration. Sectionis generalized
due to bothprojectionof a swath
of data and the very reducedscaleof the displayon a baseshowingthe curvatureof the
Earth. The plateausurfaceis bestseenon the maximumtopographycurve,the incisionof
riverson the minimumcurve. Thedifferencebetweenthe two showsthe degreeof erosion.
Note the much more extensive erosion on the west (Chilean) side of the Andes. This is also
reflectedin the hypsometriccurves.

Inferred Crustal Thickness data are not available. The only gravity surveysthat
cross the orogen are located >250 km to the south
The mostpoorlyconstrained
part of thisanalysisis [Introcaso, 1980] and >500 km to the north. Thus, we
the lack of any directmeasureof crustalthickness.No can make only simple isostatic models which are
crustalscalerefractionsurveysexistanywherein wes- consistentwith the topography(Figure 3). Unfortu-
tern Argentina,and extremelylimited deepreflection nately, even the degree of local versus flexural com-
datado not imagethe baseof thecrust. Evengravity pensationis unknown. The extentto which our crustal
et al.' Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS 795

thicknessmodelsare reasonablecanbe gaugedby how Fielding and Jordan,1988](also seebelow). Farther

closelyobservedsurfaceshorteningmatchesthat pre- west, the original thicknessof the Cambro-Ordovician
dictedusingcrustalscaleareabalancing.Thissortof flyschin unknownbecauseof the intense,pre-Andean
reasoningcannotbe pushedtoo far, however,without folding of that part of the sequence.
its inherentcircularity. Recentseismicreflectionprofilescollectedfor Yaci-
mientos Petolfferos Fiscales (YPF) cross the front of the
Depth to the D•collement easternmostwest-dipping thrust (referred to below as
the Niquivil thrust). Those data (Figure 5) show
One of the most fundamental controls on the bulk dipping reflectors within the thrust plate overlying
in a thin-skinneddeformationsystemsuch prominent flat lying reflectorsat 4.5 and 5.1 s (two-
as the Precordillerais the depth to the d(•collement. way time). The flat reflectorscannotbe multiples and
Industry seismicreflection data and the surface the line geometry with respect to all known three
geologyin western
Argentinaprovideverygoodcontrol dimensional features argues strongly against a side-
on this vital datum. It has long been noted that the swipe interpretation. Given what is known of the
Cambro-Ordovicianlimestoneor flyschsequence occurs velocity structure from the stacking velocities, we
at the base of each major thrust plate in the Precor- calculate that the two horizontal reflectors lie at
dillera; older rocks are never exposed [Baldis and and --15 km depth. Given the vertical separationof
Chebli, 1969;Ortiz and Zambrano,1981]. This strongly these reflectorsand their continuity, we suggestthat
suggeststhat the regionald(•collementlies within they correspondto the top of the Cambro-Ordovician
that sequenceand abovebasement.Thepre-Cenozoic limestonesequenceand the top of basement,respec-
stratigraphic thickness above that level varies tively. These depths are also consistentwith the
considerablydue to a complex,pre-Andeanstructural km thicknessof Mioceneand youngersynorogenic strata
history.In generalit is about4 km on the eastsideof in the foreland basin directly east of the easternmost
the Precordilleraand 6 km in the middle [Furque,1979; thrust (Figure 6). Thus, the basal d(•collementat the

thrust Niquivil

Fig. 5. YPF seismicreflectiondata from the Niquivil thrust(arrows),showingthe depth to

d(•collement(i.e. top of basement)and the out of sequencethrust. Seetext for discussion.
Seismicsectionis --13km long. Locationshownin Figures8 and 13.
796 Allmendinger
et al.- Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS

w E
O- Bermejo



Fig.6. YPFseismic
Basin(Figure2),showing thedeformed
of pre-Mesozoic
depthto thetopof inferredbasement.Pz-
pC(?), deformedPaleozoic(?) and/or Precambrianstrata;CO(?), Cambrian-Ordovician(?)
limestone. Note that the Cenozoicfold is detachedabovethe reflectorat ~7 s (~18 km).
isabout24km long.

