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“Independent Ministries: Its Ethical Perspective on the Extent of Its Role in the Context of SDA

Organization and Polity”

Ephraim R. Perral


The Seventh-day Adventist Church was “organized for service and its mission is to carry the gospel to the
world.”1 Perhaps, prompted by this church’s mission, some individuals have initiated to put up a radio program
and formed a media ministry or evangelism over the air. The said program has gained significant number of
support from among many SDA church members from many parts of Mindanao. The founder and/or organizer of
the said ministry have effectively solicited enormous financial support both through the air and through
conducting gatherings to different places where an appeal for support is always made. However, the way the
ministry was run and implemented had been questioned by the Mission leaders. After many unsuccessful results
of dialogues and negotiations to put in place guidelines and policies to be implemented intended for such a
ministry to be faithfully followed, i t had eventually led the Mission constituency to ban its program due to its
persistent refusal and defiance to the Mission leadership. Prior to such action, the scenario had already triggered
a lot of debates and controversy among pastors and church members, until subsequently the Union, through its
Executive Committee, officially took an action to no longer recognize the said ministry as part of the Seventh-day
Adventist church.

As a result, the said ministry’s founder/organizer and its many die-hard supporters have been removed from
church membership, and very sadly, quite a number of local churches were also expelled from the sisterhood of
churches because of their refusal to cooperate with both the Mission constituency and the Union Executive
Committee’s decision. The said group considers itself as an independent ministry and equate themselves with
other supporting ministries. It is still currently and actively continuing its radio broadcast evangelism in the air
with the thought that God is still pleased with them even if they are removed from church membership because
they believe that they are just faithfully doing the Lord’s work, and they are just fulfilling the Lord’s commission.

In this connection, this representation tries to explore on the biblical and the Spirit of Prophecy principles
concerning the ethical issues on the extent of the role of independent ministries in the context of Church
organization and its polity. On the other hand, while this paper may deal independent ministry in general but the
focus of discussion concerns specifically on the independent ministry mentioned above. Furthermore, this paper
does not deal with the merits and demerits on what specifically had transpired in the process of settlement that
leads to the said ministry’s expulsion from the organization.

The Independent Ministries in relation to the SDA Organization

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a number of supporting, parachurch, independent, self-supporting
and other such organizations that work adjunct or in association with the official church. One author estimated
their number at over 800 and are mostly supportive of the church, although differing ministries may be critical of
church actions.2 Supporting ministries are those that exist to support the church's ministry both inreach and
outreach. The SDA church recognizes the contribution made by these organizations as being such that the main
Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles, 9
Seventh-day Adventist independent ministries. Retrieved 10/4/13
church is unable to contribute to. These ministries adhere to official church guidelines and do not openly solicit
tithe or solicit money from members during official functions. 3

However, the various terms “self-supporting," "supporting," and "independent" ministries are terms that
have created considerable discomfort and confusion in the minds of many Adventists in recent years. These
expressions encompass Adventist para-church groups and organizations that normally have some missionary,
evangelistic, revival, or re form (theological or lifestyle) goal as their reason for existence. "Self-sup porting" and
"supporting" groups have generally been positively viewed by denominational administrators. However, as
Whidden had stated, that It is the "independent" ministries that have raised the most concern. 4

For this paper, independent ministries would be defined as an individual or groups of individuals who claims
to be doing a ministry of/for the church but is not coordinating, cooperating and working harmoniously with the
organizational leadership and is defiant to it. This definition suitably describes with the so called independent
ministry in Mindanao mentioned in the introduction.

On the other hand, organization is defined as “a system of consciously coordinated activities or efforts of a
group of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.”5The definition
implies that if there are elements in the organization that refuse to coordinate in its activities and fail to observe
the line authority and supervision based on the structure, then that means that they do not fully understand
what organization is or they just want to ignore, disregard or rebel against it. It is a fact that every well-organized
organization has an organizational structure. The structure provides a framework for vertical control and
harmonizes coordination of the organization. Since, those who manned the independent ministries are members
of church organization, it behooves them to abide and conduct its ministry in accordance with the organizational

The Important Role of Church Organization in the Fulfillment of the Church’s Mission

