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The Short Method of Composting

The regular practice of filling compost seven to fourteen days after
it has started composting and of using one ton of compost for one
hundred and fifty to two hundred square feet of bed sounds impossible
to the mushroom grower used to the composting system accepted as
standard for many years. Yet this system is used regularly by several
of the largest and most successful mushroom growers in the United
States. It is such a radical departure from the standard system that
most growers will not even risk trying a rick, to say nothing of converting
their whole operation to such a procedure.

The experimental basis on which this system rests started over ten
years ago in an attempt to discover why compost made at the Penn-
sylvania State College Laboratory would produce larger crops con-
sistently than could be obtained by the growers in the State. Two lines
of research were started. One consisted of two-quart jars aerated in an
incubator. These had controlled air inlet which introduced air at the
bottom of the jars and allowed it to flow through the compost. The
effluent air was analysed for ammonia and for carbon dioxide and at
the end of the experiment the compost was analysed for loss in dry
weight and for loss of particular constituents as well as its ability to
support growth of mushroom mycelium. Thus the effect of varied air
circulation was evaluated.

Table 1
Effect of aeration on composting under controlled conditions.
Temp. 60° C. Horse manure compost
ö % Loss in Growth After pH
o organic Volatile of water at
matter Nitrogen g. Agaricus extraction end
6 S
o .S air at air at air at air at
5 ml 30 ml. 5 ml. 30 ml. 5 ml. 30 ml. 5 ml. 30 ml. 5 ml. 30 ml.
e min min min min. min. min min. min. min. min.
40 3-9 20-8 0*39 0-07 +++++ 7-3 8-1
64 13-2 27-5 0-40 0-02 4- +++ 6-9 7-9

112 21-2 24-0 0-32 0-08 — ++ +++ 7-4 7*0*

160 18.5 37-5 015 0-02 + ++++++ 8-4 8-2
208 24-4 33-6 0-20 0-02 + +++ 6-5 7-8
256 31-7 32-5 0-11 0-01 + + + +++
8-8 7-7

*The jar aerated at 30 ml. per min. was inadvertently turned off
for some hours just before the sampling was done. Hence the low pH,
This series of experiments h a d to be abandoned under the pressure
of the war and still awaits a complete analysis and presentation of the
d a t a . The kind of results obtained are presented in the figures of the
accompanying table (No. 1).
T h e second line of research dealt with compost piles directly,
to observe the effect of time of composting on loss in dry weight and on
the yield of mushrooms to be expected. For this purpose compost
piles were started in a first experiment at four-day intervals from seven
t o twenty-seven days, and in a second at two-day intervals from seven
to fifteen days. The results of these experiments yielded the significant
information given in the accompanying tables.
All composts before extraction produced some Chaetomium but
after 160 hours at 30 ml. per minute aeration this was sparse and weak.
After extraction Chaetomium grew slightly in compost having 30 ml.
air per min. up to 160 hours when only a few perithecia could be found.
W i t h 5 ml. air per minute all composts even after extraction supported
some development of Chaetomium except t h a t having 256 hours.

Table 2
Composition of manure during composting, analyses on an air dry basis
with material having a moisture content of about 8%
0 0
D a y s of / /o / /o %
composting /o Pentosan /o i Protei:
Cellulose Ash
Lignin j

0 22-7 15-8 31-1 10-0

7 22-3 12*5 24-8 10-4 26-5
11 25-5 11-2 21-8 12-8 25-8
15 26-1 12*6 23-8 | 12-6 22-7
19 26-8 10-3 23-4 12-4 24-5
22 25-5 9-3 20-2 12-9 31-1
27 27-1 7-1 17-3 14-6 31-7

Table 3
Parts ;maining per 100 parts of original manure (air dry basis).
organic From
Days ol Total dry matter addition oi[ Lignin PentOban Cellu-
ellu- Protein
composting IT
matter calc. by constitu- ose
ignition ents I

7 81-] 52-8 56-9 18-1 10-1 20-2

20-2 8-5
11 77-8 49-9 55-6 19-9 8-7 7-0
17-0 10-0
15 59-6 40-4 44-7 15-5 7-5 4-2
14-2 7-5
19 65-2 42-8 47-5 17-5 6-7 5-3
15-3 8-1
23 75-2 46-9 50-1 19-2 7-0 5-2
15-2 9-7
27 69-8 40-7 46-1 18-8 5-0 2-0
12-0 10-2
Table 4
Per cent, loss of each constituent material during composting
Days of Organic Lignin Pentosan Cellulose Protein
Dry matter matter

