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EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Activity 5 (during block)

LINKS TO STANDARDS 3.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Collect and analyse two student work samples. This activity will support you to provide evidence
of your ability to:

• Design an assessment tool and criteria aligned to the curriculum learning objectives;
• Analyse students’ learning in relation to the identified learning objectives;
• Provide evidence of feedback to students; and,
• Use the analysis to identify next steps in learning for the whole class and individual students.

This TPA is laid out as follows:

1. Context
2. Responses to Questions from the Handbook
3. Assessment Task
4. Rubric
5. Student Examples


Below is the task sheet and rubric for the summative assessment task the Year 8 Geography class
finalised the unit with. I have selected this assessment as I had a decent amount of input into the
content and learning outcomes. This Year 8 featured 24 students, 2 of which required modifications
to the assessment.

Prompts for journal reflections and for discussion with your Mentor Teacher and/or University

• How did you determine student learning objectives?

o The student learning objectives were identified during a small meeting of the
Geography teachers in the school, who teach across the whole range of year levels.
This assessment was designed mostly by them however I did have input and
constructed the more practical step of the assignment (step 3). These learning
objectives were outlined by the Performance standards for Year 8 Geography located
on the task rubric, as they are designed by the school in relation to the Australian
Curriculum achievement standards.
• How does your assessment tool measure individual student learning?
o This assessment tool measures individual student learning as it is not a group task
and it is the final summative assessment of the unit of work. Moving up to this
assignment we have covered all of the necessary content, and I have armed the
students with the tools to discover anything extra. There have been formative
assignments leading up to this stage which have included presentations and group
work. Relating directly to the material the assessment task asks students to find.

• How would you summarise the whole class results?

EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

o The whole class passed the assignment, with 5 students falling in the C band, 14 in
the B band, and 5 in the A band.
o The class produced informed and considered answers to the questions that followed
the assignments requirements, and they were able to utilise content and knowledge
learnt in the previous weeks to fully guide them.
o This is a bar graph displaying the class results, along with an overlaying bell curve to
demonstrate a fairly even distribution.

Year 8 Geography Assignment Marks


D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+

• What are the gaps in student learning?

o As demonstrated in the C level work below, there are a few gaps surrounding the
knowledge of just how greatly the quality of life (QoL) factors affect our lives. The C
level students were unable to make connections between these QoL factors and
physical evidence in the real world.
o There were also some examples of misunderstood answers to questions, it is worth
noting that the C level students were mostly the students who were presenting
behavioural challenges in the classroom, and I had checked in on them repeatedly
and got them to demonstrate their understanding in front of me.
o A gap present among each of the different grade bands is the layout and use of
tables. There was a scaffold for the assessment, but students mostly chose to
structure it their own ways. The A band work below does demonstrate some use of
tables, however there are also other areas where they could be used.
o A large number of students also did not provide bibliography, which I could have
made clearer during the assignment’s implementation.
• What do most students appear to understand and, are there misconceptions, confusions,
or needs (including extra support or greater challenge)?
o On the whole, no student failed the assignment. Each student was able to
demonstrate in some way evidence of their learning and adherence to the
assessment criteria.
o In the class, there were 2 students who required modified variants to the task.
 One student demonstrated high absenteeism due to a complicated home
life, and they only had to complete steps 1, 2, and 4.
 The other student has ADHD and ASD, along with a speech and language
disorder. To differentiate for this student, a similar strategy was employed in
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

