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Slavchev, V.: The Links between Dobrudja and the Forest-Steppe Zone of Eastern
Europe during the Middle Eneolitblc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Nenov, V.: Roman Military Diploma from Mauretania Tingitana Foun-d in Northern
Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Sto_.."·anov, Т. 1 Stoyanova, D.: The Tolos of Odessos 22

Gevrgiev, Р.: Klinedeckel aus Tlнacia und Moesia- stilistische Einfli.iesse und
Prohleme der Produktion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Andreeva, L.: Petrographische Untersuchung der Marmore aus dem Grabgewolbe

beim Dorfe Banja, Bezirk Pazardshik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 46

Cherneva-Tilkian, S. : А Little Known Bust-Weight ofPulcheria from Philippopolis

(present-day Plovdiv), Southern Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Dintchev, V.: Zikideva - an Example of Early-Byzantine Urbanism in the Balkans 54

Torbatov, S.: Quaestura Exercitus : Moesia Secunda and Scyt11ia under Justinian 78

Kondova, N. 1 Cholakov, S.: Europeidity and Mongoloidity on the Territory of

Medieval Bulgaria . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . .. . . . . 88

Poulter, А.: Nicopolis ad Istrum: А Roman, Late Roman and Early Byzantine City
(Excavations 1985-1992). London 1995. (Dintchev, V.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Kabaktschieva, G.: XVII. Liш~s-Kongress in Salau, Rumiinien 105

Editor: Dr. Lyudmil Ferdinandov VAGALINSKI

ARCHAEOLOGIA BULGARICA is а four-monthjournal (thrice а year) which presents а pub-

lishing forum for research in archaeology in the widest sense ofthe word. There are no restric-
tions for time and territory.
Objective: interdisciplinary research of archaeology.
Contents : articles, reviews and news.
Languages: English, German and French.
Intended 1·eaders: Scholars a11d students of the following fields: Archaeology. Nun1ismatics.
Epigraphy, Ancient History, Medieval History, Oriental Studies, Pre- and Early History, By-
zantine Studies, Anthropology, Palaeobotany, Archaeozoology, History of Religion, Architec-
ture, Technology, Medicine, Sociology etc.

011 the cover: Artificial deformed skull from Vidin (NW Bulgaria), 8th с. AD . Photo Svetomir Rusev.

ISSN 1310-9537
Arch. Bulgarica 1997 3 54-77 Sofia




The main objective of the long years of ar- hances its prestige of а centre of first-rate im-
chaeological excavations at the Tsarevets Hill portance in the northerп part of the Peninsula.
near the preseпt-day town of Veliko Turnovo The town оп Tsarevets is also one of the t'e\v
(Fig. 1) has been the unearthing ofthe remains .c entres iп this large territory whose fuпction­
of the medieval Bulgariaп capital . The re- iпg in the 7th ceпtury has been proveп.
maiпs of the Early Byzantiпe town centre ly-
ing below have still Ьееп in the periphery of EARLIEST DA ТING OF ТНЕ EARL У
the research interest here. The results of their BYZANТINE TOWN
investigatioп for the time being boil down to
just а few puЬlications оп individual sections After the епd of the Iron Age, life on the
of the ·fortress and on separate monuments or Tsarevets Hill resumed in the 4th ceпtury. The
finds from the interior. А few generalising ar- late Roman ceпtre of population l1ere was а

ticles have also been puЬlished, but they are common village (vicus, kome). Its fate during
relativ.ely limited iп volume and iп the raпge the 5th century up нntil the rule of Emperot·
of proЬlems they cover (Ангелов 1986, 35- Anastasius 1 has not been clarified so t'at· ,
since information and material from tl1at pe-
58; Pissarev 1990, 875-882; Алексиев 1994,
riod, generally, are still extremely scaпty. The
earliest finds with precise dating in tl1e vari-
The excellent defence iп terms of nature
ous compounds and buildings of tl1e Еагlу
and fortificatioп structures, the coпsideraЬle
Byzantine urban structure have been coiпs ot·
populatioп for the Early Byzantine Age
Emperor Aпastasius 1. Therefore today опе
(ЕВА; late 4th - early 7th century) and the
сап agree to the reseaгchers' view, wlю refet·
great пшnЬеr of samples of represeпtative
the emergence ofthe fortified town to tl1e late
puЬlic апd housiпg architecture define the
5th-early 6th century (Ангелов 1973, 332- 333;
town on top the Tsarevets Hill as ап important
1980, 13; 1986, 43, 57; Ваклинов 1974, 179;
ceпtre поt only within the Moesia Inj'erior
1977, 48; Овчаров/Ваклинова 1978, 12,36;
province of the Thracia diocese, but also for
the Balkan domaiпs ofthe Empire, in geпeral. Ангелов/ Попов 1986, 9; Pissarev 1990, 876/
Among the пewly estaЬlished towns iп the
ЕВА here, the one on top the Tsarevets Hill TOPOGRAPHY, AREA AND
was amoпg the largest in terms of space and FORТIFICATJON
demography. When compared, for instance,
with the well-kпown Iustiniana Prima, Tsarevets is in the eastern part of \Vhnt is
founded Ьу Emperor Justinian 1 to Ье а capital today Veliko Turnovo. lt is а rocky elevation
of the Illyricum Prefecture 1 , it has а nearly - 252 m above sea level, with а peninsulaг
three times larger area within its protective situation among the meanders of tl1e Уанtга
fortificatioпs. The circumstance that the town River (Fig. 2). It l1as а well delineated t·ocky
was also the пucleus of а large-scale agglo- ridge in ап irregular shape reseшЬliпg а tt·iaп­
meration of ceпtres of population further еп- gle, and vertical slopes. lt is accessiЬle опlу

Iust. Nov., Xl , CXXXI ; Proc., Dc acdif., IV, 1 (ГИБИ 1959,47-49,71, 156- 157). The area of lustiniana Р1·iпш
rcliaЫy protectcd Ьу а solid fortification- tltc so-callcd "uppcr to\vrt", including tltc acropolis апd tltc bislюp 's
corпpollnd artd thc so-called "lower town"- anюunts to а total of 7,25 ltectares (Bavartt 1984, 273- 285 ).
Tlte characteristic fcatllres oftlte Late Roman settlerпertt artd the qtrestions concerning tlte initial date oftltc Ear·Jy
Byzantine towrt 011 Tsarevets we have been discussed in greater detail in another study handed for pLrЬiicatiort
(Диrr•rев, nод nечат).

Zikideva- ап Example oj'Ear/y Byzantine Urbanism ...

from the south-west Ьу а пarrow rocky isth- The ЕВА fortress wall follows throughout
mus (Fig. 2, 3). lts crest extends from the top the periphery of the rocky ridge of Tsarevets
to its northerп sectioп, knowп as Lobnata and rests on the rock itself (Fig. 3, 4, 5, 13).
Skala. The crest has а flat surface апd а geпtle lt was built ofbrokeп stoпe апd шortar. There
slope to tl1e пorth. The rest of the e1evatioп to are differeпces iп the layout of the froпts апd
the periphery of its rocky ridge is а terraiп of iп the thickпess of its iпdividual sectioпs:
well-expressed 1owering to the west, east апd from opus quadratum апd thickпess of 2,4 m
south. Ап exceptioп is the rock p1atform iп its at the maiп gate to the аЬsепсе of ап у specific
south-westerп sectioп пехt to the coпnectioп face masoпry апd thickness of 1,25 m at the
with the isthmus. Be1ow the vertica1 s1opes southerп sectioп of the easterп curtain

there are river terraces, 1imited iп area. Ве­ (Рашенов 1936, 390; Ангелов/Николова

уопd the opposite Ьапk ofthe Yaпtra river e1e- 1962,66-67;Ангелов 1966,12-13, 16; 1986,

vatioпs with simi1ar geomorpho1ogy to that of 47,50; Долмова 1984, 132-133; 1985, 203-
Tsarevets rise iп all directioпs (Fig. 2). 204; Pissarev 1990, 876; Вълов 1992, 39-48,
То build on а terrain of an express dis- 53-54, 70; Писарев 1992, 160; Алексиев
p1acement, as the terrain of Tsarevets is in its 1994, 23-24). No later periods of coпstruction
шajor part, requires pre1iminary preparatory
or repair have Ьееп ideпtified iп the remains
work апd the use of back-up techпiques. Dur- ofthe fortress wall that have survived. 'Conse-
queпtly, the differeпces iпdicated have been
ing the coпstructioп of the towп of the ЕВА,
the cutting and artificia1 terracing ofthe rocky due to the locatioп апd importaпce of the in-
grouпd was exteпsive1y app1ied; supportiпg
dividual sectioпs, апd to the eпdeavouгs fot·
walls were built, as well as flyiпg buttresses, the faster completioп of the foгtification sys-
tem as а whole. It сап Ье assumed, however,
etc. The terraiп determiпed the kiпd of for-
that the coпstructioп of the fortress had been
tress апd the пetwork of streets, the пature of
а loпger process, whereby it was precisely the
the water supp1y апd sewerage systems. The
eпdeavour for its faster comp1etioп апd for
desigп so1utioпs of the iпdividua1 architec-
makiпg saviпgs iп fuпds апd materials tl1at
tural compouпds had Ьееп coпformed to the
had Ьееп the cause uпderlyiпg the differences
terraiп. The coпditions of the terraiп also
iп the coпstructioп ofthe sections built last. Jt
large1y predetermiпed the space patterп ofthe
сап Ье assumed, for iпstaпce, that the southerп
towп from the ЕВА. lt should Ье poiпted out,
sectioп ofthe easterп curtaiп \vas опе ofthose
however, that the selectioп of Tsarevets to Ье
built last.
the site of а пеw towп was deliberate, made iп
The maiп towп gate of the ЕВА was iп the
coпformity with the пеw treпds iп urbaпism.
south-western part of the fortress, оп the side
The towп on Tsarevets Hill is the ideal example of its опlу accessible part (Fig. 3/1 ). Т11е gate
illustratiпg these treпds, iпcludiпg the treпd of
has а prqpugnaculum with dimeпsions of 11 х
paramouпt importaпce - the requiremeпt of
6 m оп the iпside and with two eпtrances. The
пatural defeпsibility апd iпaccessibi1ity.
exterпal епtrапсе was with а cataract, and the
The area of the fortified Tsarevets duriпg interпal with а two-leafed door. Risiпg above
the Bulgariaп Middle Ages has been calcu- the propugnaculum was а gate tower, accessi-
1ated to have covered 21,4 hectares (Харбова ble via ап exterпal staircase, leaпiпg onto the
1979, 48-49). Iп view of the overlapping of southerп fortress wall (Fig. 4). А stroпg tower
the Early Byzaпtiпe fortress wall апd the Me- iп ап irregular shape approximatiпg а triaпgle
dieval fortress wall, estaЬiished iп various was built to the north iп direct proximity to
sectioпs, with the exceptioп of the sectioп of the gates. The tower butted out about 16 ш in
the пеw medieval gates, erected iп froпt ofthe front of the face of the gates (Fig. 4). The
Early Byzaпtiпe gate, it сап Ье assumed that faces of the tower walls, in the same way as
the fortified area of the towп from the ЕВА those of the gates, are also of quadratum ша­
was about 21 hectares. sопrу. The thickпess of the tower wall most