As believers and members had greatly increased during the time of the Apostles, the Bible describes the
converted ones as being “added to the ‘church’ daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2: 47). And with this
development, to ensure the welfare of the church, the shepherding of the flock and meeting problems of
relationship, such a situation called for “organization.” Concerning this matter, the SDA Bible Dictionary has said
about the church in the New Testament:
“In the NT times, this term is most frequently applied to a body of people who believe in Jesus as the messiah
and who accept Him and His teachings, and who are joined to the organization originated by Him.”i6

In regard to this, Ellen White had stated:

3 Accessed 9/28/13
Woodrow Whidden, The Adventist Church and independent ministries Accessed 10/4/13
5 Accessed 9/27/13
SDA Bible Dictionary, s.v. “church”
“Later in the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world many groups of believers had been
formed into churches, the organization of the church was further perfected, so that order and harmonious action
might be maintained.”7

In the same vein she said:

“Summoning a meeting of the believers, the apostles were led by the Holy Spirit to outline a plan for the better
organization of all the working forces of the church.”8

The Bible made it very plain what it means to be organized or formed into an organization by using a
metaphorical description of a church to a “body.” Apostle Paul said:
“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being
many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” (Rom. 12:4,5)

“And He (Christ) is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in all
things He may have the preeminence.” (Col. 1:18)

By comparing the church to a human body, Paul sees the church as one organism but composed of various
members and parts, each having its own indispensable function, and all uniting harmoniously in one whole. This
unity clearly implies the mutual dependence of its members. Since they all belong to one body, that’s why Paul
could say that they individually belong to one another or “members of one another.”

Moreover, Paul also stated that those who belong to the church are described as being “baptized into
one body” (1Cor. 12:13). That is why, the church makes baptism as the pre-requisite to the full entry of church
membership. The “one body” concept strongly implies organization. The SDA church manual has vividly
explained it:
“Just as there can be no living, active human body unless its members are organically united and functioning
together, so there can be no living, growing, prospering church unless its members are organized into a united
spiritual body, all performing their God-given duties and functions under the direction of the divinely constituted
authority. Without organization no institution or movement can prosper. A nation without organized government
would be chaos. A business enterprise without organization would fail. A church without organization would
disintegrate and perish.”9

In the New Testament times, with a new community of believers especially by having new converts coming
from various nationalities with different cultural backgrounds, to maintain order, unity and harmony as a church
would not be easy especially in nurturing the new convert’s spiritual growth. To avoid confusion and disorder,
establishing a “gospel order” was what they needed. Under God’s direction, the New Testament Christian
churches were formed into an organization which was safeguarded with gospel order. Ellen White reinforced on
this point when she said:
“Later in the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world many groups of believers had been
formed into churches, the organization of the church was further perfected, so that order and harmonious
action might be maintained.”10

“As an important factor in the spiritual growth of the new converts the apostles were careful to surround them
with the safeguards of gospel order. . . .Officers were appointed in each church, and proper order and system
White, Acts of the Apostles, 91,92
Ibid., 89
Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 13th Edition, p. 27
White, loc. cit.
were established for the conduct of all the affairs pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the believers. This was in
harmony with the gospel plan of uniting in one body all believers in Christ, and this plan Paul was careful to
follow throughout his ministry.11

On the importance of church organization being emphasized in the scripture, the SDA Church Manual explains
the reason for organizing the SDA church, it says:
For the sake of the Church’s healthy development and for the accomplishment of its task of carrying the gospel of
salvation to all the world, Christ gave it a simple but effective system of organization. Success in its endeavors to
achieve its mission depends on loyal adherence to this divine pattern. 12

What very important reason or purpose did Ellen G. White give for the organization of the SDA church? Here is
what she said:
“As our numbers increased, it was evident that without some form of organization there would be great
confusion, and the work would not be carried forward successfully. To provide for the support of the ministry, for
carrying the work in new fields, for protecting both the churches and the ministry from unworthy members, for
holding church property, for the publication of the truth through the press, and for many other objects,
organization was indispensable.”13

Clearly, the SDA church organization has a system of church government or polity because it is very
“essential for directing the affairs of the church in an orderly manner. Organization functions to preserve the
identity of a body of believers or church society to maintain purity of doctrine, to discipline members, to direct
concerted efforts, and to care for the temporal as well as the spiritual existence of the church.” 14 In regard to the
importance of the church having a system, Ellen White said:
“There is order in heaven, and God is well pleased with the efforts of His people in trying to move with system
and order in His work on earth. I saw that there should be order in the church of God, and that system is needed
in carrying forward successfully the last great message of mercy to the world.”15