7 18-9 26-9 19-3 25-0 33-2 12-9

11 22-2 28-5 13-4 24-1 40-7 5-1
15 40-4 42-0 32 0 51-5 50-5 30-9
19 34-8 44-4 29-0 59-9 51-5 26-9
23 24-8 39-6 13-5 63-6 56-2 5-9*
27 30-2 46-0 11-1 71-5 63-5 13-2*

* gain instead of loss

Table 5
Relation of composting to area filled and yield
Days Sq. ft. filled per Comparative Yields Yield
of 2,000 lb. of cost of filling in lb. in lb. per
composting original manure material only per sq. ft. 2000 lb. manure

7 256 64 1-58 404

11 244 68 1-86 452
15 212 78 1-87 396
19 204 81 1-76 358
22 186 88 1-69 314
27 164 100 1-77 290

It is evident from the analytical figures that the actual analysis of

the manure at any stage provides little clue as to its ability to support
a crop of mushrooms while the per cent, total loss is very significant.
Since the loss is far greatest in the period between seven and fifteen
days this is the time when each day's composting has an extremely
important effect on the total yield to be expected from a ton of compost.
It is particularly noteworthy that the yield per square foot reaches its
maximum after eleven days of composting when the decomposition is
still relatively small.
This forms the basis of our contention that short composting properly
performed will result in much more efficient use of our dwindling
manure supply while at the same time not causing a decrease in yield
per square foot. It is noteworthy that these yields per ton of manure
with no supplements are comparable to those obtained by Dr. Lambert
in compost to which he has added high amounts of protein nitrogen.
We think one reason for this is the conservation of the nitrogen possible
by this method of composting. The great loss of protein occurs during
the middle part of the usual composting period from 15 to 20 days and
after that the loss of carbon material reduces the nutrient for mushroom
culture significantly.
Table 6
Relation of composting time to loss in material and to yield at 2-aay
intervals and to use of gypsum

% Loss "„ Loss Sq.ft.** Yield per**

Days, of in m filled per < Yield ton of
Composting Dry Organic 2000 lb per sq. ft. fresh manure
Weight Matter tresh manurej lb.

7* 19-32 25-47 243-6 1-34 326-5

7 28-56 33-93 216-3 1-54 3331
9 33-52 41-83 213-7 1-65 352-6
11* 14-07 24-44 247-2 , 1-73 427-5
11 20*47 26-46 229-1 1 1-63 373-3
13* 27-78 37-20 212-0 1 -55 328-6
13 26-07 37-25 219-0 1-73 378-9
15* 25-29 34-97 206-0 1-83 377-0
15 19-43 26-09 236-6 1-80 425-9
*No gypsum added. The pile composted 9 days without gypsum
came from a different source of manure containing oat straw as bedding
a n d did not behave like the other piles.
**Fresh manure is calculated on a basis of 5 0 % moisture in the
total weight (equal parts moisture and manure).

T h e differences between these piles were by no means as clear cut

as between the piles in the first trial. As this was a summer compost,
the m a n u r e was more variable as it came from the stable and yield
differences between beds were less uniform. Even so the yields are very
good except on the manure composted only seven days, and the one
pile composted 13 days without gypsum. Again it is seen t h a t composting
b e y o n d nine days may be unimportant, although the loss resulting from
longer compost is not here evident.
I n an experiment performed last spring to test the effect of various
supplements on yields two check piles of manure composted ten days
yielded 2-16 and 1-88 lb. per square foot. On a basis of fresh manure
containing 5 0 % moisture (equal parts water and dry material) these
yields were 836 and 743 lb. per ton of manure with no supplement
added b u t gypsum.
This short composting system can, therefore, be used to save manure,
labour and time without sacrificing yield. Still it must be understood
and t h e procedure adhered to rather faithfully in order to obtain
m a x i m u m benefits from it.
In the first place the manure must be wet in the beginning of the
composting. In so far as possible this must be accomplished without
having water run from the pile, leaching out the soluble nutrients.
If the m a n u r e is very dry it is difficult to accomplish the watering at the
first turning. Hence, a second turning should follow the first after a
short interval. This interval should not be more than three or four days.
If t h e water at the first turning was fairly well distributed so t h a t it
reached most parts of the manure the watering at the second turning
may be very heavy without much danger of run off. By the time the
second turning is completed the water content should be 250 per cent.
or more on a dry weight basis. It is difficult to overwet the piles under
this system. In the experiment just mentioned the moisture content
was 300 per cent, at the second turning and no further water was
required throughout the composting. At this second turning any
supplements such as gypsum or protein can be added.
In our experimental work this completes the turning. The manure
is left undisturbed until it is ready to be filled about a week after the
second turning and ten or eleven days after the first piling. Most
growers who use the system desire another turning and I advise them
that this be not less than five days after the second as the pile should
be left undisturbed if possible. The pile should need no water at this
turning but if it is too dry naturally the remedy is more water. If piles
are consistently too dry at this turning then the grower is failing to
accomplish our first object which is to get into the pile at the first enough
water to complete the composting.
The grower should calculate roughly the amount of water needed
to bring the pile to 250 to 300 per cent, moisture and see that this
amount is actually run out of his hose into the pile and not through the
pile onto the ground. Most growers are astonished at the amount of
water required as calculated by time to pass through the hose.
The second important object is to keep the pile small enough in
cross section to prevent a sour smelling anaerobic core from developing.
If the manure is long and strawy and the composting is being done in
the winter with a good temperature differential between inside and out
the pile may be eight feet wide by five or six high, but if the manure is
short and heavy the pile may have to be reduced in size to a width of
four feet and a height of four and a half.
The fresher the manure is the better and, if it is possible, confine-
ment in a manure pit or railroad freight car should be avoided. The
development of the anaerobic fermentation thus promoted may cause
composting to be continued a week or so longer than would otherwise
be necessary.
If, then, the pile is kept narrow and wet, composting will start
immediately and proceed vigorously. After nine to fourteen days the
manure in such a rick will resemble manure kept in a large pile for three
weeks or even longer. The pH will be 8-0 to 8-5 and falling. In appear-
ance it should be brown and in texture tender.
We have not found as yet a substitute for composted manure and
this process is not intended to give the grower a raw compost. What it
does do is promote the decomposition favourable for subsequent growth
of the mushroom at a high rate. The process conserves the manure by
conditioning it for mushroom growth before an extensive destruction
of nutrients can occur. Normally by this method the grower should be
able to fill from 125 to 200 square feet per ton of manure bought as against
60 to 100 sq. ft. per ton now practised and without reducing his yields
per square foot. In addition to the direct saving in materials there is
less labour involved in the turning and much less time is necessary

