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21, pp 1-16, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology


The Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Department of Earth Sciences,
Aarhus University, Risø National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark (e-mail:
CSIRO Water and Land, and Co-operative Centre for Catchment Hydrology, P.O. Box 1666, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Key words
words: Abstract: Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of light-exposed sediments is used
OSL DATING, increasingly as a mean of establishing a sediment deposition chronology in a wide variety of
AEOLIAN SEDIMENTS, late Quaternary studies. There has been considerable technological development in the last
WATER-LAIN few years – in instrumentation, in the preferred mineral, and in various measurement proto-
SEDIMENTS, cols. New approaches to the latter, especially with the introduction of the single-aliquot
LATE PLEISTOCENE, regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, have given rise to an increasing number of ages in the li-
HOLOCENE terature based on the OSL signals from quartz. This paper examines the reliability of these
results by reviewing both published and unpublished SAR quartz ages for which some
independent age control exists. It first discusses studies of modern (zero age) sediments,
and the implications of these results for the importance of incomplete bleaching, especially
in water-lain sediments, i.e. sediments for which the initial light exposure is expected to have
been insufficient to reduce the apparent dose at deposition to a negligible fraction of the final
burial dose. It then compares OSL and independent ages derived from various types of sedi-
ments, including aeolian, fluvial/lacustrine, marine and glacio-fluvial/lacustrine. It is concluded
that, in general, the ages are accurate, in that there is no evidence for systematic errors over
an age range from the last century to at least 350 ka. Nevertheless, the published uncertain-
ties of a small fraction of OSL ages are probably underestimated. We conclude that OSL
dating of quartz is a reliable chronological tool; this conclusion is reflected in its growing
popularity in Quaternary studies.

1. INTRODUCTION Until the late 1990s, the great majority of OSL dates
were based on infrared (IR) stimulation of feldspars
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) can be used (Wintle, 1997; Aitken, 1998), but over the last few years
to estimate the time elapsed since buried sediment grains both the preferred mineral and the laboratory techniques
were last exposed to daylight. This method of sediment used to measure OSL have undergone major changes.
dating makes use of the fact that daylight releases charge It was always thought that quartz had considerable po-
from light-sensitive traps in the defects in crystals such as tential in optical dating, but it was little used because ali-
quartz and feldspar. The release of trapped charge by light quot-to-aliquot reproducibility was poor, and because it
resets the OSL signal; this process is commonly referred was insensitive to IR. It requires visible light stimulation,
to as bleaching. When grains of quartz are buried and which was usually derived from an expensive laser instal-
hidden from light, they begin to accumulate a trapped- lation (e.g. Rhodes, 1988). Since then, a readily accessible
charge population due to the effects of ionising radiation, measurement technology has become widely available,
such as that arising from radionuclides naturally present with the development of cheap green and blue light
in the deposit. This trapped-charge population increases sources (these were at first filtered from the broad-band
with burial time in a measurable and predictable way. emission of an incandescent filament (Bøtter-Jensen and
As a result, the time elapsed since sediment grains were Duller, 1992); more recently they have been based on
buried can be determined by measuring both the OSL bright blue light emitting diodes (Bøtter-Jensen et al.,
signal and sensitivity from a sample of sediment, and by 2000). At the same time, measurement protocols have
estimating the flux of ionising radiation to which it has undergone major development. Until 1997, estimation of
been exposed since burial. the equivalent dose (i.e. the dose absorbed during burial,

De) for quartz required the use of many aliquots (typi- measured; this regenerative cycle is then repeated as many
cally 50-100, each of about 10 mg). With the development times as desired, with the regenerative dose (Di) the only
for quarty of first the single-aliquot additive-dose proto- variable. These regenerative doses are usually chosen
col (Murray et al., 1997) and more recently the single- to give values of the sensitivity corrected OSL ratio
aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol (Murray and (Ri=Li/Ti) which bracket the natural response (N=L0/T0).
Roberts, 1998; Murray and Wintle, 2000), all the measure- The test dose (Dt) is usually a small fraction (~10%) of
ments for quartz required to estimate the De can now be the natural dose, although Murray and Wintle (2000) have
made on one aliquot. This has two particular advantages: shown that this is not a necessary requirement. The natu-
(1) the uncertainties on the average De are now based on ral dose is then estimated by interpolating the ratio N onto
external estimates of precision – i.e. the standard uncer- a plot of Ri against Di (Fig. 1).
tainty on the mean is estimated from several independent, For the protocol to be useful, any sensitivity changes
interpolated measurements of De, rather than from the that may occur from one measurement cycle to the next
uncertainties associated with, for example, extrapolating must be accurately measured by the OSL response to the
a single modelled growth curve fitted to the data derived test dose (Dt), i.e. Li ∝Ti for constant Di. If this require-
from many aliquots; and (2), for the first time, the distri- ment is met, the corrected OSL ratio Ri( = Li/Ti) should
bution of doses within a sample can be examined explic- be independent of treatment history, i.e. independent of
itly (e.g. by making De measurements on single grains). prior dose or thermal treatment. This is most easily tested
These developments have resulted in a considerable in- by repeating a particular value of D (e.g. D5 = D1) after
crease in the number of published quartz dates, almost
all of which are based on the SAR protocol. Age estimates
based on quartz have been now produced by many labo-
ratories over an age range of a few decades to more than
500 ka, and this method has already found considerable
application in the dating of Quaternary sediments.
In this paper, we consider the evidence for the relia-
bility of these SAR quartz OSL ages. The SAR protocol
is first described and some internal checks on performance
outlined. The process of bleaching or resetting the OSL
signal is then discussed, along with the complications of
interpreting the OSL signal when charge transfer is sig-
nificant; the importance of these effects is considered by
examining the reported apparent ages of modern sedi-
ments. We then review both published and unpublished
quartz ages for a variety of sediment types and age ranges.
In some cases these are known to be poorly bleached, but Fig. 1. Typical single-aliquot regenerative-dose growth curve,
in all cases some age control exists; this allows the relia- showing the natural OSL ratio N(=L0/T0 , see text and Table 1)
bility of the OSL ages to be assessed. interpolated onto the regenerated growth curve, for a single
8 mg aliquot of a glaciofluvial sample from northern Russia
(laboratory code 992528). The recycled value (R 5 at the lowest
2. THE SINGLE ALIQUOT REGENERATIVE DOSE regenerated dose is shown as an open circle (R 5/R1=1.02 for
(SAR) PROTOCOL this aliquot), and the recuperated signal for which D 4=0 Gy, as
an open triangle (R 4=1% of the natural signal N).
There are many published descriptions of the single
aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol and its appli-
Table 1. Generalised single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol
cations (e.g. Murray and Olley 1999; Murray and Wintle, (after Murray and Wintle, 2000).
2000; Bailey et al., 2001; Stokes et al., 2001) and it is not Step Treatment Observed
appropriate here to do more than outline its principle 1 Give dosea, Di -
features, and to highlight the main assumptions. Table 1
2 Preheatb (160-300o C for 10 s) -
sets out a typical SAR measurement cycle. The sample is
3 Stimulatec for ~100 s at 125o C Li
given a dose (D0) during burial (i.e. before sampling). In
4 Give test dose, Dt -
the laboratory, the sample is first preheated to some tem-
5 Heatb to 160o C -
perature in the range of 160 to 300o C (usually for 10 s)
6 Stimulatec for ~100 s at 125o C Ti
and the natural OSL signal (L0) measured. The sample
7 Return to 1
is then given a test dose (Dt), heated to 160o C and the
aFor the natural sample, i=0 and Do is the natural dose.
test dose OSL signal (T0) is measured; this completes the bAliquot cooled to <60o C after heating. In step 5, the TL signal from the test
first (natural) measurement cycle. To begin the second dose can be observed, but it is not made use of in routine applications.
cycle, a regenerative dose (D1) is first administered; the cThe stimulation time is dependent on the stimulation light intensity and

sample is then heated to the same preheat temperature wavelength (eg. 40 s for blue light diodes, 100 to 125 s for green-light
as in the first cycle and the OSL signal measured (L1). sources).
dL and T are derived from the stimulation curve, typically the first 1 to 10
i i
The sample is then given the same test dose as before (Dt), seconds of initial OSL signal, minus a background estimated from the last part
heated to 160 o C and the test dose OSL signal (T 1) of the stimulation curve.

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

various larger values have been used, and comparing the ited by a high energy event (e.g. a storm or tsunami) is
two OSL ratios (in this case R5 and R1); for the same dose likely to have been derived from shallow-water deposits
the two values of R should be the same (R5/R1 = 1, the that had already been thoroughly light exposed. In many
so-called recycling ratio). Preheating the sample can also freshwater environments, however, turbidity may be the
cause recuperation of the OSL signal (i.e. heating after controlling factor; in some low gradient rivers at low lati-
OSL measurement can give rise to a new OSL signal, even tudes most of the incident light is absorbed in the first
in the absence of an ionising radiation dose). To test for 1 m of water or less (Oliver, 1990).
this, a SAR cycle is measured with Di = 0 Gy (usually Predicting the rate of bleaching is complicated further
i = 4). The ratio R4 should then be zero, but in practice by the nature of a transport process. Turbulent mixing and
is usually some small % of N. Rejection criteria can be saltation combine to move even coarse sand-sized grains
proposed based on these two test measurements into and out of the regions of the transport medium which
(e.g. 0.9 < R5/R1 < 1.1, and R4/N < 5%), but there is little receive the highest light fluxes. If the flux gradient is steep
evidence of how sensitive the value of De is to these (as in a turbid river) this will have the effect of exposing
criteria. the grain to light for a short period, before returning it to
The performance of the SAR protocol with respect to effectively complete darkness. It is even possible that the
laboratory doses can be checked by the two tests described majority of bleaching in turbid river systems occurs only
above, but it is important to realise that there is no readily during low flow periods when the water is clear and shal-
available test that the assumptions hold in the first mea- low, and sand transport has ceased. Then only those sand
surement cycle, in particular that laboratory induced sen- grains resting on the surface of the bed will get sufficient
sitivity variations in L0 are faithfully reflected in variations light exposure to fully bleach the OSL signal. As a result
in T0. Murray and Wintle (2000; their Figure 3) did test of these various processes, the bleaching history of every
this assumption using the response of the 110° C TL peak grain will be different, and only when all grains have had
before and after OSL measurement of the natural signal, more than sufficient light exposure will a sediment sample
but this approach requires that any sensitivity changes in be completely bleached. This is usually assumed to be true
the measurement of the OSL signal are reflected in for aeolian transported material, but it is at least ques-
changes in the 110° C TL peak; this cannot be assumed, tionable for sediments transported in other ways.
and must be tested from one sample to another. Incomplete bleaching results in grains being deposited
For feldspar, Wallinga et al. (2001) have suggested the with a heterogeneous distribution of residual trapped
routine use of a dose recovery test, in which a sample is charge. If large sample aliquots (i.e. aliquots made up of
first optically zeroed without any heating above room tem- many grains) are used for the measurement of the OSL
perature, and then given a known dose using a laboratory signal, these residual trapped charges give rise to an ap-
source. This dose is measured as if it were an unknown parent dose that results both from charge trapped during
natural dose (i.e. beginning with a preheat). The impor-
tant point here is that the first heating of the sample oc-
curs after the administering of the dose to be measured;
at least for feldspar, there is clear evidence that the first
heating of a sample changes its luminescence sensitivity,
probably by changing the rate of charge trapping. Of course,
any useful measurement protocol should be able to mea-
sure this (known) laboratory dose accurately.While this
does not necessarily imply that a natural dose can also be
measured accurately, it does serve to increase confidence
in the measurement procedure. This approach should
probably be made more use of with quartz.


If a clean quartz grain is exposed to daylight, the so-

called “fast component” of the OSL signal will be reduced
to a negligible level within a few seconds. However, in
nature this is rarely the case. Quartz sand grains are rarely
“clean”; they usually have iron and manganese oxide sur-
face coatings, and they may have adhering clay grains. The
transport medium is rarely transparent; even during Fig. 2. (a) Apparent doses from 116 small aliquots of 125-180 µm
aeolian transport (usually considered to be the most ideal diameter grains of quartz (laboratory code ME95002/2)
bleaching circumstance) other grains can attenuate the extracted from a recent sand deposit on the Murrumbidgee River,
light. Nevertheless, even in aqueous transport, there may New South Wales, Australia. Each aliquot contained between 60
and 100 grains. (b) Apparent doses in 96 aliquots from a modern
be circumstances where bleaching is complete; sand re-
aeolian dune sand (125-180 mm diameter), known to be less
peatedly washed up and down a lake or marine beach will than 5 years old, from the east Queensland coast, Australia
receive considerable exposure to light, and sand depos- (DS1/1; both figures taken from Olley et al., 1998).


burial and the residual trapped charge already present at

the time of burial. The net effect is an overestimate of
the age. However, if small aliquots are used, made up of
only a few grains, or even single grains, a distribution of
apparent doses will be measured, skewed to larger val-
ues. In such cases, the lower values are more likely to give
the true age since burial. Figure 2 illustrates this compari-
son using two modern sediments, one aeolian and one
river sand (Olley et al., 1998), both measured using
aliquots of about 100 grains. Effectively all the aliquots
from the aeolian sand are well bleached, but only about
5% of those taken from the river sand are consistent with
zero dose.
It is possible that during some depositional events none
of the sediment grains would receive sufficient exposure
to fully bleach the OSL signal. Especially in very young
deposits (<100 years) with evidence of heterogeneous
bleaching at deposition, it may be that OSL ages should
be viewed as maximum ages of burial.


Some heating of the aliquots is always applied before

measurement of any OSL signal. In the SAR protocol
described by Murray and Roberts (1998) and improved
by Murray and Wintle (2000), the OSL signal is measured
while the aliquot is held at 125° C. This is intended to
minimise charge cycling through the 110° C TL trap, and
so increase the rate of decay of the OSL signal, and this
procedure has been adopted widely. Additional heating
prior to OSL measurement is also common. There is a
tendency for younger samples to be measured after heat-
ing to lower temperatures (typically 200 to 220° C for 10 s;
Murray et al., 1995; Olley et al., 1998; Hilgers et al., 2001;
Murray and Clemmensen, 2001; Banerjee et al., 2001;
Wallinga et al., 2001; Stokes et al., 2001) than are used for
older samples. The latter are more usually heated to 260
or 280° C for 10 s prior to measurement (Strickertsson
and Murray, 1999; Strickertsson et al., 2000; Roberts et Fig. 3. (a) De as a function of preheat temperature for an aeolian
al., 1998; 1999; 2001; Wallinga et al., 2001), although there sand sample (age 310±90 years) from the coast of Wales
are several examples of ‘preheat plateaus’ which show that (redrawn from Figure 3 of Bailey et al., 2001).
the apparent dose is insensitive to the temperature of (b) Filled circles: preheat plateau for quartz sample F1 of the
dune section “Postdüne”, located north of Berlin in
heating prior to measurement, at least in the range 160 Brandenburg, Germany (age: 140±10 years). Aliquots were
to 300o C (Murray and Olley, 1999; Murray and Wintle, measured in groups of 3 using 8 different preheat temperatures
2000; Roberts et al., 1999). from 160° up to 300° C (held for 10 s each; the cycle was
There are good reasons why younger samples should repeated, 48 aliquots were measured in all). Six regeneration
be measured with lower preheat temperatures. Thermal cycles were measured using the following doses for beta-
irradiation 0, 0.38, 0.63, 0.88, 0, 0.38 Gy (test dose: 0.25 Gy),
transfer, or the transfer of charge by heating from light- blue light emitting diodes for optical stimulation (100 s at 125°
insensitive but thermally-stable traps into the light-sensi- C), and a cut heat of 160° C. Each data point shows the average
tive traps, is probably not important in older samples; this and standard uncertainty of 6 aliquots, except for 240°C (n=30)
is shown by the lack of sensitivity of De to preheat tem- and 260°C (n=24).
perature mentioned above. This appears not always to be Open symbols: Data were obtained for 24 aliquots processed as
described above, but all aliquots were first stimulated for 150 s
true for younger samples. Various authors have mentioned with blue diodes at 125° C to remove the natural OSL signal. The
or presented preheat plateaus for young samples which test doses applied were 25 % of the De (0.05 Gy, open square),
increase with temperature (Murray and Clemmensen, 160 % (0.31 Gy, open circle) and 1600 % (3.1 Gy, open
2001; Bailey et al., 2001; Rhodes, 2000; Wallinga et al., triangle). All taken from Hilgers et al. (unpublished).
2001; Hilgers et al., unpublished), and Banerjee (2000) (c) Apparent values of De resulting from repeated heating of a
single aliquot of 300 year old fluvial bedload from a channel of
has also discussed this issue. It is likely that this is com- the Rhine-Meuse system in the Netherlands (see Wallinga et al.,
mon in samples which have received enough light expo- 2001). The results were checked for the absence of sensitivity
sure to empty the OSL trap, but insufficient to empty the change.

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

less light-sensitive and thermally-shallow traps, such as the typical dose rates (note that throughout the symbol ‘±’ is
TL traps at 160, 240 and 280° C. These traps can be ex- followed by the standard uncertainty on the mean, and
pected to retain a significant charge population at the time that the number of significant digits is given as presented
of deposition, even although the OSL trap was well by the original author). Bailey et al. (2001) took a sample
bleached (in fact, these TL traps may even contain an from the top of a parabolic dune, currently subject to wind
equilibrium trapped-charge population, where rate of erosion, on the coast of north Wales, and obtained an age
trapping equals rate of thermal release at ambient tem- of 20±10 years, averaged over the preheat range 160 to
perature). If this sample is then heated to a temperature 260° C (heated for 10 s). Murray and Clemmensen (2001)
sufficient to release some or all of this charge in shallow sampled wind-blown sand deposited on concrete on the
traps, a fraction of the released charge can be retrapped west coast of Denmark, and known to have been depo-
by the OSL trap. This gives then rise to a finite OSL sig- sited in the last 35 years; they obtained an age of 36±5
nal from a sample that was, in fact, well bleached at depo- years, using a preheat of 200° C for 10 s. One author
sition. This phenomenon will become increasingly less (Murray) has other unpublished examples of ages
important as the OSL trap stores charge from the ambi- ~10 years from modern aeolian sediments from this geo-
ent radiation flux after burial, because the retrapping pro- graphical area.
cess seems to be inefficient. This effect is illustrated in Fluvial – Murray et al. (1995) used a simplified regen-
Fig. 3b,c (open symbols). Here the aliquots were all first eration protocol to examine the residual doses in 4 mod-
bleached using blue light (at 125° C in Fig. 3b; at room ern fluvial sediments, covering catchment scales from a
temperature in Fig. 3c), but without prior heating. This few hectares up to >100,000 km2. In all these catchments,
emptied the OSL trap but left any shallow traps (except flood flows were known to be very turbid. In their ap-
the TL trap at 110° C) relatively untouched. The aliquots proach only a single regeneration cycle was used, with no
were then subject to the usual SAR protocol, using the test dose. Their results are considered here, because the
various preheat temperatures shown. At low tempera- OSL response to dose (the growth curve) at low doses is
tures, the apparent De is very small, but at higher tem- known to be linear, and because the sensitivity change at
peratures there is significant thermal transfer during the such low doses will be negligible if the preheat tempera-
first preheat into the empty OSL trap, and the apparent ture is kept low (they used 200o C for 10 s). They observed
De (filled symbols) begins to rise. In both the young average doses of between 0.3 Gy and 3 Gy, correspond-
aeolian sample (Fig. 3b, open symbols; Hilgers et al., un- ing to approximate ages of a few hundred up to a thou-
published data) and in the young fluvial sample (Fig. 3c; sand years. The lowest apparent age was derived from the
Wallinga et al., unpublished data) the phenomenon is only overbank deposit; the other three were samples of
detectable at temperatures as low as 200° C, and rapidly in-channel deposits. They measured the OSL signals us-
becomes significant at temperatures above this. The ef- ing small aliquots of only about 150 fine-sand sized grains;
fect of this transfer on the variation of De with preheat this sample size was chosen to deliberately increase the
temperature is clearly seen in the preheat plateau for the scatter in the data, and so increase the probability that
two aeolian samples (Fig. 3a – Bailey et al., 2001 – and they would observe aliquots containing only well-bleached
Fig. 3b, filled circles). It is clearly desirable to use low tem- grains. In 3 out of the 4 distributions they observed some
perature preheating for young samples, especially those aliquots with doses consistent with zero, and in the fourth
that are likely to be less well bleached. It is less clear that sample, the smallest doses were consistent with an age of
there is a compelling reason to use higher temperature about 60 years. This supports the hypothesis that even in
preheating for older samples; as discussed above, all pub- turbid systems there are likely to be some grains that are
lished preheat plateaus for older samples appear relatively well-bleached. Olley et al. (1998) sampled a modern in-
flat. channel sand deposit from the Murrumbidgee River in
eastern Australia, and used a 200o C preheat for 10 s. They
5. MODERN SEDIMENTS measured an average apparent age of 340±70 years (cal-
culated using their average De and dose rate values). Fur-
One way to test the hypothesis that samples are well ther measurements, using small aliquots of 80 to 100
bleached at the time of deposition is to examine modern grains each (see Fig. 2a), demonstrated that not all grains
(i.e. zero age) analogues. This is increasingly standard in this deposit were fully bleached; if they used only the
practice in dating studies, and although such analogues lowest 5% of aliquots, they derived an age that was con-
are not always available at or close to the sampling site of sistent with zero (3±4 years). These authors also exam-
interest (especially for deposition environments associ- ined the grain size dependence of the dose distributions
ated with continental glaciation events) such studies can in sediments from the same river, and found the rather
be very informative. The following sections summarise surprising result that the fraction of well-bleached grains
what is known about various classes of modern sediments appeared to increase as the grain size increased (in the
using the SAR protocol. range <63 µm to 250 µm).
Aeolian – Olley et al. (1998) calculated the average dose Colls et al. (2001) sampled various deposits on the
in an Australian aeolian sediment believed to be <5 years River Loire in central France. They used a relatively high
old (using the data of Fig. 2a). They derived an average temperature preheat (280o C for 10 s), which almost cer-
De of 0.020±0.006 Gy, using a preheat of 200° C for tainly resulted in some thermal transfer, and probably
10 s; this corresponds to an age of about 20 years, using contributed to the finite age of 300±60 years they


tempt to correct for this only reduced the range to be-

tween 70 and 290 years. However, all their measurements
involved relatively large aliquots (>1000 grains) and so
some averaging was probably unavoidable. In the Loire
study, the average ages decreased with distance from
3.3 ka near the source, to about 80 years at the mouth
(Fig. 4; open circles). If some allowance was made for
incomplete bleaching (filled circles), this pattern changed
to about 1 ka at the source, decreasing to only a few de-
cades within the first 10 km, and staying low thereafter.
Marine – In a study of a possible tsunami deposit on
the Scilly Isles (UK), Banerjee et al. (2001) sampled mo-
dern sub-aqueous coastal sand, from a few centimetres
below the sediment surface and more than 2 m below
water level at low astronomical tide. Using a preheat of
Fig. 4. Apparent De for bedload samples collected within the
channel of the Loire River in France (after Stokes et al., 2001).
200o C for 10 s, they calculated an average OSL age for
the 180-210 m fraction of 2.0±1.7 years.


obtained for a modern point-bar deposit. This study
used average estimates of De – no attempt was made to The effects of incomplete bleaching are most likely to
correct for incomplete bleaching, e.g. by measuring dis- be obvious in younger samples (e.g. those from the Ho-
tributions of dose in small aliquots. Stokes et al. (2001) locene) and so there have been many studies of aeolian
conducted a more systematic study of modern sediments material from this period, but water-lain deposits tend to
in two river basins, the Colorado (USA) and the Loire have been avoided. Nevertheless there is an increasing
(France). In the Colorado system they collected 4 samples awareness that incomplete bleaching in fluvial and ma-
from the Colombus Point Bar in Texas, and in the Loire rine systems may not be as large a problem as previously
they collected 13 samples along the length of the chan- feared, and this has led to an increasing interest in such
nel, from source to mouth. The Colorado study used the sediments.
full SAR protocol, whereas that in the Loire used the sim- Aeolian – Strickertsson and Murray (1999) sampled
plified protocol of Murray et al. (1995). In the Colorado a sand of historically known (300-400 years) age from the
study they observed average ages between 95 and 648 west coast of Jutland, Denmark, and obtained an OSL age
years. Their data also suggested that the apparently older of 290±20 years, using preheats between 240 and 280° C
samples had not been completely bleached, but their at- for 10 s. Bailey et al. (2001) dated a small dune field on

Fig. 5. Schematic cross-sections of (a) the interdune area and modern parabolic dune and (b) aeolian sand stratigraphy at Lake
Coron, on the coast of Wales, UK, derived from ground penetrating radar images. The OSL ages (ka) and sample locations are also
shown (modified by Bailey [pers. comm.] from Bailey et al., 2001).

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

the west coast of north Wales (Fig. 5; note that these ages Murray and Clemmensen (2001) describe a sequence
have been revised slightly by Bailey, pers. comm., from of 14C dated palaeosols interleaved with aeolian sand units
those originally published). They obtained an age for the from a site on the west coast of Jutland in Denmark
oldest phase of sand movement of 710±50 years, averaged (Fig. 6). Their values of De were independent of preheat
over the preheat range 160 to 260° C (heated for 10 s). temperature (in the range 160 to 280° C, held for 10 s),
This is consistent with the historical evidence that this and the agreement with 14C over the age range 4500 years
dune field began to accumulate in AD 1331. They also to about 100 years was very satisfactory. Their youngest
used ground-penetrating radar to identify two deposition results (between 70 and 180 years) were known with con-
units, which were then sampled from 4 separate boreholes. siderably better calculated uncertainties (between 9 and
This provided 4 samples from the younger unit, of ave- 40 years) than the immediately underlying calibrated 14C
rage age 328 years (sample standard deviation σ=15), and ages (±140 years); this illustrates the importance of un-
3 for the older, of average age 517 years (σ=12). They certainties arising from the shape of the 14C calibration
assumed that the samples were saturated throughout the curve in the last few centuries. (Note that all 14C dates
burial period, and do not provide an uncertainty for their discussed in this paper are calibrated by the original au-
water content values or for other corrections introduced thors unless otherwise stated.)
to compensate for systematic errors. However, these are Radtke et al. (2001) undertook a comparison of quartz
presumably not trivial, because their overall combined and feldspar, single- and multiple-aliquot dating of dune
standard uncertainty on an individual age varies between sands immediately above and below the Laacher-See te-
20 and 40 years, significantly in excess of their observed phra layer at a site near the Rhine, close to Mainz, Ger-
reproducibility. many. Using the SAR protocol, and a preheat of 260° C

Fig. 6. Diagrammatic section of the

Lodbjerg site in western Jutland, Denmark
(based on Murray and Clemmensen,
2001), showing relationship between OSL
and calibrated 14C dates. S3 is a complex
and less well-defined palaeosol. The
midpoints of the calibrated 14C ages are
shown, with uncertainties of half the range;
the ages include an additional 40 years to
convert to calendar years.


for 10 s, they obtained quartz ages of 14.6±1.5 ka below in an aeolian sand unit which provided two OSL dates of
the tephra, 11.9±1.0 ka in the tephra layer, and 12.0±0.9 and 13.6±1.2 ka. The other is at their Kuya
13.4±1.2 ka above the tephra. All these ages are consis- Bridge site, where they give an uncalibrated 14C age of
tent with the well-known age for the Laacher-See tephra 12.3±0.06 ka (on organic material extracted from bulk
of 13.155 ka, based on AMS 14C measurements of decadal sediment sample); after calibration this gives 14.3±0.5 ka.
samples of poplar buried by the tephra (Friedrich et al., Despite the problems often associated with such samples,
1999). Hilgers et al. (2001) undertook a related study near this agrees very well with the OSL age from the same
Eberswalde, north of Berlin, Germany, at a dune sand site aeolian sand unit, of 14.6±1.2 ka.
that contains both the Laacher-See tephra and a well- Freshwater sediments – Olley et al. (1998) measured the
described palaeosol, dated by Schlaak (1993) to the apparent age of a flood deposit known to have been de-
Allerød interstadial (12.9-14 ka). Their study also included posited in 1926. The average apparent age determined
several 14C ages from younger layers, and with one excep- from large aliquots (~2000 grains) was between 400 and
tion the relevant OSL ages were in good agreement. Ho- 700 years (preheat 200° C for 10 s), but by using small
wever, the relative stratigraphy of the earlier 14C samples aliquots (60 to 100 grains), and comparing with the dis-
compared to the OSL samples in these younger layers was tribution of a modern analogue (see Fig. 2a) they derived
not unambiguous, and so these comparisons are not con- an age of 67±5 years, in good agreement with the known
sidered here. They used a preheat of 260° C for 10 s; for age. Olley et al. (1999) later examined the dose distribu-
the sample immediately overlying the Laacher-See tephra, tion in single grains from this sample and from a sample
they obtained an age of 11.2±1.3 ka, and for the samples with a calibrated 14C age of 1530 years (before 1954) and
encompassing the palaeosol, they obtained 11.9±1.1 ka a 95% confidence age range of 1400-1690 years. Measured
(above) and 15.1±1.4 ka (below). All three of these dates doses for single grains from each sample are shown in the
are in excellent agreement with their respective age form of a radial plots in Fig. 7a, b. The shaded region on
controls. each plot represents the expected burial dose (0.27±0.02
Rich and Stokes (2001) dated a variety of aeolian Gy and 5.4±0.6 Gy respectively). The dose measured for
samples from the southern High Plains (between New a grain can be read by extrapolating a line from the y-axis
Mexico and Texas, USA). The sites were of archaeologi- origin through the data point until the line intersects the
cal significance, and many had independent 14C age esti- radial axis (log scale) on the right-hand side. This gives
mates already available. The reliability of association be- the dose estimate in Gy, and its standard uncertainty can
tween these independent ages and the OSL samples is be read by extending a line vertically from the data point
unclear, especially since some of the 14C dates were un- to intersect the x-axis. The x-axis has two scales: one plots
dertaken in the 1950s. Nevertheless for 11 samples for the relative standard uncertainty of the dose (called rela-
which a comparison with SAR data can be drawn, the tive error by Olley et al., 1999; see Fig. 7) and the other
mean ratio of SAR to independent age is 1.12±0.17. (precision) plots the reciprocal standard uncertainty of
These samples cover an age range from a few hundred the log dose estimate. Therefore, values with the highest
years to about 11 ka. precisions and the smallest relative uncertainties plot clos-
Mangerud et al. (2000) report two comparisons of est to the radial axis on the right of the diagram, and the
aeolian OSL dates with 14C from two sites in north west- least precise estimates plot furthest to the left (note that
ern Russia. One is at the Pymva Shor archaeological site, the calculated uncertainties are usually dominated by
where a reindeer bone (uncalibrated 14C age given as counting statistics in this type of study). The y-axis pro-
10.27±0.08 ka; after calibration 12.0±0.3 ka) was found vides a further aid to data display, by plotting standardised

Fig. 7. Radial plots of measured doses for single grains from (a) sample ME95041B and (b) sample WK96008. In each plot,
the shaded region represents the expected burial dose (after Olley et al., 1999).

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

estimates of log dose. These are calculated by subtract-

ing a reference value (such as the pooled log dose for all
aliquots, or another log dose of interest) from each of the
log doses and then dividing each of the differences by the
associated standard uncertainty. Galbraith et al. (1999)
provide further details, and a worked illustration, of how
radial plots may be used to display OSL data. Olley et al.
(1999) concluded on the basis of these data that the popu-
lations of single grains with the lowest doses gave ages
consistent with the expected burial ages.
Olley and Hancock (unpublished data) have compared
Pb and OSL ages on two freshwater sediment cores
from south-eastern Australia. In each case the samples
were poorly bleached and the OSL ages were based on
the lowest doses observed in single grains of quartz, mea-
sured with a preheat temperature of 220° C. In the first
example, from the Bega estuary in New South Wales, the
OSL age of 70±8 years at 25 cm compared well with the
Pb age of 63±8 years at 24.5 cm. In the second example,
from Blue Lake, one of the highest lakes in Australia,
the 210Pb age of 128±10 years at 52 cm is consistent with
Fig. 8. OSL ages plotted against independent age estimates for
the OSL age of 170±20 years at 60-62 cm if a constant fluvial channel deposits in the Rhine-Meuse system in the
rate of sediment supply is assumed. Olley and Taylor Netherlands (after Wallinga et al., 2001).
(unpublished data) have also produced a similar compari-
son between the first appearance of the fallout nuclide
Cs and an OSL age on lake sediments from the Arapiles thermal transfer characteristics of these samples had been
Lake Complex, Wimmera, Australia. The first appearance explicitly studied (those of the youngest sample are shown
of 137Cs in a sediment core from this region occurs at about in Fig. 3c).
AD 1958 (i.e. 44 years ago). The OSL age of the sediments Houmark-Nielsen (unpublished data) has two com-
from this horizon gave an age of 29±15 years. Again parisons of OSL and 14C ages from Late-Glacial lacus-
the sample was poorly bleached and the OSL age was trine deposits in Denmark (Table 2, lines 4 and 5). The
based on the lowest measure doses in single aliquots of OSL ages both used 260° C preheats for 10 s, and the
quartz each consisting of ~10 grains (preheat of 220°C agreement with the independent age is very satisfactory.
for 10 s). Larsen et al. (1999) report one comparison at their
Wallinga et al. (2001) have dated a sequence of aban- Chelmokhta site from northern Russia, where five 14C ages
doned river channels from the Rhine-Meuse system in the (on wood) of between 10.7 and 11.5 ka can be compared
Netherlands. These channels had already been extensively with an OSL age on lacustrine sand of 13.7±1.1 ka.
studied, and the ages of the younger channels are consid- Strickertsson and Murray (1999) took samples from
ered to be well known. Fig. 8 summarises the comparison freshwater Bølling-Allerød (14.1-14.5 ka) and Younger
of OSL ages (preheat 200° C for 10 s using average val- Dryas (11.1-12.9) sediments, from Nørre Lyngby on the
ues of De derived from small aliquots) with the indepen- west coast of Jutland in Denmark (the independent age
dent chronology; the agreement is excellent except for that controls are discussed and referenced in Strickertsson and
from the youngest sample, known from historical sources Murray, 1999). They used preheats of between 240 and
to have been deposited about 300 years ago. The corre- 280° C for 10 s, and obtained SAR ages of 13.6±1.1 ka
sponding OSL age is 920±100 years, and the difference (Bølling-Allerød) and 9.8±0.7 and 8.2±0.6 (Younger
presumably arises from incomplete bleaching, since the Dryas). The latter pair in particular appears to slightly

Table 2. Summary of comparisons between OSL and calibrated 14C ages from various fluvial and lacustrine sites in Denmark (Houmark-
Nielsen, unpublished).
Locality Sample OSL Age [ka] 14C Age [ka] Organic material OSL/14C ratio
Lønstrup 970203 30±2 33±2 plant 0.91±0.08
970204 29±2 32±3 moss 0.91±0.11
Lodbjerg 980203 30±3 33±1 plant 0.91±0.10
980201 13.6±1.0 13.9±0.5 plant 0.98±0.08
Bovbjerg 990205 13.8±0.9 14.0±0.5 plant 0.99±0.06
Møn, Kobbel Gård 990219 26±2 32±2 gyttja 0.81±0.08
990220 29±2 30±2 seed 0.97±0.09
000230 28±2 27±1.0 teeth 1.04±0.08
Average: 0.94±0.03


underestimate the independently known age. We do not the independent age control is excellent. Strickertsson and
consider their Podzol Bh-horizon sample, because the Murray (1999) also took marine samples from their Nørre
authors state that this soil was formed on Younger Dryas Lyngby section. These were from the Older and Younger
sediments, but must have received considerable light ex- Yoldia Clay, with independent ages based on calibrated
posure at later times, up until the soil was capped by the C dating of in-situ shell of about 24 ka, and 17.2±0.4 ka.
300 year old aeolian event discussed earlier. Their SAR OSL ages were independent of preheat tem-
Marine – Stokes et al. (2001) have reported a set of 5 peratures in the range 240-280° C (for 10 s), and the one
OSL ages obtained using the silt-sized quartz fraction OSL age (25.3±1.8 ka) from the Older Yoldia Clay was
from a deep sea core from the Indian Ocean, for which in good agreement with the expected value of about 24 ka.
a well controlled age model already existed. There was However, there was a possible systematic underestima-
no dependence of De on preheat temperature, in the range tion of the expected ages for the Younger Yoldia Clay,
200 to 280° C, and preheat temperatures of 200 and by about 8% averaged over 4 results. Strickertsson et al.
240° C were employed in routine analysis. Fig. 9 includes (2001) report further ages on the Younger Yoldia clay,
their 2 OSL ages younger than 20 ka; the agreement with from Stensnºs, about 2 km from the earlier site. These
two ages (21.1±0.9 and 26.2±1.4 ka) were significant
overestimates compared to the expected age range, and
the authors suggest that the deposits may have been
misidentified in the field (the Older Yoldia Clay [24 ka]
is very similar to the Younger). The sand layer above the
supposed Younger Yoldia Clay was believed to be Upper
Saxicava in the field, with an expected age of about
12.5 ka. In fact an OSL age of 17.5±1.3 ka was obtained,
also casting doubt on the field identification.


Aeolian – Watanuki et al. (submitted) have examined

the silt-sized (4-11 µm) quartz fraction in loess, depos-
ited on two river terrace sites (Niigata and Tochigi) in
central Japan, using 240 and 260° C preheats. This mate-
rial was blown across from the Chinese mainland, but it
is unusual in that there is age control based on tephra lay-
ers interleaved with the loess; these various tephra layers
have been dated, using 14C and fission tracks, and pro-
vide an independent chronology extending over the age
range 30 to 660 ka. Their data are summarised in Fig. 10.
Despite a very large correction to dose rates arising from
a modern water content of around 100%, the agreement
with the independent evidence is good. The unusually
large age range for such fine-grained sediments can be,
at least in part, attributed to the low dose rate, of about
1 Gy ⋅ ka-1.
In a study of an early human occupation site in south
western Australia, Turney et al. (2001) report a compari-
son of a number of charcoal 14C ages with 5 OSL quartz
ages based on small aliquots (~eighty 100 mm grains per
aliquot; preheats in the range 160 to 300° C). The sedi-
ment is aeolian, but was probably washed into the cave
site during periods of exceptionally heavy rainfall. Only
one pair of ages is in the age range usually regarded as
Fig. 9. Chronological models for core 70KL, taken from Stokes reliable for 14C (layer 9 at 239 to 249 cm; 24.93±0.34 14C
et al. (submitted). OSL dates are based on silt-sized quartz years BP [28±2 ka after calibration] and OSL 25.5±1.4
extracted from a deep sea core in the Indian Ocean. AMS
radiocarbon ages include a 400 year sea water correction and
ka). Although the older ages obtained using conventional
are calibrated. Other age control includes the Toba Ash (variably pretreatments showed clear evidence of the ‘radiocarbon
dated to between 68±7 ka by fission track dating and 73-75 ka barrier’ (Roberts et al., 1994), those obtained using a new
by Ar-Ar), a key biostratigraphic marker horizon, LAD G. ruber acid-base-wet-oxidation pretreatment with stepped com-
(pink) (which provides a maximum age of 120 ka) and bustion (ABOX-SC) provided ages beyond 40 ka. Two of
comparison of the oxygen isotope record with the SPECMAP-
Stack (small markers indicate the tie-points; correlation
these, at 41.5±1.3 and 46.7±1.9 14C ka BP, can be directly
coefficient=0.94). Details of these independent age controls compared with OSL ages of 44.4±2.1 and 47.1±2.6 ka.
are given by Stokes et al. (submitted). Turney et al. (2001) suggest that these 14C ages can be

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

calibrated by the addition of 1 to 2 ka, based on Kitagawa Sigaard et al. (unpublished) have obtained two dates
and van der Plicht (1998) and Voelker et al. (1998). on a mixed pebble and sand unit near Ejby on Zealand,
Freshwater – Tanaka et al. (2001) have worked with Denmark; they identified this as an Eemian beach deposit
river terrace samples from the Kanto Plain in Japan, us- (assigned an age of between 115 and 129 ka by compari-
ing preheating for 10 s at 240° C. At one site age control son with oxygen isotope stage 5e). The average OSL age
was provided by the Nakadaichi tephra (55-60 ka, obtained for this unit was 135±8 ka. Mangerud et al.
Yamagata site), and their SAR age of 55.6±1.3 ka, calcu- (2000) discuss two sites in northern Russia with deposits
lated using the present day water content, was in good identified as Eemian. They give three OSL dates, of
agreement with this. Roberts et al. (2001) reported an 111±12, 97±7 and 64±6 ka at site Sula 22, from a shal-
OSL age of 55±9 ka for sediments from Mammoth cave, low marine unit 8 to 9 m thick. A similar 3 m thick Eemian
Australia, which were bracketed by flowstones with deposit was identified at the adjacent site Sula 21, and this
Th/234U ages of 44.4±1.3 ka (above) and 55.2±2.2 ka gave two OSL dates of 104±11 and 91±15 ka. These
(below). They also reported 230Th/234U ages from two two sites are only 4 km apart, and Mangerud et al. (2000)
other sites which were stratigraphically concordant with consider the correlation between the two clear. The
OSL dates. unweighted average OSL age is 93±9 ka (101±5 ka
Marine – Larsen et al. (1999) present one comparison excluding the 64 ka outlier).
from their Trepuzovo site, where an (uncalibrated) 14C Murray et al. (unpublished data) have sampled an ex-
age on wood (Picea twigs) gave 42.6±1.5 ka BP, compared tensive sequence of Eemian marine sediments near
with an OSL age of 54±4 ka for the surrounding marine Gammelmark, in Jutland, Denmark. The sequence is
sand unit. about 12 m high, and grades from clean sand in the upper
Stokes et al. (2001) have reported a set of 3 older OSL layers to clayey silt at the bottom. Late Saalian freshwa-
ages in their study of a marine core from the Indian Ocean ter sediments underlie the sequence. There was no ap-
discussed above. Fig. 9 shows that these older ages are parent trend in the SAR OSL ages with depth, and all 24
in good agreement with the independent age model, ages are summarised in Fig. 11. The unweighted mean
although there is a slight systematic tendency to underes- age (excluding the two outliers, and including uncertain-
timate the independent age. ties arising from systematic sources) is 119±7 ka, with an
overall relative sample standard deviation of 8% (these
data are also discussed in Murray et al., 2002). This vari-
ability should be compared with the average relative stan-
dard deviation based on the individual estimates of un-
certainty on each age, of 5% (calculated by averaging the
individual variances), and suggests that the internally
derived uncertainties are slightly underestimated. This
may be connected with the two results (out of 24) which
are clearly anomalous, underestimating the known age by
about 40%. The authors have evidence that this underes-
timate arises from a dose-rate anomaly, possibly because
of radionuclide redeposition occurring as the sand cliff is

Fig. 11. Distribution of dates (obtained using a preheat of

Fig. 10. Comparison of OSL ages from silt-sized quartz grains 260o C for 10 s) from 24 samples of Eemian coastal marine
with an independent tephra chronology (Watanuki et al., sand taken from a coastal cliff section near Gammelmark, south
submitted). The tephra ages are based on 14C and fission track east Jutland. There was no systematic change in age with depth
dating. Unusually high water contents (around 100%) in the section, and the unweighted mean is 119±7 ka (n=22,
contributed to the low dose rates of about 1 Gy.ka-1. i.e. excluding the lowest two ages).


eroded back by storm action. It is clearly possible that simi- only a few comparisons in the range between about 50 ka
lar but smaller and undetected variations in dose rate with and 125 ka (because of the lack of reliable independent
time could contribute to the observed scatter in the ac- ages), and the data from beyond about 125 ka are all from
cepted ages. It is also interesting that the gross underesti- one study (Watanuki et al., unpublished). The average
mation observed here is similar to that found for one ratio of the OSL to independent ages is 0.984±0.016
sample by Mangerud et al. (2000) reported above; this (n = 52) unweighted, and 0.978±0.009 weighted (both
sample was also recovered from a retreating sediment omitting the freshwater result of 3.1±0.4 at 300 years).
face. Nevertheless, individual points are not all statistically
Glaciofluvial/glaciolacustrine – As part of his study of consistent with the line of unit slope. This can be seen
the deglaciation history of Denmark, Houmark-Nielsen more readily in the upper part of the figure, where the
has obtained several SAR quartz OSL ages with good 14C OSL/independent age ratios are shown; 5 out of the 53
age control. The samples come from a variety of locations, results lie more than 3 standard deviations from unity.
and all the older samples are from lacustrine muds and Even ignoring the result of 3.1±0.4 at 300 years (because
sands. These results are summarised in Table 2, together the source of error in this case is known to be incomplete
with the two younger samples discussed earlier; the agree- bleaching), it can be concluded that uncertainties in the
ment between OSL and the independent chronology is ratio of OSL to independent age are underestimated in
satisfactory, although there may be a small systematic some cases. Unfortunately it is difficult to deduce where
discrepancy. the error lies – in the measurement of the independent
estimate of age, in the association of this age with that
8. DISCUSSION of the sedimentary horizon, or in the luminescence age
Fig. 12 and Table 3 summarise all the non-modern age
comparisons discussed above. In order not to bias the data
towards multiple OSL ages with a single independent age
control (e.g. the 22 results from Gammelmark; Murray et
al., unpublished) results from a single horizon at a given
site have been averaged (the number of ages is given in
the column labelled (n) in Table 3). Those comparisons
where the relationship with the age control is poorly de-
fined have also been omitted (e.g. Rich and Stokes, 2001).
The older uncalibrated 14C ages of Turney et al. (2001)
have been calibrated approximately by adding 1.5±1.0 ka
to the uncalibrated data (based on Kitagawa and van der
Plicht, 1998, and Voelker et al., 1998). The data are shown
with logarithmic axes; the inset to the lower graph shows
the same data using linear axes.
Because of the logarithmic axes, the modern results
have been omitted from the figure. However, it is inter-
esting to note that although there are several average De
estimates (i.e. measured using an large number of grains
in each aliquot) from modern freshwater deposits (e.g.
Stokes et al., 2001), many of which show the expected
evidence for incomplete bleaching, there is only one such
estimate from sediment of known finite age (Wallinga
et al., 2001). This reflects the increasing acceptance that
the study of dose distributions using small numbers of
grains, or even single grains, is the standard method if
incomplete bleaching is suspected.
It is also interesting that in none of the dose distribu-
tion studies of modern sediments (or of young non-mo-
dern sediments) using small aliquots or single grains,
is there any suggestion that the dose distribution approach Fig. 12. Summary of age comparisons from all sites discussed
in this paper. Note the logarithmic horizontal axis. The OSL to
overestimates the known age. Thus we conclude that, at independent age ratios are shown in the top part of the figure,
least in the sediment results reviewed here, there were and the inset shows the age data using linear axes. Samples
always some grains that were completely bleached when of known modern (i.e. zero ) age are not shown. One other
compared to a time scale of years to decades. comparison has been omitted – from Larsen et al. (1999) –
Turning now to Fig. 12, it is clear that there is no evi- because the 14C age of 42.6±1.5 ka involved conventional
pretreatment and is uncalibrated. Two other pairs, from Wallinga
dence for any systematic difference between the OSL ages et al. (2001; see Figure 8), are omitted from the upper part of
and the independent age estimates over the entire age the diagram only, because the independent age (1.54±0.84 ka)
range – although it must be acknowledged that there are is poorly known.

A.S. Murray and J.M. Olley

Nevertheless, some comment can be made on the lu- a discussion of the analysis of random and systematic
minescence ages. Combined uncertainties range from sources of uncertainty is often missing. This is despite two
50% (Olley and Taylor, unpublished) to 2.3% (Stokes well-known early publications (Aitken and Alldred, 1972;
et al., submitted). Six out of the 53 results are assigned Aitken 1976; both summarised in Aitken, 1985) which
combined uncertainties of 3% or less by their authors (not outline these contributions, and discuss methods for com-
including the effects of averaging). It is of concern that bining them in the final age. In any comparison of lumi-
only limited information is available on uncertainty analy- nescence ages with independent dating results, it is very
sis in some of the data sets reviewed here; in particular, important that the uncertainties on the luminescence ages

Table 3. Summary of all age comparisons used in Figure 12.

Aliquot and Preheat, 10 s OSL Age Independent
Class (n) Reference
grain size [ oC] [ka] Age [ka]
Aeolian l, c 240-280 0.29±0.02 1 0.35±0.03 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
l, c 160-260 0.71±0.05 1 0.669 Bailey et al., 2001 & pers. comm.
l, c 260 13.00±0.7 3 13.155 Radtke et al., 2001
l, c 260 11.2±1.3 1 13.155 Hilgers et al., 2001
l, c 260 13.1±0.9 2 13.45±0.3 Hilgers et al., 2001
l, c 260 12.6±0.7 1 12.0±0.3* Mangerud et al., 1999
l, c 260 14.6±1.2 1 14.3±0.5* Mangerud et al., 1999
l, c 160-280 4.23±0.1 6 4.31±0.07 Murray and Clemmensen, 2001
l, c 160-280 2.7±0.3 1 2.81±0.02 Murray and Clemmensen, 2001
l, c 160-280 2.0±0.2 1 2.00±0.05 Murray and Clemmensen, 2001
l, c 160-280 0.92±0.04 4 0.87±0.04 Murray and Clemmensen, 2001
l, f 240 93±10 1 98±9 Watanuki et al., 2002
s,c 160-300 25.5±1.4 1 28±2* Turney et al., 2001
s,c 160-300 44.1±2.1 1 43±2* Turney et al., 2001
s,c 160-300 47.1±2.6 1 48±2* Turney et al., 2001
l, f 240 215±22 1 170±20 Watanuki et al., 2002
l, f 240 311±33 1 290±60 Watanuki et al., 2002
l, f 240 296±39 1 290±30 Watanuki et al., 2002
l, f 240 308±36 1 290±70 Watanuki et al., 2002
l, f 260 53±3 1 51±1 Watanuki et al., 2002
l, f 260 145±12 1 135±15 Watanuki et al., 2002
Fluvial s, c 200 67±5 a 1 70 a Olley et al., 1998
l, c 240-280 13.6±1.1 1 14.3±0.1 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
l, c 240-280 9.0±0.6 2 12±0.3 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
s, c 200 0.92±0.10 1 0.3 Wallinga et al., 2001
s, c 200 1.49±0.10 1 1.54±0.84 Wallinga et al., 2001
s, c 200 5.62±0.35 1 5.62±0.41 Wallinga et al., 2001
s, c 200 13.26±0.8 1 13.24±0.07 Wallinga et al., 2001
sg 220 70±8 a 1 63±8 a Olley and Hancock (unpub.)
sg 220 170±20 a 1 128±10 a Olley and Hancock (unpub.)
s, c 220 29±15 a 1 42 a Olley and Taylor (unpub.)
l, c 260 13.6±1.0 1 13.9±0.5 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 13.8±0.9 1 14±0.5 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 13.7±1.1 1 11.1±0.3 Larsen et al., 1999
l, c 240 55.6±1.3 1 58±2 Tanaka et al., 2001
s, c 160-300 55±9 1 49.8±4 Roberts et al., 2001
Marine l, c 240-280 25.3±1.8 1 24±2 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
l, c 240-280 14.9±0.6 3 17.2±0.4 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
l, c 240-280 17.3±1.5 1 16.2±0.7 Strickertsson and Murray, 1999
l, c 260 119±7 22 122±7 Murray et al. (unpub.)
l, c 260 135±8 2 122±7 Sigaard et al. (unpub.)
l, c 260 101±4 4 122±7 Mangerud et al., 1999
l, f 200, 240 7.31±0.18 1 7.50±0.09 Stokes et al., 2002
l, f 200, 240 22.1±0.4 1 20.0±0.12 Stokes et al., 2002
l, f 200, 240 36.3±0.8 1 43±2 Stokes et al., 2002
l, f 200, 240 67±2 1 71±4 Stokes et al., 2002
l, f 200, 240 117±3 1 128±6 Stokes et al., 2002
Glacial l, c 260 30±2 1 33±2 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 29±2 1 32±3 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 30±3 1 33±1 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 26±2 1 32±2 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 29±2 1 30±2 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
l, c 260 28±2 1 27±1 Houmark-Nielsen (Table 2)
Note: 1. Aliquot size: l - large, s - small, sg - single grain. Grain size, c - coarse, f - silt.
2. (n) is the number of OSL ages included in the average given.
3. * indicates radiocarbon age calibrated by the present authors.


include contributions from all known components, includ- good field practice – that several samples, stratigraphically
ing uncertainties arising from systematic effects (of course connected in both horizontal and vertical planes, should
the same applies to the independent ages, but such pro- be dated from every site. This minimises the risk of unde-
blems are outside the scope of this paper). Some sources tected gross errors.
of error that are difficult to avoid (given the methods used It is also strongly recommended that more detailed
in the papers reviewed here) include conversion from attention should be paid to formal uncertainty analysis.
concentration data to dose rate (estimated at ~3%), abso- It has long been recommended good practice in lumine-
lute calibration of concentration measurements (~3%), scence dating to report both the combined standard
beta source calibration (~2%), and beta attenuation fac- uncertainty, assessed in a justified way, and (separately)
tor (~2%). These estimated values are of course approxi- the component arising from systematic effects; unfortu-
mate, but it should be clear that it is difficult to obtain nately this is very rare. With the increased precision ava-
a luminescence age with an overall or combined standard ilable from the SAR protocol, such detailed error analy-
uncertainty of much less than 5%. This is especially true sis is essential if the reporting of unreasonably small un-
when it is remembered that other sources of systematic certainties is to be avoided. We stress that determination
errors, such as those associated with water content and and reporting of the uncertainties associated with an age
cosmic ray contribution, have not been considered in this estimate is as important as the determination of the age.
discussion because they are site dependent, and that
uncertainties arising from random errors also contribute ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
to the combined standard uncertainty. It is also intere-
sting to note that if a relative uncertainty of 5% is added The authors wish to thank all our colleagues who
in quadrature to all the OSL ages, only one OSL/inde- allowed us access to unpublished data, especially Stephen
pendent age ratio (0.750±0.065 at 12 ka) lies more than Stokes. Andrzej Bluszcz drew our attention to the NIST
3 standard uncertainties from unity (again not including Guidelines (Taylor and Kuyatt, 1994) and made several
the result of 3.1±0.4 at 300 years, because the source of suggestions for ensuring that our statistical terminology
error is known). was consistent with recommended practice. Ann Wintle
In the past, any uncertainties arising from systematic and Jakob Wallinga also offered valuable criticism of the
errors have tended to be swamped by those arising from manuscript.
random errors, especially errors associated with measure-
ment of De. Now that precisions on the mean De of <<5% REFERENCES
are possible using SAR, it is very important that full
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 17-26, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating (NCL) IRI Delft University of Technology,
Mekelweg 15, NL-2629 JB Delft, Netherlands
E-mail:, Phone: +31 (0)15 278 1056, Fax: +31 (0)15 278 9011

Key words
words: Abstract: Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is a quantitative dating method
OSL DATING, to determine the time of last exposure of sand and silt to (sun) light. However, insufficient
POOR BLEACHING, resetting of the optically stimulated luminescence signal prior to sediment deposition can
SINGLE ALIQUOTS, result in overestimation of the age of a sample. Therefore detection of so-called poor bleach-
EQUIVALENT DOSE ing is of prime importance in OSL dating. Several methods proposed in the literature for
detection of poor bleaching are based on the scatter in equivalent doses obtained by single-
aliquot methods. In this paper numerical simulations are used to assess the validity of these
methods. The simulations show that scatter in equivalent doses is largely dependent on the
number of grains contributing to the luminescence signal of each aliquot, and proportion of
poorly-bleached grains in the mixture under study. Thresholds for detection of poor bleach-
ing based on inter-aliquot scatter in equivalent doses are therefore not valid. It is concluded
that tight, symmetrical dose distributions obtained on small aliquots (ultimately consisting of
a single grain) provide the best indication that the sample is homogeneously bleached.

1. INTRODUCTION time, as a result of exposure to ionising radiation from

radioactive nuclides in the environment. The radiation
The luminescence properties of quartz and feldspar dose is thus a measure of the burial time. For dating, its
grains can be used to determine the timing of the last magnitude is determined by laboratory measurements of
exposure of sand and silt to (sun) light. Luminescence dat- the OSL from the mineral grains. Thus derived, it is known
ing has seen major developments over the last decades, as the equivalent dose. Put together with the measured
especially since the development of optically stimulated environmental dose rate, an optical age can be calculated.
luminescence (OSL) dating (Huntley et al., 1985). This The OSL signal is very quickly zeroed by exposure to
dating technique, also known as optical dating, can pro- (sun) light, much faster than the thermoluminescence
vide absolute ages in the range of decades to over a hun- (TL) signal previously used for dating (Godfrey-Smith
dred thousand years, and is now widely applied in the et al., 1988). This has opened the possibility of using OSL
fields of both geomorphology (reviewed in Aitken, 1998; dating for materials that have only been exposed to light
Stokes, 1999) and archaeology (reviewed in Roberts, for a short period of time, or that have been exposed only
1997). OSL dating is particularly applicable to deposits to light of restricted intensity prior to deposition. Conse-
for which the light-sensitive OSL signal in all the grains quently, OSL dating has been used in a wide range of
has been zeroed by the exposure to sunlight during ero- depositional environments, including fluvial, glacio-
sion, transportation, and deposition. If the OSL of some fluvial, marine and colluvial. However, although the OSL
grains is not fully zeroed, an overestimation of the depo- signal is reset quickly, this does not imply that it is always
sitional age will occur. Thus, to have confidence in the completely reset at the time of deposition. Light exposure
accuracy of an optical age, it should be shown that the might have been too short in time, too dim, or too re-
residual signal at the time of deposition was negligible for stricted in spectrum due to filtering in, for example, a tur-
all the grains. bid water column. Alternatively, the trapped charge in the
The OSL signal given by a grain is the result of the grains prior to erosion might have been very large com-
optical release of charge trapped in the crystal lattice. This pared with that resulting from environmental sources
charge is produced at an almost constant rate through since deposition. In this case, the OSL signal derived from

a small portion of the former, remaining after even quite aliquot methods, all measurements required for equiva-
extensive light exposure, can have a large influence on the lent dose determination are made on a single sub-sample,
value obtained for the equivalent dose (Aitken, 1998). thereby allowing comparison of equivalent doses obtained
Serious overestimation of age due to poor bleaching on different sub-samples (Duller, 1991). Li (1994) sug-
has been shown in several studies using OSL dating on gested that, using single-aliquot procedures, poorly
feldspar separates (Duller et al., 1995; Lamothe, 1996; bleached samples can be identified because they show
Lamothe and Auclair, 1997; Clarke et al., 1999). For quartz a wide range of equivalent-dose values and an increasing
separates, significant residual OSL signals were shown to trend of equivalent dose with natural luminescence inten-
be present for samples from modern glaciofluvial sedi- sity. His method of assessment of poor bleaching has been
ments (Rhodes and Pownall, 1994), and to a lesser extent adopted by Duller (1994a; 1995), Duller et al. (1995), and
for modern fluvial sediments (Stokes et al., 2001). Wintle et al. (1995).
The most rigorous test for poor bleaching is to com- Clarke (1996) refined Li’s approach by presenting
pare the optical age with independent age control. How- threshold values for scatter in equivalent dose (both ab-
ever, these tests assume that: 1) the age control is without solute and fractional), indicating different degrees of
problems, and 2) there are no problems other than poor bleaching. Clarke et al. (1999) used the same parameters
bleaching in luminescence dating. Especially for feldspar to determine whether an OSL age can be considered to
separates the latter assumption is questionable, because be accurate. Based on empirical studies of aeolian and
problems with anomalous fading (Wintle, 1973; Spooner, fluvial sediments, Clarke et al. (1999) concluded that any
1994) and sensitivity changes (Wallinga et al., 2000) can luminescence date not showing significant (relative) scat-
lead to an underestimation of age. Hence, an overestima- ter in equivalent doses is accurate.
tion of age caused by poor bleaching can be masked by Colls et al. (2001) use the correlation between equiva-
an underestimation of age caused by other mechanisms. lent dose and natural OSL intensity of aliquots as indica-
To circumvent these problems, several studies have tion for poor bleaching. They classify samples as poorly
sampled modern deposits to investigate the remnant dose bleached when a statistically significant correlation be-
at the time of deposition (Stokes, 1992; Rhodes and tween these attributes is found. The statistical significance
Pownall, 1994; Murray et al., 1995; Olley et al., 1998; Bailey of the correlation is tested by a one tailed student’s t-test
et al., 2001; Porat et al., 2001; Stokes et al., 2001). How- on the test statistic
ever, luminescence dating is most useful when applied to
tcalc = R(n-2)/(1-R2), (2.1)
deposits of unknown age. Therefore methods to detect
poor bleaching are needed and these should be intrinsic where R is the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the
to the luminescence dating measurements. normalised equivalent dose and the natural OSL inten-
sity of the aliquots, and n is the number of aliquots.
2. OBJECTIVES Samples that do not exhibit an apparent relationship be-
tween signal intensity and equivalent dose are regarded
Although differences in micro-dosimetry can cause to be well (or at least uniformly) bleached.
different dose rates on a grain-to-grain scale (Murray and A third indication for poor bleaching based on scatter
Roberts, 1997; Olley et al., 1997), it is normally assumed in single-aliquot equivalent doses is the asymmetry of dose
that ionising radiation produced within a sedimentary unit distributions. This attribute was first suggested by Murray
is uniform (McFee, 1998; Olley et al., 1999). If such is the et al. (1995) as a way of detecting poorly bleached samples.
case, grains of the same size and mineral type absorb the In this paper the validity is assessed of poor bleaching
same post-depositional dose acquiring an OSL signal that detection methods that are based on characteristics of
represents the trapped charge this produces. The effec- single-aliquot equivalent-dose distributions. Three differ-
tive absorbed dose of each grain is then the sum of the ent methods, proposed by Clarke et al. (1999), Colls et al.
grain-dependent remnant dose at deposition and the uni- (2001) and Murray et al. (1995), are tested using numeri-
form post-depositional dose. Laboratory procedures for cal simulations of equivalent-dose distributions of poorly
luminescence dating aim at determining this dose; the best bleached samples.
estimate of this dose is normally referred to as the equiva-
lent dose. Assuming that there is no intrusion of grains
from other layers, the grain with the lowest equivalent 3. COMPUTER SIMULATIONS
dose is expected to have been a well-bleached grain at
deposition and thus provide the post-depositional dose. A simple model was constructed to study the influence
In most optical dating procedures, the OSL signal is of grain-to-grain variations in equivalent dose on the scat-
derived from a number of grains that form the sub-sample. ter in equivalent doses obtained for aliquots containing
A typical sample disc holds ~5 mg of material; this multiple grains. In this model virtual samples with a char-
amounts to ~1000 grains when a 150 µm grain size is used. acteristic dose distributions are created. Different sub-
If the sub-samples contain grains with different equiva- samples from this virtual sample are taken, and the model
lent doses, scatter will be seen for the luminescence data used to calculate what equivalent dose would be obtained
derived from both single-aliquot dating procedures on this sub-sample when a single-aliquot procedure had
(Li, 1994) and multiple-aliquot procedures (Rhodes, 1990; been applied. Three factors control the equivalent dose
Duller, 1994a; Huntley and Berger, 1995). In single- that is obtained for each grain. Firstly, its intrinsic sensi-

J. Wallinga

tivity with regard to luminescence emission per unit dose. and the remnant dose (Dr,i). In order to use the same lingo
Secondly, the remnant dose that it had at the time of depo- in this paper as in applied studies, the total absorbed dose
sition and, lastly, the post-depositional dose (i.e. the dose is referred to as equivalent dose here, although it is
that one wishes to obtain as the equivalent dose). Incor- realised that the latter normally refers to the laboratory
poration of the three factors in the model is briefly dis- estimate of the former. For every grain in an aliquot, the
cussed below. natural luminescence intensity (Ii) is calculated by multi-
Sensitivity. Feldspar and quartz grains have been plying the equivalent dose by the brightness index (Ii =
found with a wide range of intensities (Lamothe et al., De,i . Bi). A linear relationship between dose and lumi-
1994; Murray and Roberts, 1997; McFee and Tite, 1998). nescence signal is assumed in this calculation. From the
Even for the most uniform sand-sized quartz separates attributes assigned to each grain, it is possible to calcu-
studied so far, 80% of the signal comes from only 30% late the equivalent dose that would be obtained for an
of the grains, thereby being far from the ‘ideal’ of all grains aliquot containing a fixed number of grains; the simula-
contributing equally (Duller and Murray, 2000; Duller tion is carried out for aliquots consisting of 1, 5, 10, 100
et al., 2000). In the current computer simulation, the and 1000 grains. The equivalent dose of an aliquot (a)
brightness distribution of the test-dose response of 891 holding n grains (De,a), is given by the summed natural
grains of quartz sample TNE9503 was used (sample de- luminescence intensity from all the grains on the aliquot,
scription and methodology can be found in Duller et al., divided by the summed brightness index of all the grains
2000). The intrinsic OSL response (taken as the initial on the aliquot (De,a = Σ I1,n / Σ B1,n). For each sample,
signal minus the signal observed at the end of stimula- 18 aliquots were simulated.
tion) of a grain to the test dose is referred to as its bright- A second computer simulation was carried out, in
ness index (Bi); the average response was 1089 counts. For which 90% of grains were constrained to have been well
20% of the grains no OSL decay was observed during bleached at deposition. The remaining 10% of grains were
stimulation, and it is assumed that these grains do not have assigned a remnant dose as in the previous simulation,
any luminescence sensitivity; their brightness index was and all grains were assigned a post-depositional dose of
set to zero. Two grains where rejected because the OSL 50 Gy as in the previous simulation. Once again grains
signal appeared to increase during measurement, which were picked at random to produce an aliquot with the
would result in a negative brightness. Sample TNE9503 desired number of grains (1 to 1000).
was chosen for several reasons: Firstly, the test-dose lu-
minescence response of a large number of grains was
measured. Therefore, the brightness distribution (shown
in Fig. 1) forms a true reflection of the variability of the
sample. Secondly, the brightness distribution of this
sample lies in the middle of those observed for quartz
separates, and is therefore most likely to be representa- 100
tive for quartz in general (Fig. 1). Finally, the distribu-
tion is similar to that obtained on feldspar sample GDNZ1 80
Light sum (%)

(Fig. 1, previously described by Duller (1994b)), which

makes the simulations described in this paper relevant to 60
both quartz and feldspar samples. It should be noted that
the brightness distribution for feldspar separate GDNZ1 40 Quartz TNE9503 (n = 891)
was obtained with blue stimulation, but it is assumed that K-Feldspar GDNZ1 (n= 405)
a similar distribution would be obtained with infrared Quartz BA14 (n = 324)
stimulation. 20 Cal. Quartz (annealed, n= 405)
Remnant dose. The equivalent dose that would be
obtained if grains had been measured at the time of depo- 0
sition (remnant dose, Dr,i) is most likely to be highly vari- 0 20 40 60 80 100
able, depending upon the original nature of the deposit Proportion of grains (%)
from which the grain was derived and the type and dura-
tion of transport. For the computer simulations, four types Fig. 1. Brightness distribution of single grains of quartz and
of original deposit were postulated, having received doses feldspar. The OSL response was measured in the Risø TL/OSL
of 5, 50, 100 and 1000 Gy respectively. To allow for varia- reader with single grain attachment (Bøtter-Jensen et al., 2000),
tions in light exposure during transport, it was assumed that after administration of a uniform laboratory ionising dose
and subsequent preheating. The data for this graph was kindly
the grains would have had their OSL bleached to some supplied by Geoff Duller of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
percentage of the original value. A top hat probability dis- (UK). The brightness distribution of quartz sample TNE9503
tribution was used, with equal probability of reducing the is used in the computer simulations described in this paper.
OSL signal by any fraction between 0 and 100%. Its brightness distribution is similar to that obtained on feldspar
Post-depositional dose. All grains were specified to from sample GDNZ1, and lies in the middle of the range of that
obtained on other quartz samples (BA14 and calibration quartz).
have received a post-depositional dose of 50 Gy (Dt). Sample descriptions can be found in Duller et al. (2000) and
For any particular grain (i), the total absorbed dose Duller (1994b), for the quartz and feldspar samples,
(De,i) will be the sum of the post-depositional dose (Dt) respectively.