Ventzislav Dintchev

vulneraЬle in case of an attack reaches 2,85 m ЕВА on Tsarevets precisely the need ot" sucl1
(Ангелов 1966, 12-14, 17; 1986, 47; Овча­ а structural nucleus had dropped out.
ров 1982, 40; Вълов 1992, 51-62). Orthogonal planning is not characteristic
А point of special importance for the defence of the ЕВА town оп Tsarevets, eithei". Ele-
ofthe ЕВА town was also the south-eastern cor- ments of such planning have only been tound
ner of its fortification system (Fig. 3/2). The iп its religious centre. Т\\'О streets wide "up to
rocky ridge of Tsarevets is lowest there. For 7 m" cross at right angle and set apart the mon-
that reason an angular tower was built here, astery compound to the north and to the west
an insignificant part of which has survived to (Fig. 8). Another street with а north-south ori-
this day. Alongside the internal face of the entation and width of 1,55 m separated the
southern fortress wall, the foundation has church with its mortuary from the peristyle
Ьееп unearthed of the staircase (Fig. 5) secur- building and reached, probaЬly at right angle,
ing access to the tower (Вълов 1992, 20, 39, to the street north of the monastery (Fig. 9).
41; cf. also Рашенов 1936, 382-383; Алек­ These streets have been followed only around
сиев 1994, 23). the representative compounds mentioned
А town gate from the ЕВА has also Ьееп (Fig. 3/4-6). Their lengths did not probaЬiy
t"ound at the ceпtral section ofthe westerп for- exceed consideraЬly the lengths ofthe facades
tress wall, alongside the gate described above. of the former, i.e. the streets referred t.o had
It "had one door and was probaЬly Ьlocked Ьу loca1 importance and cottld not Ье assumed to
а horizontal wooden beam" (Писарев 1992,
have been major compoпeпts of the town пet­
160). So far there has been no further infor- work of streets. The streets пехt to the шoп­
mation about any other gates. А smaller en- astery compound were paved with "smaJJ
traпce- а postern gate - is supposed to have
stoпes and а great number of particles f'roш
existed in the пorthern sectioп of the western
bricks and tiles". The street between the per-
fortress wall (Писарев 1977, 116). Posterп
istyle building and the compound with the
gates may also have existed iп other sectors of
mortuary was covered Ьу stone slabs
the fortress.
(Ангелов 1962, 25; 1973, 274; 1986, 46, 51,
53, 56).
NETWORК OF STREETS, W А TER One of the more importaпt communica-
SUPPL У AND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS tions i n the ЕВА was no doubt "the alley ,
leading to the gates" in the centra1 sectol" of
In puЬlications about Tsarevets that have
come out so far there are по data of а square the western fortress wall. The orientation ot·
from the ЕВА. Such а square may have ex- that "alley" or street in its section at the gate
isted in the south-easterп part of the fortified does поt coiпcide with the loпgitudinal axis ot·
area, on the rock platform directly behind the the latter. То the north, the street reached tl1e
main gates апd the basilica next to it (Fig. 3, 4). building housing the seпtries at the gate. То
Had that square existed iпdeed, however, it the east, the street was restricted Ьу "а scpa-
would have been quite limited in size and rate wall", constructively linked to the soutll-
\vould have had importaпce for 1ocal commu- erп facade of the buildiпg and contiпued f'or
пicatioпs опlу . further 26 m southwards (Fig. 12). The waJJ
Tl1e аЬsепсе of а sizeaЬle representative quoted "is parallel to the fortress \val\ and en-
square is indicative ofthe towп discussed and closes а space 13 m wide, leading from the
of the trends iп provincial Early Byzantine central parts of the hill to the gate" (Писа рев
towп-planпing, iп geпeral . The Romanforum, 1992, 160, 161). For the time being there lшs
апd the Greek agora, respectively was notjust not Ьееп апу other iпformation regarding the
ап elemeпt of commuпicatioпs, but а пucleus layout of the street.
of the апсiепt town structure, where puЬlic There are mostly indirect data about the
life conceпtrated and which was the symbol пetwork of streets iп the other sectors of thc
ofthe town's autoпomy. In the town from the fortified area. For instance, iп the \vestern pal"t

Zikideva- ап Example oj'Early Byzantine Urbanism ...

of Tsarevets agaiп, the existeпce has Ьееп as- No water supply systems from the ЕВА
sumed of streets, approximately parallel to the have so far Ьееп ideпtified withiп the fortified
fortress wall, built оп various heights оп the area of Tsarevets. Water reservoirs, built of
separate rock terraces. The width of опе of masoпry or faced with bricks апd plastered
them has Ьееп detenniпed to Ье "from 7 to 8 m". with hydrophobic morta1· have been fouпd at
Ап iпdicatioп of their existeпce has Ьееп the some of the more represeпtative buildiпgs in
geпeral arraпgemeпt of the buildiпgs uп­ the ceпtral апd пorthern part of the elevation
earthed here (Fig . 14). Siпce the location of (Fig. 3/4, 3/l О апd Fig. 8). They are small iп
the buildiпgs has Ьееп coпformed to the hori- size апd had served опlу tl1e buildiпgs to
zoпtal liпes of the tепаiп, the roadways fol- which they had Ьееп built (Ангелов 1973,
low their outlines {Дремсизова-Нелчинова 303-305, 307-308; Алексиев 1977, 114). Ап
1983, 20-21 ). Ап aпalogous arraпgemeпt of exceptioп is а vaulted cistern, approximately
buildiпgs has also Ьееп fouпd iп the southerп sized 11 х 5,5 m, fouпd at the architectural
part of Tsarevets (Славчев 1984, 129-130; compouпd iп the пortherп part of Tsarevets
Алексиев 1986, 13 7; Ботов 1986, 145). Simi- (Fig. 3/7 апd Fig. 7/1). lt was probaьty used
lar streets сап therefore Ье expected here. поt опlу Ьу those liviпg iп the compouпd . lts
The buildiпgs оп опе terrace are at some preseпce is ап evidence of the latter' s puЬlic
distance опе from the other (cf. Fig. 3, 13, 14). character (Теофилов 1979, 34-35 , 40 ;
This, in turп, presupposes the existeпce of Ангелов 1986, 54).
streets or passages, located crosswise to the For the time beiпg the question ofthe ЕВА
horizoпtals of the terraiп, which were соп­ water supply of the ordiпary housiпg districts
песtiпg buildiпgs from differeпt terraces. Iп withiп the fortified towп area remains ореп .
the sectioпs with а steeper iпcliпatioп, stairs Iп view of the closeпess of the Yaпtra River
were probaЬly cut iпto the rock. Such а stair- (Fig. 2) it may Ье assumed that tl1eir iпhabi­
case, "shaped out oflarge flat stoпes", 2,90 m taпts had used its waters for household pш­
wide, has Ьееп uпearthed iп the пorth-westerп poses, probaЬly Ьу fetchiпg water in vessels
part of Tsarevets. lt is assumed to have se- апd water bags.
cшed the access to the supposed posterп gate Caпals of limited 1eпgth have Ьееп un-
iп the respective sectioп of the fortress \Vall earthed at various places on Tsarevets Hill,
(Писарев 1977, 116). Most of the streets liпked with individual buildiпgs or architecu-
aloпg the built slopes of the fortified area tral compounds from the ЕВА. They all lшve
have по pavemeпt, their surface beiпg the Ьееп defiпed as "water-catchment canals ",
пatural rock. At some places stoпe slab pave- which served to lead the atmospheric waters
meпts have also Ьееп uпearthed {Анчева to the nearby street (Ангелов 1973, 277, 300-
1989, 156; Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1983, 301, 318; Писарев 1982, 82; Дремсизова­
16). It is 110t sure, however, whether they co- Нелчинова 1983, 18) . For the time being
vered fully the respective street roadways, or there is no avai1able data about any main
were опlу limited to the eпtraпces of the water catchment canals. Such canals had
bнi1diпgs апd arouпd them. probaЬiy not been built. Their functions in the
Jп view of the priпciple of ftшctioпiпg апd Eearly Byzantine town were taken over Ьу the
the scheme of the рlаппiпg, the street пetwork steep radial streets. Their use as open air ca-
of the ЕВА оп top Tsarevets Hill сап teпta­ пals presupposes the existeпce of openiпgs in
tively Ье described as coпceпtric-radial. lts the fortress curtains for the draiпage ofwater.
look апd specific features have Ьееп fully de- The simplified sewerage system created prob-
termiпed Ьу the terraiп coпditioпs. What is lems for those living in the lower altitude sec-
characteristic of the towп uпder discussioп at tors ofthe fortified area. That is why measures
its very emergece, is the аЬsепсе of ап inter- were applied here to protect the buildings
vallum, of ап uпiпterrupted riпgroad aloпg its from flooding. lt has been found out, for iп­
fortress wall. stance, that the exterпal walls of the сошшоn

