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ED 346/E Lesson Plan Template


RF.K.2 “Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

Objective: Students will be able to read each word aloud from the list by either blending the phonemes together or by

Assessment Plan: WHAT, HOW, WHEN, WHY

Students will be reading words one by one from a list that the head teacher has provided. The individual student will
be taken into a separate classroom to read the words from the list while the teacher marks which ones he/she gets
incorrect. The data will be compiled over the course of the next five weeks and checked for improvement.

Materials/Technology Needed:

Pen, “Pig Wig Can Hit” word handout, crayons

Anticipatory/Recall Prior Knowledge –

There is a picture relating to the words and story that the children will look at and explain to the teacher what they
think is going on. The children can color the picture once they have finished.


Three letter words, sight words, and plural words will be taught in this lesson. Children will be looking at a collection of
those types of words and asked to read them aloud to the teacher. They will prove their understanding of reading by
either sounding out each phoneme in the word as they blend the sounds together or by recognizing the word by sight.
I will have the paper of the words for the children to look at and read.

Guided Practice:

I will have the students keep their finger under the word when reading to look at teach letter to sound it out. When
they need help, I will tell them the sound so they can continue to read it aloud. The head teacher will then gather the
children to the kiva to read words and practice blending sounds together. She will also have the students practice
substituting other letters in front of words that have similar endings to pronounce those (for example, cat and bat).

Independent Practice:

After this, the lead teacher will be having the children read and write sentences on paper at their desks responding to
a prompt on the board. The children will raise their hands and have a teacher look at their work and if needed be
corrected and teach them what they got wrong.


I will be focusing on two particular students who need assistance reading these words. I will help meet their needs by
going at a slower pace and helping them sound out words if they show they struggle with a word after more than five
seconds. These children will be taken into a different room so there are no distractions from other students.


At the end of the lesson, I will ask the child to tell me what they remembered from the lesson and ask if they were
confused about any parts and answer any questions they have. I will then recap how when a word is plural it has an
“s” at the end.

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