4. SIMULATION RESULTS simulation results (Table 2, Fig. 3) show that this type of
contamination will result in larger scatter between aliquots
For each scenario, the simulation described in the pre- for scenarios with a similar offset in equivalent dose.
vious section was carried out ten times. Results are pre-
sented in Table 1 for the simulations where all grains are
poorly bleached, and in Table 2 for the simulations where 5. VALIDITY OF POOR-BLEACHING DETECTION
10% of grains are poorly bleached. The values shown in- METHODS
dicate the mean of the ten simulations, and the standard
error on the mean. The percentage offset from the post- Relative scatter in equivalent dose
depositional dose (50 Gy) is indicated; samples for which Using the relative-scatter criterion (S N >0.10;
the contamination with poorly bleached grains results in Clarke et al., 1999), samples from the first simulation (all
an offset in the equivalent dose of less than 7.5% are re- grains poorly-bleached) are properly classified as poorly
garded as well bleached. Samples for which the equiva- bleached when aliquots consist of 10 grains or less
lent dose is overestimated with 7.5% or more (De ≥ 53.75) (Table 1 and Fig. 2, scenario I-III). However, when
are interpreted as poorly bleached, and the percentage aliquots are larger the method fails because grain-to-grain
offset is printed in bold type-setting in Tables 1 and 2. variations in equivalent dose are averaged within the
Suggested indicators for poor-bleaching are also aliquots. When the majority of the grains is well-bleached
summarised in the Tables, where the values above sug- the method is slightly more successful, being able to de-
gested thresholds for poor bleaching are printed in bold tect severe offsets due to poor bleaching even in relatively
type-setting. The indicators shown are: 1) the fractional large aliquots (Table 2 and Fig. 3, scenario IV and V).
error in the equivalent dose (SN = s/De,av , threshold for Some recent publications have suggested that the ab-
poor bleaching: SN>0.10, Clarke et al., 1999); 2) the sence of scatter in equivalent doses obtained on single
squared Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the trend in aliquots is a guarantee that the sample under study is well
the equivalent dose versus natural aliquot intensity (Colls bleached (Clarke, 1996; Clarke et al., 1999). However, the
et al., 2001, for 18 aliquots the threshold for poor bleach- simulations discussed in the present paper clearly show
ing is R2 > 0.16); 3) the skewness of the equivalent dose

Σ( ) 3
n De, a - De, av
skewness = (n-1)(n-2) s (4.1)

where n is the number of aliquots). No threshold for poor

bleaching based on the skewness of the distribution has
been suggested in the literature. Table 1. Summary of results of poor-bleaching tests for the first
For graphical presentation, the equivalent dose of each simulation (all grains poorly bleached, scatter plots in Fig. 2).
simulated aliquot (De,a) and the natural luminescence No.=number of grains per aliquot.
intensity of each aliquot (Ia) are normalised to the sample No. Scen. Previous dose 5 Gy (Scenario A)
average. The resulting normalised equivalent dose (De,a (N)) Fig.2 Offset De [%] SN R2 Skew
and normalised natural OSL signal (Ia (N)) of a single 1 I 4.5 + 0.1 0.03 + 0.00 0.01 + 0.01 0.25 + 0.11
simulation for each scenario, are presented in a scatter 5 II +
5.3 0.3 0.02 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.01 -0.32 + 0.12
plots as suggested by Clarke (1996) and Clarke et al. 10 III 4.8 + 0.1 0.02 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.00 -0.05 + 0.13
(1999). Results of a single run of the first (all grains poorly 100 IV 5.0 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 0.14 + 0.13
bleached) and second (10% of grains poorly bleached) 1000 V 5.0 + 0.0 0.00 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 -0.01 + 0.21
simulation experiment are shown in Figures 2 and 3, Previous dose 50 Gy (Scenario B)
respectively. The group average equivalent dose (De, av) 1 I 48 + 2 0.20 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 0.10 + 0.12
and standard deviation (s) are also shown on the plots. 5 II 51 + 2 0.15 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.02 0.03 + 0.15
The influence of the number of grains per aliquot on the 10 III 51 + 2 0.12 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.01 0.00 + 0.17
degree of scatter is shown in scenario I-V displayed down 100 IV 49 + 1 0.06 + 0.00 0.05 + 0.02 0.08 + 0.26
the page in increasing aliquot size, whereas the influence 1000 V 50 + 1 0.02 + 0.00 0.15 + 0.04 0.22 + 0.16
of the value of the previous dose is shown in scenario Previous dose 100 Gy (Scenario C)
A-D. Dose distributions from selected scenarios are also 1 I 96 + 5 0.30 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 0.00 + 0.19
presented as weighted histograms in Fig. 4. 5 I 103 + 4 0.23 + 0.02 0.04 + 0.02 -0.12 + 0.16
The first simulation (Table 1, Fig. 2) shows that, for a
10 III 98 + 3 0.19 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.03 -0.07 + 0.09
sample where all the grains are poorly bleached, inaccu-
100 IV 99 + 2 0.11 + 0.01 0.12 + 0.03 -0.02 + 0.19
racy of the equivalent dose as a consequence of poor
1000 V 100 + 1 0.04 + 0.00 0.10 + 0.04 0.14 + 0.19
bleaching will only show as scatter if small aliquots are
Previous dose 1000 Gy (Scenario D)
used, or if the previous dose is large compared to the post-
1 I 950 + 56 0.58 + 0.04 0.02 + 0.02 0.14 + 0.18
depositional dose. When the aliquot consists of 100 or
5 II 976 + 25 0.39 + 0.02 0.08 + 0.03 0.04 + 0.11
more grains (scenario IV and V), the equivalent dose is
10 III 971 + 22 0.36 + 0.02 0.09 + 0.03 -0.14 + 0.14
largely averaged within each aliquot. In the second simu-
lation, the vast majority of the grains are well bleached, 100 IV 975 + 13 0.20 + 0.01 0.09 + 0.03 -0.15 + 0.13
and only 10% of the grains contain a remnant dose. The 1000 V 994 + 9 0.06 + 0.00 0.25 + 0.04 -0.20 + 0.16

J. Wallinga

that the scatter observed is largely dependent upon the the simulations show that the type of mixture of well
number of grains that contribute to the luminescence sig- bleached and poorly bleached grains affects the scatter; a
nal of each aliquot. This result accords with that of previ- lesser abundance of contaminating grains results in
ous studies. When first proposing the use of scatter for greater scatter in equivalent doses obtained. Hence, para-
detection of poor-bleaching, Li (1994) already showed doxically, poor-bleaching is more easily detected when it
that the degree of scatter in equivalent doses obtained for only affects a small percentage of the grains and thereby
single aliquots is dependent on aliquot size. Moreover, has a minor influence on the mean equivalent dose.

Increase in previous dose

previous dose 5 Gy previous dose 50Gy previous dose 100Gy previous dose 1000Gy
De,av = 52.4 + 1.6 De,av = 74.2 + 14.4 De,av = 100 + 36 De,av = 439 + 336
De (N)

I 1.0

1 Grain 1 Grain 1 Grain 1 Grain
De,av = 53.4 + 1.2 De,av = 82.0 + 10.0 De,av = 96.7 + 27.6 De,av = 554 + 180
Increase in number of grains per aliquot

De (N)

II 1.0

5 Grains 5 Grains 5 Grains 5 Grains
De,av = 52.1 + 0.9 De,av = 70.9 + 8.6 De,av = 102 + 23 De,av = 492 + 196
De (N)

III 1.0

10 Grains 10 Grains 10 Grains 10 Grains
De,av = 52.5 + 0.4 De,av = 73.0 + 4.6 De,av = 95.3 + 13.1 De,av = 523 + 95
De (N)

IV 1.0

100 Grains 100 Grains 100 Grains 100 Grains

De,av = 52.4 + 0.2 De,av = 73.4 + 1.7 De,av = 98.7 + 3.5 De,av = 551 + 23
De (N)

V 1.0

1000 Grains 1000 Grains 1000 Grains 1000 Grains
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
In(N) In(N) In(N) In(N)

Fig. 2. Using the model described in the text, equivalent doses and natural intensities are computed for aliquots consisting of grains
picked at random from a poorly bleached virtual sample. Each grain is assigned the OSL sensitivity, as well as the equivalent dose,
which consists of the post-depositional dose (=50 Gy) plus a random percentage of the previous dose. The previous doses are 5, 10,
100 and 1000 Gy for scenarios A, B, C and D respectively. Both the equivalent dose and the natural intensity obtained on each disc
are normalised to the average from 18 discs, to construct normalised scatter plots (Clarke et al., 1999). The mean equivalent dose
(De,av) of the 18 discs is presented on each plot, as well as the standard deviation on the mean. Data are presented for aliquots consi-
sting of 1, 5, 10, 100 and 1000 grains in scenarios I to V. For grains that have no luminescence response, an equivalent dose could
not be calculated. Therefore, these grains are not plotted on the scatter plots with single-grain data (scenario I). Aliquots for which the
normalised intensity or the normalised equivalent dose is beyond the limits of the graph, are indicated by small arrows. Scatter plots
shown here represent one out of the ten model runs for each scenario. Average results of the ten runs are presented in Table 1.


Correlation of OSL intensity versus equivalent dose grains. A strong correlation is only to be expected when
Statistically significant correlation between aliquot the OSL sensitivities of the grains are similar, or when
natural OSL intensity and equivalent dose (R2 > 0.16, for large aliquots with a small percentage of poorly bleached
n = 18; Colls et al., 2001) is only found for the simula- grains are dated.
tions where 10% of the grains is very poorly bleached
(Table 2 and Fig. 3, scenario D) and for the simulation Asymmetry of dose distributions
where all grains are very poorly bleached and aliquots The asymmetry of dose distributions as an indication
contain 1000 grains (Table 1 and Fig. 2, scenario D-V). for poor-bleaching of a sample (Murray et al., 1995) is the
The absence of this correlation in the other scenarios is a third method assessed. In this study, the skewness of the
result of the wide spread in intrinsic OSL sensitivities of distribution is used to characterise the degree of asymme-

Increase in previous dose

previous dose 5 Gy previous dose 50Gy previous dose 100Gy previous dose 1000Gy
De,av = 50.0 + 0.0 De,av = 51.7 + 5.9 De,av = 64.7 + 30.9 De,av = 140 + 240
De (N)

I 1.0

1 Grain 1 Grain 1 Grain 1 Grain
De,av = 50.2 + 0.7 De,av = 51.8 + 4.3 De,av = 55.1 + 20.7 De,av = 86.4 + 104.0
Increase in number of grains per aliquot

De (N)

II 1.0

5 Grains 5 Grains 5 Grains 5 Grains
De,av = 50.5 + 1.0 De,av = 51.7 + 3.2 De,av = 57.3 + 14.0 De,av = 67.6 + 34.0
De (N)

III 1.0

10 Grains 10 Grains 10 Grains 10 Grains
De,av = 50.2 + 0.2 De,av = 51.9 + 1.9 De,av = 55.1 + 7.8 De,av = 89.8 + 31.6
De (N)

IV 1.0

100 Grains 100 Grains 100 Grains 100 Grains

De,av = 50.2 + 0.1 De,av = 52.8 + 1.9 De,av = 55.8 + 3.7 De,av = 109 + 29
De (N)

V 1.0

1000 Grains 1000 Grains 1000 Grains 1000 Grains
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
In(N) In(N) In(N) In(N)

Fig. 3. A simulation similar to Figure 2, with the difference that 90% of the grains in the virtual sample are well bleached, and thus only
contain the OSL signal resulting from the post-depositional dose of 50 Gy. The remaining 10% of the grains is poorly bleached, and
assigned a random fraction of the previous dose as in Figure 2. While the grains are picked randomly from the sample, not all aliquots
contain exactly 10% of poorly bleached grains. Scatter plots shown here represent one out of the ten model runs for each scenario.
Average results of the ten runs are presented in Table 2.

J. Wallinga

try of the distribution around its mean; positive skewness Table 2. Summary of results of poor-bleaching tests for the
indicates a distribution with an asymmetric tail extending second simulation (10% of grains poorly bleached, scatter plots
in Fig. 3). No.=number of grains per aliquot.
towards more positive values. Lepper et al. (2000) pro-
posed a different quantification for asymmetry of a dose- No. Scen. Previous dose 5 Gy (Scenario A)
distribution Fig. 3 Offset D [%] SN R2 Skew
1 I 0.50 + 0.22 0.01 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.01 1.9 + 0.5
Asymmetry = (De, max – De, mode)/(De, mode – De, min) (5.1)
5 II 0.55 + 0.13 0.01 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.02 2.6 + 0.2
where De, mode is the most frequently occurring equiva- 10 III 0.43 + 0.10 0.01 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 2.3 + 0.3
lent dose). However, this quantification was not applicable 100 IV 0.47 + 0.04 0.01 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 2.0 + 0.3
for the simulated dataset as the values for De, min and 1000 V 0.50 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 0.77 + 0.15
De, mode were often identical. Previous dose 50 Gy (Scenario B)
The simulations show that the dose distributions are 1 I 4.8 + 0.9 0.14 + 0.02 0.00 + 0.01 3.1 + 0.4
skewed only when the majority of grains in the sample are 5 II 5.2 + 0.8 0.11 + 0.02 0.00 + 0.00 2.7 + 0.2
well bleached (compare results in Table 1 and 2, as well 10 III 4.3 + 0.9 0.08 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 2.4 + 0.3
as Fig. 4B and 4C). Moreover, it was found that the skew-
100 IV 4.5 + 0.3 0.04 + 0.01 0.00 + 0.00 1.5 + 0.3
ness of the distribution decreases with aliquot size (see
1000 V 4.9 + 0.2 0.02 + 0.00 0.05 + 0.02 0.8 + 0.2
Table 2). Both findings accord with those made by Olley
Previous dose 100 Gy (Scenario C)
et al. (1999) in their investigation of the use of histograms
1 I 14.0 + 3.0 0.34 + 0.05 0.00 + 0.00 2.8 + 0.4
for detection of poor bleaching. However, where Olley
5 II 8.5 + 1.6 0.21 + 0.04 0.05 + 0.04 2.9 + 0.2
et al. (1999) indicate that the dose distribution will not be
10 III 9.6 + 2.1 0.18 + 0.03 0.01 + 0.02 2.9 + 0.3
skewed when 10% or more of the grains is unbleached,
100 IV 10.7 + 0.7 0.12 + 0.01 0.09 + 0.02 2.4 + 0.2
such contamination is shown to produce skewed distri-
butions in the present simulations. This difference is 1000 V 11.0 + 0.4 0.05 + 0.00 0.06 + 0.03 1.03 + 0.14
caused by the attribution of different OSL sensitivities to Previous dose 1000 Gy (Scenario D)
the grains in the present simulation, where Olley et al. 1 I 109 + 24 1.5 + 0.2 0.21 + 0.08 3.1 + 0.4
(1999) assumed uniform sensitivity for all grains. 5 II 105 + 18 1.2 + 0.1 0.23 + 0.07 2.9 + 0.2
10 III 93 + 16 0.87 + 0.08 0.31 + 0.09 2.4 + 0.1
100 IV 107 + 11 0.52 + 0.06 0.43 + 0.10 1.7 + 0.3
1000 V 97 + 5 0.23 + 0.01 0.71 + 0.03 0.7 + 0.2


A-1 A-2


Fig. 4. Typical equivalent-dose
8 distributions for well bleached
(A) and poorly bleached samples
4 (B and C) presented in histogram
B-1 B-2 plots. The dose distributions used
0 are obtained from the different
simulation scenarios: A) 10% of
16 the grains poorly bleached with a
previous dose of 5 Gy (scenario B

in Fig. 3); B) All grains poorly

12 bleached with a previous dose of
50 Gy (scenario B in Fig. 2); C)
8 10% of the grains poorly bleached
with a previous dose of 100 Gy
C-1 C-2 (scenario C in Fig. 3). Eighteen
aliquots are used for each
0 histogram; results are shown for
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 aliquots containing 10 (left) and
Equivalent dose (Gy) Equivalent dose (Gy) 100 (right) grains.


6. IMPLICATIONS FOR DETECTION OF POOR tigated, five should be classed as poorly bleached. Three
BLEACHING of these were characterised by a single outlier (aliquot
De > 3 SD from the mean) and the remaining two samples
In interpreting the simulation results for suitability of showed extraordinary wide scatter in equivalent doses.
methods for detection of poor bleaching in real samples, Folz et al. (2001) used a similar method to check for poor-
limitations of the model have to be kept in mind. In the bleaching in another suite of fluvial quartz from France.
simulations, the scatter in equivalent doses between Although OSL ages overestimated the known age by 40%,
aliquots arises purely from grain-to-grain differences in no correlation was found between natural aliquot inten-
the remnant dose. In real samples there will be added sity and equivalent dose.
sources for scatter: Firstly, grain-to-grain differences in In expecting a correlation between equivalent dose and
micro-dosimetry can result in different post-depositional natural aliquot OSL signal for poorly bleached samples,
doses for the grains. Although these differences are ge- this method assumes that the grains in the sample have
nerally thought to be small (Olley et al., 1999) they can be similar OSL sensitivities. This assumption is clearly not
of importance for some samples (Murray and Roberts, valid (Fig. 1) and it is therefore not surprising that the
1997; Olley et al., 1997). Especially when small-aliquots method fails to identify poor-bleaching for simulated
or single-grains are used for equivalent-dose determina- (Table 1, 2) and real samples (Stokes et al., 2001). For the
tion will differences in micro-dosimetry cause added scat- natural samples where the method indicated poor-bleach-
ter in equivalent doses. Secondly, in real samples there ing, results also showed a wide spread in equivalent doses
will be scatter arising from OSL-measurement impreci- or the existence of a single outlier (Colls et al., 2001; Stokes
sion resulting from photon-counting statistics. This again et al., 2001), which are probably better indications for
will be particularly the case when small aliquots or single poor-bleaching.
grains are used. Thirdly, intrusion of grains from other Histograms have successfully been used as a means to
layers can cause scatter in natural samples. visualise the width and the skewness of dose distributions
In ignoring the additive sources for scatter discussed and to detect poorly bleached samples using small aliquots
above, the model provides a minimum estimate for the (Murray et al., 1995; Olley et al., 1998 and 1999; Lepper
scatter in equivalent doses to be found in real samples. In et al., 2000) and single grains (Roberts et al., 2000) of
isolating the scatter caused by poor-bleaching, it fits the quartz. Primary limitation of this method is that the dis-
assumptions made in the poor-bleaching detection meth- tribution will only be skewed if the majority of the grains
ods based on the scatter of equivalent doses resulting from in the sample are well bleached (compare Tables 1 and 2).
poor-bleaching. Thereby it creates the ideal circumstances Olley et al. (1999), have already pointed this out in their
for the detection of poor-bleaching by these tests. If the investigation of the use of this method. Murray and Rob-
tests are not able to detect such simulated poorly-bleached erts (1997) found wide, but symmetrical dose distributions
samples, they cannot be regarded as reliable tests of poor for single-grains from supposedly well-bleached, aeolian
bleaching in real samples. quartz from Australia. The large standard deviation (23%
Previous studies have shown it possible to identify of the mean) was attributed to differences in micro-do-
poorly-bleached samples using the scatter in equivalent simetry. Lepper et al. (2000) discuss ways to deconvolve
doses (Li, 1994; Duller, 1994a; 1995; Clarke, 1996; Clarke the spread in equivalent doses arising from experimental
et al., 1999). In view of the results from computer simula- errors and that from sedimentary processes. They propose
tions presented in this paper, it is concluded that the that the correct equivalent dose can be obtained from an
samples investigated in those studies must have fit one asymmetrical dose distribution after deconvolution.
(or both) of the following two criteria: 1) the luminescence The dependency of the degree of scatter on the ali-
signal from each aliquot was dominated by a small num- quot size and on the percentage of poorly bleached grains,
ber of bright grains with different equivalent doses; or 2) makes the use of thresholds for detecting poor-bleaching
only a small proportion of the grains was poorly bleached. based on inter-aliquot scatter impossible. Although it is
From the computer simulations it is evident that the ab- tempting to suggest such thresholds (Clarke, 1996; Clarke
sence of scatter in equivalent doses cannot be interpreted et al., 1999; Colls et al., 2001), they are not generally ap-
as an assurance that the sample was well bleached at the plicable, and hence do not provide an objective criterion
time of deposition. for detecting poor bleaching. To improve the chances of
In applying the correlation method for detecting poor- detecting poor-bleaching using methods based on inter-
bleaching to fluvial quartz separates, Stokes et al. (2001) aliquot scatter in equivalent doses, the aliquot size should
found that three out of four samples from the Colorado be taken as small as possible, ultimately consisting of a
River (Texas, USA) showed evidence for partial bleach- single grain of sand. One should however keep in mind
ing, whereas for thirteen samples from the Loire River that scatter in equivalent doses can also results from other
(France) only two were classified as poorly bleached. sources than poor-bleaching, for example differences in
However, for the Loire River samples, mean equivalent micro-dosimetry. Correlation of aliquot equivalent dose
doses of up to 14 Gy were reported for ‘well-bleached’ and natural OSL intensity is the only indicator that per-
samples, whereas a sample from the Colorado River was forms better for large aliquots; however, it only detects
classified as poorly bleached, in spite of having an equiva- poor bleaching successfully when poor-bleaching results
lent dose of only 0.23 Gy. Colls et al. (2001) also worked in a severe error in the equivalent dose.
on Loire samples and found that from 18 samples inves-

J. Wallinga

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Olley J.M., Caitcheon G.G. and Murray A.S., 1998: The distribution 625-632.
of apparent dose as determined by optically stimulated lumines- Stokes S., 1992: Optical dating of young (modern) sediments using
cence in small aliquots of fluvial quartz: implications for dating quartz: results from a selection of depositional environments.
young sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17: 1033-1040. Quaternary Science Reviews 11: 153-159.
Olley J.M., Caitcheon G.G. and Roberts R.G., 1999: The origin of Stokes S., 1999: Luminescence dating applications in geomorpho-
dose distributions in fluvial sediments, and the prospect of dat- logical research. Geomorphology 29: 153-171.
ing single grains from fluvial deposits using optically stimulated Stokes S., Bray H.E. and Blum M.D., 2001: Optical resetting in large
luminescence. Radiation Measurements 30: 207-217. drainage basins: Tests of zeroing assumptions using single-
Olley J.M., Roberts R.G. and Murray A.S., 1997: Disequilibria in aliquot procedures. Quaternary Science Reviews 20: 879-886.
the uranium decay series in sedimentary deposits at Allen’s Wallinga J., Murray A.S. and Duller G.A.T., 2000: Underestima-
Cave, Nullarbor Plain, Australia: implications for dose rate de- tion of equivalent dose in single-aliquot optical dating of feld-
terminations. Radiation Measurements 27: 433-443. spars caused by preheating. Radiation Measurements 32:
Porat N., Zilberman E., Amit R. and Enzel Y., 2001: Residual ages 691-695.
of modern sediments in an hyperarid region, Israel. Quaternary Wintle A.G., 1973: Anomalous fading of thermoluminescence in
Science Reviews 20: 7795-798. mineral samples. Nature 245: 143-144.
Rhodes E.J., 1990: Optical dating of quartz from sediments. Wintle A.G., Li S.H., Botha G.A. and Vogel J.C., 1995: Evaluation
Unpublished D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford. of luminescence-dating procedures applied to late-Holocene
colluvium near St Paul’s Mission, Natal, South Africa. The Ho-
locene 5: 97-102.

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 27-32, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Physical Geography and Palaeogeography, Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University, Akademicka 19,
20-033 Lublin, Poland (e-mail:
Department of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Ivan Franko National University,
Doroszenka 41, 290 000 Lviv, Ukraine

Key words
words: Abstract: This paper focuses on problems connected with equivalent dose (ED) estimation.
THERMOLUMINES- The ED results obtained by using two methods: regeneration (R) and total-bleach (TB) were
CENCE DATING, compared. To this end, ten loess samples were taken from about 20 m thick Zahvizdja profile
REGENERATION (western Ukraine).
METHOD, The obtained results show that the ED values are strongly dependent on the applied tech-
TOTAL-BLEACH nique. When using the regeneration method, the maximum ED value observed is 1051±158
METHOD, LOESS, Gy. The total-bleach procedure gives considerably different results, because the gradual
UKRAINE increase of ED values is recorded up to 2833±896 Gy. TL ages obtained by the TB method
were confirmed by palaeomagnetic investigations.


Aeolian sediments such as loess are particularly sui-
table for the application of thermoluminescence dating The studied loess site occurs in the central part of the
method, enabling determination of time passed since the East Carpathian Foreland. It is situated to SSE of Lviv,
last exposure to sunlight. Wintle and Huntley (1980) used near Ivano-Frankivs’k (Fig. 1). The East Carpathian
this method for the first time in dating of detrital mine- Foreland extends between the Carpathian margin in SW
rals. Since that time several research groups have con- and the Dnister river valley in NE. Rivers draining this
ducted tests on accuracy, using different techniques of area rise in the Carpathians. They dissect the Carpathian
equivalent dose (ED) determination. The published Foreland on quite a few flat and wast plateau-ridges which
materials contain conflicting reports on the reliability of are mostly covered by fluvial gravels, evidencing old flows
TL dating and the upper dating limit (e.g. Berger et al., of the Dnister River during the Early Quaternary
1992. Pillans et al., 1996; Frechen et al., 1997 and 1999). (Villafranchien), i.e. when the Dnister valley was form-
Nowadays, this method also arouses controversies among ing. These plateau-ridges covered by gravels are termed
the Quaternary geologists, and research works are still the Lojova planation surface. Valley-sides of the Dnister
continued to establish a reliable TL sediment-dating River and its tributaries have a typical step like arrange-
procedure. ment because the Pleistocene terraces occur at different
In this paper we present the TL dating results for altitudes. Both the interfluve plateau-ridges and the val-
10 samples from the Zahvizdja loess profile (western ley sides are covered with loesses.
Ukraine). We compare their TL ages obtained by using The Zahvizdja profile is exposed in a large brickyard
two methods of equivalent dose determination: regenera- excavation, so spatial extension of its particular elements
tion (R) and total-bleach (TB) methods. could be studied in detail. The profile is connected with

a high terrace rising about 80 m above the valley floor of and it corresponds to the Solotvin = Lubny soil in the
the Bystrycja Solotvyns’ka River. This terrace was formed Ukraine.
as a result of dissection of the Lojova planation surface, Nature of the middle unit is different. It is almost
reaching 360-380 m a.s.l. wholly transformed by soil-forming processes, and con-
The profile is about 22 m thick and it is built mainly of sists of four paleosols lying in direct succession; the low-
loesses and silty-clayey deposits overlying the marine est one is formed on fluvial deposits (flood muds) of the
Krakowiec clays from the Miocene. Three main litholo- lower unit. Genetic profiles of these paleosols are well
gical units can be distinguished in the profile. The upper developed, and their features indicate that they were
unit (0-14.5 m) consists of loesses and loess-like deposits; formed in wet climate, warmer than the modern one.
a paleosol occurs just near the ground surface, because of However, development periods of the successive soils
exploitation works. The middle unit (14.5-19.0 m) is silty- were interrupted by cool stages during which strong cry-
clayey, and the lower unit (19.0-20.5 m) is built of fluvial ogenic disturbances affected their A and E horizons.
deposits of channel facies (gravels and sands), and flood Brunhes/Matuyama paleomagnetic boundary was found
facies (muds). All these sediments are carbonate-free. within the illuvial horizon of the third paleosol from the
A series of eight paleosols of high stratigraphic rank top of this pedocomplex (Nawrocki et al., in press).
occurs in the Zahvizdja profile. They represent the Up-
per Eopleistocene and Mesopleistocene (£anczont et al., 3. METHODOLOGY
in press).
The upper unit is built of several loess layers separated TL age (TTL) is obtained from the equation:
by paleosols of forest type, usually with traces of denuda-
TTL = ED/Dr, (3.1)
tion in their top parts. Stratigraphy of this part of the
Zahvizdja profile was preliminarily defined on the basis where equivalent dose (ED) is the laboratory dose which
of paleopedological criterion and geomorphologic situa- produces TL corresponding with natural TL in a sample;
tion, and also in relation to the typical loess profiles in annual dose (Dr) is the effective dose received in a unit
the Podillia (Boguckyj, 1987; Boguckyj et al., 1999). The of time.
stratigraphy of the discussed unit is rather complex. First Two methods were used for evaluation of the equiva-
two soils from the top of the profile are single ones; they lent dose (ED): regeneration (R) and total-bleach (TB)
were connected with the Lublinian (= Rügen) and techniques. All measurements were carried out on the 45-
Mazovian sensu lato (= Holstein) Interglacials. In the 63 µm polymineral grain size fraction sieved wet. Possi-
Ukrainian stratigraphic scheme these paleosols are named bility of use of similar size fraction was presented by
the Korshov = Kaydaki and Sokal = Zavadovka soils. Wintle (1987) who wrote: „the grain size of loess usually
A very complicated pedocomplex occurs at a depth of 8 m. has a silt (2-63 µm) content of 50-80% and this has re-
It consists of two forest paleosols, the lower of which is sulted in the application of fine grain (4-11 micron) or
better developed and distinguishable by red illuvial hori- intermediate (e.g. 50-56 µm) grain size techniques.”
zon; a thin loess layer or a series of fluvial deposits sepa- The obtained aliquots were pre-treated with 10% HCl and
rates these paleosols. This pedocomplex can be correlated 30% H2O2 to remove carbonates and organic material.
with the Ferdynandowian (= Voigtstedt) Interglacial, Optical bleaching was performed using an UV-lamp



D nister

A zov


0 100 km Black Sea Fig. 1. Location of the

Zahvizdja profile.

J. Kusiak et al.

(Osram Ultra-Vitalux 300 Watt) for 16h (Frechen et al., less. The beta and gamma doses would be the same for
1992). Laboratory irradiations were carried out at the both grain sizes (Wintle, 1987).
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in War- Doses dα, dβ and dγ were calculated on the basis of con-
saw using a 60Co gamma source. The samples were irra- centration measurements of the natural radionuclides:
diated with 9 additional gamma doses from 300 to 5000 40
K, 226Ra, 228Th, with use of the three-channel γ spectro-
Gy. Unstable thermoluminescence introduced into the ar- meter of MAZAR-95 type, assuming equilibrium in the
tificially irradiated samples causes underestimation of the decay series. Radionuclide concentrations (in Bq/kg) were
obtained TL ages, so the irradiated samples must be converted to α, β and γ dose rates (in Gy/ka) on the basis
heated before readout of the TL glow curves (Berger et al., of data published by Aitken (1983). Cosmic dose rate was
1992). Therefore, all aliquots were preheated at 160 oC determined on the basis of data published by Prescott
for 3 hours. All samples were left at room temperature and Hutton (1988). Corrections for deposit moisture were
for 2 years after irradiation and for at least 3 days after taken after Berger (1988). Average moisture of samples
preheating. The TL glow curves were recorded with use in the studied profile was 15±5 %.
of the RA’94 TL reader-analyser with the EMI 9789 QA
photomultiplier. Aliquots were glowed out in an argon 4. DATING RESULTS
atmosphere at a heating rate of 5 oC/sec up to 400 oC. The
optical filter BG-28 (380-500 mm) was used (Berger et al., Ten samples were taken from the studied profile for
1992). Dose response was calculated with the FIT-SIM TL dating: seven from the upper unit and three from the
programme of Grün (1994) which is based on the simplex middle unit. TL ages were obtained for nine samples; age
fitting procedures and analytical error calculation by Brumby of a sample from the lowest paleosol was not determined.
(1992). Plateau test was carried out for each sample. The results of TL analysis are presented in Table 1.
The annual dose (Dr) was calculated from the formula: The TL age of the first paleosol from the top of the pro-
file (sample Lub-3680 from a depth of 1.0 m) obtained by
Dr = k a dα + dβ + dγ + dc, (3.2)
the regeneration method (R) is 150±27 ka. It suggests
where: the Eemian age of this soil. The TL age obtained by using
dα , dβ , dγ and dc – doses coming from the α, β, γ and cos- the total-bleach method (TB) is 234±47 ka, and it indi-
mic radiation, respectively; k = 0.14 – α-efficiency factor cates that this paleosol was formed in the Lublinian
for grains ≤ 10 µm in diameter; a = 0.5 – a correction resul- (= Rügen) Interglacial.
ting from the fact that the 45-63 µm grain size fraction The TL age of Lub-3681 sample (from a depth of 6.0 m)
was used. obtained by using the R procedure (268±42 ka) indicates
The alpha particle efficiency can be measured for fine that this loess was accumulated during the Odranian (=
grain samples using a laboratory alpha source, but the Drenthe) Glacial. The TL age obtained by using the TB
contribution of alpha particles to grains over 10 µm in method is 532±101 ka, therefore the deposition period
diameter is more difficult to measure but may be esti- of this loess can be correlated with the Sanian 2
mated – e.g. computer calculations predict that a 50 mm (= Elsterian 2) Glacial. Next sample, Lub-3682, was taken
quartz grain would experience only 50 % of the alpha dose from a depth of 8.7 m, i.e. from the third paleosol from
received within the same sediment by a grain of 10 µm or the top of the profile. The TL age obtained by using the

Table 1. Results of TL dating.

No. Lab. Depth Annual dose Dr Method Plateau Equivalent dose ED TL age
[m] [Gy/ka] [°C] [Gy] [ka]
3680 1.00 3.660±0.40 R 250-310 550±77 150±27
TB 240-380 856±144 234±47
3681 6.00 3.448±0.26 R 250-300 925±130 268±42
TB 315-400 1831±327 532±101
3682 8.70 2.554±0.23 R 300-400 940±132 368±63
TB 295-370 1497±269 586±117
3683 9.30 3.166±0.41 R 250-400 980±108 310±53
TB 270-400 1969±479 622±174
3684 10.50 2,918±0,36 R 290-360 1051±158 360±68
TB 290-350 1762±460 604±174
3675 12.70 3.356±0.30 R 290-340 940±113 280±42
TB 280-370 2478±669 738±207
3676 13.70 3.376±0.24 R 300-350 1050±221 311±68
TB 310-380 2833±896 839±277
3677 15.30 2.917±0.35 R 300-360 950±105 326±52
TB 295-400 2577±1126 883±398
3678 18.30 3.166±0.38 R 290-350 970±204 306±73
TB 290-400 2386±916 754±301


regeneration technique is 368±63 ka and corresponds to

the Zbójnian (= Domnitz) Interglacial. The TL age ob-
tained by using the total bleach method (586±117 ka)
indicates the Ferdynandowian (= Voigtstedt) Interglacial.
Samples Lub-3683 and Lub-3684 were taken from the
depths of 9.30 and 10.50 m, i.e. from this part of the pro-
file, which occurs between the third and fourth paleosol
from the top. The results of the R method for Lub-3683
sample (310±53 ka) and for Lub-3684 sample (360±68
ka) indicate the Zbójnian (= Domnitz) Interglacial. The
TL ages of both samples obtained by using the TB method
(622±174 ka and 604±174 ka) can be correlated with the
Ferdynandowian (= Voigtstedt) Interglacial.
Samples: Lub-3675 and Lub-3676 were taken from
depths of 12.7 and 13.7 m, i.e. from silty loess-like deposit
2.50 m thick. The TL ages for Lub-3675 and Lub-3676
samples obtained by using the regeneration procedure
(280±42 ka and 311±68 ka) indicate that this deposit was
accumulated during the Odranian (= Drenthe) Glacial.
The TL age obtained by the total-bleach method for Lub-
3675 sample is 738±207 ka, and for Lub-3676 sample –
839±277 ka, so the deposits can be older than the Sanian
1 (= Elsterian 1) Glacial.
Two last samples – Lub-3677 and Lub-3678 – were
taken from the pedocomplex occurring at a depth of 14.5-
19.0 m. The results of the R procedures for Lub-3677 sample
(326±52 ka) and for Lub-3678 sample (306±73 ka)
correspond to the Zbójnian (= Domnitz) Interglacial. The
TL age obtained by the TB method for sample Lub-3677
is 883±398, and for sample Lub-3678 – 754±301 ka,
so the deposit can be correlated with warm periods pre-
ceding the Sanian 1 (= Elsterian 1) Glacial.


The presented results of TL analysis show how great

are the interpretation problems of the TL datings. Two
Fig. 2. Lithology, TL ages and stratigraphy of the deposits in the
groups of TL ages were obtained for each sample. Each
Zahvizdja profile.
group can be correlated with different glacial or intergla-
cial. For Lub-3680 sample the TL age obtained by the
regeneration procedure of equivalent dose determination
corresponds to the Eemian interglacial. For the rest of
samples (from Lub-3681 to Lub-3684 and from Lub-3675
to Lub- 3678) all TL ages obtained by using the R tech- 800
nique are related to the period from the Lublinian 700
TL age (ka)

(= Rügen) Interglacial to the Zbójnian (= Dömnitz) 600

Interglacial. It is very important that despite the occur- 500
rence of eight paleosols of high stratigraphic rank, a dis- 400
tinct increase of TL age in the profile is observed only 300
to a depth of 6.0 m (Fig. 3). From 6.0 to 18.3 m the R 200
procedure gives chaotic results ranging from 268±42 to 100
368±63 ka. Lack of a systematic and distinct TL age
increase with depth arouses our great doubts about relia- 0 5 10 15 20
bility of the TL datings carried out using the discussed
TB R Depth (m)
procedure. The results of complex investigations of the
profile, and especially of the paleomagnetic analysis, con- Fig. 3. Comparison of obtained TL ages using different TL
firm these limitations. Therefore, the TL ages obtained techniques.
by using the regeneration method are accidental values,
which are not in agreement with geological age of depo-
sits studied (Fig. 2).

J. Kusiak et al.

In order to explain divergences between the deposit Lub-3682 sample was taken from the upper paleosol (third
age estimated on the basis of paleomagnetic analyses, and from the top of the profile) developed on muds or sandy-
also geomorphological, paleogeographical and paleope- gravelly loams of a fluvial origin. Lub-3683 and Lub-3684
dological criteria, and its TL age obtained by the rege- samples were taken from a muddy insert within deposits
neration method we should make a thorough analysis of occurring between the third and fourth paleosol. These
the equivalent dose determined for the particular samples. fluvial deposits are evidently a foreign component in the
The ED values, just as the TL ages, distinctly increase loess-paleosol profile. Their spatial extent is limited, and
with depth only to a depth of 6.0 m (Fig. 4). From 6.0 to we can consider them as an infill of a small transversal
18.3 m the ED values obtained by the R procedure change valley, which once has developed on a slope and it prob-
chaotically from from 925±130 to 1051±158 Gy. It may ably has filled with material denuded from a plateau-ridge
suggest that the presented ED values correspond to the surface. The obtained TL ages are generally in a good
luminescence saturation level of deposits in the studied agreement with geological estimates for the discussed part
profile and demonstrate the apparent saturation age for of the profile, i.e. they correspond to the Ferdynandowian
the applied regeneration method. Age underestimation Interglacial. Lub-3675 and Lub-3676 samples were taken
related to use of the regeneration method was noticed by from the lowest layer of the upper lithological unit, i.e.
several authors, among others by Berger et al. (1992) who from deposit which can be correlated with the Sanian 1
found that the regeneration procedure gave age under- (= Elsterian 1) Glacial. Lub-3675 sample from a depth
estimation for samples older than 80 ka, with maximum of 12.7 m was dated at 738±207 ka, and Lub-3676 sample
TL ages of about 150 ka for samples of 500 to 800 ka age. from a depth of 13.7 m – at 839±277 ka. Two next samples
Frechen et al. (1999) discovered that a systematic error in were taken from the middle lithological unit, i.e. the
ED determination using the regeneration method re- pedocomplex of four paleosols occurring between 14.5
sulted from a change in luminescence sensitivity of the and 19.0 m. Lub-3677 sample from a depth of 15.3 m was
material which was exposed to artificial or natural light. dated at 883±398 ka. The TL age obtained for Lub-3678
The upper limit of the ED value which can be obtained sample from a depth of 18.3 m is 744±301 ka. This sample
by the regeneration method is estimated at 1000-1200 Gy, was collected from the third paleosol from the top of this
so the corresponding TL age is 200-250 ka (Frechen pedocomplex. Brunhes/Matuyama paleomagnetic bound-
et al., 1997). ary dated at 783 ka (Nawrocki et al., in press) was found
When estimating results obtained by the total-bleach within the illuvial horizon of this paleosol. Therefore, the
method, we have quite different situation to that dealing TL age of Lub-3678 sample obtained by the TB proce-
with the regeneration technique. Lub-3680 sample was dure is in a very good agreement with the deposit age
taken from the paleosol undoubtedly older than the determined by the paleomagnetic method. It indicates that
Eemian Interglacial, as it is evidenced by geomorphologi- the TL ages of three samples (from Lub-3675 to Lub-
cal situation and paleopedological criterion. Therefore, 3677) are overestimated. It is possible to explain these
the TL age obtained by the TB method (234±47 ka) can discordances by two reasons: (1) too weak bleaching of
be correlated with deposition time of the studied sediment mineral material resulting from short transport before
(Boguckyj et al., 2001). The result of the TB for Lub-3681 sedimentation; (2) too low doses used for irradiation of
sample (532±101 ka) is in a good agreement with its samples. First reason may be connected with the fact that
expected geological age corresponding to the Sanian 2 the studied loess sediments can contain an admixture of
(= Elsterian 2) Glacial. Three samples – Lub-3682 material coming from the underlying soils of the middle
(586±117 ka), Lub-3683 (622±174 ka) and Lub- 3684 unit; the first paleosol from the top of this unit is strongly
(604±174 ka) – were collected from depths of 8.7, 9.3 (in places even completely) denuded. Deflated or washed
and 10.5 m, respectively. They represent the pedocom- soil material was probably incorporated into the discussed
plex of two forest soils occurring between 8.0 and 10.8 m. part of the loess cover. Second reason may be connected
with ED values for Lub-3675, Lub-3676 and Lub-3677
samples which are the highest in the whole profile and
3000 exceed 2500 Gy. Extremely low thermoluminescence
intensity in these samples, and too low additional doses
2500 (up to 5000 Gy) caused relatively large errors in the ED
2000 determination.
ED (Gy)

500 The reports on the range and reliability of the thermo-
luminescence dating method of the Quaternary deposits
0 are conflicting. Some authors think that the reliable and
0 5 10 15 20 reproducible TL ages can be obtained only for the last
100 ka (e.g. Frechen et al., 1997). Others are of opinion
TB R Depth (m)
that TL dating may give accurate ages in the range from
Fig.4. Comparison of obtained ED results using different TL 100 to 800 ka (e.g. Berger et al., 1992). These controver-
techniques. sies induced us to make a series of TL datings with use


of two procedures for the deposits of the Zahvizdja pro- Boguckyj A., £anczont M. and Wojtanowicz J., 1999: Lower Ple-
file, which were also dated by other methods. The total- istocene fossil soils in the loess cover of the Halicz Carpathian
bleach method (TB) gave the results similar to the ex- Foreland (Dolnoplejstoceñskie gleby kopalne w pokrywie
pected ones. With this method we were able to date lessowej Halickiego Podkarpacia). In: III Seminarium lessowe
„Geneza i wiek pokrywowych utworów pylastych po³udniowo-
samples in the range from 200 to 900 ka. In spite of these
zachodniej Polski”. Uniwersytet Wroc³awski, Wroc³aw-Bo¿ków (in
promising results, we should be prepared for difficulties
when estimating the ED values higher than 2000 Gy be- Brumby S., 1992: Regression analysis of ESR/TL dose-response
cause luminescence may reach the saturation level. We data. Nuclear Trucks and Radiation Measurements 20: 595-599.
hope that further TL analyses planned to be carried out Frechen M., Brückner H. and Radtke U., 1992: A comparison of
for the Zahvizdja profile will allow us to specify the pre- different TL techniques on loess samples from Rheinahlen
liminary results reported in this paper. (F.R.G.). Quaternary Science Reviews 11: 109-113.
Frechen M., Horváth E and Gábris G., 1997: Geochronology of
7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Middle and Upper Pleistocene loess section in Hungary.
Quaternary Research 48: 291-312.
Investigations of the Zahvizdja profile are partially Frechen M., Zander A., Clíek V. and Lo•ek V., 1999: Loess chrono-
logy of the Last Interglacjal/Glacial cycle in Bohemia and
supported by Grant 6 PO4E 031 15 (KBN) and are a part
Moravia, Czech Republic. Quaternary Science Reviews 18:
of a planned series of monographic studies of key pro-
files of loesses of the Carpathian Foreland facies. Grün R., 1994: Fit-Sim. Computer program, QDRC, Canberra.
The authors are grateful to Dr Maria Wilgat who has £anczont M., Boguckyj A., Wojtanowicz J., Racinowski R. and Seul
prepared the English version of this paper. C.: Eopleistoceneand lower Mesopleistocene paleosols in the
Zahvizdja profile in the East Carpathian Foreland (W Ukra-
REFERENCES: ine).. Quaternary International (in print).
Nawrocki J., Boguckyj A., £anczont M. and Nowaczyk N.R.: The
Aitken M.J., 1983: Radioactivity data using SI units. PACT 9: 69-71. Matuyama-Brunhes boundary and the nature of magnetic
Berger G.W., 1988: Dating Quaternary events by luminescence. remanence acquisition in the loess-paleosol sequence from
Geological Society of America, Special Paper 227: 13-50. western part of the East Europeanloess province. Palaeogeogra-
Berger G.W., Pillans B.J. and Palmer A.S., 1992: Dating loess up to phy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (in print).
800 ka by thermoluminescence. Geology 20: 403-406. Pillans B., Kohn B.P., Berger G., Froggatt P., Duller G., Alloway B.
Boguckyj A.B., 1987: The main loess and palaeosol horizons of and Hesse P., 1996: Multi-method dating comparison for Mid-
periglacial Pleistocene loess-soil series in the southwestern part Pleistocene Rangitawa Tephra, New Zealand. Quaternary Geo-
of the Eastern European Platform (Osnovnye loessovye i pa- chronology (Quaternary Science Reviews) 15: 641-653.
leopochvennye gorizonty periglacialnoy loessovo-pochvennoy Prescott J.R. and Hutton J.T., 1988: Cosmic ray and gamma ray
seri pleystocena jugo-zapada Vostochnoevropeyskoy platfor- dosimetry for TL and ESR. Nuclear Tracks 14: 223-227.
my). In: Stratigraphy and correlation of maritime and continen- Wintle A.G., 1987: Themoluminescence dating of loess. Catena
tal Ukrainian sediments), 47-52. Naukova Dumka, Kiev. Supplement 9: 103-115.
Boguckyj A., Gozhik P., Lindner L., £anczont M. and Wojtanowicz Wintle A.G. and Huntley D.J., 1980: Thermoluminescence dating
J., 2001 (in press): Main stratigraphic units of the Polish and of ocean sediments. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 17:
Ukrainian Quaternary (original). In: VIII Konferencja Straty- 348-360.
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 33-40, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Geographical Research Institute, St. Petersburg State University, Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean,
Angliysky Prospect 1, 190 121 Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Key words
words: Abstract: A comprehensive geochronological study of a pelagic sediment core altered by
Th-EXCESS DATING, hydrothermal processes from the Mid Atlantic Ridge (14.5°N) was carried out using both the
RADIOCARBON DATING, Thexcess and the radiocarbon methods. Complementary foraminiferal tests and oxygen-iso-
HYDROTHERMAL tope determinations were done. The main task was to check whether 230Thexcess dating of such
ACTIVITY, PELAGIC diagenetically changed sediments yields reliable absolute ages. For this purpose the vertical
SEDIMENT, distribution of the 238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th activities along the core was measured. The re-
BIO-STRATIGRAPHY, sults proved that it was not disturbed during the aging of the sediment. The long-term hydro-
OXYGEN-ISOTOPE thermal influence had been constant during at least the last 300 ka and did not change the
STRATIGRAPHY, natural 230Thexcess distribution along the core. Hence, 230Thexcess dating yields reliable ages and
GEOCHRONOLOGY allows to calculate sedimentation rate. Between the uppermost and lowermost sublayers of
the core we obtained 1.35±0.15 cm/ka which agrees with 1.47±0.03 cm/ka derived from
conventional 14C ages. These numerical dates, the results of the foraminiferal tests and the
δ18O values place the studied sediments to the marine isotope stage 5 (MIS 5). These dates are
well correlated with the corresponding sedimentary records from pelagic sediments of the
North Atlantic Ocean.

1. INTRODUCTION Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). We investigated: 1) the ver-

tical distribution of the uranium and thorium isotopes
There is a growing interest to study different types of (238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th), 2) checked the possibility to
pelagic sediments mixed with low and high temperature apply the 230Thexcess dating method to oceanic hydrother-
hydrothermal components. High temperature hydrother- mal deposits, and 3) compared the results of our geochro-
mal fluids are discharged into the bottom ocean water nological, biostratigraphic and stable isotope study with
(Lisitsyn et al., 1990). Part of these hydrothermal matter those of the North Atlantic Ocean.
is deposited near the vents forming massive sulfides and
metalliferous sediments. These sediments are scattered 2. LOCATION AND MATERIALS
around large distances. Pelagic sediments are penetrated
by hydrothermal solutions in active hydrothermal zones The core KP-145 was taken on RV “Professor
and chemical elements are deposited. Logachev” in 3105 m water depth at 14°45’44’’ N and
Many comprehensive chemical, mineralogical, geo- 44°58’74’’ W in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge area in 1994. This
logical, geophysical, biogeochemical and geochronological site is located about 300 m north of the hydrothermal field
studies have been carried out on hydrothermal sediments. “Logachev” which was discovered in 1993 (Krasnov et
However, there are only few data on sedimentation rates al., 1995). The hydrothermal field is situated at the east-
and absolute ages. In most cases the uranium-disequilib- ern slope of the rift valley about 35 miles far from the
rium method was applied. fracture zone at 15°20’N (Fig. 1 and 2). Two layers are
As there are usually no data on the biostratigraphy of distinguished in the core:
hydrothermal deposits numerical dating is essential to Layer 1 (0-18 cm): It consists of 90-95% grey-beige
classify such deposits. We undertook a comprehensive biogenic calcium carbonate (coccolites and foraminifera)
biostratigraphic, isotopic and geochronological study of with spotted ore-bearing silt. There are singular micro-
a sediment core from the active hydrothermal zone of the inclusions of black color (Fe-Mn oxides) and fragments

of ultrabasic rocks. The spherical silt spots are beige-col-

ored, sometimes non-transparent and formed by
bioturbation. The upper sublayer (0-1 cm) is saturated
with seawater.
Layer 2 (19-115 cm): It mainly consists of calcium
carbonate (coccolites and foraminifera) which concentra-
tion gradually decreases downward from 78 to 72%. The
sublayer up to 60 cm contains hydrothermal material.
There is some beige-colored silt with singular black col-
ored (Fe-Mn oxides) micro-inclusions. The upper part of
the layer (19-25 cm) is affected by bioturbation with
numerous gray-beige dots and bands without sharp con-
Our sediment core KP-145 from the active hydrother-
mal MAR area contains complex genetic features which
could only be deciphered by a careful, comprehensive
geochronological and multidisciplinary study. The com-
mon pelagic sediment is depositionarily superimposed by
the penetration of hydrothermal fluids and associated and
geochemical processes. Parts of the sediments were mixed
by tectonics and bioturbation.

Fig. 2. Geological structure of axis region of Mid-Atlantic

Ridge in the zone of hydrothermal field 14o 45 N
(after Bogdanov et al., 1995).
A: 1 – rift valley; 2 – transform fault 15o 20 N; 3 – spreading
axis; 4 – normal fault scarps; 5 – vertical deep-seated fault;
6 – massif of serpentinous ultrabasites and gabbroides;
7 - active hydrothermal field.
B: Profile I-II: 1 – unconsolidated sediments; 2 – extrusive
basalts; 3 – serpentinous ultrabasites and gabbroides;
4 – vertical deep-seated fauls; 5 – active hydrothermal field.

Fig. 1. Location of “Logachev” hydrothermal field and station

KP 145. 1 – rift valley; 2 – “Logachev” hydrothermal field;
3 – isolines of floor relief; 4 – location of station KP 145.

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.


Uranium and thorium were radiochemically extracted

(Kuznetsov, 1993; Kuznetsov et al., 2000). The main steps
l digestion and dissolution of 5-10 g of sediment by
concentrated HNO3, HF and HCl; removal of F- by
concentrated HClO4; addition of the double spike of
U and 234Th;
l adsorption of uranium and thorium isotopes on iron
hydrooxide in a carbonate-free ammonia solution at
pH 7 to 8;
l purification of the solution from all admixtures of in-
terfering alpha emitters; separation of the uranium and
thorium by anion exchange. Anionite AV-17 was used
to elute the Th fraction from the 7n HNO3 solution
and uranium from the 6n HCl/0.2n HNO3 solution;
l electrodeposition of uranium and thorium on platinum
discs from the ethyl alcohol solution (adding the 0.2 n
HNO3 solution) during 1.5 hours under current den-
sity of 60 ma/cm2 (Kim et al., 1966);
l alpha-spectrometric determination of the 238U, 234U,
Th and 230 Th activity using a semi-conductor
surface-barrier silicon detector (resolution: 30 KeV/ Fig. 3. Vertical distribution of 230Thexcess (A) and direct 230 Th
channel) and the pulse analyzer AI-1024. dates (B) along the core KP-145
The chemical yield of uranium and thorium isotopes
were calculated from the activities of the 232U and 234Th
spikes. The results of a radiochemical analysis of the sedi-
ment core KP-145 are compiled in Table 1.
The organogenic fraction of the pelagic sediment was
transformed into benzene and 14C dated by liquid scintil-
Table 2. Absolute ages of sublayers of core KP-145.
lation counting (Arslanov, 1987). The 14C dates of the
No. Sublayer Conventional 14C Age 230Th/U age
various sublayers of the core are compiled in Table 2.
[cm] [BP] [years]*
1 0-1
2 5-6 4100 ± 400*

Radiometric measurements 3 13 - 15 10,800 ± 200 10,400 ±1100*

(11,170 BC-10,485 BC)
The manifold methods of uranium-series disequili-
4 30 - 31 20,800 ± 500 22,600 ± 2400*
brium dating are based on the offset of radioactive equi-
5 40 - 41 27,600 ± 600 30,000 ± 3200*
librium in oceanic sediments. One of these methods is
6 60 - 61 44,800 ± 4800*
the 230Thexcess method which uses the radioactive decay of
7 90 - 91 67,000 ± 7400*
the excess activity of 230Th over that of the parent uranium.
There are two prerequisites for the application of this 8 114 - 115 84,800 ± 9200
method: 1)230Th may not migrate in the sedimentary strata Comments:
The average sedimentation rate calculated by 230Th was 1.35±0.15 cm/ka; the standard
which has never been observed (Kuznetsov, 1976; deviation of the average sedimentation rate was calculated from that of the date of
Kuznetsov and Andreev, 1995; Huh and Ku, 1984; Lalou 84,800±9200 yr.
The average sedimentation rate calculated by 14C data was 1.47±0.03 cm/ka; the stan-
et al., 1988); 2)230Th is deposited with a constant deposi- dard deviation of the average sedimentation rate was calculated from that of the date of
tion rate. This prerequisite has to be checked for each 27,600±600 yr.
section with different genesis. *)=the age was calculated from the average sedimentation rate of 1.35±0.15 cm/ka.

Table 1. Results of a radiochemical analysis of the sediment core KP-145.

No. Layer 238U 234U 234U/238U 232Th 230Th*

[cm] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g]

1 0-1 0.48 ± 0.02 0.51 ± 0.02 1.07 ± 0.06 0.90 ± 0.06 6.53 ± 0.37
2 5-6 0.51 ± 0.02 0.54 ± 0.02 1.06 ± 0.06 0.62 ± 0.04 5.51 ± 0.33
6 60 - 61 0.44 ± 0.02 0.48 ± 0.02 1.08 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.03 3.54 ± 0.22
7 90 - 91 0.14 ± 0.01 0.16 ± 0.01 1.11 ± 0.06 0.42 ± 0.03 3.38 ± 0.20
8 114 - 115 0.25 ± 0.01 0.25 ± 0.01 0.99 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.03 2.99 ± 0.19
230 234
*)=activity of Th, excessive over the equilibrium with parent U.


The 234U/238U AR insignificantly vary within the core. Foraminiferal tests, oxygen-isotope compositions
The 238U concentration ranges from 0.2 - 0.7 µg/g corre- and palaeotemperature
sponding to a specific activity of 0.14-0.51 dpm/g The elaborated reliable chronology of core KP-145
(Table 1). The 232Th activity varies by a factor of two along explains why these sediments were chosen for the com-
the core. prehensive study including foraminiferal tests and comple-
mentary isotope-oxygen analysis. The results allowed
Foraminiferal tests, oxygen-isotope composition a stratigraphic and geochronological classification of the
and palaeotemperature core and its correlation with MIS (Shackleton and Opdyke
The composition of the well preserved and abundant 1973; Barash et al., 1983 and 1984; Barash, 1988; see Fig. 4).
planktic foraminifera, the δ18O values and the ratio of The assemblage of planktic foraminifera in the sub-
biogenic and terrigenous components in the sand sedi- samples 0-1 cm, 5-6 cm and 10-11 cm depth contains
ment fraction were determined on 14 sublayers. The av- mainly the species Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady)
erage annual paleotemperature was reconstructed from (Fig. 4), Gs. ruber d’Orbigny; Globorotalia menardii
the ratio of planktic foraminifera species Globigerina (d’Orbigny), Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker et Jones).
Pachyderma (Fig. 4). The determination of the oxygen- It corresponds to the tropical type of thanatocenosis of
isotope analyses were done on the CaCO3 of all species the equatorial subtype. Due to the dominance of
planktic foraminifera shells rather than an individual spe- Globorotalia menardii (d’Orbigny) these subsamples be-
cies as relative large quantities of samples were required long to the Zone Z defined by Eriksson et al. (1961 and
for the mass-spectrometric measurement. Some of the 1963) which was deposited during the last 11,000 years.
planktic foraminifera contained Fe-Mn oxides. The palaeotemperature was reconstructed according
to Barash et al. (1983 and 1988) and yielded an mean annu-
5. DISCUSSION al temperature of the surface water of +25.0 to +26.5°C
(Fig. 4). The Holocene climatic optimum is reflected by
Radiometric measurements an insignificant temperature increase and a mould of the
The 234U/238U AR and 238U activities are in the range isotope-oxygen curve at the layer between 5 and 6 cm
of uranium in common pelagic and metal-bearing sedi- (Fig. 4). The 230Thexcess date of 4100±400 yr was determined
ments (Kuznetsov, 1976; Lalou et al., 1988; Arslanov et for this sublayer (Table 2). The conventional 14C and
al., 1988). Hydrothermal fluid discharged from the ocean Thexcess dates of the 13-15 cm are 10,800±200 yr BP
floor is usually not enriched in uranium compared to sea- (the calibrated 14C date is 11,170 BC –10,485 BC, with
water (Lisitsyn et al., 1990; Lisitsyn, 1970 and 1993; Arslanov 1σ confidence interval analysis) and 10,400±1100,
et al., 1988). Hence, the concentration and distribution respectively (Table 2). The sedimentation rate for MIS 1
of uranium in the pelagic sediment may be primarily de- adopting the age of the boundary between MIS 1 and
termined by its terrigenous and hydrogenous origin and MIS 2 of ~11 ka (Morley and Hays, 1981) is about
by the supply of endogenous ore substance. This supply 1.35 cm/ka (Table 3).
decreases to some extent the uranium concentration in The dominant species of planktonic foraminifera of
the sediment. This concept is in agreement with the found Layer 2 (18-110 cm) were Globigerinoides ruber d’Orbigny,
U/238U activity ratio which ranges from 1.0 (terrigenous Gs. sacculifer (Brady) (Fig. 4), Globorotalia truncatuli-
detritus) to 1.14 (near that of seawater; see Table 1). The noides (d’Orbigny) with single individuals of Globorotalia
Thexcess activity in the core decreases gradually from the menardii flexuosa (Koch). This assemblage is characteris-
surface downward as expected from radioactive decay tic for Zone Y (Eriksson et al., 1961 and 1963) which lasted
(Fig. 3). The direct absolute 230Thexcess dates calculated on from 75-11 ka.
the basis of the 230Thexcess activity in the sublayers 1 and 2, The sublayers between 15-43 cm (15-16 cm, 20-21 cm,
1 and 6, 1 and 7, 1 and 8 tend to increase along the core 30-31 cm and 40-41 cm) contained planktic foraminifera
(Fig. 3). These findings testify that any influx of endogenous of the tropical type of thanatocenosis tending to the equa-
ore matter and from the hydrothermal plume was constant torial subtype (Barash, 1988). The reconstructed
and did not disturb the natural distribution (Table 1). paleotemperature of the mean annual surface water was
The maximum thorium concentration in sublayer 1 closely to +25.0°C (Fig. 4). The δ 18O value and the
may reflect an insignificant supply of 232Th and 230Th dur- assemblage of planktic foraminifera as Globigerinoides
ing the last several thousands of years. sacculifer (Fig. 4), Gs. ruber, Globorotalia truncatulinoides
Under the found conditions the 230Thexcess method was are related to MIS 2 lasting from 27 to 11 ka. The con-
used to determine the average sedimentation rate of the ventional 14C dates of the 30-31 cm and 40-41 cm are
core. On the basis of the 230Thexcess activity in the sublayers 20,800±500 and 27,600±600 BP, respectively (Table 2).
1 and 8 we calculated the age of 84,800±9200 yr between The 230Thexcess dates of 22,600±2400 and 30,000±3200 ka
the sublayers 0-1 cm and 114-115 cm. The data allow to were determined for these sublayers. The sedimentation
calculate the average sedimentation rate of 1.35±0.15 rate for MIS 2 adopting the age of the boundary between
cm/ka from which absolute ages were estimated for each MIS 2 and 3 of ~27 ka (Morley and Hays, 1981) is about
sublayer (Table 2). The latter and the corresponding 14C 1.75 cm/ka (Table 3).
dates agree well with each other. On the basis of the 14C The sublayers between 43-85 cm (50-51 cm, 60- 61 cm,
date of 27,600±600 (sublayer 40-41 cm) we calculated the 70-71 cm and 80-81 cm) contained planktic foramini-
average sedimentation rate of 1.47±0.03 cm/ka. fera of the tropical type of thanatocenosis tending to the

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.

equatorial subtype (Barash, 1988). The mean annual tem- the equatorial subtype without secondary changes
perature of the surface water was estimated to +26.0 (Barash, 1988). The estimated mean annual temperature
±0.5°C (Fig. 4). Both the isotope-oxygen curve and that of the surface water was close to +26°C (Fig. 4). The bio-
of the planktic foraminifera (Fig. 4) correspond to MIS 3 stratigraphic and isotopic results allowed a connection to
and the time range from 58 to 27 ka. The sample from MIS 5 (128 to 72 ka). The absolute 230Thexcess date of the
60-61 cm (230Thexcess) yielded 44,800±4800 yr (Table 2). sample from 115-114 cm is 84,800±9200 yr (Table 2).
The age of ~58 ka between MIS 3 and 4 (Morley and Zone X is represented by sediments below 110 cm.
Hays, 1981) yielded a sedimentation rate of about 1.35 It contained species of Globorotalia menardii: Globorotalia
cm/ka for MIS 3 (Table 3). menardii (d’Orbigny) and Globorotalia menardii flexuosa
The planktic foraminifera in the section of 85-105 cm (Koch) which were deposited between 128-75 ka.
(90-91 cm and 100-101 cm) belonged to the tropical type The good agreement between the results of the geo-
of thanatocenosis tending to the equatorial subtype chronological, biostratigraphic and isotopic analyses tes-
(Barash, 1988). The mean annual temperature of the sur- tifies the reliability of the derived climate-geochronologi-
face water was close to +25.0°C (Fig. 4). The assemblage cal course (Fig. 4).
of planktic foraminifera and the δ18O values allow a cor-
relation with MIS 4 (72-58 ka). The 230Thexcess date for 6. STRATIGRAPHICAL AND GEOCHRONOLOGICAL
the 90-91 cm sublayer is 67,000±7400 yr (Table 2). The COMPARISON OF THE CORES KP-145 AND L-66
age of ~72 ka between MIS 4 and 5 yielded a sedimenta-
tion rate of about 1.43 cm/ka for MIS 4 (Table 3). We compared our results from core KP-145 represent-
The sublayers between 105-115 cm (110-111 cm and ing the hydrothermal activity zone with the correspond-
114-115 cm) contained well-preserved planktonic forami- ing data of the sediment core L-66 from the pelagic zone
nifera of the tropical type of thanatocenosis tending to of the North Atlantic (Arslanov et al., 1988). By this the
geological section was correlated with the climate-strati-
graphic events for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene of the
Table 3. The sedimentation rates between the boundaries of MIS
in cores L-66 and KP-145. Central and North Atlantic Oceans.
Core L -66 was taken on the second cruise of RV
Marine isotope stage L-66 [cm/ka] KP-145 [cm/ka]
“Mikhail Lomonosov” (1958) in the European basin
MIS 7 1.6
(49°04´ N, 20°18´ W) in a water depth of 4000 m. The
MIS 6 0.4
core length is 298 cm. It contains alternating layers of
MIS 5e 1.2
white to light-gray silt (0-12, 134-149 and 168-255 cm).
MIS 5d - 5a 1.0
The terrigenous material of sandy silt with gravel, pebble
MIS 4 1.7 1.43 and detritus (12-134, 149-168 and 255-298 cm) domi-
MIS 3 0.5 1.35 nates over the biogenic, coccolite-foraminifera silt. In the
MIS 2 1.45 1.75 26-39 cm sublayer, volcanic ash is present. The terrigenous
MIS 1 1.2 1.35 sublayers, especially the thickest sublayer at 12-134 cm,

δ18O [‰]

Fig. 4. Results of geochronological study of cores KP-145 and L-66, their stratigraphical classification and correlation.
a) 1 – coccolith-foraminiferal ooze; 2 – terrigenous mud; 3 – volcanic ash; 4 – gravel, pebble, rock debris;
b) 1 – coccolith-foraminiferal ooze.


are lithologically heterogeneous. They contain fine- to REFERENCES

coarse-grained interlayers with micro-laminated texture.
They are interpreted as reflection of significant changes Arslanov Kh.A., 1987: Radiocarbon: geochemistry and geochronol-
of the palaeo-oceanographic sedimentation. ogy. LGU, Leningrad: 298 pp (in Russian).
From this core, 18 quantitative analyses of the com- Arslanov Kh.A., Barash M.S. and Kuznetsov V.Yu., 1988: On geo-
position of planktic foraminifera were done, the palaeo- chronology of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene by the data
of study of the North Atlantic sediments. Oceanologiya 38 (4):
temperature and the ratio of biogenic to terrigenous com-
644-650 (in Russian).
ponents in the sandy fraction of the sediment (>0.1 mm)
Arslanov Kh.A., Kuznetsov V.Yu., Lokshin N.V. and Pospelov Yu.N.,
were calculated. In addition, 16 isotope-oxygen analyses 1988: Protactinium and thorium isotopes in metallogenous sedi-
and 12 analyses of the carbonate concentration were ments from the Bauyer Depression. Radiochimiya (3): 401-405
performed. Uranium, thorium and protactinium measure- (in Russian).
ments were carried out on eight sublayers between 0-6 cm Barash M.S. 1988: Quaternary palaooceanology of Atlantic Ocean.
and 229-234 cm. Nauka, Moscow: 272 pp (in Russian).
The sample from 150-154 cm yielded the 231Paexcess date Barash M.S., Dmitrenko O.B., and Kazarina G.Kh. et al., 1984:
of 146,000±18,000 years representing the boundary of Stratigraphy of oceanic Quaternary sediments. In: Quaternary
MIS 5/MIS 6. The 230Thexcess date of 231,000±15,000 years Geology and Geomorphology. 27-th Intern. Geological Congress,
for the 229-234 cm sublayer corresponds to the early section C.3. Moscow, Nauka: 36-48 (in Russian).
Barash M.S., Oskina N.S. and Blyum N.S., 1983: Quaternary bio-
climatic optimum of MIS 7 which is well correlated with
stratigraphy and surface palaeotemperatures based on plank-
the course of the δ18O values (Morley and Hays, 1981;
tonic foraminifers. In: Barker P.F., Carlson R.L., and Johnson
see Fig. 4). D.A. et al., eds, Init. Repts. DSDP 72. U.S. Govt. Printing
The stratigraphic classification of L-66 allows an esti- Office, Washington: 849-869.
mate of the absolute ages and the sedimentation rates Bogdanov Y.A., Sagalevich A.M., Chernyaev E.S., Ashadze A.M.
between the boundaries of MIS (Morley and Hays, 1981). Gurvich E.G., Lukashin V.N., Ivanov G.V. and Peresypkin V.I.,
The sedimentation rate in core L-66 and KP-145 varied 1995: Hydrothermal field 14°45’N of Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
noticeably (Table 3). Doklady RAN 343 (3): 353-357 (in Russian).
In agreement with other findings the sedimentation rate Ericson D.B. , Ewing M. and Wollin G., 1963: Pliocene-Pleistocene
of both cores KP-145 and L-66 is higher during the cold boundary in deep sea sediments. Ibid. 139: 727-737.
periods (MIS 2 and 4) than during the warm periods (MIS Ericson D.B. , Ewing M., Wollin G. and Heezen B.C., 1961: Atlantic
deep-sea sediment core. Geol. Amer. Bull. 72: 193-286.
1 and 3) in the Central and North Atlantic. This is explained
Huh C.A. and Ku T.L., 1984: Radiochemical observation on man-
by an increased supply of terrigenous material during the
ganese nodules from three sedimentary environments in the
cold epochs as plant cover fixes loose sediments. North Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 48(5):
The average sedimentation rate of 1.4 (230Thexcess, 14C) 951-963.
and 1,0 ka/cm (230Thexcess, 231Paexcess) in the cores KP-145 and Kim S.M., Noakes I.E. and Miller W.W., 1966: Electrodeposition
L-66 for MIS 1-4 deviate slightly from each other. This method for counting alpha and beta emitters. Nucleonics 24
may indicate that the hydrothermal influence at the site (3): 66-67.
of KP-145 was insignificant and constant along the core. Krasnov S.G., Cherkashev G.A., Stepanova T.V., Batuev B.N.,
Krotov A.G., Malin B.V., Maslov M.N., Markov V.F., Poroshina
7. CONCLUSIONS I.M., Samovarov M.S., Ashadze A.M., Lazareva L.I. and
Ermolaev I.K., 1995: Detailed geological studies of hydrother-
mal fields in the North Atlantic. In: Parson L.M., Walker C.L.
The comprehensive geochronological study of the core
and Dixon D.R., eds, Hydrothermal Vents and Processes. Geo-
KP-145 proved that the 230Thexcess dating method yielded
logical Society Special Publication 87: 43-64.
reliable dates since the influx of hydrothermal matter was Kuznetsov Yu.V., 1976: Radiochronology of ocean. Atomizdat,
constant or negligible and did not influence the vertical Moscow: 279 pp (in Russian).
distribution of uranium and thorium isotopes. The bios- Kuznetsov V.Yu., 1993: Radiochemical technique of uranium and
tratigraphic and oxygen-isotope results allowed a strati- thorium separation from Co-rich crusts. In: Co-rich
graphic and the 230Thexcess ages for chronological classifi- ferromanganese crusts of the Pacific Ocean. St. Petersburg:
cation of the sediment core from the MAR hydrothermal 81-92 (in Russian).
zone and their correlation with MIS. The palaeotem- Kuznetsov V. Yu. and Andreev S.I., 1995: Distribution of uranium
perature for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene was recon- and thorium isotopes in ferromanganese nodules from the
structed for the surface water from the Central and North Pacific Ocean. Radiochemistry 37 (4): 346-351.
Kuznetsov V.Yu., Arslanov Kh.A., Shilov V.V., Cherkashev G.A. and
Maksimov F.E. 2000: Distribution of uranium and thorium iso-
topes in metallogenous sediments from the hydrothermal zone
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of the North Atlantic. Radiochimiya 6: 565-568 (in Russian).
Lalou C., Reyss L.G., Brichet E., Krasnov S., Stepanova T.,
Thanks are due to anonymous reviewer for helpful Cherkashev G. and Markov V., 1988: Chronology of a recently
comments. discovered hydrothermal field at 14°45´ N, Mid Atlantic Ridge.
The financial support by the Russian Foundation of Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144: 483-490.
Basic Studies for this study was highly appreciated Lisitsyn A.P., 1970: Processes of oceanic sedimentation. Nauka,
(projects No. 98-05-64764 and No. 01-05-64870). Moscow: 392 pp (in Russian).