Again, it needs to be emphasized that one important function of the organization is to direct concerted efforts
among its members by having a system in carrying out its mission. And the local churches are to work as one in
fulfilling its mission and maintain connectedness and sisterhood because they all belong to one church
organization. Ellen White stated:
“So long as they remained united, the church would go forth ‘fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as
an army with banners.”16

Individual Responsibility on Evangelism Vis-à-vis SDA Organization

Woodrow Whidden said that “all across Protestantism, including Adventism, and in a number of sectors in
the Roman Catholic community, there is a growing appreciation for small group ministries and lay leadership in
all aspects of church outreach and nurture. 17 The problem with some groups is that they did not only become

Ibid., pp 185,186
Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, loc. cit.
White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 26
Don F. Neufeld, ed. ,Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia (Washington D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing
Association, 1976), 1042
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol.1, p. 191
White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 91
Whidden, loc. cit.
critical to the leadership but also to some fundamental church teachings and have become brave enough to go
independent from the organized body.

On the other hand, Seventh-day Adventist as a church and as an organization strongly necessitates having a
government or polity. This means having “a system for directing the affairs of the church in an orderly
manner.”18However, other church members believe that whenever the work of evangelism clashes with the
directive of the church leadership, or the collective decision of the duly called constituency meeting, they argued
that it is the former that must prevail by citing Acts 5:29 which states that one must “obey God rather than man.”
They argued that the commission to preach the gospel comes from Jesus Christ Himself while the directives or
decisions from the Mission constituency or the Union Conference Executive Committee are just of men. They
believe that on the issue of soul winning activity, no Mission or Union authorities has the divine mandate or
moral right to stop a soul winning ministry being done by a church member or group/s of church members who
have the passion in evangelizing people for the kingdom because such an action is a flagrant defiance to Christ’s
commission to His church which is to be carried out by the church through its members.

On the other hand, while it is correct that individuals or groups of individuals being members of the church
have the vital part of carrying out the commission to preach the gospel, but the accomplishment of the mission
is to be done in a collective sense and in an organized manner. Ellen White said that “ all the believers will be
united in an organized and well-directed effort to give to the world the glad tidings of the grace of God.”19 Ellen
White said further that “the church is to work actively as an organized body to spread abroad the influence of
the cross of Christ.”20

While the Bible speaks of fulfilling the commission and that every believer has a role to play, the same Bible
tells that “everything must be done decently and in order” (1Cor 14:40). This passage does not only apply in
worship and in the exercise of spiritual gifts, but this principle applies also to every member of the church on
how to conduct in regard to carrying out the church’s mission. The text implies that everyone can not pursue his
own course of action without taking into consideration the body where he belongs. The phrase “in order” (kata
taxin) literally means “according to rank” or “according to arrangement.” It is a military expression denoting the
regularity and order with which an army is drawn up in ranks in orderly ways. 21 Ellen White has this to say:
An army could do nothing successfully if its different parts did not work in concert. Should each soldier act
without reference to the others, the army would soon become disorganized. Instead of gathering strength from
concentrated action, it would be wasted in desultory, meaningless efforts. Christ prayed that His disciples might
be one with Him, as He was one with the Father. . . . Whatever good qualities a man may have, he cannot be a
good soldier if he acts independently. Good may occasionally be done but often the result is of little value, and
often the end shows more mischief done than good. Those who act independently make a show of doing
something, attract attention, and flash out brightly, and then are gone. All must pull in one direction in order to
render efficient service to the cause. . . .God requires concerted action of His soldiers, and in order to have this in
the church, self-restraint is essential; self-restraint must be exercised. 22

Every member of the church is to do his God’s appointed work in harmony with the organized body. One is
not free to do as he pleases even if the way it is conducted creates division, discord, dissension and schism in the
church. Apostle Paul had said that one must be subject to one another as members of one body and being

Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, vol. 10, p. 300
White, Acts of the Aposles, p. 164
White, Gospel Workers, p. 464
SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 794
White, Selected Messages, book 3, p. 24
laborers together with God. Ellen White has succinctly said on this: “As laborers together with God, we should be
in harmony with the truth, and with our brethren. There should be counsel and cooperation.”23

Principles to Consider in Conducting the Lord’s Work being members of the Organized Body

Paul has given instructions on how a member relates himself with their church leaders. Paul said:

Heb. 13:12 – “Obey those who rule over you and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those
who must give account.”