easternedgeof the thin-skinned thrustbeltliesa..t~15- unconformities

km depth. This unusuallydeepd•ollement and the derablyfromplateto plateandevenwithina single
thicknessof the stratigraphicsectioninvolvedin the plate[Furque,1979].Thislackof a simplelayercake
thrustingto thewestprovidesimportantconstraints on stratigraphy
rendersimpossiblea strictapplication
theamountof shortening in thePrecordillera,
regard- Suppe'smethod [1983;Woodward et al., 1985]. It also
lessof thespecific
chosen. negatesmanyof Dahlstrom's [1970]rules,particularly
thoseconcerning thrustfaultscuttingup sectionin the
and thejuxtapositionof older
Notablefeaturesof the Precordillera YPFseismic reflection
units beneaththe BermejoBasin(Figures2, 6) are
The Precordillera
to the deformedand that their presentthicknessis much
applicationof the classicaltechniquesof balanced greaterthan that of probablycorrelativeunitsin the
construction.Here, we brieflydescribe easternmost thrustplate. The changein vergence of
several notable features of both the Precordillera and Cenozoic structures,fromthewest-dipping thrustsof
the easternpart of the IglesiaBasin. the Precordillerato the east-dippingthrustsof the
Beddingthicknessvariationand localizationof westernmost SierrasPampeanas, was probablycon-
the front of the thrust belt. Substantial Paleozoic trolledby thereversalin taperof thewedge-shaped
tectonicactivity severelymodified this margin of stratalpackages(Figure7) and by the pre-existing
SouthAmerica [Baldiset al., 1982;Ramoset al., 1986]. structuresbeneaththe BermejoBasin. Figure6 also
and tightlyfolded shows that Andean structures in the foreland basin are
rocksunderlieupper Paleozoicand Mesozoicstratain detached above a reflector at 7 s (-17 km).
both the morphologicaleasternPrecordillera(here Steepcutupangles.Beddingdips in the Precordil-
includedin theSierrasPampeanas
province) leraareconsistently steep;the shallowest
and westernpart of the belt. The easterntwo thrust localfold crestsand troughs)are ~30øandarelocated
platesof the thin-skinnedbelt do not showevidenceof at the eastern side of the thin-skinned belt. In the
this strongpre-Cenozoic
foldingbut subtleangular westernpart of thebelt,thismaybe due to bothpre-
Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS 797

.......base of Tertiary ........... base of Terti.ary

'----- '-" :••• ....... •••''"''
•'"'"'>•'•:•:':•• ...........
' •.
•- •• •............
-.-"c.• :.
.-:'"t•"1•-1I I I I • • • • • • • • • • •...!.-...•......-:.-...-c.-.-.-,---,
"• • I • • • • I • • • • • • ........................ .•:.:..::,.•...,.-. ,.::E.•:<.•.?g:•...•..•E•.•
, .........................................
.., ..................
.•-.---•-• • • •...:.....:....:.:.-.-.-._-:-:-:-•---'-•'"•
'l"• • • • , • • • • • • • • • • •
,--- ........
"'%•'"' •' ••ø*••'••••1

0 • •0 .....

Silurian-Devonian Cambro-Ordovician
'" Mesozoic
strata clastic strata limestone

Fig. 7. Detail of restoredsection(post-Mesozoic,pre-late Tertiary) of the Niquivil plate and

the Bermejobasin,showingthe basementarch and taperreversalcoincidentwith the change
in Neogene-Quaternary thrustvergence.Westernhalf of sectionalso seenin Figure 13. No
vertical exaggeration.

Tertiary deformation and stackingof Cenozoicfoot- cratonwardmigrationof the locusof deformationwith

wall ramps, but in the eastern half it is more likely time [Geiserand Boyer,1987;Woodward, 1987;Arm-
due to relativelysteepfundamentalcutoffangles.Our strong and Oriel, 1965]. Furthermore,Dahlstrom's
balanced cross-section of the Precordillera (see below) [1970] "family" of thrust belt structures does not
employs30ø footwall ramps. This is both closeto the emphasizeout-of-sequencethrusts, which violate the
shallowest regional dips observed and the steepest basicrulesof thrust geometries.
allowable dip for fault-bend folds that preserve The Precordillerahas several prominent examples
volume on the forelimbsof the hangingwall anticlines of out-of-sequencethrustsin both its easternand wes-
[Suppe,1983]. tern sides. One thrust, particularly well displayed in
Fault propagationfolds. The prevalenceof large the field and on seismicdata, deformed part of the
asymmetricanticlinesat the tiplines of many of the Niquivil plate after the strata of the plate were
large thrust faults within the belt indicatesthat fault rotated to their presentdip (Figures5, 8, and 9). Far-
propagationfolding is an important, if not the domi- ther west, the Iglesia Basin was filled during move-
nant, mechanismwithin the belt. This would explain ment on the major thrustswithin the Precordillera(see
the steepdips and steepinferredcutoffangles,because tb.efollowing section)and the basin stratawere subse-
fault propagationfolds preserveforelimb volume for quently deformed by several well-imaged out-of-
cutoffanglesas steepas 60ø [Woodwardet al., 1985]. It sequencethrust faults (Figure 10). The westernmost
probablyalso explainsthe suddenapparentchangein fault within the Precordillera, the Rfo Las Trancas
stratigraphicthrow along strikeof someof the thrusts thrust, overrides westerly derived upper Cenozoic
as a simple function of the positionof the tip line with units which onlap (with an angle as large as 40ø)
respectto the ground surface. For example,the east- Paleozoic strata within the next thrust plate to the
ernmostfault, the Niquivil thrust, apparentlychanges east (Figure 11). This relationship indicates that the
from placing Ordovician over Tertiary (with a dis- thruststo the easthad moved and createdtopography
placementof >20 km constrainedby seismicreflection prior to the depositionof the upper Cenozoicstrata.
data, Figure 5) to the unbroken Cuesta de Huaco Thus,the Rfo Las Trancasthrustis alsoa majorout-of-
anticline in a distance of--20 km (Figure 8). It is sequencethrust; it has a much gentler dip (--25-30ø)
possible that the main fault continues northward than the thruststo the eastand may have as much as
beneathyoung basin fill whereasthe fold corresponds 5-10 km of displacement.
to the tip line of a minor imbricate. However, the Quaternary(?)extensionaltectonics.Although not
rapid northward loss of displacement may be real, the main focus of this paper, it is interestingto note
given that many faults display elliptical, rather than that Iglesia Basin,as well as its southernextensionin
linear, displacementfunctions(Walsh and Watterson, the Calingasta Valley, contain a record of young
1989). extensionaldeformation. Whitney and Bastfas[1984]
Out-of-sequence thrusts. Because of the first showedthat the north-strikingE1Tigre fault has
widespreadinterestin the self-similarCoulombwedge an easterly dip in shallow trenches;the 50 m high
model of thrust belts [Davis et al., 1983], out-of- Quaternary scarpis up on the west side, indicatinga
sequencethrust faults have recently received consi- normal componentof displacement. Our studies of
derable attention. The wedge model requirescontin- arraysof minor faultsin naturalexposuresof the youn-
uous thrusting and thickening throughout, whereas gest Tertiary strata also show dominantly normal
several classical field studies have demonstrated the faulting with east-northeast horizontal extension
798 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