Ventzis/av Dintchev

houses in the southern part ofTsarevets "were dimensions with the Early Byzantine one
faced with upright stone slabs" with the pur- (Fig. 6). lts central location dominating the
pose of protecting their foundations from whole town predetermines the special impor-
flooding (Алексиев 1986, 137). tance ofthat basilica (Fig. 3/3 ). А proof ofthis
is also its extremely solid constrttction. An-
other proof is also its impressive volume,
which has been evinced Ьу the consideraЫe
Remains of an Early Byzantine basilica width of its central nave3 . In charge of the
with а narthex and а semicircular apse have church service here was probaЬly а high-rank-
been unearthed on top Tsarevets Hill, below ing clergyman in the town's church hierarchy .
the medieval patriarchy. The basilica has di- In view of the justified assumption that the
mensions of 22,8 х 12m (Fig. 3/3 and Fig. 6). town ofthe ЕВА on top Tsarevets had been а
lts foundations are of broken stone and mortar. bishopric, that person must have been the
Their thickness in front is 1,15 m and 1,25 m in Ьishop.
the apse. They are reinforced Ьу flying buttre- The largest architectural compound of the
ses from the outside. The walls were probaЬly Early Byzantine town (Fig. 3/4) has been in-
in opus mixtum. А foundation of а staircase vestigated approximately in the geometrical
l~ading to "the gallery over the narthex" has centre ofTsarevets. lts total area is about 3,5-
been unearthed in the western end of the 4 decares. In its final appearance it included а
northern паvе. А staircase is supposed to have religious building, premises and installa-
existed in front ofthe western facade, leading tions, functionally connected and grouped
to the main entrance and cut into the steep around it, as well as а big housing building. lt
slope. The brick floor of а building has been was set apart to the north and to the west Ьу
uncovered next to the southern facade, which the streets, earlier described, intersecting at а
has been assumed to have been а baptistry right angle, and its facade was laid out with
(Fig. 6). The grave of а high-ranking clergy- colonnades. То the south and to the east its
man has been found outside, close to the apse. boundaries were determined Ьу the situation
The construction of the basilica has been of the buildings included in it. Their overall
dated to the period of emergence ofthe Early planning is assymetrical, determined Ьу the
Byzantine town (Ангелов 1980, 10-15; 1986, terrain conditions (Fig. 8). Two basic periods
54-55). have been estaЬlished in the development of
The researcher of the above-mentioned the compound. At first а one-nave church with
church describes it as "а small three-nave ba- а narthex and а pentagonal apse was built in
silica, servicing those living in the highest the late 5th and early 6th century, with dimen-
part of the town" (Ангелов 1980, 1 0- 15; sions of 27,85 х 10,60 m. lt was built with
1986, 54). In our view, this is not an ordinary mortar. Soon afterwards most of' the premises
neighbourhood church. In size it can Ье re- and installations, connected with and grouped
ferred to the medium-sized Early Byzantine around the church were also built. They were
religious buildings of the respective type. But made out of stone and clay solution and mнd­
what is more iшportant in this case is that the bricks. Construction seems to have Ьееп car-
basilica on top Tsarevets Hill could not have ried out in that period in the sot1th-eastern
possiЬly been made larger, because of the ter- group of the compound, too. The latter ac-
rain conditions. The same refers, Ьу the way, quired its final appearance with the recon-
also to the medieval patriarchal church which struction ofthe religious building into а three-
generally coincides in its outside outlines and nave basilica and with the construction of the

3 Whercas the width of the basilica's central nave is 6,40 m, the width of its lateral naves are just 0,90 m еас\1
(Ангелов 1980, 10). The sma\1 width of the \ateral пaves is а challenge to their пormal usagc during churcl1
scrvice. ln any case, this dcsign solution had definite\y been condicive to the monumental vicw of the basilica,
because it is precisely the central nave that makes up the basic volume ir\ this kind of buildings.

Zikideva - ап Example oj" Ear/y Byzantine Urbanism ...

two-storied building south of it (Fig. 8), 1ater basilica: its great size, the existence of а
i.e. during the second main period in its deve- synthrone, а presЬitery, а ciborium, etc. The
lopment4. The basilica has а narthex and а elements listed, however, are not always ап
semi-circular apse and is with dimensions 35 х indication directly associating а given relig-
18,5 m. lt has а colonnade-architrave design. ious building with the bishop. ln our view, of
The naves in the naos had been divided Ьу determining importance in the elucidation of
marЬle banisters. The apse was with а three- the character of the entire compound is the
step synthrone and а presbitery. In front of it two-story housing building. According to the
rose а ciborium and an alter fence . The floor above thesis, precisely this must have been
ofthe basilica was ofbricks, arranged in vari- the residence ofthe Ьishop. But lacking in this
ous geometrical patterns. The housing build- building are а number of components, typical
ing was designed in the shape of а rhombus of а representative residence from the ЕВА -
with dimensions 31 х 15m. lt consisted offive а hall for formal receptions, а section with
rooms arranged in а chain and а covered cor- baths, etc. The rooms arranged in chain here
ridor to the west , inbuilt in whose northern are rather а testimony of inhaЬit.ants who were
end was а water reservoir. The ground floors with identical social status (Fig. 8). Therefore
ofthe premises were vaнlted. There is а court- the design of the buiJding corresponds better
yard i 11 front of the western facade of the to the requirements of а monastery hostel than
building with the entrance, confined Ьу а fen - to the requirements of а representative resi-
cing wall and probaЬly farm premises. There dence. This more likeJy interpretation pre-
is common space of stone-flagged courtyard sents the greater Jikelihood ofthe entire coш­
between the housing building and the basilica. pound as being а monastery. Since there was
The walls ofthe two buildings are in opus mix- а bishop in the town, the monastery would ,
tum with mortar. А later period of construc- naturaHy, have been under his subordinatioп ,
tion without any alterations in the design has whereas the monastery church - the basilica,
also been identified in the basilica (Ангелов would have been attended Ьу and suited to
1973 , 271 - 337; 1986, 50-53 ; Овчаров/ correspond to the visits of the Ьishop .
Ваклинова 1978, 15, 36; Pissarev 1990, 878). То the north ofthe monastery and the street
The interpretation of the compound de- flanking it, another religious compotшd frorn
scribed arouses induЬitaЬie interest. Some the ЕВА has also been unearthed (Fig. 3/5).
authors define it as а Ьishop's seat, and the Occupying pride of place in it is а one-nave
three-nave churcl1 as а Ьishopric church, re- church and а semicircular apse - dimensions
spectively, the two-storied housing building 12,8 х 7,7 m, and а building with а cross-like
is thought to have been the dwelling of the pJan - dimensions 14 х 13,35 m, coпnecte d
Ьishop (Ангелов 1973, 319, 332, 336; 1986, 53; with the southem facade ofthe church (Fig. 9).
Овчаров 1974, 58; Pissarev 1990, 878). Ac- The cross-shaped building, where " а sma\1
cording to another researcher's view, this is а hiding place of two chambers" has Ьееп un-
nюnastery compound, which had at the same covered has been identified with а martyrium .
time served as tl1e residence of the bishop The foundations ofboth buildings are ofstoпe
(Тулешков 1988, 21 - 22). and clay mixture.Their walls are in opus mix-
Those upl10lding the thesis identifying the tum, but whereas mortar has been usecl in the
compound with "the seat of the Ьishop" bring church, in the martyrium the Ьinding rnixture
forward as evidence the cl1aracteristics of the is of clay. There are collonades with Corin-

According to thc rescarcher, thc compound "had been conceived and planned as an intcgral constructio11 i11 thc.:
centrc of the Early Byzantinc town " , whereas " the reconstruction had affected only " its religiou ~ building
(Ангелов 1973, 334, 336; 1986, 52). The thesis of the emergence of thc compound in а final form iп 011с go ,
however, lшs not Ьее11 borne out Ьу the concrete data prescnted and runs coн11ter to some private inferenccs шаd с
Ьу the author about thc chronology of its individual components. We have dwelt iп grcatcr dctail оп tl1i s mattcr
iп ош study in print (Динчев, nод nечат) .

