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Gabriela Vargas Rojas 11-A

Have you ever been ghosted?

Nowadays, the term "ghosting" has been used when you are dating someone and suddenly,

the person cuts off all conversation and communication with you, it’s like if that person

disappeared from nothing. You can think that everything is going well and, maybe, you can

have something else with that person but from one day to the next, that person disappears

without saying goodbye, without saying absolutely nothing.

This term is very common thanks to technology because being ghosted is much easier

insomuch as that person can block you from all their social media and that is how he or she

cut off all communication with you.

However, there are ways to overcome and react to this type of situation, for example, make

sure that if you are actually being ghosted because it may happen that this person is not doing

that, but had to be absent for a trip or accident; the other way is to call that person and tell

him what you think, this makes you feel calm; Another way is to stop any contact with this

person because this can be toxic to you; In addition, the best thing that you can do is eliminate

everything related to that person and try to forget; In this situation, the least you can do is to

blame yourself because it is not your fault or is it?; and finally, thank the universe that this

person left your life because if he could not even say goodbye, I was not going to contribute

anything in your life either.

Finally, there may also be reasons why you are ghosted because of you and you do not realize

because you can be focusing so much on hatred for that person and do not think if you,

actually, did something to make this happen. There are reasons for you to realize if it was

your fault, for example, you never understood the signs that person gave you because you

did not want to accept the truth that he didn’t want to talk to you anymore; Another reason is

that you are being very invasive with that person and you do not realize it; maybe that

relationship was not going anywhere and it was best to disappear without saying anything

because it doesn’t make sense to continue with something if there is no interest on both sides;

and the last one, is that you were very bad with that person and you hurt him in some way or


In conclusion, there are several reasons why you may be ghosted but you do not realize by

the hatred you have, but there are times that you must accept your mistake. However, you

have to know how to act if this situation happens with you with the recommendations that

was given previously.


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