J--"• Quaternary alluvium

ß T,aio
• Permo-Carboniferous
•, Devonian
• Cambro-Ordovician
• liimestone out-of-
• exposed'•j• thrust 15'

• coveredJ
0 km 10


Figure 9


Fig. 8. (Opposite)Geologicmap of the easternpart of the Precordillerathrustbelt, showing

the three easternmosteast-vergingthrustsin the belt. Basedon Furque [1979],Fielding and
Jordan[1988],and field observations by the authors. Note the tip line of the Niquivil thrust,
southwestof Huaco, and the tip line of the unnamedthrustsouthwestof J•chal. Seismicline
in Figure5 crossesthroughthe gap in the Cambro-Ordovician block •-8 km northof Niquivil.
Note the out-of-sequencethrustin the Niquivil thrustplate betweenNiquivil and J•chal.
Allmendingeret al.: Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS 799


...... ' "....,,2•?..

. ..;...... -'%::-i.'
."' .

ß , .-:

....... :'-?:z..•.4..
. '
'-"- - :...,•'*•:
.-.: :. ....... . --•:•...'..•,:.¾•:• ..
ß ....

Fig. 9. ThematicMapper image showingdetail of the anticlineassociatedwith the out-of-

sequencethrust in the Niquivil thrustplate. Note broad anticlinein late Cenozoicstrataand
underlyingunconformitywith Paleozoicrocks.Imageis 15 km across.SeeFigure8 for location.

(Figure12). The tectonicoriginof this episodeof young of the easternthrusts,becauseof the proximity of the
extensionis not known. It seemsunlikely to be related sectionline to tip line folds. The sectionpredicts95 km
to developmentof the high topography[e.g., Dewey, of shorteningof an original 135 km wide belt, or about
1988; Burchfiel and Royden, 1985] because,though 70% shortening. Stated another way, the structural
oriented perpendicularto the topography,it occursat thickening has resulted in a tripling of the strati-
elevationsas low as 1600m. It appears equally un- graphic section.
likely that it is related to over steepeningand spread- This unusually large percentageof shortening--
ing of the Precordillerathrustwedge. most thrust belts have -50% -- is a direct result of the
original thicknessof the stratigraphicsectionand the
Amountof Shorteningin the Precordillera depth to the dScollement.The constraintsimposedby
these two features can be investigated by an area
The cross-section
in Figure13wasconstructedusinga balanceof the entire deformedpackagewhich doesnot
combination of line length and area balancing take into account the structures within it. One can
methods. The hanging wall cutoffs are eroded from visualize this change in area as being accommodated
every major thrust plate; the gaps between restored by a seriesof vertical-sidedpolygonsthat get taller
thrust plates have been kept to a minimum. This and thinner during the deformation. This unrealistic
assumptionis probablyacceptable,at leastfor several structural geometry gives the absolute minimum
800 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

5323 E
SP700 500 300 100
I I I ! I I !


Fig. 10. A representativeseismicline showing the overall geometryof the Iglesia Basin
(Figure2). Stationspacingis 50 m. Note the out-of-sequence thrustson the east side of the
basin and lack of evidencefor any fault bounding the west side of the basin. The seismic
sequencesin the Tertiary strata onlap a --12ø east-dippingbasementsurface;they are
described in detail in Beer et al. [1990].