Ventzislav Dintcllel'

thian capitais iп front of the westerп facades Some authors define it in nюst general terшs
of the buiidings, and with а floor of bricks, as а representative civil building (Овчаров/
arranged in \'arious geometricai patterns. The Ваклинова 1978, 12). In one ofthe generalis-
compound includes а courtyard space with а ing publications about the ЕВА town, it is as-
feпcing waH, whose outlines have not been sociated with the "city council" and " the de-
specified. The courtyard is paved "with large fence offices" (Анге·юв 1986, 53- 54) . Soшe­
limestone slabs" . Other buildings are ex- wl1ere else it is identified with "the palace of
pected to Ье uпcovered around the two central the town governor" (Ангелов/Попов 1986, 9 ).
buildiпgs . А premise, defiпed as baptistry, has The peristyle buildings were generally bнilt
been studied betweeп the church's southern for housing purposes. The buildings of the
waH and the western shoulder of the mar- city councils belong to aпother architectural
tyrium. The building of the compound has type. The representativc peristyle buildin g
geпeraHy been dated to the iate 5tl1- 6th cen- from Tsarevets had obviously been the dwel.I-
tury (Ангелов 1962, 23- 25; 1973, 274; 1986, 53). ing of а high-ranking official in the local ad-
The mortuary function of the cross-shaped ministration. The flanking buildings wit\1
buildiпg predetermines the specific nature of chains of rooms were probaЬly functionally
the compound and its special place in the connected with it . They could have Ьееп
towп ' s religious and sociallife. There seem to dwellings of subordinates or auxiliary prem-
have been separate stages in its coпstruction ises. An indication of the destination of tl1e
апd functioпiпg, too. For instance, а later re- residential compound is its location a nd its re-
constructioп of the church on earlier founda- lation to the neighbouriпg arcl1itectural com-
tioпs may Ье assumed. pounds within the context ofthe overall urbaп
А represeпtative peristyle building (Fig. structure and layout. Its close proximity to the
3/6) has been investigated west of tl1e com- two religious compounds and its obviou s con-
pound with the mortuary and пorth and north- nection with them, achieved Ьу the coшmon
west ofthe monastery. lt had been built on the planning solution ofthis zone ofthe towп give
site ofan earlier building from the ЕВА, about indications of its belonging. lt is precisely
which there is по information. For the time here that the bishop's residence should Ье
being, there has not yet been an exhaustive sought.
puЬlication оп the peristyle building itself, And so, the central zone of Tsarevets best
either. lts entrance "built out of monolithic suited to construction was occupied Ьу а ma-
limestoпe Ь\ocks" faces east, from the side of jor religious centre, including three different ,
t-he ·street in front of the monumental western but closely interconnected architectural coш­
facade of the compound with the mortuary pounds: the monastery, the cornpound with
(Fig. 9). An impluvium with а colonnade has the mortuary and the bishop's residence,
beenappointed iп its inner courtyard con- whose stages of development had siшilar
nected with the eпtrance Ьу а corridor (Fig. chronology (Fig. 3/4, 5, 6). lt is prec isely tl1i s
10). The building had been two-storied. Some religious centre which is the nucleus in tl1 e
of the ground floor rooms seem to have been structure of the early Byzantine town .
vaulted. Buildings with rooms arranged in а Another zone of representative coпstrн c ­
chaiп are situated to the nortl1 and to the south tion is the northern part of the ЕВА to\vn ,
of the peristyle building, separated from it which is best protected Ьу nature. А шajor ar-
with passages (Fig . 3/6 and Fig. 9). They were chitectural compound has been located close
built out of stone and clay, mudbricks and "а to and north of the Ьishop's residence (Fig .
great quantity of timber" (Ангелов 1962, 25; 3/7 and Fig. 7). Situated around "а fairly Ьi g
1986, 53; Ваклинова 1972, 183; Овчаров/ quadrangular building", built with mortal',
Ваклинова 1978, 12). were other buildings, "functionally connected
Literature preseпts different views regard- with it, but built using а comшon bнilding
ing the assignment of the peristyle building. technique" . А great water reservoir with

Zikideva - ап Ехатр/е oi Ear/y Byzantine Urbanism ...

cross-shaped vaults carried Ьу pilasters and col- had probaЬJy set in after the middle ot' tl1e 6th
umns with "cone-shaped capitals" (Fig. 7/1) has century.
been unearthed under the floor of one of the The foundations "of two big buildings -
тooms of the central building. Right to the the first one next to the north-western fortress
west, а building with "small-sized rooms" has wall, the second one - to the eastern" h<1ve
partially been unearthed (Fig. 7).1t шпst have been unearthed in the northern end ofthe for-
been baths (Теофилов 1979, 34- 35, 40~ Ан­ tified area, оп а terrace next to the Lobnata
гелов 1986, 54 ) 5. The poor state of preserva- Skala. The buildings consist of several prem-
tion of the remaiпs of the compouпd as а ises each (Fig. 3/9, /10). They were built with
whole does поt allow greater precisioп iп the mortar and had two floors. What is known
aЬout the first one is that "it had undergone
elucidatioп of its desigп. The existence ofthe
cistern - the largest опе iп the town fortified restructuring, which had entailed а partial
area, is ап iпdicatioп of its puЬlic, probaЬly modification of its initial design". А collec-
residential purpose. Its precise ideпtificatioп tive find of iron implements of labour h<ts
Ьееп unearthed in it. The second building " is
is questionable. А view has been voiced that
"the military governor of the towп may have larger, oriented from east to west". А masonry
water reservoir has been нпeartht:d in one of
lived" here (Angelov 1986, 54).
Remains of representative construction its premises (Алексиев J97ба, 33-37; I976b,
70; 1977, 114; 1978, 121 ; 1979, 152).
have also been found to the пorth-west of the
No\v concise data is also availablc t'or
compouпd described, and approximately in
other bui1dings of the ЕВА in the пorthern
the middle of the northerп zone (Fig. 3/8).
part ofTsarevets. Some ofthem were built ot'
Three periods of coпstruction have Ьееn dif-
stone and mudbricks (Ангелов 1973, 336;
ferentiated here. А big quadrangular building-
1986, 54; Поnов 1973, 78~ Писарев 1977,
about 50 х 20 m was initially put up, \Vith а
116; Славчев 1977, 119; 1978, 125; Анчева
\Vest-east orientation апd ап apse to the south.
1979, 156). When compared with the build-
lt was built with mortar. Later а new structure
ings within the other housing districts, how-
with а quadrangular shape, oriented north-
ever, they are distinguished Ьу their larger
south, with "internal dimensioпs of 8,60 х size and greater number of rooms. For in-
19,55 m" was built iп the eastern part of the stance, one of the buildings in the northern
earlier buildiпg. lt consists of three rooms, part of Tsarevets, in which по mortar was
differing in size. "Ап apse was added trom the used, has Ьееn defined as "а big building \vith
east to the northern one". The building tech- four rooms" (Поnов 1977, 1 ) 7).
nique was again with mortar. There is "а spa- The individual buildings and arcl1itectural
cious courtyard" in front ofthe western facade compounds in the northern pзrt of the to\vn
ofthe building. What is kпown about the third cannot Ье identified for sure yet. Obviously,
period of construction is only that there had some of them wcre puЬlic buildings, inc1ud-
Ьееп а new reconstructioп (Генова 1977, 1 18; ing also residences of p~rsons from the higl1
1978, 124; Славчев 1977, 119; 1978, 125). levels ofthe town administratioп. Others were
Data about the earlier t;шildiпg assigп it а probably private dwellings ot' wealthier citi-
place as one of the most significaпt structural zens, who could afford to settle in the town
uпits iп the towп iп the period of its upsurge 6. district of best protection a11d highest prcs-
The reduced size апd the new design solution tige .
ofthe building from the second period ofcon- Apart from the public building in tl1e cel1-
structioп imply new functions. This change tral апd northern part of Tsarevets, public

1 gratcfully acknowledge rcceiving additional information about the compound from У. Nikolova.
The нnp\tЬiished data аЬонt tl1e carlier building arc duc to Z.Genova, who had passed a\vay before her ti111t:. 1
hercby ackпowledge hcr respon!;iveness.

Ventzislav Dintchev

construction from the ЕВА has also been es- iпg wall has been unearthed iп the passage be-
taЫished in its south-western part, пехt to tween the western апd the central building . Jt
what has Ьееп assumed to have Ьееп а square is supposed to "have borne а \voodeп staiгway
Ьу the main city gates апd the big tower (Fig. betweeп the two buildiнgs". The data puЬlisl1ed
3/11, 12). Remaiпs of а three-пave, siпgle about the buildings reflect оп1у the iпitial stage
apse basilica with а three-part narthex and di- of their iпvestigatioп (Вълов 1992, 50- 51).
meпsioпs of 20 х 14,5 m have Ьееп uпearthed These may very likely have Ьееп barracks. А
opposite the entraпce ofthe tower (Fig. 4). Its mobile military unit рrоЬаЬ\у lived iп tl1em ,
walls are iп opus mixtum with mortar. The which secured the defeпces of t11e шain towп
naos is divided Ьу two rows ofmasonry bases, gate, if any such пееd arose.
rising on top of which were marЬle columпs It is precisely the place апd iшportance of
with "pyramidal" capitals. The floor ofthe ba- the latter that have Ьееп the cause uпderlying
silica was covered Ьу bricks. А vaulted grave, the formatioп ofthe zопе ofthe strongest шili­
cut into the rocky ground has Ьееп uпearthed tary preseпce iп the area of the town iн the
below the floor of the central nave. The con- south-western part of Tsarevets. Within tl1is
structioп of the basilica is referred to the first broader context, the functional and ideologi-
half of -the 6th century. А building of stone ca1 tie-up of the basilica, located here, \vith
and mudbrick masonry and with "а heating the defence of the towп, stands out still нюi·е
furnace" iп one of the rooms has Ьееп studied clearly.
next to the fortress wall, between the tower Buildings of greater dimensions and nюre
and the basi1ica (Fig. 4). There is а courtyard, so1id coпstruction have Ьееп uпearthed also
covered Ьу stone slabs between that bui1diпg, пехt to other sectors of the fortification sys-
the entrance facades of the tower and the ba-
tem. For instaпce ап L-shaped buildiпg \vith
silica and the northern wall of the propug-
two rooms (Fig. 3/13) has Ьееп studied at tl1e
naculum (Рашенов 1936, 391 - 392; Овчаров
ceпtral sectioп of the \vesterн fortress \va 11 .
1982, 40; Ангелов 1986, 55; Pissarev 1990,
The smaller room is almost а rectaпg1 e. The
877; Вълов 1992, 62--{)9; Алексиев 1994, 24).
bigger опе is quadraпgu1ar 7 m wide апd prob-
An opinion has been expressed in litera-
aЬly more than 10m loнg (Fig. 11 ). The build-
ture, that the basi1ica described above served
iпg has two storeys. lts walls of the groннd
the popu1ation from the vicinities, who were
floor were ofbrokeп stone and с1ау, from 0,9
not admitted to the interior of the town
to 1,1 m thick. The upper storey is of шud­
(Вълов 1992, 69-70; cf. also Pissarev 1990,
877). But а religious bui1diпg designed for bricks. The floor ofthe grouпd t1oor is of com-
"the neglected popu1ation" shou1d Ье sought pressed clay. The floor of the second story
in the outskirts rather thaп behind the main was "of closely arraпged beams, p1aced он
gate. The 1ocation ofthe basilica and the com- which were big bricks he1d together wit11
mon courtyard iп froпt of its main entrance clay" (Ангелов/Николова 1962, 67- 68).
and the entraпce to the tower c1early proves Aпother building, quite simi1ar as building
its fuпctional link-up with the fortification techпique апd desigп with the one described ,
compouпd ofthe main towп gate. The basilica has Ьееп studied iп the sаше section oftl1e for-
served its defenders. It also "secured" divine tification system, close to tl1e gate oftl1e ЕВА
protection of that key poiпt iп the town de- estaЬlished here. lt is rectangulat", sized 12 х
fences, which comes to exp1ain its solid con- 9,6 m, апd orieпted according to the line of
struction and monumental look. the Early Byzaпtine fortress wall (Fig. 12). lt
Three large quadraпgular buildings with has three entrances and had ап upper floor .
north-south orieпtatioп (Fig. 3/12) have been PresumaЬly, "this has been а dwelling ot' the
added on the general рlап, пехt to the southerп military, who defended one of the most vtii-
fortress wall апd in direct proximity east of nera Ьlе sections of the fortress". The flan ki нg
the assumed square. An iпdepeпdeпt buttress- eastern "wall" of "the alley, leading to tl1 e

