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NIM : G021191168


Cigarette are a tobacco processed products that very popular and very controversial in
Indonesia. Tobacco as ingredients for processing of these cigarettes become one source the
largest state cash income. The cigarette controversy caused because on one side cigarette can
provide huge benefits for state cash receipts resulting from the sale of cigarette able to reduce
economic problems in Indonesia. However, on the other hand smoking also has a negative
impact which is very big for peoples health. There is already a lot of information about smoking
bans in the cigarette pack there is already a warning not to smoke.

From several sources or data I have read that thirty percent of the population in Indonesia are
active smokers. If active smokers continue to grow automatic number of passive smokers also
multiply because cigarette smoke is scattered everywhere so triggers more and more people are
affected by dangerous diseases and mortality rate due to smoking will increase. The amount of

The amount of costs that must be borne bye the government to finance or care for patients
due to smoking will also be high even a possibility will exceed state cash receipts. So its
confirmed off that the negative impact of smoking is greater compared to the benefits. Therefore,
preferably the government must build a strong commitment or make rules which really reduces
and suppress cigarette consumption as, cigarette advertising and promotion restriction, smoking
area restriction, anti-smoking education etc.

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