amount of shortening; more realisticgeometrieswill determined in the detailed cross-sectionis probably

give larger values. close to the absolute minimum value for the belt. The
Assumingthat the originalwedge was 4 km thick at actualshorteningcouldbe largeralthough,as we show
its east side and 6 km thick at its west, it must have below,it cannotbe toomuchlargerwithoutresultingin
been 86 km long to match the area of the 37 km wide an unrealisticallythick crust or necessitatingtectonic
deformed package(see inset in Figure 13). This esti- erosionat the plate boundary.
mate is too small because it does not take into account
the area of material eroded from the thrust platesand WestwardProjectionof the Flat dEcollement
now residing mostly in the foreland basin (Bermejo
basin) to the east. Adding the area of the erosional Balancedcross-sections not only facilitatecalcula-
gaps in the actual restored section(which are mini- tion of the amount of shortening,but they alsoenable
mums) and subtracting the area of Tertiary rocks predictionsof how far beneaththe mountain belt the
within the thrust plates (Figure 13, bottom), we esti- d(•collementmust project. In the presentexample,if
mate the pre-erosionalarea of the deformed package there are no hidden duplexes of basementmaterial
to havebeen--488
km2. Thisareawouldrequirethat beneath the Precordillera, then the d(•collement must
theundeformedwedgewas98km long,producing61km be flat beneaththe IglesiaBasinand extendto a point
of shortening. beneath, or west of the international border.
Neither of the resulting values for internal shor- Although,a large amount of seismicreflectiondata in
tening,49 or 61 km, includesthe amountby which the the Iglesia Basinis availablefor inspection the two-
entire package has been translated over the autoch- way travel timesare not sufficientlylong to imagethe
thon by the easternmost thrust. That horizontal d(•collementat its predicted 16-18 km depth. We
shortening,--23 km, is relatively well constrainedby cannotrule out the possibilityof basementduplexesbut
the seismic data. Adding the internal shortening a variety of circumstantialevidence,describedbelow,
togetherwith the translationgives a total of 72 or 84 indicates that they may only be present west of the
km of shortening. Thus, the 95 km of shorteninlg Iglesia basin.
Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andes at 30øS 801



no vertical exaggeration

Tertiary Tertiary
pillow basalt

Fig. 11. Cross-sectionof the Rio Las Trancasthrust showing the unconformablerelations
documentingits out-of-sequence nature. Detail views show the onlap of Tertiary strata (in
white) on the back of the Rio de Caracolplate and in the Iglesiabasinon the back side of the
Rio las Trancasthrust plate. Seetext for discussion.

STRUCTURAL INSIGHTS FROM SEISMIC rocks,Permiangranitoids,and Permo-Triassic ignim-

STRATIGRAPHY OF THE IGLESIA BASIN brites. Thus,although,thereis an importantchangein
topographicslope between the High Cordillerasand
the Iglesiabasin (e.g., Figure 3), no surface-breaking
The geochronologyof the Iglesia basin, in concert fault uplifts the former with respectto the latter. The
with the subsidencehistory of the Bermejoforeland Tertiary strata accumulatedagainsta pre-existing,or
basin to the east, clearly shows that the Tertiary synchronouslydeveloped, topographicedifice. This
strataof the Iglesiaarea accumulatedduring thrusting fact, the synchronismof the Iglesia and Bermejo
in the Precordillera [Johnsonet al., 1987; Jordan et al., basins,and the inferencesaboutthe westwardprojec-
1988;Beerand Jordan,1989;Beeret al., 1990]. The geo- tion of the d(•collement, strongly suggest that the
metryof thosestratalpackagescontainsa recordof the IglesiaBasinis a "piggyback"basindevelopedwithin
topographicdevelopmenton the marginsof the Iglesia a singlemajorthrustsheet[Snyder,1988].
basinas well as the natureof the structurescontrolling The simplestgeometry for producing a piggyback
that development. The seismic stratigraphy of the basinis to localizeit betweentwo ramps. Rampsto the
>350 line kilometers of reflection data collected in the east in the Precordillera are readily available (e.g.,
Iglesia Basin has been describedin detail in a com- Figure 13). The lack of an exposedthrust on the west
panion paper by Beer et al. [1990]. Here, we briefly side of the Iglesiabasin suggeststhat the uplift of the
review only thoseaspectswhich bear on our structural High Cordillera must be associated with a buried
model. hanging wall ramp; its footwall counterpartmust be
The most strikingobservationfrom the seismicdata located still farther west. The observedonlap on the
is that, along the western margin, the Tertiary strata westernside of the Iglesiabasin is very similar to that
onlap onto a basement surface that dips ~12ø east describedby Medwedeff[1989]for the onlapof syntec-
(Figure 10). "Basement"here refersto all sub-Tertiary tonic strata onto the forelimb of a growing fault-bend
lithologies,which include Carboniferoussedimentary fold anticline("growth fault-bendfolding").
802 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

Equal Equal
Area Area 2


N= 57 C.I. = 2.0 sigma N = 57 C.I. = 2.0 sigma


Fig. 12. Equal area lower hemisphereprojectionsof kinematicanalysesof minor faults from
the Tudcfimregionof the IglesiaValley. All faultscollectedfrom stratayoungerthan •-7 Ma.
Note the dominanceof vertical shorteningand horizontal,east-westextension.Numbers and
black squaresshow the resultsof a uniformly weightedmoment tensorsolutionto the fault
kinematics (1 is the shorteningaxis and 3 is the extensionaxis). Method is describedin
Marrett and Allmendinger[1990].