Zikideva - ап Example о.Г Early Byzantine Urbanism ...

gate" is connected with the southern wall of to such ·а purpose. There is also indirect evi-
the building (Писарев 1992, 160-161). dence supporting this conclusion. With the
At the western fortress wall of the ЕВА exception of one "workshop processing
again, south of the remains described above, bone", unearthed in the south-western part of
the remains of two buildings with several the town (Писарев 1982, 82), today по otl1er
rooms in а cl1ain and stone-mudbrick con- similar buildings or facilities have Ьееп
struction have been partially unearthed. Sev- known in the interior of the fortified area, i .е .
eral bronze objects have been found in one of they shou1d have been concentrated alongside
the buildings, including "ап arm of а hanging the fortress walls.
Other buildings have also been unearthed
bronze balance" (Вълов 1992, 71 ).
Remains of"big buildings linked Ьу ajoint in the fortified area, outside the zones and dis-
to the fortress wall and put up close one to the tricts already discussed, and, judging Ьу theii"
other" have been unearthed next to the south- size and planning these were not common
ern section of the eastern fortress wall. Their households. Such is the building, st1.1died iп
foundations "are of broken stone, and the close proximity south-west of the шonastei"y
walls of mudbricks" (Долмоnа-Лукановска compound (Fig. 3/14). lt consists of sevei"al
1985, 204). rooms, grouped in two Ьlocks - housing and
N ext to the eastern fortress wall again, economic probaЬly. lts total area has Ьееп cal-
north ofthe above-mentioned buildings, parts cu1ated to about 250 sq. ш. The construction
have been unearthed of other "at least t\vo or is ofbroken stones tied together Ьу а clay шix­
three Early Byzantine buildings". They were ture and mudbricks. Two columns bui1t in the
probaЬiy built with mortar. Their strati- same manner have been found iп the central
graphic position makes it possiЬle to refer room of the housing section. They are as-
them "to а second period of construction, prob- sumed to have carried an upper floor
aЬly during tl1e time of Emperor Justinian 1" (Ангелов 1962, 27-29).
(Тотев 1985, 207).
The situation fou11d in one of the south-
Parts ofbui1dings from the ЕВА built with eastern sectors of Tsarevets is important iп
stone and mudbricks have also been found view ofthe development ofthe towп strнcture
along tl1e eastern and central sections of the and scheme. "А big overhauled b1.1ilding \Vitll
southern fortress wall (Fig. 13). The floors of the planning of а basi1ica" has Ьеев unearthed
sоше of them are covered Ьу stone slabs here. lt has been dated to the late 5th :ннt the
(Овчаров 1988, 152, 153; Вълов 1992, 48-51). ear1y 6th century. It had probaЬly been built
Tl1ere has a1so been а short announcement in stone with clay and mudbricks. "Three
about а building next to the central sector of buildings ofthe 6th century, destroyed Ьу t'i1·e
the southern fortress wall, whose walls are in at the beginning ofthe 7th century" have been
opus mixtum (Анчева 1982, 87). pointed out as а next stage of construction iп
Some oftl1e buildings listed above are bar- that sector (Квинто 1985, 200; 1986, 145;
racks or buildings for the sentry next to more 1987, 190). In this case there is evidence that
iшportant points of the fortification system. the area occupied Ьу ordinary houses was ex-
Along with the building next to the western panded in the 6th century, at least iв the south-
gate, the L-shaped building, for instance, сап eastern part of Tsarevets, at the expense of
also Ье assumed to have been of military pur- buildings of another type and witl1 other func-
pose at the central section of the western for- tions.
tress wall again. PuЬlic links of economic pur- Households of common folks t'rom tl1e
poses - \Varehouses and workshops, are also ЕВА have Ьееп studied in the western, soutll-
1ocated a1ongside the fortress walls. The finds ern and south-eastern parts of Tsarevets7 . ln
of one of the mentioned buildings with chain the overall plan, in the central part of tl1e hi 11
rooms next to the western fortress wall point between the basilica on the top and the шоn-

7 Most of the sectors not studied to date are in the easterн part of Tsarevcts.

Ventzislal' Dintchev

astery, buildings have been indicated, which As this has already been pointed out, th~.:
were probaЬly also houses ofthe common folk town ofthe ЕВА on Tsarevets came into beiпg
( cf. Fig. 3 ). However, no puЬlished informa- in the late Stlt and early 6th centиry. Т11е coш­
tion is availaЬle for them. The domestic build- ing into being itself covered а period of at
ings of which we have data осеиру the ter- least one or two decades and foиnd expressioп
raced slopes between the ridge of the eleva- in the constrиction of the fortifications, of th~.:
tion with the representative compoиnds and earliest puЬlic buildings and of part ot' tl1c
the bиildings located here, апd the western
houses. In the early years of its existence, the
and soиthern fortress walls with the bиildings
town had quite а few free p1ots of land without
erected next to them. Thc houses are located
any bиildings on them within its fortifie()
in i11dividual strips on the separate terraces . In
groиnd plan they are the bиildiпgs with one,
area. Even at tltat time, however, zones and
two ог three parts with qиadrangиlar, often ir- regions of different fиnctions and of differeпt
regиlar sltape. Their dimensions vary. The weight in риЬliс life became differentiated .
Jengths of some ofthem in the western part of Sиch important components ot· its structшe
Tsarevets, for instance, reach 15 m (Fig. 14). came into being as tlte religioиs centre, the
The foundations and lower walls are ofbroken district with more represeнtative administгa­
stone boиnd Ьу mud or clay. Higher ир the tive and private bиildings, part oftlte links of
walls are of mиdbricks . Qиite а few of the military purpose, etc.
houses were two-storied. The floors of the Within the first ha1f of the 6th centшy , as
ground rooms were paved with bricks or stone а resи1t of the growing urban popиlatioп and
slabs, or trampled clay. Sometimes the rocky the prosperity ofthe town itself, tl1e free plots
ground served as а floor. "Heating ovens" within the fortifications were gradиally bt1ilt
have been unearthed in some of the houses. ир. Some ofthe compoиnds and buildiпgs eм­
The roofs and the ирреr floors in the two-sto-
lier риt ир were used without any essential
ried bиildings had а wooden constrиction. The
changes, whereas others were entirely over-
roofs were covered Ьу tegulae and imbrices.
haи1ed. In this way, Ьу the middle of the 6tl1
Bases of columns have been found in some of
the bиildings next to their entrances or oиter century, иnder tl1e rule of Emperor Jиstiniaп 1,
walls. In this case, this was probaЬly а matter the structиre and spatial scheme ot· the tO\VIl
of wooden columns supporting the upper acqиired their final appearance. The specifi-
floors. Often there are staircases in front of city in the fиnctiona1 characteristics of tl1e
the entrances. Tl1e walls, exposed to the great- main town zones and regions became reaf-
est pressure owing to the sloping terrain, were firmed. Commиnications within and betweer1
reinforced Ьу flying bиttresses. The step-like them were carried out via а network ot· streets,
profile of the terrain was skilfully made иsе which owing to the coпditions of the terrain
of: the bиildings on the lower terrace lean onto resemЬled а concentric-radial system. An ex-
the bank ofthe ирреr terrace and иsе it as а natu- ception is the zone on the levelled out ridge in
ra1 wall on the respective side (Fig. 14). Part of the central part ofTsarevets. Here а major re-
the rooms - for instance the groиnd floors of ligious centre took shape after а thoroиgh
the two-storied bиi1dings - had economic overhaиl, partially conformed to the princi-
functions. In some of the hoиses , 1ater bиi1d­ ples of orthogonal planning, which included а
ing periods have been identified or it has been
monastery, an individиal religioиs сошрошнl
estaЬlished that they had been bиi1t on top ear-
with а martyrium and а bishop's residence
lier bui1dings of similar plan and similar con-
strиction (Славчев 1976, 72 ; 1984, 129- 130;
(Fig. 3/4-6). The northern, innermost part of
Долмова - Лукановска 1978, 118; 1979, 153;
Tsarevets best protected Ьу nature also be-
1982,86;Генова 1979, 157-158;Квинто 1980, came established as а zone of representative
186; 1981, 109; 1982, 83; Писарев 1982, 82; construction. Most of the bigger compoиn<ls
Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1983, 15-21; Анге­ here are puЬlic buildiпgs, inclиding resi-
лов 1986, 55; Алексиев 1986, 137; 1994, 24 ; dences of high-ranking representatives of the
Ботов 1986, 145; Pissarev 1990, 876-877). local administration (Fig. 317-l 0). The soutl1-