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.

Lisitsyn A.P., 1993: Hydrothermal systems of the Ocean - supply of Morley J.J. and Hays J.D., 1981: Toward a high-resolution, global,
the endogenous matter. In: Hydrothermal systems and sediment deep-sea chronology for the last 750 000 years. Earth and
formations of the Mid-Oceanic Ridges. Nauka, Moscow: 147-245 Planetary Science Letters 53 (3): 279-295.
(in Russian). Shackleton N.J. and Opdyke N.D., 1973: Oxygen isotope and pa-
Lisitsyn A.P., Bogdanov Y.A. and Gurvich E.G., 1990: Hydrother- leomagnetic stratigraphy of Equatorial Pacific core V29-238:
mal formations from rift zones of the oceans. Nauka, Moscow: oxygen isotope temperatures and ice volumes on a 105 year
256 pp (in Russian). and 106 year scale. Quaternary Research 3 (1): 39-55.


GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 41-48, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, , Sredny Prospect 41, 199 004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky Str. 7, Moscow, Russia

Key words
words: Abstract: The chronostratygraphically important Quaternary buried peats from the site "Fili
URANIUM/THORIUM Park" (located on the territory of Moscow) on the Russian Plain were studied by the methods
DATING, of uranium-thorium dating (UTD) and palynological analysis. The deposits under study were
PALYNOLOGICAL the subject of intense debate: some number of the palynologists assigned ones to the Mikulino
ANALYSIS, (Eem) Interglacial, while the another investigators - to the Odintzovo Interglacial (Middle
GEOCHRONOLOGY, Pleistocene).
BURIED PEAT, Detailed palynological study gave the possibility to mark out the 3 palynozones (M2, M3 and
MIKULINO, M4) in section vertical profile and refer the deposits to the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial. The
ODINTZOVO, uranium-thorium dating (by "leachate alone" method) was carried out in the middle layers,
INTERGLACIAL which would be expected to be a closed system in respect to uranium and thorium isotopes.
The direct uranium-thorium dating of inner layers showed the first UTD ages from 78.9 to
105.0 ka for deposits from the site "Fili Park". The corrected uranium-thorium age of buried
peat turned out to be younger than the currently adopted boundaries of the last Interglacial
(116-128 ka) and comprised 89±11 ka. There was probably an additional post-deposition
uranium uptake in the internal section layers that in general have led to an underestimated
age value. Nevertheless, we refered these questionable in chronostratigraphic respect depos-
its to the Mikulino Interlacial.
The geochronological data obtained were compared with the uranium-thorium dating results
(113±11 ka) for the closed geochemical samples from the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial peats
of the stratotypical section "Mikulino" (Russian Plain). This comparison confirmed the reli-
ability of our conclusions.

1. INTRODUCTION series in buried peat or gyttja deposits. With time, from

the parent uranium contained in the organic fraction of
Determination of the age of Quaternary continental the sample in significant quantities (up to 10 ppm and
deposits is closely connected with application of adequate more), a daughter 230Th isotope is accumulated while the
methods for dating these formations. It is known that to Th/234U ratio is a measure of the sample age.
address the problems of chronostratigraphy of the Ho- The first results of using the uranium-thorium method
locene and Late Pleistocene sediments, a radiocarbon of dating buried peat were published in 1980 (Vogel and
method is widely used. It allows obtaining age data rang- Kronfeld, 1980). Then, a number of investigators con-
ing between several hundreds of years to 50-55 ka. At the ducted studies of the geochemical behavior of uranium
present time, for dating continental organogenous depos- and thorium isotopes in organogenous deposits, working
its (peat, gyttja), whose age is greater than the radiocar- over the conditions for using UTD of these formations.
bon dating limits, one of the non-equilibrium geochronol- In combination with a palinological analysis, the chrono-
ogy methods is applied, namely the uranium-thorium stratigraphy of buried peat deposits from the sections in
method (UTD) with the age determination limit of up to the West European territory was established (van der Wijk
300-350 ka. This method is based on the established fact et al., 1986 and 1988; van der Wijk, 1987; Hejnis et al., 1993;
of the disturbed radioactive equilibrium in the uranium Hejnis, 1995; Hejnis and van der Plicht, 1992).

In recent years in Russia, we have began introducing 5. Yellow-grey fine-grained sand with sandy clay interlayer,
the uranium-thorium method for dating the Mikulino horizontally-laminated towards the foot .......... 2,7-4,2
(Eem) continental deposits in the Russian Plain territory 6. Clayey gyttja ....................................................... 4,2-4,3
(Kuznetsov et al., 1998 and 2000a). A detailed study of 7. Peat ..................................................................... 4,3-5,1
the geochemical behavior of uranium and thorium iso- 8. Platy gyttja .......................................................... 5,1-5,4
topes in the Mikulino (Eemian) Interglacial buried peats 9. Gleying loam ...................................................... 5,4-5,6
in the Russian Plain allowed us to identify the layers of 10. Yellow close-grained sand with cryoturbations,
these sediments suitable for dating and obtain the iso- medium-grained from a depth of 6.75 m ........ 5,6-7,1
chron corrected age values of 113±11 ka for a stratotypical 11. Brownish-brown light loam with inclusion of pebble
“Mikulino” section from the Smolensk province (Kuzne- and debris of limestone, crystalline and effusive rocks
tsov et al., in press). ............................................................................. 7,1-7,9
This study aims to resolve a disputable issue of the age 12. Grey, fine-grained clayey thin-laminated sand
of buried peat deposits from the “Fili Park” section ............................................................................. 7,9-8,5
located in the Filevsky Park area in Moscow. Up to now, 13. Yellow close-grained sand, inequigranular from
there were two viewpoints of the chronostratography of a depth of 9.3 m .............................................. 8,5-10,4
these sediments, namely whether they were the Late Pleis- 14. Bluish-grey thin clay, brown from a depth of 11.3 m
tocene deposits of Mikulino time (Mikulino, Eem Inter- with rare pebble of quartzite and silicon. Visible thick-
glacial) or belong to the Penultimate Interglacial (Odin- ness is 1.05 m ................................................ 10,4-11,45
tzovo Interglacial). Therefore, the main aim of the stu- In 1998 we collected samples from a buried peat layer
dies was to determine the age and chronostratigraphy of in 2 meters from the previous outcrop stripping in 1982.
buried peat deposits from the “Fili Park” section by the The 1998 striping was made not in the central part of the
methods of uranium-thorium dating and palynological peat lens (there is now a landslide there), but closer to its
analyses. margin where the peat layer is undisturbed but has a
smaller thickness (55 cm against 80 cm in the central part
2. SECTION DESCRIPTION outstripped in 1982).

The “Fili Park” section in the Filevsky Park in Mos- 3. ANALYTICAL METHODS
cow was carefully described in 1982 (Pisareva and
Lobachev, 1982). The outcrop is situated in the scarp of The buried peat samples were collected every 5 cm
the left slope of a deep gully in the upper portion of a over the entire section depth (with a thickness of depos-
steep right bank slope of the Moskva River in the terri- its of 55 cm). For radiochemical studies, dried peat
tory of the Filevesky Park in Moscow (Fig.1). The follow- samples with a mass of 3-5 g were used. The determina-
ing layers were outstripped in the outcrop (from top to tion of the levels of uranium and thorium isotopes was
bottom; Pisareva and Lobachev, 1982): made only in the organic fraction of specimens (using the
Depth [m] so-called „leachetes alone” method). Ashing of peat
1. Yellow-brown sandy loam with plant remains passing samples was made at t =600°C for 24 hours. The residue
at a depth of 0.65 m to loam with rare gravel and pebble after calcination was leached by 7N HNO3. At this stage
............................................................................. 0,0-0,7 of the analysis, the spikes of 232U and 234Th were injected.
2. Yellow-brown close-grained sand with lenticular After centrifuging (with mineral residue discarded), the
“twisted” interlayers of dark-grey clay .......... 0,7-1,9 uranium and thorium isotopes were purified and sepa-
3. Light-grey fine-close-grained sand .................. 1,9-2,5 rated using chromatographic columns and then deposited
4. Loam with peat formation ............................... 2,5-2,7 from alcohol solutions to the Pt-disks. The alpha-spec-

Fig. 1. Location map of the sections “Fili Park” and “Mikulino”

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.

trometric measurements were made for several days Mikulino Interglacial culmination. The latter fact is prob-
(Kuznetsov et al., 2000b). We used the 234Th (β-emitter, ably due to insufficiently good clearing of the outcrop.
T1/2=24.1 d) to determine thorium chemical yield. The The presence in the underlying layers the exotic conifers
preparation of the spike is based on separation of the 234Th pollen for this area can be attributed to redeposition. This
from the parent 238U (Kuznetsov et al., 1963). The alpha- was confirmed by the fact that preparations contained
spectrometric measurements and checking of β-decay Tsuga sp., Pterocarya sp., as well as single Mesozoic and
curve were used to control the 234Th radiochemical puri- Paleozoic spores evidently in the secondary bedding. In this
fication. The injection of the 234Th spike with activity of respect, specimens from the new 1998 clearing were more
2000-5000 pulse/minute enabled to determine the thorium promising to determine the age of deposits as they did not
chemical yield quickly. actually contained the traces of redeposition (Fig. 2).
The preliminary treatment and preparation of peat The palynological study of the samples (a total of 11
specimens for a pollen and spores analysis were under- samples 5 cm thick each) has confirmed the interglacial
taken by standard methods (Arslanov et al., 1999). The nature of the peat bog. As follows from the composition
percentage of tree and herb pollen taxa are based on the of palynological spectra and plant remains, the peat bog
sum of terrestrial pollen; those of aquatic and unknown formed at the place of a mort lake and existed in the sur-
taxa are based on the total pollen sum. Spores are calcu- rounding of forest massifs. The species determinations
lated as percentages of the pollen and spores combined. were difficult due to the absence of acetolysis treatment.
The Tilia and Tilia-Graph programs were used for draw- However, the floristic composition even at the generic
ing of the diagram (Grimm, 1991). level and by the character of the change of the vegetation
cover is evidence of the Mikulino age of the buried peat
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION bog. The plant remains detected in the preparations al-
low us to refer peat deposits to a lowland type. Among
Palynological analysis of the buried peat bog samples them, rootlets and epidermis of different sedges, epider-
The results of previous palynological studies of peat mis of bur reed, buckbeen, more rarely of cat-tail and
deposits carried out in 1982 (Pisareva and Lobachev,1982) other bog plants were found. Along with them, crust of
indicated the interglacial sedimentation conditions. Some deciduous trees was detected at an almost complete ab-
investigators refered the buried peat layer and underly- sence of macro-remains of coniferous species. Pine, whose
ing gyttja to the Odintzovo Interglacial, while others to pollen is abundant in all spectra, grew probably at the
the Mikulino time. The detection of single pollen of Picea slopes of the valley and water divides rather than in a bog.
sec. Omorica, Pinus sec. Strobus, P. sec. Cembra, Larix sp. Three palynological zones are identified in the diagram.
and Abies sp. in the preparations, recorded during the Based on the results of the palynological analysis,
palynological analyses served as a basis for an older age. a spore-pollen diagram was constructed (Fig. 2), where
In addition, a comparatively small content of hazel and in accordance with the adopted subdivision scheme of the
alder pollen was noted as well as the absence in the dia- Mikulino Interglacial (Grichuk, 1961 and 1989), the fol-
gram of pollen of broad-leaved species specific to the lowing 3 palynological zones are delineated:

Fig. 2. Pollen percentage diagram of the buried peat from the “Fili Park” section.


l the first zone correlated with palynozone M2 of The principal assumptions of using the uranium-thorium
Mikulino diagrams, refers to the lower peat layer, char- method for dating buried peat
acterized by the spectrum of sample 11. Pine domi- The UTD-method has two basic assumptions: 1) the
nates here with the pollen of birch and alder present system to be dated should behave like a closed geochemi-
in much smaller quantity. In single cases, the pollen cal system with regard to U and Th; 2) there had to be no
of willow and hazel was observed. The pollen of broad- Th at the initial moment of peat formation. However,
leaved species is absent. Among herbaceous and dwarf many of the peat sections studied earlier (Hejnis et al.,
shrub plants, Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae predomi- 1993; Heijnis, 1995) are contaminated with varying
nate, with sedge and grass being more rare. The com- amounts of detrital material. This contributes some 230Th,
position of meadow herbage is relatively diverse, with U and 238U to the solution/leachate prepared during
Ephedra noted. The data obtained indicate the devel- chemical analysis. In such a case a mathematical correc-
opment of floristically poor monodominant pine and tion should be done to determine the present-day
birch forests (probably with small participation of Th/234U ratio in fraction to be dated.
spruce). Such vegetation cover based on the published Several methods have been proposed to make a cor-
data for the central areas of East Europe existed at rection for detrital Th. The first one – the so-called
the beginning of the Mikulino Interglacial; „leachate/residue” model for carbonate and peat samples
l the second zone, Μ3, according to Grichuk (1961 and – was studied by Ku et al. (1979), Ku and Liang (1984)
1989) reflects the appearance of pollen of broad- and van der Wijk (1987). The second method is the
leaved oak and elm species. Maple is sporadically “leachate alone” model. It was proposed and studied in
observed. Among herbs, the role of Poaceae and detail by Schwarz and Latham (Schwarz and Latham,
Cyperaceae increases but Ephedra is still encountered; 1989). And the third method, the so-called „total sample
l the third zone, M4, considered by Grichuk (1961 and dissolution” model, was represented by Bischoff and
1989) as the initial zone of the climatic optimum Fitzpatric (Bischoff and Fitzpatric, 1991). We use the
of the Mikulino Interglacial, corresponds to the time “leachate alone” method for our work.
of spreading of oligodominant broad-leaved forests of
oak and elm with hazel in the underbush and alder. Distribution of U and Th in vertical profile of the section
Thus, the first half of the Mikulino Interglacial is re- The results of radiochemical study of peat deposits
flected in the diagram. A similar change of forest forma- from the “Fili Park” section (Moscow) are given in Table 1
tions is traced in numerous paleobotanical materials pub- and Fig. 3. The vertical distribution of uranium, thorium
lished for the central areas of the East European Plain and the U/Th ratio in the organic fraction of samples and
(“Moscow Ice Sheet of East Europe”, 1982). the ash content can be compared with the distribution of

Table 1. Results of radiochemical analysis of peat samples from the section "Fili Park".
Sample Depth Ash U Th 238U/232Th Layers
[cm] [%] [ppm] [ppm]
LU-4343 0-5 17.52 10.39±0.38 2.40±0.20 4.33±0.39 A
LU-4331 5-10 10.40 6.03±0.21 1.02±0.06 5.91±0.35
LU-4342 10-15 9.18 5.14±0.24 0.73±0.04 7.04±0.50
LU-4327 15-20 11.27 6.54±0.19 0.69±0.04 9.48±0.62
LU-4341 20-25 10.78 7.94±0.21 0.45±0.02 17.64±0.91 B
LU-4329 25-30 9.68 3.71±0.13 0.53±0.02 7.00±0.35
LU-4340 30-35 10.82 4.44±0.21 0.41±0.02 10.83±0.68
LU-4330 35-40 10.61 6.24±0.10 0.45±0.02 13.87±0.72
LU-4344 40-45 10.62 11.90±0.39 0.57±0.04 20.78±1.52 C
LU-4328 45-50 18.99 30.53±0.58 3.17±0.12 9.63±0.41

Table 1 (continued)
Depth 238U 234U 230Th 232Th 234U/238U 230Th/234U 230Th/232Th Age Layers
[cm] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [dpm/g] [yrs]
0-5 7.48±0.27 9.12±0.33 5.09±0.14 0.59±0.05 1.22±0.06 0.56±0.03 8.63±0.77 88700±6200 A
5-10 4.34±0.15 5.40±0.18 3.25±0.05 0.25±0.01 1.24±0.06 0.60±0.02 13.00±0.56 99700±6000
10-15 3.70±0.17 4.77±0.21 2.95±0.06 0.18±0.01 1.29±0.08 0.62±0.03 16.39±0.97 105000±8400
15-20 4.71±0.14 6.05±0.18 3.22±0.03 0.17±0.01 1.28±0.05 0.53±0.02 18.94±1.13 82500±3900
20-25 5.72±0.15 7.84±0.19 4.52±0.08 0.11±0.01 1.37±0.05 0.58±0.02 41.09±3.81 93300±4400 B
25-30 2.67±0.09 3.54±0.11 1.95±0.04 0.13±0.01 1.33±0.06 0.55±0.02 15.00±1.19 86400±5000
30-35 3.20±0.15 3.92±0.18 2.03±0.05 0.10±0.01 1.23±0.08 0.52±0.02 20.30±2.09 78900±6000
35-40 4.49±0.15 5.82±0.19 2.40±0.06 0.11±0.01 1.30±0.06 0.41±0.02 21.82±2.06 57600±3000
40-45 8.57±0.28 10.23±0.34 2.44±0.05 0.14±0.01 1.19±0.06 0.24±0.01 17.43±1.30 29500±1300 C
45-50 21.98±0.42 24.16±0.46 12.10±0.11 0.78±0.03 1.10±0.03 0.50±0.01 15.51±0.61 75300±2300

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.

the same data by the depth of the earlier investigated (Kuznetsov et al., in press). Good correlation is observed
stratotypical section of the Mikulino Interglacial sedi- in the “Fili Park” section in respect of the distribution of
ments in the territory of the Russian Plain (Mikulino vi- uranium, thorium and ash content whereas the change of
llage, Smolensk province). As can be seen from the plots U/Th values by the depth of deposits has a more compli-
in Fig. 3, the general tendency in the distribution of U, cated character (Fig. 3). Based on the first three distribu-
Th, U/Th and ash contents is in general preserved for both tions, one can note that two upper and low layers are
sections. Similar dynamics of changes of these values by enriched with uranium and thorium (at increased ash
the “Mikulino” section depth, on the one hand, and the content) compared to the internal layers. This can prob-
constant and least values of U, Th, U/Th and ash content ably testify to a relative closeness of groundwater in whose
in the central layer B, on the other hand, allowed a re- composition the dissolved uranium and the detrital forms
liable identification of the inner “Mikulino” section of uranium and thorium could be supplied to the buried
portion suitable for UTD. The corrected age of layer B, peat deposits. Then the upper and lower layers could be
calculated by the method of isochrones (Schwarz and considered as peculiar filters concentrating these radio-
Latham, 1989; Heinis et al., 1993) comprised 113±11 ka nuclides of different genesis and preventing penetration



Depth B



Fig. 3a. Distribution of 238 U,
232 Th contents, 238 U/ 232 Th
ratios and ash values
0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 4 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 of peat samples in the
vertical profile of the
U, ppm Th, ppm U/Th Ash (%) section "Fili Park".




Dept 70-75
(cm) 80-85


100-105 C

Fig. 3b. Distribution of 238 U,

110-115 232 Th contents, 238 U/ 232 Th

0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 4 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 ratios and ash values of

peat samples in the vertical
U, ppm Th, ppm U/Th Ash (%) profile of the section


of uranium and thorium inside the sedimentary strata. calculated. This age coincides with the 18O deep-sea stage
It follows from the description of the “Fili Park” outcrop 5b (Morley and Hays, 1981). However, the data of the
and spore-pollen diagram that the section investigated in spore-pollen analysis mentioned above testify that bur-
this work was washed out in its upper portion either quite ied peat from the section under study dates back to the
recently or at the glacial time. Due to this, the upper lay- first half of the Mikulino (Eem) Interglacial and corre-
ers of deposits (5-10 cm) accumulated the transported lates with the 18O deep-sea stage 5e. Probably, the cor-
uranium and thorium in smaller quantities than the low- rected uranium-thorium age obtained for the deposits is
est layers (40-50 cm). Hence, one can assume that the likely to be a little younger. It can be a result of the prob-
geochemical barrier thickness in respect of uranium and able post-depositional insignificant supply of uranium with
thorium should be greater in the lower section portion ground water into internal parts of the section (i.e., layer
than in the upper and comprise at least about 15 cm (in B cannot be considered as a completely-closed geochemi-
the interval of layers between 35 to 50 cm). In other words, cal system). In fact, the differences of uranium/thorium
all samples from peat layers A and C are suspected to be ratios along the length of the section (Fig. 3) might be
in the zone of open geochemical system in respect to U due to an additional uranium supply and correspondingly
and Th. Correlation of the uranium and thorium con- to a little younger age as a whole.
centrations with ash contents are remarkable in the inner
peat layer B. Besides, U, Th and ash contents are practi- 5. CONCLUSIONS
cally constant and least in the layer B. The data obtained
enabled to consider the inner part (layer B) of the peat as The internal part of the “Fili Park” section cannot be
a more or less closed system with regard to U and Th and considered as a completely-closed geochemical system
the uranium-thorium dating was applied. with regard to uranium. There was probably an additional
post-deposition uranium uptake in the internal section
Age results
The results of direct UTD measurements of all stud-
ied buried peat samples are summarised in Table 1. The
dating by the uranium/thorium method of the middle sec-
tion part (layer B) shows that individual uncorrected
sample ages are in the range of 78,9-105 ka. However,
the 230Th/ 232Th ratio indicates a presence of varying
amounts of thorium in the organogenic fractions, and
therefore a correction was applied. It is known that in the
process of peat dissolving, some quantities of 230Th, 232Th,
U and 234U can transfer from a clay component (detri-
tus) in a leachate/solution. This causes a distortion of the
Th/234U and 234U/238U ratio values in the sample organic
fraction dated. The fact of the detrital uranium and thorium
addition is established by the presence of 232Th in a sample
organic fraction because this long-lived isotope can be
present in peat sediments only in detritus. So, in order to
determine the „true” age of buried peat it is necessary to
know the value of 230Th/234U (for today) in the organic frac-
tion under dating. The mathematical correction of the
direct uranium-thorium dates is used with application of
the isochrones method. The essence of the method is that
when dissolving the coeval peat samples, the uranium and
thorium isotopes enter in a leachate/solution in the same
proportions (under the same conditions of an experi-
ment). In this case, the isotope ratio values obtained shape
a straight line on the 234U/232Th-238U/232Th and 230Th/232Th-
U/232Th graphs. The inclinations of the isochrones con-
structed in such a way correspond to the 234U/238U and
Th/234U ratios corrected to the detritus supply and are
used then when calculating the „true” absolute age of the
buried peat samples under study. Thus, using the „leach-
ing alone” method (Schwarz and Latham, 1989; Hejnis et
al., 1993), the results of the direct UTD measurements
were plotted on the isochrone plots. Five inner layers that
Fig. 4. Plots of 230Th/ 232Th vs 234U/232Th and 234U/232Th vs 238U/232Th
were interpreted to be in the more or less closed-system for leachates of the „Fili Park” samples; 230Th/234U and 234U/238U
were used to construct the isochron plots (Fig. 4). From as determinated from the slopes of the respective lines give an
the isochron plots, the corrected age of 89±11 ka was apparent age of 89±11 ka.

V.Yu. Kuznetsov et al.

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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 49-56, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology


Geographical Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, 199004, St.Petersburg, Sredny pr. 41, Russia
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Pyzhevsky Str. 7, Russia

Key words
words: Abstract: We dated Holocene and Late Pleistocene mollusc shells collected from coastal sedi-
URANIUM-THORIUM ments of the Caspian, Barents, White and Black Seas by means of both a modified 230Th/U
DATING, method and the radiocarbon method. Essence of the modification is the removal of the sur-
RADIOCARBON DATING, face (about 1/3 of the weight) of the mollusc shells by nitric acid as it may contain adsorbed
GEOCHRONOLOGY, detrital 232Th and 230Th. The 230Th/U dates of the inner part of the shells do not require detrital
TRANSGRESSION, correction with the 232Th activity and well agree with the corresponding reservoir-corrected
MOLLUSC SHELLS and calibrated 14C ages of mollusc shells with ages between 1300 and 13,500 BP.
We tested the modified 230Th/U method on thick-walled and well-preserved mollusc shells
from the transgression sediments of the Barentz, White and Black Seas derived during the
Mikulino Interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Early Valday Glaciation (MIS 5c). The 230Th/U ages of
the inner part of the shells from the Boreal (Eem) transgression sediments of the Barentz and
White Seas ranged from 86 to 114 ka and those from the Karangat (Eem) transgression in the
Black Sea (Maly Kut and Eltigen sections) from 95 to 115 ka. The new 230Th/U dates of the
shells from the section Eltigen ranged from 100 to 125 ka..

1. INTRODUCTION ously, comparison of the mollusc shell ages should be

made within the age range of the method (300 ka).
Th/U dating of biogenic calcium carbonate (mollusc Until now 230Th/U dating has been carried out on the
shells, corals etc.) depends on three basic requirements: a) entire shells through radiocarbon dating of mollusc shell
uranium was incorporated into the biogenic calcium demonstrated that the surface part of the shells behaves
carbonate during its formation and soon after the death as open system and often contains a secondary changed
of the animal; b) the carbonate does not contain any no- C activity due to isotope exchange and diffusion pro-
ticeable amounts of 232Th and detrital 230Th; c) the sample cesses (Olsson and Blake, 1961/1962; Arslanov, 1987).
behaved as closed system during aging in the sediments. Similarly, the uranium isotope activity of the inner and
That means that neither loss nor accumulation of uranium outer parts of shells may also be modified.
and thorium occurred. We analyzed the 238U, 234U, 232Th and 230Th specific acti-
Uranium is incorporated into corals during their for- vities of the surface, the outer layer and the inner part of
mation. Migration of uranium and thorium isotopes has recent and fossil mollusc shells in order to study uranium
not been observed (Veeh, 1966; Kaufman et al., 1971). isotope migration within the shells. For this parallel radio-
However, uranium migration is recorded for fossil mol- carbon and uranium-thorium dating of the same samples
lusc shells subjected to groundwater action. Kaufman of mollusc shell with known ages within and just above
et al. (1971) found that about 50% of 230Th/U dates from the dating range of the 230Th/U method were done. As first
60 mollusc shells deviate from the known Pliocene or test of the modified 230Th/U dating method of mollusc
Pleistocene age. During geological time ranges (million shells collected from transgressive deposits of the White,
years) mineralogical, physical and chemical processes Barents and Black Seas were dated and correlated with
might have accompanied by uranium migration. Obvi- the Riss-Wrmian (Eem) transgression of the World Ocean.

2. METHODS 2. Passing of solution through the column filled with

anion-exchange resin AV-17.
Three of the authors (Kh.A.Arslanov, N.I.Tertychny 3. Successive extraction of thorium and uranium by 6n
and N.V.Lokshin) collected recent mollusc shells from HCl and 0.2n HNO3, respectively.
many large rivers (Volga, Kama, Belaya, Zapadnaya 4. Electrochemical deposition of uranium and thorium
Dvina, Berezina and Dnieper) and from the coasts of the on platinum disks from ethyl alcohol solution.
Azov, White, Baltic and Caspian Seas in 1969 and 1970. The α-activity of 234U, 238U, 232U, 230Th and 232Th depo-
These authors together with many geologists and geogra- sited on platinum disks was measured with a silicon de-
phers selected fossil mollusc shells from reference sections tector of an area of 5 cm2 and the pulse analyzer AI-128
during 1969-1982. A.E.Dodonov submitted shells from the and AI-1024. Chemical yields of uranium were calculated
reference profile Eltigen taken in 1998. Most of the geo- from the activities of the 232U and 234Th spikes. The count-
chronological results were earlier published in Russian ing efficiency for uranium and thorium isotopes was
Journals (Arslanov et al. 1977, 1978, 1981 and 1983). checked with a transuranium (239Pu and 241Am) standard
The protocol of the radiochemical procedure to iso- of known activity. Radiocarbon dating of mollusc shells
late uranium and thorium from mollusc shells was pub- was done with benzene liquid scintillation counting
lished by Arslanov et al. (1976 and 1981). The following (Arslanov et al., 1993).
steps were done:
1. Separation of the surface, the outer layer and inner 3. RESULTS
part of the mollusc shells by nitric acid after cleaning,
washing and drying (at 105 °C). In order to study uranium transfer from groundwater
2. Admixture of known quantities of 234Th and 232U spikes into recent mollusc shells, we determined the uranium
and Fe(NO3)3 (10 mg Fe) to the three sample fractions activity of 30 alive mollusc shells (Anadonta) from sev-
in solution and co-precipitation of uranium and tho- eral rivers of the European part of Russia and Belarus
rium isotopes on Fe(OH)3 by passing carbon-free am- (Volga, Kama, Oka, Belaya, Berezina, Zapadnaya Dvina
monia through hot solution until pH=7-8 is attained. and Dnieper) and marine shells from the coasts of the Azov,
3. Dissolution of the washed Fe(OH)3 residue in 4.5n HCl Black, Caspian and Baltic Seas. The uranium concentra-
and passing of obtained solution a column filled with tion of the river shells determined by luminescent tech-
Teflon powder impregnated with di-2-ethylhexyl phos- nique ranged between 1.0-5.9·10-3 ppm and its distribution
phoric acid in diethyl ether. through the shells was uniform (Arslanov et al., 1975).
4. Successive extraction of uranium and thorium from The uranium concentration of marine mollusc shells
the column with 15 ml of concentrated HCl and with ranged from 2.5·10-3 to 0.65 ppm (Table 1).
20 ml of 0.5n oxalic acid solution, respectively. Sea molluscs Mytilus edule contained 3.3·10-3 - 8.3·10-3
5. Electrochemical deposition of uranium and thorium ppm uranium (Arslanov et al., 1975). Both the Mytilus
on platinum disks from ethyl alcohol solution. mollusc species and the fluvial Anadonta shells contained
Recently, the stages 3-4 was altered (Kuznetsov et al., high concentration of organic matter. The uranium con-
2000): centration in the isolated organic matter of Mytilus edule
1. Dissolution of Fe(OH)3 with co-precipitated of ura- shell amounted to 0.5·10-3 ppm while the maximum value
nium and thorium in 7n HNO3 solution.

Table 1. Uranium concentration in recent marine mollusc shells.

Seashore Mollusc species Uranium concentration [ppm]
Surface Outer layer Inner part
-3 -3 -3
Sea of Azov Mytilus edule, alive 5.8· 10 8.0· 10 8.3· 10
Caspian Sea Cardium edule 0.65 0.59 0.2
-3 -3
White Sea Mytilus edule, alive 4.5· 10 - 1.7· 10
Baltic Sea, near Chione gallina, alive 5.0· 10 - -
-2 -2 -2
Klaipeda Chione gallina 4.7· 10 3.0· 10 2.1· 10
Cardium edule 8.4· 10 - -
-3 -3 -3
Anadonta 3.9· 10 3.9· 10 3.3· 10
-2 -2
Dreiscenia 0.16 7.5· 10 4.5· 10
-2 -2 -2
Dreiscenia, alive 2.0· 10 1.8· 10 1.2· 10
-3 -3 -3
Black Sea, Mytulus edule, alive 2.5· 10 2.8· 10 3.8· 10
Taman peninsula Donox trinc, alive 0.13 0.09 0.09
Cardium edule, alive 0.17 0.10 0.075
-2 -2 -2
Clamus glabara 2· 10 2· 10 2.2· 10
-2 -2 -2
Chione gallina, alive 4.5· 10 1.75· 10 1.75· 10
Chione gallina 2.3 2.3 1.8
Cardium elule - 0.60 0.42
-2 -2 -2
Ostrea edulis 2.2· 10 2.0· 10 2.0· 10
-2 -2 -2
Gastropod, alive 1.1· 10 0.8· 10 0.9· 10

Kh.A. Arslanov et al.

of 0.65 ppm was found in Cardium edule mollusc shells and fossil shells in river and marine young banks (Table 2).
from the Caspian Sea. Recent shells from the Baltic and In recent shells with lower organic matter (Dreissenia,
Black Seas had about 10-2 ppm. In general, the shells of Donox, Cardium edule and Chiohe gallina), highest ura-
alive molluscs contain less uranium (Table 1) than dead nium concentration is found in the surface layer. Gener-

Table 2. Uranium concentration and Th/U ages of fossil mollusc shells (A – outer layer, B – inner part).
Mollusc species and locality Lab. No Age Uranium
[BP] [ppm]
Cardium edule, Mamedkala 190A 2050±90 0.85±0.04
Settlement, Dagestan Republic 190B - 0.65±0.02
Same as above LU-191A 1570±100 1.50±0.05
1640±100 1.35±0.05
Cardium edule, Shirvan area, Azerbaijan LU-422A - 2.00±0.03
LU-422B 3400±90 -
Undetermined species, Dzhorat LU-421A - 2.40±0.03
settl., Apsheron peninsula, Azerbaijan LU-421B 5540±110 -
Didacna sp., Duvannye settlement Azerbaijan LU-192A 13,140±150 3.90±0.02
13,200±250 4.10±0.05
Didacna sp., Amia Cape, LU-193A - 1.20±0.06
Azerbaijan LU-193B 12,480±150 1.00±0.05
Didacna sp., Shirvan area, LU-423B 12,330±140 4.5±0.02
Didacna sp., near Maloye Turaly Lake, Dagestan Republic LU-424A 13,110±490 3.60±0.18
12,720±400 3.80±0.19
Didacna sp. Near Manas River mouth, Dagestan Republic LU-426A 12,700±450 6.00±0.30
12,500±300 5.40±0.27
Didacna sp. Shamkhal-Termen LU-432B 76,000±4000 7.30±0.30
Settl., Dagestan Republic
Same as above LU-400B 81,000±2000 2.50±0.40
Didacna sp. Shirvan, LU-430A 109,000±5000 5.50±0.20
Azerbaijain LU-430B
114,000±4000 5.70±0.20
Didacna sp, right bank of Achisu River, Dagestan Republic LU-401B ³300,000 2.5±0.04
Didacna sp, Apsheron peninsula, Azerbaijan LU-434A ³300,000 2.9±0.14
³300,000 3.20±0.16
Didacna, Aljatskaya Hill, Khanaly-Kyshlak settl., Azerbaijan LU-431A ³255,000 15.60±0.75
³300,000 14.80±0.74
Chione gallina, near Tuapse City LU-308B £2000 0.40±0.02
Dreissenia polymorpha, Pitsunda Cape, Abkhazia LU-413B
47,000±1700 1.00±0.02
Paphia senescens, Eltigen section, eastern coast of Kerch Strait LU-402A 96,000±2500 1.20±0.06
88,000±3000 0.95±0.03
Cardium edule, Malye Kut Section, Taman peninsula LU-403A 96,000±2500 2.60±0.10
85,000±3000 1.37±0.01
Chione gallina, Adler settl., near Sochi City LU-404A 76,000±3000 1.7±0.08
73,000±3000 2.20±0.11
Chione gallina, Tuzla Cape, Taman peninsula LU-410A 70,000±2500 4.60±0.18
65,000±3000 4.30±0.15
Chione gallina, Ashe River mouth, Krasnodar krai LU-409A 133,000±5000 1.61±0.08
139,000±12000 1.31±0.06
Cardium edule, west Manych River terrace LU-450A - 2.12±0.06
LU-450B 33,320±520 1.81±0.06
Cardium edule, Split Chyshka, Taman Peninsula LU-449B 40,700±1200 -
Chione gallina and Cardium edule, same as above LU-448A - 6.61±0.19
LU-448B 41,250±1340 1.00±0.02
Paphia senescens, Golubaya Dacha Settl., Krasnodar Krai LU-406A 124,000±3500 1.00±0.02
LU-406B - 1.07±0.03


ally, the initial organo-mineral complex of shells contains Caspian Sea with age ≥300 ka were dated. The 14C dates
only very little uranium. were reservoir-corrected by subtracting of 384±59 years
Fossil mollusc shells have as high as two orders of for Caspian shells and calibrated using the Groningen
magnitude higher uranium concentration (Table 2) than Radiocarbon Calibration Program Cal-25.
recent shells (Table 1). In most cases the uranium con- The modified 230Th/U dating method was applied to
centration was slightly lower in the inner part than in the transgressive sediments in the White, Barents and Black
outer layer (Arslanov et al., 1975). Seas. The large Karangat transgression of the Black Sea
The 234U/238U activity ratio was higher than the ave- and the Boreal (Eemian) transgression and study of the
rage value of seawater of 1.14±0.014 (Arslanov et al., White and Barents Seas are correlated with Mikulino
1976). It is known that groundwater often has a higher Interglacial (MIS 5e) based on the results of microfau-
U/238U ratio (Cherdyntsev, 1969). nal, diatom, pollen and lithostratigraphic investigations
Th and 230Th activities were determined from the of thermophile species of shells (Arslanov et al., 1981 and
surface of nine fossil mollusc shells (Table 3). All samples 1983). According to the chronology of MIS (oxygen-iso-
contained adsorbed detrital thorium. Only two out of 33 tope record from deep-sea cores; Martinson et al., 1987),
mollusc shells contained 232Th in the outer layer. 232Th was MIS 5e (Eemian, Sangamon – 125 to 115 ka) corresponds
absent in the inner layer of all analyzed samples. to the Mikulino Interglacial. Hence, the mollusc shells
The reliability of the modified 230Th/U method was from the geochronostratigraphic reference sections for
checked by complementary radiocarbon dating of eight the Karangat and Boreal transgressions are considered
stratigraphically well-dated Holocene and Late Glacial as stratigraphically well-dated.
mollusc shells (Table 4). In addition, fossil Pleistocene Thick-walled and well-preserved mollusc shells from
mollusc shells from Lower Khazarian deposits of the transgressive sediments of the Barents, White and Black
Seas were selected for dating. Most of the results are

Table 3. Specific activity of thorium isotopes of fossil mollusc shells (in dpm/g).
Sample No Surface Outer layer Inner part
232 230 232 230 232 230
Th Th Th Th Th Th
LU-424 0.036 0.283 ≤ 0.005 0.181 ≤ 0.005 0.200
LU-421 0.015 0.076 ≤ 0.005 0.060 ≤ 0.005 0.066
LU-420 0.012 0.031 ≤ 0.005 0.012 ≤ 0.005 0.016
LU-413 0.029 0.219 ≤ 0.005 0.150 ≤ 0.005 0.150
LU-430 0.140 1.712 ≤ 0.005 1.669 ≤ 0.005 1.662
LU-436 0.086 0.952 ≤ 0.005 0.752 ≤ 0.005 -
LU-414 0.079 0.136 ≤ 0.005 0.043 ≤ 0.005 0.043
LU-432 0.040 1.940 ≤ 0.005 1.916 ≤ 0.005 1.916
LU-428 0.050 1.079 ≤ 0.005 0.993 ≤ 0.005 0.993
LU-192 - - ≤ 0.005 0.428 ≤ 0.005 0.400
LU-424 - - ≤ 0.005 0.181 ≤ 0.005 0.200
LU-190 - - ≤ 0.005 0.010 ≤ 0.005 0.012
LU-191 - - ≤ 0.005 0.050 ≤ 0.005 0.040
LU-422 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 0.040
LU-193 - - ≤ 0.005 0.143 ≤ 0.005 0.179
LU-423 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 0.234
LU-400 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 1.310
LU-429 - - ≤ 0.005 1.134 ≤ 0.005 -
LU-435 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 2.266
LU-401 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 1.735
LU-434 - - ≤ 0.005 1.362 ≤ 0.005 1.307
LU-431 - - ≤ 0.005 8.619 ≤ 0.005 8.595
LU-308 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 0.007
LU-413 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 0.150
LU-402 - - ≤ 0.005 0.229 ≤ 0.005 0.193
LU-403 - - ≤ 0.005 0.738 ≤ 0.005 0.679
LU-404 - - ≤ 0.005 0.400 ≤ 0.005 0.522
LU-410 - - ≤ 0.005 1.059 ≤ 0.005 0.926
LU-406 - - ≤ 0.005 0.415 ≤ 0.005 0.362
LU-450 - - ≤ 0.224 0.245 ≤ 0.005 0.243
LU-448 - - ≤ 0.166 1.053 ≤ 0.005 0.759
LU-449 - - ≤ 0.005 - ≤ 0.005 0.522

Kh.A. Arslanov et al.

Table 4. Th/U and 14C ages of mollusc shells from the Caspian Sea. A=outer layer and B=inner part.
14 230
Mollusc species and location Lab. No C Age Age Th / U
[BP] [Cal BP] Age [BP]
Cardium edule, Zorat Settl., Azerbaijan LU-476B 1510±70 1511 – 1313 1330±300
Cardium edule, Mamedkala Settl., Dagestan Republic LU-190B 2050±90 2145 – 1897 ≤ 2450
Cardium edule, Shirvan area, Azerbaijan LU-422B 3400±90 3821 – 3481 4100±300
Dzhorat settl., Apsheron peningula, Azerbaijan LU-421B 5540±110 6445 – 6200 6400±300
Didacna paralella, near Manas River mouth, LU-426A 11,600±400 14,000 – 13,100 12,700±450
Dagestan Republic LU-426B - - 12,700±450
At 48-th km from Baku, between railway stations LU-479B 11,550±90 13,795 – 13,425 11,800±350
Nasosnaya and Jashma, Azerbaijan LU-479A 11,680±160 13,820 – 13,485 12,900±350
Didacna sp. Shirvan, Azerbaijan LU-423B 12,330±140 15,055 – 14,125 14,400±400
Didacna sp., near Maloye Turaly Lake, Dagestan Republic LU-424B 12,720±400 15,600 – 14,425 13,800±440

already published in Russian (Arslanov et al., 1981 and 4. DISCUSSION

1983). Only the samples LU-4202-4215 submitted by
A. Dodonov in 1998 were recently analyzed Table 5. Shells of an age of 1.5-2.0 ka contained up to two
The inner part of the mollusc shells from Boreal trans- orders of magnitude more uranium than recent shells.
gression deposits of the White and Barents Seas yielded However, we did not found a strong correlation between
Th/U ages of 86-114 ka, whereas that of shells from the the uranium concentration and the 230Th/U age. Hence,
Karangat transgression of the Black Sea (Maly Kut, the incorporation of the major portion of uranium into
Eltigen sequences) ranged between 102 and 130 ka. Mol- shells ceases after several thousands of years in agreement
lusc shells found with paired valves under living condi- with the findings by Broecker (1963). The decomposition
tions from the estuary clay section of Cape Krotkov were of the organic matter of the mollusc shells enables the in-
dated to 98-100 ka (Table 5). This clay sequence contained corporation of uranium into the porous structure. Ura-
93 – 98% pollen of wood species (pine pollen: 55-65%; nium is incorporated into mollusc shells as more or less
spruce pollen: 27-35%; birch pollen: 12%; Arslanov et al., soluble salts (uranotallite, swartzite and andersonite) or
1983). Single pollen of beech, elm and oak represent as complex uranium compounds with albumen present in
broad-leaved species. This pollen assemblage essentially the conchiolin of the shells.
corresponds to that of the taiga forest and, most likely, The 234U/238U activity ratio >1.15 gives evidence that
correlates with the beginning of the Valdai (Weichselian) the major portion of uranium in shells stems from ground-
Glaciation. water and is postsedimentarily incorporated.

Table 5. 230Th /U Ages of marine mollusc shells from transgression sediments of the Barents, White and Black Seas.
A = outer layer and B = inner part.
Lab. No Age [BP] Mollusc species and location
LU-455B 97,000±4000 Cyprina islandica from the section base, Svjatonossky gulf, Kola peninsula
LU-452A 102,000±4000 Astarta borealis from the Malaja Kachovka exposure, Kola peninsula
LU-452B 114,000±4000
LU-464A 85,500±3200 Cyprina islandica from the exposure On Chapoma River, Kola peninsula
LU-464B 86,000±3900
LU-808A 129,400±4900 Cardium edule from the marine sediments of Maly Kut section, Taman peninsula
LU-808B 115,000±3100 Same as above
LU-805A 125,000±5000 Paphia senessens from the middle part of the marine sediments of Eltigen section, eastem coast of Kerch strait
LU-805B 102,290±3200 Paphia senessens from the middle part of the marine sediments of Eltigen section, eastem coast of Kerch strait
LU-802A 90,600±3100 Cardium tuberculatum from the same layer
LU-802B 107,400±3800 Cardium tuberculatum from the same layer
LU-804-1A 88,900±2200 Cardium edule from the Krotkov cape section, westem part of Taman peninsula
LU-804-1B 98,000±2400 Same as above
LU-804-2A 98,900±2200 Same as above
LU-804-2B 100,500±2100 Same as above
LU-4022B 127,000±8900 Thick-wall, good preserved shells from the marine sediments of Eltigen Sections,
eastern coast of Kerch strait depth 2.6 m a.s.l.
LU-4203 107,000±7700 Same as above, depth 8.0 m a.s.l.
LU-4214 127,000±7700 Same as above, depth 13.8 m a.s.l.
LU-4205 117,000±11000 Same as above, depth 14.3 m a.s.l.
LU-4215 122,000±9600 Same as above, depth 14.8 – 15,8 m a.s.l.


Recent mollusc shells do not contain noticeable spe- 3) mollusc shells should not contain 232Th in the dated
cific activities of 232Th and 230Th while fossil mollusc shells fraction or anomalous concentrations of uranium.
often do. Sometimes, the activity of 232Th even exceeds
that of 230Th (Blanchard et al., 1967). 5. CONCLUSIONS
At pH>5 soluble thorium compounds become hydro-
lyzed and dissolved as colloids in groundwater even if tho- The major part of uranium is incorporated into mol-
rium is present in micro quantities (Starik, 1959). Ge- lusc shells during no more than 1.5-2 ka after their depo-
neration of colloids Th(OH)5 hydroxyd is possible due to sition into sediments. The inner part of recent and fossil
the product of solubility PS [Th(OH)5] =10-45. Colloids shells did never not contain 232Th and are suitable for
are easily adsorbed on the surface of shells; diffusion does Th/U dating. 232Th became only adsorbed at the surface
not seem to play any role as reflected from comparison of shells.
of the 232Th and 230Th activity ratio for the surface, the 230
Th/U and calibrated 14C dates agree well for shells
outer layer and the inner part of fossil mollusc shells with ages up to 15 ka. Similar agreement is found with
(Table 3). the stratigraphically dated mollusc shells of Middle Pleis-
This finding confirms that the main prerequisites of tocene age.
the uranium-thorium method are fulfilled for the dating The 230Th/U ages of the inner part of shells from Bo-
of mollusc shells: 1) thorium migration in shells is strongly real (Eem) transgression sediments of both the Barents
limited to the surface; 2) removal of the surface and and White Seas ranged from 86 to 114 ka while those from
the outer layer discards all detrital thorium and allows the Black Sea Karangat transgression ranged from 102 to
Th/U dating of mollusc shells without the ambiguous 130 ka. The lower limit of these dates may indicate a slight
detrital correction with the 232Th. uranium accumulation as the Mikulino (Eem) Intergla-
The common 230Th/U and calibrated 14C dates of most cial lasted from 116 to 128 ka (MIS 5e). In any case, the
samples (LU-423, 424, 426 and 479; Table 4) agree within modified 230Th/U method yields most reliable absolute
their two-sigma confidence intervals. This gave evidence dates in the age of 0-350 ka.
that the basic assumption conditions of the 230Th/U
method were fulfilled: uranium became incorporated into REFERENCES
the mollusc shells soon after their deposition into sedi-
ments. The reliability of the concordant dates of the two Arslanov Kh.A., 1987: Radiocarbon: Geochemistry and Geochrono-
geochemically different elements uranium and carbon is logy. Leningrad University Publiching House. Leningrad: 300
confirmed. pp. (in Russian).
The 230Th/U age of ≥300 ka of the fossil mollusc shells Arslanov Kh.A., Evzerov V.Ja., Gerasimova S.A. and Lokshin N.V.,
from the Lower Khazarian also confirm the fulfillment 1981: On the age of the Boreal transgression sedimeuts on the
of the principles this 230Th/U dating method: any uranium Kola peninsula. Pleistocene Glaciation on the Eastern Europe-
and 230Th migration (diffusion) at a later time would have an Plane. Moscow: 28 – 37 (in Russian).
Arslanov Kh.A., Gerasimova S.A., Leontyev O.K., Lokshin N.V.,
resulted in a deviation of the 230Th/234U ratio from unity.
Mamedov A.V., Rychagov G.I., Tertychny N.I. and Shirinov
Based on our experience and described findings mol-
N.Sh. 1978: Age of Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of
lusc shells to be used for 230Th/U dating should have the Caspian Sea. Bulleten Komissii po Izucheniye Chetvertichuogo
following properties (Arslanov et al., 1976): Perioda 48: 39 – 48 (in Russian).
1) they should be at least 1 mm thick, not weathered Arslanov Kh.A., Gey N.A., Ismailov Ja.A., Lokshin N.V., Gerasimova
or calcified, non-layered and mechanically stable, not fer- S.A. and Tertychny N.I. 1983: The age and climatic conditions
ruginous and consists of aragonite; of sediment formation on Late Pleistocene Sea terraces of the
2) suitable mollusc species are: Cardium edule, Chio- Kerch strait coast. Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta 12: 69 –
ne gallina, Paphia senescens, Cyprina islandica, Astarta 80 (in Russian).
borealis and Caspian Didacna. Shells with flaky structure Arslanov Kh.A., Tertychnaya T.V. and Chernov S.B., 1993: Problems
such as Mytilus edule, Clamus glabra, Ostrea edulis were and methods of dating low-activity samples by liquid scintilla-
tion method. Radiocarbon 35 (3): 393-398.
often been poorly preserved and may give ambiguous

Table 6. Comparison of Russian terms for glacials, interglacials and marine transgressions with corresponding European terms and
global term MIS.
Russian term European term MIS
Late Valdai Late Weichselian 2
Middle Valdai Middle Weichselian 3
Early Valdai Early Weichselian 4, 5a,b,c
Mikulino Interglacial Eemian 5e
Boreal transgression Eemian, Boreal 5e
Karangat transgressiion (Eltigen, Maly Kut sections) Eemian 5e
Late Khazar transgression Late Weichselian 2
Lower Khazar transgression Holsteinian 9 and/or 11

Kh.A. Arslanov et al.

Arslanov Kh.A., Tertychny N.I., Gerasimova S.A. and Lokshin N.V., Cherdyntsev V.V. 1969: The Uranium – 234. Moscow: 350 pp
1975: On the Pleistocene carbonate formation dating by ura- (in Russian).
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 57-64, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Vilnius University, Èiurlionio 21/27, LT 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania
Institute of Geology, Tallinn Technical University, 7, Estonia Blvd., 10413 Tallinn, Estonia (e-mail:

Key words
words: Abstract: The electron spin resonance (ESR) dating was used for freshwater mollusc fossils
MID-LATE taken from interglacial deposits at the Gailiûnai and Neravai sites (Butënai/Holsteinian In-
PLEISTOCENE, terglacial), Valakampiai site (Snaigupëlë/Drente-Warthe Interglacial), Jonionys and Netiesos
INTERGLACIALS, sites (Merkinë/Eemian Interglacial) in Lithuania. Freshwater mollusc samples from the
LITHUANIA, Butënai/Holsteinian and Merkinë/Eemian Interglacials estimated by ESR yielded different
ELECTRON SPIN ages: Butënai – 455.0 to 307.0 ka and Merkinë – 112.5 to 101.5 ka BP. Two ESR dates deter-
RESONANCE, mined for Snaigupëlë Interglacial deposits suggest an average age of about 113.0 ka. This is
MOLLUSC therefore younger than expected from the palynological data, and it places Snaigupëlë into
the interglacial stage, possibly assigned to the MIS 5d that can likely be correlated with the
Merkinë/Eemian Interglacial (s.l.). Thus, further studies of the deposits and additional ESR
dates are needed to make sure that the Snaigupëlë bed is really much younger than expected
(about 200 ka) in all recognized sites in different parts of Lithuania.

1. INTRODUCTION pollen spectrum of all other intermorainic layers can not

be yet unambiguously interpreted, to provide clear evi-
The dominant Quaternary deposits in Lithuania are dence in terms of stratigraphy and chronology. The pres-
barren of datable organics. The occurrence of sediments ence of the Snaigupëlë Interglacial has been discussed
of all glaciations known in Eastern Europe is a character- by several authors. According to some of them Snaigupëlë
istic feature of Lithuania. Up to five interglacials and up Interglacial deposits are pre-Butënai (pre-Holsteinian)
to nine independent till beds are distinguished here. There in age (Velichkevich, 1979; Vozniachukh, 1978). At the
are seven metachronous till formations in Pleistocene same time, V. Vonsavièius and Baltrûnas (1974) attrib-
cover of Lithuania, left behind by independent glaciations uted the Snaigupëlë deposits to the Upper Pleistocene.
or their major stages (Gaigalas, 1979). These tills are re- According to pollen data of O. Kondratienë (1996), the
lated to advances and degradations of the ice sheets of Snaigupëlë Interglacial is younger than the Butënai/
Katlëriai, Dzûkija, Dainava, Þemaitija, Medininkai and Holsteinian and older than the Merkinë/Eemian Inter-
Nemunas glaciations, the latter being represented by two glacial that allowed her to correlate it with penultimate
stages: the Grûda and Baltija. The glacial sediments are interglacial period of isotope stage 7.
separated by deposits of normal aquatic (fluvial and lacus-
trine) sedimentation which originated during various 2. RESEARCH METHODS
interglacials: Vindþiûnai, Turgeliai, Butënai, Snaigupëlë
and Merkinë, and interstadials of the Last Nemunas/ Apparently, the only real possibility to unequivocally
Weichselian Glaciation. Interglacial lacustrine, boggy and solve the problem of the Lithuanian interglacials is the
alluvial sands, silts, gyttja, clay, sapropelite with rare mol- timing of lacustrine and bog deposit formations. For this
lusc shells are spread. purpose, the electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis of
The Merkinë/Eemian and Butënai/Holsteinian inter- freshwater mollusc fauna included in Butënai, Snaigupëlë
glacial deposits serve as key horizons for the purpose of and Merkinë Interglacial deposits was undertaken. It al-
correlation. They are represented by interglacial organo- lowed to determine the absolute age of shell remains and
genic deposits clearly characterized by palaeobotanical hence, the age of the embedding interglacial deposits.
data (Kondratienë, 1996). Unfortunately, the spore and

In the present study an advanced version of the ESR- fine sextet and the forbidden transition associated with
dating method (Molodkov, 1988, 1993 and 1996) was ap- the Mn2+ in shell carbonate (Fig. 2). The phase sensitivity
plied to date freshwater mollusc fauna taken from inter- detection (PSD) technique (Molodkov 1988 and 1993)
glacial gyttja at the Gailiûnai and Neravai sites (Butënai was used to enhance the analytical line at g=2.0012,
Interglacial), Valakampiai site (Snaigupëlë Interglacial), ∆Bpp ≈ 0.22 mT and to suppress the manganese signals as
Jonionys and Netiesos sites (Merkinë Interglacial). The well as the interfering radiation-induced signals in the
location of sites see Fig. 1. region of g=2.00.
The ESR dating method is based on a direct measure- ESR spectra of the shell samples were recorded with
ment of the amount of radiation-induced paramagnetic a sweep width of 2000 mT, a scan time of 1620 s in the
centres (radiation damages), that have been created in region of g=2.00, and time constant of 0.01 s. The micro-
shell material due to natural radiation. At the time of for- wave power used for dosimetric reading was 2 mW with
mation the lattice of shell biogenic carbonate has no ra- 100 kHz magnetic field modulation at 1 mT. Reported
diation-induced centres, but radiation from the shell results are the average of ten measurements of the 2.0012
itself and the environment (embedding matrix and cos- signal for each aliquot. Palaeodose for each sample was
mic) causes their gradual accumulation. A shell sample obtained by fitting with the reciprocal exponential func-
will therefore have paramagnetic centres, the amount of tion -ln(1-I/Imax), where I and Imax are an ESR signal in-
which relates directly to the total radiation dose that the tensity and that of the level at saturation dose, respectively.
shell has received. The presence of paramagnetic carbo- The accumulated palaeodose, Ps , was estimated by ex-
nate centres in mollusc shell material can be detected by trapolation of the regression line to the zero ESR inten-
ESR spectrometry. It produces a plot of the microwave sity (Fig. 3). Saturation intensity was determined itera-
absorption spectra where each paramagnetic centre is tively by optimising the correlation coefficient r. Long-
characterised by specific signals, the amplitude of which term fading of absorbed palaeodose (Molodkov, 1989)
is related to the accumulated palaeodose, and hence to was taken into account proceeding from the estimated
the age of the shells. Details of ESR dating of subfossil time-averaged terrestrial temperature (about 5° C) and
shells used in the present study are described elsewhere thermal stability of the 20012 centres in the shells studied
(e.g. Molodkov et al., 1998) Analytical procedure are given (τ ≈ 10 Ma at 5° C).
Dose rate measurements
ESR-analysis The external beta and gamma contributions to the total
Shell samples were analysed with an ESR-221 dose rate were estimated from the contents of natural
spectrometer (X-band) at room temperature. All the radioactive elements, 238U+235U, 232Th and 40K in the
freshwater shells studied were composed of calcite, and surrounding sediments. For detecting and identifying
displayed typical ESR spectra with a characteristic hyper- naturally occurring radioactive elements in the surround-


Klaipëda Panevëþys


Kaunas ris


0 25 50 km
Gailiûnai Jonionys
Fig. 1. Location map of
investigated sections.

A. Gaigalas and A. Molodkov

Fig. 3. Dose responses of the paramagnetic centres at

g=2.0012 in freshwater mollusc shells from the Butënai
lacustrine deposits. The solid line show the best logarithmic
fit for experimental data poins (circles), obtained by phase
sensitive detection (PSD) technique; each point is the mean
Fig. 2. Typical ESR-spectrum of calcite freshwater mollusc of 10 read-out values.
shells from Butënai lacustrine deposits about 330 ka in age
(Neravai site). Radiation-induced signal (arrow) is super-impo-
sed by forbidden Mn+2 transition line (A). Analytical line at
g=2.0012 (B) is separated by phase sensitive detection (PSD)

For numerical dating of the Butënai, Snaigupëlë and

ing matrix a multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer with Merkinë organogenous lacustrine and boggy deposits fif-
a 100 x 150 mm dia low background sodium iodide crys- teen shell samples were taken. Three samples were col-
tal was used. For better statistical accuracy up to five lected from the Gailiûnai section and three samples from
samples about 1 kg each were taken within the sphere with the Neravai section of Butënai Interglacial. Two samples
R~30 cm for assessment of the gamma and beta contri- were taken from the Valakampiai section of Snaigupëlë
bution to the external dose rate. Estimates of the cosmic Interglacial, as well as two samples from the Jonionys
dose (Yokoyama et al., 1982) were based on the half of the section and seven samples from the Netiesos section of
present depth of burial to take into account the increase Merkinë Interglacial.
in thickness of the deposits during the controlled time The shells were represented by freshwater Pelecypod
interval. The dose rate conversion factors of Adamiec and and Gastropod species. Valvata cristata Müller, Lymnaea
Aitken (1998) were used. The percentage of the beta dose peregra Müller, Anisus leucostomus Millet, Valvata
was estimated according to the shell geometry and pro- piscinalis Müller, Pisidium nitidum Jenyns, Pisidium sp.,
portions etched off. Water content in the sediments was Armiger crista L., Sphaerium corneum L., Pisidium
also taken into account. Internal dose rate was calculated moitessierianum Paladilhe are the most common species
basing on the determination of U-concentration in the of Butënai (Holsteinian) Interglacial in the Neravai sec-
shells by NAA taking into account the in-growth of 230Th tion (Sanko, 1999). The shells of Merkinë (Eemian) In-
with daughters in the shell during its buried state (Ikeya, terglacial in the Netiesos section were represented by
1985; Molodkov, 1986). Alpha efficiency was assumed to Valvata piscinalis Müller, V. cristata Müller, Bithynia
be 0.15. The shell material was distributed uniformly in tentaculata Linné, Radix limosa Linné, Radix auricularia
embedding matrix (gyttja). In terms of the natural radio- L., Lymnaea stagnalis L., Acroloxus lacustris L., Gyraulus
nuclide content the latter was rather homogeneous. albus Müller, G. laevis Ald. and Sphaerium corneum Linné
The results of the radiometric and ESR analyses are species.
given in Table 1. At present the dating method applied in The mammalian fauna of the Butënai Interglacial from
this work usually provides overall analytical precision of the Neravai section is characterised by the occurrence of
up to about 10 %, when taking into account the standard Arvicola mosbachensis Schmid., Microtus sp., M. agrestis
errors assumed for every parameter used in the age cal- L., Clethrionomys aff. Glarealus Schreber and other spe-
culation. cies (Vozniachuk et al., 1984).