Basin Precordillera Bermejo
:•.• Tertiary ß

Cambro-Ordovician Area = 420 sq. kin. Area = 420 sq. kin.
Width = 86 kin. Width = 37 kin.
0 km 20
Generic t '"'""::":':':•
Area Balance

Fig. 13. Balancedand restored sectionof the Precordillera. Inset shows at generic area
balance of the thrust belt, which is not dependent on the structural geometry within the
deformedpackageand doesnot includeerosion.The scaleof the genericareabalanceis not the
sameas the structuresection.Locationsof the seismiclinesand profilesin Figures5, 10, and 11
are shown for reference.
Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS 803

Thus, we suggestthat the easternside of the High Equal Area

Cordillera is the forelimb of a fault-bend fold anti-
cline. The 12ø eastdip of the basementsurfaceallows
us to predict the hanging wall cutoff (13-14ø if the
dEcollementdips 1-2øW)and by implication the foot-

wall cutoff (12-13øW)of the ramp responsiblefor the
uplift of the Andesat 30øS. Thesecalculationsassume
that the rules of fault-bend folding [Suppe, 1983] Bedding:
apply to the rocks of the High Cordillera. These
040 ø,
assumptionsare impossibleto prove but seemsreason-
12 ø E
able in light of the successfulapplicationof the tech-
nique to basementrockselsewhere[e.g.,Namsonand
Davis, 1988].


N = 28 C.I. = 2.0 sigma
Argentine Side Fig. 14. Equal area, lower hemisphereprojectionof
poles to bedding in Carboniferousstrata from the road
The Argentine side of the High Cordillera west of up the Agua Negra Passin the FrontalCordillera.Note
the Iglesia basin at the latitude of the cross-section the similarityin dip betweenthe averagebeddingand
(Figure 2), is characterizedby gentle open folding of thedip of thebasementsurfaceseenin the Iglesiabasin
the Paleozoicstrata and apparently minor high-angle seismicreflectiondata (Figure 10).
faulting (in contrast with observationsfrom farther
north [Marin and Nullo, 1988]). Dips in Carboniferous
sandstone and quartzite average 12ø east-southeast
(Figure 14), in rough accordancewith the dip of the in the plutonic core of the Chilean High Cordillera
basementsurfaceseenon the seismicdata. The region [Reutter, 1974; Nasi et al., 1989]. Reutter [1974] esti-
lacks evidence of significant horizontal shortening mated shorteningat 29øSto be on the order of 19 km.
(the E1Indio belt, both Argentineand Chileanparts,is This figure is in good general agreementwith an esti-
describedbelow), althoughregionalgeologicalstudies mate basedon fault surfacetracelength, derived from
are not completeenoughto rule out the possibilityof data in Nasi et al. [1989]. Thus, in these two belts,
strike-slipmotion along the high-anglefaults. there is probably ~30-40 km of horizontalshortening;
this calculation does not include distributed deforma-
Chilean Side tion within the major fault blocks(e.g., folding, pene-
trative strain, etc.). Most of this shorteningprobably
Three important belts of shorteningare presentin occurredprior to 11-16.6Ma [Maksaevet al., 1984;Kay
the High Cordillera: the E1 Indio belt which strad- et al., 1988;Moscosoand Mpodozis,1988].
dles the internationalborder, faulting in the plutonic The Vicufia fault is 230 km long, which gives
nucleus, and the Vicufia fault area to the west. Unfor- between 15 and 30 km slip for a reasonablerange of
tunately, there has been no quantitative assessmentof shearmoduli;usingan averagedip of 30ø,we estimate
the amount of shorteningin any of thesebelts. In the 13 to 26 km of horizontalshortening. The amountof
absenceof any more definitive measure,we use a sta- this shorteningwhich occurredduring Incaicdeforma-
tistical relationship between displacementand fault tion is unknown. The shorteningin the CoastalRegion
width (in this case, fault surface trace) to make a is very small, probablyno more than 2-3 km. In total,
rough first order estimateof shortening. Data on 366 then, the likely amount of horizontal shorteningon
faultspresentedby Walsh and Watterson[1988]shows the Chilean side of the Cordillera is --45-65 km,
a log-lineartrend of displacementvs. width which can although the very primitive nature of this calculation
be fit with a straight line with a slope of 1.58. Note must be taken into account.
that, to convert to horizontal shorteningthe dips of
the faults must also be known. CRUSTAL-SCALE BALANCE
Because faults in the E1 Indio belt cross the interna-
tional border, they have been mapped by different A whole-crustareabalancerequiresa knowledgeof
workers and their total lengths are difficult to deter- the thicknessof the crustprior to the deformation. As
mine. The minimum lengthof the Bariosdel Toro fault, neither this figure nor the presentday crustal thick-
~100 km, indicates5-10 km of slip. The easternboun- nessis well known, a virtually unlimited number of
dary fault is apparently about half that length and modelsis possible. We make no effort to presentall
other faults within that belt are much smaller. variants below; instead we present one reasonable
Assumingthat the fault dips in this belt averageabout model which is consistent with the first order boun-
45 ø, we estimate about 7-15 km of horizontal shorten- dary conditionsdescribedabove, but is designed to
ing. North of 30øS,at least4 majorreversefaultsoccur maximize shortening.Further refinementof the model
804 Allmendingeret al.: Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS

must await a more accurate measure of crustal mationmustbe accountedfor. Althoughthe structural
thickness. geometriesin this part of the orogen are relatively
two-dimensional,sedimentdispersalpatterns are in-
Generic Area Balance and Tectonic Erosion/Truncation herently three-dimensional.Lackingany other mea-
sure of erosion,we simply use the cross-sectional
Presentcross-sectionalarea. The pin line for these of theBermejo
Basin(460km2),whichis welldeter-
calculations is located at the eastern tip of the mined because of the excellent seismic coverage
Niquivil thrust. Thispositioncorresponds to theboun- (Figures2, 6, and 15). Adding this value to that above
dary betweenthe west-dipping,thin-skinnedPrecor- yields
a deformed
dillera thrust belt and the east-dippingthick-skinned the presentwidth of 380 km (Figure15, top). This area
calculation does not take into account the material
faults of the westernmostSierrasPampeanas(Figures
2, 15). Althoughshorteningin the SierrasPampeanas eroded from the Chilean side of the orogenbut may
over-estimate the erosion on the east side because
is importantto the overallcalculation
of crustalshor-
tening,we lack sufficientseismicreflectiondata to drainage patters show longitudinal transport of
definethe fault geometries.Jordanand Allmendinger material and its concentration in the Bermejo Basin
[1986] estimatedshorteningin the provinceat < 5%. [e.g.,Damanti,1989].
However, because most faults in the western Sierras Initial crustal thickness. The upper part of the
Pampeanasdip to the east, they do not thickenthe crustin the Bermejoforelandbasinis composedof ~7
crustbeneaththe orogen,which is the main focusof km of upper Tertiary strata. These rocks were
this paper. depositedmostlycoincidentwith the deformationdes-
The crustal thicknessesare taken to be those pre- cribedhere (with the possibleexceptionof the Vicufia
sentedabove. Basedon gravitydata locatedsouthof fault). Thus, assuming a present 45 km crustal
the transect,it is likely that the presentcrustalthick- thickness and thatthe Mohohasnotchangedposition
ness beneath the foreland east of the thrust belt is ~45 in the last ~15 Ma, crustal thickness in the foreland
km [Introcaso, 1980; Snyder, 1988]. The thickness prior to the onset of deformation was -38 km. The
beneath the crest of the Andes is taken to be 65 km, cor- surfaceat high elevations(Figure4) is suggestive
respondingto nearlycompletelocalcompensation,
and but doesnot require,low reliefpriorto uplift.
that beneath the Coastal Cordilleras 45 km. These No similar reasoningcan be made for the internal
numbers,admittedlypoorlyconstrained,give a cross- parts of the orogen,which experiencedmagmatism
areaof-17,120kr•2. prior to ~10 Ma. Accordingto Kay et al. [1987],trace
The amount of material eroded from the mountain elementpatternsare compatiblewith the presenceof
belt and depositedeastof the pin line during defor- garnetin the sourceareaof 16.6-11Ma lavas(the Cerro

= 458sq.

;a- 17117 sq. km

Width = 383 km

0 50 km
0 ••'•'•

50 km

'•• ß ......
,v .. v ,, --.':'•!:•t:
• .. .• >:. :-:• '-'--'-:-

.... ....._,,.............
..• ,,.. , .,.....

Fig.15. Generic
of theAndesat 30øS.A specific
butionis not assumed.Thisliberalconstruction
wasdevisedto maximizeshorteningbecauseit
the presentthicknessof thecrustbeneaththeHigh Cordillera,it
may underestimatethe startingthickness
of the the crust,and it neglectsany magmatic
priorto ~10Ma. Totalshortening
is 137kmor36%.
Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS 805