1 Thes. 5:12,13 – “Recognize those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonished you,
and to esteem them very highly.”

Many members of the independent ministry under consideration have disregarded Paul’s admonition in the
passages above. Thinking that the church leaders are wrong, they insist of doing something which they think is
the Lord’s work despite the divisiveness it has created among church members in many churches. Ellen White
has given clear characteristics of how every church member or a certain ministry ought to conduct itself in doing
the Lord’s work in the context of being a part of the organized body. Here are the ten guidelines to be observed:

1. It must work in accordance with system and order

“There is order in heaven, and God is well pleased with the efforts of His people in trying to move with system
and order in His work on earth. I saw that there should be order in the church of God, and that system is
needed in carrying forward successfully the last great message of mercy to the world.”24

"God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." 1 Corinthians 14:33. He
requires that order and system be observed in the conduct of church affairs today no less than in the days of old.
He desires His work to be carried forward with thoroughness and exactness so that He may place upon it the seal
of His approval. Christian is to be united with Christian, church with church, the human instrumentality co-
operating with the divine, every agency subordinate to the Holy Spirit, and all combined in giving to the world
the good tidings of the grace of God.25

“The God of heaven is a God of order, and He requires all His followers to have rules and regulations, and to
preserve order. All should have a perfect understanding of God's work.” 26

2. It must work in harmony with God’s Plan of Organization

“But let it ever be remembered that the work must move solidly and in complete harmony with God's plan of

3. It needs to work with the church as an organized body

“The church of Christ was organized for missionary purposes. . . . The church is to work actively, as an organized
body, to spread abroad the influence of the cross of Christ. 28

4. It fosters unity and harmony with one another

White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 490
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. I, p. 191
White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 96
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 274
White, Selected Messages, book 1, p. 112
White, Gospel Workers, p. 464
“Among all God's workers there should be a spirit of unity and harmony. The Lord has especially blessed some
with an experience that has fitted them to be wise counselors. In our several callings there is to be a mutual
dependence on one another for assistance. 29

“United with one another, working together in harmony for the salvation of men, we shall indeed be "laborers
together with God." Those who refuse to work in harmony greatly dishonor God.30

“As laborers together with God, we should be in harmony with the truth, and with our brethren. There should
be counsel and cooperation.”31

5. It does not work independently of other workers in the cause

“God never designed that one man, or four, or twenty, should take an important work into their own hands,
and carry it forward independently of other workers in the cause. God wants His people to counsel together,
to be a united church, in Christ a perfect whole.” 32

6. It must draw together with God’s people

“In order that the Lord's work may advance healthfully and solidly, His people must draw together.” 33

7. It must act with reference to the others and must not refuse to move in concert with the church
“If men will not move in concert in the great and grand work for this time, there will be confusion. It is not a
good sign when men refuse to unite with their brethren and prefer to act alone.”34

“An army could do nothing successfully if its different parts did not work in concert. Should each soldier act
without reference to the others, the army would soon become disorganized. Instead of gathering strength
from concentrated action, it would be wasted in desultory, meaningless efforts.” 35

8. It must help preserve harmony, union and love in the church

“Every member of the church has an individual responsibility as a member of the visible church, and a worker
in the vineyard of the Lord, and should do his utmost to preserve harmony, union, and love in the church. “ 36

“The entire church, acting as one, blending in perfect union, is to be a living, active missionary agency, moved
and controlled by the Holy Spirit.”37

Angels work harmoniously. Perfect order characterizes all their movements. The more closely we imitate the
harmony and order of the angelic host, the more successful will be the efforts of these heavenly agents in our
behalf. If we see no necessity for harmonious action, and are disorderly, undisciplined, and disorganized in our
course of action, angels, who are thoroughly organized and move in perfect order, cannot work for us

9. It must not ignore the leadership and authority of the church

White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 491
White, Testimonies for the Church vol. 8, p. 240
White, Testimonies to Ministers, 490
White, Selected Messages book 2, p. 374
Ibid., p. 489
White, Selected Messages, book 3, 24
White, The Upward Look, p. 63
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 47
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol.1, p. 649
“The Son of God identified Himself with the office and authority of His organized church. “39