Table 1. ESR results and radioactivity data for shell samples from Lithuanian interglacial deposits
No. Lab No. Field No. Site Altitude Depth Uin U Th K Dc Dint Dsed DΣ Ps ESR-age, T
[m a.s.l.] [m] [ppm] [ppm] [ppm] [%] [µGy/a] [µGy/a] [µGy/a] [µGy/a] [Gy] [ka]

1 221-095 Sample 1 Netiesos 86.3 8.2 0.11 0.72 0.74 0.29 93 24.6 525.2 642.2 57.9 90.5 ± 8.8
2 225-095 Sample 2 Netiesos 8.2 0.24 0.55 1.12 0.3 89 58.8 520.7 668.8 75.5 112.5 ± 10.8
Mean age 101.5 ± 11.5

3 222-095 Sample 1 Netiesos 8 0.11 1.32 3.62 0.97 76 26.1 1550.5 1652.9 164.9 103.3 ± 9.8

4 197-083 Sample 1 Jonionys 76.5 6 0.5 0.7 1.79 0.88 100 83 1182 1365 140.8 101.0 ± 11.0
5 198-083 Sample 1a Jonionys 6 0.56 0.6 1.44 0.87 100 105 1112 1317 155.4 118.0 ± 12.0
Mean age 109.5 ± 8.5

6 220-095 Sample 2 Netiesos 12.2 0.24 0.55 1.12 0.3 89 58.8 521 668.8 75.5 112.5 ± 10.8

7 222-095 Sample 3 Netiesos 13 0.11 1.32 3.62 0.97 76 26.1 1550.5 1652.9 164.9 100.3 ± 9.8
8 223-095 Sample 4 Netiesos 13 0.34 1.31 2.7 1.1 76 75.1 1625.6 1777 155.7 88.0 ± 8.5
9 224-095 Sample 5 Netiesos 13 0.23 1.34 3.14 0.98 76 62.9 1543.3 1682.6 247.1 148.0 ± 14.4
Mean age 112.1 ± 25.9

10 259-100 Sample 1 Valakampiai 88.0 0.42 1.23 3.45 1.11 110 122.6 951.3 1183.5 129.7 110.0 ± 12.1
11 260-100 Sample 2 Valakampiai 0.21 1.23 3.45 1.11 110 65.7 784.1 959.3 110.9 116.0 ± 10.8
Mean age 113.0 ± 3.0

12 101-079 Sample 1 Gailiûnai 81.0 <0.1 0.76 1.76 0.25 90 10 546 646 95 118.0 ± 15.0

13 103-079 Sample 3 Gailiûnai 2.1 1.7 5.35 0.61 70 777 1289 2136 587.5 307.0 ± 32.0
14 206-083 Sample Neravai 83.2 5.2 0.04 0.39 0.46 0.16 120 11 244 375 110 298.0 ± 28.0
15 207-083 Sample Neravai 5.2 0.06 0.38 0.73 0.17 120 17 324 461 152.5 336.0 ± 30.0
16 208-083 Sample Neravai 5.2 0.05 0.38 0.73 0.17 120 14 324 458 160 356.0 ± 34.0
N1/N2 Mean age 330.0 ± 24.1

17 102-079 Sample 2 Gailiûnai 1.5 0.41 2.23 0.23 70 631 539 1240 565 455.0 ± 40.0
U in is the uranium content in shells; U, Th and K are the uranium, thorium and potassium content in sediments; Dc is the cosmic dose rate, Dint – the time-averaged internal dose rate;
Dsed – the sediment dose rate; DΣ – the total dose rate; Ps – the palaeodose. Uncertainties: U, ± 2-3%; Th, ± 3-4%; K, ± 1-2%; U in the shells, ± 1-3%; gamma irradiation, ± 3-5%.

Butënai Interglacial. Gailiûnai and Neravai outcrops separated from the sediments taken from the same layer
near Druskininkai town (South Lithuania) are parastra- 6 m apart. Available amount of the shell material from
totypes of the Butënai (Holsteinian) Interglacial. Inter- the Gailiûnai section was 2700 to 1300 mg. The uranium
glacial deposits are represented here by lacustrine, boggy content in the Neravai shells proved to be low ranging
and alluvial sands, silts, clays, peat, sapropelite and gyttja from 0.04 to 0.06 ppm. The relatively low U content in
(Fig. 4). The Gailiûnai exposure opens the socle of the the shells compared to the 0.1 to 0.5 ppm of living shells
first above-flood plain terrace of the Nemunas River indicates that little or no post-depositional U enrichment
(Gaigalas and Molodkov, 1996). has occurred in these shells. The content of natural iso-
The vegetation of the Butënai Interglacial is of forest topes in embedding matrix at the Neravai site was unusu-
type. Taxus baccata L., Picea omorica L., Ilex aquifolium ally low. As a result, the dose rate derived from radiation
L., Abies alba Mill., Brasenia holsatica Web., Najas measurements in the environment of the shells turned out
macrosperma Wielczk., Nymphaea cinerea Wieliczk., to be also rather low – about 300 µGy a–1, which is much
Azolla pseudopinnata Nikit., Osmunda claytoniana L. are lower than in Gailiûnai sediments (539 to 1289 µGy a–1).
the most common species (Riðkienë, 1979; Kondratienë, The internal time-averaged dose rate due to U and daugh-
1965). ters ranged from 11 to 17 µGy a–1 in the Neravai and from
The total weight of the pelecypod shells from the Ne- 631 to 777 µGy a–1 in the Gailiûnai samples.
ravai section (sample Νο. 206-083) was 600 mg, and that The high thermal stability of the 2.0012 centre in the
of the gastropod shells (No. 207-083) 250 mg. In the labo- shell substance allows to date the lacustrine deposits up
ratory, the mixture of broken shell fragments of uniden- to 1.5-2.0 Ma in age. In the range up to 0.5 Ma the dating
tified species with a total weight of 880 mg (208-083) was of the shells should present no difficulties in terms of ther-

A. Gaigalas and A. Molodkov

mal behaviour of the signal. The datings obtained on both The age of the enclosing sediments was determined on
sites show internal consistency in ESR age estimates and two samples of shell material. The ESR analysis yielded
small scattering of the results, although in most cases the mutually consistent dates of 116.0±10.8 and 110.0±12.1
age determinations were performed on the mixture of ka BP with an average age of about 113.0 ka BP. The nu-
broken shell fragments of unidentified species separated merical data obtained allow to link the studied Snaigu-
from the matrix material. The ESR analyses of the fresh- pëlë interglacial layer with the Merkinë/Eemian Intergla-
water shells taken from the sections studied yield mutu- cial that according to materials of complex palyno-
ally consistent dates of 356.0±34.0, 336.0±30.0 and chronostratigraphic investigations (Molodkov and
298.0±28.0 ka (Neravai), 455.0±40.0 and 307.0±32.0 ka Bolikhovskaya, 2001) can most likely be compared with
(Gailiûnai) for the Butënai Interglacial that allowed us to the time interval from approximately 145 to 70 ka com-
correlate this terrestrial climate change with the marine parable with the whole of MIS 5 rather than the period of
oxygen isotopic stages 9 and 11. optimum conditions in oxygen isotope substage 5e
The ESR age of 118.0±15.0 obtained for a sample No. (Eemian, s. s.).
101-079 taken from a recently-fallen block of peaty sandy The development of flora at Snaigupëlë is most simi-
loam in the vicinity of the studied bed of the Gailiûnai lar to that at Merkinë (Liivrand, 1991 and 1998). The
section indicates that the dated sample evidently belongs Snaigupëlë stratotypical section is subdivided into 9 pol-
to the stage 5 complex and can confidently be correlated len zones with characteristic plants: Caulinia lithuanica
with the rest of the Merkinë age deposits studied. Rišk., C. tenuissima D. Benn., C. goretskyi Dorof., Brasenia
cf. borysthenica Wieliczk. (Riðkienë, 1979; Velichkevich,
Snaigupëlë Interglacial. The freshwater mollusc fauna 1979). The Snaigupëlë pollen diagram of the Valakampiai
of the Snaigupëlë Interglacial was taken from gyttja at the section also displays some similarity to the Merkinë/
Valakampiai site (Eastern Lithuania; Fig. 4). The outcrop Eemian ones. Therefore, Snaigupëlë was initially assigned
of interglacial deposits at Valakampiai is located in the to the last interglacial (Kondratienë, 1959). Later on,
northern part of the town of Vilnius and was discovered according to new palynological data (Kondratienë, 1996),
45 years ago. Interglacial deposits are represented by the deposits at Valakampiai have been attributed to the
1-m-thick gyttja. The interglacial layer occurs in the socle independent Snaigupëlë Interglacial, which is younger
of the first above-flood plain terrace of the Neris River. than the Butënai/Holsteinian and older than the Merkinë/

Fig. 4. Dated sections of Butënai (Gailiûnai and Neravai), Snaigupëlë (Valakampiai)

and Merkinë (Jonionys and Netiesos) Interglacials. Litological legend: 1 – sand;
2 – sandy-gravel deposits; 3 – silt; 4 – sandy silt; 5 – boulders; 6 – gyttja with mollusc
shells; 7 – gyttja; 8 – peat; 9 – peat with mollusc shells; 10 – peat with wood remains;
11 – clay; 12 – sand with mollusc; 13 – silty sand with wood detritus; gIdn – till of the
Dainava glaciation; gIIžm – till of the Þemaitija glaciation; gIImd – till of the Medininkai


Eemian Interglacial. The presence of independent mollusc shells from Snaigupëlë Interglacial deposits
Snaigupëlë Interglacial within the MIS 7 is also supported (about 113.0 ka BP) can most likely be correlated with
by many other investigators in Lithuania. Nevertheless, the Merkinë Interglacial. Nevertheless, further studies of
the results obtained in the present work indicate that the the deposits and additional ESR dates are needed to make
problem of whether the independent Snaigupëlë Intergla- sure that the Snaigupëlë bed recognised in different parts
cial really exists should still be open for debate. of Lithuania is really Merkinë in age, because the place
of penultimate interglaciation of isotope stage 7 remains
Merkinë Interglacial. The Jonionys section is the still vacant.
stratotype of Merkinë Interglacial. The exposure is located The data produced for the Neravai and Netiesos sec-
on the left bank of the Nemunas River about 3 km west tions are internally consistent and in agreement with other
from Merkinë. The Jonionys section reveals the socle of evidence, e.g. the age of the organeous horizon in the
the second above-flood plain terrace of the Nemunas Gailiûnai and Jonionys sections and independent
River (Fig.4). The stratigraphy from waterline of the palaeontological and geological data from these sites.
Nemunas river to the top of the terrace is divided into 20 A comparison of the results obtained on the upper part
units (Gaigalas and Hütt, 1995). The age of freshwater of the Butënai Interglacial lacustrine deposits in the
mollusc shells from lake-and-bog deposits of the Merkinë Gailiûnai section (307 ky BP) and those of the Neravai
Interglacial parastratotype in the exposure of Netiesos on section (330 ky BP) shows a good agreement between age
the right bank of the Nemunas River, about 6 km down- estimates at two different sites. Dates from Netiesos cor-
stream from the town of Merkinë, was determined as relate with our ESR results obtained on Eemian deposits
112.1±25.9 and 101.5±11.5 ka (for samples from the in the Meetkerke section (Belgium) – 104.4±9.5 and
lower and upper units, respectively). The continental 97.1±8.9 ka BP (Gaigalas et al., 1994), as well as with
Merkinë deposits are composed mostly of peat, gyttja and the results on the Merkinë Interglacial in the Jonionys
sandy sediments with rare mollusc shells of lake origin stratotype section – 109.5±8.5 ka BP.
(Gaigalas and Hütt, 1997). Palynological analyses of peat Our present and previous studies show that the
and gyttja samples from Netiesos were carried out by O. Neravai site is undoubtedly Butënai and Netiesos-Merkinë
Kondratienë (1996) and resulted in a diagram. She found Interglacial in age. This, in its turn, provides a basis for
spore-and-pollen zones from M1 till M4. The zone M5 was the conclusion that, in all probability, the Butënai Inter-
not studied, because this zone is absent in the upper part glacial may be ascribed at least to Stage 9 of oxygen-iso-
of the outcrop described at Netiesos. Flora from Netiesos tope scale and correlated with the upper part of
in its renovated form is the richest among all flora of the Holsteinian (s.l.) markerbed traced in NW and Central
Merkinë Interglacial in Lithuania known at present and, Europe. On an Arctic island, marine deposits correlated
owing to the taxonomic revision, it may be considered as with the Holsteinian Interglaciation and Stage 9 were
a standard for the whole group of flora of this age. dated by ESR to about 300 ka BP (Molodkov et al., 1992).
Four samples of lake sand deposits which covered the The deposits studied contain very warm for that region
organogenic sediments of Merkinë Interglacial (pollen spore-and-pollen complex and the boreal foraminifera
zone M1-M4 in Netiesos outcrop) were OSL dated by association of Miliolinella pyriformis zone similar to those
G. Hütt (Gaigalas and Hütt, 1997). Their deposition pro- found in marine facies of the Holsteinian Interglacial in
bably took place just before the last glaciation. The dates Germany. The questions whether the Butënai Intergla-
of Merkinë Interglacial correlate well with our ESR re- cial is also equivalent to Stage 11 and whether it should
sults obtained on the Eemian deposits in the Meetkerke be therefore subdivided into two ice-free periods (or into
section (Belgium) – 104.4±9.5 and 97.1±8.9 ka BP two independent interglacial as has been suggested in
(Gaigalas and Molodkov, 1997), as well as with the da- studies elsewhere, e.g. Bolikhovskaya, 1995), separated
ting result of 109.5±8.5 ka on the Merkinë Interglacial in by a sharp climatic cooling, remains open yet because of
the Jonionys stratotypes section (South Lithuania). The the lack of geochronological data on the oldest lacustrine
stratotype of Merkinë Interglacial is the Jonionys- deposits in Lithuania.
Maksimonys area 3 km downstream from Merkinë town The data obtained in Lithuania by the ESR method
on the left (Jonionys) and right (Maksimonys) sides of the on younger deposits have provided more certain numeri-
Nemunas River. Characteristic for the Merkinë Intergla- cal chronology for the Pleistocene interglacials. Combined
cial are Tilia tomentosa Moench., T. platyphyllos Scop., with the independent stratigraphic investigations, ESR
Acer campestra L., A. platanoides L., Carpinus betulus L., can be considered as a promising approach for the study
Lycopus intermedius Dorof., Trapa europae Fler., Salvinia of climatic changes, sedimentary dynamics, palaeoenvi-
natans (L.) All., Osmunda cinnamonea L. (Riðkienë, ronmental reconstructions and correlation of Quaternary
1979). deposits over broad geographical areas.


Freshwater mollusc samples from the Butënai/ This research was partially funded by grant from the
Holsteinian and Merkinë/Eemian Interglacials estimated Estonian Science Foundation (No. 3625).
by ESR yielded different ages: Butënai – 455.0 to 307.0
and Merkinë – 112.1 to 101.5 ka BP. The ESR age of

A. Gaigalas and A. Molodkov

REFERENCES Molodkov A., 1986: Application of ESR to the dating of subfossil

shells from marine deposits. Ancient TL 4(3): 49-54.
Adamiec G. and Aitken M., 1998: Dose-rate conversion factors: Molodkov A., 1988: ESR Dating of Quaternary Shells: Recent
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Bolikhovskaya N.S., 1995: Evolution of the loess-palaeosoil forma- Molodkov A., 1989: The problem of long-term fading of absorbed
tion of the Northern Eurasia. Moscow University Press, Mos- palaeodose on ESR-dating of Quaternary mollusc shells.
cow: 270 pp (in Russian). Applied Radiation and Isotopes 40: 1087-1093.
Gaigalas A., 1979: Glaciosedimentation cycles of the Lithuanian Pleis- Molodkov A., 1993: ESR-dating of non-marine mollusc shells.
tocene. Mokslas, Vilnius: 98 pp (in Russian). Applied Radiation and Isotopes 44:145-148.
Gaigalas A. and Hütt G., 1996. OSL dating of the Merkinë (Eem) Molodkov A., 1996: ESR Dating of Lymnaea baltica and
Interglacial (in Jonionys) and Nemunas glaciation (Rokai sec- Cerastoderma glaucum from Low Ancylus Level and Transgres-
tion) in Lithuania. PACT 5: 59-69. sive Litorina Sea Deposits. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 47:
Gaigalas A. and Hütt G., 1997: The OSL age of the lacustrine sand 1427-1432.
of Upper Pleistocene at the outcrop Netiesos. In: The Late Pleis- Molodkov A. and Bolikhovskaya N., 2002: Eustatic sea-level and
tocene in eastern Europe: Stratigraphy, palaeoenvironment and climate changes over the last 600 ka as derived from mollusc-
climate. Abstract Volume and Excursion Guide of the INQUA- based ESR-chronostratigraphy and pollen evidence in the
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pleistozäner Ablagerungen Südostlitauens auf Grund deposits and main regularities of evolution of natural condi-
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 65-72, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Vilnius University, Èiurlionio 21/27, 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania (e-mail:

Department of Earth Sciences, Aarhus University, Finlandsgade 8, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark


Department of Quaternary Geology, Institute of Geology, T. Ševèenkos 13, LT 2600 Vilnius (e-mail:

Key words
words: Abstract: In the Lithuania, a palaeomagnetic study of Upper Pleistocene and Late Glacial
PALAEOMAGNETISM, sediments at five sections has been carried out. The palaeomagnetic study of the varved clays
UPPER PLEISTOCNE, in the Maskauka, Didþiasalis and Girininkai sections cover the time interval since 18,000 to
LITHUANIA 14,000 BP and Manèiagirë section covers the time interval since 12,700 to 11,630 BP. The
palaeomagnetic research of the Merkinë (= Eemian) Interglacial sediments (Netiesos sec-
tion) cover the time interval since 112.0±25 to 101.5±11.5 ka BP. The declination (D), incli-
nation (I) and intensity (J) of the natural remanent magnetization of glaciolacustrine clays
(Maskauka, Didþiasalis and Girininkai sections), as well as Merkinë (=Eemian) Interglacial
deposits (Netiesos section) and interstadial sediments (Manèiagirë section) were measured.
The result of these studies is presented in diagrams. The study reveals that considerable
palaeomagnetic information can be obtained from the varved clays.

1. INTRODUCTION A palaeomagnetic study of varved clays of the Late

Glacial has been carried out at Karelia in the north of
Application of palaeomagnetic methods has shown Lake Ladoga and in the west and east of Lake Onega for
that such investigations may be a valuable tool for the time interval 16,000-10,200 BP (Ekman et al., 1987;
stratigraphical research of Pleistocene sediments in Lithu- Batchmutor and Zagniy, 1990). The detailed curves of
ania. Palaeomagnetic investigations of Late Pleistocene declination and inclination can be used for regional
sediments in Lithuania previously have been published magnetostratigraphic studies and for correlation of sedi-
by M. Pevzner and A. Gaigalas (1976) and A. Gaigalas ments in adjacent regions of East European plain.
et al. (1991). A palaeomagnetic study can be used not only in stratig-
Various anomalous and even negative inclinations are raphy and correlation of Late Pleistocene sediments, but
found in some deposits of Late Pleistocene in Lithuania in palaeogeographic reconstructions too. New informa-
(Gaigalas et al., 1991). Anomalous magnetization of tion on fine structure of palaeomagnetic field should be
a transitional type from normal to reverse inclination was analysed in a palaeoclimatic aspect. The task is to esta-
noted in the Merkinë (=Eemian) Interglacial deposits blish relationships between climatic variations and the
(Maksimonys and Jonionys section). Reverse magnetiza- geomagnetic field in the Pleistocene.
tion was noted in the Grûda (=Brandeburgian) till In Lithuania glaciolacustrine deposits and varved clays
(22,000-18,000 years ago) with an otherwise normal mag- are distributed widely in surface formation. They have
netization (Padubysis section). Anomalous magnetization, been formed in dammed periglacial basins near the mar-
transiting to negative, was noted in varved clays, dated to gin of the retreating ice sheet. The study of varved clays
about 13,500-13,000 years ago (the Kurðënai section). can be used to obtain the secular variations and for the
Negative magnetization was also noted in lacustrine de- construction of a detailed time-scale of the geomagnetic
posits, aged 11,600-12,700 years ago. field in the Late Pleistocene.

2. RESEARCH METHODS ration experiments, the carrier of the magnetic remanence

appear to be hematite (or goethite?) rather than magne-
In the present study more than 400 samples from five tite or maghemite.
sections (Girininkai, Didžiasalis, Maskauka, Manèiagirë The palaeomagnetic study of the varved clays
and Netiesos) have been magnetically investigated (Fig. 1). (Maskauka, Didþiasalis and Girininkai) covers the time
Declination (D), inclination (I) and intensity (J) of the interval from 18,000 to 14,000 BP. The sediment age has
natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of glaciolacus- been defined by varvometric, palynological, optically
trine clay (Girininkai, Didþiasalis and Maskauka sec- stimulated luminescence, electron spin resonance and
tions), as well as Merkinë (=Eemian) interglacial depos- radiocarbon analyses as well as concluded from geologi-
its (Netiesos section) and interstadial sediments cal and geomorphological data. Sedimentological and
(Manèiagirë section, Fig. 2) were measured by a spinner palaeomagnetic studies were carried out for each section.
magnetometer (Digico Ltd.). These sections are located High sedimentation rates of varved clays allowed us to
in different deglaciation zones of the Last Glaciation that collect oriented samples with high resolution over the time
allow us to cover a wide time interval. Oriented, 1-inch interval and without problems of material limitation. The
specimens were collected in vertically cleaned profiles, bedding of sediments used for studying the geomagnetic
using magnetic compass and a spirit level for the orien- secular variation is in a horizontal or near horizontal po-
tation. After performing an initial pilot study, all speci- sition.
mens were AF-demagnetized in small steps up to typical
50 or 60 mT, and re-measured on the spinner 3. MASKAUKA SECTION
after each step. By a PCA-analysis (principal component
analysis), using Linefind in the IAPD (Interactive analy- The section represents the Grûda (=Branderburgian)
sis of Palaeomagnetic Data) program (Torsvik, 1992), the and Þiogeliai (=Frankfurtian) glaciolacustrine varves.
ChRM (characteristic remanent magnetization) of each Magnetic declination, inclination and intensity of the sedi-
specimen was isolated. In some cases SIRM (saturation ments of Maskauka profile have been combined in one
isothermal magnetization) experiments were performed, plot (Fig. 5). Both angles of magnetic declination and in-
and also the frequency-dependant magnetic susceptibi- clination appear to show systematic trends, but with high
lity was measured. Results are plotted in the diagrams scatter. On the diagram (Fig. 5), each dot indicates the
(Figs 3 and 4). The magnetic minerals vary between dif- AF-cleaned ChRM (characteristic remanent magnetiza-
ferent environments, and hence they may hardly be stated tion) of one oriented specimen.
as a general conclusion. However, the main ferromagnetic The declination may show a systematic trend, but the
component carrying the NRM is usually fine grained scatter is quite high (Fig. 5). The westerly values between
magnetite, although maghemite may sometimes be 4.7 and 5.1 m above the river level are situated just above
present. In some cases, according to the magnetic satu- the Grûda sediment (4.3 m to 4.65 m).


Klaipëda Panevëþys




er Maskauka
Netiesos Fig. 1. Location of the
0 25 50 km Maskauka, Didþiasalis,
Manèiagirë Manèiagirë and Netiesos
sections of Late Pleistocene

Gaigalas et al.

Maskauka Didþiasalis Girininkai Manèiagirë Netiesos

(lower part)
16.0 0 0 3.0 7.8

Late Glacial (12,700 - 11,630 BP)

0.8 7.0

Merkinë (=Eemian) Interglacial (~125,000 - 105,000 BP)


Upper Pleistocene (~14,000 - 8,000 BP)

Upper Pleistocene (~18,000 - 16,500 years BP)

2.1 5.6

Upper Pleistocene (~15,000 - 14,000 BP)

m River level


4.3 7.1

m River level

1 2
11.6 4 5 6

7 8 9

0 12.7 10
m m
m River level

Fig. 2. Palaeomagneticaly investigated sections: Maskauka, Didþiasalis, Manèiagirë and Netiesos. 1 – sand, 2 – silt, 3 – varved clay,
4 – homogeneous clay, 5 – clay disturbed by cryogenic process, 6 – till, 7 – limnic tufa, 8 – sapropelite, 9 – gyttja, 10 – peat,
11 – deluvium.


Þiogeliai (=Frankfurtian) varves cover the interval be- 4. DIDÞIASALIS SECTION

tween 5.1 m and 7.4 m (sandy and silty lake sediments).
The top part between 7.45 m and 8 m consists of reddish In the Didþiasalis section of varved clays both mag-
disturbed clay. netic declination and inclination show a long-wave varia-
A certain pattern in the inclination may be present, tion (Fig. 6), the declination with more westerly values
but the scatter is quite high (Fig. 5). Most values are more between 6 and 3.5 m depth, and a short-wave variation at
shallow than the expected geocentrical axical dipole the top of the profile between 2.5 and 0 m. On the dia-
(GAD) value of the site, Io=70.2°. The shallow inclina- grams, each dot indicates the AF-cleaned ChRM of one
tion may indicate a sediment compaction. The low values oriented specimen. The swings in declination between
between 4.7 m and 5.1 m are situated just above the Grûda 3 and 2.5 m are likely to be due to some kind of sediment
sediment (4.3 m to 4.65 m). The top part between 7.45 and disturbance, the intensity being quite high (Fig. 6).
8 m consists of reddish disturbed clay. The small maxi- Smoothed declination varies around 0° between ±30°
mum in the intensity between 4.7 m and 5.1 m is situated (Fig. 6). Except the top, the inclination is systematic low
just above the Grûda sediment (4.3 m to 4.65 m; Fig. 5). as compared to the geocentrical axical dipole (GAD)
Stereogram of the AF-cleaned direction of individual value of Io = 70.9°, which may indicate some compaction
specimens, with their individual α95 confidence circles is of the sediment (Fig. 6). The variation as well as the local
given in Fig. 3. The mean direction of glaciolacustrine scatter in the intensity values are likely to indicate
varved clay, sand and silt of Grûda–Þiogeliai age is lithological variations in the clay and silt proportions of
(Dm,Im)=(7.0°W, 55.7°), N=52, α95 =8.1°. the thin-laminated varved clays (Fig. 6).The mean direc-
tion of glaciolacustrine clay of Didþiasalis section is
(Dm,Im)=(6.5°E, 55.0°), N=58, α95 =5.7° (Fig. 3).

M a sk a u k a Didþiasalis
N o rth N o rth

N e tie so s
N o rth N o rth

Fig. 3. Stereographic plot of AF-cleaned ChRM – directions of the Maskauka, Didþiasalis, Manèiagirë and Netiesos profiles.

Gaigalas et al.

SA M PL E: G I 6

1 .0
A X IS = 5 m A /M L IN E S :

0 .0
0 20 40 60 80 1 00 m T

N 270, Up Gi 17

1 .0
A X IS = 1 0 m A /M L IN E S :

0 .0
0 20 40 60 80 1 00 m T

270, Up Gi 30

1 .0

A X IS = 1 0 m A /M L IN E S : 360

0 .0
0 20 40 60 80 1 00 m T

Fig. 4. Stereographic, intensity decay and orthogonal plots of AF-cleaned ChRM-directions of 3 pilot specimens (samples No. 6, 17
and 30) from the Girininkai profile.


superposed upon a short-wave variation at the lower half

M a sk au k a of the profile. The general trend in declination is a change
M ag n e tic S e c u la r V a ria tio n from westerly declination at the lower part towards east-
D e c , In c & I n t (3 - p t m o v in g a v era g e )
erly declination at the top (Fig. 8). The swings in declina-
-1 2 0 -9 0 -6 0 -3 0 0 30 60 90 120 tion between 1.15 m and 1.35 m are likely to be due to
some kind of sediment disturbance, the intensity being
-8 quite high. The upper part of the profile may be disturbed
D ec In c due to roots and due to low intensity of more sandy sedi-
ment on the top.
In t
As mentioned above, systematic short wave pattern
appears between 0.4 m and 1.3 m in inclination from
around 70° at 0.8 m to around 80° at 2 m (Fig. 8). The GAD
value of the site is Io=70.1°. The NRM intensity of black
-7 gyttja is systematically higher than of the sandy intervals
H e ig ht a b ov e riv er (m )

at 1 m and above 2 m (Fig. 8). Mean direction of the

Manèiagirë profile (Alleröd) is (Dm, Im)=(30.0° W, 77.8°),
N=44, α95 =2.7 (Fig. 3).

D id þia sa lis
M a g n e tic S ec u lar Va ria ti o n
D ec , In c & In t (3 -p t m o v in g av erag e )
-9 0 -6 0 -3 0 0 30 60 90 120
-5 Dec Inc

Fig. 5. Magnetic inclination (Inc), declination (Dec) and intensity

D e p th b e lo w s o i l (m )

(Int) of deposits of Maskauka profile. Full lines are 3-point

moving averages.


Judging from 6 pilot specimens from the Girininkai 4

profile, the magnetic direction is fairly stable (Fig. 7).
However, magnetic declination is rather scatter, and is
hardly diagnostic for the geomagnetic secular variation,
expected variation of which would be close to true North,
i.e. 0°±20°. Inclination is also somewhat strange, being
rather shallow around 30°±30°, whereas the expected in-
clination for an average geomagnetic field in Lithuania 6
would be around 70°±10°. This shallow inclination may
indicate compaction of the sediment. The palaeomagnetic
investigation of the interstadial sediments covers the time
interval from 11,630±120 to 12,700±80 years ago in the 7
Manèiagirë section (Gaigalas, 1994).

The Manèiagirë section spans the Alleröd interstadial
over the Ûla River. AF-cleaned declination and inclina- Fig. 6. Magnetic inclination (Inc), declination (Dec) and
tion both show a systematic trend with low values and low intensity (Int) of deposits of Didþiasalis profile. Full lines are
scatter between 0.4 m and 1.3 m above the river level, 3-point moving averages.

Gaigalas et al.

7. NETIESOS SECTION towards the top (Fig. 9). Stereogram of the AF-clean
direction of individual specimens. The mean direction is
The palaeomagnetic research of the Merkinë (Dm,Im)=(19.4oE, 71.1o), N=66, α95 =3.2o, k=30.1 (Fig. 3).
(=Eemian) Interglacial sediments covers the time inter-
val since 112±25 ka to 101.5±11.5 ka years BP in the 8. CONCLUDING REMARKS
Netiesos section. The Merkinë deposits are represented
by gyttja and peat with silt in the bottom part of the sec- Our data appear to be too scattered to define any sig-
tion. The geomagnetic Blake event, some times recorded nificant excursion of the geomagnetic pole in the time in-
in Eemian deposits (e.g. Abrahamsen, 1995), is not found terval of 18,000-14,000 BP (Maskauka, Didþiasalis and
in the Netiesos profile (Fig. 9). Girininkai) and in 11,600-12,700 BP (Manèiagirë inter-
Declination (AF-cleaned) is mostly East of North, but stadial), as well as in the time of the Last interglacial
the scatter is quite high, due to sandy character of sedi- (112±25 ka to 101.5 ± 11.5 ka BP). However, some mag-
ments (Fig. 9). In inclination, a certain pattern may be netic information can be obtained from the varved clays
seen in the 3-point moving average (full line), but the scat- of the Late Pleistocene time. The variation as well as the
ter is rather high due to sandy character of sediments local scatter in the intensity values are likely to indicate
(Fig. 9). There has been no compaction of the sediments, lithological variations in the clay and silt proportions of
as the average inclination is close to the GAD value of the thin laminated varved clays. The swings in declina-
the site, Io=70.2o. The NRM intensity of the profile tion are likely to be due to some kind of sediment distur-
decreases upwards, the sediments becoming more sandy bance (sediment compaction due to glacial activity), the
intensity being quite high.
We do not find the Gothenburg excursion in the time
interval of 18,000-11,000 BP. The VGP (Virtual geomag-
G irin in k a i netic pole) do not fall below 60° N. The geomagnetic Blake
M a g n e tic S e c u la r Va ria tio n
D e c , In c & In t event, some times recorded in Eemian deposits is not
found in the Netiesos profile of the Merkinë Interglacial.
-9 0 -6 0 -3 0 0 30 60 90

D ec In c
M a n èia g ir ë
1 M ag n etic S ec u la r V ar ia tio n
D e c , In c & In t (3 - p t m o v in g a v e ra g e)
In t
-1 5 0 -1 2 0 -9 0 -6 0 -3 0 0 30 60 90 120 150
2 - 2 .2

3 - 2 .0
D e p th b e lo w s o il (m )

H e ig h t a b o v e riv er (m )

- 1 .5 Dec

- 1 .0

- 0 .5

Fig. 8. Magnetic inclination (Inc), declination (Dec) and intensity

Fig. 7. Magnetic inclination (Inc), declination (Dec) and intensity (Int) of deposits of Manèiagirë profile. Full lines are 3-point
(Int) of deposits of Girininkai profile. moving averages.


N e tieso s (l o w er p a rt)
M ag n e tic S e c u la r Va ria tio n
D e c , In c & In t (3 - p t m o v i n g a v er ag e ) Financial support for the study was provided by the
Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation under
-6 0 -3 0 0 30 60 90
grant No. T-522 of 2001 year.
-7 In t
D ec In c
Abrahamsen N., 1995: Palaeomagnetism of Quaternary sediments
from Anholt, Denmark. The onset of the Blake Event and Eem.
-6 Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 42: 96-104.
Bakhmutov V.G. and Zagniy G.F., 1990: Secular variation of the
geomagnetic field: data from the varved clays of Soviet Karelia.
In: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 63. Elsevier Sci-
ence Publishers B. V., Amsterdam: 121-134.
H e i g h t a b o v e ri v e r (m )

Ekman I., Bakhmutov V. and Zagny G., 1987: Stratification and cor-
relation of varved clays in terms of the fine palaeostructures of
the Earth’s magnetic field. In: Methods for the investigation of
lake deposits: palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological aspects.
-4 Vilnius: 47-61.
Gaigalas A., 1994: On palaeogeography of Late Pleistocene in the
Lithuania. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Geografia XXVI.
Nauki Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze – Zeszyt 92: 183-194.
Gaigalas A., Pevzner M. and Meleðytë M., 1991: Palaeomagne-
-3 tization of the Late Quaternary deposits of the South Baltic
region. In: Geochronological and isotope-geochemical research
into Quaternary Geology and Archaeology. Vilnius University
Press: 27-40 (in Russian).
Pevzner M. and Gaigalas A., 1976: Remanent Magnetization. In:
-2 The buried paleo-incisions of sub-quaternary rocks surface of the
South-East Baltic region. Mokslas Publishers, Vilnius: 65-74.
Torsvik T., 1992: IAPD – Interactive analysis of Palaeomagnetic
Fig. 9. Magnetic inclination (Inc), declination (Dec) and intensity Data. In: Manual. NGU, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway: 51.
(Int) of deposits of Netiesos profile. Full lines are 3-point
moving averages.

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp xx-xx, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology, Institute of Geography and Spatial
Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Œw. Jana 22, 31-018 Cracow, Poland
The Henryk Niewodniczañski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Cracow, Poland
Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland

Key words
words: Abstract: Topmost sediments in two oligotrophic lakes of the High Tatra Mountains were
Pb DATING, studied in terms of sedimentological characteristics and 210Pb dating. An alpine lake sediments
LACUSTRINE SEDIMENT, are important source of information on geomorphic process activity in glacial catchments.
SEDIMENTATION Two different sediment transfer models are represented. In Morskie Oko lake basin majority
RATE, HIGH TATRA of extreme, short lasting geomorphic events triggered on the surrounding slopes are registred
MOUNTAINS in lake sediments (minerogenic laminae), while in Zelene Pleso lake only an effect of pro-
longed flooding periods are to be seen. The sedimentation rates in both lakes are similar.

1. INTRODUCTION This paper attempts to calculate sedimentation rate

for two alpine catchments of the granodiorite High Tatra
Contemporary geomorphological evolution of moun- Mountains, which differ in size and geomorphological
tain landscape could be studied by use direct measure- units responsible for transfer of surficial material (Fig. 1).
ment of the effects of geomorphic processes on slopes and
in valley floors. Such studies are conducted by field ex-
periments, in which some fragments of landforms are
taken into monitoring of morphological changes after
certain periods. In this way one can collect quantitative
data on the rate and mode of transformation both by ero-
sion and accumulation processes. However, such data are
valuable for relatively small fragments of a given land-
scape, and cannot be used for evaluation of geomorpho-
logical changes within larger units, e.g. they are not suffi-
cient for estimates of sediment budget in alpine
catchments. Therefore, lacustrine sediment budgets are
commonly used as a measure of the operation of contem-
porary and paleogeomorphological processes in mountain
catchments (Wolman and Miller, 1960; Larsen and
Magnerud, 1981; Owens and Slaymaker, 1993). In such
studies, duration of the erosion period and the volume of
eroded bedrock, deposited in lake, is used as a measure
of erosion in glacial cirques since the ice withdrawal. It is
evidences by many authors that mountain cirque lakes
may trap a high portion of allochtonous minerogenic
material inflowing from the surrounding slopes. The sedi-
ments remain in the lake, and give records of environmen-
tal changes in the catchment, but not all material detached
from hillslopes reaches the lake basin. Thus, erosion rates
calculated according to sedimentation rates and total sedi-
ment volume may underestimate the true values. Fig.1. Location map for the Tatra Mountains.

2. METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND is relativelly small (surface area of 1.77 ha) and shallow
AND STUDY AREA (4 m). The core was extracted from a flat bed 4 m below
the water table.
An alpine sediment transfer model developed by Lake sediments were sampled with a 0.65 m Axelsson
N. Caine (1974) consists seven possible internal transfers. corer. Cores were immediately stored vertically and trans-
Complete set of slope and valley units contain all possible ported to the Laboratory at the Department of Geomor-
geomorphological units within which transfer of surficial phology and Hydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences in
material is going on. These fundamental units are used in Cracow together with the water rich uppermost unit.
the examination of geomorphic process activity in a se- Coring tubes filled with the sediment were X-rayed. On
quence of sediment transfers from interfluve to lake extrusion the cores were sliced into subsamples, and taken
basin. The final products of sediment transfers are stored for absolute dating and grain-size distribution analyses.
and registered in lake, and sedimentation rate in lake is The main reference for 210Pb dating of the Morskie Oko
quantitative measure of alpine geomorphic activity. Pre- sediments is Baumgart-Kotarba et al. (1993). The Zelene
cise dating of sediment units (members) provides an im- Pleso core was extracted in 2000.
portant tool in these studies. Thus, 210Pb dating seems to The Zelene Pleso core was sectioned at 2-3 mm in-
be a useful method in studies of youngest Holocene sedi- crements. The dry mass of sediment samples was 1-3 g.
ments. Pb activities were determined via its granddaughter
This study assesses dynamics and mode of two glacial Po. It was assumed that both isotopes were in radioac-
cirques in the High Tatra Mountains (Southern Poland tive equilibrium. Polonium separation procedure followed
and Slovakia) during the last ca 150 years on the basis of the method of Flynn (1968). The samples were treated
Pb dating of lacustrine sediments; in the Morskie Oko with a hot nitric acid and then H2O2 was added to them in
Lake of Poland (MO) and the Zelene Pleso Lake of order to oxygenate organic matter. After mineralisation
Slovakia (ZP). These two oligotrophic lakes which a the solution was evaporated to dryness. The dry residue
straddle upper timberline-alpine ecotone are located on was dissolved in HCl and evaporated again. Nitric acid
the northern side of the mountains (Fig. 2). Two differ- was completely replaced with hydrochloric acid after dis-
ent models are presented in the catchments taken into solution and evaporation cycle was repeated three times.
consideration. The Morskie Oko model contains only Polonium was deposited on silver disc from the 0.5 M
three internal transfers: free-face/rocky slope – talus – lake solution of HCl at 930C. 0.4 g of hydrazine dichloride was
basin. Zelene Pleso model contains five internal transfers: added in order to remove ions disturbing polonium depo-
free-face/rocky slope – talus – talus foot – valley floor – sition. After 3 hours of deposition, the silver disc surface
lake basin. In hanging valley called “Medena Dolina” the was covered with white coating. Alpha activity was mea-
greatest Tatra glacierette exists. Hydraulic connection sured by Canberra Alpha Analyst spectrometer with
exists periodically between glacierette and Zelene Pleso. Si PIPS detector. Before the samples were treated with
Morskie Oko Lake is located at 1395 m a.s.l., with a sur- the nitric acid 208Po was added to control efficiency of polo-
face area of 34.5 ha, and maximum depth of 51 m. The nium deposition and alpha detection. Counting time of
basin is glacially scoured, with infill sediment thickness single sample was approximately 2 – 3 days. Errors of total
5–6 m (Baumgart-Kotarba et al., 1993). The core was Pb specific activities depended on counting times and
extracted from the southern side of the basin at the depth sample 210Pb activities and varied in the range 0.002 – 0.016
of 37 m. Zelene Pleso Lake located at 1542 m a.s.l., Bq/g (1.6 – 8.8%).

Fig.2. Location map for Morskie Oko (MO) and Zelene Pleso Lake (ZP).

A. Kotarba et al.


Pb [Bq/g]
0 0.5 1 1.5
Morskie Oko
Two distinct sediment types: gyttja and inorganic clas-
tic sediments dominates in the core. Inorganic individual 1983
laminae or layers (silty and clayey material, with < 3% of

Depth [cm]
sand) are sharp and horizontally interbedded within gyttja
(Fig. 3; Kotarba, 1995). 2
Fig. 4 summarises results of 210Pb dating obtained for
the Morskie Oko sediments (Baumgart-Kotarba et al.,
1993). Ages of 2-3 mm thick layers shown in the figure
were calculated assuming the constant sedimentation rate 4
(0.37 mm/year) for the whole core. This sedimentation
Fig.4. Profile of specific activity of unsupported 210Pb and ages
rate was derived from the mean slope of 210Pb specific 2-3 mm thick layers of the Morskie Oko sediments (Baumgart-
activity plotted on a logarithmic scale (Robbins, 1978). Kotarba et al., 1993).
Ages of specific layers were determined by dividing their
depths by the sedimentation rate.
Total specific activity of 210Pb [Bq/g]
Zelene Pleso
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Sediments of the Zelene Pleso Lake are different in
terms of lithological properties and sedimentation rate 0
values. Homogeneous, inorganic material is very fine-
grained, clayey-silty, grain size between 0.5 - 200 µm, and
Depth [cm]

median values (M50) between 20-50 µm. Organic matter
content is very low (2.15-6.23%) as well as organic car- 5
bon content (1.25-3.61%). 6
Fig. 5 shows total 210Pb activities in sediment core from 7
Zelene Pleso. It was assumed that 210Pb activities at depths 8
6.15 cm (0.064 Bq/g) and 7.05 cm (0.060 Bq/g) represent
supported 210Pb levels. Mass weighted average activity of Fig.5. Profile of total specific activity of 210
Pb in sediments
these two sediment layers (0.061 Bq/g) was subtracted of Zelene Pleso Lake.

Fig.3. X-radiograph, densitometric curve and dating of sediment core S3 from Morskie Oko Lake (according to Kotarba, 1995).


from total 210Pb activities in order to obtain unsupported where rn is sedimentation rate for the interval between
Pb levels. Unsupported 210Pb activity varied in the range centres of the n-1 and n-th layer, hn and tn are depth and
0.019 (4.95 cm) to 0.276 Bq/g (0.55 cm). The decline in age of the n-th layer, h0 = 0, t0 = 0. General decrease of
unsupported 210Pb activity with depth is nonmonotonous the sedimentation rate down the profile reflects compac-
with two distinct minima corresponding to depth ranges tion and/or diagenesis of the sediments. Superimposed on
2.0–3.0 cm and 4.8–5.0 cm (lowest activities in these ranges this general trend are peaks of increased sedimentation
are 0.090 and 0.080 Bq/g, respectively). Due to pro- rates at depth ranges 4.8–5 cm and 2–3 cm. These ranges
nounced non-monotonic change of the unsupported 210Pb correspond to periods 1905–1910 AD and 1970–1975 AD,
activity profile the CRS (constant rate of supply; Goldberg, respectively. Average sedimentation rate calculated for
1963) model seems to be an appropriate mathematical the whole profile is 0.044 cm/year.
framework to evaluate ages and sedimentation rates for Fig. 8 shows dry surface mass accumulation rates cal-
the Zelene Pleso Lake sediments. The following formula culated according to the CRS model:
was used to determine ages of sediment layers:
r(x) = λ*Ac(x)/C(x), (3.3)
t=(1/ λ)* ln (Ac(0)/Ac(x)), (3.1)
where r(x) is mass accumulation rate at depth x and C(x)
where Ac(0) is cumulated specific activity of unsupported is unsupported 210Pb activity at depth x. Distinct maxima
Pb integrated over the whole profile, and Ac(x) repre- of mass accumulation rate correspond to minima in 210Pb
sents cumulated activity integrated for the part of profile specific activity (Fig. 5). According to the CRS model such
below the depth x. Fig. 6 shows absolute ages calculated patterns reflect periods of accelerated sedimentation
for all sediment layers. Uncertainties (1σ) of age deter- when unsupported 210Pb bearing sediments were diluted
mination were lower than 4 years. by material with lower 210Pb content.
Ages of sediment layers were used to calculate appar- The inventory of 210Pb in the sediment profile (Ac(0))
ent sedimentation rates for each layer. It was assumed that equalled 0.632 Bq/cm2. Provided that there is a steady state
the calculated age corresponds to the centre of the layer. between atmospheric supply and radioactive decay, the
Sedimentation rates presented in Fig. 7 were calculated flux of 210Pb from the atmosphere (Bq/cm2*year) was
according to the following formula: obtained as:

rn = (hn - hn-1)/(tn – tn-1), (3.2) 210

Pb flux = λ*Ac(0), (3.4)

and equalled 0.020 Bq/cm2*year. This flux is less than twice

as much as atmospheric fluxes estimated for this part of
Age [years] Europe (Preiss et al., 1996) what advocates (Oldfield and
0 50 100 150 200 Appleby, 1984) use of the CRS model in this case.
Depth [cm]

2 Lake sediments in two glacial cirques of the High

3 Tatras differ in terms of sedimentological properties. This
4 is conditioned by various transfer of surficial material to
lake basins by contemporaneous geomorphic processes.
In the case of three internal transfers model of Morskie
6 Oko lake, lacustrine sediment contains relatively precise
record of all major geomorphic events which occurred on
Fig.6. Profile of ages of 2 mm thick layers of the Zelene Pleso
sediments. the slopes, first of all rapid mass wasting (debris flow).

Sedimentation rate [cm/year] Accumulation rate [g/cm2 year]

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
1 1
Depth [cm]

Depth [cm]

3 3
4 4

Fig.7. Profile of sedimentation rates for Zelene Pleso Lake. Fig.8. Profile of mass accumulation rates for Zelene Pleso Lake.

A. Kotarba et al.

Pb dating of minerogenic laminae allow to distinguish ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
exact time of their trigger.
On contrary, within Zelene Pleso lake, where five in- This paper is part of a programme founded by KBN
ternal transfers model is appropriate, the main source of grant 6 P04E 037 19: The response of geomorphic pro-
terrestrial sediment supply to lake basin is fluvial cesses to climate change in the last 300 years in the High
(“glacifluvial”). The surrounding gullies and braided chan- Tatra Mountains awarded to Dr A. Kotarba. Lake sedi-
nels are seasonally active mainly during snowmelt peri- ment collection during winter fieldwork in Slovakia
ods. Thus, the sediments reaching the lake are fine grained (Zelene Pleso Lake) would have been impossible with-
and monotonous. Distinct boundaries within these sedi- out the energy and assistance of M.A. Maria Johansson
ments mark only seasons of catchment flooding caused (Kiruna, Sweden) and M.A. Stanis³aw Kêdzia (Cracow,
by snowmelt waters supplemented with continuous Poland).
summer rains. Signals of debris flow activity do not exist.
Increased sedimentation rate at depth range 4.8–5.0 cm REFERENCES
and 2-3 cm, which corresponds to period 1905–1910 AD
and 1970–1975 AD could be interpreted as an effect of Baumgart-Kotarba M., Kotarba A. and Wachniew P., 1993: Young
specific weather conditions. Initial analysis made for Holocene lacustrine sediments of the Morskie Oko Lake in the
Zelene Pleso sediments showed that there exists signifi- High Tatra and their dating by use 210Pb and 14C radioisotopes.
cant relation between precipitation regime and sedimen- Dokumentacja Geograficzna IG i PZ PAN, Z Badañ Fizyczno-
Geograficznych w Tatrach 4-5: 45-61 (in Polish).
tation rate. Rainfalls of long duration (several days of
Flynn W. W., 1968: The determination of low-levels of polonium-210
continuous rains) followed by intensive downpours, pro-
in environmental materials. Analytica Chemica Acta 43: 221-227.
duced the great melt and high discharges in the High Tatra Caine N., 1974: The geomorphic processes of the alpine environ-
Mountains and on the northern foreland. Substantial sum- ment. In: Arctic and Alpine Environments. London: 721- 741.
mer floods were recorded at that time span. Probably, Goldberg E. D., 1963: Radioactive dating. IAEA Symp.: 121-131.
glacierette-generated runoff in hanging valley (the Kotarba A., 1995: Rapid mass wasting over the last 500 years in the
Medena Dolina valley within catchment basin) was inten- High Tatra Mountains. Questiones Geographicae, Special Issue
sified by summer rainfalls of 102.5 mm/day (Skalnate 4: 177-183.
Pleso station) and 300 mm/day (Hala G¹sienicowa sta- Larsen E., and Magnerud J., 1981: Erosion rate of a Younger
tion) in 30 June 1973, and respectively 328–596.4mm in Dryas cirque glacier at Kråkenes, Western Norway. Annals of
June 1973. These circumstances explain maximum accu- Glaciology 2: 153-158.
Oldfield F. and Appleby P. G., 1984: Empirical testing of 210Pb
mulation rate at the depth of 2-3 cm. An important pe-
dating models for lake sediments. In: Haworth E. Y. and Lund
riod of slope alluviation, mainly by debris flows, identi-
J. W. G., eds., Lake sediments and Environmental History. Leic.
fied by the use of lichenometry at the beginning of 20th Univ. Press, Leicester: 93-124.
century, was also distinguished at Hala G¹sienicowa area Owens P. and Slaymaker O., 1993: Lacustrine Sediment Budget in
(Kotarba, 1997). the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. In: McMa-
In spite of similar rate of sedimentation in both lakes nus J. and Duck R..W.,eds., Geomorphology and Sedimentology
(MO–0.044 cm/year, ZP–0.037 cm/year), these indices are of Lakes and Reservoirs. J.Wiley & Sons Ltd: 105-123.
not valuable as a measure of geomorphic process activity Preiss N., Melieres M. A. and Pourchet M., 1996: A compilation of
on the surrounding slopes of alpine lake, because sediment data on lead 210 concentration in surface air and fluxes at the
delivery to the lakes is a function of catchment size, topo- air-surface and water-sediment interfaces. Journal of Geophy-
graphy and first of all - surficial water circulation. sical Research 101: 28,874-28,862.
Wolman M. G. and Miller J. P., 1960: Magnitude and forces in geo-
morphic processes. Journal of Geology. 68: 54-74.


GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 79-84, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology


Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Radiocarbon Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Quaternary Dating Research Unit, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa

Key words
words: Abstract: Despite almost a hundred years of reforestation efforts, the recharge area of the
CARBON ISOTOPES, Judea Group aquifer in the hills of the western Galilee still shows the signs of the severe soil
NITROGEN ISOTOPES, erosion that transpired in previous centuries. At present the soil profile is thin and basement
SOIL, rock is often exposed. Historical and Biblical sources suggest that the hills in the past were
LANDSCAPE CHANGES, more forested. Therefore, the δ15N values of dissolved nitrate were measured in radiocarbon-
CLIMATE CHANGES dated groundwater to see if evidence for past soil conditions could be deduced. Nitrate mine-
ralization processes in soils lead to enrichment in 15N of the residual nitrate, which being
dissolved by rain enters into the groundwater without further isotopic fractionation. Previo-
us studies have shown that there is a trend of increasing δ15N in a soil profile from plant, to
litter, to the organic material in the soil. In addition, there is a tendency for higher δ15N values
to be observed in those samples that have been taken at greater depth in a soil profile due to
progressive mineralization and subsequent nitrification of soil organic material. As long as
the dissolved oxygen is not depleted, denitrification will not occur to alter the isotopic com-
position of the dissolved nitrate. The nitrate concentrations and δ15N values, water chemistry,
tritium and radiocarbon activities were measured from the phreatic outcrop recharge region,
and onwards into the confined portions of the Judea Group aquifer and its continuation into
the juxtaposed Kurdani and Pleistocene aquifers. The radiocarbon activity decreases
with flow. Tritium values of above 2 TU are restricted to the recharge region. Using an initial
C activity of 64 pMC the radiocarbon ages of the water are found to range from recent to
7800 BP. The δ15N values of the dissolved nitrate within the young water recharge area fall in
the range of +3.1 to +4.8‰ (Air), having a mean of +3.9‰ (n=5). In older water the nitrate
concentration increases slightly, while the δ15N ranges from +4.7 to +7.2‰ (Air), having
a mean of +6.4‰ (n=17). The increase in the δ15N values in the older water down-dip is not
due to denitrification processes; for, the waters are well oxygenated. These older waters infil-
trated at the same point of origin in the phreatic portions of the aquifer (non-contaminated)
as the recent water. As the earlier infiltrating water flowed down dip they retained the δ15N
values of the environment at that time. The δ15N values present evidence that, compared to the
present, the soil and plant cover was better developed in earlier times, including Biblical times.

1. INTRODUCTION leon and his forces, similar to other armies in the past,
marched up from Egypt and back again across the Land.
There are two dominant processes that cause changes At other times, the Middle East corridor was accessed also
in the landscape. One is human activity and the other is from the sea – in Biblical times, e.g. by the Philistines
climate change. Beginning with our forebears who tra- (Amos, 9:7). In the middle Ages, waves of Crusaders came
versed the Middle East about 100,00 years ago and spread to the land of Israel, by way of the land as well as by the
into Europe and Asia (Stringer and Mckie, 1997), the sea (Benvenisti, 1970). All these coming and going
Land of Israel has always been a zone in which people through the Middle East left a mark on the landscape.
have wandered back and forth (Fig. 1). To name a few, Trees were cut for firewood and for building. Space was
we have the Egyptians, the Babylonians and the sons of cleared for agriculture. The latest and most intensive as-
Israel who went to Egypt and came back (Genesis 47:1; sault on the landscape was made by the Ottomans, who,
Exodus 15: 16-28). Likewise, in more recent times Napo- during the First World War, cut the forests of the country

at a rate of 10 tons/day, to feed their steam locomotives, not have been big (King Solomon had to import cedars
which traversed the country from the north down to Beer from Lebanon in order to build the temple (I Kings 5:6)).
Sheba (Sheffer, 1987). From the Bible, we know that dur- Israel is not only a passage way but a transition zone
ing the Iron Age, at the time of our Patriarchs, the land between temperate and desert climate regimes. The tran-
was covered with extensive forests; although, the trees might sition line between these two regimes has been delineated
by Goodfriend (1988) near the town of Beer Sheba (Fig. 2).
Clearly a northward shift of the desert would profoundly
affect the floral landscape. The possibility that the transi-
tion zone has not always been anchored near Beer Sheba
must be investigated before it can be excluded as having
been a cause of forest degradation to the north in the past.
In this paper we investigate the evidence, and evalu-
ate the causes for change in the landscape using climate
proxy data, preserved in the groundwater of an important
aquifer water in northern Israel, near Haifa (Fig. 2). The
aquifer (Fig. 3) is bounded by the hills of the lower Gali-
Fig. 1. The Land of Israel has served as a land corridor of the lee in the east and by the Coastal Plain, to the west (Mero,
Middle East, through which people have migrated and armies 1983). The direction of water flow is from the east, where
have passed for millennia (Modified from Passover Hagada, recharge takes place, westwards. The present-day top soil
Koren Publishers; Jerusalem, 1979).
is very thin and in many places the bed rock is exposed. It
had been eroded by rain flushing away the bare soil of
the denuded hills under the influence of the the steep
gradient of the terrain,which enabled the process to be
very efficient. In the cross section of the Judea Group
aquifer (Fig. 4) it is seen that the recharge in the east is
into a matrix of limestones and dolomites. Flowing down
dip from the phreatic recharge area, the water becomes
confined under an impermeable aquiclude. Further to-
wards the sea there are two small aquifers (Kurdani and
Pleistocene) overlain by a thick impermeable clay layer.
Faulting has juxtaposed portions of the permeable beds
of each aquifer against each other. Therefore, this has
enabled water from the Judea Group aquifer to drain into,
and recharge in turn, the carbonate Kurdani aquifer, and
then the sandy Pleistocene aquifer. A small outcrop of the
Kurdani aquifer supplies some water to the Pleistocene
aquifer as well. Other than this small recharge, no surface
water has entered these aquifers except that which has ori-
ginated the in hill region where the Judea Group outcrops.

Fig. 3. Geological map of the study area showing location of

the samples. The outcrop area of the Judea Group carbonate
aquifer is restricted to the hills in the east. It is overlain by
younger, impermeable strata westwards of the recharge. The
Fig. 2. Present day rainfall distribution map of Israel. There is Kurdani aquifer, which receives drainage from the Judea Group,
a steep north south gradient in the precipitation. The desert has only two small surface exposures. The hydrologically
boundary is located today in the vicinity of Beer Sheva. The connected Pleistocene aquifer is only encountered in the
study area extends from the hills of western Galilee to Haifa Bay, subsurface. The Pleistocene aquifer is not seen at the surface
immediately north of Haifa. because it is covered by recent dune aquifer.

V. Rogojin et al.

top soil: when it is thick, more time is available for pro-

duction of ammonia and the 15N of nitrates becomes more
enriched. Previous studies have shown a trend of increas-
ing δ15N in a soil profile from plant, to litter, to the or-
ganic soil material. Moreover, there is a tendency for
higher δ15N values in samples that have been taken at
greater depth in a soil profile, due to progressive miner-
alization and subsequent nitrification of soil organic ma-
terial (Lajtha and Michener, 1994). By contrast, when the
topsoil is thin, the time of ammonia production is short
Fig. 4. A schematic east-west hydrogeologic cross-section
and the δ15N of the nitrate should be lower. Once in the
is presented using representative wells from the recharge and
confined sections of the Judea Group aquifer. Sample 6 is aquifer the isotopic signature of the dissolved nitrate will
projected onto the section to show the hydrologic interconne- not change unless either additional nitrate is added along
ction between the Kurdani aquifer and the Judea Group, while the water flow path, or if bacterial denitrification (which
samples 4 and 33 are projected on this east-west cross section occurs only under unaerobic conditions) of the dissolved
to show interconnection between the Pleistocene aquifer and
nitrate takes place. In the aquifer under consideration
the Kurdani aquifer.
both these effects can be excluded for: (1) no additional
inputs of nitrate, even if such sources were to have exis-
2. METHODS ted, could penetrate through the impermeable confining
aquicludes, and (2) the water of the Judea Group aquifer
Water samples were collected from pumping wells that is well oxygenated (8-9 mg/l in the recharge reigon and
exploit this multi-aquiferial system, with the purpose of 4-7 mg/l in the confined region (Rogojin, 2000)). Thus,
finding isotopic evidence for the timing and the causes of anaerobic conditions never prevailed to allow for the al-
changes in the landscape above the recharge area. More teration of the isotopic signature of the dissolved nitrate
specifically, evidence for the dilution or elimination of flora by denitrification processes. Therefore, we feel confident
and its subsequent effect on the topsoil was looked for. that the δ15N values of the groundwater at each sampling
In the water, two isotopic proxies were studied to dif- site reliably reflect the isotopic signature of the dissolved
ferentiate between the two possible scenarios outlined nitrate at the time of recharge. To use these proxies in
above. One proxy is the ratio of the stable isotopes of a historical context, we dated the aquifer water with 14C
carbon. The composition of this isotopic ratio in aquifer and with tritium.
water is a result of the combination of inputs of carbon
from two end members: organic matter on the surface and 3. EXPERIMENT
the matrix through which recharge water passes into the
aquifer (Mook et al., 1974). The source of organic matter The sampling was carried out in 1994-1996. Samples
on the surface are plants that have grown there. In a tem- for nitrogen analyses were collected in 1 liter plastic
perate climate these are predominantly C3 plants, with bottles. The analyses were carried out at the Center for
δ13C values within the approximate range of –20 and – Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria, South
32‰ (Clark and Fritz, 1997). When a temperate climate Africa, using a SIRA 24 mass-spectrometer. The δ15N
gives way to desert conditions there is a corresponding values are reported relative to atmospheric air, with a pre-
change in the flora. The land cover changes from C3 to cision of 0.15‰. Radiocarbon analyses required 50-liter
predominantly C4 plants. The latter are characterized by samples. The tritium and radiocarbon analyses were mea-
δ13C values between –11 and –17‰ (Vogel et al., 1986). sured at the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at the
As the other end member is a carbonate rock matrix, hav- Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. The
ing a δ13C of ~ 0‰ (Magaritz et al.,1983), then δ13C of tritium was enriched by electrolysis, converted to ethane
the dissolved bicarbonate in the water will be approxi- and detected in proportional counters. Tritium concen-
mately half of the average soil gas value. Thus, if the aqui- trations are reported in tritium units (1 TU = 1 atom tri-
fer water were to exhibit a marked enrichment in13C, this tium per 1018 atoms of hydrogen). The associated stan-
would be supportive of a climatic control; whereby, the dard deviation is reported at the 1σ level of confidence.
erosion would have resulted from a northward excursion The precision was better than 0.3 TU. Radiocarbon
of the desert boundary from its present position. measurements were carried out on the CO2 that was
The second proxy is the nitrogen isotope 15N. The ni- precipitated as BaCO3 from 50 liters of water. It was con-
trogen in water is also derived from organic matter in the verted to ethane and 14C was detected in proportional
topsoil. The decomposition of this organic matter gener- counters. The results are expressed in percent with respect
ates ammonium which can be partly volatilised as ammo- to “modern carbon” (pMC), with the associated statisti-
nia gas (at high pH), and the remaining organic matter is cal counting error at the 1σ level of confidence. The pre-
oxidized to nitrites and nitrates by bacterial nitrification. cision was better than 0.6 pMC. δ 13C was measured
When a light gas like ammonia is formed, it becomes rela- using an Atlas MAT 250 mass spectrometer with a preci-
tively depleted in 15N. The remaining nitrate becomes sion of 0.1‰.
enriched in 15N. The extent of the enrichment in 15N de-
pends on the intensity and duration of nitrification in the


4. RESULTS and 32.6 pMC; otherwise, it has a similar range nitrogen

of isotopic values.
Table 1 summarizes the data used in our interpreta- To convert the measured radiocarbon activity of the
tion. No NO2 was detected. The δ15N values of the dis- water to an absolute age it is necessary to determine its
solved nitrate within the recharge area fall in the narrow initial activity. According to the model of Ingerson and
range of +3.1 to +4.2‰. They gradually change to Pearson (1964), the range of the initial activity of (pre-
higher values along the flow path, reaching +6 to + 7‰. thermonuclear) radiocarbon in the water is 64-66 pMC.
The nitrate values range from 12 to as high as 38 mg/L Kroitoru et al. (1989), using mass-balance considerations,
nitrate but there is no consistent change in the nitrate con- calculated the initial radiocarbon activity for recharge
centrations with flow. The tritium values vary with geo- water in the Judea Group aquifer to be 62±3 pMC. We
graphical position. There are measurable amounts of tri- therefore use 64 pMC to calculate the ages of the water
tium in the phreatic recharge, and none in the confined in the aquifer (Table 1). Clearly, values above 64 pMC
sections of the aquifer. The radiocarbon concentration have a component of thermonuclear radiocarbon and are
varies from 64-70 pMC in the phreatic region where tri- regarded modern. The oldest water in the main aquifer is
tium is encountered, to 46 pMC in the well furthest the about 2800 years old. This defines the flow rate of this
down-dip (the Afeq-B well). The δ13C values vary from - aquifer to 5 m/yr, which is comparable with the rate of
14.0 to -18.6‰ (PDB). In the Kurdani aquifer the δ13C flow of other carbonate aquifers in Israel (e.g. Kronfeld
values vary from -12.3 to -15.2‰ (PDB), while the et al., 1992). The waters in the Kurdani and Pleistocene
radiocarbon activity is in the range of 50-55 pMC. The aquifers are significantly older, the oldest being about
nitrate values are similar to those most frequently encoun- 7800 BP. Yet, they exhibit δ13C and δ15N values that are
tered in the Judea Group water being in the range of ap- similar to those from the confined portions of the main
proximately 12 to 23 mg/l, with a corresponding range in aquifer. The hydraulic gradient near the coast is very
δ15N values +5.6 to +7.0 ‰. The radiocarbon activity of small, and this can explain the big difference in water ages
the water of the Pleistocene aquifer is much lower, 24.8 over small distance.

Table 1. Radiometric age data and nitrogen isotopic data in the multi-aquiferal system of the Western Galilee
Sample Wells Aquifer* Tritium δ 13C 14C Age NO3 δ 15N
Code # [TU] [‰, PDB] [pMC] [BP] [mg/l] [‰ Air]
Young samples from recharge region
41 Meged Kramim-1 J.G. 2.9±0.2 -15.1 64.0±0.6 Recent 14.6 3.7
42 Meged Kramim-2 J.G. 2.6±0.2 -14.6 70.1±0.4 Recent 15.5 4.0
43 Meged Kramim-3 J.G. 1.7±0.2 -14.9 66.1±0.5 Recent 12.4 3.1
44 Hazon-3 J.G. 5.6±0.2 -15.4 83.1±0.4 Recent 22.6 4.8
45 Hazon-4 J.G. 1.5±0.2 -15.5 76.4±0.4 Recent 20.4 4.2
Samples from confined section of the aquifer
38 Miar J.G. 0.5±0.3 -15.7 59.8±1.0 561±140 19.0 6.5
20 Akko-2 J.G. 1.9±0.2 -18.6 56.9±0.5 972± 73 23.5 6.8
40 Lokhamey K 2.0±0.2 -15.2 55.3±0.4 1208±60 22.6 6.9
39# Ahihud J.G. 0±0.2 -12.9 55.1±0.6 1238±90 12.4 4.7
6 Afeq-C K 0±0.2 -14.3 51.6±0.3 1780±49 12.0 5.6
16 Damun-5 J.G. 0.4±0.2 -14.0 50.5±0.4 1959±65 19.0 6.8
9 Kefar Masaryk-3 K 0.4±0.2 -12.3 50.0±0.7 2041±116 23.6 6.9
18 Akko-4 J.G. 1.1±0.2 -16.7 49.8±0.4 2074±66 14.6 5.1
13 Damun-3 J.G. 1.1±0.3 -14.5 48.3±0.4 2327±69 38.5 7.0
7 Afeq-B J.G. 0±0.2 -14.6 45.8±0.4 2766±73 17.3 6.6
4 Qiryat Khaim-24 P 0.2±0.2 -14.2 32.6±0.4 5577±102 10.2 6.1
33 Qiryat Khaim-22 P 0±0.2 -12.7 24.8±0.2 7838±67 11.5 7.2
Samples in confined section of the aquifer with measured δ15N but lacking concomitant radiocarbon ages
21 Birwa-3 J.G. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 13.7 5.9
19 Akko-3 J.G. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 16.4 7.0
15 Damun-4 J.G. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 25.7 6.8
14 Damun-1 J.G. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 31.9 6.4
10 Kefar Masaryk-2 K n.d. n.d. n.d. - 18.6 7.0
J.G. = Judea Group, K = Kurdani, P = Pleistocene,
# = a difference was noted, for this sample, between the nitrate concentration measured before the isotopic analysis and the yield of N that was produced in the laboratory- possibly
indicating that the isotopic analysis is suspect.