Mdnuie treated bv the short composting method can b t pasteurized
lapidlv m the house as the nitrogenous material causing the high p H
is almost all in the form of ammonia which is readily and rapidly either
evolved fiom the compost after filling or is converted to protein by the
nnciobial population m the manure In our experimental ricks 24 to 48
hours of heating is time enough to i educe the p H below 8 0 At the
Butler County Mushroom F a r m the time is 72 hours as the looms are
slowei m heating and cooling
When the p H is at a favourable point, between 7 2 and 8 0, the
beds can be cooled as rapidly as possible to spawning tempeiature
Experimentally this can be accomplished m an houi or two but prac-
tically it m a y require 24 hours or even more m the summer
At spawning time the manure should be soft and pliable, tendei
and easily broken It m a y still have a moistme content high enough
t h a t water can be squeezed from it with the hand In other words it
should look like the kind of compost the grower is used to by the long
system but have the straw perhaps less broken up because it has not
been handled so much a n d have a somewhat higher moisture content
It should not have a strong ammoniacal odour and it may be well fire-
fa nged If these conditions are not met then the composting has not
been long enough or the conditions of the pile have not favoured rapid
conversion to mushioom compost
I j p i c a l schedules of several plants using the short composting
system are as follows
Butler County Mushroom F a r m Inc , West Winfield, Pa Racing
stable manure received by railroad freight from New Orleans, Louisiana
1,100 miles awa> , and Louisville, Kentucky, 400 miles a w a j , is unloaded
onto trucks and 10 to 20 per cent chicken manure and 1 5 gypsum are
added This manure is vei) strawy and long It is dumped from the
truck in a single line a n d then p u t through the turner into a triangular
pile 7 feet wide and about 6 feet high No water is added This mixes
the several ingredients and makes a rick t h a t can be stored for a m o n t h
or moie Currently the manure is stored for about two weeks m this
condition The pile heats somewhat for a few days but then subsides to
a dormant state
W h e n the pile is ready to be used it is turned a n d water is added
Ihe t u r n e r works at a rate of 50 tons an hour and in older to wet the
manure sprays of water must be directed both on to the conveyor system
of the turnei ovei which the manure is passing and on to the pile as it is
a n o t h e r and final turning is made usually three but when a Sunday
intervenes four days after the first Again some water may be added
though m manj cases water at this turning is not needed I h e manure
is then allowed to compost for four or five dd>s more when it is filled
This is a total composting time of seven to nine days By the time the
composting is completed the pile has shrunk to six feet in width by five
feet in height
\ftei the manuie is filled the t r a j s are heated b} using live steam
fwentx four hours are required lo bring the tempeiature up to 120° F
in the air Heatmg is then continued at 120° to 135° F for 48 houis
At the end of this time a blast of cold air is introduced which lowers the
temperature to 75° F. in about 36 hours. The total time, therefore, for
the composting, filling and pasteurizing process for each room of 14,000
square feet is twelve days. Three such rooms are filled one week and
four the next.
Manure cost is currently about $15.00 per ton for this plant and one
ton fills from 150 to 170 sq. feet per ton or about ten cents per square
foot. Under the long composting system where a ton would fill 75 to 100
square feet the cost would be practically double.
Average yields to-day are 1 -6 lb. per square foot in 50 days of
picking or 240 lb. of mushrooms per ton of manure bought. Cost of
manure per pound of mushrooms is 6J cents. Cost of handling manure
by the long compost system would be prohibitive and in addition
they have found by experience that production is much more assured
by the short composting process than it ever was by the long process
previously used.
It might be argued that the long freight haul and the two weeks
of storage give this compost a big start in composting. Actually this
is not the case as anyone examining the manure could testify. It comes
from the car in an uncomposted condition with the straw as bright as
in new manure. After storage in these small ricks it is still in a raw
condition. If the storage period were not necessary the composting might
have to be extended for two or three days and in fact this has been the
case until the last two or three months when the manure delivery was