the way of reducing the workload but emphasising a select few key points
instead. Whilst this student has these learning challenges, they were able to
complete Step 1, Step 2, and Step 4, to a high standard earning them a B.
• What written feedback did you provide to students?
o Written feedback was provided to the students on the assignment sheets / rubrics
that were returned to them once fully marked. This feedback generally included
something they did well, something needs to be improved on, and something that I
generally liked in their assignment.
• Based on this assessment, how will you change or adapt your next lesson?
o Based on this assessment, I can not exactly change or adapt the next lesson as this is
the final assignment for the unit of work. However, I can instead look back and
consider what could be done differently, and what could be added / taken away.
o With this in mind:
 What could be done differently during the implementation of the
 More of a focus on the scaffold and reference list.
 More activities comparing different cities, this was a big chunk of the
assignment that could have been practiced a few more times.
 What could be added or taken away from the assignment?
 Step 3 of the assignment could be done as an excursion featuring a
booklet or task sheet. This could be done in one go with no need for
homework or any class time except for a debrief.
 Step 2 of the assignment could be changed or further elaborated on
rather than simply comparing a Megacity to Adelaide.
 Step 4 of the assignment could be further structured, or a scenario
could be generated for them to respond to as a problem which
needs fixing.
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

2019 Year 8 Geography

Task 4 – Changing Nations
Topic: Urbanization Comparative Study
Assessment Component: Research and Fieldwork Investigation (30%)
Final Due Date: Thursday Week 7


Working individually, students identify, compare, research and investigate

differences in living quality.

Step 1.
Research secondary data and answer the following:
 What is a relevant definition of ‘Quality of life’ (QOL)?
 What is a QOL indicator? List 5.
 What is a megacity? List 5 Megacities on a global map and list
their current populations and projected populations by 2030.

Step 2.
As a research Task, compare QOL of a chosen megacity from your list,
and the QOL of Adelaide with reference to 5 QOL indicators as
described by the OECD.
Show on a map where these 2 cities are and show some relevant
statistics which relate to specific QOL factors.
Explain from your research where you would experience higher QOL
and why.

Step 3.
For Part of 3 of your summative assignment, you will be assessing the overall quality of life (QOL)
of your suburb.

You will be assessing your suburb with particular reference to the following factors of life quality.
Consider the work we have done in class regarding what aspects are relevant to each factor.

These QOL indicators are:

- Education
- Safety
- Health
- Community
- Housing

Utilising Google Maps / Earth, you will collect relevant data about your suburb relating to these QOL
Factors. Include a map.

This data should include the following:

EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369


- Does your suburb have a school?

- How far away is the closest primary / secondary school?
- How large is the nearest school? Would you consider it to be high or low quality? Why? What
evidence do you have to support this?


- Does your suburb have any public services, such as a police station or fire station?
- How far away is the nearest Police Station / Fire Station? In an emergency are you confident
in a quick response time?
- What can you say about the overall safety of your suburb? Why do you think this is?


- Is there a hospital or local GP in your suburb?

- How far away is the nearest hospital? In an emergency are you confident in a quick response


- Are there any areas that support a local community? (Ovals, Shopping Centres, Cinemas,
- Do you feel like a part of your suburb? Why? Why not?


- What is the overall housing density of your suburb? Low? Medium? High?
- How many houses are in your suburb?


You may wish to include photos from around your suburb. As this is Geography, visual evidence can
be an important tool when describing an area for any given reason.

Step 4.
Reflect on possible solutions to improving local and global QOL,
with particular focus on at least 3 QOL factors. Reference at
least 3 sources which support or prove your ideas

Presentation style will be a written report of 800 words, 200 words per

Responses can/ should include maps (this is Geography!), images, tables,

graphs or any supportive visual material, Electronic sources should be
properly sited in a reference list or as footnotes.

Comment / Grade.
3,4,5,6 APPLICATION Pages 1 and 2 ANALYSIS Page 7
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Advanced use of relevant Sophisticated analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in geographical terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates extensive knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate in-depth analysis of maps
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. extensively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Accurate recording of sources in

understanding of geographical issues bibliography format.
impacting on the environment/society.
Demonstrates significant knowledge and Effective use of relevant geographical Effective analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates effective knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. effectively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates significant knowledge and

understanding of geographical issues Mostly accurate recording of sources
impacting on the environment/society. in bibliography format.

Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and Competent use of geographical Competent analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.

Demonstrates competent knowledge and Locates, selects and organises mostly

C Satisfactory analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in relevant information from some
relation to purpose and context. primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
competently support the focus topic.
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues Some record of sources in
impacting on the environment/society bibliography format.

Demonstrates basic knowledge and Partial use of geographical Partial analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Limited ability to locate, select and/or
Demonstrates partial knowledge and organise information from some Partial analysis of maps in an attempt
understanding of mapping concepts in sources. to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and/or context.
Partial record of sources though not in
bibliography format.
Demonstrates basic knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues
impacting the environment/society.

Demonstrates limited knowledge and Attempted or no use of geographical Minimal or no evidence of analysis of
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). the physical environment and
relation to focus topic. interactions between people and their
E environment.

Minimal ability to locate, select and/or

Demonstrates limited knowledge and organise information from a limited Minimal or no analysis of maps
understanding of mapping concepts without number of sources. without drawing any conclusions.
comprehension of purpose and/or context.

Demonstrates limited knowledge and Minimal or no record of sources

understanding of geographical issues though not in bibliography format.
impacting on the environment/society.

Student Work Examples

EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Example 1: A Band
Year 8 Geography
Urbanization Comparative Study/Research and Fieldwork Investigation

What is the relevant definition of ‘Quality of Life’?

For me, my definition of ‘Quality of Life’ is being able to live a safe, happy, healthy and comfortable
life and to be able to experience what life has to offer. To be able to have holidays when you want
them and to go to new places and try new things. To be able to meet new people and try different
cultures. To have a job that you love and that provides you with a good income and is flexible so you
can travel, take time off and spend time with your family. And to be able to meet someone you can
fall in love with and have a family you can share your life with.

What is a QOL indicator? List 5

A Quality of Life indicator is the measured response from a population of a county/continent to find
out the main factor which is first, and which is last that is the highest priority for that certain place. In
Australia the main factor is work-life balance. In the US the main factor is life satisfaction. In Canada
the main factor is health. In Brazil the main factor is education. In Afghanistan the main factor is
income and coming last for all these countries is civic engagement. These are only six of the eleven
‘Quality of Life’ factors, the others are Housing, Environment, Jobs, Community and Safety.

What is a megacity? List 5 on a whole world map and list the current and future (2030) populations

A megacity is a city that has a population of more than 10 million people in a metropolitan area.
Paris, France
Tokyo, Japan

New York, USA

Jakarta, Indonesia

Sao Paulo, Brazil

EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Tokyo, Japan – There is approximately 37.5 million people living in Tokyo (2019). In 2030 it is
estimated that the population will be 36.5 million.
New York, USA – There is approximately 8.6 million people living in New York (2019). In 2030 it is
estimated that the population will be 8.8 million.
Sao Paulo, Brazil – There is approximately 12.18 million people living is Sao Paulo (2019). In 2030 it is
estimated that the population will be 23 million.
Jakarta, Indonesia – There is approximately 9.6 million people living in Jakarta (2019). In 2030 it is
estimated that the population will be 35.5 million.
Paris, France – There is approximately 2.1 million people living in Paris (2019). In 2030 it is estimated
the population will be 11.7 million.

Step 2
Compare QOL of a chosen megacity and the QOL of Adelaide with reference to 5 QOL indicators as
described by the OECD

My chosen megacity is New York, USA and my 5 chosen QOL indicators are health, safety, education,
work-life balance and income.
In Adelaide health is ranked 2nd, safety is ranked 5th, education is ranked 3rd, work-life balance is
ranked 1st and income is ranked 7th.
In New York health is ranked 2 nd, safety is ranked 6th, education is ranked 3rd, work-life balance is
ranked 5th and income is ranked 7th.