V. Rogojin et al.

5. DISCUSSION nitrogen isotopes of the dissolved nitrate, which in turn is

related to – and thus records – the thickness of the soil
The 13C in the aquifer is quite depleted (Table 1) and and the extent of the overlying plant cover of the last few
this suggests that the organic end-member of carbon in centuries, when the region was ruled by the Ottoman
the water, which came from the organic matter of the top- empire. This process, that led to erosion, could have be-
soil, have always been C3 plants. For a contribution from gun with uncontrolled grazing by goats, in conjunction
C4 plants we would expect values of δ13C around –7‰ with the cutting of trees to avoid taxation and culminated
and this is clearly not the case. We can thus conclude that with the massive destruction of forests for use in the
the change in the land cover was not due to the shift of Ottoman steam locomotives, at the beginning of the 20th
the desert line from Beer Sheba to the Lower Galilee. century. Whatever, the precise sequence of events, by the
Fig. 5. shows the δ15N data for water in the aquifer, as end of the Ottoman rule, the landscape of the Galillee
a function of the age of the water, calculated from radio- was largely denuded of trees and soil. This necessitated
carbon. The broad picture is a practically stable value of largescale reforestation projects that are still ongoing. The
δ15N in the +6 to +7‰ range. This is in the range of δ15N nitrogen isotopic data supports the biblical description.
found in the literature for soil organic matter (Gormly There are 3 data points in Fig. 5 with δ15N that fall
and Spalding, 1979; Heaton, 1984; Komor and Anderson, below the average for the older water. One of them (No. 6)
1993). There are 5 additional measurements (Table 1) for (Fig. 4) is also an outlier in the age gradient of the aqui-
the confined portion of the aquifer that also fall within fer. However, this well is very close to the small outcrop
this range; but, as we have no dates for them they are not of the Kurdani aquifer, which has a very thin soil cover
presented in Fig. 5. Though the aquifer contains one con- (Fig. 3). Therefore the water in this well could be a mix-
tinuous water body, there is a sharp break in the nitrate ture of the main aquifer water with young water, charac-
isotopic compositons that delineates the older from the terized by higher 14C activity combined with lower δ15N.
younger water groups, in which the δ15N of the dissolved If we take δ 15 N=+3.5‰ for the young water and
nitrate decreases to as low as +3.5‰. This change is taken δ15N=+7.0‰ for the main aquifer, we find that this
not as an isotopic evolution process that occurred within sample from the Kurdani aquifer is composed of 40%
the aquifer. No isotopic fractionation can be attributed young water and 60% water from the main aquifer.
to bacterial denitrification within the downdip segment Assuming that the 14C content of the young water is 64 pMC,
of the aquifer to raise the δ15N; for denitrification requires we find the 14C content of the water from the main aqui-
anoxic conditions and the waters are well oxygenated. fer to be 43.3 pMC with a corresponding age of 3130 BP.
Indeed, no lowering of the nitrate concentration is noted. This age is quite consistent with the gradient of ages along
Thus, the measured δ15N values have not been altered the direction of flow in the main aquifer.
within the aquifer. Therefore, these values reflect the The other two points are well behaved hydrologically
degree of isotopic fractionation of nitrogen within the soil and therefore they could be either an artifact or pertur-
before the nitrate entered the aquifer. Thus it appears that bation of the grand trend, or they could represent actual
the groundwater preserves and records the changes in the historical events. As historical events, they seem to sug-
gest reversible changes in the land cover: thinner topsoil,
or less organic matter in the top soil. The historical tim-
ing of these data points are Hellenistic, and some 300 years
7 after the Arab conquest of the land, just before the Cru-
saders. Until we have some more data, the interpretation
6 must remain speculative. It is clear, however, that a highly
eroded soil profile produces much less isotopic fraction-
ation of 15N than a well developed soil profile, like the one
d 1 5 N [‰]

that covered the land when lions roamed the forests of
Judea (I Kings 13:24).
Our analysis shows that of the two potential culprits
1 responsible for the changes in the land cover of northern
Israel only one is to blame, namely, the changes brought
0 11000
,0 0 0 22000
,0 0 0 33000
,0 0 0 44000
,0 0 0 55000
,0 0 0 66000
,0 0 0 77000
,0 0 0 88000
,0 0 0
about by human hands. There is no evidence that the
desert line migrated this far north from its present posi-
R a dio ca rb on A g e [BP]
y e a rs B .P . tion during the last 8000 years. We think that it is of inter-
Fig. 5. The nitrogen isotopic composition of the groundwater est to note that an aquifer can be an archive for the his-
nitrate is plotted as a function of age. All of the groundwater tory of environmental processes.
samples can be considered to have entered the aquifer in the
recharge area in the east before flowing to the point at which
they have been subsequently sampled in this study. The sample
#39 is denoted with a question mark; for, the isotopic analysis
may not be reliable (as discussed in Table 1).


REFERENCES Kronfeld J., Vogel J.C., and Rosenthal A., 1992: Natural isotopes
and water stratification in the Judea Group aquifer (Judea
Benvenisti M., 1970: The Crusaders in the Holy Land. Israel Uni- Desert). Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 39: 71-77.
versities Press, Jerusalem: 408 pp. Lajtha K. and Michener R.H. (Eds.), 1994: Stable Isotopes in Eco-
Clark I. and Fritz P., 1997: Environmental Isotopes in Hydrology. logy and Environmental Science. Blackwell Science Publications,
Lewis Publishers, New York: 328 pp. Oxford: 316 pp.
Goodfriend G.A., 1988: Mid-Holocene rainfall in Negev Desert from Magaritz M., Issar A. and Azmon E., 1983: On the genesis of dis-
C of snail shell organic matter. Nature 333: 757-760. cordant dolostones bodies in the Northeastern Negev, Israel.
Gormly J.R. and Spalding R.F., 1979: Sources and concentrations Chemical Geology 39: 93-114.
of nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater of the Central Plate Region, Mero D., 1983: Subsurface geology of Western Galilee and Zevulun
Nebraska. Ground Water 17: 291-301. Plain. Tahal, Tel-Aviv, Internal Report No. 04/83/48: 36 pp.
Heaton T.H.E., 1984: Sources of nitrate in groundwater in the Mook W.G., Bommerson J.C., and Staverman W.H., 1974: Carbon
western Kalahari. Journal of Hydrology 67: 249-259. isotope fractionation between dissolved bicarbonate and gaseous
Ingerson E. and Pearson F.J. Jr., 1964: Estimation of age and rate dioxide. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 22: 169-176.
of motion of groundwater by the 14C method. In: Recent re- Rogojin V., 2000: The use of natural isotopes as an aid in studying the
searches in the fields of atmosphere, hydrosphere and nuclear geohydrological processes in the multi-aquiferal system of the Haifa
geochemistry, Sugawara Festival Volume, Maruzen Co., Tokyo: Bay region. Ph.D. Thesis, Tel-Aviv University: 71 pp.
263-283. Sheffer U., 1987: The cutting down of the oak forest on the Tiv’on
Komor S.C. and Anderson H.W., Jr., 1993: Nitrogen isotopes as hills during World War I. Cathedra 44: 97-106 (in Hebrew).
indicators of nitrate sources in Minnesota sand-plain aquifers. Stringer Ch. and Mckie R., 1997: African Exodus. Henry Holt and
Ground Water 31: 260-270. company, New York: 282 pp.
Kroitoru L., Carmi I. and Mazor E., 1989: Groundwater 14C acti- Vogel J.C., Fuls A. and Danin A., 1986: Geographical and environ-
vity as affected by initial water-rock interactions in the Judean mental distribution of C3 and C4 grasses in the Sinai, Negev and
Mounains, Israel. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Sec- Judea deserts. Oecologia 70: 258-265.
tion) 79: 259-274.

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 85-96, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology


Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology,
Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Department of Physical Geography and Palaeogeography, Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University,
Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University,
Plac Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland;
Los Alamos Laboratory, Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics Group, Los Alamos, Mailstop K764, NM 87545, USA
Department of Geology, Utkal University Bhubaneswar - 751004 (Orissa) India

Key words
words: Abstract: 14C concentration measurements together with carbon and oxygen stable isotope
C DATING, analysis in calcareous tufa give possibilities for reconstruction of time scale and palaeoclimatic
STABLE ISOTOPES, conditions of sedimentary processes. Results of isotope examinations of 2 profiles with
CALCAREOUS TUFA, organic and tufa sediments from Eastern Poland and 8 calcareous tufa sites from Eastern
HOLOCENE, India (Orissa) are given. A systematic error of 14C conventional age of carbonate fraction of
POLAND, INDIA tufa samples as reservoir age (TR) was estimated. The TR values of different type of tufa sedi-
ment are determined by stream water energy. On the basis of known experimental depen-
dence between TR and δ13C for tufas deposited in high, average and low energy water,
unknown values of TR and corrected 14C ages (TCCA) were calculated for samples from India
tufa sites. Continuous deposition of organic and carbonate sediments in Polish profiles give
the possibility to calculate the approximated TCCA ages on the basis of dependence between
TCCA and a sample depth in a profile, and time scale reconstruction of δ13C and δ18O changes
in carbonate fraction of tufa samples during the whole Holocene.

1. INTRODUCTION during sedimentation processes are concerned with pri-

mary factors, which determine the initial 14C concentra-
Tufas are freshwater carbonate deposits, the deposi- tion in carbonates. Isotopic studies of groundwater give
tion of which is affected by physico-chemical and/or bio- some information about this process. Radiocarbon stu-
chemical processes. Continental carbonate deposits like dies of groundwater have resulted in formulation of di-
tufa are now being used for radiocarbon dating (Geyh and fferent models which estimate initial 14C activity of HCO3-
Schleicher, 1990; Pazdur, 1988; Pazdur et al., 1988a; Srdoc ions dissolved in water (Mook, 1976 and Pearson, 1992).
et al., 1980, 1982 and 1983; Thorpe et al., 1980 and 1981). However, physicochemical processes involved in precipi-
These deposits are also considered as reliable recorders tation of tufa are complex and numerous environmental
of palaeoclimatic and environmental changes (Andrews factors may influence them (Friedman, 1970; Usdowski
et al., 1994; Pazdur et al., 1988b and Turi et al., 1986). et al., 1979 and Pazdur et al., 1988a, b). Direct application
Results of 14C measurements of tufa from several sites of such models in 14C dating of tufa has led to unsatisfac-
in southern and eastern Poland indicated significant tory results.
variability of initial 14C activity and its dependence on sedi- All investigated calcareous tufa samples collected from
mentological and geochemical processes (Dobrowolski different regions and profiles indicate depletion in 14C
et al., 1999; Pazdur, 1988 and Pazdur et al., 1988a). isotope in the moment of deposition. It causes a system-
A number of factors determine the reliability of 14C dates atic error of conventional radiocarbon dates of carbon-
of the tufaceous sediments. Carbon isotopic fractionation ate fractions, i.e., so called reservoir (or apparent) age.

Fig. 1. Location of studied sites with tufa

deposits in Eastern India (Orissa State):
Phulbani, Boudh, Nayagarh, Keonjhar and
Mayurbhanj and in Eastern Poland (Lublin
Upland): Krzywice-1(K) and Rudka-2(R).

Conventional 14C age of carbonate sample is “older” than l Calcareous muds precipitated in shallow, stagnant-wa-
true radiocarbon age. The value of reservoir age has con- ter basins in conditions of semilimnic sedimentation.
nection with the environment of tufa deposition. In In the Indian context, tufa deposits (see Figs 3, 4 and
streams with turbulent and fast flow, tufaceous sediments 5) are classified as follows (Das and Mohanti, 1997).
show the highest values of reservoir age, even 4000 years. l Waterfall tufa (Fig. 3): precipitated from turbulent wa-
Deposits of streams with moderate and variable flow show ter flow (high energy condition); include stromatolic
the lowest values of the reservoir age (ca 2500-2100 years), tufa, phytohermal (moss) tufa, phytoclastic tufa and
while the stagnant water deposits have the lowest values occasional pisoids.
(less than 1000 years). l Slope tufa (Fig. 4): precipitated from moderately agi-
According to Szulc (1983) and Pazdur and Szulc tated water flow conditions; include stromatolitic tufa,
(1988a) a slightly simplified classification of was done: phytotermal tufa and phytoclastic tufa.
l Spring tufa: precipitated in turbulent, high energy l Low gradient stream /river channel margin tufa (Fig. 5):
water flow (oncoids, stromatolites and moss precipitated from low or variable water flow; include
travertines). stromatolic tufa and coated pebbles.
l Tufas (oncoids and moss travertines) and peloidal cal- None of the deposits indicate shallow or stagnant-
careous muds: precipitated in streams with low or vari- water basin conditions.
able water flow.

A. Pazdur et al.

Redeposition and diagenetic modifications are con- and the type of sediment. The type of calcareous sedi-
sidered as secondary factors influencing the 14C dates of ments depends strongly on hydrodynamic conditions of
tufaceous sediments. Post-depositional changes include water flow (Szulc, 1983).
dissolution and reprecipitation of CaCO3 within the sedi- Observed values of q in both recent and ancient tufas
ment. Cementation of tufaceous sediments leads to con- range from 0.5 to 0.95 (Srdoc et al., 1983; Thorpe et al.,
tamination of primary carbonates with 14C contained in 1981; Pazdur 1988; Pazdur et al., 1988a and Pazdur and
percolating water. Radiocarbon dating of redeposited and Pazdur, 1990) and consequently the values of TR are in-
diagenetically modified calcareous tufa yields erroneously cluded in interval from 500 to 5500 yr. They can be of
high values. Detailed examination of the profile during extremely high value ca 11 kyr (Pazdur, 1988).
sampling may help to overcome this type of error. The factors determining the precipitation of freshwa-
ter carbonates should be reflected by isotopic composi-
2. RESERVOIR EFFECT IN 14C DATING tion of carbon (δ13C, A0) in carbonate samples and should
OF TUFACEOUS SEDIMENTS influence the TR value. The measured values are TC (see
Eq. (2.1)) and some dependence between δ13C and TC is
Radiocarbon activity of freshwater carbonate sediment expected.
at the moment of precipitation (A0) is obviously influenced Radiocarbon dating of tufaceous sediments should be
by isotopic composition of carbon compounds dissolved associated with detailed sedimentologic studies and car-
in water. bon stable isotope δ13C measurements (Pazdur, 1988).
The conventional radiocarbon age (TC) of carbonate, Estimating true ages TCCA of individual tufa layers is rela-
determined by the ratio of measured 14C activity (A) in tively easy even when few organic horizons can be found
a sample to 14C activity of the contemporary biosphere in the investigated profile. In such case, measured values
(AOX), defined as 95% of the activity of NBS oxalic acid of 14C ages of carbonate and organic fractions can be co-
standard (Stuiver and Polach, 1977), i.e., rrelated with δ13C values of tufa carbonate. A constant
value of δ13C in the profile indicates a constant value of
æ A ö apparent age, which can be determined independently
TC = -8033 ´ lnç ÷
(2.1) by comparing 14C ages of carbonate and associated organic
ç ÷
è AOX ø matter or detrital organic matter dispersed in the carbo-
nate, itself. Assuming that the age of organic remnants
is greater than the real age of sediments because of reflects the actual age of carbonate precipitation, we can
depletion of initial 14C activity in precipitated carbonate define the reservoir age TR of carbonate
with respect to biosphere. Difference between TC and the
real age is characterised by so called “reservoir age” TR TR = TC - TORG (2.4)
(or apparent age TAPP; Pazdur, 1988). The value of TR is
related to initial 14C activity of carbonate (A0) and reser- This value determined for a tufa profile with known
voir dilution factor (q) through the equation values of δ13C across the profile, can be used for estima-
tion of the real age of tufa horizons on the basis of TC
æ A ö measurements.
ç ÷
TR = -8033 ´ lnç o ÷ = -8033 ´ ln q (2.2) Profiles of tufaceous sediments that do not contain
ç A ÷
è ox ø organics, may be characterised by constant value of the
reservoir (apparent) age and can be dated with accept-
The real conventional radiocarbon age TCCA is obvi- able accuracy. It was found, that constant TR value in a
ously described by profile reveals peloidal calcareous muds precipitated from
(2.3) stagnant or low-energy water, and tufas precipitated from
turbulent water, which do not exhibit significant correla-
The value of reservoir age TR observed for calcareous tion of δ13C and TC (Pazdur, 1988).
tufa, lake marl, lacustrine gyttja and cements is charac- To estimate magnitude of the reservoir age the rela-
teristic for depositional environment of carbonate, which tion between TR and δ13C can be used in the shape of equa-
includes geographic locality of the karst area, type of veg- tion characteristic for spring tufa precipitated from higher
etation, and type of bedrock as well as it contains infor- energy water
mation on sources of carbon and its geochemical cycle in
TR = (13.50±3.27) + (0.96±0.34) x δ13C [kyr] (2.5)
environment. Observed TR values for these sediments
range from several hundred to several thousand years and or characteristic for tufas precipitated from average
sometimes more (Pazdur, 1988 and 2000 and Pazdur et al., and lower energy water
1995a, b). Speleothems have relatively constant reservoir
age determined by stable sedimentation conditions in TR = (4.41±0.98) + (0.25±0.11) x δ13C [kyr]. (2.6)
caves (Hercman, 2000; Holmgren et al., 1994 and Pazdur
et al., 1999). The TR values may be calculated on the basis of equa-
The scattering of values of TR observed by various tions (2.5) or (2.6), and in consequence TCCA, using equa-
authors could be explained by the dependence of TR on tion (2.3) for each measured pair TC and δ13C in tufa
the bedrock type (which is a source of 14C-free carbon) samples, may be determined.



Carbonate sediments are presented by moss tufas de-
Lublin Upland, Eastern Poland posited in well oxidised ascending springs, and by calcar-
Calcareous tufas and travertines occurring in Poland eous muds formed in shallow, stagnant water basins in
are formed by precipitation from groundwater circulat- conditions of semilimnic sedimentation (Dobrowolski et
ing through/carbonate rocks of different lithology (lime- al., 1999 and 2001; Fig. 2A). The thickness of tufa layers
stones, chalks, marls) and stratigraphic position (Devo- in examined profiles varies from ca 0.5 to 40 cm. These
nian, Lower Carboniferous, Jurassic, Cretaceous and unconsolidated carbonate sediments, with no diagenetic
Tertiary). Their sites are found mainly in the Southern changes, were formed as incrustations of hygrophyte
Poland (Carpathians and Cracow-Wieluñ Upland; Szulc, plants (Cyperaceae, Phragmites, Calliergon giganteum and
1983) and Eastern Poland (Lublin Upland; Dobrowolski Scorpidium scorpioides). Thickness of organic-carbonate
et al., 1999; see Fig. 1). Sites with tufaceous sediments from sequence in the Krzywice-1 profile is ca 6m and in the
the Eastern Poland are connected with soligenous mires: Rudka-2 profile - ca 4m. Simplified lithology of sediments
carbonate deposition strongly depends on groundwater from both profiles is given in Fig. 2.
circulation and structure of the Upper Cretaceous bed-

Fig. 2. Sediment profiles with tufa deposits and results

o radiocarbon dating: part A - profiles from Poland with
TORG or TCCA ages (see Table 1) used for calculation of
curves described by Eqs (5.7) and (5.8); part B - profiles
from India with TCCA ages of samples (see Table 2).

A. Pazdur et al.

Orissa, Eastern India Figs of 3 to 5. Phytohermal tufas are mostly calcified

Several freshwater tufa deposits occur in the tropical mosses (Das and Mohanti, 1997). When the mosses are
setting in Phulbani, Boudh, Nayagarh, Keonjhar and less than 2 cm in size, these tufa are named as microhermal
Mayurbhanj districts of Orissa State (Fig. 1). The depos- tufa, in which case some pteridophytic plants and algae
its occur as surficial deposits in hilly topography; at sites may be associated. Occasionally, pisoids also occur along
of waterfalls, where streams have steeper gradients or with intraclastic deposits. Porous zones show thin inor-
margins of small river where boulders or bedrock occur. ganic crusts called sinter. Larger cavernous zones show
In Phulbani, Boudh and Nayagarh districts the rock types speleothem-like deposits like stalactites and laminated
are charnokites, khondalites and granite gneisses belong- flowstone.
ing to the Easternghat Group. In Keonjhar district, the The deposits show variations in the thickness of dif-
deposit rests over quartzite, which is overlain by basic lava ferent tufa facies. Tufa profiles were constructed from
and tuff of Simlipal Group and underlain by the quarry faces and stream-cut sections after careful exami-
Singhbhum Granite. The deposits in Mayurbhanj district nation of the sequence of tufa facies and associations (Figs
have been formed at the contact of quartzites of Iron Ore 3, 4 and 5). Samples were collected from various layers
Group and younger dolerite intrusives. The quartzites showing major sedimentary intervals (Fig. 2B). Profile
along with a thin band of ferruginous shale overlie the samples were collected from three localities (i.e.,
Singhbhum Granite, which is invaded by numerous dol- Mundapathar, Sulagan and Kudipasa). Some number of
erite dykes. tufa samples were found in five other localities
The tufa deposits can be broadly classified as stroma- (Banigochha, Madhapur, Bhaliadal, Mitikoli and Takara;
tolitic tufa, phytohermal tufa and phytoclastic tufa. The see Fig. 1). Organic-rich soils occurring in small pockets
cross sections of these different sediments are shown in were collected from the profiles.

Fig. 3. Sequence of various tufa facies (encrousted boulders,

stromatolitic tufa, phytohermal tufa and phytoclasic tufa with
sinter) in slope deposits.

Fig. 4. Occurrence of stromatolitic tufa (showing varying

disposition), phytohermal (moss) tufa and speleothem-like
sediments in waterfall deposits.


Fig. 5. River channel margin tufa

deposits showing occurrence of tufa-
encrusted boulders, stromatolitic tufa
and coated pebbles.

Mundapathar 4. RESULTS OF 14C DATING AND δ13C AND δ 18O

The deposit is characterized by dominantly stroma- MEASUREMENTS
tolitic and phytohermal (moss) tufa (Fig. 3). Above the
level of 3.6 m from the bottom (MS-7, Table 2), a cavern- C dating
ous zone occurs which shows speleothem-like deposits. All analyzed samples were dated using CO2-filled pro-
Pisoids occur along with intraclastic tufa at the depth 5.5 portional counters (Pazdur et al., 2000). Radiocarbon ages
m (MS-10, Table 2) within disrupted crusts of stromatolitic TC or TORG (Table 1 and 2) are the conventional 14C ages
tufa. of carbonate (TC) and organic matter (TORG) normalized
to δ13C=-25‰, according to recommendations of Stuiver
Sulagan and Polach (1977). The analysis was carried out at the
The lower parts of the deposit show phytohermal Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory, Silesian University of
(moss) tufa alternating with thin layers of stromatolitic Technology, Poland.
tufa. At levels of 3.5 m (SS-4) and 5.2 m (SS-6, Table 2),
microhermal tufas form thick zones. A narrow cave oc- δ 13C and δ 18O measurements
curs above the level SS-3 showing botryoidal hangings and The measurements of relative stable isotope concen-
thin inorganic crusts with ramifying projections. The up- tration 13C and 18O in samples from Polish sites were car-
permost part of the deposit shows occurrence of stroma- ried out at the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Maria
tolitic tufa which is partly covered by soil. Curie-Sk³odowska University, Lublin, Poland. The same
analysis for samples from India sites was carried out at
Kudipasa the Department of Geology, University of California,
At the lower level of the deposit tufa is found to en- USA. Measurements were performed using standard mass
crust quartzite boulders. The boulder zone is overlain by spectrometry techniques with gaseous CO2 obtained from
a thin layer of stromatolitic tufa, which is overlain by a chemical reaction of carbonate fraction of tufa samples
thick zone of phytohermal (moss) tufa. Microhermal tufa with concentrated orthophosphoric acid (>103 %). The
shows pocket-like deposits on the level 1.8 m (KS-3, Table δ13C and δ18O values were expressed relative to the PDB
2). In the whole cross section of outcrop the deposits are standard (Tables 2 and 3).
dominated by very thick zones of phytoclastic deposits.
Sinter crusts show plate-like growths within the 5. CONVENTIONAL 14C CORRECTED AGE (TCCA)
phytoclastic deposits. The top portion of the deposit shows OF TUFACEOUS SEDIMENTS
laminated flowstone, which is covered by soil.
Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2 sites
Regional samples Both tufa profiles contain organic matter mixed with
Some number of tufa samples were found in the five carbonate or occurring as separate layers. There are also
localities (Banigochha, Madhapur, Bhaliadal, Mitikoli and layers consisting only from carbonate fraction (see Table 1).
Takara; see Fig. 1) as single calcareous incrustations in The determination of time scales for sedimentation of
sediments. They are called “regional samples”. carbonates, where possible, was based on 14C dating of
The regional samples are stromatolitic tufa. The organic fraction (TORG). For layers with no organic frac-
samples MBS-5 is a modern crust collected from the tion, the reservoir age TR (estimated according to Eq.
stream channel where active tufa deposition is observed. (2.4)) was assumed the same as for younger (higher) level.

A. Pazdur et al.

Table 1. Results of radiocarbon dating of carbonate (TC ) and organic fraction (TORG ), δ13C measurements and estimation of
reservoir effect (TR ) and corrected carbonate age (TCCA ) of organic sediments and tufa samples from Polish sites.
Sample Depth Lab.No. F T T C , T ORG ä 13C TR T CCA
[m] Gd- [BP] [‰, PDB] [years] [BP]
KRZ 1/94 5.37-5.50 10280 O H 11530 ± 100 11530 ± 100
KRZ 2/94 4.37-4.60 10070 O PT 10770 ± 140
KRZ 4/94 4.00-4.10 7516 C TF 10590 ± 80 -7.43 9970 ± 140
KRZ 4/94 4.00-4.10 10072 O PT 9970 ± 140
KRZ 5/94 2.80-2.95 9237 O PT 6670 ± 170
KRZ 5/94 2.80-2.95 7517 C TF 10620 ± 50 -7.32 6670 ± 170
KRZ 6/94 2.70-2.79 7518 C TF 10540 ± 70 -8.08 3950 ± 250 6590 ± 200
KRZ 7/94 2.42-2.55 10073 O PT 6120 ± 100
KRZ 8/94 2.31-2.43 7519 C TF 9670 ± 60 -6.71 3950 ± 250 5720 ± 200
KRZ 9/94 2.16-2.31 7522 C TF 9730 ± 70 -6.71 3950 ± 250 5780 ± 200
KRZ 10/94 2.00-2.15 10074 O PT 3620 ± 130
KRZ 11/94 1.00-1.12 10079 O PT 1530 ± 70
KRZ 12/94 0.79-0.92 7524 C TF 4340 ± 60 -8.17 3530 ± 60 810 ± 100
KRZ 13/94 0.56-0.66 7525 C TF 4200 ± 50 -9.04 3530 ± 60 670 ± 80
KRZ 14/94 0.56-0.43 7520 C TF 3530 ± 60 -8.28 3530 ± 60 0 ± 60
KRZ 14/94 0.56-0.43 9231 O PT MODERN
R2 - 1 4.20-4.10 10655 O TF 8700 ± 180
R2 - 2 3.21-3.09 10642 C CM 7130 ± 190 -6.57 1360 ± 130 5770 ± 120
R2 - 3 3.09-3.01 10651 C CM 6980 ± 180 -6.57 1360 ± 130 5620 ± 160
R2 - 3 3.09-3.01 10649 O PT 5620 ± 160
R2 - 4 2.80-2.70 10645 C CM 7670 ± 150 -7.39 1780 ± 220 5890 ± 270
R2 - 4 2.80-2.70 9816 O PT 5890 ± 270
R2 - 5 0.92-0.87 10646 C CM 2720 ± 140 -7.74 500 ± 140 2220 ± 190
R2 - 5 0.92-0.87 9801 O PT 2220 ± 190
R2 - 6 0.87-0.82 10659 C CM 2870 ± 140 -7.74 (*)
R2 - 7 0.82-0.74 7980 C CM 3080 ± 70 -7.74 (*)
R2 - 8 0.74-0.71 9797 C CM 3530 ± 210 -7.25 1780 ± 150 1750 ± 180
R2 - 8 0.74-0.71 9807 O PT 1750 ± 180
R2 - 9 0.71-0.65 10663 C CM 2980 ± 140 -7.25 1780 ± 150 1200 ± 110
R2 - 10 0.48-0.37 7983 C CM 2190 ± 60 -8.27 1860 ± 120 330 ± 220
R2 - 10 0.48-0.37 9809 O PT 330 ± 220
F = fraction of the sample; C, O = carbonate and organic fraction; (*) = assumed δ13C values in carbonate fraction; in organic
fraction δ13C = -25‰ was assumed. Type of sediment: TF = tufa, PT = peat, H = humus/soil, CM = calcareous mu

Much more of small carbonate samples than for 14C TCCA= 374.62 x d3-2748.1 x d2 +7670.5 x d - 2630.6 [years BP]
dating were collected for stable isotope 13C and 18O analy- (5.8)
ses. Full time record of δ13C and δ18O needed separate
construction of time scale. For this experimental depen- for Rudka-2 profile, with correlation coefficient r2=0.9937.
dence between known TCCA and depth d of samples in sedi- Results of TCCA calculations and δ13C and δ18O measure-
ment profiles was used, for Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2 sepa- ments are listed in Table 3. The errors of estimation are
rately. This dependence is shown in Fig. 6 and described less than 100 years.
by the best fit of polynomial functions:
Sites from Orissa
TCCA= -251.95 x d2 +3924 x d - 2082.9 [years BP] (5.7) As we can study from the data sheet (see Table 2) all
organic fractions of tufa samples from all profiles are rela-
for Krzywice-1 profile, with correlation coefficient tively young. This may suggest that there is some input
r2=0.9938, and from modern carbon sources. The tufas are generally
porous and permit movement of water, which might have


Table 2. Results of radiocarbon dating of carbonate (TC ) and organic fraction (TORG ), stable isotope
measurements (δ13C and δ18O) and estimation of reservoir effects (TR ) and corrected carbonate ages (TCCA )
of tufa samples for sites from India.
Sample Lab. F/T, WE T C, T ORG d13C d18O TR TR T CCA T CCA
No. [BP] [%
[‰]o, [%
[‰]o, [years] [years] [BP] [BP]
Gd- PDB] PDB] (5) (6) (5) (6)

KS-1 12065 C/ST,M 15470 ± 120 -4.30 -3.83 9370 3340 6100 12130#
KS-1/S-1 C/H, M -4.30 -3.83
KS-1/S-1 9841 O/H, M 90 ± 180 -25 (*)
KS-2 12059 C/PHT, M 16570 ± 180 -4.46 -3.98 9220 3300 7350 13270#
KS-3 12070 C/PHT, M 16600 ± 180 -6.78 -4.74 7000 2720 9600# 13880
KS-3/S-2 C/H, M -6.78 -4.74
KS-3/S-2 9828 O/H, M 102.0 ± 2.7 -25 (*)
KS-4 C/PCT, M -3.89 -4.21
KS-5 C/S, M -4.54 -4.30
KS-6 C/ST, M -4.26 -4.15
KS-7 C/PCT, M -5.35 -3.87
KS-8 12067 C/S, M 10970 ± 90 -7.80 -4.01 6000 2460 4970# 8510
MS-1 12008 C/ST, H 7050 ± 80 -8.53 -5.60
MS-1/M-1 C/H, H -8.53 -5.60 5310 2280 1740 4770#
MS-1/M-1 9824 O/H, H 1120 ± 180 -25 (*)
MS-2 10678 C/PHT, H 8270 ± 210 -10.41 -6.01 3510 1810 4760 6460#
MS-3 C/ST, H -10.47 -5.98
MS-4 12007 C/ST, H 7620 ± 90 -9.26 -6.21 4610 2100 3010 5520#
(-9.28) (-6.27)
MS-5 C/H, H -11.27 -6.06
MS-5/M-2 12001 C/PHT, H 7660 ± 100 -11.27 -6.06 2680 1590 4980 6070#
MS-6 10674 C/ST, H 9070 ± 230 -10.60 -5.60 3320 1760 5750# 7310
MS-7 10677 C/S, H 6920 ± 190 -9.75 -6.54 4140 1970 2780 4950#
MS-8 12004 C/PHT, H 8310 ± 60 -11.92 -5.84 2060 1430 6150 6880
MS-9 10675 C/ST, H 5220 ± 180 -9.84 -6.02 4050 1950 1170 3270#
MS-10 10671 C/P, H 5220 ± 180 -10.40 -5.97 3520 1810 1700 3410#
MS-11 12000 C/ST, H 5770 ± 80 -10.92 -6.01 3020 1660 2750# 4110
MS-12 10679 C/PHT, H 4350 ± 180 -9.29 -5.83 4580 2090 MOD 2260#
SS-1 12072 C/ST, H 10280 ± 110 -9.20 -3.36 4670 2110 5610 8170#
SS-2 12069 C/PHT, H 11400 ± 120 -6.65 -3.72 7160 2750 4240 8650#
SS-2/R-1 9822 C/H, H 3700 ± 220 -6.65 -3.72 7160 2750 MOD 950#
SS-2/R-1 9831 O/H, H 110 ± 8 PM -25(*)
SS-3 C/ST, H -4.77 -6.04
SS-4 C/PHT, H -8.48 -3.49
(-8.48) (-3.44)
SS-5 C/ST, H -9.51 -4.09
SS-6 C/?, H -8.92 -4.27
SS-6/R-2 9818 C/PHT, H 8010 ± 300 -8.92 -4.27 4940 2180 3070 5830#
SS-6/R-2 10669 O/H, H 109.5 ± 1.4
SS-7 12071 C/ST, H 8930 ± 110 -9.97 -4.63 3930 1920 5000# 7010
Regional samples
BA-1 C/ST, L -10.74 -5.02
(-10.95) (-5.05)
MA-1 12067 C/ST, M 10970 ± 90 -9.74 -4.23 4150 1980 6820 8990#
MB-4 12061 C/ST, M 19850 ± 290 -2.52 -3.39 11080 3780 8770# 16070
MB-5 12058 C/PHT, M 12780±140 ? ?
MBS-5 11385 C/ST, M 220 ± 90 -11.67 -6.82 2300 1490 MOD MOD
MI-1 11375 C/ST, M 10750 ± 210 -8.26 -3.79 5570 2350 5180 8400#
MUC-1 12068 C/ST, H 9370 ± 100 ? ?
TA-2 C/ST, L -7.81 -4.0
F = fraction of the sample; C, O = carbonate and organic fraction; MOD = modern; (*) = assumed δ13C values in organic
fraction; (5) and (6) indicate the number of equation in chapter 2, used for estimation of T R (and TCCA ); (#)= estimated ages
of tufa carbonate fraction giving the best stratigraphy of sediments. Type of tufa samples T: P = Pisoid, PCT = Phytoclastic
tufa, PHT = Phytohermal (moss) tufa, S = Sinter/flowstone, ST = Stromatolitic tufa, H = Humus/soil. Name of regional
samples: BA = Banigocha, MA = Madhapur, MB = Bhaliadal, Ml = Mitikoli, MUC = Mundapathar, TA = Takara.
Water energy WE: H = High, M = Moderate, L = Average and Low.

A. Pazdur et al.

dissolved the modern carbon from the upstream area and The TR values and corrected carbonate ages for the
contributed to the organic deposits. Secondly, as the tu- reservoir effect (TCCA) of tufa carbonate are listed in Table
fas are dampened by water films, they support the growth 2. The TR and TCCA values were determined on the basis
of modern/recent cyanobacterial/algal flora. These might of both relation (5) and (6) for each measured pair TC
have possibly contributed some modern carbon to organic and δ13C in tufa samples. For reconstruction of the radio-
samples. Because of this, the dates of organic fraction carbon time scale for sedimentary processes and
associated with tufa carbonate are not real ages of tufa palaeoclimatic interpretation of stable isotope results
samples. The 14C time scale for studied changes of sedi- (Pazdur et al., 2002) we assume, that the best calculated
mentary conditions and δ18O in tufa carbonates from the ages are ages which give corrected stratigraphy of inves-
study area can be reconstructed on the base of relation tigated sediment layers in profiles. These results are indi-
between the reservoir age TR and δ13C values (see Eqs (2.5) cated in Table 2. It may be noted, that the best stratigra-
and (2.6)). phy order of TCCA ages in profile is not in agreement with
The measured values are TC and δ13C; some depen- information about relation of tufa type to water energy.
dence between them is expected. Values of δ13C of car- The relative errors of such estimated TCCA ages range
bonate are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8 against the carbonate within 25-30 %. Inverses observed for samples in profiles;
age TC of samples of all investigated profiles, each of the Kudipasa (Gd-12001), Mundapathar (Gd-12008 and Gd-
separate profiles and regional samples. Smoothed depen- 10678, Gd-12007 and Gd-12001), Sulagan (Gd-9822 and
dence of δ13C upon TC is shown by solid lines Gd-9818) can partly result from great estimation errors,
but the main determinant is the mechanism of sedimen-
δ13C = a0C + a1CTC (5.9) tary and post-sedimentary processes and possibilities of
contamination of tufas by “younger” or “older” carbon.
obtained by least squares method. Parameters of least It appears that the older deposits at the lower levels
squares line (a0C, a1C), the value of correlation coefficient of the tufa profiles have been partly affected by cementa-
R, and number (n) of experimental points used in calcu- tion in the vadose realm. The meteoric water might have
lation for separate profiles are listed in Table 4. The de- dissolved younger carbon from humus/ soil zone or mod-
pendence of δ13C upon TC is insignificant for separate ern tufas, and while moving through the porous older tu-
profile and has relatively high confidence level for experi- fas have probably contaminated the tufas. Contamination
mental points from regional samples and all points by older carbon seems very unlikely. It is possible too, that
together. To estimate magnitude of the reservoir age, the cementation processes provide discrepancy of calculated
relation TR and δ13C can be used in the shape of equation TCCA ages and classification of type tufa sediments.
characteristic for spring tufa precipitated from high
energy water or characteristic for other tufas (Eqs (2.5)
and (2.6)).

Fig. 6. Dependence of experimental values

of TCCA on the depth of a sample in the
Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2 profiles (Poland).


Age Tc [BP] Table 4. Parameters of the least squares lines described by

0. 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 Eq. (5.9). a0C and a1C - least square estimates of the coefficients
of straight line (Figs 7 and 8); r - correlation coefficient;
n - number of experimental points.
Y = 4.08*10-4 * X - 12.44 Profile a0C [‰] a1C [‰/kyr] r N
r = 0.58 (n = 24) Kudipasa 0.00043 -0.0123 0.45 4
-4.00 Mundapathar -0.00022 -0.0086 0.12 11
Sulagan -0.00015 -0.0070 0.08 5
Regional 0.00045 -0.0128 0.86 4
d 13C [‰ PDB]

-6.00 samples
All samples 0.00041 -0.0124 0.58 24




Fig. 7. Dependence of δ13C upon TC for all investigated profiles

from the Eastern India (Orissa) sites. Straight line is described
by equation shown in Figure. n - number of experimental points,
r - correlation coefficient.

Fig. 8. Dependence δ13C upon TC for separate profiles

and for regional samples from the Eastern India
(Orissa) sites. Values of correlation coefficients are
given in Table 4.

A. Pazdur et al.

Table 3. Values of unknown corrected radiocarbon ages TCCA of samples analysed on δ13C and δ18O from Krzywice and Rudka sites
(Poland), estimated on the basis of approximation of TCCA as function of depth, described by Eqs (5.7) and (5.8).
Krzywice 4,43 10336 -6,34 -10,61
Depth [m] TCCA [BP] δ 13C [‰, PDB] δ 18O [‰, PDB] 4,58 10583 -9,95 -11,72
0,6 180 -9,04 -7,95 4,7 10772 -3,67 -13,78
0,7 540 -8,68 -8,76 4,75 10849 -3,04 -13,1
0,8 894 -8,17 -8,22 4,95 11143 -0,77 -12,55
1,1 1927 -8,21 -8,27 5,4 11731 -7,03 -11,27
1,4 2915 -7,75 -8,29
1,55 3392 -7,52 -8,81 Rudka
1,6 3548 -7,33 -8,65 Depth [m] TCCA [BP] δ 13C [‰, PDB] δ 18O [‰, PDB]
2,05 4898 -9,35 -5,68 0,5 564 -7,52 -7,75
2,08 4985 -9,58 -5,4 0,65 1297 -7,25 -7,5
2,23 5410 -7,16 -7,88 0,85 2134 -7,74 -7,93
2,35 5742 -6,71 -8,18 1,05 2827 -7,64 -7,12
2,4 5878 -7,24 -8,34 1,1 2980 -7,25 -7,61
2,54 6252 -7,49 -7,95 1,15 3126 -8,44 -6,34
2,6 6410 -9,61 -3,18 1,2 3264 -7,99 -8,33
2,65 6539 -7,58 -8,6 1,25 3395 -6,96 -8,55
2,74 6770 -7,44 -8,23 1,35 3638 -7,06 -7,49
2,78 6871 -8,08 -9,98 1,45 3856 -6,96 -8,84
2,8 6921 -7,43 -8,63 1,55 4051 -6,43 -8,73
2,9 7169 -7,32 -8,63 1,65 4227 -7,46 -7,6
3,35 8224 -6,47 -8,7 1,75 4384 -7,15 -8,85
3,85 9275 -6,23 -8,83 1,85 4526 -6,87 -8,09
4,14 9827 -7,43 -9,8 2 4715 -6,46 -8,53
4,17 9882 -7,01 -9,84 2,15 4881 -6,66 -8,23
4,21 9954 -7,4 -9,65 2,4 5128 -7,12 -6,11
4,23 9990 -7,07 -9,93 2,55 5271 -6,1 -9,14
4,27 10061 -6,36 -9,75 2,65 5369 -7,41 -9,67
4,29 10096 -7,41 -10,06 2,7 5420 -7,39 -8,15
4,31 10131 -7,09 -10,4 2,8 5525 -7,4 -8,59
4,38 10252 -6,74 -9,88 2,9 5639 -6,6 -8,58
4,4 10286 -9,6 -10,21 3 5763 -7,29 -7,64
4,42 10319 -6,24 -11,53 3,1 5899 -7,13 -7,72

6. CONCLUSIONS ter in Orissa state, India, has been useful in calculating

the best corrected ages (TCCA) of the dating samples. The
To estimation of 14C ages of calcareous tufa, the res- model used for calculation of reservoir age TR, on the basis
ervoir age TR, dependent on type of tufa sediments (wa- of observed relation, has empirical character and give only
ter energy conditions) should be known. Two indepen- approximated values. Some anomalies in 14C ages ob-
dent ways of TR determination were made. served in a few samples of the profiles are probably a func-
The calcareous tufa of Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2 pro- tion of post-depositional changes or contamination due
files in Lublin Upland, Poland represent calcareous muds to excursion of modern carbon in the depositional system.
formed in shallow, stagnant water basins in conditions of The δ13C values indicate greater input of biogenic
semilimnic sedimentation. Comparison of conventional lighter carbon. The role of photosynthesis and evapora-
radiocarbon ages of carbonate and organic fraction of tion in the deposition of tufa is considered to be low due
several samples from each profile gave possibilities to to low residence time. The absence of any marine carbon-
estimate reservoir age TR and use these values to deter- ate source and high-energy conditions due to water tur-
mine corrected conventional 14C ages TCCA (corrected for bulence for Indian tufas, suggest partial disequilibrium
reservoir effect) of samples containing only carbonate during isotopic fractionation.
fraction. Non linear dependence between known TCCA and
depth of the carbonate samples in sediment profiles was ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
used for determination of unknown TCCA of samples des-
tined for δ13C and δ18O analysis. We are filling grateful to Prof. Howard J. Spero for
The smoothed dependence between δ13C and TC for the generous help he has rendered in the stable isotope
calcareous tufa deposited in high and mean energy wa- analyses of Indian tufa samples at the University of Cali-


fornia, Davis. He has critically read the manuscript on the Pazdur M. F., Bluszcz A., Pazdur A. and Morawiecka I., 1995a:
Indian part of tufa deposits and provided valuable com- Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence studies of the karst pipe
ments. We thank Justin Dailey for handling the isotope systems in Southwest England and South Wales. In: Cook G.
analyses of the Indian samples. Prof. E. Usdowski kindly T., Harkness D. D. and Miller B., eds, Proceedings of the 15th
International 14C Conference. Radiocarbon 37(2 ): 111-117.
carried out isotope analyses of some Indian samples at
Pazdur A., Dobrowolski R., Durakiewicz T., Piotrowska N., Mohanti
the University of Göttingen, Germany - we are grateful.
M. and Das S., 2002: δ 13 C and δ 18 O time record and
We extend sincere thanks to Prof. Stephen Kempe, Ger- palaeoclimatic implications of the Holocene calcareous tufa
many, for going through a previous draft manuscript on from Poland and India (Orissa). Geochronometria, this issue.
Indian tufa deposits and giving valuable suggestions. The Pazdur A., Fontugne M. F., Goslar T. and M. F. Pazdur, 1995b:
research on tufa deposits of Orissa was carried out under Lateglacial and Holocene water-level changes of the Goœci¹¿
the Special Assistance Programme of the University Lake, Central Poland, derived from carbon isotope studies of
Grants Commission, India, operated in the Department laminated sediments. Quaternary Sciences Review 14: 125-135.
of Geology, Utkal University, Orissa, India. Pazdur A., Goslar T., Pawlyta M., Hercman H. and Gradziñski M.,
Radiocarbon dating of Indian tufa samples was car- 1999: Variation of isotopic composition of carbon in the karst
ried out within BW projects sponsored by the Silesian environment from Southern Poland, present and past. Radio-
carbon 41(1): 81-97.
University of Technology and preparation of measure-
Pazdur A., Michczyñski A., Pawlyta J. and Spahiu P., 2000: Com-
ments results and paper to print within grant No. 6 P04E
parison of the radiocarbon dating methods used in the Gliwice
007 17 sponsored by the Scientific Research Committee, Radiocarbon Laboratory. Geochronometria 18: 9-14.
Poland. Pazdur A. and Pazdur M. F., 1990: Further investigations on 14C
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Central Europe between 10 and 200 thousand years BP, based AGF. Paris:151-156.
on analysis of growth frequency of speleothems. Folia Thorpe P.M., Otlet R. L. and Sweeting M. M., 1980: Hydrological
Quaternaria 17: 35-70. implications from 14C profiling of UK tufa. In: Stuiver M. and
Holmgren K., Lauritzen S. E. and Possnert G., 1994: 230Th/234U and Kra R. S., eds, International 14C Conference, 10th, Proceedings.
C dating of a Late Pleistocene stalagmite in Lobaste II Cave, Radiocarbon 22(3):897-908.
Botswana. Quaternary Science Reviews 13: 111-119. Turi B., 1986: Stable isotope geochemistry in travertines. In: Fritz
Mook W.G., 1976: The dissolution-exchange model for dating P. and Frontes J. S., eds, Handbook of Environmental Isotope
groundwater with 14C. In: Interpretation of environmental and Geochemistry 2. Elsevier, Amsterdam: 207-235.
isotope data in groundwater hydrology. IAEA, Vienna: 213-225. Usdowski E., Hoefs J. and Menschel G., 1979: Relationship between
Pazdur A., 1988: The relations between carbon isotope composi- 13
C and 18O fractionation and changes in major elements com-
tion and apparent age of freshwater tufaceous sediments. position in a recent calcite-depositing spring - a model of chemi-
Radiocarbon 30(1): 7-18. cal variations with inorganic CaCO3 precipitation. Earth and
Pazdur A., 2000: Radiocarbon in freshwater carbonates as tool of Planetary Science Letters 42: 267-276.
Late Quaternary studies. Geologos 5: 136-154.

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 97-108, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology,
Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Department of Physical Geography and Palaeogeography, Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University,
Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University,
Plac Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin, Poland;
Los Alamos Laboratory, Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics Group, Los Alamos, Mailstop K764, NM 87545, USA
Department of Geology, Utkal University Bhubaneswar - 751004 (Orissa) India

Key words
words: Abstract: Measurements of δ18O and δ13C in tufa samples dated by 14C method have been
CALCAREOUS TUFA, used to reconstruct climatic changes in Southern and Eastern Poland and in Eastern India
STABLE ISOTOPES, (Orissa) for the last ca 13,500 years. Stable isotope time record δ18O in calcareous tufa pro-
PALAEOCLIMATE, files can be interpreted as palaeoclimatic record if dependence between oxygen isotope com-
HOLOCENE, position and temperature for the specific climatic region is known. Estimated sedimentation
POLAND, INDIA temperatures of calcareous tufas from Polish sites indicate the mean year of air temperatures
during the last 12,000 years and mean winter and summer temperature for Orissa state, using
stable isotope analysis for calcareous tufa from Indian sites. The estimated temperatures have
real values, comparable with contemporaneous sedimentation temperature. The characteris-
tic trend of the temperature changes increasing for Poland and decreasing for Orissa, since
the beginning of the Holocene till today, can be observed with climatic optimum ca 5000-
6000 BP synchronous in both countries.

1. INTRODUCTION Precise dating of speleothems by 14C and other dating

methods along with δ13C and δ18O measurements have
Calcareous tufa and speleothems appear to be signifi- been used to interpret palaeoclimatic changes (Pazdur et
cant indicators of palaeoenvironmental and palaeocli- al., 1995). The frequency distribution of 14C and U/Th
matic changes. These deposits reflect the combined dates has been successfully applied to palaeoclimatic stud-
effects of karst processes, controlled to a great extent by ies using speleothems (Goslar et al., 2000; Hercman,
climatic factors, especially temperature and humidity. 2000).
Freshwater tufas in continental realm, deposited by physi- Interpretation of isotopic investigations in lacustrine
cochemical and/or biochemical processes are also consid- carbonates is much more sophisticated and difficult be-
ered as reliable recorders of palaeoclimatic and environ- cause of the complex nature of sedimentation, influenced
mental change (Andrews et al., 1994 and Pazdur et al., by a number of physicochemical and biological factors.
1988b). Stable isotopes, like 18O and 13C, and chemical Palaeolake level changes of the Goœci¹¿ Lake (Central
analysis, frequency distribution of U/Th and 14C dates have Poland) have been studied from the lake and lake-mar-
frequently been used as a tool for analysis of sedimento- gin sediments with help of deposits constituted of lami-
logical processes and reconstruction of palaeoclimatic nated sediments, peat, lacustrine gyttja and beach sedi-
conditions, as well as for stratigraphic purposes. Measure- ments together with radiocarbon chronology and carbon
ments of δ18O and δ13C in tufa samples dated by 14C isotope content interpretation. The behaviour of this lake
method have been used to reconstruct Holocene climatic during the last 12 ka reflects global climate change in the
changes in southern and eastern Poland (Pazdur, 2000). temperate zone fairly well (Pazdur et al., 1994 and 1995b).

Fig. 1. Map of Europe and Asia

where tufa samples have been
studied in Poland and India (Orissa).

The significance of undisturbed lacustrine calcareous sedi- are formed in a Precambrian terrain of crystalline and
ments as potential geochemical archives of isotopic metasedimentary rocks. Due to the absence of any ma-
records of palaeoenvironmental changes has been recog- rine limestone or dolomite, the tufa depositional system
nized. Isotopic studies of pedogenic carbonates (caliche, forms an interesting geochemical system. Das and
concretions) and cements provide information related to Mohanti (1997) recently presented the fabrics of micro-
circulation of groundwater and precipitation, and, indi- bial tufas and discussed depositional processes. In this
rectly, lead to palaeoclimatic conclusions (Pazdur et al., paper, we have attempted to date the tufa carbonates and
1995a). apply the stable isotopic signatures to understand the
Several authors dealing with freshwater carbonates implications of climatic changes in Orissa during the
assumed that kinetic effects during isotopic fractionations Holocene.
are small (except at spring heads) and used the isotopi- For reconstruction of time record of palaeoenviron-
cally derived temperature for studying local and regional mental conditions of the sedimentary processes the time
palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental records scale of carbonate deposition should be reconstructed.
(Andrews et al. 1993 and 1994; Pazdur et al. 1988b). Radiocarbon, U/Th, TL and AAR dating methods may
Usdowski et al., (1979) and Dandurand et al., (1982), while be usually used.
studying calcite precipitation at springs and streams, at- The large number of dating results obtained by dif-
tributed the variations in isotopic composition to disequi- ferent methods enable interpretation of results with use
librium condition due to kinetic effects. Turi (1986) noted of probabilistic methods (Baker et al., 1993; Smart and
that isotopic equilibrium is seldom attained in the depo- Richards, 1992; Srdoc et al., 1983; Hercman, 2000).
sition of travertines mainly as a consequence of kinetic Frequency distributions of dates may be compared with
effects. Recently, Chafetz and Lawrence (1994) demon- results obtained by other methods, like changes of
strated that δ18O values of the precipitates can change temperature and precipitation in the past, reconstructed
drastically within a travertine system and stressed that the from pollen analyses of peat-bog profiles and lake sedi-
overall changes with water flow, microenvironmental con- ments of non-glaciated areas, and with palaeoclimatic
trols and disequilibrium precipitation determine the iso- records from deep sea cores (Guiot et al., 1989;
topic signatures of these freshwater deposits. It is, there- Schackleton, 1967).
fore, necessary to stress the depositional conditions be-
fore establishing the isotopic signatures and reconstruct- 2. INVESTIGATED SITES IN POLAND AND IN INDIA
ing the palaeoclimatic change.
Generally, tufa deposits, for example European tufas, The radiocarbon time scale record of δ13C and δ18O
involve headwaters, which contain dissolved calcium car- from sites situated in the Cracow-Wieluñ Upland
bonate derived from marine (isotopically heavy) carbon- (Rac³awka, Rzerzuœnia, Trzebienice; southern Poland)
ates. In contrast to these deposits, tufas of Orissa State and the Holy Cross Mountains (Sieradowice; south-

A. Pazdur et al.

eastern Poland) and their palaeoclimatic interpretation was Radiocarbon chronology of sedimentation was made
given by Pazdur et al. (1988b). In this paper the results on the basis of 8 organic and the same number of carbon-
are used for comparison of those from Krzywice-1 and ate 14C dates for Krzywice-1, and 6 organic and 9 carbon-
Rudka-2 (Lublin Upland, eastern Poland; Dobrowolski ate 14C dates for Rudka-2 profiles (Dobrowolski et al.,
et al., 1996) with Mundapathar, Kudipasa and Sulagan 2002). Sixty three carbonate samples for stable isotope
(Orissa, eastern India). Dobrowolski et al. (1999 and C and 18O analyses were taken (37 from Krzywice-1 and
2002), presenting δ13C and δ18O record in time related to 26 from Rudka-2 profile) and radiocarbon time scale for
Holocene stratigraphical division, but without detailed ra- δ13C and δ18O time record was reconstructed (Pazdur et
diocarbon time scale. Das and Mohanti (1997) and Pazdur al., 2002). The construction of similar time scale for other
et al. (2002) described results of radiocarbon dating, δ13C profiles from Poland and India was based on dependence
and δ18O measurements, and sedimentological descrip- between reservoir age and δ13C values in tufa samples. The
tion for sites in India. methodology and details of the reconstruction are given
by Pazdur (1988) and Pazdur et al. (2002).
Sedimentological and isotopic studies were made for India (Orissa)
profiles from the following geographical regions: Detailed description of profiles and classification of
l Cracow-Wieluñ Upland (southern Poland): 27 samples tufa samples is given by Pazdur et al. (2002). Sedimento-
of calcareous tufa of biogenic origin (autochthonous logical and isotopic studies are based on:
calcareous muds, stromatolites, oncoids, and moss l Mundapathar: 13 tufa samples from one profile, in-
travertines; Pazdur et al., 1988a) from three sites cluding stromatolic tufa, moss (phytohermal) tufa,
(Rac³awka, Rzerzuœnia and Trzebienice). The sites phytoclastic tufa, pisoid and sinter. The deposit of
represent different hydrodynamic conditions of tufa about 7 m in thickness is situated at a small waterfall
sedimentation. They are situated in small valleys en- formed on charnockite under high-energy conditions.
trenched in carbonate rocks of Lower Carboniferous l Kudipasa: 8 tufa samples from one profile, including
(Rac³awka), Jurassic and Cretaceous (Trzebienice and stromatolic tufa, moss tufa, phytoclastic tufa and sin-
Rzerzuœnia). ter. The deposit measuring about 6 m in vertical thick-
l Holy Cross Mountains (south-eastern Poland): 11 ness is located on a hill slope. Streams depositing the
samples of fine-grained calcareous muds, rich in or- tufa drain basic lava, tuff and quartzite under moder-
ganic matter, precipitated in shallow stagnant water ate hydrodynamic conditions.
basin (Pazdur et al., 1988a). The Sieradowice profile l Sulagan: 7 tufa samples including stromatolic tufa and
is situated in a small valley cut in Devonian carbonate moss tufa. The deposit is about 6 m in vertical thick-
rocks. ness. It is located at a small waterfall formed on
l Lublin Upland (eastern Poland): both sediment pro- charnockite under high-energy conditions.
files, Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2, consist of calcareous l Single tufa samples from various sites (regional
muds rich in organic matter precipitated, like tufa from samples). Miticoli and Mundapathar represent high-
Sieradowice, in low-energy water conditions. They are energy conditions, Madhapur and Bhaliadal represent
situated on Upper Cretaceous rocks (Dobrowolski et moderate energy conditions, Takara and Banigochha
al., 1999 and 2002). represent low hydrodynamic conditions.

Fig. 2. Stromatolitic crusts draping

over moss-rich pockets on the lower
part (close to the hammer). Upper
part shows stromatolitic crusts
alternating with phytohermal (moss-
rich) deposits. Central region of the
photograph shows speleothemic
crusts. Locality: Mundapathar.


Fig. 3. Phytohermal tufa (calcified

moss) showing several stages of
growth and high porosity.
The unidirectional orientation of the
moss indicate hydrodynamic control
on phytoherms. Sample from
Mundapathar. Each division of the
scale is 1 cm.

Fig. 4. Stromatolitic crusts showing

alternate dark and light laminae. The
darker laminae are thicker at the lower
parts and appear convex due to
growth over small bushy mosses.
Sample from Bhaliadal.

Radiocarbon time scale of sedimentation of the tufa the mean annual temperature of meteoric water coincides
profiles was made on the basis of 11 carbonate and 2 with temperature of tufa sedimentation. Climatic data
organic 14C dates for Mundapathar, 6 carbonate and 2 from the Cracow Upland show that the mean annual tem-
organic 14C dates for Kudipasa, and 4 carbonate and 2 perature varies from 7 to 8oC and mean temperature of
organic 14C dates for Sulagan. Radiocarbon dating of the springs from 7 to 9oC (after Pazdur et al., 1988b). The tem-
regional samples was made for the carbonate fractions. perature of streams fluctuates between 7 and 12oC.
Thirty three carbonate samples were taken for stable 13C Studied tufas from the Cracow Upland were sampled
and 18O analysis from all sites together (Pazdur et al., with a thickness less than 5 cm. It means that each sample
2002). covers 10- to 20-yr time interval according to determined
sedimentation rate (several mm/yr). This intervals are
3. PRESENT CLIMATIC BACKGROUND insignificant when compared to errors of the age deter-
mination. Sampling of Krzywice-1 and Rudka-2 sites was
Sites from Poland made across profiles, with small (ca 30 mg) amounts of
Sedimentation of biogenic calcareous tufa occurs carbonate. The results of δ18O analysis present mean val-
mostly during spring months. In the southern and south- ues in a shorter period of time than in the case of samples
eastern Poland, the temperature of spring water at this from the Cracow Upland profiles, even though the sedi-
time is equal to mean annual air temperature; therefore, mentation rate is about several or more mm per year.

A. Pazdur et al.

Sites from India (Orissa) in comparison to the rate of physical degasation due to
The warm and humid tropical climate of Orissa is turbulence of water. Photosynthesis may be locally sig-
characterised by seasonal southwest monsoon rainfall. nificant, depending on the amount of biomass, especially
The annual mean precipitation is ca 150-200 mm. Major where cyanobacteria or algae and moss thrive together.
part of the rainfall is concentrated in the monsoon sea- The range of δ13C of tufa from Poland sites is ca from
son (Mid-June to Mid-October, with an average of ca 200- -10.5 ‰ to -6 ‰ for the last 10,600 years (Pazdur, 1988).
350 mm of rainfall). The significantly higher values are observed for the
The ranges of air temperature change are as follows: Krzywice-1 site, with the longest time record, in the time
in winter 8-12oC minimum and 25-28oC maximum and in of 11,800-10,800 BP (Fig. 5). The δ13C values from the
summer 25-28oC and 36-42oC, respectively. Water tem- Orissa sites receive ca -2.5 to -11.7 ‰ in the whole inves-
peratures when tufa precipitates are influenced by gen- tigated period between 13,500 BP and the present time.
eral thermal conditions. Water temperatures are as fol- The range of δ13C values of tufa from the Polish and Orissa
lows: 19-20.5oC in winter (December-January) and 27.5- sites is in accordance with a deposition from freshwater
29oC in summer (April-May). and suggest the presence of isotopically lighter organic
The deposition of tufas takes place mostly during carbon.
spring (February-March) and summer (April-May) peri- As there is no marine limestone and/or dolomite in
ods. Presently, summer deposition is negligible – possibly the studied area of Orissa, we believe that the carbonates
due to the groundwater table fall and limited or missing have originated mostly from organic matter. Ca++ ions are
surface flow. The sparitic and micritic laminae in stroma- derived from weathering of silicates, mostly plagioclase
tolitic tufa indicate seasonal deposition (spring-summer and pyroxene. Kalsotra and Prasad (1979) and Pawar et
and rainy-winter periods). Thickness of laminae couplets al. (1988) have reported tufa deposits from sandstones and
suggests a depositional rate of 1 mm to a little more than shales and basaltic areas in India. Augustithis (1982) also
1 cm per year. noted the formation of carbonate nodules from disinte-
Stream waters depositing the tufa show a pH value of gration of olivine basalts in Duncan, south of Addis-
8.0 to 8.6. Concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO-3 vary Ababa.
within the range of 30-80 mg/l, 9-28 mg/l and 200- Tufas are depleted in heavy isotope 18O in all Polish
310 mg/l respectively (Das and Mohanti, 2001). and Indian sites (see Fig. 7), when compared to δ18O val-
ues expected for equilibrium sedimentary processes. The
4. TIME RECORD OF δ 13C low and negative δ18O values suggest a low rate of evapo-
The enrichment of carbonate in heavy carbon isotope, Individual δ13C values of tufa samples shown in Fig. 5
in comparison to water solution, may be induced by par- as time records reveal short-time fluctuations and in-
tial disequilibrium between HCO-3 in water and atmo- crease/decrease trends, different in detail from a profile
spheric CO2 during precipitation. This is attributed to to profile. The co-variation of oxygen isotope data with
kinetic effects during CaCO3 precipitation from highly the carbon isotope ones (Fig. 6) indicate similar trend of
supersaturated solution in which the rate of carbonate changes in disequilibrium condition for all the India sam-
precipitation is faster than equilibrium fractionation with ples; correlation coefficient is equal to r = 0.73 (22 pairs
the respect to the stable isotopes (Usdowski et al., 1979; of δ13C and δ18O). For all Polish samples, the dependence
Dandurand et al., 1982; Turi, 1986; Chafetz et al., 1991). between both delta values is positive (r = 0.20), if we re-
In natural environments, the exchange of CO2 can only move 6 extreme points with δ13C > -4 ‰ and δ18O >-6 ‰
lead to equilibrium if sufficient residence time is avail- (Krzywice-1 profile) from period older than 10,000 BP.
able, which can be attained in standing water bodies like It means high confidence level and confirm disequilibrium
lakes. The geomorphic setting of our tufa deposits indi- sedimentary conditions and presence of isotopic kinetic
cates a very low residence time and great water turbulence. fractionation effect. The relations indicate, that organic
This situation favours the idea of partial disequilibrium consumption of CO2 may be significant because of the
precipitation. presence of chemo- and heterotrophic bacteria (Pazdur
We believe that dominant part of the carbon has been et al., 1988b) observed for tufa sites in the southern
derived from biogenic sources and may be partly from the Poland. Enrichment of tufas in the heavier carbon isotope
atmosphere. The range of δ13C values indicates relative (13C) during the warmer periods may be connected to
enrichment of tufa in heavy isotopes. The enrichment in some extent with activation of plant consumption.
heavy isotopes may be determined by photosynthesis of
plants, which preferentially use lighter carbon (12C) leav- 5. TIME RECORD OF δ18O AND TUFA SEDIMENTATION
ing the remaining HCO-3 enriched in 13C (Pentecost and TEMPERATURE
Spiro, 1990; Merz, 1992; Casanova and Hillaire-Marcel,
1993; Guo et al., 1996). But the photosynthetical removal δ 18O of tufa in palaeoclimatic studies
of CO2 requires relatively longer residence time. Tufas in Isotopic investigations of tufa from Poland deals with
the Orissa State originate in discharge basins with low sites of spring tufa deposition in variable conditions of
residence time of water. Even though profuse amount of river water energy (southern Poland; Pazdur et al., 1988a)
cyanobacteria, diatoms and mosses are involved, the rate and semi-limnic conditions (south-eastern Poland; Pazdur
of photosynthetic removal of CO2 by these plants is small et al., 1988a; Dobrowolski et al., 1999). The palaeotem-


perature curve was constructed (Pazdur et al., 1988b) on The variation in δ18O values indicates differences in
the basis of the time scale reconstruction using radiocar- isotopic composition of tufa depositing waters controlled
bon dating and interpretation of stable isotope carbon and by water temperature. The temperature of cold spring
oxygen composition in sedimentary processes. The curve waters in continental conditions is influenced by rainfall
describes the annual mean temperature changes for the and atmospheric temperature, i.e., climate controls the
southern Poland in the period of 2000-9600 BP, i.e., in tufa deposition.
which sedimentation of tufa took place in Rac³awka,
Rzerzuœnia, Trzebienice and Sieradowice (see Figs 5 Temperature precipitation of tufaceous sediments in
and 7). Thirty eight results of 14C dating and stable iso- Poland and India
tope analysis were used for palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Despite difficulties caused by disequilibrium precipi-
Dobrowolski et al., (1999) carried out isotopic investiga- tation of CaCO3, it may be expected that the isotopic com-
tions on two eastern Polish sites, Krzywice-1 and Rudka- position of oxygen of Holocene tufa might be useful for
2. Radiocarbon time scale of tufa sedimentation was con- the reconstruction of the approximate thermal condition
structed for those sites (Pazdur et al., 2002) and palaeo- of sedimentation, or strictly speaking, the temperature of
climatic interpretation of 61 new results of stable isotope water, from which carbonate precipitated. Reconstruction
analyses can be done together with the previous results. of palaeotemperature changes for a given geographical
Time record of δ18O measurements in individual and all region may be based on known seasonal dependence of
tufa sites from Poland and India is shown in Fig. 7. δ 18O in meteoric water upon temperature (Van der

Fig. 5. Time record of δ13C in

separate tufa sites of Poland and
all sites together from India.