ahead of that required and accumulation of a stock pile occuired. We
have considered that one week of storage in a dry pile is about the
equivalent of one day's composting to a maximum of four weeks when
further storage will not reduce the ultimate composting period below
six days. Actually in stored manure it is difficult to mix the manure and
get it evenly moistened in less than six days of composting though we
have seen stored manure which required no further decomposition.
At the Niles, Michigan, plant of the Michigan Mushroom Company
short manure is brought by railroad freight from Chicago, 90 miles away.
This manure contains a large percentage of wood shavings and sawdust
as bedding. It is mixed with trucked-in long manure from a military
academy in a proportion of about 3 parts to 1. Additions are 60 lb.
of cyclone waste and 25 lb. of gypsum per ton. Here no storage is
allowed and the manure is on the turning ground not more than a day
or two before it is made into a pile. It is turned here through a new
turning machine run by one man which picks the manure up, runs it
through the turner, and deposits it in the finished pile at the rate of
60 tons an hour. Water is added only to the pile as it is formed, which we
consider a mistake. As the manure is fairly wet on arrival it is not too
hard, however, to bring the moisture to the required level. The second
turning is made in two to four days at which time the supplements and
üome more water are added.
A third turning is made after six or seven days, nine to eleven days
after composting started, and the compost is filled in one to three days
after this turning. Total composting time is eleven to fourteen days
with the shorter time preferred. There are emphatic orders that com-
posting is not to exceed two weeks.
The pasteurization process is about the same as that described for
the Butler plant. Spawning is done about four or five days after the fill.
Manure at Niles is cheaper by the ton, about S U , but as it is shorter
and heavier it fills less space, currently about 120 sq. ft. Therefore,
the cost per square foot is almost the same. Yields are also about the
same per square foot, 1 -5 lb. for the past ten months. This means about
180 lb. per ton of manure. Picking is limited to 42 days. This is a
s t a n d a r d long bed plant and they are able to grow 4 | crops per year
per house by using the short compost system coupled with the use of
grain spawn and rapid pasteurization. The dependability of the compost
produced by this process has enabled the managers of Michigan Mush-
room Co. to reduce their cycle per house to 85 days, rather a record
for the long bed system.
It has been argued t h a t the short composting process requires more
precise attention to detail and to possible variation, but we have not
found this to be the case. The water content can v a r y much more than
in the long composting process, so long as it is added early. The time
of composting can vary fifty per cent., from ten to fifteen days, without
causing serious difficulty more than loss in material. The size of the
pile can vary almost as much. Pasteurization is easier and p H reduction
is much more rapid and dependable.
The growers who have adopted the system have not gone back to
long composting with one exception, a man who never understood the
objects or methods. If one did not know the long composting system
he would be m a much better condition to adopt the short because he
would have no preconceived ideas or scepticism about the method. We
expect, however, t h a t the method will only slowly be widely adopted.
Neither do we encourage any grower to use it. We arc merely describing

Conditions for Composting Horse Manure

The unstable and very windy climate of Denmark has entailed
t h a t practically all composting of manure for mushroom growing is now
carried out indoors and, as far as possible, in a room which can be closed
and ventilated according to requirements.
In this manner the composting can be carried out more systemati-
cally. The temperature of the atmosphere can be kept at a more
constant level, thus making it possible to effect a surer and quicker
composting and at the same time the finished compost will be more
adequately disinfected. However, the atmospheric temperature will
influence the period of composting to some extent. When this tempera-
ture is 10° C. (50° F.) or so the manure will be composted m 21— 28
days, during which period it must be kept relatively dry. When the
t e m p e r a t u r e of the atmosphere is above approx. 10° C. (50° V.) the com-
posting will be effected m 16—21 days, and the humidity of the manure

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