QLD indicators United States ranking positions Australia ranking positions

Health 2nd 2nd
Safety 6th 5th
Education 3rd 3rd
Work-life balance 5th 1st
Income 7th 7th

Health ranked as the highest out of the five factors I

chose and coming in as 2nd position for both
Education was also a priority for respondents,
ranking 3rd for both countries.
Work-life balance was viewed as a higher priority for
Australian respondents compared to their American
counterparts. Work-life balance was ranked 1 st and
5th for Australia and America respectively.
Respondents from both countries placed a similar
level of importance on personal safety, ranking safety
5th and 6th.
Income was the lowest out of the five factors I chose, coming in as 7 th for both countries.
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Show on a map where 2 cities are and show some relevant statistics which relate to specific QOL
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Census (2016) the median weekly household
income for Adelaide was $1,093. In New York city
the median weekly household income is AUS
$1,746 (US $1,207).
Adelaide has a median house price of $455,000.
Comparatively New York city is one of the most
expensive places to buy a home with the median
house price of US $672,200 (AUS $972,581).

Explain from your research where you would experience higher QOL and why
The above figures suggest that the cost of living, including housing, is significantly higher in New York
compared to Adelaide. Housing in Adelaide is more affordable, leaving a higher proportion of
household income to go toward other expenses.

Step 3
Fieldwork for homework. Will involve you and your local neighborhood

Albert Park, SA, 5014


The suburb of Albert Park has one school called ‘Our Lady Queen of
Peace’. From my house on Selth Street it is a 3-minute drive to the
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

nearest primary school, there is no high school in Albert Park. Our Lady Queen of Peace is small
private catholic parish school and is only reception to year 7.

The suburb of Albert Park doesn’t have any public services such as a police or fire station. The
nearest police station to Albert Park is the Port Adelaide Police Station and the nearest fire station is
the Woodville Metropolitan Fire Services. Response time of each station would be different, and you
cannot be sure as it depends on if there are any patrol cars around your suburb or if they must come
from the station its self. In my opinion, I think that I live in a safe neighborhood as everyone tends to
keep to themselves, there is the occasional party disrupting the peaceful quietness of the streets but
overall my neighborhood is safe.

Woodville Fire Station

Port Adelaide Police Station

There isn’t a hospital or GP in my suburb, but the Queen Elizabeth Hospital is only a 6 to 10-minute
drive away and the closest GP is about 10 to 20 minutes away. I would expect that the response time
of an ambulance or medical vehicle after ringing triple zero would be quick, as the hospital is so

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

There are two parks and one reserve just outside of the Albert Park suburb. There is a child care
place a few streets away from my house and two churches. There are not shopping centers, cinemas
or club in Albert Park. As I have said before we tend to keep to ourselves and its not just us,
everyone in my neighborhood keep to themselves. On the rare occasion the neighbors on each side
of my house will come and say ‘hi’ but other than that, that’s it. We may be neighbors, but we are
not a community, so no I don’t think that me and my family are really part of the community.
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Clarice Sutherland reserve and playground

Gordon reserve and playground

First Steps child care

The housing in Albert Park is of low density as there are only a few two-story houses in the suburb of
Albert Park and the rest are one story. There are nearly two-thousand people living in the suburb of
Albert Park, with about four-hundred families. Approximately there are eight-hundred private houses
in the suburb of Albert Park according to a 2016 census.

Step 4
Reflect on possible solutions for improving local and global QOL, with focus on at least 3 QOL factors.
Reference at least 3 sources which support or prove your ideas.
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Way to improve safety in Australia and other countries could be to:
 Increase police patrols
 Improve security in public areas, including good lighting and CCTV cameras
 Improve availability of high-quality services to support people with mental health and/or
substance abuse problems
 Ensure availability of community spaces for recreational activities like parks, skate parks,
community centers and local libraries

Ways to improve health in Australia and other countries could be to:
Increase public education relating to healthy eating and exercise
Continue public awareness campaigns regarding impact of smoking and the use of other
Improve availability of services to address issues related to tabaco, alcohol and obesity