A. Pazdur et al.

Straaten and Mook, 1983). Any attempt to estimate tem- where A means extrapolated δ18O value of water in
peratures of sedimentation from measured values of δ18O 0 C, equal to -13.0±0.4 ‰ (Pazdur et al., 1988b) and ∆

in calcareous tufa requires several simplifying assump- – the value of kinetic fractionation effect for oxygen iso-
tions, which are based on the results of investigation of topes in sedimentary processes of carbonates, i.e., the dif-
recent tufas (Pazdur et al., 1988b). One of this is that the ference between the δ18O value in carbonate (vs. PDB)
temperature gradient of δ18O is not changed in the pro- and the same value in water solution, from which the sedi-
cess of deposition, i.e., the temperature gradient of δ18O ment was deposited (vs. SMOW).
in the sediment is the same as in precipitation and stream The global temperature gradient for coastal region in
water, and second – kinetic fractionation effect of oxygen meteoric water is equal to 0.72 (Van der Straaten and
isotopes is independent on sedimentation temperature. Mook, 1983) and 0.37 ‰ /oC for continental climatic area
To reconstruct temperature record for the Late Glacial (Pazdur et al., 1988b). The estimation ∆ (Pazdur et al.,
and Holocene, the constant values of temperature oxy- 1988b) receive values between -1.7 and -2.5 ‰ for recent
gen gradient and kinetic effect in the whole period must tufa from the southern England (Thorpe et al., 1980) and
be assumed (Pazdur et al., 1988b). It means that in this change from +0.26 to -0.04 ‰ for Germany, Central
whole time period the circulation of air mass was the same Europe (Usdowski et al., 1979).
(Ró¿añski, 1985). The temperature t of tufa sedimenta- To estimate the temperature time record in Poland,
tion may be estimated on the basis of simple equation the mean 500-year δ18O values were used for calculations
(Pazdur et al., 1988b): of t, on the basis of Eq. (5.1); the maximal and minimal
values of ∆ like for Germany were applied. Such values
é d(d18 O) ù of ∆ give correct value of present water spring tempera-
(d18 O)C = ê ú ×t+ A+ D, (5.1)
ture in the southern Poland (ca 8 oC) if the measured value
ë dt û W

Fig. 6. Dependence between δ13C and δ18O

for all tufa profiles of India and Poland.
Correlation between both delta values is
negative for Polish samples and positive for
samples from India.


of δ18O in contemporaneous spring water (ca 10 ‰) is The reconstructed temperature curves in ca 500-12,000
taken into account. It confirms assumed way of tempera- for Poland and 0-13,400 BP for India are shown in Fig. 8.
ture reconstruction in the past. The width of both curves is bordered by temperature val-
The estimation of temperature time record for India ues calculated for maximum and minimum ∆ values.
is more problematic, as the dependence between δ18O and
temperature of precipitation and spring water is unknown. 6. WARM/DRY AND WET/HUMID PHASES IN THE
If we assume the gradient temperature of δ18O the same HOLOCENE OF POLAND AND INDIA
as in Poland and ∆ values characteristic for the southern
England (-1.7 and -2.5 ‰), the precipitation tempera- The time records of δ18O and estimated temperature
ture at present, estimated on the basis of δ18O in modern cover 500-12,000 BP for Poland and 0-13,500 BP for
tufa sample, would be ca 22oC. This value is too low in Orissa (India). Periods of carbonate sedimentation started
comparison with 28-29oC of water in streams, if deposi- in different times in the southern and south-eastern
tion of tufa took place in summer time mainly, when bio- Poland, i.e. at 9600 BP in Cracow and at 11,800 BP in the
genic processes are intensive. The other combinations of Lublin Upland. This difference is determined by environ-
model parameters (grad δ18O and ∆ values) give lower ment of sedimentation, which determined the type of tu-
temperature values in every case. fas: high-energy water tufas in the Cracow Upland

Fig. 7. Time record of δ18O of

southern (Rac³awka, Rzerzuœnia,
Trzebienice and Sieradowice),
south-eastern Poland (Krzywice-1
and Rudka-2), all sites of Poland
together and all India sites.
Additionally, curve of mean values of
δ18O in 500-years intervals is given,
which was used for estimation of
temperature ranges shown in Fig. 8.
The numbers near points on the
Figure give the numbers of δ18O
results in 500-years intervals.

A. Pazdur et al.

(Rac³awka, Rzerzuœnia and Trzebienice) and low-energy It may be noticed that frequency of samples in warmer
water in the Lublin Upland (Krzywice-1, Rudka-2 and periods are the highest, which means humid climatic con-
Sieradowice). The longest time records of δ18O and δ13C ditions. Because of difference in geographical position of
are observed for Krzywice-1 (Figs. 5 and 7) depending India and Poland, we can assume, that indicated warm and
also on possibility of more detailed sampling of semi- cool periods have global character.
limnic sediments. The processes of tufa deposition have
been still observed both in Poland and in Orissa, although 7. CONCLUSIONS
no isotope analysis of Polish sites for the last 500 years
has been made. δ18O time records, based on the radiocarbon time scale,
The changes of oxygen isotope composition as the in calcareous tufa provide information on temperature
function of the age can be transformed on temperature changes during the last ca 12,000 years in the south-east-
time record. The frequency distribution of tufa samples, ern Poland and 13,500 years in India (Orissa). Recon-
in division on time ranges, should be connected with in- structed temperature values are realistic and reflect mean
tense precipitation and, because of this, with humid cli- annual temperature of air in Poland and mean annual
matic phases. Warm and humid phases are especially temperature of water in streams for Orissa. The mean
favourable environmental conditions for tufa deposition. annual water temperature is several degrees lower than
Both climatic curves for Poland and India (Figs 7 and the mean annual air temperature. The general trends of
8) indicate trends of temperature changes. They are op- temperature changes in both countries are opposite;
posite – increasing for Poland and decreasing for India in starting at ca 13,500 BP the mean annual temperature is
the whole period of 12,000 years. Numerous warmer and decreasing in Orissa until present. In the range of 12,000-
cooler fluctuations are visible on curves. The confidence 11,000 BP the temperature decreased, and after this time
level of fluctuations for Poland is higher owing to a greater increased again in Poland. Observed temperature fluctua-
number of experimental points (99) than for India (24). tions, with different amplitudes, have been correlated in
The shape of both temperature curves at their begin- time. Some warmer and cooler phases of the same age
ning is completely different. The Holocene warming is ranges occurred in Poland and India, indicating their glo-
visible before 10,000 years BP on the Polish curve, im- bal character.
mediate decrease of temperature to this time is clear on
the Indian curve. The similar directions of changes of δ18O ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(and temperature) for both curves are shown in time pe-
riods: The interpretation and preparation results of isotope
l Lower values, indicating cooler climatic conditions, are analyses to print has been made within the projects BW
observed at ca 9600-9400, 8000-7500, 5800-5200, 4500- and BK sponsored by Silesian University of Technology,
4200, and 2500-1800 BP; Poland, during the last 2 years and Scientific Research
l Higher values, dependant on warmer periods, are vis- Committee, Poland, within grant No. 6 P04E 007 17
ible at ca 9200-8200, 6200-4500 (with several relatively
high fluctuations on both curves), and 1800-500 BP.
After ca 1000 BP until present, the temperature de-
creased to final 23 in India and 9oC in Poland.

Fig. 8. Temperature time record

for Poland and India estimated with
assumption of isotope kinetic
fractionation effect in sedimentary
processes of tufa. The ranges of
temperature were determined for
minimal and maximal values of ∆
according to (5.1) Equation.


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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 109-118, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Institute of Geography, Œwiêtokrzyski University,
Œwiêtokrzyska 15, PL-25-406 Kielce, Poland
Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology,
Krzywoustego 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Key words
words: Abstract: Radiocarbon dating of mire sediments is useful tool for reconstruction of time scale
RADIOCARBON, of wet and dry phases during the Late Glacial and Holocene. The method is applied here to
MIRES, LAKES, determine palaeohydrological conditions of some Polish regions. On the basis of 14C dating of
ENVIRONMENT, sediment profiles from North Podlasie Lowland and southern piedmont of Holy Cross Mts.,
PALAEOHYDROLOGY, duration of wet (1100-1400, 2100-2600, 4700-5000, 7300-7500, 8000-8400, 8800-9200 and
HOLOCENE 10,500-10,850 BP) and dry (1700-2200, 2600-2800, 3400-3700, ca 4000 and 4500, 5100-5700,
ca 6400, 6900-7100, 9200-9300, ca 10,100 and 10,900 BP) periods is suggested.

1. INTRODUCTION shorter flooding with longer ground water presence oc-

cur, accumulation of highly decomposed, granulous-amor-
The mire is composed of four parts: vegetation, wa- phous forest peat is observed as well. Regular and con-
ter, acrotelm and peat deposit. Decomposition of plant stant ground-water inflow, often ascending, and absence
remains in mire differs in the relation to above and un- of flooding lead to accumulation of slightly decomposed
derground parts of plants. In contrast to the complete sedge-moss peat with fibrous-spongy structure. Gradual
decomposition and mineralization of the aboveground reduction of ground-water flow creates transition bogs,
parts, resulting in the production of humus, decay pro- and, when supplied with rainfall, raised bogs. Whole year’s
cesses of underground, submerged plant remains produce superiority of rainfall over evaporation, and its corollary
undecomposed peat fibre. Transformation of plant - presence of ground water in the surface level of mires
matter into peat takes place in the acrotelm layer, where leads to sedimentation of slightly decomposed sphagnum
aerobes, actinomycetales and fungi transform biomass peat, whereas its periodic subsidence results in accumu-
into humus in periodical aerate conditions. Structural lation of medium and highly decomposed cotton-grass
plant remains together with humus reach lower, highly hy- peat material. Presence of wood and tree trunks in raised
drated deposit layer. Here, in anaerobic conditions, mi- bog peat testifies to the reduction of water level and mire
nor changes occur; peat is exposed to anaerobic bacteria afforestation, what can result from climatical change (dry
activity that leads only to weak mineralization process, not phase) or other, local changes (e.g. erosion of the dome
to peat humification. and drainage of its slopes). As a consequence, cessation
The ratio of undecomposed remains to humus in peat or considerable reduction of the raised bog peat produc-
depends on different water conditions. In wide valley tion follows. When wetter period comes and ground-wa-
flooded by stagnating water for a long time medium and ter table rises slightly humified raised bog grass peat is
highly decomposed, plastic, often silt-covered reed fen accumulated again. Persisting lowering of ground-water
peat is deposited. Under conditions of short-time flood- table in fen bogs causes high peat humification and its
ing and constant inflow of ground water medium decom- gradual mucking. Thus climate, through changes of hu-
posed, rather fibrous tall sedge peat is accumulated. When midity and temperature, controls development of valley

fen bog, transition bog and raised bog in watershed zone. 2. MATERIAL FOR 14C ANALYSIS
The control is realised by supplying of concave landforms
i.e. various depressions and valleys, where the peat for- Profiles of sediments from North Podlasie Lowland
mation process is located, with water. The Bia³ostocka Plateau that belongs to the North
Initial stage of mire formation in the territory of Po- Podlasie Lowland (Fig. 1) is apparently distinguished from
land is dated back to the late Vistulian (¯urek 1990, 1993). other early glacial marainic plateaux. Numerous outflow
During warm periods of the Late Glacial more than ten- depressions with fossil lakes, narrowing and widening river
centimetre strata of the moss-fenn were deposited in shal- valleys, lofty kame hills, morainic and outwash plains re-
low depressions. Melting of dead or ground ice resulted semble the last glaciation landscape. It differs only in ab-
in greater depth of hollows and in their flooding, what is sence of lakes and outflowless depressions. Two of the
reflected by the presence of gyttja superimposed over the kettle holes, covered by forest vegetation and protected
peat. During the cold oscillations, dunes often encroached within natural reservations “Stare Biele“ and “Jesionowe
onto wetlands, and so blown sands covered the peat. Góry“ with mire Machnacz, have been meticulously ex-
The dominant feature of the early Holocene landscape plored from the point of genesis of the peat deposits
represented lakes, with moss fen mires on the shores. At (¯urek, 1992, 1996a and 2000). Stare Biele mire is an out-
first deep, these concave landforms were subjected to flow depression with numerous bays, of elliptic shape with
paludification because of the ground-water table was few 4 km and 1.5 km long axes. Position plan and cross sec-
metres beneath its present state; bottom of the depres- tion of the mire can be found in the article of S. ¯urek
sions were often supplied by waters of head from deeper and A. Pazdur (1999). Marginal zone of this carr mire
water-bearing horizon. In isolated depressions, moss fenn includes fragments of transition and raised bogs. Sondage
peat accumulated. Initial process of peat formation did that was to bring the evidence on strata succession in few
not cease generally but was rather reduced to peat pro- sections demonstrated that the thickness of peat, super-
duction in dry periods. While at the beginning of imposed over thin gyttja layers, varied from 1.5 to 2 metres
Mezoholocene water level raised, during the second half for most of the sampled spots (Table 1). Sedge-moss
of the period it dropped. At that time a lot of shallower schwingmoore spread throughout the lakes, which, con-
lakes that were subjected to the process of peat accumu- sequently, suffered from rapid afforestation with alder
lation disappeared. On the other hand, rise of water level, communities dominating for a long period. In places,
resulting from permanently increasing accumulation, within the upper part of the strata succession, alder peat
caused swamping of hitherto dry depressions and higher is covered by sedge-moss fen peat. At the bottom of alder
altitude areas within the local relief. A variety of mires peat, in depth of some 1-1.3 m, occurs dark, highly humi-
characterised with a particular peat type appeared dur- fied, clammy layer indicating the period of the deposit’s
ing the period: apart from moss fen mire, forest fen, reed drainage. This layer was sampled for dating at three dif-
fen and transitional bog are to be encountered. Further, ferent places within the mire. Far away from the centre,
intensification of mire development occurred at the be- in south-western bay, two highly humified layers were
ginning of Subboreal and Subatlantic periods. In valleys found in the peat that overlies a fossil upper terrace. Drill-
dominated supreme mires supplied with surface and ing (up to 10 m) in a deep kettle hole with a diameter little
ground water such as sedge fen and alder swamp; for more than 10 m situated in northern bay showed that peat
watershed area transition and raised bogs are to be men- deposits, which are underlain with fine detrital gyttja (see
tioned. Table 1) reach depth of 4.25 m.
Reflection of human activity can be traced in the Pol-
ish peat deposits through the past thousand years. Vari- Profiles of sediments from Bia³e £ugi, Holy Cross Mts.
ous form and intensity of deforestation has contributed Mire Bia³e £ugi, (southern piedmont of Holy Cross
to transformation of forest communities into open moss- Mts., Fig. 1) occupies 1 km wide and few km long fossil
sedge mires and sedge fens, clearance of vegetation on valley between Belnianka (Nida tributary) and Czarna
slopes in valleys and depressions has triggered process of Staszowska (Vistula tributary). The valley is filled by raised
covering the valley mires by alluvial or deluvial silts. How- peat over transitional and fen peat. There is also carr peat
ever, substantial cause of the mire development variations located on the both valley banks, where small rivers
is still the natural water regime. The evidence of environ- Trupieñ and Czarna are being formed. In 1994-1998, ten
mental humidity represent gyttja, chalk lake insertions in stratigraphical cross-sections of deposits were made and
peat, decrease of peat decomposition degree, a macro-remain analysis of 18 bores was carried out
paludification of hitherto dry depressions, fen spring de- (¯urek, 2001); the stratigraphical section and the geologi-
velopment, forest and shrubs retreat for the benefit of cal profiles can be found in ¯urek and Pazdur (1999). Roof
open associations like rushes, moss-sedge mires or rushes part of the succession (up to 0.8-1.0 m depth) is built by
entering into transitional or moss-sedge mires. Con- slightly decomposed raised sphagnum peat over highly
versely, increase of peat decomposition degree, affores- decomposed cotton-grass raised peat. Beneath the latter
tation of mires, lake terrestrialization, appearance of open slightly and medium decomposed sedge-moss transition
communities with ferns, shrubs and sedge Carex paradoxa peat is present, and in the bottom part of the profile sedge-
testify to dry climatic phase, drainage and lowering of moss fen peat and brown-moss peat are encountered. In
ground-water level. the sediments of the Bia³e £ugi mire two 5-15 cm thick
strata of highly decomposed black peat were distin-

S. Zurek et al.

guished. The upper one occurs at the depth of 0.8 to 1- The values of 14C age listed in Table 1 represent con-
1.2 m, on the border between deposits of transition and ventional radiocarbon age determinations calculated ac-
raised peat. Within the black peat stratum, under it or over cording to the procedure of Stuiver and Polach (1977).
a dozen centimetres above fine 2-3 cm thick fire indicat-
ing layers of charcoal are incorporated. These represent 4. 14C EVIDENCE OF PALAEOHYDROLOGIC EVENTS
probably an evidence of dry stage, when large fire may
likely have occurred. The second, lower stratum of highly Long-term hydrologic changes have specific conse-
humified deposit, richer in wood remains, is located at quences for the environment of mires. Climate desicca-
the bottom part of the whole succession, on the border tion causes lowering of ground-water table, what effect
between transition bog and fen peat. changes of physical and chemical properties of upper peat
layer. At first, increase of the peat decomposition degree
3. METHODS AND RESULTS OF 14C DATING should be mentioned. Highly humified peat layers of dark
colour (when fresh) thick from 5 up to 20-30 cm have been
Samples that were submitted for radiocarbon dating identified in course of stratigraphic studies of various fen
consisted of solely organic sediments. According to low and bog deposits (¯urek, 1995). Sometimes in higher
portion of carbon in the samples, the pre-treatment of 4% decomposed peat (carr, reed fen, high-sedge fen, cotton-
HCl washing was chosen. After pre-treatment and grass) black and clammy layers are observed. These tes-
carbonisation the samples were combusted, and CO2 was tify to the dry period of longer duration, when peat pro-
purified by standard method used in Gliwice Radiocar- duction was drastically limited or stopped. Instead of or-
bon Laboratory (Pazdur and Pazdur, 1986). Finally, 14C ganic matter accumulation, decomposition process and
activity measurements were carried out by gas propor- its mineralization began, proceeding from top towards the
tional counting techniques (Pazdur et al., 2000). Results bottom levels. Nowadays, in artificially drained peatlands,
of 14C dating from Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory are this process, called mucking, leads to high decomposition
listed in Table 1, marked with laboratory code Gd. Apart and further to granulization of upper peat layers
from these, determinations measured in other radiocar- (Okruszko, 1960).
bon laboratories are to be found here, namely, dates with In the peat profiles from Biebrza basin or Bia³ostocka
lab codes SRR-NERC (Scotland), Hv (Hannover, Ger- Plateau, dated by 14C, drainage led only to the increase of
many), TA (Tartu, Estonia), Lod (£ódŸ, Poland) and those decomposition degree (to 60-80%) without indices of
from Leningrad, now Petersburg, laboratory (Russia). muck granules. Clamminess of highly decomposed peat

Fig. 1. Localization of investigated mires. Linear scale is the same for both window.


Table 1. 14C dating results of peat samples from different sites of Poland. All dated samples came from NE Poland except Bia³e £ugi site
(Central Poland). The symbols and numbers after slash in the column “Name of samples” indicate profile. Roman numbers (I, II, III)for
Wizna mean different sites. Depth = conventional depth in profile.
No. Name of sample Depth Lab. no. C Age Material Altitude References
[cm] [BP] [m asl]
1 Bia³e £ugi 1/13 315-320 Gd-9498 10880±250 sedge-moss fen p. 256,3 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
2 Bia³e £ugi 2/21 95-100 Gd-11211 3480±80 cotton-grass p. 256,5 ¯urek 1996b
3 Bia³e £ugi 3/21 175-185 Gd-10320 10170±120 sedge-sphag. p. 256,5 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
4 Bia³e £ugi 4/14 405-408 Gd-9508 6940±750 humus with sand 256,3 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
5 Bia³e £ugi 13/21 100-105 Gd-15137 2630±90 Eriophorum p. 256 not published
6 Bia³e £ugi 14/21 110-115 Gd-12266 6470±80 Sphagnum-Carex p. 256 not published
7 Bia³e £ugi 15/21 180-185 Gd-15135 8890±140 Carex p. 256 not published
8 Bia³e £ugi 16/21 190-195 Gd-15131 8750±150 Carex p. 256 not published
9 Bia³e £ugi 17/14 90-95 Gd-15129 1830±100 Carex-Sphagnum p. 256 not published
10 Bia³e £ugi 18/14 100-105 Gd-15127 2450±90 Carex-Sphagnum p. 256 not published
5 Biebrza Dolna 1/ Stójka (£awki) 112-118 Gd-7825 2810±60 osier peat 104,1 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
6 Biebrza Dolna 2/ Stójka (£awki) 125-130 Gd-7826 5110±60 osier peat 104,1 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
7 Biebrza Dolna 3/ Stójka (£awki) 270-280 Gd-10491 8450±100 brown-moss peat 104,1 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
8 Gorbacz 1 254-267 Gd-4487 8000±170 detrital gyttja Wicik, 1989
9 Gorbacz 2 180-200 Gd-6172 1460±90 bog peat Wicik, 1989
10 Klimaszewnica /27 145-152 Gd-10492 7150±80 reed-sedge peat 107,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
11 Kuwasy 1/EO 95-100 Gd-7827 3650±50 alder peat 114,6 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
12 Kuwasy 2/EO 186-191 Gd-10497 10850±150 brown-moss peat 114,6 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
13 Laskowiec 18-23 Gd-2301 830±80 peaty formation 103,5 ¯urek1987
14 Machnacz 1/ 6 405-415 Gd-5683 > 40800 sedge-moss peat 152,0 ¯urek 1992
15 Machnacz 1/18 150-160 Gd-10494 7300±130 reed-sedge peat 150,5 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
16 Machnacz 2/ 6 425-435 Gd-5864 > 43500 sedge-moss peat 152,0 ¯urek 1992
17 Machnacz 2/18 372-382 Gd-10495 11690±150 brown-moss peat 150,5 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
18 Machnacz 3/14 368-375 Gd-10499 29470±180 detrital gyttja 151,1 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
19 Machnacz/ 14 138-148 SRR-3176 4040±50 cotton-grass p. 151,1 Haslam 1987
20 Machnacz/ 14 72-82 SRR-3175 1120±50 cotton-grass p. 151,1 Haslam 1987
21 Machnacz/ III 14 380-390 Gd-4959 11100±140 brown-moss peat 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
22 Machnacz/ III 14 330-340 Gd-6818 10370±100 detrital gyttja 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
23 Machnacz/ III 14 280-290 Gd-6819 8570±100 sedge-moss peat 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
24 Machnacz/ III 14 165-175 Gd-6824 7470±100 cotton-grass p. 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
25 Machnacz/ III 14 130-140 Gd-6820 3430±80 cotton-grass p. 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
26 Machnacz/ III 14 50-60 Gd-4966 1720±60 cotton-grass p. 151,1 Kupryjan.1994
27 Maliszewo I/Ia 477-481 Hv-5527 11460±210 peaty formation 104,1 ¯urek 1978
28 Maliszewo II/Ib 186-191 TA-1077 5170±100 detrital gyttja 104,1 ¯urek 1986
29 Maliszewo III/II 370-380 TA-1078 8940±120 sedge peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986
30 Maliszewo IV/II 125-135 TA-1076 2350±100 reed peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986
31 Maliszewo V/Ic 205-212 Gd-10490 5720±110 detrital gyttja 104,1 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
32 Mocarze Ia 27-32 Gd-2302 1460±100 mud 102,5 ¯urek1987
33 Narew/ Narew-Strabla 160-170 Leningrad 3800±70 wood of alder 121,5 Czeczuga1979
34 Narew/Narew-Strabla 50 Leningrad 1470±50 wood of oak 121,5 Czeczuga1979
35 Niewodowo 200-230 Lod-27 1420±130 oak trunk 98,0 Musia³, Strasz.,1988
36 Sienkiewicze 2 33-38 Gd-2306 940±100 muddy-alluvium f. 119,0 ¯urek1987
37 Sienkiewicze 3 13-18 Gd-2303 670±90 peaty-muddy f. 119,0 ¯urek1987
38 Stare Biele 1/I 115-120 Gd-9506 1700±210 alder swamp peat 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
39 Stare Biele 2/I 180-190 Gd-11212 2690±70 alder peat 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
40 Stare Biele 3/I 245-255 Gd-10321 4000±120 alder peat 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
41 Stare Biele 4/I 995-1005 Gd-9503 13900±310 fine-detrital gyttja 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
42 Stare Biele 5/II 94-100 Gd-9497 2190±130 alder peat 143,0 ¯urek 1996b
43 Stare Biele 6/VII 120-130 Gd-10337 5310±100 alder peat 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
44 Stare Biele 7/24 170-180 Gd-7748 6420±60 alder peat 146,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
45 Stare Biele 8/29 110-118 Gd-10388 4480±130 alder peat 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
46 Stare Biele 9/63 150-163 Gd-10493 9010±120 moss p. + wood 143,0 ¯urek, Pazdur, 1999
47 Wieczorki 20-25 Gd-1820 1520±70 peaty formation 105,0 ¯urek1987

S. Zurek et al.

48 Wizna 1/I 525-535 Gd-2017 12610±190 sedge-moss peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986
49 Wizna 10/I 535-542 Gd-2084 12710±240 detr.-clayey g. 104,5 ¯urek 1986
50 Wizna 11/85/ Maliszewo I 467-473 Gd-2562 11730±450 peaty formation 104,1 Balw.¯ur.1989
51 Wizna 11/Góra Strêkowa 145-155 Gd-1726 2210±70 sedge peat 101,5 ¯urek1987
52 Wizna 12/Góra Strêkowa 110-120 Gd-1727 1430±60 sedge peat 101,5 ¯urek1987
53 Wizna 13/85/ Maliszewo I 362-367 Gd-2563 9400±500 calcareous gyttja 104,1 Balw.¯ur.1989
54 Wizna 14/ Maliszewo I 240-245 Gd-2504 7960±180 calc. gyttja, wood. 104,1 Balw.¯ur.1989
55 Wizna 15/ Maliszewo I 165-170 Gd-4020 3340±120 detrital g. + peat 104,1 Balw.¯ur.1987
56 Wizna 16/ Maliszewo I 47-52 Gd-4021 1600±100 detr.-calc. gyttja 104,1 Balw.¯ur.1989
57 Wizna 18/ Maliszewo I 140-145 Gd-4334 4820±100 detrital gyttja 104,1 Balwierz1986
58 Wizna 19/ Maliszewo I 70-78 Gd-4299 2770±90 calcareous gyttja 104,1 Balwierz1986
59 Wizna 2/I 425-435 Gd-2010 9270±120 sedge peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986
60 Wizna 20/ Maliszewo I 35-40 Gd-2869 1770±100 detrital gyttja 104,1 Balwierz1986
61 Wizna 4/II 310-320 Gd-1530 9450±90 osier peat 106,0 ¯urek 1986
62 Wizna 5/III 130-142 Gd-1534 4270±70 sedge peat 102,0 ¯urek 1986
63 Wizna 6/II 65-75 Gd-1595 2050±40 alder-swamp peat 106,0 ¯urek 1986
64 Wizna 7/III 50-60 Gd-1596 1150±40 reed-sedge peat 102,0 ¯urek 1986
65 Wizna 8/ Maliszewo II 200-210 Gd-2086 7440±150 sedge peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986
66 Wizna 9/I 518-525 Gd-2085 12430±170 sedge-moss peat 104,5 ¯urek 1986

did not resulted from silting but from partly mineraliza- sampled a bottom of brown-moss peat, which developed
tion of organic matter, since the ash content in the dis- in isolated depressions and was not covered by gyttja. The
cussed layers is little higher than in underlying and over- dates for the bottom layers of brown-moss peat in Kuwasy
lying strata. Hard granules found now and then are small and Lower Biebrza are 10,850±150 BP (Gd-10497) and
fragments of charcoal coming from thin, black, fire-indi- 8450±150 BP (Gd-10491), respectively; localisation of
cating layers. Highly decomposed layers (ca. 40-50 %) Kuwasy profile EO and the section was published by
occur also within slightly humified sedge-moss fen peat. ¯urek and Dziêczkowski (1971). It cannot be excluded
Besides sedge and brown-moss, remains of shrubs, ferns that the beginning of peat accumulation in Lower Biebrza
and some tall-sedge growing in mires with lowered water is not connected with ground ice melting in substratum
e.g. Carex paradoxa appear here as well. but with rise of ground-water table or lake-water level in
the neighbourhood, since in the nearby situated profile
Beginnings of biogenic accumulation Stójka 14a (Oœwit, 1973) Late Glacial brown-moss peat
Postglacial accumulation of biogenic formation was is covered by gyttja. Gyttja from the deep thermokarst
initiated by climatic change. In warmer Lateglacial peri- depression of Stare Biele, dated to 13,900±310 BP (Gd-
ods brown-moss peat or peaty formation were deposited, 9503), is probably of later origin, since the pollen analysis
representing thus first stage of periglacial tundra (Kupryjanowicz 1998 and 2000) point to the Older Dryas
paludification. Covering of biogenic deposits by gyttja period. Accordingly, the beginnings of mire formation in
testifies to the beginning of thermokarst process, which the North-East of Poland varied, and ranged from Bölling
in Maliszewskie Lake (Fig. 1), as results of peaty forma- to Alleröd. It cannot be determined whether this initial
tions dating (Gd-2562: 11,730±450 BP, Hv-5527: stage of peat formation is connected only with the melt-
11,460±210 BP) manifest it, took place during Alleröd ing processes and when it came to an end. Current state
(¯urek, 1978; Balwierz and ¯urek, 1987 and 1989). of knowledge does not allow to choose any of alternatives
Melting of permafrost in the Machnacz mire (Bia³ostocka (Nowaczyk, 1994) represented by the Late Glacial
Plateau) began probably earlier, in Bölling (Kupryja- (Kozarski, 1963) and early Holocene periods (Stasiak,
nowicz, 1991) and was intensified in Alleröd, as backed 1971; Seibutis, 1963).
by one date for brown-moss peat (Gd-10495: 11,690±150
BP). However, the opinion based on palynological analy- Dry phases in mires
sis of brown-moss peat at the bottom of the Machnacz Approaching from the point of stratigraphy and
I profile about its Bölling origins has not found support changes of peat decomposition degree, humidity changes
in the radiocarbon dates. First result for the brown-moss in Polish mires have not been dated in detail. Two recur-
peat brought value 11,100±170 BP (Gd-4959), second de- rent surfaces in raised bog Bór nad Czerwonym (Podhale
termination for sample from the bottom part of gyttja was Basin) were observed in Subboreal Period (Obidowicz,
as early as 29,470±170 BP (Gd-10499). The beginning of 1978). One highly decomposed layer connected with
under-gyttja peat accumulation in mire Kuwasy was pa- Subboreal period was also found in a fen in the Biebrza
lynologically dated to the second part of Alleröd (¯urek, basin (Oœwit, 1973; ¯urek, 1970). Recently, 2-3 highly
1970), in Lower Biebrza basin (Stójka) to the Late Gla- decomposed layers situated one above the other have
cial (Oœwit, 1973). These results are supplied with the ra- been identified in the mires Stare Biele (Knyszyñska
diocarbon dates from the Biebrza basin area, where was Wilderness: ¯urek, 1996a) and Bia³e £ugi in southern


piedmont of the Holy Cross Mts (¯urek, 1996b). These Pinus-Quercus (Kupryjanowicz, 2000), the second dry
enable to undertake a test dating of dry periods and period corresponds to Pinus-Carpinus-Betula phase; the
humidity fluctuations recorded in peat. BP date of the latest dry phase seems to be a bit younger
In the shallow profile 21 in Bia³e £ugi mire (see than palynology would suggest. With the latest dry phase
Table 1) both of two highly decomposed layers were dated, corresponds value Gd-9497: 2190±130 BP, measured on
resulting in the determinations 3480±80 BP (Gd-11211) sample of highly decomposed deposit located in the depth
for the upper (in the depth of 95-100 cm) and 10,170±120 of 0.94-1.00 m within the profile 2, situated in the distance
BP (Gd-10320) for the lower (depth 175-185cm) one. of 130m from the kettle hole. Subatlantic period recorded
In the profile 13, located some 100 m away from the within the mighty succession of the kettle hole probably
former one, the bottom layer in the depth of 315-320 cm began with moisten, sedge-moss fen associations sup-
was dated to 10,880±250 BP (Gd-9498). Considering the planted alder carr. Dry conditions of the latest period
situation in the profile 14, initially, the age of the lower- opened the area for alder-birch forest.
most part of the 4m deep succession could not be deter- In the cotton-grass bog peat of mire Machnacz an evi-
mined by the 14C. The dating of organic layers (humus with dence of distinct dry period is represented by layer in the
sand) under the peat gave result 6940±750 BP (Gd-9508) depth of 138-148 cm, dated to 4040±50 BP (SRR-3176,
and surprisingly, the age of the bottom part of peat over Table 1); in the layer hummock sphagnum and pine
humus has been stated as 12,900±360 BP (Gd-14015). needles dominate (Haslam, 1987). Given the higher de-
In the profile 6A (¯urek, 2001a, not included in Table 1) composition of peat and distinct increase of the humus
of this mire 2 cm thick organic layer from the depth of content observed, Haslam showed that dry phases occur
212-214 cm, under the peat, was dated to 18,300±600 BP also at the levels of 136 cm, 107 cm and 96 cm under
(Gd-14020). Hypsometric differences between position of present surface.
bottom highly humified layers in the profiles 21 and 13 In Biebrza basin, highly humified layers were dated at
(ca. 1.5 m, Table 1) can be viewed as indicating subsid- three sites. Profile Stójka 14a in the East of lower Biebrza
ence of the central part of the deposit in a Younger Dryas Basin (not included in Table 1) incorporated, at the depth
as a consequence of the permafrost extinction. of 95-105 cm, a layer of osier peat that was connected with
The date 13,900±310 BP (Gd-9503, see Table 1) for Subboreal period in the early seventies (Oœwit, 1973). In
the bottom sample of detrital gyttja from the kettle hole the vicinity a profile with rather mighty, highly humified
in northern bay of Stare Biele mire seems to be too early layer situated a little deeper (112-130 cm) has been
when compared to the palynological investigations setting sampled. Two radiocarbon dates, Gd-7826: 5110±60 BP
the sample towards the end of Older Dryas (Kupry- and Gd-7825: 2810±60 BP, obtained for the bottom and
janowicz, 2000). In the 4m deep succession of forest and the top of this layer show that in Subboreal period peat
sedge-moss peat deposit, three strata of highly humified accumulation process was interrupted or was very slow
peat (with the decomposition degree of 60-70%) were indeed, and later, for the final phase of Subboreal, just
observed, the dating of which brought following results. decomposition is indicated.
The lower layer of highly humified dark forest peat from Another evidence of dry phase represents highly hu-
the depth of 170-180 cm located in north-western bay, mified dark layer, found in the depth of 150-160 cm, in
representing the earliest Atlantic drainage period, was deep sedge-moss fen peat of Klimaszewica. Entering of
dated to 6420±60 BP (Gd-7748). The second drainage hummock sedge Carex paradoxa and reed communities
period, reflected by highly humified clammy alder peat to Caricetum diandre community attest to drainage. The
in the central part of the mire (profile 7, Table 1), depos- dating of decomposed peat at 145-152 cm giving the re-
ited 120-130 cm under present surface, is set to 5310±100 sult of 7150±80 BP (Gd-10492) brought evidence of the
BP (Gd-10377); it is the period, when terrrestrialization earliest Atlantic dry phase in this region.
of lakes and afforestation of the central part of the mire Regarding situation of highly decomposed layer and
took place. Profile 29 situated in western bay brought the its thickness, the Kuwasy profile is essentially the same as
evidence of highly humified layer in the depth of 1.1-1.18 the profile 21 from Bia³e £ugi, what is shown also by date
m, which was dated to 4480±130 BP (Gd-10388). In north- Gd-7827: 3650±50 BP, measured on sample coming from
western bay, within a small area of transition bog (sedge the bottom of forest peat at the level of 95-100 cm. While
moss coniferous forest Carici chordorrhizae – Pinetum) drainage in the Biebrza area caused afforestation with
10 m deep kettle hole was discovered. Here, where the alder, in Bia³e £ugi it was cotton-grass raised bog com-
accumulation rate was three times higher in comparison munity that entered into moss-sedge association of the
to alder swamp peat in the rest of the mire, three highly transition bog.
humified forest peat layers originated in Neoholocene As for the sample collection is concerned it should be
were identified at 1.15-1.20, 1.8-1,9 and 2.45-2.55 m stated that, unless highly decomposed layer was not thick
below present surface. According to 14C dating, two ear- some 5-10 cm, it was sampled as a whole and in this case
lier dry stages took place around 4000±120 BP (Gd- an average age was received, without an opportunity of
10321) and 2690±70 BP (Gd-11212), respectively; the determining the length of period when peat formation was
latest is dated back to 1700±210 BP (Gd-9506). Regard- hibernated. Exceptionally, the discussed type of layer was
ing the palynological evidence, the earliest layer suffered outstandingly mighty, namely in sediments of Lower
from the lack of material and therefore it can be only Biebrza mire, where 18 cm thick, highly humified stratum
stated that it is situated over Early Subboreal phase of enabled to take samples from its top and the bottom;

S. Zurek et al.

radiocarbon dating of these samples showed that there Straszewska, 1988) were felled at this time (1470±50 and
had been a large hiatus of some 2300 years in the local 1420±130 BP). In the channel zone of Moczarze area
peat accumulation. Furthermore, more detailed informa- (Lower Biebrza basin), erosions and flows caused that
tion on rate of peat accumulation processes were received around 1460±100 BP (Gd-2302) mud formations started
when dates for peat under and over highly decomposed to accumulate over sand-muddy sediments. Wet phase
layer were determined. In the vicinity of the profile 21 in began little earlier, because from around 1520±70 BP
Bia³e £ugi mire, highly decomposed layers of which were (Gd-1820) peaty accumulations were formed in the shore
dated to 3480±80 and 10,170±120 BP (see Table 1), re- zone of shallow raised bog in the environs of Wieczorki
spectively, almost no interruption occurred (8890±140 village (neighbourhood area of Maliszewskie Lake). Wet
and 8750±150 BP), or, during later development, its du- phase marked by increase of hollow sphagnums (Sphag-
ration could have been as long as 3840 years, from num cuspidatum, Sphagnum recurvum) at raised bog in
6470±80 to 2630±90 BP. In the profile 14 representing Machnacz was dated to 1120±50 BP (SRR-3175; Haslam,
the deepest spot of this mire, indices for some 620 1987). Haslam‘s study (1987) that dealt with 18 sites of
BP-years long interruption were gathered (2450±90, mires from western Ireland to north-eastern Poland al-
1830±100 BP). So long stagnation in the accumulation lowed to establish the pattern of climatic change during
of peat as shown by dates for the profile 21 (approx. 6000 Subboreal and Atlantic periods (Barber, 1993). From
years) from the shore part of Bia³e £ugi mire is even more works on wet phases recorded abroad we would like to
difficult to explain, when we consider that some 300 m mention here article of Blackford and Chambers (1991)
away it lasted only some 600 years. It is possible, that pointing to distinct decrease of peat decomposition de-
Subboreal peat layer was burnt as a consequence of mire’s gree in the blanket mires of Ireland and Great Britain
fire. in1400-1300 BP.
After 2810±60 BP (Gd-7825) the evidence of profile
Peat formation of Maliszewskie Lake Stójka in Lower Biebrza region shows increasing amount
From the shore of Maliszewskie Lake (Wizna mire, of reed contemporarily with the birch decrease down to
see Fig. 1), a sample of detrital gyttja indicating a drain- 25%, and peat decomposition degree going almost up to
age phase and lowering of the water table (connected with 50%. Similar situation was noted in the profile Stare Biele
the local peat formation; ¯urek, 1978 and 1986) was sub- 1 (¯urek, 2000). Here, after 2690±70 BP alder forest re-
mitted for dating. The first result of the gyttja dating (Gd- treated and bryales appeared, with birch and reed remains,
4020: 3340±120 BP) from this reference site of north- i.e. sedge-moss shrub fen with constant and abundant
eastern Poland is questionable, because of probable con- water supply developed.
tamination and rejuvenation of the deposit (Balwierz and In the shore profile of Maliszewskie Lake, over dark
¯urek, 1987). In the synthetic study on the palaeo- detrital gyttja dated to 5170±110 BP (TA-1077; ¯urek,
hydrology of Polish lakes and mires (Ralska-Jasiewiczowa 1986) grey-brown detrital-calcareous gyttja was accumu-
and Lata³owa, 1996) a hiatus spanned between 3500 and lated, and in the upper whitish calcareous gyttja, indicat-
7000 years BP was suggested for this profile. Dating of ing rapid rise of the lake water table, was present. Detri-
dark, detrital gyttja, located approximately 10 cm lower tal-calcareous gyttja from the depth of 140-145 cm was
than in other profiles (205-212 cm), gave result 5720±110 dated to 4820±100 BP (Gd-4334), so wet phase began
BP (Gd-10490) connecting thus the local drainage period around 5000 BP and could have lasted until around 4700-
towards the end of Atlantic period, what has already been 4500 BP when in the profiles 1 and 29 of Stare Biele (see
shown by measurement TA-10077: 5170±100 BP (¯urek, Table 1) dry phases occurred. Similarly to Stare Biele, in
1986). It seems that hiatus in so long period of time is the kettle hole at Machnacz mire (Bia³ostocka Plateau)
absent - derital-calcareous gyttja from level 140-145 cm after phase of moss-fen mire, with moss and low sedge,
was dated to 4820±100 BP (Gd-4334). Temporary results supplied with constant, moderate ground-water inflow,
of pollen analysis of the detrital gyttja sediment (205- tall-sedge fen phase with dominating reed and tall sedge
212 cm) also point to the boundary of Atlantis and Subbo- began to develop (¯urek, 1992). Surface water, connected
real periods (Balwierz, personal communication). with increased precipitation, and water inflow from little
catchments supplied the mire. This moist phase lasted
Wet phases in mires around 7300±130 BP (Gd-10494), what is in agreement
Principal indicators of rise of the ground-water table with gyttja of Maliszewskie Lake, appearing over the
are decrease of peat decomposition degree, retreat of sedge-moss fen peat dated to 7440±150 BP (Gd-2086).
trees and shrubs, increase of reeds and sedges populations, The earlier wet period is related to the beginnings of
and finally, submerging of the peat deposit. Boreal period (¯urek, 1986). Planting mires of central
The latest phase of increase of moisture appeared in Wizna with shrubs and lowering of water level were dated
the vicinity of Góra Strêkowa. Peat from the old riverbed to 9270±120 BP (Gd-2100). Later rise of water level,
exposed by lateral erosion of the channel was covered by decrease of peat decomposition degree and spread of low
sandy alluvial loam dated to 1430±60 BP (Gd-1727; sedge Carex lasiocarpa resulted from abundant ground-
¯urek, 1987). Climatic change leading to more humid con- water inflow. In the profile 9 of Stare Biele, the layer of
ditions caused avulsion of the river channel. Oaks found gyttja covering the sedge-moss fen peat dated to
in the river deposit of upper Narwia at Strabla (Czeczuga, 9010±120 BP (Gd-10493) testifies to increasing of water
1969) and at Niewodów near £om¿a (Musia³ and level as well. Uplift of water level during the initial


Younger Dryas can be reflected by presence of peat with construct succession of dry and wet phases. As for chro-
gyttja over highly decomposed layer dated to 10,880±250 nology, radiocarbon dating of peat layers should be con-
BP (Gd-9498) in the profile 13 of Bia³e £ugi mire and by firmed by pollen analysis. It may happen, however, that
accumulation of brown-moss peat in Kuwasy profile, C dates are in a strong disagreement with results of pa-
which began around 10,850±250 BP (Gd-10497). It is to lynological investigation, being earlier or later than dat-
be added that the presence of peat with gyttja was stated ing suggested by pollen spectra. Such case of major dif-
only according to macroscopically observations and ference represent set of radiocarbon determinations for
should be confirmed by the pollen analysis. samples from profile Machnacz III (Kupryjanowicz, 1994).
M. Kupryjanowicz suggested that the situation could be
5. PALAEOHYDROLOGIC CHANGES IN NORTH explained by contamination caused by using a small-di-
PODLASIE LOWLAND AND THE HOLY CROSS ameter corer. According to him, sampling with a help of
MOUNTAINS IN LATE GLACIAL AND HOLOCENE corer with bigger diameter decrease probability of con-
tamination during sampling distinctively.
It seems that certain phenomena observed in the The radiocarbon dating of highly decomposed peat
stratigraphy of mires, particularly changes of peat decom- layers has enabled to state approximate duration of dry
position degree and botanical taxa spectrum, can be used phases (Fig. 2A, after ¯urek and Pazdur, 1999, changed),
to determine hydrologic conditions in the past and to re- namely: in Subatlantic period 1700-2200 BP; in Subboreal


A (¯urek, Pazdur, 1999, changed)



Lake-levels in Northern Poland

B (Ralska-Jasiewiczowa,1989; after Wojciechowski, 1999)



Wet and dry phases in raised bog Pesansuo in South-Western Finland

C (Ikonen, 1993)



1.2 Changes of relative depth of the Lake Goœci¹¿
D (Pazdur et al., 1995)



Lake levels in the Jura lakes

E (Magny, Ruffaldi, 1995; after Wojciechowski, 1999)

Fig. 2. Correlation between

wet and dry phases in mires
of Eastern Poland and other
changes of climatic features
during Late Glacial and
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 Holocene in Poland, Finland
Conv. Age [BP] and France.

S. Zurek et al.

period 2600-2800 BP, 3400-3700 BP, ca. 4000 BP and methods for analysis of large sets of 14C dates for peat and
4500 BP, in Atlantic period 5100-5700 BP, ca. 6400 BP and gyttja from various geographical regions.
6900-7100 BP; at the end of Preboreal 9200-9300 BP; at
the beginning and at the end of Younger Dryas ca. 10,100 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and 10,900 BP. On the other hand, wet phases can be ap-
proximately marked, according to the presented evidence, The interpretation of radiocarbon results for sedi-
as follows: the middle (1100-1400 BP) and the beginning ments of Polish mires have been sponsored by the grant
(2100-2600 BP) of Subatlantic period, the beginning from Scientific Research Committee No 6 P04E 007 17
of Subboreal period (4700-5000 BP), in Atlantic period and is continuation of earlier formulated problem in the
7300-7500 BP, the end (8000-8400 BP) and the beginning frame grant No 6 P04E 026 10.
of Boreal period (8800-9200 BP). In Younger Dryas
water table was raised during its earlier stage (10,500- REFERENCES
10,850 BP).
Moisture changes plot for north-eastern Poland is in Balwierz Z. and ¯urek S., 1987: The Late Glacial and Holocene
good agreement with the results for lakes and mires in vegetational history and palaeohydrological changes at the
Poland plotted in Figure 2B, elaborated by Ralska- Wizna Site (Podlasie Lowland). Acta Palaeobotanica 27 (1):
Jasiewiczowa (1989; Starkel, 1990; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa 121-136.
and Lata³owa, 1996). Balwierz Z. and ¯urek S., 1989: Type Region P-n: Masovia and
Podlasie Lowlands, NE Part: Podlasie Lowland. Acta Palaeo-
Good agreement is apparent also for the moist phases
botanica 29 (2): 65-68.
up to 3 ka BP as recorded in the sites of north-eastern
Barber K.E., 1993: Peatlands as scientific archives of past
Poland and raised bog Pasänsuo (Fig. 2C) in south-west- biodiversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 2: 474-489.
ern Finland (Ikonen, 1993). Dry and wet phases were dis- Blackford J.J. and Chambers F.M., 1991: Proxy records of climate
tinguished here according to presence of rhizopod from blanket mires: evidence for a Dark Age (1400 BP) climatic
Amphitrema flavium, and 6 m long profile was dated by deterioration in the British Isles. The Holocene 1(1): 63-67.
means of radiocarbon in the way that every 5 cm of suc- Czeczuga B., 1969: A few comments on the History of the valley of
cession was sampled (120 dates). The divergence refers the River Narew. Schweizerische Zeit Hydrologie 31: 157-161.
periods 3400-3700 BP, 4700-5000 BP and 5200-5700 BP. Haslam C.J., 1987: Late Holocene peat stratigraphy and climatic
Similar agreement refers to high and low water level change – a macrofossil investigation from the raised mires of
noted in Goœci¹¿ Lake (Fig. 2D; Pazdur et al., 1994; Pazdur north-western Europe. Ph.D thesis, University of Southampton
et al., 1995), Biskupiñskie Lake (Niewiarowski, 1995;
Ikonen L., 1993: Holocene development and peat growth of the
Starkel et al., 1996) and Kórnik-Zaniemyœl Lakes
raised bog Pesänsuo in southwestern Finland. Geological Sur-
(Wojciechowski, 1999) sediments. High water levels in vey of Finland, Bull. 370: 1-79.
both regions are connected with the beginning of Kozarski S., 1963: O póŸnoglacjalnym zaniku martwego lodu w
Subboreal and beginning of Subatlantic periods. Low Wielkopolsce zachodniej (About Late Glacial decay of dead
water levels occurred at the end of Preboreal period, in ice in western Great Poland). Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polsk¹
the beginning and at the end of Atlantic period and in Zachodni¹ 11: 51-60.
Subboreal period. Relatively good coincidence of high and Kupryjanowicz M., 1991: Eemian, early and late Vistulian and
low water-level stands with Polish and French Jura lakes Holocene vegetation in the region of Machnacz peat-bog near
(Fig. 2E; Magny and Ruffaldi, 1995) was shown in Fig. 2. Bia³ystok (NE Poland). Acta Palaeobotanica 31(1-2): 215-225.
Kupryjanowicz M., 1994: Zmiany roœlinnoœci w rejonie torfowisk
Machnacz w Puszczy Knyszyñskiej w czasie interglacja³u
eemskiego, Vistulianu i holocenu (Changes of vegetation in
environs of peat-bog Machnacz in Knyszyñska Wilderness in
It should be noted that changes stated in mires sedi- eem interglacial, Vistulian and Holocene). Ph. D. thesis, UW,
ments, especially changes in peat decomposition degree Bia³ystok: 1-135 (msc).
and botanical composition exploited to determine hydro- Kupryjanowicz M., 1998: Wyniki ekspertyzy palinologicznej osadów
logic changes in the past, especially to reconstruct of dry torfowiska Stare Biele (Results of palinological analysis of sedi-
and moist phases in the Late Glacial and Holocene. Com- ments from Stare Biele mire). UW Bia³ystok (msc).
parison of wet and dry phases reconstructed on basis of Kupryjanowicz M., 2000: PóŸnoglacjalne i holoceñskie zmiany
mires sediments from Eastern Poland are generally in roœlinnoœci okolic Uroczyska (Late Glacial and Holocene veg-
good agreement with periods of high and low water level etation changes in Mire changes). In: Przemiany siedlisk i
stands observed for Polish lakes, especially Goœci¹¿ Lake roœlinnoœci torfowisk uroczyska Stare Biele w Puszczy
Knyszyñskiej (Changes of site and vegetation of Stare Biele mire
and lakes from Northern Poland. The disagreement be-
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 119-128, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Œw. Jana 22, 31-018 Cracow, Poland
Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Physics, Department of Radioisotopes,
Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland (e-mail:
Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Cracow, Poland

Key words
words: Abstract: This paper presents results of absolute dating of alluvial sedimentary series form-
ALLUVIAL SEDIMENTS, ing a rendzina terrace (higher floodplain) 7-8 m high above the Wis³ok River channel and
WIS£OK RIVER VALLEY, a sandy terrace 8-10 m high in the Subcarpathian Pradolina section of the Wis³ok River valley.
RADIOCARBON DATING, The organic mud infilling fossil depressions (palaeochannels?) in the lower part of the rendzina
LUMINESCENCE terrace have been dated by the radiocarbon method to more than 38,500 BP. The organic
DATING, series occurring within the sandy terrace yielded three ages >36,000 BP. Results of palyno-
QUATERNARY logical analyses carried out on both sites indicate tundra or forest-tundra environments with
water-filled depressions at the time of organic sediments deposition. The top of the 8-10 m
high sandy terrace is built of fluvial sands and eolian cover sands with dunes in the upper-
most part. Their age has been established by means of the OSL method to 11.2±0.9 ka BP.
The younger alluvial inset fill is formed of sands and silts with involutions occurring under
Holocene muds. They were deposited by a braided river during the Upper Plenivistulian as
indicated by two other OSL dates of 22.2±2.2 ka BP and 14.0±1.5 ka BP. Within the rendzina
terrace the youngest series of Vistulian age is built with peats and silts, infilling the wide
depression at the foots of sandy hillocks, dated to about 11,800 BP.

1. INTRODUCTION and Starkel (1960) the 6-8 m high rendzina terrace is ap-
parently inserted in the loess-covered terrace. Starkel
The geological survey of the Wis³ok River valley (1960) provided evidence for the Holocene age of the
started at the beginning of the 20th century when rendzina terrace in Rzeszów, which comprise alluvial in-
Friedberg (1903) elaborated Rzeszów and £añcut sheets set fills of different age. It also hides remnants of older
of the Geological Atlas of the former Austrian Galicia. alluvia as, for example, documented by the profile in
Friedberg (1903) described grey-blue clays underlying BrzeŸnica in the neighbouring Wis³oka River valley, where
glacial gravels in the lower part of rendzina terrace in paleochannel deposits have been dated to between 46 and
Terliczka and £ukawiec. He assigned them to the Young 36 ky BP (Mamakowa and Starkel, 1974). Starkel (1980)
Pleistocene or early Holocene period. Klimaszewski cited a date of 43.9±2.1 ky for peat sample taken by him-
assigned the middle terrace (up to 20 meters above the self in £ukawiec and obtained by M. Geyh in 1975.
river bed) loess-covered to the Middle Polish (Saalian) Several years ago, in the frame of the Detailed Geologic
Glaciation, and the lower-lying terrace (up to 10 meters) Map of Poland 1:50,000 project, geological mapping of
with overbank loams in the top to the Last Glaciation. The the Rzeszów, £añcut and Jaros³aw sheets has been un-
structure and age of the Wis³ok terraces in Rzeszów were dertaken. Results of geological mapping have been pub-
studied by Jahn (1957), Laskowska-Wysoczañska (1971) lished in the form of several notes and presented during
and Starkel (1972 and 1980) who dated the higher terrace the VI Conference on Stratigraphy of Pleistocene in
sediments bearing a cover of loess or dunes to the North Poland, Czudec 1999 (Wójcik et al., 1999; Zimnal, 1999).
Polish (Vistulian) Glaciation. According to Jahn (1957)

During spring freshets of the year 2000, with the high- luminescence) dating was made on samples of mineral
est water level reaching 5 m above the river bed, Wis³ok sediments.
River made numerous undercuts in banks in the section
behind £¹ka where the river runs within the Subcar- 2. GEOMORPHOLOGICAL
pathian Pradolina. When floodwaters subsided, P. Gêbica AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING
found in several new exposures in the lower part of the
rendzina terrace a cohesive layer of silty clay and organic The Wis³ok River beyond Rzeszów flows within an
mud, truncated in the upper part and covered with erosional depression of the Subcarpathian Pradolina. The
younger alluvial series. A similar organic series and silts pradolina is distinctively bordered from the south and the
were found nearby in Czarna-Podbór, in the open sand north (Fig. 1). To the south an edge of the Kañczucka
pit located on the higher 8-10 m terrace. Plateau (220-280 m a.s.l.) rises, which is covered with a
Undertaken researches aimed at finding an age of dif- sequence of alluvial and glacial sediments, frequently
ferent sequences of Vistulian fluvial sediments. Geomor- overlain by loess, deposited on a Miocene clays
phological mapping of the Wis³ok River valley bottom (Laskowska-Wysoczañska, 1971; Zimnal, 1999). The edge
between Rzeszów and £añcut was performed by P. Gêbica. of the Kolbuszowski Plateau constitutes the north border.
On the same occasion a number of accessible exposures, It is built with Miocene clays, covered with preglacial
presenting different stratigraphical units was profiled. alluvial sediments, fluvioglacial sands, and glacial till from
Information related to the range and thickness of terrace the Sanian 2 (Elsterian) Glaciation. In the Subcarpathian
sequences have been supplemented with data obtained Pradolina near Jasionka at the elevation of 210-213 m a.s.l.
through geological drillings and taken from rich archive fluvioglacial deposits and washed glacial till cover an in-
documentation on earlier boring projects. The fieldwork terstadial organic series from the Sanian 2 Glaciation
was also an occasion for taking samples for palynological (Laskowska-Wysoczañska, 1971). The bottom of the
and granulometric analyses, and for radiometric dating. Wis³ok River valley is terraced and filled with alluvia of
Radiocarbon dating was performed on samples of peat the thickness up to 20 m. Between Rzeszów and
and organic silt sediments while OSL (optically stimulated Trzebownisko, a slightly inclined terrace plain ranges at

Fig. 1. Geomorphological map of the Wis³ok River valley between Rzeszów and £añcut:
1 – PeriCarpathian Loess Plateau, 2 –- Kolbuszowski Plateau, 3 – fluvioglacial level from the Sanian 2 Glaciation, 4 – alluvial terrace
from the Middle Polish Glaciation?, 5 – loess-covered terrace plain from the Vistulian Glaciation, 6 – sandy terrace 8-10 m high, 7 –
alluvial fan of the Vistulian age, 8 – dune ridges, 9 – higher floodplain (rendzina terrace) 7-10 m high, 10 – flatbottomed depressions
(floodbasins), 11 – lower floodplain 3-5 m high, 12 – alluvial fan of Holocene age, 13 –- paleochannel system, 14 – traces of braided
river (Late Vistulian age), 15 – peatbogs, 16 – erosional edges below 10 m, 17 – erosional edges above 10 m, 18 – geological transect
with borehole numbers, 19 – excavations, 20 – roads, 21 – railway.

P. Gêbica et al.

the elevation about 20 m above the Wis³ok River level. with organic material, had developed. The top of orga-
Its upper part consists of dozen-metre-thick loess, and its nogenic series has been truncated and covered with the
lower part contains alluvial sands with organic mud in- younger series of alluvial sediments of 5 m thickness. This
sets and gravels lying on the Miocene clays. These depos- younger series consists mainly of sands with coarse gravel
its are 20 m thick and they date to the Vistulian Glacia- (channel deposits) and sets of cross-bedded sands with
tion (Jahn, 1957). Along the left border of the valley, at sandy silt insets (meander point bar deposits) and of over-
the height of 8-13 m above the Wis³ok River channel, bank alluvial loams in the top. The peaty mud sample taken
a sandy terrace stretches, 0.5 to 1.5 km wide, with a wind- at the elevation of 2 m above the present water level in the
blown sands on the top. In places, undercut by river channel yielded the radiocarbon age >38,500 BP
paleomeanders, it is separated from the rendzina terrace (Gd-15157). Pollen analyses made on eight samples taken
by a 1-2 m high edge. Circular, wet depressions from peaty mud organic silts in the profile £ukawiec-1
(thermokarstic?) and natural levees with wind-blown (Fig. 3) revealed large amounts of herbaceous plants
sands on the top have been profiled on the terrace sur- (NAP), particularly Cyperaceae and grasses (Poaceae).
face. The contemporary bottom of the Wis³ok River val- Tree pollen percentage reaches almost 25% of the total
ley, 4-6 km wide, is occupied by a Holocene rendzina ter- pollen count only in the top sample; in other samples it
race, which is cut 10 m deep in the vicinity of Rzeszów varies between 9.8% and 20.2%. The taxonomic compo-
and 7-8 m deep near £añcut (Fig. 1). It forms a higher sition of samples is not much diversified. Among the trees
level of a floodplain that currently is not flooded even only pollen of common pine (Pinus silvestris) and of stone
during the highest freshets. It forms an alluvial fan be- pine (Pinus cembra) are abundant in all samples. Among
yond Rzeszów, with several abandoned (due to avulsion the bushes relatively high scores have been recorded for
processes) palaeomeander systems of the Wis³ok River dwarf birch (Betula nana). A few pollen grains of willow
and its tributary Czarna River. The best known is a nar- (Salix), sporadic pollen grains of alder (Alnus viridis) and
row and sinuous paleochannel system called Stary Wis³ok abundant colonies of Pediastrum algae have been found.
abandoned after one of catastrophic floods in the half of They indicate the presence of shallow water depressions,
the 18th century (Strzelecka, 1958). The rendzina terrace at least periodic. The results enable stating that the most
is built of gravels with sands in the lower part, and sands characteristic feature of the landscape of the area sur-
with alluvial loams and 2-4 m thick clays in the upper part. rounding this site was a prevailing number of open com-
In the £¹ka locality a Pleistocene sandy terrace occurs in munities of herbaceous plants. Most of all they were com-
isolated patches and it rises 1-3 meters above the flood- munities of wet and waterlogged habitats. There were
plain (Fig. 1). This is probably a fragment of an alluvial probably some other types of plant communities, besides
fan formed by the Wis³ok River during the Vistulian time, grass-sedge ones, where dwarf birch shrubberies, alder,
which is indicated by an archaeological findings of willow and brown moss grew together with other plants
Mesolithic settlements (Czopek and Podgórska-Czopek, of dry non-forest steppe-tundra sites (Artemisia, Chenopo-
1995). The lower level of the floodplain makes narrow diaceae and Helianthemum). Trees could by found, if any,
bench of swampy meadow terrace at the elevation of sparsely in small assemblages or in the Wis³ok River val-
3-5 meters above the river channel, being several tens to ley. Palynological data and results of radiocarbon dating
500 m wide. It is covered with meadows and brush and it suggest that sediments were deposited in cool climatic
is flooded almost every year during higher freshets. It is conditions during the older part of Pleniglacial of the
mainly built of sandy loams overlying sands with gravel. Vistulian glaciation. £ukawiec yielded yet another radio-
It has probably been formed during the last 150-200 years, carbon date made on peat sampled by L. Starkel from the
similarly like the swampy meadow terrace of the San River layer forming rapids in the Wis³ok River bed, exposed on
(Szumañski, 1986). The channel of the Wis³ok River un- the right edge of the terrace (Starkel, 1980). It is difficult
derwent partial regulation in the beginning of the 20th now to point the place from which the dated sample de-
century, but it is not embanked. The present width of the rived. The age of peat, as obtained in 1975 by M. Geyh
river is about 25-35 m. and equal to 43.9±2.1 ky BP (Hv-6388), is indicative of
the interstadial series (interpleniglacial) of the last gla-
3. SITE DESCRIPTIONS ciation (Gradowski and Nalepka, 1985; Starkel, 1980).

£ukawiec-1 Czarna-Podbór
A very interesting profile, exposing two series of allu- At the distance of some 0.5 km NNE of £ukawiec pro-
vial deposits (Figs 1 and 2), was found during the geomor- file, at the border of Czarna-Podbór hamlet, there are
phological mapping of the 7 m high terrace on the right several open sand pits. Sand pits are located on the ter-
bank of the Wis³ok river. The lower series consisted of race plain elevated about 8-9 m above the river bed and
fine sands covered with alternately stratified silt and yel- up to 1.5 km wide. It is bordered on the floodplain by
low-olive sand. In the upper part of the sequence sand a distinct edge of the old paleochannel up to 2 m high (Figs
distinctively graded into blue silty clays which in turn 1 and 2A). The terrace surface is slightly undulated with
gradually graded into organic silts and peaty mud of 0.6 flat swellings and depressions not higher, or deeper, than
metre thickness. At the contact between the organogenic 2 m. Dune ridges, 5-10 m high, occur at higher elevations
layer and the underlying silts and sands numerous sedi- and low levees occur in places closer to the edge of the
mentary involutions and cryogenic fissure structure filled terrace. To the west of the biggest sand pit the terrace is


11.2±0,9 ka BP

Fig. 2. Radiocarbon dating results and the cross-section through the sandy terrace (8-10 m) in Czarna-Podbór and the right bank
terrace (7 m) in £ukawiec site:
1 – Miocene, 2 – sand with gravel, 3 – sands, 4 – stratified sands with fine gravels (eolian cover sands), 5 – sandy silts, 6 – muds
and clays, 7 – stratified muds and sands disturbed by periglacial structures, 8 – peaty muds, 9 – organic silts, 10 – alluvial loams,
11 – fossil soil, 12 – Holocene soil 13 – involutions (drop soils) and frost wedges.

cut down by a valley of a small stream, the bottom of which >36.6 ka BP (Gd-15148), and the second sample of peaty
is covered with flood muds. In the biggest sand pit belong- mud from a layer lying 1 m below gave also an indefinite
ing to Mr. Kazimierz Jeziorek from Medynia £añcucka age >36.2 ky BP (Gd-15155). Another peaty mud sample
the layer of silt with organic matter was found at the depth taken from the Czarna-Podbór 1 drill core, 3.7-3.9 m
of 5 m below the terrace surface. The structure of the ter- above the Wis³ok river bed was dated to >36.4 ka BP
race was documented by 23 archival drillings made on the (Gd-15154). The age of the sampled deposits corresponds,
sand pit area of 0.25 km2 . Sampling was made by three probably, to the older part of the Middle Plenivistulian,
additional geological drillings using “Geomeres” derrick similarly to the profile in BrzeŸnica upon Wis³oka River
and samples for palynological and radiocarbon analyses (Mamakowa and Starkel, 1974; Mamakowa et al., 1997)
were taken. or is much older.
Four basic members of deposits have been recognised
in the terrace structure (Fig. 2A). At the depth of 10-13 m Wola Ma³a
a sandy gravel cover, 2-5 m thick, lies on Miocene clays. The site Wola Ma³a near £añcut, on the right bank of
Above that there is a member of silty and sandy clays a big southward bent meander of the Wis³ok River, re-
bedded with organic silts and peaty mud, 1.5 to 2 m thick, veals an interesting sequence of sediments (Figs 1 and 2B).
filling fossil depressions (paleochannels?) cut in the chan- Below the overbank alluvial loams of Holocene age, sand
nel alluvia. The top of the terrace consists of dusty sands and silt layers are exposed, part of it being disturbed.
truncated by coarse sands with an admixture of gravel, Holocene overbank deposits are represented by massive
1-3 cm size, with a pavement in the bottom. The thickness clays interbedded with silts of the total thickness of 3.5 m.
of the upper members of the deposits is 3-4.5 m. Samples A vertical profile exposes two sequences of deposits
for dating have been taken from two selected drilling sites. below the alluvial loams. The lowermost part of the pro-
A drilling core sample coming from an upper layer of file, shows mixed sands with single gravels and silty sands
peaty mud lying at the height of 4 m above the river bed with involutions (overbank deposits). The top of these
in the Czarna-Podbór 3 profile, yielded an indefinite age sediments is cut and covered with another layer of cross-

P. Gêbica et al.

Fig. 3. Pollen diagram from the £ukawiec-1 profile.

