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 I stand here not as a functional local chief executive rather as a private citizen in

my own capacity as private citizen, mort importantly I stand here like all of you, a

proud parent to my sons and daughter.

 This is a proud institution and it will always be a proud moment for me to stand

here with all of you. Whether I am governor or not

 view education as the development of the whole child – attention and put

emphasis not just on the intellectual development but also on the pupil’s

physical, social and spiritual development.

 student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents – we hope that with

motivation, encouragement and hard work that all our students will discover

their individual talents.

 We are proud of our students and no doubt your child will make a significant

contribution to

 It gives me great pleasure to be before you this evening and to have the

opportunity to speak not as a local chief executive rather as a ordinary citizen

most especially as a parent. Let me speak the language of us parents to which

only us know. A language so unique that its means of being spoken is by words

 I would like to begin by giving my heartfelt thanks to the entire school community

for the trust and support you have given me. From the Board, teachers, office

staff, parents and most importantly students I have felt welcome from the first

day I arrived.

 small community such as ours, engaged within a shared vision, amazing things

can happen that go beyond what should reasonably be possible:

 it is difficult to speak to our children, they may receive it differently such as ‘ano

na an si mama pauluutro”, or they may see it as a outworn style. But still speak.

For our greatest respossbility is not only to put them to school but to provide them

the values to which we hope they will grow too. They may not understand it now,

but trust me, in time, they will look back and they will say, tama an talaga si

mama/papa kaidto.

 This is how I got the life lessons I carry with me everyday. It was from my parent

who dedicated to fill my backpack with life lessons so that in time when I need it

most, I can search for it in my bag for life.

 What I learned in the years as a public servant is that we can never do it alone.

That is why I keep myself within the reach of the parents and teachers for as

much as I am a big help to you, YOU are a bigger inspiration in ways you cant

imagine. Kaya mabalos.

 I cant speak to you as academician because I don’t the most lustrous transcript.

Id consider myself as a ‘school bukol’ actually.

 Our roles must be a continuum process. Parents as first teachers then passed to

teachers. As parents our responsibilities does only entail to provide money for

school works or attend PTA Maria Montessori believed that "education must start

at birth" as each child has an absorbent mind, that is, a mind that can literally

soak up details from all that he or she encounters. Montessori concentrated on

the extraordinary importance of the child's first six years as the foundation for all

future learning. She wrote, "The more fully the needs of one period are met, the

greater will be the success of the next." This premise automatically places

parents as their child's first and most important teachers.

 he role of parents is of utmost importance and we can achieve the children's

potential and development of the "whole child" only with the help of parental

involvement. "Parental involvement" can be defined as the participation of

parents in every facet of children's education and development from birth to

adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in children's lives.

The parents are particularly interested in having their students pass examinations.

To most of them, paying money is the chief concern. Whenever you invite them

to discuss about how they could assist to help their children learn for instance by

guiding their children to read supplementary texts on concepts slated in the

syllabus, they would argue that since they have bought the textbooks being

used in classes, there is no need for any supplementary text. If you invite them to

school to discuss with the teachers, they would say they have no time. Rather

they would keep mounting pressure on the school to mount extra lessons at extra

costs for their children.

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