“By ignoring the authority of the church, they show contempt for God, who gave to the church its authority. 40

“To neglect or despise those whom God has appointed to bear the responsibilities of leadership in connection
with the advancement of the truth, is to reject the means that He has ordained for the help, encouragement,
and strength of His people. For any worker in the Lord's cause to pass these by, and to think that his light must
come through no other channel than directly from God, is to place himself in a position where he is liable to be
deceived by the enemy and overthrown.”41

10. It is not to work independently by ignoring and despising the counsel of the brethren
“ It was and now is Satan's special work to lead men to feel that it is God's order to strike out for themselves
and choose their own order independent of their brethren. 42

“I have been instructed that it is Satan's special effort to lead men to feel that God is pleased to have them
choose their own course, independent of the counsel of their brethren.” 43

“God is teaching, leading, and guiding His people, that they may teach, lead, and guide others. There will be,
among the remnant of these last days, as there were with ancient Israel, those who wish to move
independently, who are not willing to submit to the teachings of the Spirit of God, and who will not listen to
advice or counsel. Let such ever bear in mind that God has a church upon the earth, to which He has delegated
power. Men will want to follow their own independent judgment, despising counsel and reproof; but just as
surely as they do this they will depart from the faith, and disaster and ruin of souls will follow.” 44

The attitude shown and the manner the Independent ministry in Mindanao is being conducted
Here are some basic features and highlights on how the said ministry is being conducted:

1. It enters into many districts, and there, organizes church members who are supportive to the radio
program and establish a chapter of supporters in a particular territory without coordinating with the
district pastor. Most often the leader of the chapter and its supporters are more loyal to the leader of
the independent ministry than to their district pastor
2. It calls for a gathering of his supporters which is in conflict with the program of the district thereby
dividing the church members where to attend, either to the district fellowship or to the gathering called
by the leader of the said ministry, and most often, church members who are supporters of that ministry
prefers to attend its called meeting rather than attend the district fellowship program called by the
district pastor and district fellowship officers.
3. It intrudes into many districts without protocol from the district leaders and the Mission leadership and
it mobilizes some elders and brethren for its program despite the fact that it has no direct pastoral
jurisdiction. The leader of the said ministry prior to its expulsion had been given specific church pastoral
assignment but it goes out of its assigned territory even to other missions and conferences.
4. It attacks over the air the leaders of the Mission and expose their failures and weaknesses
5. Many donations from the brethren are not being receipted and most of its supporters do not anymore
ask for receipts because they have full trust to its leader
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 432
White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 306
Ibid., 164
White, Evangelism, p. 318
White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 488
White, Selected Messages, book 3, p. 24
6. It persistently refuse to listen and give heed to the counsel of the Mission leadership
7. It is not sensitive to the bickering, infighting and divisions among church members caused by it because
it still insists in continuing its course of action regardless of what has happened to the brethren.
8. It establishes its own followers of whom it has a direct command to church members bypassing district
leadership or Mission leadership
9. It creates a rival leadership to the church, district or mission leadership because many of its supporters
listen or obey more on what the independent ministry leader says rather than their district pastor or
church pastor or any leader in the Mission is saying..
10. It has caused the Mission or Union to spend a huge amount of money in just addressing or solving the
serious problems arising among members of different churches, districts and Missions in direct relation
to the said independent ministry
11. It emboldens its supporters not to be worried or afraid of any church disciplinary action of removal of
church membership or have their church expelled because such an action is not approved in heaven.

The SDA Church Manual in regard to the Independent Ministry in Mindanao

The SDA Church Manual is not silent about any independent movements that would cause division in the
organization. The section on discipline also speaks regarding behaviors that are subject for church discipline.
Unfortunately, the behavior exhibited by the independent ministry in Mindanao and its supporters fell under
number 8, 9 and 10 under the title: Reasons for discipline. The provision reads:

8 – Disorderly conduct which brings reproach upon the church

9 – Adhering to or taking part in a divisive or disloyal movement or organization
10 – Persistent refusal to recognize properly constituted church authority or to submit to the order and
discipline of the church45