11.2±0,9 ka BP

Fig. 4. Schematic cross-section of the northern margin of the Wis³ok River valley floor near Czarna and £ukawiec:
1 – sands with gravels, 2 – fluvial sands, 3 – stratified fluvial sands with eolian cover sands in the top of the terrace, 4 – silty sands
5 – unstratified eolian sands, 6 – stratified sands and silts disturbed by involutions, 7 – laminated muds and sands, 8 – clays and
muds, 9 – alluvial loams, 10 – peaty muds, 11 – organic silts, 12 – involutions and frost figures.


bedded sands with fine gravels and laminated silts (flood- £¹ka
plain deposits). Layers of sands and silts in the top part On the rendzina terrace, to the south of the present
are inclined and subjected to sliding. Wis³ok River bed, several boreholes gave insight into the
Single sand wedge being up to 0.5 m long and trun- structure of the flat-bottomed depression surrounding the
cated at the top, frost fissure and small faults caused prob- sandy patches of Pleistocene terrace near £¹ka (Figs 1
ably by ground subsiding, were observed in the dusty and 2B). The structure of the wide depression consists of
sands. Abundant involutions, described as drop soils were peat, lying on sands with silts, clays, and alluvial loams in
found at the border between silts and sands. This type of the top. The radiocarbon dating of a sample from the
structures usually develops as a result of differences in £¹ka-4 borehole (sample from the bottom of the peat
sediment density and processes of gravitational liquida- layer at the depth 3.25-3.30 m) gave the result
tion of plastic masses of water-saturated sediment and 11,820±250 BP (Gd-15146). This means that the infilling
probably takes place during permafrost degradation of the depression started in Alleröd, and peat, probably,
(French, 1996; Eissmann, 1997). Two samples taken from covers a fragment of a Late Vistulian alluvial plain of a
this profile have been dated by the single aliquot optical braiding river.
dating (SAR OSL) method. The sample WM-1 taken
from an undisturbed sands lying at the height of 2 m above 4. DISCUSSION OF 14C DATING RESULTS
the water level in the Wis³ok River channel, and below
the previously described involution structures, gave an age The measurements of 14C concentration have been
of 22.2±2.1 ka BP (GdTL -627). The second sample performed in the Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory by the
WM-2, taken from laminated silt lying directly below gas proportional counting method (except for the Hv-6388
Holocene alluvial loams, 4 m above the river water level, result which was obtained in the Hannover Radiocarbon
was dated to 14.0±1.5 ka BP (GdTL-628). Thus, the dated Laboratory). Conventional radiocarbon age of each sample
alluvial series corresponds to the Upper Plenivistulian has been normalised to δ13C = -25‰, following the
and it is younger than sediments described in £ukawiec Stuiver and Polach’s procedure (1977). One definite 14C
and Czarna localities. date (sample £¹ka-4, Gd-15146) was calibrated using the
Gliwice Calibration Program GdCALIB (Pazdur and
D¹brówki Michczyñska, 1989) and the calibration curve of Stuiver
On the left bank of the Wis³ok River, in the village of at al. (1998). Table 1 contains the results of radiocarbon
D¹brówki, there is a small, sandy hillock developed on dating as conventional radiocarbon ages (14C Age, BP)
a sandy plain. Its relative height is 3.5-4 metres and 13.5 and results of the calibration procedure in the form of the
meters above the Wis³ok River bed (Fig. 1). To the north narrowest 68% confidence intervals (Cal. Age, BP).
of this hillock, and slightly higher, there are dune ridges The results of radiocarbon dating fell at or behind
up to 20 meters high. Due to exploitation of sands, the the limit of the applied method, except for £¹ka-4 sample,
western part of the hillock and the top part of the terrace which yielded a definite age. Considering the stratigra-
plain have been exposed, enabling insight into the struc- phical division of the Vistulian glaciation (Kozarski, 1991),
ture of both forms down to the depth of 7 m (Fig. 2B). radiocarbon dates obtained for £ukawiec and Czarna-
The lower part of the terrace is built of sands, gravels and Podbór profiles (older than 38.5 ka BP and older than
silts, while the upper one consists mainly horizontally lami- 36.0 ka BP, respectively) mean that the respective organic
nated silty sands. The hillock consists mostly of somewhat sediments from the two sites were deposited during the
coarser material, mainly fine- and medium-grained sands, older part of the Middle Plenivistulian (interpleniglacial).
alternately laminated with thin layers of coarse-grained The probable candidate is the Hengelo interstadial
sand and gravel up to 0.5 cm diameter. The lamination (warm) period and an immediately earlier stadial period.
ceases towards the top of the hillock and sands become Palynological data suggest that studied sediments were
better sorted, with a Holocene soil developed in the top. deposited under relatively stable conditions, during
The small size of the hillock and alternating layers of sand a period without significant climate fluctuations. The low
grains makes it similar to hillocks made of eolian cover percentage of tree pollen, reaching 25% at the best, to-
sands found on the Polish Lowlands (Nowaczyk, 1976). gether with the domination of open sets of herbaceous
Structures described above have been recorded in eolian plants may be interpreted as a result of relatively stable
sands of contemporaneously developing dunes (Fryberger climatic conditions of the colder period (stadial) imme-
et al., 1992) as well as in Pleistocene cover sands (Schwan, diately preceding the Hengelo interstadial. Numerous
1986; GoŸdzik, 1998). The sample of sand taken from the involutions and small frost wedges found at the contact
bottom layer of the hillock, about 10 m above the Wis³ok between organic deposits and underlying layers developed
River level, has been dated by SAR OSL method to under periglacial conditions are the other proofs support-
11.2±0.9 ka BP (GdTL-626). This result points the Late ing this hypothesis. It is also congruent with results of other
Vistulian (Younger Dryas ?) when eolian processes inten- studies of Middle Plenivistulian fluvial series in the south-
sified and sand was reworked by strong winds. These date ern part of Poland (Jersak and Sendobry, 1991; Superson,
correlates well with numerous eolian series of dune and 1996) and in eastern part of Germany (Eissman, 1997;
cover sands dated in Poland (Nowaczyk, 1986). Mol, 1997).

P. Gêbica et al.

Table 1. Description of the samples and their radiocarbon and luminescence ages. Calibrated age range (Gd-15146) has been
determined at 68% confidence level using GdCALIB program.
Sample name C Age [BP] OSL Age
type of sediment Stratigraphy Lab. No. Cal. Age [BP] [BP]
£ukawiec-1 top layer of peaty mud,
peaty mud 2 m above channel water level Gd-15157 > 38,500
£ukawiec Peat from a bank +2100
43,900 –1650
peaty mud forming a riverbed bar Hv-6388
Czarna Podbór-3 top layer of peaty mud,
peaty mud 5 m above channel water level Gd-15148 > 36,600
Czarna Podbór-3 Layer lying 4 m
peaty mud above channel water level Gd-15155 > 36,200
Czarna Podbór-1 Layer lying 4 m
peaty mud above channel water level Gd-15154 > 36,400
Wola Ma³a WM-1 Layer lying 2 m
sand above channel water level GdTL-627 22,200 ± 2100
Wola Ma³a WM-2 Layer lying 4 m
laminated mud above channel water level GdTL-628 14,000 ± 1500
D¹brówka Layer lying 10 m
sand above channel water level GdTL-626 11,200 ± 900
£¹ka-4/3.25-3.30 m 11,820 ± 250
peat lower layer of peat Gd-15146 [14,050 ÷ 13,530]

5. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS OF OSL DATING l aliquot mass: ca 3 mg;

l test dose: 1.9 Gy;
Luminescence dating of three sediment samples has l preheat after test dose: 0 s at 160° C;

been made in the Luminescence Dating Unit of the De- l regenerative doses: 9.6, 19.1, 38.3 Gy;
partment of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian l Preheat after regenerative dose: 10 s at 220° C;

University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. The OSL l OSL taken at 125° C during 1 s of green light

measurements have been done on coarse quartz extracts (514±17 nm wavelength) excitation followed by 58 s long
(125-200 µ) applying a single aliquot regenerative dose bleaching and then 1 s excitation for recording a back-
protocol (SAR) to obtain values of paleodoses absorbed ground signal (a total of 60 s of green light exposure)
by grains. The respective dose-rate values have been cal- Equivalent dose (ED) values have been calculated by
culated from radioactivity of the sediment samples mea- interpolation of the non-linear saturated exponential fit
sured by means of high-resolution gamma spectrometry, to the laboratory growth points. Results of the laboratory
making appropriate corrections for sediment water con- measurements and OSL dating are presented in Tables 2
tents, etching of quartz grains in concentrated hydrofluo- and 3.
ric acid, and taking into account the cosmic dose-rate. The single aliquot method is usually applied to a num-
OSL of quartz aliquots have been measured with Day- ber of aliquots making it possible to investigate the dis-
break 1150 automated reader equipped with a green light tribution of luminescence ages of quartz grains within the
source (halogen lamp based) and a beta source for “in- sediment. In this case aliquots consisted of many indi-
place” irradiations. Irradiations, preheating and OSL vidual grains so the interpretation of the distribution is
measurements were executed automatically in a one con- less straightforward. Nevertheless, it was shown that only
tinuous run. A typical SAR measurement protocol was a few grains give actually rise to luminescence observed
employed with the following parameters: from an aliquot, so the distribution should have similar

Table 2. Depth, water content, radioactivity and effective dose-rate for three samples.
Sample Depth Water content Activity [Bq/kg] Dose rate
[cm] (assumed) [%] 238
U 232
Th 40
K [Gy/ka]
Wola Ma³a WM-1 600 12±3 5.18±0.86 3.76±0.29 249.2±4.3 0.99 ± 0.08
Wola Ma³a WM-2 400 12±3 18.12±1.48 15.10±0.58 420.9±7.4 1.93 ± 0.14
D¹brówki D-1 400 12±3 5.38±0.77 3.32±0.26 182.1±4.1 0.90 ± 0.03

Table 3. Equivalent dose (ED) and OSL age values obtained for the dated samples.
Sample Number of aliquots EDOSL OSL Age
[Gy] [ka]
Wola Ma³a WM-1 10 22 ± 1 22.2 ± 2.2
Wola Ma³a WM-2 10 27 ± 2 14.0 ± 1.5
D¹brówki D-1 40 10.1 ± 0.7 11.2 ± 0.9


features as the individual grain distribution but broader age lie on a straight line going through the point of origin
and with larger “background”. Figs 5 to 7 show the re- (0, 0) and the larger the distance from the origin, the more
sults for individual aliquots transformed in such a way that accurate the date is. This type of plot helps better judg-
each point represents a single date. The abscissa of ment of dominant features of the age distribution and its
a point is inversely proportional to the dating error ∆Ti interpretation.
and its ordinate is proportional to the age value Ti less an Samples WM-1 and WM-2 have relatively simple
arbitrary value (usually chosen to be an average of ob- distributions meaning that deposition of the sediment took
tained ages) and inversely proportional to dating error. place after a moderately long exposure to light. The
This transformation leads to that points representing same sample D-1, on the contrary, shows a quite complex
distribution (being the reason why we decided to repeat
dating for 40 aliquots). The most probable reason for this
is that in the history of this sediment several episodes of
reworking and re-deposition occurred. The OSL date
0 stated for this sample cannot be interpreted as the age of
the whole form. It is rather the last episode of more
intense reworking. This site will be a subject of further
investigations, including OSL dating of more samples with
an aim to shed more light on the origin and age of the

Radiocarbon and luminescence dating (OSL) confirm
complexity of alluvial series of deposits of Middle to
-20 Upper Plenivistulian age, occurring in the Subcarpathian
pradolina section of the Wis³ok River valley bottom
between £¹ka and £añcut. A schematic section shows
locations of dated alluvial series and their probable spa-
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 tial extension along the bottom of the valley (Fig. 4). The
distinguished Vistulian series of sediments occupies
Fig. 5. Results of the SAR method dating of the sample WM-1. mainly the northern zone of the Wis³ok River valley. The
The plot presenting single dates is constructed in such way that contemporary channel of the Wis³ok River cuts into this
“equal age” points lie on the ray coming out of the point (0, 0).
1 series.
The distance along the horizontal axis is equal to while the The thick series of InterpleniVistulian sediments form-
Ti - T DTi
distance along the vertical axis is . The ray shows an age ing a sandy terrace, 8-10 m high, has been dated to be older
of 22.2 ka.


4 10

0 0


-4 14 -10


-8 -20
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Fig. 6. Results of the SAR method dating of the sample WM-2. Fig. 7. Results of the SAR method dating of the sample D-1. The
The ray shows an age of 14 ka. three rays show ages of 11.2 ka, 18 ka and 29 ka.

P. Gêbica et al.

than 36 ka BP. The oldest links of this series occurring in Jahn A., 1957: Przyczynki do znajomoœci teras karpackich (Contri-
the floor of the 7 m terrace have been dated to be older bution to the knowledge of the Carpathian terraces). Czasopi-
than 38 ka BP. The problem that needs further research smo Geograficzne 28 (2): 171-185.
are the genesis and age of the sandy formations covering Jersak J. and Sendobry K., 1991: Vistulian deposits in the Valley of
the Bierawka exemplifed by the filling-sand mine in Kotlarnia.
the InterpleniVistulian series. Undoubtedly, a part of the
In: Jersak J., ed., Less i osady dolinne (Loess and valley sedi-
uppermost formations of the sandy terrace is of eolian
ments). Prace Naukowe UΠ1107: 92-118.
origin; besides dunes, low hillocks are found, that are built Kozarski S., 1991: Paleogeografia Polski w vistulianie (Paleogeogra-
of eolian cover sands. A single OSL date obtained for phy of Poland in Vistulian). In: Starkel L., ed., Geografia Pol-
these sands points to the end of the Late Vistulian. ski. Œrodowisko Przyrodnicze (Geography of Poland. Natural
The alluvial series, built of sediments dated back to Environment). PWN, Warszawa: 80-105.
22-14 ka BP is covered with Holocene alluvial loams. Laskowska-Wysoczañska W., 1971: Stratygrafia czwartorzêdu
Further to the south of the contemporary Wis³ok River i paleogeomorfologia Niziny Sandomierskiej i przedgórza Kar-
bed fragments of the Late Vistulian alluvial plain are pat rejonu rzeszowskiego (Quaternary stratigraphy and pala-
found side by side with younger alluvial fills of fluvial sedi- eogeomorphology of the Sandomierz Lowland and the fore-
ments connected with abandoned paleochannel system of land of the Middle Carpathians, Poland). Studia Geologica
Polonica 34: 1-109.
the Wis³ok River. This feature may be related to migra-
Mamakowa K. and Starkel L., 1974: New data about the profile of
tion of the river bed towards the left edge of the valley
Young Quaternary deposits at BrzeŸnica in Wis³oka valley,
bottom. Sandomierz Basin. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcani-
ca 8: 47-59.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mamakowa K., Starkel L., Boratyn J. and Brud St., 1997: Strati-
graphy of the Vistulian alluvial fills in the Wis³oka valley north
One of the authors (P. Gêbica) wishes to thank Mr. of Dêbica. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 31:
Kazimierz Jeziorek from Medynia £añcucka for allowing 83-99.
surveying his sand pit and making boreholes, and Prof. Mol J., 1997: Fluvial response to climate variations. The Last Gla-
Leszek Starkel for discussions during the fieldwork on ciation in eastern Germany. Thesis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
sites within the Wis³ok river valley and during writing this Enschede: 100 pp.
Nowaczyk B., 1976: Eolian cover sands in Central-West Poland.
paper, and Mrs. Maria Klimek, M.Sc., for drawing the
Questiones Geographicae 3: 57-77.
Nowaczyk B., 1986: Wiek wydm w Polsce, ich cechy granulometrycz-
ne i strukturalne a schemat cyrkulacji atmosferycznej w Polsce
REFERENCES w póŸnym vistulianie i holocenie (The age of dunes, their tex-
tural and structural properties against atmospheric circulation
Czopek S. and Podgórska-Czopek, J., 1995: Osadnictwo pradziejo- pattern of Poland during the Late Vistulian and Holocene).
we w dolinie dolnego Wis³oka (Prehistoric settlement in the Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Seria Geografia 28: 245 pp.
lower Wis³ok River valley). In: Ruszel K., ed., Wis³ok. Rola rze- Pazdur M.F. and Michczyñska D., 1989: Improvement of the pro-
ki w krajobrazie naturalnym i kulturowym regionu. Materia³y cedure for probabilistic for calibration of radiocarbon dates.
z Konferencji 7-8 IX 1994, Rzeszów (Wis³ok River. The role of the Radiocarbon 31: 824-832.
river in natural and cultural landscape of the region. Proceedings Schwan J., 1986: The origin of horizontal alternating bedding in
of Conference 7-8 IX, Rzeszów): 27-54. Weischelian aeolian sands in northwestern Europe. Sedimen-
Eissmann L., 1997: Das quartare Eiszeitalter in Sachsen und tary Geology 49:73-108.
Nordostthuringen (Pleistocene glacial periods in Sachsen and Starkel L., 1960: Rozwój rzeŸby Karpat fliszowych w Holocenie
Nordostthuringen). Altenburger Naturwissenschaftliche Forschu- (Development of the Flysh Carpathians relief during the Ho-
ngen 8: 1-98. locene). Prace Geograficzne IG PAN 22: 1-239.
French H. M., 1996: The periglacial environment. Longman, Singa- Starkel L., 1972: Kotlina Sandomierska (Sandomierska Basin). In:
pore: 341 pp. Klimaszewski, ed., Geomorfologia Polski (Geomorphology of
Friedberg W., 1903: Atlas Geologiczny Galicyi. Tekst do zeszytu 16, Poland), Vol. 1: 138-166.
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nej PAU (Geological Atlas of Galicia. Vol. 16: Rzeszów and the Polish Carpathians and in the Subcarpathian basins.
£añcut Sheets. Reports of Physiographic Commission). Quaternary Studies in Poland 2: 121-135.
Fryberger S. G., Hesp P. and Hastings K., 1992: Aeolian granule Strzelecka B., 1958: Historyczna dokumentacja niektórych m³od-
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mierska (Radiocarbon dated sites in Southern Poland. Part III carbon 19: 355-363.
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79-92. radiocarbon age calibration for terrestrial and marine samples.
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rzêdowych i ich wartoœæ interpretacyjna (Sedimentary and in the Vistulian). Rozprawy habilitacyjne 53, Wydawnictwo
post-sedimentary structure in Quaternary sediments): 167-191. UMCS, Lublin: 280 pp.


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s³oka. Stanowisko Grodzisko Nowe (Problem of Pleistocene age Polski. Czwartorzêd wschodniej czêœci Kotliny Sandomierskiej”,
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Nowe site). In: Materia³y VI Konferencji “Stratygrafia plejstoce- graphy of Polish Pleistocene. Quaternary of eastern part of San-
nu Polski. Czwartorzêd wschodniej czêœci Kotliny Sandomierskiej”, domierz Basin”, Czudec 31 VIII-4IX 1999): 88-89.
Czudec 31VIII-4IX 1999 (Proceedings of VI Conference “Strati-

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 129-136, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Geography, Pedagogical University, Podchor¹¿ych 2,
30-084 Cracow, Poland (e-mail:
²Department of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology,
Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland (e-mail:
Department of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy,
Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland (e-mail:

Key words
words: Abstract: Tree logs and smaller fragments of wood debris occur in floodplain alluvium
WOOD DEBRIS, (1-3 m above the river level) of the San river in the Bieszczady Mountains (Polish East
ALLUVIUM, Carpathians). The greatest accumulations of wood debris occur in the lower part of the allu-
RADIOCARBON vium, beneath a layer of sandy muds. The wood debris in these accumulations was dated by
DATING, HOLOCENE, radiocarbon method. The dates fall within the time interval 3270±70 BP to 103.7±1.1 pMC,
CARPATHIANS but most of them are from 17th to 19th century. The abundance of the wood debris in the allu-
vium is the result of its intense supply to the river channel, caused by deforestation and large
floods. The age of the wood accumulations corresponds to the phase of settlement in the upper
San valley in the 16th to 17th centuries. The older wood debris could be redeposited to the
young alluvium from older alluvial terraces.

1. INTRODUCTION of fluvial channels (Œrodoñ, 1952; Alexandrowicz et al.,

1981; Starkel, 1996 and 1999; Kalicki and Kr¹piec 1991;
Wood debris is usually a subordinate component in Kalicki, 1991).
alluvial sediments and it usually widely varies in size. Large Geological studies in the Bieszczady Wysokie Moun-
buried logs and other coarse wood fragments (branches, tains (Polish East Carpathians) have revealed the presence
roots) usually focus the attention of researchers. Less vi- of abundant wood debris also in the mountane section of
sible is fine debris (leaves, bark, fruits and seeds) and this the San river (Haczewski et al., 1998 and 2001). This is
is usually omitted in descriptions of alluvial sediments. accumulated only in floodplain sediments of the San river
Dating of wood debris of all size provides an important and its tributaries, far upstream from the margin of the
insight into the age of alluvium and the evolution of river Carpathians. They form a continuous horizon in flood-
terraces. The most common methods used to date wood plain sediments, on the top of older gravels and at the base
debris are radiocarbon (14C ) dating and dendrochro- of the younger sandy mud (Kukulak, 2000). The accumu-
nology. lation of this wood debris seems to be not exclusively
Wood debris in alluvium of the Carpathian rivers caused by a climatic factor.
occurs mainly in depositional covers of Holocene terraces. This paper presents a description of wood debris in
These are better preserved in foothill sections of valleys, Upper San river floodplain alluvium and presents the
not so common in the mountain zone. They are most com- results of its dating by the 14C method. An attempt at
mon immediately below the outlets of the valleys from explaining the causes of rich supply of wood debris to the
the Carpathians, e.g. in the valleys of the Wis³oka, Wis³ok river channel is also presented. The dated wood was col-
and San rivers ( Starkel, 1960 and 1996; Klimek, 1974; lected from its rich accumulations in the alluvium in the
Kalicki and Kr¹piec, 1991; Kr¹piec, 1992; Kalicki, 1997; headwater section (about 20 km long) of the San river,
Nogaj-Chachaj et al., 1999). Their presence is commonly between its source at the Uzhok Pass (863 m a.s.l.) and
considered as indication of climate fluctuations and oc- the junction with the Muczny Stream (upstream from the
currence of floods in the Carpathians or lateral migration Kiczera Dydiowska).

2. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA river valley (especially the DŸwiniacz Depression) are not
forested. The dominant species of trees are beech (ca 46%
This part of the San river watershed has mountane in the Tarnawa forestry area), less abundant are spruce
relief near the water divide (long and steep slopes of the (ca 27%) and fir (ca 20%; Krygowski, 1975). The high
Pasmo Po³onin Range) and foothill relief in the valley part percentage of forests in the slope areas retards the sur-
(low altitude differences and gentle gradients). Most of face runoff from the abundant precipitation (ca 1100 mm
the watershed is wooded (ca. 85%), only the highest parts per year) and reduces flood waves in the streams. The sedi-
of the Pasmo Po³onin Range and the bottom of the San ment load in the streams is now small during high water

Fig. 1. Extent of the lower fluvial terrace along the San river and its tributaries.

J. Kukulak et al.

states, as intense farming has ceased in the Polish part calibration procedure, as the intervals of the highest prob-
of the San river watershed (ca 80% of the total) half ability at confidence level 68% (Cal. Age, AD/BC).
a century ago. Geological, archaeological and historical data have
The floodplain is the lowermost level of alluvial depo- been compiled for the period indicated by the radiocar-
sition in a valley, older terraces lie higher and are arranged bon dates, including results of palaeobotanical analyses
in steps. The height of the floodplain above the river level of local peat-bogs (Pa³czyñski, 1962; Marek and Pa³czyñski
gradually increases downstream, from 0.5 m to 2 m, 1962; Zarzycki, 1963; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, 1969, 1980
locally even to 3 m. At places it consists of two horizons and 1989). These mainly record changes in a vegetation
(1.5-3 m, 0.5-1.5 m). The width of the terrace is greatest cover of the Bieszczady Mountains during the Holocene,
(50 m) in the DŸwiniacz Depression, where the vertical thus indirectly they reflect the phase of a climatic change
gradient of the river is lower than 0.5 % and the channel and early human activity. Archaeological findings are few
is meandering. The floodplain extends along the San river in the studied area and they suggest rather migrations
from its very source, and penetrates into valleys of bigger than settlement in pre-historic times (Reyman, 1958;
tributaries (NiedŸwiedŸ, Sych³owaty, Halicz, Litmirz and Parczewski, 1991). Historical data on the San river valley
Muczny streams). The sedimentary cover of the terrace have been collected from archival maps, cadasters,
differs from the older covers in its finer-grained sediments chronicles and published studies (Kummerer, 1855; Akta,
and a large content of wood debris. Fossil wood is only 1868; Stadnicki, 1848; Fastnacht, 1962). History of forests
sporadically found in the sediments of the older terraces. and their management during the last five centuries are
The main horizon with wood debris has a constant strati- well documented in the above sources.
graphic position in the floodplain sections. It extends in
the lower part of the alluvial cover, at the boundary be- 4. RESULTS
tween the lower gravels and the overlying sandy muds. The
wood debris lies in layers or lenses of a few centimetres Meso-scale components of fossil wood in the flood-
to 0.5 m thick. Meso-scale fragments of wood debris usu- plain sediments are logs and their fragments, branches,
ally form one thick layer; the finer debris lies in two to roots and sporadic polypores. The accumulation of fine
five thin, laterally extensive layers. The higher, fine- debris consist mainly of leaves, bark, fruits and seeds.
grained part of the alluvial cover contains much less and Noteworthy is the large proportion of bark, branches and
finer wood debris. Only locally it fills erosional channels tree tops. The wood debris is accompanied by fragments
at different levels in the vertical sections or is dispersed of peat, herbaceous plants and their fruits and seeds, fun-
in mineral deposits. gal sclerotia and insect remains. Microscope studies of the
fine alluvium reveal a significant admixture of microscopic
3. MATERIAL AND METHODS plant detritus in all size fractions. Coarse logs are usually
found in shallow erosional troughs dissecting gravels
Accumulation of plant debris in exposures of flood- (Beniowa) or in channel sediments at palaeochannel
plain deposits have been studied and documented in years bends (Tarnawa Ni¿na). They are buried in sand and fine
1996-2000. Determined were forms of the accumulations, gravel, some logs are completely buried in gravel
their state of preservation; the remains have been identi- (Bukowiec and Tarnawa Ni¿na). The finer wood debris
fied in selected sections of the terrace (Haczewski et al., occurs only in the sandy mud, in sections of flat ancient
1998). Wood from several debris accumulations was col- river bottom.
lected for radiocarbon dating (Sianki, Beniowa, Bukowiec, Most logs are well preserved. They lack large frag-
Tarnawa Ni¿na, £okieæ and Dydiowa). One or two samples ments of bark, but all have cambium preserved. Stumps
were taken from each of the selected accumulations, all complete with roots and branches are rare. Locally rot-
from the lower part of the vertical sequence (boundary ten logs with still visible internal structure also occur.
between gravel and sandy mud). A few logs at Beniowa and Bukowiec bear traces of work-
All datings were done in years 1997-2000; most of them ing with tools (wedge-shaped axe-made incisions and saw-
in the Gliwice (A. Pazdur), a part in the Cracow Radio- made cuts). A wooden board, symmetrically cut on both
carbon Laboratories (T. Kuc). 14C concentration in the sides and perforated, apparently a household object, is
samples was measured in the Gliwice Radiocarbon Labo- exposed at the bottom of the mud layer at Sianki. Many
ratory by gas proportional counting and in the Cracow finer wood fragments at Sianki and Tarnawa Ni¿na are
Radiocarbon Laboratory by liquid scintillation counting. partly impregnated or coated with iron oxides, which
δ13C was determined in mass spectrometer, thus conven- makes them more resistant to decay. Some of the wood
tional radiocarbon age was normalised to δ13C = -25‰, fragments are charred or scorched (Kukulak, 2000).
according to the Stuiver and Polach’s procedure (1977). Each of the wood debris accumulations is a separate
C dates were calibrated by use of the Gliwice calibra- assemblage of size classes, usually composed of several
tion Program GdCALIB (Pazdur and Michczyñska, 1989), similar classes. The accumulations of coarse wood debris
except for some dates of radiocarbon age less than 300 BP, usually lack finer detritus or have only a small proportion
which were calibrated by OxCAL (Ramsey, 1995). In both of it. The areally more extensive wood debris accumula-
cases the calibration curve of Stuiver et al. (1998) was used. tions display a lateral trend in grain size, depending on
Table 1 shows the results of radiocarbon dating as the form of accumulation. Besides size sorting (layers of
conventional radiocarbon ages (14C Age, BP) and after leaves or branches), weight sorting also occurs (e.g. fruits,


bark). These features are better visible in the accumula- 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
tions of plant detritus in low-gradient segments of the
valleys (Beniowa and £okieæ). Wood in each of the eight The times of plant death indicated by the radiocarbon
radiocarbon-dated samples, has a different conventional dates of wood are related to events of both climatic (the
radiocarbon age (Table 1). The obtained dates cover older dates) and anthropogenic (the younger dates) na-
a wide time interval: from 3270±70 BP (Tarnawa Ni¿na I) ture in the natural environment of the Bieszczady Moun-
to modern - 103.7±1.1 pMC (Sianki). Half of the dated sam- tains. The age of the buried logs at Tarnawa Ni¿na corre-
ples represent wood that died at modern times (18th-19th sponds to the phase of frequent floods in the watershed
centuries). The dates of wood from Beniowa (122±60 BP), of the upper Vistula River towards the end of the
wattle made from thin stems and twigs at £okieæ (150 ±60 Subboreal time (Starkel, 1977 and 1994). Also the age of
BP) and a layer of beech leaves at Dydiowa (140±60 BP) the logs at Bukowiec is isochronous with floods in the
fall within a very narrow time interval. The other half of Carpathian rivers in Roman times, and the fragments from
the samples consisted of much older wood, and the diffe- Beniowa – with floods in early Mediaeval times (Fig. 2).
rences in their ages attain 500-700 years. Only at Tarnawa The flood sediments of the upper Vistula river laid down
Ni¿na, wood from a thick log (I) and fir cones (II) buried at those periods include numerous buried logs (Awsiuk
in the same horizon, have similar ages (terminal part of et al., 1980; Kalicki and Kr¹piec, 1991 and 1996; Kr¹piec,
the Subboreal Epoch of the Holocene). 1992). The older dates from the studied wood debris fit
Dating of the studied wood debris indicate that wood well within the phases of the San river floods and may be
debris of various age has been buried in the floodplain related to climatic conditions. The number of older dates
alluvium. Very young is the debris that fills an erosional is, however, too small to exclude that the coincidence is
channel at Sianki, older are artificial wattle reinforce- only accidental.
ments at £okieæ. The logs buried in the basal gravels at The accumulations of the younger wood debris have
Bukowiec are from the beginning of the Common Era, been also laid down during floods, but the cause of their
and those at Tarnawa Ni¿na are as old as Subboreal. The deposition seems to be mainly anthropogenic. It is related
presence and predominance in the alluvium of wood de- to the phase of settlement and onset of farming in the part
bris dated at the last three centuries, proves that most of of the Bieszczady Mountains during late Mediaeval and
the debris was accumulated at times close to, or only early Modern times. Many permanent settlements of
slightly later than, its radiocarbon dates. It could occur in farmers and wood workers have been founded here on
the 18th or 19th century. The dates of these samples do not inhabited grounds during the second half of the 16th and
determine the age of the main wood debris horizon over at the beginning of 17th century. These have evolved later
the whole length of the San valley. Also the presence of into agricultural villages (Fastnacht, 1962). The settle-
the oldest wood in this horizon (Tarnawa Ni¿na) may be ments were located in areas that were already partly
the result of its redeposition from older terraces. deforested as pasture grounds at valley bottoms (Ternowe

Table 1. Description (name, depth, material) and conventional and calibrated ages of the samples. Calibrated age range has been
determined with confidence level 68% using the GdCALIB programme, developed in the Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory and Oxford
programme OxCal for very young samples.
Sample name/depth Lab. No. C Age [BP] Range of Cal. Age
Dating material [AD/BC]
Sianki/0.95-1.05 m
Twigs, cones Gd-15166 103.7±1.1pMC (*) MODERN
Beniowa I/0.7 m
Charcoal KR-168 122±60 [1800, 1950] AD
Beniowa II/1.45-1.55 m
Leafs, twigs, bark Gd-11555 1380±50 [636, 686] AD
Bukowiec/2.6-2.8 m
Wood Gd-7860 1940±50 [21, 91] AD
Tarnawa Ni¿na I/1.1-1.2 m
Wood Gd-12136 3270±70 [1621, 1491] BC
Tarnawa Ni¿na II/1.60-1.65 m
Twigs, cones Gd- 15194 2680±70 [1002, 762] BC
£okieæ/2.5 m
Wood KR-167 150±60 [1720, 1820] AD
Dydiowa/0.7 m
Leaves, twigs KR-172 140±60 [1800, 1890] AD

Cal. Age = calibrated age, Lab. No.= laboratory number, Gd- = Lab. No. of C dates from Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory, KR- = Lab. No. of 14C dates from

Laboratory of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow , (*) = pMC-percent of modern carbon.

J. Kukulak et al.

Fig. 2. Corelation of phases of

settlement in the Bieszczady
Mountains with the age of wood
debris in the lowest (1-3 m) terrace.
A – period of permanent settlement
and farming in the Bieszczady
Mountains; B – record of human
influence on environment in pollen
diagrams of peat-bogs
(after Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, 1989);
C – radiocarbon dates; D – dated
wood fragments at the bottom of the
fine-grained; E – dated wood
fragments from the fillings of
erosional thoughs in the alluvial
terrace. Archaeologic periods:
I – Hallstatt, II - La Tène, III – Roman,
IV – Migration, V – Medieval,
VI – Modern times. Underlined are
dates from San tributary situated off
the west margin of Fig. 1.

Pole, Beniowe Pole and Pole Bukowiec). The glades were then also to fertilise it (Kubijowicz, 1926; Broda, 1952;
mainly the work of the Valachian herders who were com- Pa³czyñski, 1962). The settlers usually did not perform
ing here seasonally from the 14th to 16th century, with their complete clearcutting and did not clear the area of
herds of cattle and sheep (Kubijowicz, 1926; Parczewski, branches, tree tops and bark. This wood debris was burnt
1991). in place or thrown away to stream channels (Szwab, 1956).
The first villages were located in the DŸwiniacz Depre- The rapid re-growing of woods in non-cultivated ground
ssion: DŸwiniacz Górny (before 1529), Tarnawa Ni¿na and and repeated cutting in the same places favoured accu-
Tarnawa Wy¿na (1537). The expansion of settlements mulation of large amounts of wood debris in nearby
reached the Uzhok Pass in the end of the 16th century: stream channels. The initial phase of settlement in the San
Bukowiec (1580), Beniowa (1580) and Sianki (1580). The river valley had to be the most productive in wood litter.
economy of these villages was based on cattle herding and The increased runoff due to deforestation of slopes
grain growing, activities that required wide expansion of resulted in more violent flooding of the streams and en-
farmland. Clear cutting of forests began on great scale, abled transport of the wood debris to the San river chan-
providing areas for arable fields and meadows. The clear- nel. This supply had to be rich, as the debris formed thick
cuts were not limited to the areas around villages but also accumulations in the channel sediments and erosional
included widening of natural mountain meadows on the troughs on terraces. The deposition of wood debris was
mountain crests (so called poloninas). Tax registers from accompanied by increased load of slope-derived sedi-
the 16th and 17th centuries (Spisy, 1787), land cadasters ments in flood waters. This increased supply of clay from
from the 18th. (Akta, 1868) and old maps from the 18th-19th arable fields resulted in a tendency to alluvial aggrada-
centuries (Liesganig, 1824; Kummerer, 1855) prove a tion in the San river channel. The alluvial aggradation
nearly complete deforestation of the valley bottom, a large was the fastest along reaches with low vertical gradient
reduction in the forest area on slopes and lowered tim- (below 0.5%). It was also at those places where the great-
berline around the poloninas. est amount of wood debris was laid down. The burnt and
The clearing of forest was done mainly by fire clear- charred wood found in this debris may be the product of
ance. Initially, this was the easiest way to gain farmland, fire clearance. The radiocarbon dates from the burnt wood


at Beniowa correspond to the period of the greatest ac- to Detailed Geological Map of Poland 1:50 000. Sheet Ustrzy-
tivity of local wood-burning industries (potash-making ki Górne 1068).Centralne Archiwum Geologiczne Warszawa.
facilities, blacksmithery and steam-powered sawmills). Kalicki T., 1991: The evolution of the Vistula river valey between
A large part of the buried logs may have come from un- Cracow and Niepo³omice in the Late Vistulian and Holocene
times. In: Evolution of the Vistula river valley during the last
dercutting of river banks, as conditions for lateral chan-
15 000 year. Part IV. Geogr. Stud., Spec. Issue 6: 11-37.
nel migration existed during the greater floods.
Kalicki T., 1997: The reflection of climatic changes and human ac-
All the wood debris, dated at various periods of the tivity on sediments of small Forecarpathian tributaries of the
late Holocene, is now buried in the alluvial cover of the Vistula river near Cracow, Poland. Studia Geomorphologica
same terrace. The interpretation of time of their deposi- Carpatho-Balcanica 31: 129-141.
tion in the alluvium is thus not unequivocal. One may Kalicki T. and Kr¹piec M., 1991: Black oaks and subatlantic alluvia
assume that the floodplain consists of fragments of dif- of the Vistula in Branice – Stryjów near Cracow. In: Evolution
ferent age, so that older wood is buried in the older frag- of the Vistula river valley during the last 15 000 years. Part IV.
ments, and younger wood in the younger ones. The divi- Geogr. Stud. Special Issue 6: 39-61.
sion of the terrace into fragments of different age is, Kalicki T. and Kr¹piec M., 1996: Reconstruction of phases of the
however, expressed in its stratification (gravels at bottom, „black oaks” accumulation and of flood Phases. In: Evolution
of the Vistula river valley during the last 15 000 years. Part VI.
mud above) rather than in the presence of laterally adja-
Geogr. Stud., Special Issue 9: 78-85.
cent segments of different age (due to lateral aggrada- Klimek K., 1974: The structure and mode of sedimentation of the
tion). Only a part of the fine-grained alluvium (the upper flood-plain deposits in the Wis³oka valley (southern Poland).
part of the cover) includes fills of linear erosional troughs. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica VIII: 135-151.
The main horizon of wood debris forms a layer in the ter- Kr¹piec M., 1992: Skale dendrochronologiczne póŸnego holocenu
race and it seems to be isochronous. It is thus more likely po³udniowej i centralnej Polski (late Holocene tree-ring chro-
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alluvium from the older terraces of the San. Cracow: 37-119.
Krygowski W., 1975: Bieszczady i Pogórze Strzy¿owsko-Dynowskie
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The paper is based on data obtained during geologi- (Pastoral life in the Beskidy Wschodnie Mts.). Prace Inst. Geogr.
cal mapping in the Bieszczady Mountains. The mapping UJ, V: 18-19.
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the results and translated the text to English. Professor Carpathians. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoeco-
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GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 137-142, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Geology and Hydrogeology, Institute of Geography, Nicholas Copernicus University,
Sienkiewicza 4, 87-100 Toruñ, Poland (e-mail:
Laboratory of Sedimentology and TL Dating, Institute of Geography, Nicholas Copernicus University,
Fredry 6/8, 87-100 Toruñ, Poland (e-mail:
Thermoluminescence and Dating Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Nicholas Copernicus University,
Grudzi¹dzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruñ, Poland (email:

Key words
words: Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Vistulian glacial events in the southern part of the Lower Vistula
NORTH POLAND, region in the north Poland is presented. Lithostratigraphic units and TL dating of Vistulian
VISTULIAN deposits exposing along the Vistula valley between Toruñ and the Che³mno Lakeland are
GLACIATION, described in detail. The obtained results indicate that the Vistulian sequences in the Lower
TL DATING Vistula region were deposited during five palaeogeographical episodes. Three glacial events
were distinguished: the first at the beginning of the Middle Vistulian (~65–70 ka) and two
younger ones during the Late Vistulian. The Middle and Late Vistulian glacial events were
separated by a long ice-free period, between 65 and 30 ka.

1. INTRODUCTION The paper presents the synthesis of the Vistulian Gla-

ciation stratigraphy in the southern part of the Lower
The studies of the Vistulian Glaciation stratigraphy Vistula region. The new ideas of chronology and
in the southern part of the Lower Vistula (Fig. 1) region palaeogeography of the Vistulian glacial events have been
have been carried out for several recent years (Wysota, also put forward.
2002; Wysota et al., 1996 and 2000). Thick and not de-
formed Vistulian stratigraphic sequences exposed along 2. STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS
the scarp of the Vistula Valley between Toruñ and
Che³mno have been the subject of detailed examinations. The lower limit of Vistulian deposits has not been sat-
Lithostratigraphical and sedimentological researches isfactorily recognized yet. It is supposed that upper flu-
have been carried out at seven key sites: Rzêczkowo, vial series of the Lower Vistula formation, which so far
£¹¿yn, Unis³aw, Kie³p, Starogród 1, Starogród 2 and has been connected entirely with the Eemian (Makowska,
Che³mno (Fig. 1). They included: (1) identification and 1979 and 1980), represents preglacial period of the Early
lithofacial analysis of sedimentary units, (2) analysis of Vistulian (Fig. 2).
directional elements (palaeocurrents, till fabric and ki- The sequence of Middle and Late Vistulian deposits,
nematic indicators), (3) lithologic and petrographic in- that overlies the Early Vistulian fluvial sediments, has the
vestigations (grain size composition, carbonate content, thickness of 25–70 m here. Three main stratigraphic units
quartz grain roundness, pethrographic composition of have been distinguished: Che³mno clays formation,
gravels and heavy mineral composition), (4) TL dating Rzêczkowo formation and Starogród formation (Fig. 2).
of deposits, and (5) spatial analysis of stratigraphic units. Che³mno clays occur at the bottom of the Middle
Some results of the studies conducted at Rzêczkowo and Vistulian succession. They comprise varved clays and silts
£¹¿yn sites have already been published (Wysota et al., up to 20m in thickness, which fill the upper part of the
1996 and 2000). Eemian/Early Vistulian palaeovalley. Overlying it,

Fig. 1. Study area against the

ice sheet margins of the
Vistulian Glaciation in the mid-
western Poland.
L – Leszno phase, Pz – Poznañ
phase, Ch, Do – Chodzie¿,
Dobrzyñ readvance, Kr –Krajna
subphase, Pm – Pomeranian
phase, and Ga – Gardno phase.

Rzêczkowo formation is 15–25 m thick, and composed specially designed chamber with sunlight simulator
mostly of fluvial sands. Lithofacies of planar cross-bed- (Oczkowski and Przegiêtka, 1998a). The bleached samples
ded sands, parallel laminated sands and ripple-laminated were used for equivalent dose estimation by the regen-
sands are predominant. erative method. The plateau test was applied to choose
Starogród formation occurs at the top of the Vistulian the best temperature region. The additive method was
sequences. Two separate till units have been distinguished: also applied for the majority of the samples. The Risø
the lower till member – £¹¿yn till and the upper till mem- System comprising the calibrated 90Sr source (Oczkowski
ber – Starogród Zamek till. £¹¿yn till is 1.5–10m thick and Przegiêtka, 2000) was used for beta dose irradiation
and combines sandy and clay-rich massive and stratified and TL measurements. Details of equivalent dose deter-
diamictons. It comprises three genetic types of subglacial mination procedures were presented earlier (Oczkowski
facies: deformation till, melt-out and decoupling till and and Przegiêtka, 1998a; Przegiêtka, 1999; Wysota et al.,
melt-out till. Till fabric shows NE and NNE ice movement 2000). The annual dose rates were determined on the basis
directions. Unis³aw clays, 2–6 m thick, of glaciolacustrine of high-resolution gamma spectrum measured with HP
origin and lying underneath £¹¿yn till can be found in germanium detector and Canberra MCA-100 analyser.
places. Glaciolacustrine sediments of up to 18-m thick- Details of measurement and computational procedures
ness (Kie³p clays) overlie the lower till member. Glacio- were published previously (Oczkowski and Przegiêtka,
fluvial series occur below and above them locally. 1998b; Oczkowski et al., 2000b). Results are presented in
Starogród Zamek till constitutes the highest unit of the Table 1.
Starogród formation. It consists of massive brownish clay- Previously four samples related to Rzêczkowo forma-
rich diamicton up to 8–10m thick. The diamicton usually tion were dated (Wysota et al., 2000). Those dates were
comprises two facies: lodgement till and melt-out till. Till analysed together with seven new ones. The mean age
fabric shows N and NNE ice movement directions. value T= 42.9 ka with standard uncertainty σ = ±1.7 ka
were obtained by the weighted averaging method. The
3. RESULTS OF TL DATING histogram showing the distribution of the eleven TL dates
is presented in Fig. 3.
Two sets of samples were dated by TL method. The Apparently these dates represent rather a continuous
first one consisted of four samples related to Kie³p clays: process stretched over a certain period of time than a
R-4, R-5, St1-1 and St1-2. The other seven samples: K-2, single event (Fig. 4). Hence the mean age value is not suit-
K-3, Ch-1, Ch-2, R-6, Sa2-1 and Sa2-2 were related to able parameter for describing such a process. We assumed
Rzêczkowo formation. that the set of eleven investigated samples was good
The material taken for TL analysis was cleaned and enough for the representation of Rzêczkowo formation.
afterwards the quartz grains of specified size were sepa- The shape of the histogram (Fig. 4) may suggest that the
rated and then etched, appropriate to the procedure de- deposition lasted for the period of ca. 35 ky. Hence, we
scribed earlier (Przegiêtka, 1999; Oczkowski et al., 2000a). concluded that sedimentation of Rzêczkowo formation
The bleaching of natural TL signal was performed in a deposits started ca. 65 and ended about 30 ka ago.

W. Wysota et al.

Table 1. TL dates of deposits from southern part of the Lower Vistula region.
No Section Stratratigraphic Sample Lab. No. Material Age Equivalent Dose Rate
Unit Name [ka] Dose [Gy] [Gy/ka]
1. Rzêczkowo Kie³p clays R-4 TOR-35 Glaciolacustrine silts 19 ± 3 35 ± 6 1.863
Kie³p clays R-5 TOR-36 Glaciolacustrine silts 20 ± 2 36 ± 4 1.805
Rzêczkowo Fm. R-6 TOR-37 Fluvial sands 33 ± 3 34 ± 3 1.023
Rzêczkowo Fm. R-2* TOR-25 Fluvial sands 49 ± 6 51 ± 6 1.045
2. £¹¿yn Rzêczkowo Fm. L-3* TOR-28 Fluvial silts 50 ± 8 104 ± 17 2.078
Rzêczkowo Fm. L-2* TOR-27 Fluvial sands 63 ± 20 126 ± 40 2.000
Rzêczkowo Fm. L-1* TOR-29 Fluvial sands 65 ± 20 130 ± 40 2.000
3. Kie³p Rzêczkowo Fm. K-2 TOR-31 Fluvial sands 39 ± 6 61 ± 9 1.564
Rzêczkowo Fm. K-3 TOR-32 Fluvial sands 57 ± 7 57 ± 7 1.008
4. Starogród 1 Kie³p clays St1-2 TOR-41 Glaciofluvial sands 21 ± 3 41 ± 5 1.931
Kie³p clays St1-1 TOR-40 Glaciofluvial sands 27 ± 5 36 ± 6 1.329
5. Starogród 2 Rzêczkowo Fm. Sa2-1 TOR-38 Fluvial sands 47 ± 7 62 ± 9 1.325
Rzêczkowo Fm. Sa2-2 TOR-39 Fluvial sands 49 ± 5 60 ± 6 1.221
6. Che³mno Rzêczkowo Fm. Ch-1 TOR-33 Fluvial silts 45 ± 5 76 ± 8 1.685
Rzêczkowo Fm. Ch-2 TOR-34 Fluvial sands 46 ± 5 47 ± 5 1.028

*) The data obtained prior to the present project and published in Wysota et al. (2000).

Fig. 2. Synthetic section and

sedimentary environments of Vistulian
deposits in the southern part of the
Lower Vistula region. The numbers
column means TL dates in ka.


As the ice sheet was retreating, depositional processes

were gradually changing their character from glacio-
lacustrine sedimentation to fluvial deposition. Rzêczkowo
formation was deposited in the environment of a sand-
bed braided river (Wysota et al., 1996 and Wysota, 2002).
The obtained TL dating suggests that the deposition of
Rzêczkowo formation developed during a long ice-free
period of the Middle Vistulian, between 65 and 30 ka.
Glacial, glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sedimenta-
tion characterised the succeeding depositional episodes.
They were connected with two ice sheet advances, which
covered the studied area during the Late Vistulian. The
older glacial event was related to the first Late Vistulian
maximum, ca 22–20 ka (the Leszno Phase). The younger
one represented ice sheet readvance connected with the
second Late Vistulian maximum, ca 19–18 ka (the Poznañ


The obtained results of the studies indicate that there

was no glacial event in the southern part of the Lower
Fig. 3. Histogram of eleven TL dates obtained for samples
Vistula region during the Early Vistulian as it had previo-
representing Rzêczkowo formation, the bar width is 7 ka. usly been assumed (Makowska 1980, 1992 and 1994).
Pelaeogeographical and especially palaeoclimalological
conditions recently recognized in the Polish Lowland, also
deny ice sheet existence on the Lower Vistula at that time
(Mojski, 1999).
The first glacial advance in this area occurred as late
as at the beginning of the Middle Vistulian. This advance
corresponds to the Toruñ glacial horizon distinguished
earlier by Makowska (1979, 1980, 1992 and 1994) in the
Lower Vistula region. The collected lithostratigraphic
data have not confirmed that the ice sheet reached Toruñ,
as she presumed. The Middle Vistulian ice sheet anvanced
to the northern, and probably to the middle part of the
Lower Vistula region. Only proglacial deposits (Che³mno
clays) are related to this advance in the southern part of
the Lower Vistula region.
The obtained TL dates substantiated higher chrono-
stratigraphic position of the younger Vistulian units than
Fig. 4. The set of eleven TL dates obtained for Rzêczkowo it had previously been stated (Makowska 1980, 1992 and
formation and the weighted average value with its uncertainty, 1994; Wysota et al., 1996). It is presumed that Rzeczkowo
T± σ. Formation linked before to the Gniew Interstadial of the
Early/Middle Vistulian period, represents a younger warm
unit – the Grudzi¹dz Interstadial of the Middle Vistulian.
4. PALAEOGEOGRAPHIC EPISODES Overlying it, the lower glacial horizon of Starogród for-
mation (£¹¿yn till), which formerly has been interpreted
The Vistulian deposits in the Lower Vistula region as the Middle Vistulian glacial episode unit (the Œwiecie
were deposited during five palaeogeographical episodes stadial), is related to the first Late Vistulian maximum (ca.
(Fig. 2). During the preglacial period of the Early 22–20 ka). The ice sheet readvance connected with the
Vistulian Upper fluvial series of the Lower Vistula For- second Late Vistulian maximum (ca. 19–18 ka) has not
mation was accumulated. Deposition of deposits was been recognized in the Lower Vistula region yet.
developed in a braided river environment.
During the next stage Che³mno clays were formed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Sedimentary processes took place in a glaciolacustrine
environment. The environment was formed as a result of The research project has been financially supported
the first ice sheet advance in the Lower Vistula region at by the Nicholas Copernicus University – grant no. 457-F
the beginning of the Middle Vistulian (~65–70 ka). It is and the Committee for Scientific Research – grant No.
supposed that the ice sheet reached the Grudzi¹dz Basin. 6 P04D 022 14.

W. Wysota et al.

REFERENCES Oczkowski H. L., Przegiêtka K., Lankauf K. R. and Szmañda J. B.,

2000a: Dating of the Dune in Kêpa Kujawska. Geochronometria
Makowska, A. 1979: Interglacja³ eemski w Dolinie Dolnej Wis³y 18: 57-62.
(Eemian Interglacial in valley of Lower Vistula River). Studia Oczkowski H. L., Przegiêtka K., Lankauf K. R. and Szmañda J. B.,
Geologica Polonica 63: 1-90. 2000b: Gamma Spectrometry in Thermoluminescence Dating.
Makowska, A. 1980: Late eemian with preglacial and glacial part Geochronometria 18: 63-68.
of Vistulian in the Lower Vistula region. Quaternary Studies in Przegiêtka K., 1999: Naturalna termoluminescencja (Natural ther-
Poland 2: 37-55. moluminescence). PhD thesis, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Makowska, A. 1992: Stratigraphy of the Younger Pleistocene in the Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruñ.
Dolne Powiœle and the Elbl¹g Elevation based on mapping and Wysota, W., 2002: Stratygrafia i œrodowiska sedymentacji zlodo-
boreholes. Geological Quarterly 1: 97-120. wacenia Wis³y w po³udniowej czêœci dolnego Powiœla (Strati-
Makowska, A. 1994: Climatic variation in the pre-glacial part of the graphy and sedimentary environments of the Weichselian Gla-
Toruñ Glaciation in the lower Vistula region and the Elbl¹g Ele- ciation in the Lower Vistula region) (in print).
vation (preliminary report). Geological Quarterly 38: 133-154. Wysota, W., Chruœciñska A., Lankauf K.R., Przegiêtka K.R.,
Mojski, J. E. 1999: Drobne jednostki stratygraficzne piêtra Wis³y w Oczkowski H.L. and Szmañda J., 2000: Chronostratigraphy of
obszarze peryba³tyckim (Small stratigraphic units of Vistulian the Vistulian deposits in the southern part of the Lower Vistula
in the Peribaltic area). Przegl¹d Geologiczny 47 (3): 247-254. region (North Poland) in the light of TL dating. Geologos 5:
Oczkowski H. L. and Przegiêtka K., 1998a: TL Dating of Young 123-134.
Aeolian Deposits from Kêpa Kujawska. Radiation Measure- Wysota, W., Lankuaf, K.R., Molewski, P. and Szmañda, J., 1996:
ments 29: 435-439. Sedymentologia interstadialnej serii rzecznej (Rzêczkowo)
Oczkowski H. L. and Przegiêtka K., 1998b: Partial Matrix Doses zlodowacenia Wis³y (Vistulian) ods³oniêtej w SW krawêdzi
for Thermoluminescence Dating. Physica Scripta 58: 534-537. Wysoczyzny Che³miñskiej (Sedimentology of the Interstadial
Oczkowski H. L. and Przegiêtka K., 2000: Beta Source Calibration Fluvial Series (Rzêczkowo) of the Vistulian Glaciation Exposed
for Thermoluminescence Dating. Geochronometria 18: 53-56. in the SW Margin of the Che³mno Moraine Plateau). Acta Univ.
Nic. Coper., Geografia 28: 39-63.


GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 143-150, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




The State Hermitage Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia
The Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia
The Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
The Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, St.Petersburg, Russia
Radiocarbon Laboratory, SUERC, East Kilbride, Scotland
The Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia
State Scientific Centre of Environmental Radiochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Svedberg Laboratory of Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Radiocarbon Laboratory of Groningen University, Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Key words
words: Abstract: This research is focused on the chronological investigations of ancient nomads
NOMADS, belonging to the Scythian cultures which occupied the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia
SCYTHIAN TIME, during the 9th-3rd centuries BC. The 14C dates for the pre-scythian and early scythian time in
EURASIA, both Europe and Asia are presented and compared to their chronological position based on
RADIOCARBON archaeological evidence. The first 14C dates have been produced for the Scythian time monu-
DATES ments located in the Lower Volga River basin, Urals and Transurals regions. Their chrono-
logical positions are compared with the position of the monuments of Southern Siberia and
Central Asia. It was shown that the nomadic cultures belonging to the Scythian culture began
to exist over the wide territory of Eurasia from the 9th-8th centuries cal BC and there are some
monuments which may be synchronous to the Arzhan royal barrow (the oldest monument
known). A list of new 14C dates and a map of the monuments are presented.

1. INTRODUCTION For a long time, the chronology of the Eurasian

Scythian cultures was based on a variety of different ar-
The chronology of the nomadic tribes, which occupied chaeological approaches due to a lack of 14C dates for the
the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia during the European monuments. Recently the first radiocarbon
1st millennium BC is very important. The tribes are tradi- dates for these monuments have been produced by AMS
tionally connected with the Scythian cultures which have dating.
different names in different regions of Eurasia: the It is necessary to note that about 20 years ago,
Scythians in Europe, the Suoromathian in the Lower M.P.Gryasnov picked out 11 geographical zones in the
Volga River Basin and Southern Ural regions, the Tasmola history of Early Scythian cultures (9-7 centuries BC):
in the Transural regions and the different mosaic cultures 1) Northern Black Sea region, 2) the Northern Caucasus
in Altai, Southern Ural and Central Asia. The majority region, 3) the Aral Sea region, 4) Central and Northern
of sites associated with these cultures are located between Kazakhstan, 5) Semirech’e, Tien Shan and the Pamirs,
~ 40 °-55°N and 30°-110°E. The connections between 6) steppe and forest-steppe zones to the North and West
European and Asian Scythian cultures, and their interac- from Altai Mountains, 7) Altai Mountains, 8) South Si-
tion is testified by the similarities between both European beria, 9) Tuva, 10) Mongolia, 11) Ordos (Gryasnov, 1983).
and Asian Scythian artefacts, the dynamics of these It was found that these local zones contained features
interactions can be solved on the basis of chronological of later chronological periods, but it was necessary to add
research. two additional geographical zones – the Lower Volga and

Southern Urals regions – to the list of zones. These latter the Lower Volga River basin and the Southern Ural
additions may be considered as distinctive intermediate regions. Now this gap has begun to be filled. There have
points for cultural and ethnic pulses between the two main also been a considerable number of samples collected for
macro-regions of the Scythian World – Western and Scythian time monuments in Southern Siberia. It is
Eastern. important to note that before the end of 1990»s, only the
One should also not forget that the Lower Volga no- elite barrow Arzhan, Dogee-Baary-2 and Kopto barrows
mads have close relations with European Scythians to the had been 14C dated (Alekseev et al., 2001). Now there are
west, on one hand, and that Southern Urals barrows have about 10 Scythian-time monuments in this region dated
many similar features with the Aral Sea region, by 14C. Discussion of the interpretation of these results
Kazakhstan, and Southern Siberia materials to the east, now follows.
on the other hand (Ochir-Gorayeva, 1988).
Such conclusions have been drawn on the basis of ar- 3. DISCUSSION
chaeological evidence. Now we have produced the first
C dates for the monuments in these regions and can Steppe and Forest-steppe regions of Europe
compare the radiocarbon chronology of the key Scythian For the prescythian time of European Scythia, the
monuments for Eurasia focusing special attention on de- monuments of the so-called Chernogorovka culture dated
termining the first appearance of the Scythian culture. by archaeological finds to pre-scythian time play the most
important role. Until recently there were no 14C dates for
2. RESULTS this culture. In 1971 the Vysokaja Mogila barrow (graves
number 2 and 5) was excavated in the Lower Dnieper
In total, samples for dating have been collected from River basin (steppe area). At first this monument was
about 40 Eurasian Scythian monuments, many of them dated by archaeological materials. Grave number 5 dates
having not been previously dated. As well, additional 14C to the late Chernogorovka period (900-750 BC accord-
dates were produced for some well-known Scythian monu- ing to Terenozhkin, 1976) and grave number 2 to the
ments: Oguz, Solokha, and Chertomlyk, the Pazyryk group younger Novocherkassk period (750-650 BC). There are
barrows, Arzhan, Dogee-Baary-2 and others. The map of contradictory opinions on the absolute chronology of
monuments dated is presented in Fig. 1. The 14C dates these two monuments: for example, 25 years ago
produced during the last two years and dates which were A.I.Terenozhkin dated them both to ca middle 8th century
not published previously now are presented in Table 1. BC, but S.A.Skory together with other archaeologists now
Earlier there was a broad sweep of territory in which the date Vysokaja Mogila, grave 2 from the late 8th to the early
Scythian monuments had not been dated including 7th centuries BC (Skory, 1999). 14C dates of both graves

Fig.1. Map of location of the

Scythian time monuments
dated by 14C.

A.Yu. Alekseev et al.

produced recently are very close and give earlier results:

grave 5, Ki –8425, 2765±50 BP (calibrated 1007-815 cal
BC, 2σ), and grave 2, Ki-8424, 2740±50 BP (calibrated 997-
805 cal BC, 2σ). This evidence would suggest that the mod-
ern archaeological “short” chronology is not quite correct.
Another important monument for European Scythia
also dated to the early period is barrow 15 of the Steblev
group located in the forest-steppe area. This was esta-
blished as the oldest Scythian grave and dated by archae-
ologists to the late 8th century BC (Klochko and Skory,
1993). The 14C dates produced for this barrow (2620-2580
BP) testify to the earlier Scythian association (the late 8th
century cal BC).
For a long time, the oldest monument for all Eurasia
was the royal barrow Arzhan (Central Asia and Tuva
Republic). About 30 14C dates were produced which lay
in the interval from 2800-2666 BP, testifying that this
monument was erected during the 9th century cal BC Fig. 2. Combined 14C date for the Solokha barrow and its
position on the calibration curve.
(Zaitseva et al, 1998). Now there is the possibility to com-
pare the radiocarbon chronology of the Arzhan barrow
and European prescythian time monuments (Vysokaja
Mogila and Steblev, grave 15). One can unter the same mirrors were found, however, which according to archaeo-
time intervals for their existence (Table 1). logical data belong to an earlier time – the 7th-6th centu-
Very interesting results have been obtained for the ries BC and what is more, one of these mirrors belongs to
classical Scythian royal tomb Solokha, one of the four a special group of so-called “indicators” of the Early
greatest Scythian barrows in the northern Black Sea re- Scythian culture (Alekseev, 1992).
gion. Because the construction of any tomb occurred over A sample for AMS radiocarbon dating was taken
a rather short time, it was very important to obtain a pre- from wooden fragments of one of the mirror-cases. One
cisely calibrated calendar interval for 14C dates and to com- of the 14C dates (Ua-16869) gave us the general chrono-
pare the archaeological data and radiocarbon chronology. logical period from the 9th to 5th centuries cal BC (2σ).
According to archaeological data, this barrow can be dated In more detail, the calibration intervals are the follow-
to 400-375 BC (Alekseev, 1992). Eleven 14C dates for this ing: 9th-6th century cal BC, early 5th century cal BC, or sec-
famous barrow have been produced. Taking into account ond half of the 5th century cal BC. Each of these intervals
the complicated character of the calibration curve, which is in a good agreement with the known archaeological
has a wide plateau for the intervals 2600-2400 BP, and date. A second 14C date (GrA-16832) is earlier – from the
impossibility of using in this case the wiggle matching 9th to the beginning of the 8th century cal BC. It is impor-
method to establish the more precise calendar time of this tant to note that combined date (2640±41 BP) gives also
tomb construction, we used the combine dates obtained the same range. One explanation is that the samples per-
by the OxCal calibration program. The combined 14C date haps came from the central part of the trunk. In any case,
from the eleven individual dates is 2333±15 BP which cor- results of radiocarbon dating show that terminus ante quem
responds to 400-395 cal BC (1σ) and to 403-390 cal BC of the construction of this wooden artifact is the late 5th
(2σ) (Fig. 2). These results are generally in good agree- century BC.
ment with the archaeological dates.
Southern Urals and Southern Transurals regions
The Lower Volga River basin The ancient nomadic culture in the Southern Urals was
The Lower Volga nomads have close relations with located in the centre of the “steppe belt” of the Scythian
European Scythians to the West. They also have many cultures and it was subjected to a certain influence from
similarities with the nomads of the Aral Sea region, the nomads from the West (the Pontic Sea area) and from
Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia to the East. Now we the East (Central Asia, Altai and Southern Siberia).
present the first 14C dates for the monuments in these The most important and famous barrow for the late pre-
regions (Table 1). scythian and early Scythian periods is the Great Guma-
There are numerous nomadic graves of the Scythian rovo barrow (grave number 3) excavated in 1980 by
era in the Lower Volga River region belonging to the so- R. Ismagilov (Ismagilov, 1988). This monument can be
called “Sauromatian” culture and one of them is the archaeologically dated on the late 8th to the early 7th cen-
Aksenovski burial ground discovered in 1966 by V.P. Shilov turies BC. Samples for 14C analyses (AMS) were taken
(Shilov, 1997). According to archaeological data, the dates from four leather fragments and one wooden fragment
of all Aksenovski barrows and graves lie in the range of from the quiver.
ca 450 – 375 BC. The agreement between archaeological and 14C dates
Barrow number 10 (grave number 1, where two women is good, except sample Ua-16867, 2750±75 BP, which gave
were buried) also dates back to this time. Two bronze an earlier chronological age – from the late 12th to the


Table 1. The 14 C dates produced for the Scythian time monuments of Eurasia.
No No Lab. index C Age Monument Material C alibrated age [BC]
on the [BP]
Map 1 2
Pre-Scythian time (Chernogorovskaya culture)
1 60 Ki-8424 2740±50 Visoka mogila Wood 910-826 990-806
2 60 Ki-8425 2765±50 Visoka mogila Wood 978-834 1000-814
Earlier Scythian time
3 Ki-7740 2490±50 Steblev, barrow 15 Animal bone 766-528 782-412
4 9 Ki-7741 2660±50 Steblev, barrow 15 Animal bone 892-794 906-778
5 9 Ki-8426 2620±60 Steblev, barrow 15 Wood 892-562 908-532
6 9 Ki-8427 2530±60 Steblev, barrow 15 Wood 794-534 804-414
7 9 Ki-8428 2580±60 Steblev, barrow 15 Wood 810-550 836-420
Scythian time
8 63 Ki-8454 2180±60 Vishneva Mogila, barrow 11, Organic remains 360-122 374-60
grave 3
9 63 Ki-8454 2230±60 Vishneva Mogila, barrow 11, Leather 368-202 396-120
grave 5
10 63 Ki-8455 2210±60 Vishneva Mogila, barrow 11, Wood 364-192 392-106
grave 5
11 63 Ki-8456 2170±70 Vishneva Mogila, barrow 11, Leather from shoes 358-110 382-44
grave 5
12 63 Ki-8457 2250±70 Vishneva Mogila, barrow 11, Leather 384-202 406-106
grave 4
13 6 GrA-10163 2170±40 Oguz, grave 9 Grass, 354-118 364-66
14 6 Ki-7717 2230±50 Oguz Skeleton bone 366-202 392-176
15 6 Ki-7718 2190±50 Oguz Grass 360-178 380-100
16 7 GrA-10164 2330±50 Pastak, barrow 10 Wood from sword 476-214 750-202
17 10 GrA-10059 2180±40 Chertomlyk Wood from arrows 356-166 368-106
18 10 GrA-10203 2320±50 Chertomlyk Wood from arrows 408-210 516-200
19 10 GrA-10204 2350±50 Chertomlyk Wood from arrows 514-368 756-208
20 10 Ki-7720 2290±50 Chertomlyk, embanment Horse bone 398-210 404-200
21 10 Ki-7721 2170±80 Chertomlyk, embanment Sheep bone 360-108 388-8
22 10 Ki-7722 2335±80 Chertomlyk, northern grave Animal bone 520-206 762-192
23 10 Ki-7723 2130±70 Chertomlyk, northern grave Sheep bone 348-44 366BC-10AD
24 10 Ki-7724 2210±70 Chertomlyk, northern grave Horse bone 368-190 394-66
25 10 Ki-7725 2170±60 Chertomlyk Wool from clothes 358-112 370-54
26 10 Ki-7726 2310±55 Chertomlyk Skeleton bone 406-208 512-196
27 8 GrA-10060 2325±40 Solokha, Wood from sword 406-264 484-206
28 8 GrA-10159 2270±50 Solokha Wood from sword 390-208 398-200
29 8 GrA-10160 2350±50 Solokha Wood from sword 514-368 756-208
30 8 Ki-7742 2370±55 Solokha Wood from sword 746-380 762-254
31 8 Ki-7743 2295±55 Solokha Wood from sword 400-208 474-192
32 8 Ki-7744 2310±55 Solokha Wood from sword 406-208 512-196
33 8 Ki-7745 2350±55 Solokha Wood from artefact 516-266 758-204
34 8 Ki-7746 2320±55 Solokha Wood from artefact 410-208 522-198
35 8 Ki-7747 2380±55 Solokha Grass rope 750-386 762-266
36 8 Ki-7748 2425±60 Solokha Leather 756-402 764-394
37 8 Ki-7749 2300±55 Solokha Wood from artefact 402-208 482-192
Northern Caucasus, Russia
38 11 Ki-7769 2510±50 Uashkhitu, barrow 1 Wood 780-530 796-416
39 11 Ki-7770 2570±50 Uashkhitu, barrow 1 Wood 806-554 816-526
Lower Volga River Basin
40 14. Ua-16869 2595±75 Aksenovski Wood from mirror 826-546 902-418
41 14 GrA-16832 2660±50 Aksenovski Wood from mirror 892-794 906-778
Southern Ural and Transural regions (Orenburg, Chelyabinsk oblasts, Bashkartostan)
42 15 GrA-15862 2320±50 Filippovka Wood from the gold deer 408-210 516-200
43 15 GrA-15860 2940±50 Filippovka Wood from the gold deer 1250-1046 1304-994
44 17 Ua-16866 2430±70 Gumarovo Leather 758-402 766-394
45 17 Ua-16867 2750±75 Gumarovo Organic 982-816 1112-796
46 17 GrA-12895 2500±70 Gumarovo Organic 774-524 792-412
47 17 GrA-16829 2500±50 Gumarovo Leather 770-530 792-414
48 17 AA-40434 2623±44 Gumarovo Wood from arrow bow case 822-780 898-554
49 18 Ua-16870 2590±85 Solonchanka Wood of shaft 830-536 900-414
50 64 AA-40432 2454±58 Small Klimovski Wood from shaft 760-410 766-404
51 21 GrA-16831 2250±50 Temir Wood 378-206 392-194
52 21 Ua-16868 2250±75 Temir Bark-birch 386-202 408-64

A.Yu. Alekseev et al.