Ways to improve education in Australia and other countries could be to:
 Decrease school fees so families that don’t earn a high income can pay for their children’s
 Remove of fees for higher education (university/collage)
 Increase government investment in teacher education and skill development
 Prioritize the funding of schools and other learning institutions
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369


3,4,5,6 APPLICATION Pages 1 and 2 ANALYSIS Page 7

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Advanced use of relevant Sophisticated analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in geographical terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates extensive knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate in-depth analysis of maps
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. extensively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Accurate recording of sources in

understanding of geographical issues bibliography format.
impacting on the environment/society.
Demonstrates significant knowledge and Effective use of relevant geographical Effective analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates effective knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. effectively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates significant knowledge and

understanding of geographical issues Mostly accurate recording of sources
impacting on the environment/society. in bibliography format.

Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and Competent use of geographical Competent analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.

Demonstrates competent knowledge and Locates, selects and organises mostly

C Satisfactory analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in relevant information from some
relation to purpose and context. primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
competently support the focus topic.
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues Some record of sources in
impacting on the environment/society bibliography format.

Demonstrates basic knowledge and Partial use of geographical Partial analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Limited ability to locate, select and/or
Demonstrates partial knowledge and organise information from some Partial analysis of maps in an attempt
understanding of mapping concepts in sources. to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and/or context.
Partial record of sources though not in
bibliography format.
Demonstrates basic knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues
impacting the environment/society.

Comment / Grade: A

BLORGA, you have demonstrated extensive knowledge and understanding of the work we have
covered in this Unit on Urbanisation. You have pointed out and elaborated on several key points,
not just stating facts but also discussing how we utilise the Quality of Life factors in the real world,
and their impact. The only area of improvement I can point out would simply be the further
organisation of data. I really liked that you have included tables, photographs, and maps, however
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

there were a couple of areas where tables could have also been included instead of big walls of
text. On the whole, excellent work!

Example 2: C Band
Step 1: Research secondary data (QOL)
- Health: Health is a QOL indicator because if people are not healthy and
don’t have a healthy life people would not be able to fulfill life.
- Jobs: Jobs are a QOL indicator because if people did not have everyday
jobs people will not be able to make money for their family and to be
able to have nice things.
- Environment: Environment is a QOL indicator because the environment
is extremely important and if the environment is being harmed it can
result in very bad things happening to the earth.
- Education: Education is a QOL indicator because it is peoples learning
and having a good education to one day have a job which will provide
money for the person.
- Housing: Housing is a QOL because if people don’t have houses to live in
then people would be on the streets and would not have a good
QOL definition: Quality of life is the meaning of someone to be healthy and
comfortable. The quality of life is about your well being and making sure you
have a happy, healthy and comfortable life.
5 Megacities, population and predicted population by 2030:
- Bangkok - 8.281 million – 5.26 million in the continent
- Moscow - 11.92 million – 142 million in the continent
- Los Angeles – 4 million – 12 million
- Mumbai – 18.41 million – 28 million
- New York - 8.384 million – 9 million
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Step 2: U.S compared to Australia

U.S Housing: Housing costs in the U.S take up a lot of budget. After paying
bills like power, water, rent, furniture or repairs in the U.S they average spend
19% of their gross adjusted disposable income on keeping a roof over their

Adelaide Housing: In addition to housing costs living conditions such as

how many people stay in each bedroom and whether houses have basic
access to facilities. the percentage of dwellings in Australia that contain
private access to an indoor flushing toilet, is more than the OECD average of

U.S income: In the United States, the average household net wealth is
estimated at USD 632 100.

Australia income: In Australia, the average household net wealth is

estimated at USD 427 064.

U.S jobs: In the United States, about 70% of the working-age population
aged 15 to 64 has a paid job.