Moreover, the Church Manual stated that “Christians should make every effort to avoid tendencies that
would divide them and bring dishonor to their cause.” It states further that “no individual member or group
should start a movement or form an organization or seek to encourage a following for the attainment of any
objective or for the religious objectives or for the teaching of any doctrine or message not in harmony with the
fundamental religious objectives and teachings of the church.” 46

The leader of the said independent ministry however argued that their group did not violate the above
provision of the church manual because it does not teach doctrines or message that contradicts with the SDA
church doctrines. But the said ministry failed to realize that teaching is not only limited on what it says but also
on what it does. Isn’t it true that action speaks louder than words? The defiance of the said ministry to the
organizational leadership that caused disunity in and among churches is in itself constitute a teaching that
violates one of the SDA fundamental doctrines which is the fundamental belief number 14 entitled “Unity in the
Body of Christ.”47 The book Seventh-day Adventists Believe. . . states that “a balance working together in
harmony should characterize our work for souls.” It states further that “the church will not experience unity
until, acting as one unit, it is involved in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.” It also states that “cooperation –
not rivalry – is God’s plan for His worldwide work.” 48 The way the leader of the said ministry is behaving seems to

Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 18th edition, revised 2010, p. 62
Ibid., p. 59
Seventh-day Adventists believe. . .A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Beliefs, (Boise ID: Pacific Press Publishing
Association, 2005), p.201
Ibid., p. 209
create rivalry as to who is in command – the Mission leaders or that ministry’s leader? Most often church
members who are supporter to that ministry obey the latter.

The Danger of Being Disconnected from the Organized Body and Work Independently on Its Own

The Spirit of Prophecy explicitly states that “the Lord has an organized body through He will work.”49 The
statement makes clear that every ministry done by every church member should be in accordance and in
harmony with the organized body because it is in that body that God works through. Ellen White further stated
that “the manifold wisdom of God has been displayed in the organization of His church in the earth for the
representation of the truth in the world.” Since God’s wisdom is displayed in the organization of Christi’s church,
then it is imperative that every organized supportive ministry must coordinate with it or else their work would
counterwork with God’s design in finishing His work on earth.

Ellen White has said many statements regarding the wrongness of independence. Hereunder are the quotes
from the Spirit of Prophecy regarding independent movements:

1. Independence leads to have too much confidence in oneself and despise church authorities
“You are constantly inclined to individual independence. You do not realize that independence is a poor thing
when it leads you to have too much confidence in yourself and to trust to your own judgment rather than to
respect the counsel and highly estimate the judgment of your brethren, especially of those in the offices which
God has appointed for the saving of His people. God has invested His church with special authority and power
which no one can be justified in disregarding and despising, for in so doing he despises the voice of God.” 50

2. It is a delusion of the enemy to disconnect and work an independent line of its own
“It is a delusion of the enemy for anyone to feel that he can disconnect from agencies which God has
appointed and work on an independent line of his own, in his own supposed wisdom, and yet be successful.
Although he may flatter himself that he is doing God's work, he will not prosper in the end. We are one body,
and every member is to be united to the body….” 51

3. Independence of the organized church is regarded as a device of the enemy

“The first step that such a one would take independently of the church should be regarded as a device of the
enemy to deceive and destroy. God has made His church a channel of light, and through it He communicates
His purposes and His will. He does not give one an experience independent of the church. He does not give
one man a knowledge of His will for the entire church, while the church, Christ's body, is left in darkness.” 52

4. Independent judgment that disregards opinions and feelings of the brethren would lead to disorder in
the church
“Though we have an individual work and an individual responsibility before God, we are not to follow our own
independent judgment, regardless of the opinions and feelings of our brethren; for this course would lead to
disorder in the church.”53

5. Independent ministry that creates disorder is a result of Satan’s efforts

White, Selected Messages book 3, p. 17
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 417
White, Selected Messages, book 3, p. 25
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 414
White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 30
“They (the holy angels) turn away in grief, for they are not authorized to bless confusion, distraction, and
disorganization. All who desire the co-operation of the heavenly messengers must work in unison with them.
Those who have the unction from on high will in all their efforts encourage order, discipline, and union of
action, and then the angels of God can co-operate with them. But never, never will these heavenly messengers
place their endorsement upon irregularity, disorganization, and disorder. All these evils are the result of
Satan's efforts to weaken our forces, to destroy courage, and prevent successful action.” 54