53 35 Le-5788 2200±40 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 1-10 tree-rings 358-192 378-126
80 tree-rings
54 35 Le-5789 2200±20 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 11-20 tree-rings 355-195 359-191
80 tree-rings
55 35 Le-5790 2175±20 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 21-30 tree-rings 345-182 356-130
80 tree-rings
56 35 Le-5791 2145±25 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 31-40 tree-rings 194-118 342-64
80 tree-rings
57 35 Le-5792 2160±50 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 41-50 tree-rings 354-10 364-50
80 tree-rings
58 35 Le-5793 2152±25 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 51-60 tree-rings 198-118 350-68
80 tree-rings
59 35 Le-5794 2170±20 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 61-70 tree-rings 343-176 354-120
80 tree-rings
60 35 Le-5795 2190±40 Bashadar dendro- sampl, Wood, 71-80 tree-rings 358-184 372-116
80 tree-rings
61 36 GU-8355 2340±60 Pazyryk-2 Wood, all tree rings 516-254 758-200
62 36 GU-8356 2360±50 Pazyryk-2 Wood, all tree rings 516-376 760-210
Southern Siberia
63 40 Le-5838 2780±30 Tiger-Taidzhen, barrow1 Wood 980-848 992-838
64 43 Le-5646 2640±120 Kazanovka-3, barrow 2A, grave 2 Bone of skeleton 920-530 1030-400
65 45 Le-5669 2570±30 Taplaya, barrow 1, grave 2 Charcoal 802-610 806-552
66 46 Le-5679 2370±20 Cheremshino, barrow, grave 1, Wood 406-397 473-390
log, 4 layer from the centre
67 46 Le-5678 2400±20 Cheremshino, barrow, grave 1, Wood 484-401 516-399
log, 3 layer from the centre
68 46 Le-5677 2540±40 Cheremshino, barrow, grave 1, Wood 794-552 802-526
log, 2 layer from the centre
70 46 Le-5676 2710±60 Cheremshino, barrow, grave 1, Wood 900-812 990-796
log, 1 layer from the centre
71 46 Le-5680 2435±25 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 1, Wood 746-410 756-404
outside rings
72 46 Le-5670 2470±30 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 3 Wood 762-420 764-412
73 46 Le-5668 2530±25 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 2 Wood 786-554 792-542
74 46 Le-5671 2610±50 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 3 Wood 828-606 894-540
75 46 Le-5672 2660±60 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 1, Wood 898-792 980-556
outside rings
76 46 Le-5675 2700±50 Cheremshino, barrow 1, grave 1, Wood 898-808 926-796
central rings
77 47 Le-5651 2480±50 Pechische, barrow 3, grave 3 Bone of skeleton 764-518 770-412
78 48 Le-5652 2490±80 Sarala, barrow 2, grave 1 Bone of skeleton 770-516 790-410
Central Asia (Tuva)
79 49 Le-5848 2440±30 Aldy-Bel,branch grave Wood 752-410 760-402
80 49 GU-9181 2470±50 Aldy-Bel,branch grave Wood 762-418 766-412
81 50 Le-5446 2880±120 Arzhan Horse teeth 1210-910 1380-820
82 50 Le-5645 2750±35 Arzhan Wood, fragment 908-842 982-816
of upper log, 22 tree-rings
83 51 GU-8351 2310±60 Arzhan-Tarlag Wood, fragment 406-208 520-192
of upper log, 20 tree-rings
84 51 GU-8354 2360±50 Arzhan-Tarlag Wood, fragment 516-376 760-210
of upper log, 20 tree-rings
85 51 GU-8352 2410±70 Arzhan-Tarlag Wood, fragment 758-396 768-384
of upper log, 20 tree-rings
86 51 GU-8353 2470±60 Arzhan-Tarlag Wood, fragment of upper log 762-418 768-408
87 51 Le-5450 2455±25 Arzhan-Tarlag Wood, fragment of upper log 756-416 762-408
88 52 Ua-12968 2425±45 Dogee-Baary-2, barrow 10 Leather 752-404 762-396
89 52 Ua-12969 2435±45 Dogee-Baary-2, barrow 3 Textile 754-408 762-400
90 52 Ua-12970 2490±45 Dogee-Baary-2, barrow 1 Textile 764-528 782-414
91 52 Ua-12971 2420±45 Dogee-Baary-2, barrow 6 Textile 752-402 762-394
92 52 Ua-12972 2450±45 Dogee-Baary-2, barrow 15 Textile 758-410 764-404
93 54 Le-5603 2800±200 Suglug-Khem-1, part of artefact Wood 1260-790 1430-410
94 55 Le-5566 2300±50 Saryg-Bulun, barrow 1, grave 5 Wood 402-210 408-200
95 56 Ua-15270 2190±70 Ust’-Khadynnyg-1- barrow 37 Bone 366-162 384-58
96 56 Ua-15229 2635±70 Ust’-Khadynnyg-1, Wood from arrow 902-606 926-528
barrow 4, grave 3
97 56 Ua-15228 2805±70 Ust’-Khadynnyg-1, Leather from quiver 1016-844 1154-810
barrow 4, grave 3
98 57 Ua-12973 2360±45 Chinge-2, barrow 22, grave 2 Textile 510-380 756-256


early 8th century cal BC, but it turns out that all the dates calendar interval. According to these data this barrow can
result in very wide calibrated intervals and so do not be dated to the beginning of the 8th cal BC.
allow a more accurate age definition. The combined date The so-called “aldy-bel” culture (Grach, 1983) existed
(2562±25 BP) gives a “narrower” calibrated range: 798- in Central Asia (Tuva). One should note that the earliest
766 cal BC (1σ), 802-760, 676-662, 632-590 and 584-554 Scythian barrow Arzhan is located in Tuva too. For a long
cal BC (2σ), and there is evidence that the quiver can be time only this monument was dated by 14C. Now 14C dates
attributed to the period ca 800-750 BC or to the period have been produced for the Ust’-Khadynnyg-1 barrow.
from the 7th to the first half of the 6th century BC. Dates 2635±70 BP, wood from arrow (Ua-15229) and
As one of the most famous monuments of this period 2805±70 BP, leather from quiver (Ua-15228) for barrow
we can identify the so-called Filippovka “royal” burial 4, grave 3 excavated by A.D. Grach in 1980 (Grach, 1983)
ground which was excavated in 1986-1989 by can be correlated with the dates for the Arzhan barrow.
A. Pshenichniuk (2000). The most important site is bar- The key monument of the late stage of Scythian time,
row number 1 which is of 7 m height. Different weapons, the so-called the uyuk-saglynsk culture, is the Dogee-
horse bridles, golden plaques on wooden vessels, several Baary-2 barrow. A long series of 14C dates have been pro-
gold and silver Iran vessels and 26 large, extraordinary duced for this monument and the “wiggle matching”
wooden sculptures of deer which were covered by gold method has been used to determine its position on the
and silver were found. The majority of these objects are calendar scale (Alekseev et al., 2001). The results con-
unique but at the same time, they demonstrate stylistic firmed the archaeological ideas about the existence of this
similarity with objects from other regions of the Scythian monument during the 5th-4th centuries BC. 14C dates for
world – South Siberia, Altai Mountains, Central Asia, and the Arzhan-Tarlag (Gu-8351-8354) and the Chinge (Ua-
Northern Caucasus (Korolkova, 2000). According to the 12973) barrows testify to their synchronicity. The Aldy-
archaeological data there are two similar dates proposed Bel’ burial mound according to the 14C dates produced
for the Filippovka burial ground – the 5th century BC from the wooden barrow construction (Le-5848, and GU-
(Korolkova (Chezhina), 1992) and the early 4th century 9181) can be related to this time.
BC (Pshenichniuk, 2000). Samples for 14C analyses (AMS) The first 14C dates produced for the monuments be-
were taken from wooden fragments from inside the base longing to the pre-scythian and early scythian time of
of the deer sculptures. Southern Siberia and Central Asia testify that some monu-
Radiocarbon dates give different chronological ranges ments existed in this territory at the same time as the
(GrA-15860, 2940±50 BP; GrA-15862, 2320±50 BP). Arzhan barrow.
GrA-15862 date is in perfect correlation with archaeologi-
cal evidence. The combined 14C date 2630±35 BP, cali- 4. CONCLUSIONS
brated to 832 – 774 cal BC (2σ) is earlier than the archaeo-
logical dating. Since the 9th-8th centuries BC the Scythian cultures
The comparison of the radiocarbon age for the began to appear on the wide territory of the steppe and
Scythian time monuments of the Lower Volga River ba- forest-steppe zones of Eurasia. Now there are some monu-
sin and the Southern Ural regions with the monuments ments, which, according to the radiocarbon dates, can be
of the Sayan-Altai (the Arzhan and Pazyryk group) pre- demonstrated to be synchronous to the Arzhan royal bar-
sented in Table 1 shows, that the radiocarbon age of these row. The ages of monuments located in the Lower Volga
monuments is significantly younger than the Arzhan bar- River basin, the Urals and Transurals regions are more
row but closer to the Pazyryk group barrows. synchronous to the Pazyryk group barrows.

Southern Siberia and Central Asia (Tuva) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

As mentioned above the oldest monument for all
Eurasia is the royal barrow Arzhan (Central Asia and Tuva We are very grateful to the staff of the State Hermit-
Republic). In 2000 the first radiocarbon dates were pro- age Museum and to the archaeologists from the
duced for other monuments belonging to the prescythian Chelyabinsk and Ekaterinburg Universities for the
and early Scythian time. samples presented for dating. This research is supported
The most interesting new date has been produced for by INTAS, project No 97-20362.
the monument Tigir-Taidzhen, barrow 1: 2780±30 BP (Le-
5838). It is very important that, according to this date and REFERENCES
to the archaeological finds, this barrow is synchronous with
the Arzhan barrow and can be dated to the 9th cal BC. Alekseev A.Yu., Bokovenko N.A.,.Boltrik Yu, Chugunov K.V, Cook
Another interesting monument of the Tagar culture G,.Dergachev V.A, Kovaliukh N.N., Possnert G, van der Plicht
in the Southern Siberia (Minusinsk valley) is the J, Scott E.M., Sementsov A.A, Skripkin V.V, Vasiliev S.S. and
Cheremshino barrow. According to the archaeological Zaitseva G.I., 2001: A chronology of the Scythian Antiquities
of Eurasia based on new archaeological and 14C data. In:
classification, this monument dates to the early stage of
The Proceedings of the 17th Radiocarbon Conference. Radiocar-
the Tagar culture. Now the first radiocarbon dates have
bon (in press).
been produced for this monument from the wooden bar- Alekseev A.Yu., 1992: Scythian Chronicle. Scythians in the 7th-4th
row construction and have been used in the “wiggle match- centuries B.C. In: Historical and Archaeological Review. Saint
ing” method to produce a precise determination of the Petersburg: 206 pp (in Russian).

A.Yu. Alekseev et al.

Gryasnov M.P., 1983: The Initial Phase of the Development of the Pshenichniuk A., 2000: The Filippovka Kurgans at the Heart of the
Scytho-Siberian Cultures. In: Archaeology of South Siberia. Eurasian Steppes. The Golden Deer of Eurasia. Scythian and
Kemerovo: 3-18 (in Russian.). Sarmatian Treasures from the Russian Steppes. Aruz J., Farkas
Grach A.D., 1983: The historical-cultural population of the early A., Alekseev A. and Korolkova E., eds, The Exhibition Cata-
Scythian epoch in the Central Asia. Archaeological Journal of logue. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: 21-30.
the State Hermitage Museum 23: 30-42 (in Russian). Shilov V.P. and Ochir-Goriaeva M.A., 1997: The Scythian Time
Ismagilov R.B., 1988: Burial of the Great Gumarovo Barrow in the Tumuli in the Cemeteries Aksenovo I and II. In: Prescythian
Southern Urals and the Problem of the Scythian Culture Ori- and Scythian monuments in the South Eastern Europe. Moscow:
gin. Arheologicheskii sbornik. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint 127-152 (in Russian).
Petersburg: 29-47 (in Russian). Skory S.A., 1999: Cimmerians in Ukrainen Forest-steppe zone.
Klochko V.I., Skory S.A., 1993: Barrow No 15 near village Steblev Kiev-Poltava (in Russian).
in Ros’ River region. Arkheologija (Kiev) 2 (in Ukrainian). Terenozhkin A.I., 1976: Cimmerians. Kiev (in Russian).
Korolkova E., 2000: The Filippovka Kurgans and the Animal Style. Zaitseva G.I., Vasiliev S.S., van der Plicht J., Marsadolov L.S.,
The Golden Deer of Eurasia. Scythian and Sarmatian Treasures Sementsov A.A., Dergachev V.A. and Lebedeva L.M., 1998: New
from the Russian Steppes. Aruz J., Farkas A., Alekseev A. and Investigations on the Cronology of the Key Sites of the Scythian
Korolkova E., eds, The Exhibition Catalogue. The Metropoli- Epoch in the Sayan-Altai. Acte du colloque “C-14 Archeologie”:
tan Museum of Art, New York: 69 - 71. 315-318.
Ochir-Goriaeva M.A., 1988: Sauromation culture of Lower Volga
region in 6th-4th centuries B.C. Dissertation Thesis. Leningrad:
20 (in Russian)


GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 151-156, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung, Postfach 330014, D-14191 Berlin, Germany
Kommission für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts,
Endenicher Straße 41, D-53115 Bonn, Germany (e-mail:

Key words
words: Abstract: The Palpa Archaeological Project PAP investigates the relationship between
RADIOCARBON the famous Nasca lines and ancient settlements in the Palpa region, in the desert of the south
DATING, coast of Peru. Chronology will be fixed in absolute terms by radiocarbon dating of sites of
NASCA CULTURE, Los Molinos and La Muña. As a first approximation we get for the Nasca 3 culture 60-280 cal
CHRONOLOGY, AD and for Nasca 4/5 and 5 culture 320-430 cal AD. That means the transition from Early
NASCA LINES to Middle Nasca is in the range between 280-320 cal AD.

1. INTRODUCTION of Rio Grande, Rio Palpa and Rio Viscas (Figs 1 and 2),
dating from Middle Formative (600 BC) to Inca times
The Palpa Archaeological Project of the German In- (1530 AD). The archaeological evidence indicates that the
stitute of Archaeology and the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foun- geoglyphs originated from petroglyphs at about 400 BC
dation for Archaeological Research Abroad investigates and reached their apogee in Nasca times (200 BC – 600
the relationship between the famous Nasca lines and an- AD). No later geoglyphs were identified (Fig.3).
cient settlements in the Palpa region, in the desert of the The sites of Los Molinos and La Muña functioned as
south coast of Peru (Reindel, 1997; Reindel and Cuadra- administrative centres in the early and the middle Nasca
do, 1998 and 2000; Reindel et al., 1998a,b). The Nasca period (0 – 400 AD). This chronological assessment could
culture is known mainly from undocumented museum be confirmed by several radiocarbon dates, which we
materials excavated by grave looters. There have been few present. Settlement patterns, architecture, burial prac-
excavations which produced well documented archaeo- tices, the ceramic findings as well as botanical and fau-
logical contexts. The Palpa project aims to enlarge the nistic remains show that the Nasca society was well
archaeological data base concerning the cultural history organised and stratified. Religious specialists must have
of the Nasca region with emphasis on settlement studies, been in charge of the rituals concerning the nearby
large scale excavations and stratigraphic investigations. geoglyphs. Small shrines directly associated with the
Chronology will be fixed in absolute terms by radiocar- geoglyphs, where offerings of crop fruits, textiles and con-
bon dating. Field work includes a detailed photogrammet- siderable amounts of Spondylus shells were found, dem-
ric and terrestrial mapping of the geoglyphs of the pam- onstrate that water and fertility rites were practised in
pas, their associated archaeological features, an exhaus- a sacred landscape which was constantly modified by the
tive survey of archaeological sites, test excavations and modelling of new geoglyphs. Our aim is to show the ra-
large scale excavations in several settlements. More than diocarbon dating results in the frame of archaeological
500 archaeological sites have been recorded in the valleys context.

Fig. 1. The Nasca region at the south/

west coast of Peru.

Fig. 2. Map of the investigation area with PAP numbers of the archaeological sites.

J. Görsdorf and M. Reindel

Fig. 3. Investigation area near

the sites PAP 47,48 and 53
with geoglyphs.

2. METHODS time stability of the electronics were required in order

to reach the measurement accuracy (Görsdorf, 2000).
The bigger samples were dated in the Berlin Labora- The δ13C-measurements were done at the Leibniz-Labor,
tory (Bln). Chemical pretreatment of samples was done University of Kiel, Germany and are reported in permil
by AAA treatment (Mook and Streurman, 1983). The dat- relative to PDB-standard.
ing was performed with gas proportional counters of the The smaller samples were dated in the Accelerator
Houtermans-Oeschger type, using methane at 133.3 kPa Mass Spectrometry Laboratory in Erlangen (Erl).
pressure as filling gas. Measurement control and data
processing were done using computer controlled system 3. RESULTS
(Görsdorf, 1990; Görsdorf and Bojadþiev, 1996). A modern
electronics is used. The preamplifier, pulse amplifier, The results with sample numbers, site names and da-
comparator, pulse shaper and anti-coincidence unit are ting materials are shown in Table 1. The datings are cor-
located in a box (19cm x 10cm x 5cm), which is directly rected for isotopic fractionation using the measured δ13C
connected to the counter. The detection of variation of values. The 14C ages are calibrated using the program Ox
the environmental radiation and the inspection of the long Cal v.3.5 (Ramsey, 1995, 1998 and 2000) and employing


the decadal calibration curve (Stuiver et al., 1998) as a first 4. COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS
approximation for all samples. A Southern Hemispheric
offset of 24±3 14C yr was taken into consideration (Stuiver The calibration results of the radiocarbon datings
et al., 1998). The calibration intervals were presented for agree with the general chronological table of the Palpa area
a confidence of 68.2 % and are rounded off to 10 years. (based on Menzel, 1977), which is shown in Table 2. Only
Fig. 4 shows the calibration results of the datings in chro- the dating results of the samples Bln-5239 seems to be
nological order. too young. No explanation was found for that up to now.

Table 1. Radiocarbon samples of the Palpa Archaeological Project and dating results.
Architectural Unit


Ceramic Phase
Sample no.

Site Context Material Weight Lab. No. ä13C 14

C Age Calibrated Agess
[g] [‰] [BP] [cal AD]

1 La Mu¼a C 2 R. N C Hearth 5 Charcoal 120 Bln-5234 - 25.0 1711 ± 30 290 - 420

2 La Mu¼a C 2 R. S A Hearth 5 Charcoal 160 Erl-3090 - 28.0 1816 ± 43 150 - 270
3 La Mu¼a B 5 R. 2 C Hearth 5 Charcoal 105
4 La Mu¼a B 5 R. 1 E Tomb 5 Wood 350 Erl-3091 - 26.0 1685 ± 39 340 - 440
5 La Mu¼a B 5 R. 1 C Hearth 5 Charcoal 80 Bln-5235 - 26.1 1691 ± 27 350 - 430

6 Los Molinos A 1 T1 D Tomb 4? Cane 90

7 Los Molinos A 2 T1 B Tomb 3 Wood 575 Bln-5236 - 24.4 1774 ± 25 250 - 340
8 Los Molinos A 2 T1 B Tomb 3 Cane 175 Erl-3092 - 25.0 1999 ± 40 20 cal BC - 80 cal AD
9 Los Molinos A 2 T1 B Tomb 3 Charcoal 95
10 Los Molinos A 2 R. 1 C Hearth 4/5 Charcoal 100 Bln-5237 - 25.9 1694 ± 27 350 - 430
11 Los Molinos A 2 R. 1A J Arch. Fill 3 Bean 10 Erl-3093 - 24.8 1858 ± 38 130 - 240
12 Los Molinos A 2 Pass. H Arch. Fill 3 Bean 10 Erl-3094 - 24.6 1934 ± 39 50 - 140
13 Los Molinos A 3 LT6 A Tomb 4/5 Wood 345 Bln-5238 - 23.4 1727 ± 30 270 - 390
14 Los Molinos A 3 AU4 F Floor 4? Cane and Wood 60
15 Los Molinos A 3 AU4 I Arch. Fill 3/4 Maniok 140
16 Los Molinos A 3 AU2 B Refuse 3 Seed of Huarango-tree 10
17 Los Molinos A 3 AU1 D Layer 4? Seeds 10
18 Los Molinos B 1 AU2 C-D Post 3 Wood 275 Bln-5239 - 23.5 1634 ± 30 400 - 490
19 Los Molinos B 1 AU2 D Hearth 3 Charcoal 100 Erl-3095 - 26.4 1836 ± 39 150 - 250
20 Los Molinos A 4 E Arch. Fill 8 Bean 10
21 Los Molinos A 4 D Arch. Fill 8 Bean 10 Erl-3096 - 29.2 1482 ± 35 570 - 650
22 Sitio PAP-11 A 1 T1 C Tomb Oc8 Wood 25
R. =Room, AU =Architectural Unit, T =Tomb, LT =Looted Tomb, Pass. =Passage.

Table 2. Chronological Table of the Palpa area (based on Menzel, 1977).

J. Görsdorf and M. Reindel

p ( ); ; y( );

La Muña
La Muña and Los Molinos

Curve intcal98
Reservoir 24±3
Phase Nasca 3
Erl-3092 1999±40BP
Erl-3094 1934±39BP
Erl-3093 1858±38BP
Erl-3095 1836±39BP
Bln-5236 1774±25BP
Bln-5239 1634±30BP
Phase Nasca 4/5 and 5
Bln-5238 1727±30BP
Bln-5237 1694±27BP
Erl-3090 1816±43BP
Bln-5234 1711±30BP
Bln-5235 1691±27BP
Erl-3091 1685±39BP
Phase Nasca 8
Erl-3096 1482±35BP

500CalBC CalBC/CalAD 500CalAD

Calibrated date

Fig. 4 The calibration results of the dates from Los Molinos and La Muña sites.The confidence limit of the hatched
boxes is 68.2% and of the broader boxes 95.4%.

A recalculation of the calibration intervals, take into ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

account the cultural order, with the help of the Gibbs
Sampling Method (Ramsey, 1995) gives the results in We gratefully acknowledge Dr. H. Erlenkeuser and
Fig. 5. The sum of calibration results date the cultures in colleagues (Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel) for δ13C
a first approximation. For the Nasca 3 sum (probability measurements. Thanks are extended to E. Lau and D.
of 68,2 %) we get 60-280 cal AD and for Nasca 4/5 and 5 Teckenburg for assistance in the preparation and measure-
(probability of 68,2 %) we get 320-430 cal AD. That ment of samples in the Berlin Laboratory (German Insti-
means the transition from Early to Middle Nasca is in the tute of Archaeology, Eurasian-Department). For the
range between 280-320 cal AD. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry datings we thank Prof. Dr.
W. Kretschmer and colleagues (University of Erlangen).


( ) ( )

Sequence La Muña and Los Molinos

Sequence La Muna and Los Molinos {A=89.5%(A'c=60.0%)}

Sum Nasca 3
Erl-3092 100.0%
Erl-3094 101.2%
Erl-3093 102.2%
Erl-3095 105.3%
Bln-5236 90.3%
Sum Nasca 3
Sum Nasca 4/5 and 5
Bln-5238 101.9%
Bln-5237 101.4%
Erl-3090 64.5%
Bln-5234 101.6%
Bln-5235 100.4%
Erl-3091 101.3%
Sum Nasca 4/5 and 5
Phase Nasca 8
Erl-3096 100.7%

1000CalBC 500CalBC CalBC/CalAD 500CalAD 1000CalAD

Calibrated date
Fig. 5 The calibration of dating results with the Gibbs Sampling Methode. The confidence limit of the hatched boxes
is 68.2% and of the broader boxes 95.4%.

REFERENCES Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland (1996). Zürich und

Vaduz: 79-94.
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liner 14C-Labor. Zeitschrift für Archäologie 24: 27-34. und La Muña: Ergebnisse der Grabungskampagne 1998 des
Görsdorf J. and Bojadþiev J., 1996: Zur absoluten Chronologie der Archäologischen Projektes Nasca-Palpa, Süd-Peru. Jahres-
bulgarischen Urgeschichte. Berliner 14C-Datierungen von bulga- bericht der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für
rischen archäologischen Fundplätzen. Eurasia Antiqua 2: 105-173. Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland (1998). Zürich und
Görsdorf J., 2000: Datierungen im Berliner 14C-Labor. Berliner Vaduz: 123-152.
Beiträge zur Archäometrie, Band 17: 121-131. Reindel M. und Cuadrado J.I., 2000: Ausgrabungen in Los Molinos
Menzel D., 1977: The Archaeology of Peru and the Work of Max Uhle. und La Muña: Ergebnisse der Grabungskampagne 1999 des
Berkeley. Archäologischen Projektes Nasca-Palpa, Süd-Peru“. Jahresbe-
Mook W. G. and Streurman H. J., 1983: Physical and chemical as- richt der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäolo-
pects of radiocarbon dating. Journal of the European Study gische Forschungen im Ausland (1999). Zürich und Vaduz: 67-95.
Group on Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Techniques Reindel M., Cuadrado J.I. und Koschmieder K., 1998a:
Applied to Archaeology. PACT 8: 31-55. Vorspanische Siedlungen und Bodenzeichnungen in Palpa,
Ramsey C. B., 1995: Radiocarbon Calibration and Analysis of Peru. Ergebnisse der Feldkampagne 1997 des Archäologischen
Stratigraphy: The OxCal Program. In Cook G. T., Harkness D. Projektes Nasca/Palpa. Jahresbericht der Schweizerisch-
D., Miller B. F. and Scott E. M., eds., Proceedings of the 15th Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäologische Forschungen im
International 14C Conference. Radiocarbon 37(2): 425-430. Ausland (1997). Zürich und Vaduz: 131-162.
Ramsey C. B., 1998: Probability and Dating. Radiocarbon 40(1): Reindel M., Cuadrado J.I. und Koschmieder K., 1998b: Vorspanische
461-474. Siedlungen und Bodenzeichnungen in Palpa, Süd-Peru. Beiträge
Ramsey C. B., 2000: OxCal Program v.3.5. ( zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie 19: 313-81.
orau/06_01.htm). Stuiver M., Reimer P.J., Bard E., Beck J.W., Burr G.S., Hughen K.A.,
Reindel M., 1997: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Nasca- Kromer B., McCormac F.G., v.d. Plicht J. and Spurk M. 1998:
Kultur und ihren Bodenzeichnungen in Süd-Peru. Jahres- INTCAL98 Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 24,000-0 cal BP.
bericht der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Radiocarbon 40(3): 1041-1083.

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 157-162, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology



Institute of Archaeology University of Lublin, Curie-Sk³odowska 4 square, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
State Scientific Centre of Environmental Radiogeochemistry, Palladin 34, 142 Kiev, Ukraine

Key words
words: Abstract: Radiocarbon dating has confirmed the division of the period when the grave com-
RADIOCARBON DATING, plex in Dacharzów was used into two stages, between which there was a distinct gap.
BONES, DACHARZÓW In the second stage the graves appeared in cycles, after longer breaks (100 years or more).
SITE, MA£OPOLSKA The cemetery was used from the end of the 17th to the 10th or 10th/9th centuries BC.

1. INTRODUCTION In the central part of the barrow was found a stone

structure consisting of two chambers (Fig. 2). They had a
Dacharzów (Sandomierz district) is situated in the wooden rafter structure, which supported the walls, and
north-eastern part of the Sandomierz Upland (Fig. 1). In a wooden (oak) floor; the remains of the wood have been
1991 one barrow was discovered here, marked as site 1 used in radiocarbon dating.
(Florek, 1994). It is situated on the edge of the Opatówka Inside the bigger chamber there were bone remains
river valley, rising 50 metres above the flat bottom of the of six people – four women and two children. The skel-
valley. In the years 1994-1995 archaeological excavations etons, badly-preserved, were not lying in the anatomical
were carried out on the barrow and its surroundings order, and some of the bones in the northern part were
(Florek and Taras, 1996). As a result, a whole complex of burnt out. In the smaller chamber there were scattered
graves was uncovered, dating from the Bronze Age, from less burnt bones of, most probably, a man. The bone ma-
the period of the Trzciniec Culture (Florek and Taras, terial coming from all the people buried here was radio-
1997; Florek, 1998). carbon-dated.

Fig. 1. Dacharzów, site 1. Location of the site (S – Sandomierz, D – Dacharzów).


The stone graves with their immediate surroundings after washing with trisodium phosphate solution they are
were covered with an earthen mound; earth for the mound processed by 1-3% hydrofluoric acid. This acid transforms
was taken mainly from the area north of the barrow, carbonate and partly calcium phosphate into fluoride.
where, as a result, a semi-circular basin was created. Calcium fluoride practically does not dissolve in weak
On the south-western part of the mound there was acids, but change of CO3-2 and PO4-3 volumetric anions
observed a semicrescent-like ditch (Fig. 2). On the cir- for compact F- leads to genesis of mineral matrix which is
cumference of the mound, in its southern and eastern porous and cleaned from organic-silicate complex. Col-
parts, eight graves were discovered (No. 2, 5, 8-12, 14) lagen in this case exists in semi-bound non-hydrated state.
containing inhumation burials. The skeletons are poorly- The essential advantage of hydrofluoric acid is its ability
preserved, in some cases there are only single bones pre- to dissolve silicates and humic acids as well as products
served. The bone remains from all the graves but one – of bacteria vital activity absorbed on them. It makes it
No. 14 – have been radiocarbon-dated. possible to remove introduced organic substances and
carbonic carbon, to wash and dry the processed sample
2. METHODS OF RADIOCARBON DATING easily and qualitatively. As a result of running processes
OF BONE SAMPLES the collagen is converted into volatile organic combina-
tions and into bone coal. The addition of manganese
In the research was used the technology developed dioxide plays an important role. When the temperature
in Kiev Radiocarbon Laboratory. This technology makes is above 550oC the manganese dioxide disintegrates with
it possible to produce lithium carbide production from active oxygen liberation all over the volume of mixture.
collagen or bone without preliminary deposition of them Oxygen liberation runs quietly, under the broad range of
in a pure kind (Skripkin and Kovaljukh, 1998). temperatures (550-940 oC). Fine-dispersed bone coal
The bones for this purpose are reduced to fragments, and therewith is oxidised till carbon oxide and dioxide,

Fig. 2. Dacharzów, site 1.

Grave complex of the Trzciniec
Culture: 1 - boundaries of the
investigated area, 2 – stones,
3 - human bones, 4 – original
circumference of the base of
the barrow, 5 – traces of
ploughing, 6 - range of the
basin created after taking earth
for erecting the mound,
7 – ditch, 8 – pits, 9 – hole left
by a post, 10 - pottery; I-V -
bones of individual people
buried in the graves; No 1-13
– features; A-G - pottery
(after Florek and Taras 1996).

H. Taras et al.

and in such a kind it is absorbed by melted metallic lithium. The area around the ditch continued to be used, how-
An essential feature of manganese oxides is their ability ever, there is no stratigraphic evidence that would point
to link phosphorus and sulphur in thermal stable combi- to the chronological order of the following events:
nations. This allows getting lithium carbide of high qua- – filling the ditch and using it for two burials,
lity, and what is more - practically from the whole carbon – the appearance of further graves on the circumference
content of bone organic substances. Lithium carbide of the mound that together with the ditch formed a ring.
is subjected to hydrolysis, and gassing acetylene is con- The only certain thing that was found was that graves
verted into benzene on vanadium catalyst. The vacuum No. 11 and 12 – just like No. 2 and 5, that were uncovered
system for benzene syntheses is made from materials, in the ditch – appeared after the mound was made be-
which adsorb not all acetylene and benzene. Constructive cause they are situated in the eastern part of the basin
particularities mentioned above allow one reach 95-97% created as a result of erecting the mound (Fig. 2). Since
benzene output to the total exclusion of the memory the flat graves form a regular ring on the circumference
effect. As a result of summation of new complex techno- of the mound, the logical conclusion is that all of them
logy advantages there appears a possibility for bone were built after the barrow was made.
samples dating carried-out with collagen total contents It has been assumed that the ditch was filled at one
up to 250-300 mg. go. The claim is supported by the homogenous character
Measurement of benzene is carried out into the spe- of the filling material, both in its colour and texture, and
cially developed vials with the help of “Quantulus” - low- the absence of clear pit contours as in the case of grave
background spectrometer. No. 2, which would point to a later digging of the grave in
As a result of biological processes, which have been the filled ditch. As far as grave No. 5 is conserved, the
going on within the system bone - soil microorganisms, situation is more complex: the contour of a rectangular,
the natural relation between three main carbon isotopes shallow pit is visible only on the level and it not possible
(12C, 13C and 14C) undergoes certain changes. In evaluat- to see the contour. Under the circumstances, it seems that
ing radiocarbon age the correction is being taken in ac- graves No. 2 and 5 were built during the using (grave No.
count for biological isotopic fractionation. Undertaking 5) and filling (grave No. 2) of the ditch.
such an operation is possible due to well-defined relation- The objects found in graves 1A and 1B and in their
ship between the deflection of 13C isotope concentration surroundings are connected with the first stage of using
and the degree of 14C isotope fractionation. For this aim the cemetery, namely the period before the mound was
the determination is made on variation in concentrations built. The identical style of their production enables one
of 13C isotope in the ready benzene by mass-spectro- to date them to the first half of phase II of the Bronze
metric method. This factor usually falls within the limit Age (16th – 16th/15th centuries BC) and also suggests that
-20.7<δ13C <-18.5‰. Correction entering for the isoto- the period in which they were being deposited in the graves
pic fractionation is currently central for bone samples. did not last too long.
The second stage in the use of the cemetery is con-
3. STATISTICAL APPROACH nected with material coming from the graves built after
the erection of the mound, on its circumference. The
For receiving reliable dates of bone material from the material consists of the equipment from graves No. 2, 5
Dacharzów settlement the statistical approach of the ra- and 11. The formal features of the pottery found in these
diocarbon dating was used. Big separate bones were cut graves are typical of the late or terminal stage of the
to several parts and then all necessary procedure steps Trzciniec Culture, both in Ma³opolska (Górski, 1994) and
were made quite separately. The received dates were cal- in other regions (Taras, 1995), which are dated to the end
culated for average value. Averaged dates are much more of phase II and phase III of the Bronze Age (14th/13th –
reliable and may be used for good evaluation of the main 12th centuries BC), and in eastern Poland even longer
historical periods. (Górski, 1998; Taras, 1998).
The analysis of the objects found in individual graves
4. ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATING RESULTS shows that between the stage of using the stone graves
and the appearance of graves on the circumference of the
The site in question has clear, stratigraphically con- mound there was a considerable time gap, possibly even
firmed stages of use: 200 – 300 years.
1. Construction and use of the stone graves and their
surroundings. The smaller chamber, situated on the then 5. RADIOCARBON DATING RESULTS
ground level, was added to the already existing larger one,
slightly sunk in the loess. Radiocarbon dating was carried out in the Kiev Labo-
2. Building the mound. ratory. The calibrated age was obtained using three cali-
3. Construction and use of the ditch surrounding the brations programs worked out in: Groningen (Van der
barrow from the south-west. The ditch cut into the west- Plicht, 1993), Oxford (OxCal, v. 3.5) and Cologne (We-
ern periphery of the basin created by digging earth for ninger, 1986 and 1993). In the case of well-preserved ma-
the construction of the mound, thus pointing to the terial (remains of wood from the central graves, skeletons
sequence of the events. in good condition) between 2 and 5 samples were dated,
in other cases single dating were done. The obtained dates


Table 1. Age of samples from Dacharzów, site 1.

Lab. Code Place of origin C Age Cal Age [BC] Point dating [BC] Cal Age [BC]
(material) [BP] (van der Plicht, 1993) (Weninger, 1993) (Ox Cal v.3.5)
Ki-8548 Feature 1A 3340±60 1σ 1685-1599 1595±73 68.2% 1690-1520
(wood) 1587-1577
2σ 1747-1495 95.4% 1770-1490
Ki-8106 Feature 1A 2830±70 1σ 1053-899 958±95 68.2% 1130-890
(wood) 2σ 1131-829 95.4% 1220-820
Ki-8610 Feature 1A 3335±45 1σ 1587-1581 1580±62 68.2% 1690-1580
(wood) 2σ 1693-1523 95.4% 1700-1510
Ki-8614 Feature 1A 3350±50 1σ 1687-1601 1599±66 68.2% 1690-1580
(wood) 1585-1583
2σ 1699-1521 95.4% 1750-1510
Ki-8615 Feature 1A 3450±80 1σ 1829-1683 1745±109 68.2% 1890-1680
(wood) 2σ 19451-1599 95.4% 1950-1520
Ki-8089 Feature 1A-I 3445±90 1σ 1833-1681 1740±120 68.2% 1890-1630
(bone) (women) 2σ 1957-1523 95.4% 1980-1520
Ki-8090 Feature 1A-I 3340±160 1σ 1775-1435 1604±187 68.2% 1780-1430
(bone) (child) 2σ 2035-1260 95.4% 2150-1200
Ki-8091 Feature 1A-II 2800±80 1σ 1023-891 923±90 68.2% 1050-840
(bone) (women) 2σ 1131-805 95.4% 1220-810
Ki-8092 Feature 1A-II 2820±80 1σ 1051-895 937±100 68.2% 1080-890
(bone) (child) 2σ 1133-823 95.4% 1220-810
Ki-8314 Feature 1A-III 3270±70 1σ 1621-1491 1521±79 68.2% 1630-1490
(bone) 2σ 1689-1411 95.4% 1690-1400
Ki-8315 Feature 1A-III 3220±70 1σ 1527-1411 1465±75 68.2% 1530-1410
(bone) 2σ 1639-1375 95.4% 1690-1370
Ki-8316 Feature 1A-III 3310±70 1σ 1641-1519 1566±82 68.2% 1690-1510
(bone) 2σ 1699-1435 95.4% 1750-1430
Ki-8094 Feature 1A-IV 3340±70 1σ 1593-1525 1593±81 68.2% 1690-1520
(bone) 2σ 1773-1491 95.4% 1780-1440
Ki-8317 Feature 1A-IV 3415±70 1σ 1775-1679 1679±99 68.2% 1780-1620
(bone) 2σ 1833-1597 95.4% 1890-1520
Ki-8318 Feature 1A-IV 3360±70 1σ 1693-1599 1605±84 68.2% 1700-1580
(bone) 2σ 1777-1497 95.4% 1780-1490
Ki-8549 Feature 1B 3320±70 1σ 1643-1521 1579±81 68.2% 1690-1520
(wood) 2σ 1745-1437 95.4% 1750-1430
Ki-8107 Feature 1B 3390±200 1σ 1925-1445 1674±241 68.2% 1940-1440
(wood) 2σ 2205-1255 95.4% 2300-1100
Ki-8611 Feature 1B 3280±45 1σ 1621-1515 1537±61 68.2% 1630-1500
(wood) 2σ 1641-1489 95.4% 1690-1440
Ki-8616 Feature 1B 3300±50 1σ 1623-1521 1554±63 68.2% 1630-1510
(wood) 2σ 1689-1491 95.4% 1690-1440
Ki-8095 Feature 1B-V 3340±60 1σ 1587-1577 1594±73 68.2% 1690-1520
(bone) 2σ 1747-1495 95.4% 1770-1490
Ki-8319 Feature 1B-V 3270±70 1σ 1621-1491 1521±79 68.2% 1630-1490
(bone) 2σ 1689-1411 95.4% 1690-1400
Ki-8096 Feature 2 2840±60 1σ 1051-915 975±85 68.2% 1120-900
(bone) 2σ 1131-891 95.4% 1220-830
Ki-8320 Feature 2 2820±60 1σ 1049-897 942±80 68.2% 1050-890
(bone) 2σ 1127-831 95.4% 1130-830
Ki-8097 Feature 2 2790±70 1σ 1003-891 907±78 68.2% 1010-830
(bone 2σ 1127-811 95.4% 1130-800
Ki-8098 Feature 5 3270±70 1σ 1621-1491 1521±79 68.2% 1630-1490
(bone) 2σ 1689-1411 95.4% 1690-1400
Ki-8321 Feature 5 3160±70 1σ 1517-1387 1408±80 68.2% 1520-1380
(bone) 2σ 1537-1261 95.4% 1610-1250
Ki-8322 Feature 5 3180±70 1σ 1521-1393 1438±75 68.2% 1530-1390
(bone) 2σ 1617-1295 95.4% 1620-1290
Ki-8617 Feature 5 3290±60 1σ 1637-1515 1544±72 68.2% 1640-1510
(bone) 2σ 1689-1435 95.4% 1690-1430
Ki-8099 Feature 8 2940±70 1σ 1217-1043 1116±107 68.2% 1260-1010
(bone) 2σ 1319-973 95.4% 1320-970
Ki-8100 Feature 9 6980±70 1σ 5913-5785 5806±83 68.2% 5920-5770
(bone) 2σ 5927-5727 95.4% 5930-5720

H. Taras et al.

Ki-8101 Feature 10 2770±80 1σ 977-831 897±80 68.2% 1000-830

(bone) 2σ 1127-801 95.4% 1130-790
Ki-8102 Feature 10 2980±70 1σ 1315-1125 1175±111 68.2% 1320-1110
(bone) 2σ 1325-1005 95.4% 1400-1000
Ki-8323 Feature 10 3070±70 1σ 1411-1259 1311±92 68.2% 1420-1250
(bone) 2σ 1463-1185 95.4% 1500-1120
Ki-8324 Feature 10 2995±70 1σ 1317-1187 1196±112 68.2% 1320-1120
(bone) 2σ 1405-1041 95.4% 1410-1010
Ki-8103 Feature 11 2950±70 1σ 1261-1047 1127±108 68.2% 1270-1040
(bone) 2σ 1321-995 95.4% 1320-970
Ki-8104 Feature 11 2595±80 1σ 687-659 689±132 68.2% 700-540
(bone) 2σ 901-513 95.4% 910-480
Ki-8325 Feature 11 2800±70 1σ 1015-893 916±82 68.2% 1020-890
(bone) 2σ 1129-815 95.4% 1130-810
Ki-8105 Feature 12 3050±70 1σ 1405-1257 1293±98 68.2% 1410-1250
(bone) 2σ 1445-1123 95.4% 1450-1050

Table 2. Dacharzów, site 1. Average 14C ages and calibration results.

Lab. Code Place of origin C Age Cal Age [BC] Point dating [BC] Cal Age [BC]
[BP] (van der Plicht, 1993) (Weninger, 1993) (Ox Cal v.3.5)
Ki-8548/8610/ 8614/ 8615 Feature 1A 3370±30 1σ 1673-1621 1636±52 68,2% 1690-1610
(wood) 2σ 1695-1601 95,4% 1740-1600
Ki-8314-8316 Feature 1A-III 3265±40 1σ 1537-1495 1500±56 68,2% 1610-1490
(bone) 2σ 1623-1437 95,4% 1640-1430
Ki-8094/8317/8318 Feature 1A-IV 3370±40 1σ 1693-1615 1620±62 68,2% 1700-1600
(bone) 2σ 1741-1599 95,4% 1750-1520
Ki-8549/8611/8616 Feature 1B 3300±30 1σ 1603-1525 1554±46 68,2% 1610-1520
(wood) 2σ 1637-1519 95,4% 1690-1510
Ki-8095/8319 Feature 1B-V 3305±30 1σ 1591-1525 1557±45 68,2% 1620-1525
(bone) 2σ 1637-1521 95,4% 1690-1510
Ki-8096/8320 Feature 2 2830±30 1σ 959-927 959±44 68,2% 1050-900
(bone) 2σ 1049-903 95,4% 1130-890
Ki-8098/ 8321/8322/ 8617 Feature 5 3225±35 1σ 1477-1455 1468±34 68,2% 1520-1440
(bone) 2σ 1521-1437 95,4% 1540-1410
Ki-8102/8323/8324 Feature 10 3015±40 1σ 1243-1213 1236±80 68,2% 1320-1210
(bone) 2σ 1323-1207 95,4% 1400-1120
Ki-8103/8325 Feature 11 2875±35 1σ 1055-999 1017±61 68,2% 1130-990
(bone) 2σ 1129-971 95,4% 1130-920


confirm the division into an earlier period connected with Radiocarbon dating confirms the dating of the first
the use of the stone chambers (dates from bone and wood stage of using the cemetery to the 16th century BC. The
samples) and a later one (graves on the circumference – average dates obtained are generally within the years 1630
dates from bone samples) and point to a distinct gap be- – 1500 BC; a couple of dates based on single samples do
tween the two stages. They do not, however, allow one to not fall into this period: the date obtained from the bone
state clearly the order in which the individual graves on sample of woman I (Fig. 2, feature 1A-I) – second half of
the circumference appeared, because the dates from single the 18th century BC – and that from woman and child II
samples are not fully credible – an extreme case is here (Fig. 2, feature 1A-II) – second half of the 10th century
the date obtained from the bone sample from grave No. 9 BC. There is no justification for such dating in the stratig-
(Fig. 1), while for another grave (No. 14) no date has been raphy of the site; the possibility of burying the bodies in
established due to the insufficient amount of bone mate- the grave at a later time has also been excluded.
rial. The list of dates suggests that all the graves were built Another surprise was the dates from feature No. 5
in cycles between 1450 and 950 BC. Thus, between the – the grave located in the ditch, which, after calculating
burials of people from graves 1A and 1B and the burials the average date, set the time of death of the person bur-
of those from grave No. 5 (or, to be precise, between the ied there (possibly also the time the grave was built) at
death of the last person to be buried in grave No. 5) appro- approximately 1450 BC. The average date for feature No.
ximately 50 years passed. During that time, the mound 2, another grave from the ditch, is much later – approxi-
was erected and the ditch was dug. Between the burial in mately 950 BC. In the light of the above, the ideas about
grave No. 5 and the next ones (graves No. 10 and 12) how the ditch was used and how it was filled should be
a maximum of 150 – 200 years passed. revised. It may have been filled at one go (which view is


Age BC Allocation of the averaged dates of bones for Dacharzów

No 1A-IV

1550 No 1B-V

No 5


No 10


No 11

950 No 2

850 Feature
Fig, 3. Dispersion averaged radiocarbon dates of bones from Dacharzów, site 1.

supported by the character of the filling) as late as in the Koœko A. and Czebreszuk J., eds, “Trzciniec” – system kulturowy
10th century and that is when grave No. 2 appeared, while czy interkulturowy proces? (Trzciniec-culture system or interculture
grave No. 5 (a secondary burial?) comes from the period process?). Poznañ: 135-144.
of using the ditch. Another possibility is that the ditch was Florek M. and Taras H., 1996: Sprawozdanie z badañ zespo³u
grobowego kultury trzcinieckiej na stanowisku 1 w Dacha-
filled already in the 15th/14th century BC, after grave No. 5,
rzowie, gm. Wilczyce, woj. tarnobrzeskie (Report from the
was built and grave No. 2 was dug in the filling of the ditch
explorations of the sepulchral complex of the Trzciniec Culture
at a later time. If so, the process of filling the grave pit in Dacharzów, Wilczyce Municipality, Tarnobrzeg Voivodeship).
must have been carried out in such a way that the earth Archeologia Polski Œrodkowowschodniej 1: 63-68.
dug out from the grave was not mixed with the earth from Florek M. and Taras H., 1997: Möglichkeiten der Interpretation
the area surrounding the ditch. There is a third possibility: von Bestattungsbräuchen und Gesellschaftlichen Fragen in der
both of the graves were dug in the previously filled ditch at Trzciniec-Kultur. Am Beispiel des Hûgelgrabs in Dacharzów.
different times and in such conditions that the earth from In: Blajer W., eds., Beiträge zur Deutung der bronzezeitlichen Hort-
the graves and that of the surrounding area did not mix. und Grabfunde in Mitteleuropa. Kraków: 65-89.
The youngest dates obtained for graves No. 2 and 11 Górski J., 1994: Periodyzacja kultury trzcinieckiej na lessach pod-
could point to the fact that some enclaves of Trzciniec krakowskich (Periodisation of the Trzciniec Culture on the loess
in the vicinity of Cracow). In: Czopek S., ed., Problemy kultury
Culture settlement (or the religious tradition connected
trzcinieckiej (Problems of Trzciniec Culture). Rzeszów: 23-49.
with the culture) survived in central and eastern Poland
Górski J., 1998: The foudations of Trzciniec Culture taxonomy
for a much longer time than was suggested by the hitherto in western Ma³opolska. In: The Trzciniec area of the early Bronze
available sources, that is even till the end of phase IV of Age civilisation: 1950-1200 BC. Baltic-Pontic Studies 6: 7-31.
the Bronze Age (Ha B1). Skripkin V.V. and Kovalyukh N.N., 1998: Recent Developments in
the Procedures Used at the SSCER Laboratory for the Routine
REFERENCES Preparation of Lithium Carbide. Radiocarbon 40(1): 211-214.
Taras H., 1995: Kultura trzciniecka w miêdzyrzeczu Wis³y, Bugu
Florek M., 1994: Cmentarzyska kurhanowe i kopce na lessach i Sanu (The Trzciniec Culture between the Vistula and Bug and
sandomiersko-opatowskich. Stan badañ. Charakterystyka. San Rivers), Lublin (in Polish).
Próba okreœlenia funkcji i chronologii (Barrow cemeteries and Taras H., 1998: The bases for taxonomy of the Trzciniec Culture in
individual barrows on Sandomierz-Opatów loesses). Materia³y the southern part of the area between the Vistula and Bug
i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Oœrodka Archeologicznego za rok rivers. In: The Trzciniec area of the early Bronze Age civilization:
1993 (Materials and Reports of Rzeszów Archaeological Centre 1950-1200 BC. Baltic-Pontic Studies 6:32-47.
for 1993): 251-280. van der Plicht J., 1993: The Groningen radiocarbon calibration
Florek M., 1998: Recepcja “mogi³owych” wzorców kulturowych program. Radiocarbon 35(1): 231-237.
w obrz¹dku pogrzebowym ludnoœci kultury trzcinieckiej na Weninger B., 1986: High precession calibration of archaeological
przyk³adzie zespo³u sepulkralnego w Dacharzowie i innych radiocarbon dates. Acta Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica IV.
wybranych stanowisk z terenu Ma³opolski (The reception of the Nitra: 11-53.
Tumulus Culture elements in the funeal rites of the Trzciniec Weninger B., 1993: Radiocarbon Calibration <calKN>. April 1993.
Culture people. An example of the sepulchral assemblage at Dendro and Archaeological Wiggle Matching. Koln.
Dacharzów and some other sites from the Little Poland). In:

GEOCHRONOMETRIA Vol. 21, pp 163-166, 2002 – Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology




Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3J5, Canada (e-mail:
Institute for Maritime Studies and Department of Archaeology, University of Haifa, 31905 Haifa, Israel

OSL AND TL DATING, Abstract: A study of the luminescence properties of one of several pit features removed from
BRONZE AGE, the Ashkelon Marina EB1 (Early Bronze I) archaeological site during a 1998 excavation
ASHKELON unequivocally determines their function in antiquity.
MARINA SITE The features are shallow (£ 50 cm) cup-shaped pits preserved in the ground. A hardened and
reddened layer of earth £ 3cm thick forms the shape of each pit, and a thin layer of white
calcite is observed to lie upon the hardened earth. The pit is filled with soft buff coloured,
quartz-dominated sediments, indistinguishable from the sediments which underlie it. This
feature, and several others at the site, are suspected to be putative fire pit installations, over
which crucibles for the melting of copper had been placed. However, the lack of any direct
association of copper residues or artifacts found at the site with any of the pit features leaves
this hypothesis unproven. Previous investigations, which included X-ray diffraction, differ-
ential thermal analysis, optical mineralogy studies, and FT-IR spectral measurements, have
been unable to confirm the association of the pit features with fire. Calibrated radiocarbon
dates place the use of the site at 5500-5300 BP.
We applied optical dating and thermoluminescence (TL) dating to the hardened red layer and
the overlying fill sediments, in order to determine the last time of firing and/or exposure to sun-
light of the two components of the feature. The premise driving our investigations is the fact
that heated sediments will give the correct TL age. In contrast, unheated sediments will give an
incorrect TL age far in excess of the depositional age, but will give a correct optical dating age.
The TL analyses yielded ages of 5160 ±380 years for the hardened rim and 24,600 ±1600
years for the fill. Optical dating of the fill yielded an age of 5260 ±380 years, which is in
excellent agreement with the TL age on the rim. These results fulfil the hypothesized results
precisely. On this basis, we conclude that the pit features at the Ashkelon Marina archaeo-
logical site were fire pits used in early copper smelting technology.

1. SITE DESCRIPTION holes or pits (“installations”) of hardened sediment in

the ground.
Between 1996 and 1998 a rescue excavation uncovered No metals or any residues of metal activity, as well as
an Early Bronze Age I (EB I) site at 18.5 m.a.s.l., above no other archaeological remains nor any archaeological
the Marina Beach in Ashkelon, Israel (Fig. 1). The re- debris were found within or in connection with the instal-
mains of human activity included pottery shreds, animal lations in the ground. The slag and crucible fragments
bones, metal objects, amorphous small metal lumps and were found at a distance of at least 3 m from any of these
copper droplets, copper slag, and crucible fragments. The installations. Thus, there is no archaeological proof that
scattered archaeological material represents an intensive these totally clean and partially preserved installations
copper melting and refining activity and is the first metal were a part of the copper melting process. They are, how-
workshop discovered in the Levant. The material remains ever, the only man made features that could have served
clearly belong to the Early Bronze Age I cultural phase. in this process.
The major and almost the only architectural features Two AMS radiocarbon dates measured at the Instute
unearthed were several small and empty shallow conical of Physics, University of Aarhus, Denmark place the use

Fig. 2. The top and side outlines of pit feature INS-6,

showing the locations of the samples collected for
luminescence analyses.

Fig. 1. Location of Ashkelon, Israel. spectral measurements, and phytolith analysis. These
methods, however, have been unable to confirm the
association of the pit features with fire (Palatnik, 1999).
of the site at 5580-5330 cal BP and 5450-5300 cal BP; both
are 1 standard deviation ranges. 3. MOTIVATION FOR THE ANALYSES

2. PIT FEATURES We undertook this study in an attempt to conclusively

determine the origin of the pit features at this site. The
The features are shallow (<50 cm) cup-shaped pits premise driving our investigations is the fact that a heated
preserved in the ground (Fig. 2). A hardened and red- sediment should give the correct TL age (Aitken, 1985).
dened layer of earth 3 cm thick forms the shape of each However, since the TL signal is not completely erased by
pit, and a thin layer of white calcite is observed to lie upon exposure to light, an unheated sediment will always give
the hardened earth. The pit is filled with soft, buff a TL age well in excess of the depositional age. In con-
coloured, quartz-dominated sediments that are indistin- trast, the same unheated sediment should give a correct
guishable from the sediments which underlie it. The instal- optical dating age, provided that the rate of sedimenta-
lations appear in clusters; for example, three were found tion was sufficiently slow to allow complete zeroing of the
in a single excavation unit during the 1999 field season. optical signal (Godfrey-Smith, 1994).
All appear to be similar in composition. This suggests that We therefore applied optical dating (OSL) and ther-
all may have been deliberately constructed in the same man- moluminescence dating (TL) to quartz grains extracted
ner, and/or that all served the same function. from the hardened red layer and the overlying fill sediment,
The feature illustrated, and several others at the site, in order to determine the last time of firing and/or expo-
are suspected to be fire pit installations, over which cru- sure to sunlight of the two components of the feature.
cibles for the melting of copper would have been placed. In addition to the principles generalized above, we also
However, the lack of any direct association of copper resi- predicted that, if the rim sample had indeed been exposed
dues or artifacts found at the site with any of the pit fea- to a high temperature, and if the infilling was reasonably
tures leaves this hypothesis unproven. Previous investi- rapid following the abandonment of the pits, as may be
gations on seven installations which had been removed expected on the highly exposed coastal plain of the eas-
intact from the site included X-ray diffraction, optical tern Mediterranean Sea, then the optical age of the fill
mineralogy studies, differential thermal analysis, FT-IR should closely match the TL age of the rim.

D.I. Godfrey-Smith and S. Shalev

TL measurements create reference TL curves for quartz, typically 10°/s.

For each sample, six aliquots were prepared, each com- These shapes are typical of fired quartz (ex. from pottery)
posed of ~5 mg quartz on a 1cm Al disk. Half of these and unheated quartz (ex. from sediment), respectively.
were irradiated with a calibrated gamma dose of 10 Gy. The plateau tests, also shown in Figs 3 and 4, yield
After a few days of rest in complete darkness, the TL of mean De’s which differ by a factor 4.5 for the two samples.
all aliquots was measured at 3°/s to 450°C. The mean De for ASHK-1 = 8.0±0.4 Gy (280-330°C
The TL glow curves were mass normalized. Thermally- plateau), while for ASHK-2 the mean De = 36.2±1.2 Gy
shifted glow curves were aligned to the rest of the data (280-335°C plateau).
set. For each 5° TL integral, a two-point De was computed
using the least-squares linear fit, with the data points Single Aliquot Optical Dating
weighed inversely with respect to intensity. A plateau test The data shown in Figure 5 demonstrates that some
was constructed for each sample using the TL and De data aliquots represent grains which were more completely
between the 200-375°C range. bleached by exposure to sunlight than others. The best
De quoted below is based on the aliquots that were most
Optical dating measurements completely bleached to light. Here, it is an average of the
Single aliquot analysis on 15 aliquots of ~5mg was lowest four points on the graph, or 7.6±0.4 Gy.
performed, using restricted green light stimulation, and
detection in the near-UV region, a preheat of 230°C, held Table 2. Age results.
for 60 seconds, a shine of 0.5 s at 120°C, and cumulative Sample Dose De Dose rate R Apparent age
[Gy] [Gy/ka] [ka]
radiation doses of 5,10, 20, 30, 40, 55, and 70 Gy. A post-
ASHK 1 Rim TL 8.0 ± 0.4 1.55 ± 0.08 5.18 ± 0.38
additive preheat correction was applied.
ASHK 2 Fill TL 36.2 ± 1.2 1.45 ± 0.08 24.9 ± 1.58
The past dose De was deduced on the basis of the linear
ASHK 1 Rim OSL minimum 7.2 ± 0.5 1.45 ± 0.08 4.93 ± 0.43
least squares fit to preheat-corrected data. The resulting
ASHK 2 Fill OSL best 7.6 ± 0.4 1.45 ± 0.08 5.26 ± 0.38
De’s were plotted against each aliquot’s mass-normalized
natural luminescence intensity.
S a m p le A S H K -1 , ri m o f p it f e a t u r e
8 ,0 0 0
N a tu ra l

Bulk material was crushed to a fine powder using a N + 10G y

T h e r m o lu m in e s c e n c e
(c o u n t s / 5 K - m g )

tungsten carbide ball mill, and allowed to rest for 1 month 6 ,0 0 0

prior to analyses. Th and U activities were measured on
loose powders using thick source alpha counting. The
values quoted are the averages of sealed and unsealed 4 ,0 0 0
counts. K2O concentrations were obtained by atomic ab-
sorption at a commercial laboratory (Bondar-Clegg of
Vancouver, BC). Water contents were assumed based on
2 ,0 0 0
known information on the site’s location and typical mois-
ture regimes in coastal Israel today.

Table 1. Values used to compute dose rates. 0

200 225 250 275 300 325 350
Sample Depth K2O Total α Th α
[m b.s.] [%] [ks-1 cm-1] [ks-1 cm-1] T e m p e r a t u r e (° C )
ASHK-1 Rim 0.70 0.51 0.537 ± 0.011 0.220 ± 0.033
AASHK-2 Fill 0.58 0.27 0.585 ± 0.011 0.241 ± 0.035
Water content = 0.06±0.05.
Average grain size 120 mm, etched with concentrated HF.
b-value = 0.
D e (G y)

There is a clear distinction in the natural intensities 4
and the glow curve shapes of the two samples, shown in
Fig. 3 and 4. ASHK-1 has a peak TL intensity approxi- 2
mately one sixth as high as ASHK-2. ASHK-1 shows A S H K -1 , rim o f p it fe a tu re
a maximum TL peak which falls at the nominal 325°C TL 0
200 225 250 275 300 325 350
peak, and has a very low 375° C nominal TL peak, while
T e m p e ra tu re (° C )
ASHK-2 has its TL maximum at the nominal 375° C TL peak.
Note that these peaks are shifted to 307°C and 345°C Fig. 3. Thermoluminescence glow curves and plateau test
in our data due to a lower heating rate than that used to for ASHK-1.


A S H K -2 , f ill o f p it f e a t u r e 6. SUMMARY
2 5 ,0 0 0
The apparent TL age of the fill is 4.5 times older than
T h e r m o lu m in e s c e n c e (c o u n t s / 5 K - m g )

N a tu ra l
that of the underlying rim, even though their dose rates
N + 10 Gy
2 0 ,0 0 0 are nearly identical. Based on the simple natural laws of
stratigraphic succession, such a result is clearly not a rea-
sonable one if the two samples had identical thermal and
1 5 ,0 0 0 depositional histories. Thus, we must conclude that
sample ASHK-1 experienced a different thermal history
than ASHK-2. While ASHK-1 has only the radiation dose
1 0 ,0 0 0
De accrued since it was heated, sample ASHK-2, which
has not been exposed to heat also carries a large residual
5 ,0 0 0 dose of 28 Gy due to the unbleachable TL signal typical
of unheated sediments. Optical dating of the fill yielded
an age of 5260±380 years and is in excellent agreement
0 with the 5180±380 years TL age of the rim, indicating that
200 250 300 350 400 the infilling of the pit feature rapidly followed its creation
T e m p eratu re ( ° C ) and abandonment. These ages are also in an agreement
with the radiocarbon chronology.
50 These results precisely fulfill our hypotheses. We con-
clude that the pit features at the Ashkelon Marina EB1
archaeological site originated as fire pits used in early
copper smelting technology.

D e (G y )

We thank Mr. Kevin Vaughan of Dalhousie Univer-

20 sity for technical assistance in the luminescence measure-
ments. The Thermally and Optically Stimulated Lumines-
cence Laboratory at Dalhousie Iniversity is supported by
10 the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council
P la t e a u t e s t
(NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities
A S H K -2 , f ill o f p it fe a t u re
Research Council (SSHRC), both of Canada, through
200 250 300 350 400 research grants to D.I.G-S.
T e m p e ra t u re (° C )
Fig. 4. Thermoluminescence glow curves and plateau test
for ASHK-2. Aitken M.J., 1985: Thermoluminescence dating. Academic Press,
Godfrey-Smith D.I., 1994: Thermal effects in the optically stimu-
Optical dating of ASHK-2 fill, lated luminescence of quartz and mixed feldspars from sedi-
Single Aliquot analysis ments. Journal of Physics D 27:1-10.
Palatnik M., 1999: 5500 years old metal production in Ashkelon:
12 The meaning of the archaeological evidence. MSc thesis,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

De (Gy)

0 10000 20000 30000
Natural Luminescence ( counts / 0.5 s -mg)

Fig. 5. Single aliquot optical dating results for ASHK-2.


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