Zikideva- ап Ехатр/е oj'Ear/y Byzantine Urbanism ...

westerп corпer ofthe fortified area took shape SUBURBS, NECROPOLISES AND
as the most importaпt mi1itary zone within the SA TELLIТE SIТES
urban structure (Fig. 3/l, 3/12). The basilica Remains of buildings dated to the ЕВА
bui1t here was designed to service the military have been partially unearthed in the westerп
and to secure "divine protection" of the main foot of Tsarevets. These have not received
gate апd of t1te city fortress iп geпeral (Fig. convincing interpretation so far (Попов 1980,
3/11). Another basilica ofa solid constructioп 95; 1985а, 6; 1985Ь, 214; Робов 1988, 42).
occupies the top of Tsarevets and a1so p1ayed For the time being it can only Ье assumed that
an importaпt role in the spiritua1 1ife of the with the construction of the fortified town on
town (Fig. 3/3). lt can Ье assumed that Ьу the Tsarevets, an unfortified suburb emerged iп
middle of the 6th century, all fami1iar re1ig- its western foot.
ious buildings were already functioпiпg in In the south-eastern foot ot· the hi\1, tl1e
syпchrony: the basilicas at the main gate and foundations have been uneartlted of а solid
on top Tsarevets, the large moпastery basilica building from the ЕВА. lt is assшned to have
апd tl1e church with а martyriutn 8 . These were been а Christian basilica, and respectively, а
religious liпks ofspecific fuпctions wit1Iiп the suburb or necropolis of thc town 9 . А vaultt::d
structure апd in the spiritual 1ife of the town. "child's tomb" from the ЕВА (Вълов 1992,
At the same time it may well Ье assumed that 41-43) has been found in this region, close to
they had been in а certaiп iпterrelationship the south-eastern angular tower of the foг­
duriпg the common re1igious processions - tress. The existence of the tomb is а proof of
each опе with its place апd importaпce within ап Early Byzantine necropolis iп the soнt11-

the course and order of the latter. The terraiп eastern foot of Tsarevets.
up to the iпterпal side of the fortress walls - Materials from the 6t1t-7th centuries "scat-
outside of the zoпes listed above, was gradu- tered in individua1 spots and in the late em-
bankments" (Генова 1992, 119) have been
ally occupied Ьу buildiпgs of primarily mili-
found south-west ofTsarevets, in the southern
tary or ecoпomic purpose: barracks, sentinel
foot of the rocky strip of laпd . Their character
posts, warehouses, \\'orkshops (Fig. 3, 5, 11,
has not been elucidated so far.
12, 13). Ву the middle ofthe 6th century, the
То the south-east of Tsarevets, located он
terraced slopes of the western, southerп апd
the opposite bank of the У aпtra River is tl1e
south-eastern parts of the fortified area were
Momina Krepost Hill, familiar also as Devin
finally turпed into zoпes for residential dis-
grad (Fig. 2). At the end of the 5th - the be-
tricts ofthe commoп folks. Probably, the sec- ginning of the 7th century, there was а forti-
tor iп the central part of Tsarevets, between fied settlement in the western part of this l1i 11,
the towп's religious centre and the basilica оп а satellite of the town on Tsarevets Hill . 1ts
the top of the hill (Fig. 3) was also occupied fortification system was similar to that of tl1e
Ьу similar households. town. The area within the fortifications was
lп tl1e period followiпg the rule of emperor no less than 4- 5 hectares. During limited iн­
Justiпian 1 up uпtil tl1e end ofthe existeпce of vestigations, foundations and lower parts of
the town from the ЕВА, certain changes and walls of а certain пшnЬеr of housing and eco-
alterations were carried out in individual ar- nomic buildings have been found, built ofbro-
chitectural compounds and buildings. There is ken stone and mud (Шкорпил 1910, 124- 127;
по justification to coпsider, however, that any Велков 1943, 64-70; 1946, 97-10 l; Овчаров
essential cltanges had set in in the town struc- 1982, 40-41; Ангелов 1986, 43 ). The ne-
ture and plaпning as а whole. cropolis of the fortified settlement froш the

8 The ех istcnce of other cult buildings frotn the ЕВА оп Tsarcvcts cannot Ье cxcluded either during fнrther iпvcs­
9 The iпformation is also due to Z.Genova, and 1 опее again gratefully acknowledgc ltcr contributioп .

Ventzislav Dintchev

ЕВА has been investigated on the south-west- 1959, 361). There are no t'urther data about tl1e
ern slope of the Momina Krepost Hill (Нико­ find in the short announceшent, but in anotl1er
лова/ Ангелов 1963, 36-38; Николова1964, puЬlication of another nutnismatist, the sol i<ls
13-14). are referred to "the first quarter ofthe 7th cen-
То the west of Tsarevets, the Trapezitsa tury" (Jurukova 1969, 263). The hiding ot' the
p1ateau-shaped elevation is located on the op- gold coins at а distance of several kilomet1·es
posite bank ofthe Yantra River (Fig. 2). Ma- away from Tsarevets was caused Ьу ап eveнt,
terials from the ЕВА have also been found which had no doubt exerted influence on the
l1ere (Овчаров/Ваклинова 1978, 32, 34; Ан­ life of the town itself, too. Iп view of the po-
гелов 1986, 56), but the nature of the struc- litical situation in the Balkans iп the early l1alf'
ture from which tltey come l1as not been elu- ofthe 7th ceпtury, it can Ье assumed that tlшt
cidated for the time being 10. event had been one of the two devastating it1-
It can Ье summed up that in the region of vasions of Avars and Slavs in Thrace i11 усаг
what is today the town of Veliko Turnovo, 619 and year 626.
there had been а major settlement agg1omera- Within the context ofthe data an<l delibcra-
tion in the ЕВА. lt incorporated the town cen- tions presented here, it would Ье logical to as-
tre on Tsarevets Hill \Vith the expected unfor- sociate the abandoning of the ЕВА town оп
tified suburbs at its foot and satellite struc-
Tsarevets with one of the above-mentioned
tures on top the Momina Krepost and Trapez-
invasions of Avars and Slavs. However, in
itsa Hills, the former being а major fortified
one of the latest puЬlications about Tsarevets
there is information, wltich will very likely-
bring about а change in the tl1esis about the
ТНЕPROBLEM CONCERNING ТНЕ FINAL chronology and more precisely about the final
DATE OF ТНЕ TOWN FROM ТНЕ ЕВА date of existence ofthe Early Byzantine towп.
It has been assumed Ьу historiography that This infoпnation is about "а coin of Tiberitts
"the middle of the 7th century was the termi- with Constantine IV (663-681 )", touпd in tl1e
nus ante quem to life" of the ЕВА town on south-eastern corner tower of the fortress
Tsarevets Hill (Ангелов 1973, 271; 1986, 57; from the ЕВА. lt is explicitly pointed out that
Ваклинов 1974, 179; 1977, 48; Алексиев the coin had been found "amidst the ruiпs" оГ
1976с, 65; 1994, 24; Овчаров/Ваклинова the tower, "in the upper layer of its interior-"
1978, 12; Velkov 1995, 494). Ajustificatioп (Вълов 1992, 20, 183). lt therefore has а defi-
of that is the fact that the latest finds with ex- nite stratigraphic position and turпs out to Ьс
act datiпg, unearthed in different buildings
terminus post quem for the upper chronologi-
and at different places in the ЕВА cu1tural
cal boundary of the tower, as well as of the
stratum, are coins ofEmperor Heraclius (610-
641)11. In the specific puЬlications and an- fortress and the urban structure from the ЕВА
nouncements, however, there is no data about in general on Tsarevets Hill. ln view of this,
the emissions of these coins. the final abandoning of the town can Ье re-
Several decades ago, а collective find was ferred to the end of the 7th century. The most
accidentally unearthed in the vicinities of the probaЬie cause for the desertion of the town
present-day town of Gorna Oryahovitsa, con- seems to have been the advent of the Proto-
sisting of "а dozen or so solids" of "Herac1ius Bulgarians of Khan Asparouh in the nort11-
with Heraclitts Constantine" (Герасимов eastern Balkan territories of tl1e Empire and

10 some rcsearchers assumed that there had been Early Byzantine Age fortifications on the Trapezitsa Hill. as \vcll
(Николова 1980, 145, 146-147; Ангелов 1986, 56). The rcgular excavations started herc , 1\0wcvcr. have failc(l
to confirm the existence of one (Долмооа 1995, 40-41 ).
11 The inforn1ation puЬiished about the coins in gencral in the ЕВА con1pounds and buildiпgs ha:; been pre:;eпtc1l
iп tl1e study that is in print (Динчев, nод печат).