6. Having preference to act alone and refuse to unite with the brethren is not a good sign
“If men will not move in concert in the great and grand work for this time, there will be confusion. It is not a
good sign when men refuse to unite with their brethren and prefer to act alone. Instead of isolating
themselves, let them draw in harmony with their fellow laborers. Unless they do this, their activity will work at
the wrong time and in the wrong way. They will often work counter to that which God would have done, and
thus their labor is worse than wasted.”55

7. Those who act independently will eventually be gone

“Those who act independently make a show of doing something, attract attention, and flash out brightly, and
then are gone.”56

8. The exercise of personal independence could work against the purposes of God
“There are some who are deceived in themselves. While flattering themselves that they are doing God's work,
they are playing into the hands of the great deceiver and rendering him effectual service. Beware of these
deceptions. Ever remember what is due to our Christian profession as God's peculiar people; and beware lest,
in the exercise of personal independence, your influence may work against the purposes of God, and you,
through Satan's devices, become a stumbling block, directly in the way of those who are weak and halting. ”57

9. Independent work contrary to the decision of the general body is to be avoided

“Never should a laborer regard as a virtue the persistent maintenance of his position of independence,
contrary to the decision of the general body.”58

10. Independent ministry that tends to separate church members counterworks the Lord’s purpose
“In loving sympathy and confidence God's workers are to unite with one another. He who says or does
anything that tends to separate the members of Christ's church, is counterworking the Lord's purpose.” 59


An independent ministry in Mindanao, Philippines greatly fails to do its work in accordance with the
principles and guidelines given by the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy with regards to conducting itself in
what it considers to be the Lord’s work. Even if it believes that it is helping fulfill the mission of the church, but
because of its refusal to work in harmony with the organized body and its persistent disregard to properly
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 649
White, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 489
White, Selected Messages, book 3, p. 24
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 477
White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 260
White, Gospel Workers, p. 484
constituted church authority that the said ministry cannot be rightly said that they are doing the Lord’s work. In
other words, it is doing the wrong way. The said ministry instead causes disunity, disharmony, and disorder in the
church. It greatly fails to work in accordance with the system of the organization.

Its persistent refusal to listen and submit to the collective decision of the Mission constituency and of the
Union Executive Committee is an blatant display of a rebellious spirit. It cannot be made right by making a strong
claim that it is doing the Lord’s work because the manner it is conducted fails to meet the conditions clearly laid
down in the spirit of prophecy on how it should be done being a member of the SDA organization. Ellen White
has a strong statement to anyone who is making such a claim, she said:
“It is a delusion of the enemy for anyone to feel that he can disconnect from agencies which God has appointed
and work on an independent line of his own, in his own supposed wisdom, and yet be successful. Although he
may flatter himself that he is doing God's work, he will not prosper in the end. We are one body, and every
member is to be united to the body, each person working in his respective capacity. ”60

It is very important that every church member who has the burning desire to do ministry for the Lord
should always be guided in conducting it in accordance with God’s principles and guidelines found in the
Scriptures and in the Spirit of Prophecy. The independent ministry’s role is to work its inreach or outreach
activity within the framework of the organizational system and polity in order to maintain unity, harmony
and order.

“Independent Ministries: Its Ethical Perspective on the Extent of Its Role in the Context of SDA
Organization and Polity”

In Mindanao, Philippines, there is an independent ministry that put up a radio ministry or evangelism on
the air as its medium of presenting the gospel. The said ministry has successfully gained adherents and
enormous support from the church members especially on the financial aspect and has successfully
established obedience and loyalty of support to some degree above the Mission and Union. Unfortunately,
the founder/organizer and the diehard supporters of the said ministry were eventually removed from church
membership and very sadly a significant number of local churches were expelled from the sisterhood of
churches. The said ministry still persists with the thought that what they are doing is right and the
organization’s action is wrong because they are just faithfully doing the Lord’s work, and the organization’s
action by trying to control and restrain their ministry is doing the work of the enemy.

This paper made a closer look on the scriptural principles and the Spirit of Prophecy in relation to the
ministry mentioned above and it finds that the said independent ministry is found wanting. It significantly
fails to follow the principles and guidelines on how it should conduct its ministry within the framework of
SDA organization.

White, Selected Messages, book 3, pp. 25,26

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