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Pizza hawaiana

- 300 grams of flour

- 150 milliliters of water

- 15 grams of fresh yeast

- 01 teaspoon of salt

- 200 grams of woked ham frid tomato

- 225 grams of mozzarella cheese

- Oregano

1. Empty into a continer the flour,dissolve the yeast and add the salt,mix.Add ail and water little by
little,mixing well.
2. Knead for a few minutes,until the mass is elastic.Let stand with a clean rag until its volume
increases,for about an horcer.
3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.Stretch the dough and give it round shape,plare it on a tray
covere with baking paper.
4. Cover the dough with fried tomato ,sprinkle some on top
5. Spread the graved mozzarella until cover the pizza dough well.Do the some with the pieces of woked
ham and pineapple.
6. Bake for fifteam minutes to two hundred degrees approximately and this delicious pizza.

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