de las Tortolas Formation) indicating that the crust cation seemsunlikely becauseof lack of field evidence
had attained significantthicknessby the time of their for significantNeogenestrike-slipfaulting. The other
eruption. This age range correlateswith shortening possibility is that the crustal root is much thicker
due to reversefaults in the plutonic core and E1Indio than we have predicted, but the topographyis "held
belt of the High Cordillera [Moscosoand Mpodozis, down" by the nearly flat subducted Nazca Plate.
1988] and is coincident with the onset of Precordillera Given the myriad of unknowns,any attemptsat more
thrusting. Older lavas (the Dofia Ana Formation) precisemodelswould be a fruitlessexercise.
show little geochemicalevidenceof crustalthickening
althoughit is likely that somecrustalroot was present Distributionof Shorteningin the Crust
beneaththis older arc [Kay et al., 1987]. The Dofia
Ana Formationis geochemicallysimilar to the modern The surfaceloci of shorteningare well established:
lavas of the Southern Volcanic Zone south of 36øS and the Precordillera accounts for --60-75% of the total
thus the crustalthicknessduring the early Mioceneat shorteningof the upper crustlocatedbetweenthe plate
30øSmay have been similar to the present, poorly boundary and the Sierras Pampeanas craton. The
known crustal thickness farther south [Kay et al., Precordillera also includes nearly all of the post-
1989]. middle Mioceneshortening.In this section,we explore
To maximizethe amountof crustalshorteningbased two end member geometriesfor the link betweenthis
on the geneticarea balance,we showthe crustprior to upper crustal deformation and the shortening and
--15 Ma with a relatively uniform thicknessacrossthe thickeningin the lower crust. We only considerthe
entireorogen,with the exceptionof a taperededgecor- post 11-16.6 Ma deformation and make no effort to
respondingto the mid-Mioceneplateboundary(Figure accountfor older deformationin the High Cordilleras
15, bottom). The existence of a mid-Miocene crustal or along the Vicufia fault (as would be necessaryin a
root would reduce the difference in area between more completemodel). Only the first explainsthree
initial and final sections and reduce the overall shor- major observations:(1) the inferred westernprojection
tening. Thus our starting assumption is probably of the Precordillera d(•collement, (2) the width of the
unrealistically liberal but it does provide one end "lateau" surfaceon the top of the High Cordillera
member possibility. shown by the hypsometriccurve (Figure 4b), and (3)
Calculationand comparisonof shortening.Given the anglebetweenonlappingupper Tertiary strataand
the geometry shown in the bottom of Figure 15, the the dipping basementsurfaceat the westernmargin of
starting width must have been 520 km to match the the Iglesia basin.
area calculated above. The difference between this
Wedgemodel. The width of the High Cordillera
number and the presentwidth of 383 km suggests137 plateauis about 80 km and the amountof shortening
km of horizontal shortening. This number is, if any- determinedfor the Precordillerais 95+ km (Figures4b
thing, an over-estimatebecausewe have assumeda and 13). Furthermore,we noted abovethat the Iglesia
maximum reasonable value for the present crustal basin onlap geometry resembledsyntectonicsedimen-
thicknessand have neglectedany magmaticinput even tation on the forelimb of a major fault bend anticline.
though the agesof the volcanicrocksoverlap in time Thus,we suggestthat the easternand westernslopesof
with the age rangeof at least30% of the shortening. the plateau define the eroded forelimb and backlimb
The probablevalue of shorteningdeterminedin the kink-bands,respectively,of what amountsto a major
previoussectionof the paperliesbetween130and 170 hanging wall anticline (the uneroded forelimb is
km. If we comparethisobservedstructuralshortening, present only beneath the western Iglesia basin). The
determinedfrom outcroppingstructuresin the Andesat angle of the hanging wall ramp, measuredfrom the
30øS,it is somewhatlarger than what canbe accounted dip of the basementsurfacebeneaththe Iglesia basin
for by a reasonableestimationof the presentcrustal is 12ø, predictingand 11ø footwall ramp. If that ramp
cross-sectional area. However, the observed structural is --23km long and thrustingover the adjacentfootwall
shorteningwas calculatedconservativelyand the crus- flat is 95 km, the resulting flat-crestedanticline will
tal area balance was a liberal estimate (i.e. our as- be 80 km wide and have a structural relief of--5 km,
sumptionswere designedto maximizeshorteningin the preciselywhat is observedin the morphology(Figures
genericarea balance). Thus it is likely that the struc- 4b, 16). In this interpretation,the break in slopealong
tural shorteningis largerthan canbe accountedfor by the westernsideof the High Cordillerais producedby
the predictedcrustalcross-sectional area for the pre- the western kink band arising from the deep footwall
sent. Two explanationsare likely. First,many authors ramp and is unrelated to the Vicufia fault. Thus, a
have suggestedthat the plate margin hasbeeneroded criticalunresolvedproblemis the ageof lastmovement
or truncated,basedon the anomalouslyshortdistance of the fault.
betweenthe presentday trenchand the Mesozoicmag- This geometryappearsto fit the observedmorpho-
matic arc along the coastof north-centralChile [e.g., logy and shorteningof the Andesat 30øSexceptionally
Rutland, 1971]. Truncation or erosion of crustal well (Figure16). It does,however,raisea majorprob-
materialduring the Neogenewould reducethe area of lem: the ramp which connectsupper and lower crustal
the presentcrustalcross-section
relative to the amount shorteninglies entirely west of the high topography
predictedby surfaceshortening. A problem with this and,by inference,the zoneof lower crustalthickening.
is the fate of the removedmaterial:if eroded,it might The plate boundary provides the western limit to the
well be underplatedbecauseof its buoyancy,and trun- displacement of upper crustwith respectto lower crust.
806 Allmendingeret al.: Shorteningin the Andesat 30øS

Fig. 16. Crustalwedge model with IglesiaBasinonlap onto forelimbof major anticline. The
plateausurfaceis definedby the profile of maximumelevations(top curve);dotted curve is
the averageelevation(both at 5x vertical exaggeration)Note that the westernslopeof the
Andes, which coincideswith the Vicufia fault, can be explained as a kink band over the
footwall ramp.