Australia Jobs: In Australia, 73% of the working-age population aged 15 to

64 has a paid job.

U.S community: In the United States, 91% of people believe that they know
someone they could rely on in a time of need.

Australian community: In Australia, 95% of people believe that they know

someone they could rely on in time of need.

U.S education: In the United States, 91% of adults aged 25-64 have
completed upper secondary education.

Australian education: In Australia, 81% of adults aged 25-64 have

completed upper secondary education.
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EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Where would you find a higher QOL Adelaide or U.S:

You would find a higher QOL in the U.S because it has alot more opportunity
and it Is a larger country.

Part 3: Using google maps to help answer the following questions.

- Yes, my suburb does have a school.
- Not very far it is a few streets away.
- The nearest school is very large it Is high quality because it is very nice
looking, and It has very professional looking uniforms.
- Flinders park does not have any service station but there are ones lose
by in other suburbs.
- The closest station is in Woodville and I do think I would be confident in
a quick response time.
- I Think my suburb is safe because it has close service stations.
- Yes, Flinders park does have a local gp on grange road.
- The closest hospital isn’t very far it is on Cudmore terrace. I do think I am
confident in a quick response time.
- Yes, there are areas that support the local community there is a club
called Flinders park football club.
- I don’t feel like apart of my suburb because I leave the suburb a lot.
- The housing density is medium.
- 385 houses.
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

Part 4 – Improving global QOL

Possible ways of improving global and local QOL could be by stopping
littering and not having so much violence in the community.
Housing, environment and education are extremely important because
without a home you would be homeless and if the environment is not taken
care of It can be extremely dangerous and if people don’t have an
education, they will not be able to get good jobs.
These things are true and if people did not have them you would most likely
not live a very happy life and everyone needs these things or bad things
could happen to the earth and your life will not be very fulfilled.
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3,4,5,6 APPLICATION Pages 1 and 2 ANALYSIS Page 7

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Advanced use of relevant Sophisticated analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in geographical terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates extensive knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate in-depth analysis of maps
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. extensively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and Accurate recording of sources in

understanding of geographical issues bibliography format.
impacting on the environment/society.
Demonstrates significant knowledge and Effective use of relevant geographical Effective analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Locates, selects and organises
Demonstrates effective knowledge and relevant information from a variety of Appropriate analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
relation to purpose and context. effectively support the focus topic.

Demonstrates significant knowledge and

understanding of geographical issues Mostly accurate recording of sources
impacting on the environment/society. in bibliography format.

Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and Competent use of geographical Competent analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.

Demonstrates competent knowledge and Locates, selects and organises mostly

C Satisfactory analysis of maps to draw
understanding of mapping concepts in relevant information from some
relation to purpose and context. primary and/or secondary sources to conclusions.
competently support the focus topic.
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues Some record of sources in
impacting on the environment/society bibliography format.

Demonstrates basic knowledge and Partial use of geographical Partial analysis of the physical
understanding of geographical concepts in terminology (key terms). environment and interactions between
relation to focus topic. people and their environment.
Limited ability to locate, select and/or
Demonstrates partial knowledge and organise information from some Partial analysis of maps in an attempt
understanding of mapping concepts in sources. to draw conclusions.
relation to purpose and/or context.
Partial record of sources though not in
bibliography format.
Demonstrates basic knowledge and
understanding of geographical issues
impacting the environment/society.

Comment / Grade: C

JORGO, in your report you have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of some of the key
elements covered in class. I really like that you have adequately utilized the terminology in
accurate ways. A big area of improvement for you would be to take your elaborations and
analysis further, and instead of stating key points or facts and leaving it at that, include ways in
which the Quality of Life factors accurately relate to the world we live in. You could then further
discuss the impact of these factors and what they ultimately mean for us as people living in
EDUC4742 – Teaching Performance Assessment Activity 5 Cody Fitzgerald 2167369

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