Zikidcva - ап Examplc o.f"Ear/y Byzantine Urbani:Jm ...

tl1e foundation here in the year 681 ofthe First Poulter 1995, 34-45; Rousseva-Siokoska
Bнlgarian State. At that time, or а little while 1996, 207, 210-211).
later, life оп the Tsarevets Hill ceased Severa) importaпt coпclusions stand out
(Андреев/Алексиев 1986, 60-61 , 66-67, 79, from the data presented. lt is indicative that
поt. 25). Since а relatively smalJ number of the emergence of the town оп top Tsarevets
finds from the ЕВА have been unearthed dur- Hill follows well-neigh directly the drastic
ing excavations on Tsarevets Hill , "the organ- changes in the development of Nicopo/is ас/
ised desertion of the town" has Ьееn assumed, /strum. А comparison betweeп the to\vn on
after which it had been burnt to the ground top Tsarevets апd the Early Byzaпtine succes-
(Ангелов 1973, 337; 1986, 55; Алексиев 1976, sor of Nicopolis ad lstn1m shows, for its part.
70; 1977, 115; Славчев 1984, 129-130). that duriпg the period oftheir synchronous ex-
isteпce after the епd ofthe 5th - the begiпning
The remains ofthe Roman and Late Roman
town of Nicopolis ad Jstt·um are located about ofthe 6th century, the former was а muc~t Ь.ig ­
17 km north of the eastern end of what is today ger and more imponant settlement centre than
th~ latter. Accordiпg to the objective charac-
Veliko Tшnovo. Owing to their closeness, the
thesis has cropped up in historiography that teristics, the latter was rather а fonified non-
the town from the ЕВА оп top the Tsarevets urban settlement, like, for instance, the опе оп
top of the Momina Krepost Hill. Therefore,
Hill had been а continuation ofthe latter, witl1
with its very appearance, the tо\\' П on
respect to the паmе, as weJJ (Ангелов 1973,
Tsarevets Ьесаmе the most important centre
217' 332, 335-336; 1986, 42-43, 56-57;
in the region ofthe earlier, the Roman and the
Ваклинов 1974, 179, not. 6; 1977, 48). Today
Late Roman towп of Nicopo/;s ш/ Jstntm, also
it is already clear tl1at the town оп Tsarevets
as far as the fortified settlement goes, \vhicl1
Hill has поt iпherited the name of the апсiепt
was the direct successor of the latter. lt is also
urbaп ceпtre . The oпomastic aspect aside,
worth poiпting out that the town оп TsareYets
however, thc idea ot· а certaiп coпtiпuity be-
coпtiпued in existence for пearly а century af-
tween Nicopolis ad /strum and the пеw Early
ter the abandonmeпt of that settlement.
Byzantiпe town is 110t grouпdless.
Iп some of his latest puЬiications, Prof.
Ву the mid-5th century, drastic changes set
Velkov put forward the hypothesis of identi-
in iп the developmeпt of Nicopolis ad /strum. fication ofthe ЕВА towп on Tsarevets and the
The old fortificatioп system was аЬапdопеd. synchronous settlement оп Momina Krepost
А suburb of stoпe and mudbrick buildings ap- with Zikideva, mentioned Ьу Procopius (Вел­
peared amidst the remains ofthe earlier moпu­ ков 1988, 76-82; Velkov 1995, 494-495; cf.
mental compounds апd buildings, оп the site also Алексиев 1994, 25). Тlte hypothesis is
of the agora iпcluded. The пеw fortress - based оп liпguistic deducing tl1e nаше Deviп
what has Ьееп referred to as castel/um or Ni- grad (Momiпa krepost) from tl1e name
copolis a(/l~trum 11, had an area of only 5, 74 ZJKIDEVA, апd from the fact that in the list
hectares. Two of the most outstaпdiпg build- of "the Thracian fortifications" in De aediji-
iпgs in its iпterior- а three-nave basilica апd ciis, Zikideva comes next after Nicopolis а,/
а one-nave church, had а manner of building, /strum - " ... Ntколо).ш. ZtкtЬef3a . ... " (ГИБИ
dimensions and decoration, whicl1 did not as- 1959, 177).
sign them а place among the more repre- Up until now Zikideva has becn ideпtifie(l
sentative samples of the respective architec- with Sucida1ю (Euкtbafla), which is located
tural types. According to the dated finds, life оп the right hand bank ofthe Danube, east of
was discontinued here at the end of the 6th or Durostorum (Besevliev 1970, 141 ), or was
а t the very beginniпg of tl1e 7th century sought along the Yantra River between Ni-
(Иванов/Иванов 1994, 40-41, ... 144, 159; copolis atllstrum and Iatt·us (Schreiner 1986,

Vcnlzis/av Dintcl1ev

27, 34). These attempts of identification апd mimontus, the names of two of the towns, il1-
localisation of Zikideva have not, however, cluded in the Synecdemus are absent, one bc-
been based оп sure facts, whereas Prof. ing that of Nicopolis ad !sfl·um . The only
Vclkov's happy idea сап today Ье developed new town in the Pseudo-Epiphanius List, not
and backed up Ьу new and reliaЬle evidence pointed out in the work of Hierocles, is
in terms of names. Zikideva - presented in the form "тт• ZeJ\e-
lt is well known that with the estaЫish­ l>eaлcov" (ГИБИ 1960, 189). П1е towns of
ment of Christianity Nicopolis ad Istrum be- Moesia lnferior are given in the same way -
came one of the bishopric seats of the prov- with the Haemimontus Eparclty, and in the
ince of Moesia lnferior. The names oftwo lo- following Notitiae Episcopatuum, up to t.hc
cal Ьishops are also known - Marcellus and 9tlt century included 13 . Similarly, instead ot·
Amantius, registered, respectively for the the name Nikopolis ad Istrum, what is preseпt
years 458 and 518 (Poulter 1995, 17). In its is that of Zikideva - "о Zета;делсоl'" (ГИБИ
1961, 151, 155, 157) . The iпclusion iп these
capacity of а bishopric seat, Nicopolis ad Is-
trum is also oate ofthe seven towns of Moesia lists from the 8th and 9th centuries of the
lnferior, registered in the well-known Synec- to\vns of Moesia lnferioг, which had been fi-
demus (ГИБИ 1959, 90). The composition of nally lost for the Empire at tl1e end of the 7th
Hierocles, dated to the very beginning of the centшy, is а clear anachronism 15 . In view of
reign of Emperor Justinian 1 is а model and ап the proЬiem considered here, however, they
original source - the only one that has been are а valuaЬie source, since they reflect thc
preserved to our time, of the making up of tl1e state of tlte church-administratioп orgaпisa­
Notitiae Episcopatuum. ln this case, of par- tion and point out the most outstanding cen-
ticular interest is its comparison witlt the ear- tres in the territory of Moesia lnfet·ioг, in the
lier Notitiae than those known today - what period directly preceding its becoming а part
has been referred to as tl1e Pseudo-Epiphanius of the new Bulgarian state.
List, for instance, dated to tlte time of Em- The name of Zikideva - in the form
peror Heraclius. Among the towns of Moesia "ZtкtдtPa", is also encountered in Theoplty-
Inferior, entered in that list, already pointed lactus Simokatta's composition Historiae, pllt
out as bislюpric centres of the eparchy Нае- together around the end of the reign of Em-

12 From an10ng thc towns of Moesia fn/erior mentioned in Hierocles's Synecdemus, noted in the Pseudo-Epiphaпiш;
List for thc Haemimontus Eparclty arc: Marcianopo/is- as а centre of а metropolitan; Durostorum. Transmarisca.
Novae and Appiaria- as bishopric seats. The Odessos mentioncd Ьу Hieroclcs has been included iп thc Psctldo-
Epipltanius List as а ccntre of an autocepltalous arcltЬishop in tltc eparchy of Moesia (ГИБИ 1959, 89-90; ГИБИ
1960, 186, 188-189).
13 11 is only i1t \vhat has been referred to as Notifia temp01·e lsaurorum scripla, that alongside tlte centrcs, Zikide1:a
included, mentioned as subordinate to the metropolitan of Marcianopolis in the Haemimonlus Eparchy, thcrc is
also information about а scparate eparchy of Moesia /, whose metropolitan seat \vas Odessos апd whosc Ьis\10pric
scats partially coincide with thosc pointed out for the Haemimontus Eparchy. Among tltc nantcs of the ccltt•·cs
listed for the Moesia 1 Eparchy, the name of Zikideva is missing, but that of Nicopo/is ad /strum is preseпt (ГИБИ
1960, 194, 196). lt is obvious that the simultaneous presence in this list ofthe Marcianopo/is metropolitan ccntrc
and the Moesia 1 Eparchy, as \vell as the partial overlapping of their seats is indicative of the coшpilatioп of
different sourccs of different date . lt is likewisc evident that the presence in this list of the Moesia 1 Eparchy i:;
due to the earlier document, like, for instance, Hyeroclcs's Synectlemus and is thercfore erroncous and supertltюu~
in this case.
14 tn studies so far "тоv Zr.кehea%(JJ~·"f'··o ZeкeдUC(JJ\•" t·rom Notiliae Episcopatuum is not accepted or at least i!:
not acccpted in no unccrtain terms as being identical with Zikideva and it is assumed that these are two differc1tt
centres (Bescvlic\' 1962, 62; 1966, 21 3-214; cf. v.-ith Bcsevliev 1970, 141; cf. also Schreiпcr 1986, 3 1, 34 ). Tlte
cottfusion is obviously the rcsult of the erroneous localisation of Zikide1•a in the studies quoted.
150wing to that rcason, and respectively owing to the anyway ackno\vledged anachronism, tltesc centres wcre 1101
longer i11 the subscquent Notitiae Episcopatuum from the first half of the 1Oth century (ГИБИ 1961, 158-165 ).

