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27/09/2019 Mail - Tahlia Jones - Outlook

27/09/2019 Mail - Tahlia Jones - Outlook

Re: Miss McKay's English and Global Studies

Kerry Filz <>
Fri 14/06/2019 19:35
To: Tahlia Jones <>

Hi Tahlia,

Thank you for contacting me.

If you could help him do the assessment verbally that would be appreciated as he would find that
easier than anything written. If you could do that on Monday that would be wonderful.

In regards to his Summative Task due tonight for Creating Poetry, if he could can he
keep working on this in class next week as he really struggles to keep on task with any
home work ? Especially when he may find it extra difficult.

He may require a modified task for this subject. He really struggles with anything written as he
knows it in his head but finds it hard to write it down. But if you could look at where he is at in
regards to the work that would be fantastic. Especially to see if he understands it.

It is difficult for Lockie to do work catch up after school as I have family and friends (as I am
working) collecting him from school for me. Then on Wednesday’s after school he has CFS cadets
and speech therapy on alternate weeks. So again after school can be difficult. He could certainly
do catch up time during lunch breaks.

Again, I appreciate you contacting me to let me know.

Kind regards,
Kerry Filz.

Sent from my iPhone

On 14 Jun 2019, at 4:57 pm, Tahlia Jones <> wrote:

Good Evening Kerry and Lee,

My name is Tahlia Jones and I am the pre-service teacher currently teaching Lockie for
English and Global Studies, for the topics The Black Death and Poetry.
I'm writing to advise you that Lockie is currently at risk of Failing a Summative Task for
Global Studies. This task was a comparison of Life Before and After The Black Death and
was due on the 31st of May. Lockie worked on this task for two weeks (weeks 4 and 5)
in class.

I have previously conducted a verbal assessment with Lockie for his Poetic Analysis task
and am more than happy to offer this as an alternative. If he would like this option I
would conduct this on Monday.…
1/2 27/09/2019 Mail - Tahlia Jones - Outlook

I have had a conversation with Lockie about this task this afternoon and he suggested
that he would be able to finish the task this weekend.

I would also like to advise that Lockie also has a Summative Task due tonight for
Creating Poetry. He has been working on this in class this week and seems to be
progressing well.

If you believe or he would prefer to I can modify this task as well in terms of either the
number of poems being created or the structures being used.

If I have not heard from you, or received the Summative tasks by Monday, Lockie will
receive extra support at lunch me Monday and Tuesday and may be assigned an after
school session on Monday.

If he has any concerns or questions he can SEQTA Direct Message me throughout the
weekend and likewise if you have any questions or concerns please contact me.

Kind Regards

Tahlia Jones

Student ID: 2151030

Course: BED(MSS)BA-B (English and History)

Year 4, 2019


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Re: Year 8 English

Kerry Filz <>
Thu 04/07/2019 20:00
To: Tahlia Jones <>

Thanks for letting me know.

If there is anything we can do at home to help Lockie, please just let me know.
Just need to know with a couple of days advance notice before any work is due.
Thanks again for helping lockie.
I do appreciate it.

Sent from my iPhone

On 4 Jul 2019, at 6:27 pm, Tahlia Jones <> wrote:

Hi Kerry,

Thank you for following up with a phone call this evening and I do apologise if this has
caused you any stress.

That being said Lockie submitted his article to me today at lunch me when he came
into work with me one on one. This seemed to work really well for Lockie and seemed
happy with his results. He wrote an article about a zombie vs. human drifting
competition in the end.

Again thank you for chasing this up.

Kind Regards

Tahlia Jones

Student ID: 2151030

Course: BED(MSS)BA-B (English and History)

Year 4, 2019


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