Thus the displacementtransferto lower crustalshor- a zoneof morehomogeneous plasticdeformation.

teningand thickeningmustbe via a ramp which is the Evaluationof models.There are, of course,an infi-
mirror imageof the upper crustalramp. Thisgeometry nite range of possibilitieslying between these two
(Figure 16) is similar to a crustal-scaletriangle zone extremes. Both models account for the uplift of the
andhasbeennamed"tectonicwedging"by Price[1986]. HighCordillera
withouta surface
We have depictedthe lower crustaldeformationto be the west sideof the Iglesiabasin. We lean toward the
geometrically identical to the upper crust for wedgemodel becauseit is simplerto relateto the first
simplicity'ssake;shorteningcould be accomplished order featuresof the topographyand in additionpro-
completely by crystal plastic mechanismsand be vides a simple explanation for the onlap of Iglesia
kinematically,though not geometrically,identical. basin strata onto the titled basement surface. It would
Duplexmodel.An alternativemeansto accountfor be possible,but more difficult, to constructa duplex
the shorteningand thickeningis with a duplexzoneor model which accommodatedthe topographyand the
zone of distributed ductile thickening beneath the piggy back geometryof the Iglesia basin. In particu-
High Cordillera (Figure 17), similar to the model lar, it is difficult to reconcile the necessityof the
proposedby Isacks [1988] for the Altiplano farther frontal ramp beneath or east of the Iglesia basin
north. It would be difficult to predict the number of (Figure 17) with the surface geology and available
horseswithin the duplex; we arbitrarily assumethat seismicreflectiondata which indicate a hanging wall
they equal the number of major thrustsin the thrust ramp-over-footwallflat only west of the basin. The
belt. To link lower and upper crustalshorteningwhile duplex model or somevariant works very well where
rampof the there is a broad region of high topography in the
frontalhorsemustbe locateddirectlybeneath,or even orogenbehind the thrust belt. It shouldbe noted that
eastof, the IglesiaBasin. As in the previousmodel, neither model providesan adequatespecificexplana-
the duplexshowncould,kinematically,be replacedby tion for the observedzonesof shorteningin the Chilean


'duplex' +++++++

0 50 km

50 krn

Fig. 17. Crustalduplexend membermodel. Numberof horsesarbitrarilychosento matchthe

number of faults in the Precordillera. This model would be kinematically identical to a
distributedductileshorteningmodelsuchasthat presentedby Isacks[1988].
et al.: Shortening
in theAndesat 30øS 807

Cordillera. Additional study, especiallydeep seismic are dominating or competingwith frictional mechan-
reflection profiles, would undoubtedly show both isms along the anomalouslydeep d6collement. More
models presentedhere to be incorrect to a greater or importantly, however, it appears that major topo-
lesserdegree. graphic variations can be simply explained by first
order ramps and flats in the basald6collement,a geo-
CONCLUSIONS metry not specificallyaddressedin the critical taper
model. Finally, in the caseof the Andes at 30øS,the
Despitethe remainingunknowns,the Andesat 30øS "snow plow" can be nothing other than the plate
representone of the best opportunitiesto constructa boundary itself.
cross-sectionthroughan entire orogenicbelt. The sur-
facefeaturesare extremelywell exposedand generally Acknowledgments.We are indebted to numerous
adequately(though not completely)documented,the Argentine,Chileanand North Americancolleagues
plate geometryis known, and the dynamictopography discussionsof theseissues. Foremostamong them are
probablyreflectsfirst-ordercrustalstructure. Further- the participantsin the JointYPF-Cornellexpeditionto
more, the lack of magmatismduring the main phaseof the Iglesia Basin and Precordillera in June 1988: L.
shorteningreducesthe significance of one of the major Alvarez, R. Gorrofio, A. Gutierrez, J. C. Idiart, T.
unknownscommonto mostorogens.A majorbarrierto a Jordan,E. Kozlowski,and S. Miniti. Further exchanges
completecrustalbalancedcross-section is the lack of with V. A. Ramos,T. Jordan,S. Kay have considerably
crustal thickness information. This should constitute a clarified the ideas presented in this report. S.E.
major targetfor future investigation. Boyer, B.C. Burchfiel, and an anonymousreviewer
The shorteningat the surfacein the Precordilleraof also provided many helpful commentsalthoughthey
westernArgentinaaccountsfor ~60-75%of the total of do not necessarilysupport our conclusions.We are
~130-170km. The 95 km of Precordillerashortening grateful to Yacimientos Petrolfferos Fiscales for
occurredduring the last 10-15 m.y. Even though this permissionto publish the seismicreflectiondata and
magnitude is large, the shortening rate, 0.63 - 0.95 to the Donors to the Petroleum Research Fund of the
cm/yr, is lessthan 10% of the plate convergencerate. American Chemical Societyand the National Science
This ratio is in closeagreementwith other antithetic Foundation(Grant EAR-8607468)for support.
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