Zikideva - ап Example oi Early Byzantine Urbanism ...

peror Heraclius. Describing the conflict with upper апd middle reaches ofthe Yantra River.
the А vars at the end of the 6th century, or The complete correspondence ofthe infomш­
more precisely the operations in АО 597, the tion from the sources and the archaeolo•-.ical
author informs that the Byzantine military data about Nicopolis ad lstrum and the towп
commander Komentiol intended to direct his from the ЕВА on Tsarevets Hill, for their part,
troops to Nicopolis ad lstrum - " ... Ttf Nl- leave по place for doubt that it was precisely
колоЛеt ... ", and subsequently entered indeed the latter that was the Zikideva referred to.
Moesia Inferior, but located his camp at The sources - the information about the
Ziki(/eva - " . .. елt TIJ~' MtJoю~· хшреt слt те above-mentioned Amantius and Hierocles's
Zщtдl{Ja тао GK1Jvar; atl\'ёJrlJ;;aтo." (ГИБИ
Synecdemus, testify to the fact that in the first
1959, 345). Besides associating again Nicopo-
half of the 6th century, the Ьishop iп the re-
lis ad lstrum and Zikideva, the passage quoted
gion still had the title of "Ьishop of Nicopo-
may also Ье accepted as an indication that at the
lis". Proceeding, however, from the compari-
end of the 6th century Zikideva provided bet-
son between what has been referred to as Ni-
ter conditions for the support of an army, i.e.
that it was the more significant centre at that copolis ad /strum 11 and the Early Byzantiпe
time. centre on Tsarevets, опе сап assume that fot·
And so thc order of Nicopolis ad fstrum the period after the епd of the 5th and the be-
ginniпg ofthe 6th ceпtury, the bishops ''"ofNi-
and Ziki(/eva in De aedificiis and thc an-
nouncement linking them up in Historiae copolis" had their seat поt iп the direct topog-
come to show that they were centres located raphical successor ofthe ancieпt Nicopolis ad
in close proximity to each other. The context lstrum, but iп Zikideva. Arouпd the middle ot·
of the passage quoted Ьу Theophylactus Si- the 6th ceпtury ог duriпg the decades after апd
mokatta and especially the comparison be- up to the begiпniпg ofthe 7th century, the title
tween the Synecdemus ofHierocles and Noti- of the local Ьishop was conforrned to the re-
tiae Episcopatuum prove that Zikideva had alities апd duriпg the reign of Emperor Hcr-
ousted and succeeded Nicopolis ad /strum as acleus, accordiпg to the Pseudo-Epiphaпy
the most importaпt ceпtre in the regioп of the List, it was already "Ьishop of Zikideva".

Ventzislav Dintchev

Fig. 1. Тhе \ocation ofthe Early Byzantine town on the тар ofthe Balkan Peninsula.

Fig. 2. The region of thc Tsarevets Hill (асс. to Станев t 986, 20).

Zikideva - ап Example of Early Byzantine Urbanism ...

о 50 100

~=:::11- lortress wal

Fig. 3. General map ofthe Early Byzall-
'----------------------~----_j tine town (асс . to Ангелов 1986, 45).

Fig. 4. The main city gatc and the basi\ica next
to it (ас с. to Овчаров 1982, 40, fig. 20). - - mortar Ыndlng - - mud

Ventzis/av Dintchev

о 5 10
1 1 1

• - E~rtv Byzantine Age (ЕВА)

Fig. 5. The south-easterп corner ofthe fortress (асс. to Вълов 1992,40,

fig. 21 ).

о 5
--ЕВА ~

Ш - Ьrick-covered floor of the uaumed bapti81ery from the ЕВА

Fig. 6. The basilica below the medieval patriarchal seat (асс. to А11rелов 1980, 8,
annex 1).

Zikideva - ап Examp/e о.ГЕаr/у Byzantine Urbanism .. .

__ _j.


:~ tl

о 5

Fig . 9 . The religious compound \Vitll tl1c nюrtllary atнl

thc south-castcrn part of tl1c bisl1opric scat (асс . to
1- watв reИNoir
Ангелов 1962, 21, pla11 1).

Fig . 7. Thc i11vcstigatcd parts of tl1e architectural com-

pound with tl1c vaulted \Vatcr reservoir (асс . to Тео­
филов 1979, 35).

1V N
л А

о 5

Fig. 1О. Thc bishopric scat (асс . to Ов•шров/ IЗ:tктttюва

1978, 12).

шg- Ist maln рмоd of constnoc1ion

о 5 10
- - 2nd main рМоd of construc1ion
1 - wllt« resetVoirs --ЕВА

Fig. 11 . One of the buildings ncxt to thc cet1tral sectio11

Fig. 8. Thc Monastery compound (асс. to Ангелов 1986, 48).
ofthe western fortress wall (асс . to Аttrелов/Николов:t
1962, 65, fig. 12).

Ventzislav Dintchev

. _- _- :_-~

~- .
: 1
1 1
1 1

1 [Г1
. 1

..,.._ .
. \ 1



1 1

li L

' 1
1 1

!l . ..

1 1


• 1

о 5 10 о 5 10
);.•Ф·.-(-1 - ЕВА

Fig. 12. Tl1e building next to the wcstcrn Fig. 14. Hoнses in the western part of the fortified to,vn :неа
town ' s gate and а part of thc strcet to the ( асс . to Дремсизооа-Нелчинооа \983, 16, рнс . 1).
lattcr (асс . to Писарев 1992, обр . 3).

Fig. 13 . The central part ofthc southern fortress \vall and the buildings unearthed here (асс . to В·ьлов \992 .
50-51 ' fig . 33).


(ed.). Археологически открнт•tя и разко11ки
през 1977 г. Софю1. 120-122.
Алексиев, Й. \994 . Раюювизантийският град във
Алексиев. Й. 1977. Разкопки на Царевец: обект 13.
Велико Търново. In: Тъпкова-Заимова, В. et а\. (ed.).
ln: Велков, В./ Катюrчаров, Р. (ed.). Apxeoлoгrt•rccкrt
Историко-археологически изследвания в памет на
открития и разкопки през 1976 г. София. 114- 115 .
r1роф . д-р Станчо Вакл11нов. Велико Търново . 21-28.
Алексиев, Й. 1976/а . Находка от оръдия на труда
Алексиев, Й. 1986. Разкопки на южния склон на
и въоръжение от Царевец . - Музеи 11 nамстн11ц11 11а
хълма Царев·ец - сектор 34. ln: Велков, В. et al. (ed.).
културата 2, 33-37.
Археологи•rески открития и разкоnки през 1985 г. Ве­
лико Търrюво . 13 7-138. Алексиев, Й. 1976/Ь . Разкоnки на Царевец- обект
Алексиев, Й. 1979. Археологически разкопки на 13- северозаnадната креnостна сте11а. In: Велков ,

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ва към крuя на V- Jtaчanoтo 11а VJ в . През първата
особено съnоставката между Хнсромневн!l -~_•." ••,._
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странеТвената схема на града добнват заВ'Ьршени• си чснне на р . .Янтра. П1о.Лното С'Ьответс-nmс nъr. ''" нtt­
вид . Утвържда~Ш се спецификата във фунщиоttапна­ формаuнпа от изаоритс и архсологн~'--с•штс Jl::IHHJJ
та характернетнка на основанrте градски зони 11 райо­ за Nit:opo/is ad /stru"' и града от РВЕ В'Ьрху Ц<~рсвсц
ни . Комуникацните В'ЬВ и между тах се осъществяват ш: остаu м•сто за с:1омненне, че именно посл~д11ип

•rрез улн•tна мрежа, ко•то nорадиусловипана тepe­ е nлросната Zikideva.

tta 11аnодобява ко1щентри•шо-раднапна система. Из­ Отличната nриродна и фортификацноtша защнта,
кточеlrие с зоната върху зарао11еното било в средиа­ значителни•т за РВЕ бро1111а населс11исто н рсщщ:п:&
та част на Царевец. Тук, след ос11овно преустройст­ образци 11а представителна, общсстве11а и час·пш аr­
uо, съобразено отчасти с прtшцнnнте на ортогонал­ хитектура. оnределят Zikitleva като важс11 център н.:
rrата nлашtрошса. се оформя голям култов център, само за nровинция Moesia lnj'erior 11а д11оцс·Jа
включващ манастир, отделе11 култов комплекс с Thracia, но и за балканските владения на Имnерията
martyriunz и елискоnека резиденцна (обр. 3/4-6, обр. 8, юобщо . Zikide,,a е сред най-големнтс по простран­
9, 10). Северната част на Царевец също се утвържда­ ствен и демографск11 мащаб rювн градоuс от РВЕ на
ва като зона 11а представително строителство. Част
Балканите. Срав11с11а наnример с ювестната lu .нi­
от ttамнращ11те се тук комплекси и nостройки са с
niana Prima, която с създансна от tшператоr IОспt­
общестке11о npcщraзlta•teниe, включително резиден­
ниан 1 за столица 11а префектурата /Цvricum , Zikitlcva
цни на висши nредставители 11а местната адм•шнст­
е с близо три nъти по-голяма защитена площ . Обстn­
рацня (о бр. 317-1 О, обр. 7). Други Rероятно са частttн
ятелството, че градът върху Цареuец е 11 ЯНIНI на
жнл11ща на nо-боrат11 граждани, които са имали въз­
круnна сслнщ11а агломерация , нздига още rюllc••.:
престижа му 11а първостепенс11 це11rър 11 северна •· а
11аl1-1ащнтсння гpiЩCKit квартал . Югозаnадн11ят ъгъл
част на полуостроuа. Zikille,,a с 11 сд1111 от малк()то
11а защитената плош сс формнра като най-значимата
центрове в тази обширна тернт.оrия с дока:.~ано фу11к­
nосшш :юна в градскi.Па структура(обр. 3/1,3/12, обр. 4).
циониранс nрез Vll в.
Издигнатата тук базилнка е предназначена да об­
служва военните и ll<l осигурява .. божиата защита" за
г лаоната nорта tt за градската крспост изобщо (о бр .
Dr. Veпtzislav Dintchev
3/J 1, обр. 4) . Друга, подобно солид110 градеttа, базнли­ Archaeological lnstitute uпd Mt1scur11
ка заема върха на Царевец и съшо има важна роля в 2 Saborna str.
луховння жнвот на града (обр . 3/3, обр . 6). Към средата BG - 1ООО Sofia


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